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Friendly Endeavor, June 1931

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V o l u m e 1 0 , N u m b e r 6 PORTLAND, OREGON June, 1931

P A Y E T T E L A K E S We wish you could all see it; it is a Sunnyside Intermendiate 3.00 C O N F E R E N C E B A N Q U E T beautiful location overlooking the lake. T a c o m a S e n i o r 1 6 . 0 0 J u s t a s k C h e - s t e r H a d l e y a b o u t i t . Tacoma Intermediate 5.00 Have you been a doubter. Have you Sometime we hope to have a picture T a c o m a J u n i o r 4 . 7 0 thought that Idaho Young Friends Con f o r y o u . V a n c o u v e r 7 . 5 0 ference could not succeed this summer? During the week from May 4-9, five Well, then you should have taken a men did some pioneer work along sev Total $285.03 good long look through the vdndow of eral lines. Balance $15.97 a certain gymnasium in Greenleaf, Much appreciation is due Frank Mar- May we all work to complete this Idaho, the night of May 1. Your doubts ray, of Star, a civil engineer, who year's quota immediately and begin next would have done more than vanish; through friendly interest did our sur year's work right. they would have been conmpletely trans veying for us. He established the cor formed into pep. For the sight of 181 ners of the grounds, set grade stakes A C L O U D O F W I T N E S S E S people in one group and all singing for the road, and platted the grounds and shouting, talking and thinking about for building lots and streets. the same thing is enough to kill any The efforts of our well driller, Fred Colonel Clibborn, an officer in Crom poor discouraged little doubt. White, were not rewarded wdth as much well's army, was a man of strong char But no fooling, the Idaho Conference success as we had hoped for, but he is acter and considerable local influence. He had a great aversion to the people R a l l y B a n q u e t ( y e s t h a t i s w h a t w e going back and feels sure we can yet have been talking about) was. a SUC called Quakers, and finding that they get a satisfactory flow of water. had a meeting house on his land, he CESS. The five meetings of the quar A tent house and cabin were also terly meeting were all well represented. erected to be used, in a few weeks for determined to clear them off by burn Greenleaf led in numbers with an at cooking and sleeping quarters for the ing this house. Provided with fire he tendance of—who counted ? Stai* came men who go to work on the dining hall. went to the place, when as he supposed, next with 39; then Boise, Melba, and William McIGbben and L. W. Heston it was empty, but to his sui-prise he found a meeting going on, and Thomas V a l l e y M o u n d . completed the quintet and worked on Pep, enthusiasm, and punch were the well or cabin, wherever needed. Loe preaching. He threw away the fire, rampant. And the theme of it all was Our Conference programs will be sat down behind the door, and became Payette Lakes. But amid all the tur printed in a few weeks. We hope to so powerfully affected that his purpose moil a little time was found to squeeze have them ready by Yearly Meeting w a s i m m e d i a t e l y c h a n g e d . O n h i s r e in a short program of music and time. We extend a hearty invitation to turn home his wife asked if the Quaker stunts. Conference to our friends of western meeting house was burned. "No," said Three girls talking together on the Oregon. The date is July 7-12. he, "if you will come to meeting there first night of Conference gave us the next Sunday and do not like it, I will first hint of what our Conference pro go with you to church the follovnng gram this year is to be. This is what Sunday." they told us: That Clayton Broivn, Ida She accordingly went, and Thomas J. Lee, Chester Hadley, and Walter Lee NOTICE Loe again preached. Both joined the to have classes; that Charles All Christian Endeavorers who can, Friends, and Colonel Clibborn built a Moore is to give the inspirational ad Meeting-house, which, \vith a burial dresses; that Merrill Coffin will be the .should be present at the C. E. business ground, he bequeathed to the Society evangelist; that probably William Mur- meeting at Yearly Meeting, Saturday, f o r e v e r . at 4:00 p. m. His situation in the Civil Wars, dur phy ^^^ect the chorus; that Lewis The Christian Endeavor Missionary and Myrtle Russell ivill be father and ing the struggle of James; H to retain mother, and, last but not least, that program wll be considered, officers vhll his power, was very perilous, as his the board will be only $5.00. be elected, and other important matters house was only a few miles from Ath- of