Thursday, December 20, 2007
ADJOURN AUGUST MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2011 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2011 NINE THIRTY A.M. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WILL County Executive Walsh called the meeting to order. Member Traynere led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Member Traynere introduced Pastor Milton Jones from Heritage Baptist Church, Frankfort, Illinois, who led the invocation. Roll call showed the following Board Members present: Bilotta, Adamic, Deutsche, Howard, Singer, Laurie Smith, Weigel, Dralle, Hart, McPhillips, Kusta, Maher, Traynere, Argoudelis, Goodson, Brian Smith, Gould, May, Rozak, Konicki, Zigrossi, Brooks, Stewart, Winfrey, Babich, Wilhelmi and Moustis. Total: Twenty-seven. Absent: None. COUNTY EXECUTIVE WALSH DECLARED A QUORUM PRESENT. Member Babich made a motion, seconded by Member Brooks, the Certificate of Publication be placed on file. Voting Affirmative were: Bilotta, Adamic, Deutsche, Howard, Singer, Laurie Smith, Weigel, Dralle, Hart, McPhillips, Kusta, Maher, Traynere, Argoudelis, Goodson, Brian Smith, Gould, May, Rozak, Konicki, Zigrossi, Brooks, Stewart, Winfrey, Babich, Wilhelmi and Moustis. Total: Twenty- seven. No negative votes. THE CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION IS PLACED ON FILE. Member Maher made a motion, seconded by Member Gould, to approve the Minutes for the July 21, 2011 County Board Meeting. Voting Affirmative were: Bilotta, Adamic, Deutsche, Howard, Singer, Laurie Smith, Weigel, Dralle, Hart, McPhillips, Kusta, Maher, Traynere, Argoudelis, Goodson, Brian Smith, Gould, May, Rozak, Konicki, Zigrossi, Brooks, Stewart, Winfrey, Babich, Wilhelmi and Moustis. Total: Twenty- seven. No negative votes. THE MINUTES FOR THE JULY 21, 2011 COUNTY BOARD MEETING ARE APPROVED. 654 ADJOURN AUGUST MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2011 - Elected Officials present were: Auditor, Duffy Blackburn; Circuit Clerk, Pam McGuire; County Clerk, Nancy Schultz Voots; County Executive, Larry Walsh; Sheriff, Paul A.
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