Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(4):4808-4820 /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0006695

Review Article Roles of sigma-1 receptors in Alzheimer’s disease

Jia-Li Jin*, Min Fang*, Yan-Xin Zhao, Xue-Yuan Liu

Department of Neurology, Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, Tongji University, School of Medicine, China. *Equal contributors. Received February 4, 2015; Accepted April 3, 2015; Epub April 15, 2015; Published April 30, 2015

Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the leading cause of senile de- mentia all over the world. Still no existing drugs can effectively reverse the cognitive impairment. However, Sigma-1 (σ-1) receptors have been long implicated in multiple neurological and psychiatric conditions over these years. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of σ-1 receptor functions. Through regulation of lipid rafts, secretases, kinases, neuroceptors and ion channels, σ-1 receptors can influence cellular signal transduction, TCA cycle, oxidative stress, neuron plasticity and neurotransmitter release etc. Based on this, we suggest the key cellular mechanisms linking σ-1 receptor to Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, we detail the evidences showing that σ-1 recep- tors agonists, being the promising compounds for treatment of cognitive dysfunction, exhibit robust and anti-amnesia effect against Aβ neurotoxicity in the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. The evidence comes from animal models, preclinical studies in humans and full clinical trials. In addition, the questions to be solved regard- ing this receptor are also presented. When concerned with NMDAR, σ-1 receptor activation may result in two totally different influences on AD. Utilization of σ-1 agents early in AD remains an overlooked therapeutic opportunity. This article may pave the way for further studies about sigma-1 receptor on Alzheimer’s disease.

Keywords: Sigma-1 receptor, Alzheimer’s disease, pathogenesis, Aβ neurotoxicity, NMDA receptor

Introduction observed that σ-1 receptor agonists can signifi- cantly reduce AD induced cognitive dysfunc- Characterized by progressive cognitive dys- tion. Thus, we aim at highlighting the prospect function and behavioral impairment, Alzhei- of sigma-1 receptor effects and treatment in mer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative dis- the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. order with insidious onset. So far the most widely accepted pathology of AD comprises Characteristics and biological effects of σ amyloid-β deposition and neurofibrillary tan- receptor gles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. But no existing drugs can effectively reverse the Sigma (σ) receptor was first identified as sub- cognitive impairment. Recently, σ-1 receptor type of opioid receptor [4]. It independently has shown an emerging new look of improving established a receptor family after Quirion R cognitive function, especially its anti-amnesic proposing its difference from opioid receptor and neuroprotective effects [1]. An early post- and binding site [5]. σ receptors mortem study reported that σ-1 receptor were can be divided into 2 subtypes: σ-1 and σ-2. Still decreased in hippocampus CA1 region of AD there are disputes over the existence of σ-3 patients [2]. Later M. Mishina found σ-1 recep- subtype. σ receptors are abundant in the body, tor loss in the early phase of AD using Positron especially in the central nervous system. It has emission tomography (PET) with (11C) SA4503. high density distribution in the spinal cord, The binding potential was significantly pons, medulla oblongata, red nucleus, cerebel- decreased by 44-60% in the frontal, temporal, lum, hippocampus , medium density distribu- and occipital lobe, cerebellum and thalamus tion in the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus [3]. Based on changes of σ-1 receptor density, and low density distribution in the basal ganglia the following research over these years and thalamus [6]. Study comparing σ1 versus Sigma-1 receptors in Alzheimer’s disease

5-hydroxy tryptamine, gluta- mate, dopamine, norepineph- rine, acetylcholine, γ-amino- butyric acid and so on [15].

Potential mechanisms of σ-1 receptor in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Despite of the mounting evi- dence on the etiology and pathogenesis of AD over these decades, the exact cause has not been fully elu- cidated, which may be attrib- uted to the complexity and multiple factors related to it. Here, we suggest the key cel- lular mechanisms linking σ-1 Figure 1. The possible mechanism of σ-1 receptor in the profession of Al- receptor to Alzheimer’s dis- zheimer’s Disease. ease (Figure 1).