will be considered. And since this was a banquet perhaps lone, where the Irish army had estab you wonder why we do not sav some You are interested in these important lished their garrison, and from whence thing about the eats. It is 'because matter,':. Be present. issued parties to distress the country. words caimot express our feelings. The Meetings were kept up at great haz- Greenleaf women gave us such a fine hazards. Succoring many, and endued banquet that no one could help but be with Christian love, John Clibborn held happy and generous. So when Clark YOUR MISSIONARY RESPONSIBIL on his way in patience and courage. He Smith got up to raise the f 100 neces ITY was one night dragged by his hair from sary for roofing the Conference build that home which had been long a ing, subscriptions rolled in, mostly from The Ayllons must be paid! Bolivia refuge for the distressed, but which the young people, and in a few minutes must be evangelized for Christ. Cold, was now the spoil of the plunderer, and the amount was raised. hard American dollars will help. in flames. The banquet was good, but come and B e t h a n y $ 7 . 6 5 His life was attempted three times see if the Conference is not even better. Boise 19,00 by the blood-thirsty foes around him, The heart of Idaho is calling you C h e h a l e m C e n t e r 1 1 . 5 5 and at last they laid his head on a To come to Young Friends Conference. Eotiat 12.50 block and raising the hatchet prepared At Payette Lakes with mountains all Greenleaf 12.37 to strike the fatal blow. He called for in view. Highland Senior 17.50 a brief respite, and then knelt down to We hold our summer Conference. Kelso 500 pray, as did Stephen, that the sin might If you but knew the treat awaiting you. L e n t s 6 . 3 5 not be laid to their charge. Just then The trees, the hills, the lakes will wel M e l b a S e n i o r 5 . 0 0 another party arrived, and asked: "Who M e l b a J u n i o r 5 . 0 0 come you. have you got there?" and were The heart of Idaho is calling you— Middleton (Union Society) .' 3^00 answered: "Clibborn." "Clibborn!" they Newberg We'll meet you at the Conference. N. E. Tacoma 2 00 echoed, "a hair of his head shall not be touched." Piedmont 33.66 BOISE VALLEY QUARTERLY MEET Escaping with liis bare life, almost Rosedale lo.oo naked, he m-apped a blanket around ING Sherwood s'so him and presented himself before the S t a r S e n i o r 2 0 . 0 0 Conference Groiuuds commander at Athlone. S o u t h S a l e m 5 . 5 0 Tlie officer desired him to point out Under the able supeiwision of I. G. S c o t t s M i l l s 2 7 . 2 5 the men who had been guilty* of this Lee, work has actually begun on our S p r i n g b r o o k 2 4 ^ 0 0 outrage, _ and they should be hanged Conference grounds at Payette Lakes. Sunnyside Senior 16.OO before his hall door. But he refused. Page 2. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR June, 1931 June, 1931 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 3. sajnng he bore them no ill-will, and clear teacher. A condensed outline is only desired that his neighbors and all that we can give in this space. tU Triendly endeavor The Coming of Christ himself might be allowed to live un Editor-in-Chief Helen Cammack molested. I. Proofs of His (joining: Route 4, Box 88, Salem, Oregon E x t r a c t f r o m " S i x G e n e r a t i o n s i n Read Psalms 2, 45, 72, 22, 24, 23; Associate Editor J. Emel Swanson Indutt Ireland." Matthew 13:24-43; Revelation 14:14-16; 327 East 52nd Street, Portland, Oreson. ^ CHESTER A. HADLEY Acts 15:14-18; Romans 11:25-26. C o n t r i b u t i n g E d i t o r M a r y M i l l s 1. ■ Constant testimony of the Scrip T O P I C S F O R J U L Y Newbers. Oregon S) See the Tearly neeliiig mrougli me Clmrcti WmQov ture. In the New Testament, one out S o c i e t y N e w s E d i t o r F l o r e n c e R i t t e r July 5—What is Christian Patriotism? of every twenty-five verses are a direct state Normal School, Monmouth, Oregon Matt. 6:33; Psa. 122:1-9. statement in regard to His coming. In Tithing Dep't Milo Ross Consecration Meeting. the Old Testament more is said of the 1186 Borthwick Street, Portland, Oregon second coming than of the first. July 12—How Far Can We Follow Missionary Dep't Rosa Allen Jesus? Jno. 11:14-16. 2. Double prophetic picture. Koute 2, Boise, Idaho. July 19—What Are Some Great Doc The Suffering One. Psalm 22:6-9. B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r W a l t e r P . L e e trines of Christianity? 1 Jno. T h e K i n g l y O n e . P s a l m 2 : 4 - 7 . 214 East 33d Street, Portland, Oregon 1:8-10; 4:15-16. 3. The "Untils." Circulation Manager.. .Wilfred Pearson July 26—My Attitude Toward Other O u r a g e i s b o u n d e d b y t w o u n t i l s . 