V e d i c t r a d i t i o n S h r a m a n a t r a d i t i o n

Samkhya “Brahmanas” 900­500 T a n t r a BCE Jainism “Katha “Bhagavad Upanishad” Gita” 6th Century 5th—2nd BCE “Samkhya Century BCE Karika” Patnanjali’s Yogac hara “Tattvart hasutra” Buddhism 200 CE “Sutras” 2nd Century CE Adi Nanth 4th –5th (Shiva?) 100 BCE­500CE Century CE

The Naths Matsyendranath “Hatha ” Raja “The Fish” (Classical) Yoga

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gorakshanath “Laya Yoga” “Sikhism” 15th Century b. 8th century

Pradipika” Annie “Theosophists” by Swatmarama Besant 16th Centruy Charles translated Leadbeater “The Serpent Power” Babu Krishnanand Bhagwan Das Saraswati John Woodroffe “Kriya Yoga” (Arthur Avalon) Late 19th/early Mahavatar Babaji “Yoga 20th century (Saint?) Vishwananda “Transcendental Kurunta” Saraswati ” Ramakrishna Lahiri Mahasaya Brahmananda Saraswati B. 1888 B. 1870 A.G. Krishnamurti Dadaji “Divine Mohan Krishnamacharya B. 1895 Sivananda Yukteswar Giri Life B. 1888 B. 1887 Society” Vivekananda “ “Parliament of Indra Yoga” 1935 Desikachar Nirmalanda World Relig­ Devi Maharishi (son) Swami “Autobiography Yogananda ions” “Ashtanga of a Yogi” Mahesh Yogi Kripalvananda b. 1893 “viniyoga” Yoga” b. 1913 Yogi Bishnu Ghosh Bhajan (brother) Patabhi BKS “Light Ghandi Jois Iyengar on b. 1929 (brother in Yoga” “Kundalini The Beatles Yoga” Dr. Joseph law) “Kripalu Amit Baptiste Yoga” Desai Sayananda Manju Eric “Moving Sarawati Walt David Life Jois (son) Baptiste Schiffman Into (nephew) Stillness” B. 1917 Sharon “Jivamukti “Satyananda 3HO Gannon Yoga” (Happy, Yoga” (J. Donald (partner) “Living Healthy, Holy) Walters) Judith Your Lassiter Yoga” “

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa Donna “Bringing Kripalu Farhi Yoga to Institute, Vishnu­ Satchidananda Life” devananda Massachusetts “Bikram Bikram “Integral Yoga” Yoga” Choudury “” Tim Alan David Miller John Finger Swenson Friend “Anusara Yoga” Golden “ISHTA” “Ashtanga Bridge, LA Practice Chuck Miller Bryan Guide” Kest Patricia Desiree Rod Stryker Eddie Rumbaugh Baron Maty Norman Walden “Baptiste Modestini Baptiste Ezraty Allen Vinyasa (son of Walt) Angela ” Richard Farmer Freeman David Williams Victor Van “Yoga Kooten {{ a l i s o n h i n k s y o g a . c o m }} Works”

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