σ2 receptor found their dramatic difference in Aβ cascade hypothesis size, distribution and ligand affinity [7]. To date, σ-1 receptor has been cloned g in guinea-pig Considered as multi-gene inherited disease and human [8, 9] and, then, in rat and mouse with genetic heterogeneity, AD can be generally divided into familial AD and sporadic AD. Now [10, 11]. Its gene encodes a protein of 223 three different autosomal dominant gene have amino acid with two transmembrane domains been found to be related to early-onset AD: pre- and a typical endoplasmic reticulum localized senilin-1 (PS-1), presenilin-2 (PS-2) and amyloid signal near the short N terminus [12]. But so far precursor protein (APP). However, only one pre- there is no mammalian protein can specifically disposing gene for late-onset AD is universally bind to this receptor. σ-2 receptor has not yet recognized, namely APOE epsilon 4 (APOEε4). been cloned and little knowledge is known Recently, emerging technologies to analyze the about its relationship with AD. Recently, Izzol et entire genome in large data sets have revealed al. found that Aβ1-42 exhibits synaptic toxicity new genes associated with late-onset AD risk, after binding to the σ-2/PGRMC1 receptor [13]. including ABCA7, BIN1, CASS4, CD33, CD2AP, However, it is generally believed that σ-1 recep- HLA-DRB5-DBR1and so on [16]. Unfortunately, tor plays a more important role in the progres- to date there is no evidence that combines AD sion of Alzheimer’s disease. related genes to σ-1 receptors. Only a few researches on correlation between risk for In normal times, σ-1 receptors mainly localize developing AD and σ-1 receptor gene mutation on the mitochondrial associated endoplasmic polymorphism have been reported. Some typi- reticulum membrane (MAM), forming a Bip cal studies are discussed in subsequent sec- chaperone structure with high sensitivity to the tions of this paper. Among the 4 discovered AD calcium ion. When activated by agonists such genes, mutation of APP, PS-1 and PS-2 has as or analgesic, σ-1 receptors separate been found to increase Aβ generation while from BiP and translocate from MAM to other APOEε4 results in Aβ deposition. Substantial parts of the cell. Through regulation of inositol evidence suggests the imbalance of amyloid triphosphate (IP3) receptors, N-methyl-D- beta production and clearance is the initial aspartic acid receptor (NMDA) receptors, dopa- event in neuronal degeneration and dementia, which is also the common pathway of other mine (DA) receptors and ion channels, σ-1 cause in the pathogenesis leading to AD. receptors can influence TCA cycle, oxidative stress [14], mitochondrial function, neuron Different mechanisms could be evoked to plasticity and neurotransmitter release such as describe the nature of σ-1 receptor alleviating

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Aβ neurotoxicity: (i) σ-1 receptors may have or antagonists of voltage-dependent calcium effective protection against Aβ toxicity by mod- channels in various learning tests [1]. σ-1 recep- ulating recomposition of lipid rafts, inhibiting tors not only localize in endoplasmatic reticu- Aβ fibrin formation [17]. Substantial amounts of lum, but also in nuclear and plasma mem- the aspartyl protease β-secretase (BACE-1) and branes and on mitochondria [32-36], on which γ-secretase [18] localize in lipid rafts, where Aβ binding sites are involved in the regulation production occurs preferentially. What’s more, of calcium mobilization. Furthermore, σ-1 GM1 ganglioside-bound amyloid β protein receptor protects mitochondria and neural via- (GM1/Aβ), a seed proposed to be involved in bility by maintaining intracellular calcium ho- initiation of amyloid fibril formation, is also meostasis. associated within lipid rafts on the plasma membrane [19, 20]. Chronic activation of σ-1 (v) Overexpression of σ-1 receptors potentiate receptor results in its translocation from the lipid rafts-associated NGF, EGF and BDNF endoplasmic reticulum (ER), within lipid drop- effect [1] and NGF-induced neuroprotection lets, towards the lipid rafts on cytomembrane through regulating PLCγ-DAG-PKC, Ras-Raf- where it may involve in recomposition of lipid MEK-ERK and PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling path- rafts and modifying cellular functions including ways [37]; Since the discovery of growth factor signal transduction of protein coupled receptor, receptors localizing in lipid rafts [21], sustained biosynthetic or endocytic traffic of protein [21]. activation of σ-1 receptors may be beneficial for Therefore, sustained σ-1 receptor activation cell survival rate and, therefore, facilitate neu- may preferentially translocate to lipid rafts, on roprotection or neuronal recovery against Aβ which binding sites are actively involved in Aβ neurotoxicity. In addition, σ-1 receptors can production and transportation. enhance the axonal and dendritic growth in hip- pocampus [38]. (ii) Attenuate Aβ25-35-induced Aβ1-42 seeding in hippocampal neurons [22]. Administration of (vi) Mitigate Aβ25-35-induced apoptosis by Aβ25-35 can provoke a significant increase in decreasing expression of proapoptotic gene APP expression and activation of the β- Bax and the death protease caspase-3 where- secretase pathway resulting in the endogenous as preserving antiapoptotic gene Bcl-2 levels, Aβ peptide content in hippocampus, which is resulting in a concomitant enhancement in cell called Aβ seeding [23]. σ-1 receptors can block survival. this process by regulation the Akt and glycogen Tau protein hypothesis synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) activity [22].