195 E. 39th Street, Portland, Oregon Races. Gal. 3:26-29. I t b e g i n s ( H e b r e w s 9 : 1 0 ) w i t h a n u n til—the first coming of our Lord. It continues until the time of completed Published Monthly at 195 East 39th Street, CONFERENCE redemption. (Ephesians 1:14). The Portland, Oregon, by The Christian Endeavor Union of Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends. The week of July 28 to August 2 b a p t i s m o f t h e H o l y S p i r i t i s t h e e a r nest of our redemption. Matthew Subscription Price, per year 75c holds many pleasures in store for the 13:19, 30; Revelation 14:14, 16; I. Cor members, young and old, of Oregon inthians 10:32; Acts 15:14, 18. Yearly Meeting. Plan your vacation to II. The Purpose of His Coming: Entered as Second Class Matter, February 8, 1928, take in the week of the Twdn Rocks To deal snecifically with three groups at the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, under Conference. of the world, namely, Jews, Gentiles and the Act of March 3. 1879. We are indeed fortunate in having as the Church. Acts 15:14-18. In these our evangelist, the Rev. Merrill M. Cof verses we have the three groups: Verse fin, a returned missionary to India, 14, Gentiles, the people for His name, in dominion over the earth. recently of Ohio Yearly Meeting, and verse 16, Israel, to build again the tab c. Nations who failed in rulership now pastor of the First Friends Church ernacle of David; verse 17, "the residue must receive their judgment. Portland, Oregon. of men." d. Covenants made with Israel must Following is a detailed program of 1. The Church's "Until." be fulfilled the classes: d. Apostate church must receive her 8:40-9:40 a. The rapture of the dead and liv ing saints to meet Jesu.s in the clouds. judgment. Chorus Glass ..Rev. William J. Murphy I. Corinthians 15:23; I. Thessalonians IV.—Scriptural signs of Christ's soon Mission Study (Bolivia) 4:13-18; I. Corinthians 15:51-58; Phil- coming. Rev. Chester A. Hadley 1. General unconcern. Matthew 9:45-10:25 ippians 3:20-21. b . R e w a r d f o r t h e w o r k s o f t h e 24:37-39; Daniel 12:4; Revelation Quaker Doctrine ....Rev. Edward Mott saints. Revelation 22:12; II. Corin 3:14-19. qiibiect to be Announced thians 5:10; Matthew 16:27; II. Timo 2. Industrial unrest. James 5:1-9. Dr. Floyd Perisho 3. Moral and spiritual decay. I. Tim T^iprniediate Class .. Rev. Minnie Miller t h y 4 : 6 - 8 . 10:30-11:10 c. Wedding Supper of the Lamb o t h y 4 : 1 , 2 . 4. Degeneracy of life. II. Timothy Typology of the Tabernacle Revelation 8:9. R e v . E d g a r P. S i m s 2. Israel's "Until." Matthew 23-39- 3:1-5. L u k e 2 1 : 2 4 . " ' 5. Abounding of lawlessness. Mat nld Testament History (Glass for a. Revived spirituality. Romans thew 24:12. Intermediates) Rev. Ida G. Lee 6. Laodicean picture of church. ■Personal Evangelism.. . Rev. Carl Miller 11:25. All Israel will be saved who will come to Jesus. Revelation 3:14-19. JunioTunior Meeting 11:15-12:15 R. Ethol George b. To be nationally restored. Isaiah 7. Scoffers shall come. II. Peter 62:1-7. 3:3-4. Te^oirational Hour Rev. Merrill M. Coffin c. Spirit of repentance. Matthew V. Results of His Coming to the be Afternoon 23:39; Zechariah 12:10; 14:1-5; Amos liever. 9:11-15. 1. Physical resurrection. I. Corin pecre Cammack and Milo Ross 3. Gentile Nations "Until." Daniel t h i a n s 1 5 : 2 3 . 2. Moral and spiritual perfection. FRIENDS CHURCH, NEWBERG, OREGON 7:30 2:34; Daniel 7:9-14; Psalm 2:8-9- Zecheriah 14:16. ' ' Coloss'ana 3:4; I. John 3:2. soon at Dayton,—after the order of p,mngelistic Seiwices 3. Receiving of rewards. Matthew QUAKERS IN OREGON COUNTRY nia, in 1870, a year before William Hob ® R e v . M e r r i l l M . C o f f i n a. To conclude the present age son came west. In 1859 and 1860, Rob Fi-iends, twice in the week . . . There b. To bring about the restoration of 16:27; Revelation 22:12; II. Corinthi E a r l y H i s t o r y o f F o u n d e r s o f N e w b e r g ert and Sarah Lindsey traveled in Amer are like to he about 20 on piore at More infonnation regarding the Con a n s 5 : 1 0 . the curse. and of Friends Chuirch Is Related ica from London and visited California Dayton, Oregon, this winter. I believe ference will follow later. Watch for 1. To banish Satan and death. i 4. Consummation of union with and Oregon. They sought out those I w i l l t a k e m y t i l i n g s f r o m t h e o r e it. Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 19 Christ. Revelation 19:7-9. ( B y M r s . F o u n t P a u l ) connected with or interested in Friends, bank and make my home at Dayton, 2. To lift the curse from ali crea VI. Result of belie-ving to the believ The first great chapter of (Quaker pi held meetings, distributed tracts, etc. perhaps, until Friends there can do tion. Romans 8:19, 22; Isaiah 11-6 0 e r p r o m o t e s oneering in the northwest ends with the They arrived in Portland November 19, without me." In November of that prophecy outline at twin 3. His glorious reign of righteous-^ 1. Patience. James 5:7-8. establishment of the Oregon Yearly 1859, finding six people there connected same year he bought land near the KOCKS 2 . P u r i t y o f l i f e . with the Friends, with Mary B. Stroud northeast end, then known as the ness. Meeting in June, 1893, but its beginnings III. Period of Christ's coming. 3. Faithfulness. Luke 12:3. can be traced to William Hobson who the only actual member. It is probable Grubby End, of the Chehalem Valley, ELIZABETH WARD, Teacher that the first Friends meeting held in thus beginning the permanent settle This includes the rapture of the 4. Charitableness. I. Cof-inthians 4:5. records in his diary for 3 mo. 17, 1865: ment of Friends in the vicinity of New Reported by Wilma Witham Mills church, the tribulation period. His com 5. Watchfulness and prayer. "Had one (a letter) from Bro. Jesse de Oregon was held at a private home in 6. Separated life. siring a good ministering Friend to come Salem, November 27, 1859. berg. Editor's N^e--When the reports of ing in judgment and the Millennium to California and gather the lost sheep." In 1866, Abel Bond, a Quaker from Meetings, however, continued to be Rocks Conference were published 1. Facts of Tribulation period. Mat 7. Overcoming life. I. Peter 1:7. held at the John Fuson or Nathan thew 24:21-22; Revelation 1-7. 7^' 8. Abiding life. I. John 2:28. F i v e y e a r s l a t e r h e m a d e h i s fi r s t t r i p Kansas, visited Oregon, and, in 1870, 1 ct September, we promised to publish VII. Prospects of Unbeliever. of inspection to the Pacific coast, a trip Mary B. Pinkham, a Friends minister White homes in Dayton until third ifter a longer report of the class in ariah 14:4; Isaiah 28:21-22; ' iJfai: which finally resulted in the hub of from Iowa, came. William Hobson came month, 19, 1876, when the Friends of Revelation 9:20, 21; Romans 2:4. from Iowa the following year on his the new settlement began to hold meet Proph®'^^' lin^ause the report turned in 1. The wrath of God. Luke 19:14-27; Quakerism in the west being established U.4 complete enough to be help- in the Chehalem Valley at Newberg, first trip to the west, visiting California ings in the home of William Clemmens 5 1 in Bible btudy to someone who was 2. Nature of Tribulation period T1 Thessalonians 2:8-12; Revelation 16:11; and parts of Oregon and Washington Before that time William Hobson walked Lord changes from grace to Matthew 13:30, 38, 42; Luke 19; II. Oregon. nt present. The first half of this William Hobson was not the first in an effort to discover a suitable loca sixteen miles to attend the Davton "eport is found m this paper. Quaker to visit the Pacific Coast, nor tion for a Quaker settlement. In 1875 meetings. Following the establishment r».l.h28:21.22;,„,.h was he the first to hold meetings after he made his second and decisive trip to of meetings in Newberg they were held The doctrine of the coming of Christ, 3. Reasons of Tribulation nerir^n Never let a day pass without trying to the manner of Friends. The first of O r e g o n . I n h i s d i a r y f o r t h e n i n e t e e n t h either at the home of William Clem interesting to the believer, was a. Sin and Satan must receive b,=t do something for \he^?j"d- , E'^ery such meetings was held in central Cal of September 1875, he records: "I am mens or at William Hobson's house or a f r e s h n e s s a n d punishment. night reflect on what He has done for ifornia in 1859, and the first Monthly seriously thoughtful now in regard to grove. The 11th of 11th mo., 1877 the b. Jesus as Second Adam must reign you, and then ask yourself, "What am I Meeting was held at San Jose, Califoi-- holding with other Friends a meeting Fi-iends accepted the offer of the upper Jjfainness which is characteristic of this doing for Him ? June, 1931 TEE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 5 Page 4. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR June, 1931 Rev. I. G. Lee, William McKibben, r o o m o f D a v i d J . W o o d ' s h o u s e f o r a Mrs. Ida Van Blaricom, Newberg, Ore of conscience. But, you may be sure, SOCIETY NOTES L. W. Heston, Fred White and Frank meeting place. The Newberg Monthly gon. She is chairman of the entertain your conscience will never tell you to E. W. HONSTEIN ment committee. Murray spent the week of May 4 to 9 Meeting of Friends with thirty charter give less than a tenth. GREENLEAF at Payette Lakes. They dug a w-ell, members was organized in this upper The Plumber room 6 mo. 1st, 1878. PASTORS OF NEWBEG MEETING surveyed, and built the Heston cabin, The Christian Endeavor Pep Banquet in which the men who go to build the For your Repairs or New Installations The first building, other than the Aunt Cora's Column May 1, at the gymnasium went off with kitchen and dining room, will stay. homes of members, used for meeting The following pastors have served in a bang. One hundred eighty-one folks See you at Payette Lakes, July 7-12. call was owned by John T. Smith and is the order named the monthly since its Bob looked up from his Bible and make lots of noise. We roofed the din HONSTEIN'S described by him as being a shack establishment: stared dreamily out of the window. ing hall at Payette Lakes that evening. PIEDMONT about 15 feet by 20 feet in dimensions, John Henery Douglass, (acting pas "How ti-ue that verse is," he murmured It cost us just .$10(1. Equipped Auto Service so low that a tall man could not stand tor), Thomas Brown, Alfred Ware, to himself. "Love is as strong as death, This was Commencement weelc. Sun Bernard E. Mott has resig-ned his pas Thomas Armstrong, Levi D. Barr, Her HONESTY MY POLICY upright in it, with a large rock-built but jealousy is as cruel as the grave." day, May 10, Chester Hadley delivered torate with us to take a teaching posi fireplace and a chimney of sticks and bert Cash, Isam Wooten, James Price, He sighed as he glanced at his watch the baccalaureate address to a full T A b o r 4 8 0 9 In the summer of 1880 a house Elwood Scott, Abijah Weaver, Charles and closed his Bible. tion at the Friends Bible College at house. Tuesday evening Prof. Paylor's Haveland, Kansas. His life and min 1081 East Caruthers St., Portland, Ore. ^x48 feet was enclosed, the first 0. Whiteley, Fredrick Carter, Raymond "It's queer how I happened to read music stuclents assisted by several from that verse this morning," he mused. "I istry has been exemplary of the life J Church ever built in any part Holding, Edith Minchen, Geiwas Carey, Nampa gave a recital. Wednesday eve of Jesus. We all feel that his place of the Oregon country. Ceiling and Clayto Brown, Carl Miller. believe that the Lord has sent me a inside finish were delayed for some ning the seniors delivered their orations. with us will be a difficult one to fill. warning." Slowly, he reached for his A class of eight consisting of the fol y e a r s l a t e r . MISSIONARY NEWS During the Easter vacation, Fred Ba Charter members of the Chehalcm cap and turned to leave the room. "I'm lowing graduated: Marita Williams, ker and other young men, held a revival CLAUDE A. LEWIS, M. D. going to have a talk with Aunt Cora, Florence Armstrong, Lera Rice, Lyman at the Sunnyside district, east of Port (later Newberg) Monthly Meeting of An interesting report from Carroll he decided. "Perhaps she can help me land. They had a graciousi time and a Frmnds were Vfilliam, Jesse, Mary Ann, and Doris Tamplin covering their trip Myers, Verlin Silei-, Vern Williams, El- vin and Elmer Street. Thursday was large group of young people were gen Samuel, and and items of interest since arriving at A few minutes later he flung himself Commencement day. The class was uinely saved and subsequently sanctified. 915-916 WEATHERLY BUILDING J^anklm1. Smith; Hobson;INfery and Sarah Henry E. Austin; and John Cor Bolivia has been received. It is full of into a comfortable chair in Aunt Cora's addressed in the morning by President Since that time, the people have called enthusiasm and blessing. Already a new spacious living room. "Aunt Cora, PORTLAND, OREGON nelius and Rosa B. Davi.-, D. J M H he began abruptly, "Where does jealousy Tenney of Gooding College. Friday, the h i m t o b e t h e i r p a s t o r. H e h a s a n and Mattie Wood; Ziinri R., Oscari point has been opened up with a large Academy picnic was held at Banks, average attendance of about seventy. congregation. This is up at Lake Ti- begin and love leave off?" Seven of the young men attended the EAst 9194 R e s . T A b o r 9 5 4 3 Faith, Jesse, Alma Bell, Ellen, Mettie ticaca. They report finding the work in "I don't quite understand. Bob, Aunt Idaho, and on Saturday evening was Virtu and Amy Mendenhall. ' the Alumni Banquet for the Seniors. State Christian Endeavor Convention at good shape in Bolivia with splendid Cora answered. "Can't you explain a The Executive Committee meeting of Medford. Fred is doing a fine work, brought