Cytokines: from Basic Mechanisms of Control to New Therapeutics
This is a free sample of content from Cytokines: From Basic Mechanisms of Control to New Therapeutics. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index A Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS), AKT 262–263 g chain family cytokine signaling, 9 CTCL. See Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma T-cell development role, 279 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), interleukin-15 role, AMPs. See Antimicrobial peptides 448 Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), 456 Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), interleukin-6 therapeutic Arid5a, 94 targeting, 93, 94 Atopic dermatitis Cytokine studies interleukin-17 studies, 130 agonist development, 458–459 interleukin-22 therapeutic targeting, 169 alarmins, 456–457 antagonist development, 459–460 assay development, 457 B definition, 455–456 B cell historical perspective, 456 g chain family cytokine function, 16–18 mimics, 457 interferon-g in activation, 226–227 mutation studies, 458 tumor necrosis factor in development and function, 105 signaling studies, 457–458 BCL11B, 280–281 b Common family cytokines. See also specific cytokines cancer studies, 46 D functions, 43–44 Daclizumab, 21 nervous system function, 46–47 DC. See Dendritic cell overview, 40–43 Dendritic cell (DC) receptors classical dendritic cells activation, 48–49, 51 cDC1 development and function, 397–398 assembly, 48 cDC2 development and function, 398–399 assembly, 48–51 GM-DCs, 403–404 interactions with other receptors, 47–48 human cell features, 401–402 proximal activation of signaling, 52–53 identification sepsis and inflammation studies, 44–45 mouse bone marrow, 396–397 therapy, 41–42, 53–56 surface markers for in vivo identification, 403 BLIMP1, 15 maturation, 404–406 Briakinumab, 151 Mo-DCs, 403 g chain family cytokine function, 19 C interferon-g in activation, 226 Candida albicans, interleukin-17 studies, 129 long noncoding RNA regulation of differentiation, CAPS.
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