(iii) Facilitate cognition protection against Aβ Widely expressed in the nervous system, tau through NMDAR response in various brain protein is a microtubule-associated protein, to areas such as hippocampus and prefrontal cor- catalyze microtubule assembly and stabilize tex [24-26]. Pharmacology inhibition of NMDA microtubule structure. Being a defining patho- receptor function, either by systemic adminis- logical characteristic of AD, tauopathies may tration of compounds directly into the brain or consists of increased resistance to proteolytic by crossing the blood brain barrier, results in enzymes and the subsequent formation of impaired spatial learning and passive avoid- hyperphosphorylation tau, paired helical fila- ance learning [27, 28]. σ receptors can potenti- ments (PHF-tau), neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) ate pyramidal neurons in CA3 [29] region of deposits and, consequently, neuron death. dorsal hippocampus to NMDA (excitatory acti- Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) has been vation) and NMDA-dependent CA1 synapses shown to be the key kinase that mediates tau [30], which is indispensable for learning ability hyperphosphorylation [22]. However, the mole- and spatial memory storage. Besides, σ-1 cular process underlying over activation of receptors can prevent Aβ-associated NMDAR GSK-3 and its potential linkage to AD patholo- neurotoxicity [31]. gies in vivo remain unclear. σ-1 receptor could prevent alterations in GSK-3β activity: (i) block (iv) Potentiate ATP/IP3-induced Ca2+ influx on the reduction of P(Ser473)-Akt/Akt ratio; (ii) endoplasmic reticulum and plasma mem- phosphorylate Ser9 residue of GSK-3β by branes, thus protecting the cognitive perfor- enhancing PI3K/Akt and PLCγ/PKC signaling mance of rodents impaired by Aβ neurotoxicity pathway [39] suppressed in Aβ incubation.