n I building before the an Monthly academy meet organization and discipline already in little more fully?" the District (Christian Endeavor held a and we are certainly all behind him evidence. They have held a "Yearly "Well, if you love a friend devotedly, ing in May, 1883, and a committee was how can you help but be jealous if he business meeting at Caldwell, May 3. _ with prayers and interest. appointed to take the matter under Meeting" since their arrival and many Mr. and Mrs. Headrick arrived in Because the City of Portland passed souls were blessed. Remember the loves another friend more than he does Greenleaf Wednesday, May 13, accom a new ordinance forbidding rooms in a INTERMOUNTAIN advisement. In 3 mo. the committL work in prayer. Don't fail in your fi you?" Bob started to explain. I sup panied by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rinard, deep basement to be used for children, nancial responsibility, remember we are pose I had better be more specific, he andand" Dr Dr Ehas El-secured Jessup was in good sent eastnotes to in "next year" now and the obligations of Springbrook, Oregon, who are visit o u r fi n e S u n d a y S c h o o l r o o m s h a d t o ALFALFA HONEY ^.ohcit funds. In 1885 the building was grinned, "if I want any real help. ing the C. H. Rinard home. be torn out and all the children's classes are constant. Our needs will be less "It's this way. You know Tom Lester completed but not furnished and Jesse than they were the first year and we We see Eugene and Gertrude Hibbs moved upstairs. Of course, in the and Mary Edwards went to Philadelphia and I have always been like brothers. back in our community again. Glad to hope that the expansion of the work We have just grown up together and greater sense of protection from fire, 10 lb. pail $1.85 reported $1865 secured in good notes wll call for larger giving. Do not wait s e e t h e m b a c k . no doubt this is a good thing, but it what one of us has done, the other has Gertrude Halton, who has been at 5 l b . p a i l 1 . 0 0 were successful and Friends Pacific to hear from Yearly Meeting what the too Now, since Ted Bears has moved certainly mitigated against the success Academy was opened in the fall of 1885 tending the Greenleaf Academy the past of our Sunday School at present. Postage Paid Missionary Budget is but commence to into the neighborhood, I scarcely see school year returned to her home at i l 7 - 11 ■ Minthom, Laura E give at once and SEND IN REGULAR- Tom at all. I can't see what he likes Emily Moore brought the message the Minthorn, and Professor W. R. Star- i-/I . AVeiser, Idaho, with her parents who morning of May 17th. buck as teachers. Herbert Hoover was about Ted, either. I have tried but 1 were here attending coimnencement. can't like him to save me." _We find the new lesson helps a great Wm. McKibben & Sons "I see how you feel. Bob, Aunt Cora aid to our Prayer Meetings. The in Producers of the Monthly^C'^demy Meeting and for Januarythe minutes 1, STAR terest in the Christian Endeavor is 1867, record the receiving of his certifi- TITHING TIPS said "And I wonder if the reason you don't like Ted better isn't just bcause The biggest thing around here lately keeping up very well. STAR, IDAHO .uf membership from Springdale Tom likes him, or seems to at present, was the banquet—not the Twin Rocks Monthly Meeting, Iowa. The trustees PROPORTIONATE GIVING S C O T T S 3 I I L L S of tile Academy were E. H. Woodward, better than he does you?" banquet in Portland, but our own Pay "I'm afraid that's it," Bob confessed. The contest between the Fords and Jesse Edwards, and John Brown. The ette Lakes banquet at Greenleaf. Star Packards is ended, with the Packards Proportioning has superceded ancient "I'm g-oing- to tell you how I had to w-as represented by thirty-nine, and we Academy became Pacific College in 1891 Jewish tithing in the same sense that fight this veiy same thing when I was winning, by ten miles. That means the Dr. Geo. B. Pratt uncl^er the presidency of Thomas Newlm a young girl," Aunt Cora said, after a did! our best to let everyone know who Fords have to entertain the Packards. ot Indiana. portiongr^e has of fulfilled your income the law. is theThe flowerpro- we were and what the banquet was This contest has helped attendance and tull blown while legalistic tithing was pause. "I was about sixteen when my about. bnends Church in Oregon,f o u n d e r William o f t h e best girl friend seemed to prefer the interest in the Endeavor meetings Optometrist At our Mother's Day seiwice a sjilen- greatly. _ , • , Hobson lived for sixteen years in the I n f , " h a s p r o l p e r e d