We are great learners because of our politeness, hard work and honesty

Student Daily Update Thursday 21st May 2020

Culture and Enrichment - Music

Have a listen to this Radio 1 mixtape of great songs from great films: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000j2gb

Or this one which is 80’s classics: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000htvt

Or, if good taste has passed you by (the opinion of Mr Jackson) and kitsch is more your thing, how about this documentary on the songs of the Eurovision contest? https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b05vsm0d/eurovision-at-60

Here’s a great performance of the late playing ‘’ live with the fantastic Gail Ann Dorsey on bass and vocals. https://youtu.be/yTHUPvL9ghY

And, if you’re an ‘indie kid’, then let’s mark the 40th Anniversary of Ian Curtis’ passing with this astonishing performance of ‘Transmission’ by Manchester pioneers, Joy Division: https://youtu.be/6dBt3mJtgJc

Finally, something very, very different and probably a type of music you’ve never heard: A live version of ‘Haul Away’ by British ‘folk-punks’, Bellowhead. An 11-piece band and not an electric instrument in sight: https://youtu.be/8w5_sixY0TE

Home-schooling: First Aid Week 2

What could be more empowering than learning a new life-saving skill during lockdown? Building upon the two new First Aid skills that you hopefully learnt last week, here are this week's. Remember, these skills could help save a life!

This week, we want you to learn how to respond to someone who is bleeding heavily or someone who has broken a bone. The links below take you to the relevant sections: https://firstaidchampions.redcross.org.uk/secondary/first-aid-skills/bleeding- heavily/ https://firstaidchampions.redcross.org.uk/secondary/first-aid-skills/broken-bone/

Once you have worked through the material, you can test yourself using the following links:

Helping someone who is bleeding heavily: https://firstaidchampions.redcross.org.uk/secondary/secondary-quizzes/?topic=1222

Helping someone who has broken a bone: https://firstaidchampions.redcross.org.uk/secondary/secondary-quizzes/?topic=1225

This week is Droylsden Academy Mental Health Awareness week. Keep an eye on social media for your seven day kindness challenge! On Monday Mr Royle made his Mum a cup of tea, on Tuesday Ms Meadowcroft wrote a letter to a friend she’s missing and yesterday Mrs Pancholi donated clothes to a clothes bank.

Remember - submission of the key piece of work is compulsory

All teachers are continuing to set work for every lesson that a student has on their timetable and the expectation is that students in Years 7, 8 and 9 should submit a key piece of work, per subject, each fortnight. Students in Year 10 should be submitting one key piece of work, per subject, each week. Unless students have agreed with us the circumstances that make it very difficult for them to complete work to a high standard then the work teachers are setting in Phase 2 of our virtual school is compulsory.

Please let us know if you have any difficulties around IT and we will support you. If there are no difficulties then we say to students that now is a time to be mature and to be organised. We expect 100% engagement in our virtual school, no excuses. The majority of students are working very hard and are submitting work to their teachers and I would like to say to those students, well done and keep up your incredible efforts. It is lovely to see some of the examples of the high quality work that has been submitted on our social media feeds and in our weekly Newsflash.

Just for fun, which member of staff is this?

It was Mr Ali! Who is this?

Best wishes and be PH2. Don’t get left behind.

Your Droylsden Academy Family