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Thus, Tau hyperphosphorylation and neurofi- Inflammation hypothesis brillary tangles could be alleviated to maintain the neuronal cytoskeleton stability. Since McGeer et al. [59] put forward that AD probably results from the inappropriate activa- Neurotransmitter hypothesis tion of immune and inflammatory response, a window of opportunity appears for introduc- Modulation of acetylcholine release: Cholinergic tions of disease-modifying regimens in AD. The neurotransmitter is a principal process underly- inflammation pathology may arise from the ing the cognitive function, especially for memo- extracellular Aβ deposits and become later ry storage. The cholinergic neurons in basal enhanced by aggregates of tau. Driven by acti- forebrain, nucleus basalis, cerebral cortex, vated microglia [60], astrocytes and inflamma- amygdaloid complex and hippocampus were tory factors, the overactive response increases observed to be indispensable for learning and as the disease progresses and, finally, results memory formation [40, 41]. In normal aging, in the “wrong direction” to attack the normal some cortical cholinergic activity can be slightly nervous tissue, causing synapses damage and lost whereas patients suffering from AD or neurons death. related dementias present a severe decline in acetylcholine levels, which can be attributed to Abundantly expressed in immunocyte of cen- a corresponding reduction in choline acetyl- tral immune system, σ-1 receptor activation transferase (chAT) and acetylcholinesterase can not only maintain pro-inflammatory and (AchE) [42-44]. anti-inflammatory homeostasis [61], but also preserve the neuronal viability [62]. The possi- Both in vitro and in vivo, σ-1 receptors are ble mechanism is as follows: (i) reduce activa- potent modulators of acetylcholine release. tion and damage of microglial from Aβ25-35- These proteins can upregulate the KCl-evoked evoked apoptosis; Microglial is the only immune or electrically evoked release of 3H-acetylcho- cell type present in the organotypic hippocam- line from rat frontal cortex and hippocampus pal slice. By blocking intracellular calcium sig- [45-48]. In the meanwhile, acetylcholine re- nals, many aspects of microglial activations lease in the striatum was marginally affected such as cytoskeleton rearrangement, migra- [49-51]. Therefore, σ-1 receptors, with less tion, and cytokines production were sup- undesired side effects seen in AChE inhibitors pressed. In addition, the activators like lipo- [50], alleviate the Aβ-induced dysfunction of polysaccharide (LPS), monocyte chemoattrac- cholinergic that are implicated in AD [52]. tant protein 1 (MCP-1) and adenosine triphos- phate (ATP) can loss the enhancing effect on Modulation of glutamate release: Besides the microglia [63]. (ii) Prevent T-cell mediated well-known deficits of cholinergic activity, the immunity by potentiating the anti-inflammatory neurotransmitter glutamate can also be cytokine IL-10 [64]; (iii) the neuroprotective reduced in AD. Both neurotransmitters are sup- effects against inflammation at delayed time posed to play key roles in memory [53, 54]. σ-1 points maybe mutually adjusted by central and receptor represents a strategy for modulating peripheral immune system [65]. glutamatergic levels: (i) Brain-derived neuro- trophic factor (BDNF) associated glutamate In short, lack of σ receptors, neurocyte will be release are potentiated by not only pharmaco- more vulnerable to Aβ-mediated amyloid toxici- logical activation but also overexpression of σ-1 ty. The intracellular lipid metabolism, cell skel- receptor. It seems to occur via the involvement eton network and immune response will be of PLCγ/IP3 pathway [55]. (ii) Elevation of the more easily damaged, thus accelerating the intracellular Ca2+ levels, which is released from neural degeneration and oxidative stress- the endoplasmatic reticulum, plays a vital role caused neural death, which contribute greatly in spontaneous glutamate release [56, 57]. (iii) to the etiology of AD. The effect also appears to be mediated via alpha-1 adrenergic and dopamine receptor [57, Research on σ-1 receptor and Aβ neurotoxicity 58]. The hallmark changes of AD comprise Aβ depo- Thus, regulation of glutamate levels by σ-1 sition and neurofibrillary tangles due to tau pro- receptor in the frontal cortex and hippocampus tein hyperphosphorylation. Aβ neurotoxicity could be an additional mechanism underlying comes both from the aggregation state and the anti-amnesic action. soluble oligomeric β. With the ability to stimu-

4811 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(4):4808-4820 Sigma-1 receptors in Alzheimer’s disease lating hyperphosphorylation of tau protein, the Exogenous ligand extracellular Aβ aggregation is considered to be the main molecular mechanisms of AD. Exogenous σ-1 receptor agonists show poten- However, it is still unclear how Aβ acting on the tial anti-amnesia and neuroprotection effect on σ receptors expression. At present, studies on σ both pharmacological and pathological mod- els. Marrazzo, A first proved σ-1 receptor ago- receptor with AD are limited to receptor ligands, nist PRE-084 and MR-22 (-), without involve- mainly including endogenous and exogenous ment of NMDA receptors blockade, can reduce ligand. Aβ-mediated cortical neurons toxicity [73] to Endogenous ligand slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s dis- ease. They projected the σ-1 proteins may Neurosteroids might be the endogenous li- obstruct the neurodegenerative process other gands for σ receptors such as dehydroepian- than excitotoxic death. Based on this, Do- drosterone and luteal hormone [66]. With insuf- nepezil, licensed for symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate AD, was found to attenuate ficient level and lower affinity for σ receptors, Aβ and glutamate toxicity [74] and potentiate the title of endogenous ligands has been con- the axonal growth [1] with its cholinergic and troversial [67]. (PREG) and dehy- σ-1 agonistic properties. Additionally, afobazole droepiandrosterone (DHEA), being σ-1 receptor mitigate neuron apoptosis through modulation ligands under physiological conditions, can of gene Bax, Bcl-2 expression and death prote- improve the memory and learning ability in a ase caspase-3 levels in response to Aβ. cholinergic and NMDAR-dependent way [56]. It Furthermore, treatment with afobazole de- has been early demonstrated that levels of creased microglial activation and prevented PREG in the hippocampus is strongly correlated disruption of ATP signaling in microglia incubat- to the memory performance of rodents or aged ed in Aβ25-35, indicating its potent preserva- rats [52]. For instance, post-training injection of tion of microglial function after Aβ exposure. PREGS into the hippocampus and amygdala of Last but not least, afobazole maintains intra- mice enhances the recollection for foot shock cellular proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory active avoidance training [68]. On the other homeostasis [61] and potentiate NGF-induced hand, administration of DHEA could also ame- neurite outgrowth [75]. Recently, it is clearly liorate memory deficits induced by Aβ25-35. In proposed that ANAVEX2-73, a mixed σ-1/mus- particular, DHEA improves the axonal, dendritic carinic receptor ligand, can efficiently decrease growth [38] or even neural stem cell survival the hyper-activation of GSK-3β in AD and pre- rate [69]. vent both the Tau hyperphosphorylation and Aβ1-42 Seeding [22]. Still there are (+) pentazo- Although the exact mechanisms in positive cog- cine and SA4503 alleviating amyloid load in nitive effects by neurosteroids are not fully pharmacology of a biphasic bell-shaped dose understood, it is suggest that the endogenous response curve. The protective effects of σ-1 agents regulates a series of ion channels such receptors mentioned above can be mostly blocked by σR antagonists such as as γ-aminobutyric acid-type A(GABAA) receptors [70], N-methyl-daspartate (NMDA) receptors and BMY-14802. [71] and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels [72]. As for roles of exogenous ligand in cognitive Meyer DA [56] found that PREGS selectively improvement, with vivo microdialysis in freely leads to a robust increase in the frequency of moving rats, (+)-SKF10,047 was demonstrated mEPSCs and glutamate release from presynap- to increase extracellular acetylcholine in both tic terminals, which may rely on an elevation in frontal cortex and hippocampus in a stereose- 2+ intracellular Ca levels triggered by activation lective way, which could also be blocked by of presynaptic Gi/o protein coupled σ-1 like haloperidol [48, 76]. Besides, σ-1 agonists receptors. Moreover, PREG has been recently have shown anti-amnesic efficacy in both phar- shown to rescue the reduction of PI3K/Akt and macological and pathological models, which Ras/ERK signals in Aβ25-35-mice [31] while include cholinergic destruction, Aβ administra- DHEA activates σ-1 receptors, enhancing the tion, normal aging, senescence accelerated growth of neuronal projections through a mod- mouse (SAM), glutamatergic/serotonergic or ulation of PI3K-Akt-mTOR-p70S6k signaling in calcium channel deficits [1]. Intriguingly, in Aβ25-35-impaired newborn neurons [37]. most behavioral tests, σ-1 receptor ligands do

4812 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(4):4808-4820 Sigma-1 receptors in Alzheimer’s disease not facilitate or impede the learning ability in and is free of side effects related to the extra- the control groups, suggesting that it is under pyramidal motoric system (EPMS). What’s pathological conditions that σ-1 receptors are more, (10 μM) [85], licensed for activated [1]. use in moderate to severe AD [86], had been demonstrated to improve the bradykinin Overall, σ-1 receptor agonists, being the prom- induced mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ in ising compounds for the treatment of cognitive NG108-15 neuroblastoma cells, mimicking dysfunction, exhibit robust neuroprotection effect of σ-1 against PRE-084 (1 μM). Still there and anti-amnesic effect against Aβ neuro- are many antipsychotics like toxicity. and with high affinity for σ-1 Research on σ-1 receptor and psychotic symp- proteins. toms Thus, σ-1 receptor ligands may presents a promising effect either as individual or adjuvant In addition to the character of acquired impair- on the accompanying psychotic symptoms in ment in cognitive function, AD exert a gradual AD. However, large double-blind randomized bad impact on the patient’s professional social placebo-controlled clinical trials are needed to and family activities. The earliest non-cognitive confirm its treatment prospect. expressions such as various types of depres- sive and anxiety disorder may develop [77] Clinical research and application of σ-1 recep- whereas behavioral disorders, aggression, hal- tor in Alzheimer’s disease lucinations occur in late AD. There is still no effective clinical drug against these psychiatric Research on correlation between risk for devel- symptoms. The role of σ receptors, especially oping AD and σ-1 receptor gene mutation poly- σ-1 subtype, has been long identified as a tar- morphism is not much. The first study, a get for pathophysiology in neuropsychiatric dis- Japanese case-control sample [87], showed orders. However, the preclinical and clinical TT-P haplotype a protective factor for AD. The evidence of σ-1 receptor on AD psychotic symp- subsequent Polish study, however, did not vali- toms is meager at present. date the findings [88]. Recently, A. Feher [89] Behavioral models have suggested some found TT-P gene mutation of σ-1 receptor to be ligands that bind to σ receptors possess “anti- the risk factors against AD. With no consisten- depressant and anxiolytic” like properties [78]. cy, these observations suggest that a clinical Urani A [79] demonstrated that when AD rats study with larger sample size and greater eth- were submitted to the conditioned fear stress nic similarity is necessary. test, igmesine and (+)-SKF-10,047 can signifi- , as a selective serotonin reuptake cantly reduce the stress-induced motor sup- inhibitor (SSRI) and σ-1 receptor against, is con- pression, indicating exogenous σ-1 receptor sidered by Izzo, N.J to be an alternative agonists may alleviate AD-associated depres- sive symptoms. Besides, BMY-14802, a σ-1 approach in alleviating delirium [90] in patients antagonist with potential antipsychotic activity, with Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are no shows its potential anxiolytic properties by clinical evidence showing fluvoxamine has any reducing dorsal raphe and hippocampal release therapeutic effect in cognitive disturbance of of 5-HT in a direct interaction with somatoden- patients with AD though some case reports dritic 5-HT (1A) receptors in the raphe nuclei exist in Depression and Schizophrenia [91, 92]. [80]. On the other hand, synergistic stimulation In contrast to other SSRIs including of σ and 5-HT (1A) receptors is requested in and paroxetine, it has been suggested that acute -like action of OPC-14523 Fluvoxamine, as a potent sigma-1 receptor ago- [81]. nist, may reduce Aβ-mediated neurotoxicity through increasing phosphorylation of Akt-1 Early clinical trials of some antipsychotic drugs [93]. To date, only a few σ-1 receptor agonists have exhibited a certain affinity for σ-1 proteins (SA4503 and ANAVEX2-73) [22, 94, 95] have [82]. For example, haloperidol [83], a σ-1 re- entered phase II clinical trials of acute/chronic ceptor antagonist, have better effect on con- neurodegenerative disorders. trolling the agitation, hostility and aggression. (EMD 57445) [84], with high affin- Therefore, despite the increasing positive ity for σ-1 receptor, has antipsychotic effects experimental results, utilization of σ-1 agents

4813 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(4):4808-4820 Sigma-1 receptors in Alzheimer’s disease early in the disease process remains an over- oocytes [104]. In addition, Kume et al. provided looked therapeutic opportunity. that σ-1 receptor ligands with affinity for NMDAR may act as neuron protector through reducing Dispute over σ-1 receptor role in Alzheimer’s Ca2+ influx through NMDAR [105]. However, disease neurosteroids PREG as σ-1 agonist, have two- ways regulation of NMDAR function. Yang found Recently, Tackenberg et al. holds that Aβ induc- σ-1 receptor activation by PREGS can suppress es Tau-dependent neurodegeneration and den- NMDAR response to resist neurocyte death dritic spine loss via pathway involving NR2B/ in Aβ25-35-mice [31] Whereas Chen et al. NR2A-containing NMDAR [96], considering suggested PREGS lead to NR2B tyrosine phos- NMDAR to be closely linked with the progres- phorylation and Ca2+ influx through NMDAR, sion of AD. Soon after this, Sha et al. proved which cascaded the ERK/CREB pathway crucial that NMDAR action is downregulated through for NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation reducing NR2B phosphorylation in σ-1 recep- (LTP) involving in synaptic plasticity [106]. tors knockout mice [97]. Therefore, it is project- Contrarily to the results above, a large number ed that the σ-1 receptors deficits in AD brain, by of evidences consider the σ-1 receptor to be an decreasing NR2B phosphorylation, can reduce accelerator for NMDAR response. It has been the Aβ-enhanced Ca2+ influx across NMDAR early demonstrated that σ-1 receptor can and prevent NMDAR-mediated neurotoxicity, reverse OBX (olfactory bulbectomy)-induced which is proved by Yin, J. lately. Yin, J. et al. pro- NMDA-impaired behaviors [107]. Moreover, σ vides, for the first time, in vivo evidence that σ-1 receptors facilitate pyramidal neurons in CA3 receptor deficiency can attenuate Aβ25-35- region of dorsal hippocampus to NMDA (excit- induced hippocampal neuronal death and spa- atory activation) [29] and potentiate NMDA- tial cognitive deficits. Either σ-1 receptor defi- dependent CA1 synapses [30], which is indis- ciency or the blockade of σ-1 receptor in this pensable for learning ability and spatial memory study can significantly reduce the Aβ25-35- storage. Nonsteroid hormones like progester- induced neuronal death. Paradoxically, there one and testosterone act as antagonists of σ-1 have been enormous reports describing the and, consequently, of NMDA-mediated respons- neuroprotection of σ-1 agonists in Aβ25-35/1- es [1]. Generally, σ-1 receptor exerts dual-direc- 42 mice [98-100]. Although PREGS had also tional regulation on NMDAR function. Never- been observed to amplify NMDA-induced exci- theless, the mechanism how σ-1 receptors act totoxicity in cultured hippocampal neurons on NMDAR-mediated responses has not yet [101], the discrepancy is hard to be reconciled. been explained. Martina supposed that σ-1 Exact timing of σ-1 receptors activation was modulates NMDAR synaptic transmission and raised to explain the contradictory effects. plasticity via blocking the small conductance Administration of σ-1 receptor antagonists Ca2+-activated K+ current (SK channels) in rat within 48 h post-Aβ25-35 can block the Aβ- hippocampus [108]. On the other hand, it is neurotoxicity through suppressing NMDAR. possibly attributed to the additional diversity of However, after 72 h of Aβ25-35-injection, neu- NMDAR responses arising from the complexity ronal injury can be mitigated by σ-1 activation of subunit composition and variations in local- through enhancing ERK/PI3K-Akt signaling ization. Synaptic NMDAR, with numbers of sub- cascade [31] or decreasing levels of oxidative units NR2A>NR2B [109], can activate the stress [102]. They also proposed that downreg- nuclear calcium signaling pathways to promote ulation of PKC and reorganization of lipid rafts the synaptic plasticity and improve the neural by σ-1 receptor deficiency can suppress NR2B excitatory. Instead, activation of extrasynaptic subunit-containing NMDAR [103]. NMDAR, with numbers of subunits NR2A

4814 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(4):4808-4820 Sigma-1 receptors in Alzheimer’s disease two totally different influences on AD: (a) facili- Tenth People’s Hospital, Tongji University, School of tation of cognition improvement through modu- Medicine, 301 Middle Yanchang Rd, Shanghai lating NMDAR-dependent learning and memo- 200072, China. Tel: 86-21-66302582; 86-21- ry; (b) aggravation of the Aβ-mediated neuro- 66301167; E-mail: [email protected] (XYL); zhao_ toxicity by NR2B subunit-containing NMDAR in [email protected] (YXZ) apoptosis or death pathway. Further studies are urgently needed to evaluate the exact pro- References cess of its dual effect on both AD and NMDAR [1] van Waarde A, Ramakrishnan NK, Rybczynska subtypes response. AA, Elsinga PH, Ishiwata K, Nijholt IM, Luiten Conclusion PG and Dierckx RA. The cholinergic system, sigma-1 receptors and cognition. Behav Brain Res 2011; 221: 543-554. An increasing studies show that σ receptor is [2] Jansen K, Faull R, Storey P and Leslie R. Loss implicated in cellular differentiation, neuropro- of sigma binding sites in the CA1 area of the tection, neuroplasticity and anti-amnesia of the anterior hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease brain, which suggests its potential prospects in correlates with CA1 pyramidal cell loss. Brain the treatment of cognitive deficits. But several Res 1993; 623: 299-302. questions regarding this receptor are still open. [3] Mishina M, Ohyama M, Ishii K, Kitamura S, There is no σ receptor ligands applied in current Kimura Y, Oda KI, Kawamura K, Sasaki T, Ko- clinic. Only a few σ-1 agonists have entered bayashi S, Katayama Y and Ishiwata K. Low phase II clinical trials of neurodegenerative dis- density of sigma (1) receptors in early Alzheim- er’s disease. Ann Nucl Med 2008; 22: 151- orders. Results of correlation studies between 156. AD and variation of σ receptor gene polymor- [4] Martin WR, Eades C, Thompson J, Huppler R phism are not yet unified. When it comes to the and Gilbert P. The effects of morphine-and na- NMDAR response, further studies are needed lorphine-like drugs in the nondependent and to evaluate whether σ receptors aggravate the morphine-dependent chronic spinal dog. J NMDAR-dependent neural apoptosis. What’s Pharmacol Exp Ther 1976; 197: 517-532. more, cause of lower density of σ-1 receptors in [5] Quirion R, Bowen WD, Itzhak Y, Junien JL, early phase of AD is still unknown. With little Musacchio J, Rothman RB, Tsung-Ping S, Tam knowledge of how Aβ acting on the σ receptors SW and Taylor DP. A proposal for the classifica- expression, the existing research on σ receptor tion of sigma binding sites. Trends Pharmacol Sci 1992; 13: 85-86. is limited to endogenous and exogenous [6] Gundlach AL, Largent BL and Snyder SH. Auto- ligands. Besides, specific endogenous ligands radiographic localization of have not been deeply studied. However, either binding sites in guinea pig and rat central ner- as individual or adjuvant agent, σ receptor vous system with (+) 3H-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)- ligand is bound to be beneficial for degenera- N-(1-propyl) piperidine. J Neurosci 1986; 6: tive disease of CNS, especially for AD-related 1757-1770. cognitive impairment, and may provide an alter- [7] Banister SD, Manoli M and Kassiou M. The de- native to AchEIs/memantine which is currently velopment of radiotracers for imaging sigma available. The mechanism of how Aβ acting on (sigma) receptors in the central nervous sys- tem (CNS) using positron emission tomogra- the σ receptors expression is becoming a new phy (PET). J Labelled Comp Radiopharm 2013; direction for pathogenesis of AD. 56: 215-224. [8] Hanner M, Moebius FF, Flandorfer A, Knaus Acknowledgements HG, Striessnig J, Kempner E and Glossmann H. Purification, molecular cloning, and expression This study was supported by grants from the of the mammalian sigma1-binding site. Proc National Natural Science Foundation of China Natl Acad Sci U S A 1996; 93: 8072-8077. (No. 81171163, No. 81371212). [9] Kekuda R, Prasad PD, Fei YJ, Leibach FH and Ganapathy V. Cloning and functional expres- Disclosure of conflict of interest sion of the human type 1 sigma receptor (hSig- maR1). Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1996; None. 229: 553-558. [10] Seth P, Leibach FH and Ganapathy V. Cloning Address correspondence to: Drs. Xue-Yuan Liu and and structural analysis of the cDNA and the Yan-Xin Zhao, Department of Neurology, Shanghai gene encoding the murine type 1 sigma recep-

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