society of my next door neighbor to did musical program was presented by A business meeting and social was mine. I had a fight with the demon MOVED TO adoption, never doubting tiTi, eL admonition to every Chris- the Builders Sunday School class, under held at the home of the pastor last that he was chosen ol the Lord to do i n t Y e a r l y M e e t - which tormented me and finally I woke the direction of Mrs. Willis Coffin, our 201 ALDERWAY BUILDING to the fact that my jealousy was lessen month. The social was a hard-times I«77^°I mo. 24, v e a r l a s t new music committee chairman. This affair with many suggestions for the Cor. Broadway and Alder f«/b, he records: "Tliis is no imag- St Sionnnr ?fshbor across the ing my friend's affection for me. was followed by a very inspiring ser street, $100,000. It is only a matter "It was no wonder for she did not unemployed. mary or crazy freak of the brain of Mathematics to see thaf yom mon _ by Mrs. Lee. Through personal Five of our members are graduating G l a s s e s R i g h t — P r i c e s R i g h t ilham Hobson. The 'Lord laid upon enjoy a sour, crabbed companion. And solicitation and the offer of the Excel from High School this month. They are: Wilham Hobson the arduous work of S i ? o o 7 ° " w o u l d X when I found that my friend and my sior Sunday School class to call for Make "The Optical Shop" your next door neighbor were trying to con Merle White, Margaret Coulson, Mary selecting a suitable location and the $90,000Iqonon on whichleave to live, him while with vou those who had no other way to come, Myers, Fern Geiger, and Phyllis Macy. "Optical Shop" must support yourself and others of ceal their meetings from me, I was so there was a very large attendance. We con^encing of a settlement of Friends humiliated that I resolved then and iselection is made. A your faimly on only $900. From this hope many of the visitors will become settlement has already begun to form." there that I wouldn't act in such a way r e g u l a r a t t e n d e r s . Mr. Hobson died , 1891. that they would have to treat me like Capital District Christian Endeavor a silly infant any longer." Convention was held at the South Boise You see, I look at it in this ^ Presbyterian Church, April 24, 25 and YEARLY MEETING, -14 form the habit early in life and mah a person loves me, I am glad, but de 26. Some from our society attended all loves someone else more why should i Portland Bible institute tain It as a working principle But as o f t h e s e s s i o n s . L o i s J o n e s w a s e l e c t e d Make every endeavor to be present God prospers us, our enfts in 7- resent it? It simply means that I am District President and Lucille Hadley, at the opening session of Yearly meet- not so congenial as someone else is. dom sho^^ld als^ ^ow It is Missionary Superintendent. We are also Formerly N. P. E. L mg this year. Plan to stay clear Whose fault is that? I can try to be glad to have Rev. Clayton Broum as through. The Evangelistic Board are more understanding, more sympathetic, Pastoral Counsellor. happy to announce that Merrill Coffin, more trustful, but if he still prefers Kenneth and Geneva Eichenberger pastor of Friends meeting in someone else, honor and _ self-respect 1186 Borthwick Street Portland, Oregon 1 ortland, will conduct the Evangelistic made a few visits here while in Idaho. should prevent me from trying to usurp Kenneth preached for us one Sunday services each evening. The Superin also remembers the work of i ' t h e o t h e r ' s p l a c e . " , , , . , tendent win have the inspirational hour evening. the special call comer So^wSt^r the "There is an old saying, 'That which Our Sunday evening services were dis each morning at 11:30. If you can not right proportion you ask If tni t I cannot keep is not mine'." missed May 10 for the Baccalaureate attend, pray much for a spiritual out paid the tithe, surely thfchristinn "But isn't jealousy natural," Bob per service. Edna McGrath, Guy McCown, pouring upon the meeting. If you de do as well The ^propoiS '^^-^ater sisted. and Harold Hadley, from our society, sire entertainment you should write to than the tithe is altogether a mltter "It may be natural, but it isn't grace. are members of the graduating class. Character Development Put First Bob," Aunt Cora answered. Page 6. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR June, 1931

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HIGHLAND trude Perry; Song Leader, Henrietta Qr 1. A LITTLE SAVINGS Harmon; Reporter, Madge Harmon. i^iari; account in a twenty An increased interest is being taken We have planned a contest for new in both the Senior and Intermediate members, whereby the person who gets PAYMENT OR AN ENDOWMENT Societies. The Missionary topic last three new members, ivill be awarded POLICY IN THE month held special interest. Helen a silver Christian Endeavor pin. Cammack gave the Intermediates a Our pastor, Denver Headrick, held Aetna Life Insurance Co. word picture of the country and cus meetings at Quilcene and Hoodsport. He toms of Bolivia, which was impressed i s n o w i n I d a h o . For further information, inquire of o n t h e i r m i n d s w i t h p i c t u r e s t o i l l u s t r a t e . O u r p a s t o r l e d t h e S e n i o r s i n F. F. ANDERSON, District Mgr., their discussion. We, as a Christian LENTS 439 S. Baker St., McMinnville, Oregon Endeavorer, want to be missionary minded. Our Chnstian Endeavor met on May The Seniors had a "hard-times" social 8, 1981, in the basement of the church in connection with the last business for its usual business meeting and so meeting. The costumes were appropri cial. The social hour was in the form ate to the occasion. Everyone was of a farewell for Lois and Alden White, Heacock Sash & Door Co. unanimous in saying that Calvin Thomas who are going to Wessington Springs, won the prize. Baked beans and brown South Dakota soon. Everyone was bread with hot drink were enjoyed after asked to give Lois and Alden some the games. advice before leaving. Some of it may M r s . G u y T u r n e r h a s j u s t r e c e i v e d be well worth reading—never ar^e w o r d t h a t h e r m o t h e r h a s g o n e t o h e r with a bull dog. Don't get sea sick. reward. We extend our sympathy and Don't preach too long. Never take any p r a y e r s a t t h i s t i m e o f l o s s . thing for granted. For thou shalt not take, and it may not be granted. And, 215 SECOND STREET do not under any consideration forget Comer Salmon MELBA y o u r h o m e f o l k . PORTLAND, OREGON Lois and Alden's first introduction and Curtis Morse, a student of Newberg We give the best prices and service on meeting was portrayed by Donald Ed- College, spent one day last month, dur Doors, Windows, Mill Work, Builders' mundson, on two-foot stilt, as Alden, ing his spring vacation, visiting friends a n d M a r y C o l l v e r m i n u s t h o s e s n a p Hardware, Paint, Roofing, etc. We be i n t h i s c o m m u n i t y. C u r t i s i s a f o r m e r ping black eyes, as Lois. A humorous lieve in Quaker honesty and fair dealing. Melbaite. introduction was given by Emel Swan- A very enjoyable time was spent at son. Later in the evening Lois and Dry Lake roasting wieners and playing Alden were presented with pillowcases Office Hours Phone EAst 4468 games, April 21. The occasion was a from the church. Everyone enjoyed farewell party in honor of Rev. Ken 9:00 to 5:00 themselves, especially when the re neth and Geneva Eichenberger, who freshments, applie pie and ice cream left the follovdng day for Hemlock, In were served. diana, where they are in pastorate DR. A. E. GEORGE work. Their three weeks' visit here We are very sorry to announce the death of Goldsmith Haworth, who was seemed short to their friends. DENTIST The Greenleaf Conference banquet was killed in an automobile accident near held at Greenleaf, May 1. T\venty-one Corvallis recently. We greatly sympa f r o m o u r s o c i e t y w e r e p r e s e n t . A n e x thize with Ills family. X-RAY cellent time was reported We are very glad to have Ethel Lit- We had the privilege of having Rev. tlefield with us again. Ethel has been I. Gumey Lee, pastor of Star, \vith us staying in Hillisburg, Ind., where she 1050'/2 Hawthorae Ave., Portland, Ore. Sunday moniing. May 3. He brought has been attending school. She has a very helpful and encouraging mes been gone over a year, and all her f r i e n d s w e l c o m e h e r . sage. The subject was "Growing in Builders' Supplies Electric Supplies Grace." At the close of the service twelve new members were taken into Paints, Glass, Roofing the church. BRANCH OFFICE: 1117 MAIN ST. BRANCH OFFICE: 812 MAIN ST.

TACOMA MEMBER Hawthorne NAT'L ASS'N OF DYERS AND CLEANERS The Senior Society met at the home of our pastor for the May business meeting and social. The following offi- Capital Cleaners Hardware were elected: President, Mary Ltla Pierson; Vice-President, Howard CLEANERS, DYERS AND TAILORS K. L. MENDENHALL Byrd;Harmoi^ Organist, Secretary Gertrude and Treasurer, Perry; Mona Mis G. A. WEILER, Mgr. sionary Committee Chairman, Edna T A b o r 0 4 3 5 HATS CLEANED AND BLOaiED ^ang; Prayer Meeting Chaii-man, Willis Perry; Social Committee Chairman, Ger WORKS: 1509 - 13 No. 13TH STREET 1078 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore,