(Approved by Govt. vide letter No. AHY-A(4)-1/2010-III-L dt. 10-09-2013)

Issued by:-




The Departmental Manual of Animal Husbandry Department gives a bird’s eye view of the Departmental Organization and its various activities. Human ingenuity invariably renders it difficult to make into law, provision for all conceivable eventualities. Fluidity of norms and lack of precision makes the lot of even the most diligent and conscientious public servant difficult. The public servant must be flexible so as to be effective. However, flexibility turns out to be a double edged weapon, and has often served as an excuse for abuse of authority. Strict adherence to the letter of the law on the other hand invites understandable criticism of rigidity and unresponsiveness.

In these circumstances, limits and safeguards have to be provided enabling implementation of policies and programmes with sufficient creativity but without too much scope for misjudgements doubts and suspicions. For effective and efficient working of Animal Husbandry Department, there is a need for a well defined job description, which fixes accountability and responsibility of the personnel. This fact has duly taken care of in a full chapter devoted entirely to this cause. This will help the work force to understand the responsibilities, which are entrusted to them. Various Acts and Rules pertaining to Animal Husbandry and Veterinary services have duly been incorporated.

I acknowledge the sincere and hard work of Dr. Uday Singh Rana and Dr. Rajeev Mehta, who were instrumental in putting forth the comparative details of old and this new manual with comments so as to justify the changes in corporate here in for making the same easily understandable for the authorities leading to its subsequent approval besides this, the arduous efforts put in overtime by them in computing and designing of this manual made it possible for the manual to be presented in its present shape and form. I also appreciate the sincere efforts put in by Dr. B. P. Malhotra & Dr. Ashwani Kumar Gupta, Ex- Directors’ alongwith present Director, Dr. B. S. Kaul in materializing the manual to be approved and published in the earliest possible time.

I am glad that the Department of Animal Husbandry has revised the Departmental Manual in keeping with the times. I hope it will be useful guide to all Officers/Officials of the Department making them effective in their day to day work.

DEEPAK SANAN (IAS) Addl. Chief Secretary (A.H.) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.


Livestock Sector plays an important role in the economy of Himachal Pradesh contributing about 6.7% in its GDP. Earlier, the Departmental Manual was prepared in the year 1989. During the last 23 years, major changes have taken place in the Organisational Set up, Policies, Programmes, Schemes and Projects being implemented in the department. Similarly, various Acts, Rules, Regulations pertaining to Animal Husbandry Sector have also undergone changes. As a result need was felt to thoroughly revise the Departmental Manual considering the present scenario.

All the obsolete and irrelevant material has been culled off and latest provisions have been incorporated. Due attention has been paid to the aspect of Duties and Responsibilities of various Officers/officials of the department. To promote e- Governance and bring efficiency and transparency in the functioning of its offices for the ultimate goal of Good-governance, a full chapter on this specific matter has been included. Thus this manual will serve as a compendium of all the departmental policies, activities, programmes, schemes, projects, etc.

I am highly appreciative of the sincere and hard work of Dr. K.D. Ryot, Dr. Shekher Massey, Dr. Uday Singh Rana and Dr. Rajeev Mehta, who were assigned the task of thoroughly revising and updating this Departmental Manual. The secretarial assistance provided by Sh. L.R. Kaushal, Sh. Ravinder Singh Rana and Sh. Vijay Kumar is duly acknowledged.

Though every effort has been taken to revise and update this Manual, yet some errors might have crept in inadvertently. Therefore, I request all the users of this Manual to bring such discrepancies into the notice of the authorities, so that corrective measures could be undertaken at the directorate level. I hope that this revised, updated Manual will prove highly useful and it will come to the expectations of its readers.

DR. B. S. KAUL Director, Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-5.


ORGANISATION AND ITS ACTIVITIES 1.1 At the State Headquarter Level 1.2 Joint Directors 1.3 At the District Level 1.4 Organizational set up in the field in each district 1.5 Specialized Activities


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF VARIOUS OFFICERS/OFFFICIALS 2.1 Director, Animal Husbandry 2.2 Joint Director, Animal Husbandry (Head Quarters) 2.3 Joint Director (S.L.B.P.) 2.4 Joint Director (Animal Husbandry), Palampur 2.5 Deputy Director (Animal Production), Hqrs. 2.6 Deputy Director (Epidemiology), Hqrs. 2.7 Deputy Director (Poultry Dev.), Hqrs. 2.8 Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) 2.9 Deputy Director (Dairy) 2.10 Agrostologist, Directorate of Animal Husbandry 2.11 Assistant Director (Cattle Production),Hqrs. 2.12 Assistant Director (Extension),Hqrs. 2.13 Assistant Director (Sheep & Wool),Hqrs. 2.14 Assistant Director (R.P.),Hqrs. 2.15 Assistant Director (Disease Investigation Laboratory) 2.16 Assistant Director (Extension)Posted at District Head Quarters 2.17 Assistant Director (Cattle Production), Palampur 2.18 Assistant Director (Sheep Development), Bharmour 2.19 Assistant Director (Animal Health/Breeding),Pangi at Killar 2.20 Assistant Director (Animal Health/Breeding), Spiti at Kaza 2.21 Assistant Director (Animal Production) 2.22 Assistant Director (Projects) 2.23 Assistant Director (Cattle Farm) 2.24 Assistant Director (Sheep Farm) 2.25 Assistant Director (Poultry Dev.) 2.26 Technical Officer (Sheep and Wool),Hqrs. 2.27 Veterinary Officer (Poultry),Hqrs. 2.28 Veterinary Officer (D.I.Lab.) 2.29 Veterinary Officer (Epid.),Hqrs. 2.30 Senior Veterinary Officer 2.31 Veterinary Officers posted in Veterinary Hospitals/Central Veterinary Dispensaries 2.32 Veterinary Officer (Specialist) Posted in Veterinary Polyclinic 2.33 Veterinary Officer posted in Semen Banks/ Sperm Stations 2.34 Veterinary Officers posted in Cattle Farm 2.35 Veterinary Officer posted in Poultry Farm/Hatcheries 2.36 Veterinary Officers posted in Sheep Farm 2.37 Junior Engineer 2.38 Chief Veterinary 2.39 Animal Husbandry Assistant 2.40 Veterinary Pharmacist posted in Veterinary Hospital 2.41 Veterinary Pharmacist working as Incharge, Veterinary Dispensaries 2.42 Veterinary Pharmacist posted in Semen Banks/Sperm Stations 2.43 Veterinary Pharmacist posted in Cattle Farm 2.44 Veterinary Pharmacist posted in Poultry Farm 2.45 Veterinary Pharmacist posted in Sheep Farm 2.46 Veterinary Pharmacist (Disease Investigation Lab.) 2.47 Laboratory Technician 2.48 Radiographer 2.49 Deputy Director (Statistics),Hqrs. 2.50 Statistical Officer 2.51 Technical Assistant (Statistics) 2.52 Statistical Assistant 2.53 Computer 2.54 Enumerator 2.55 Personal Staff 2.56 Superintendent Grade-I 2.57 Superintendent Grade-II 2.58 Assistant 2.59 Clerks/Junior Assistants 2.60 Assistant Controller (Finance & Accounts) 2.61 Section Officer (F&A) 2.62 Law Officer, Directorate of Animal Husbandry 2.63 Dairy Development Inspector. 2.64 Drivers 2.65 Tractor Driver 2.66 Technician Grade-I(Mechanical) 2.67 Technician Grade-I (Electrical) 2.68 Technician Grade-I (Carpenter) 2.69 Daftri 2.70 Gestetner Operator/Photostat Machine Operator 2.71 Peon 2.72 Animal Husbandry Attendant posted in Veterinary Hospitals/Dispensaries. 2.73 Chowkidar posted in offices 2.74 Animal Husbandry Attendant posted in Poultry Farms 2.75 Animal Husbandry Attendant posted in Sheep Farms 2.76 Chowkidar posted in Farm 2.77 Animal Husbandry Attendant posted in D.I. Lab 2.78 Animal Husbandry Attendant posted in Cattle Farm 2.79 Cleaner CHAPTER –3


3.1 Technical Wing 3.2 Statistical Wing 3.3 Ministerial Wing 3.4 Personal staff 3.5 Miscellaneous Wing 3.6 Class-IV Employees Wing 3.7 Legal Wing 3.8 Accounts Wing 3.9 Office Hours 3.10 Attendance 3.11 Veterinary Hospital/Dispensary Hours 3.12 Attendance Register 3.13 Un-authorised Absence 3.14 Medical Certificate 3.15 Public Holidays 3.16 Disposal of work 3.17 Attitude towards general public 3.18 Buildings 3.19 Restriction on keeping private animals in Farms 3.20 Restriction on keeping private animals in Hospitals/Dispensaries 3.21 House rent charges of the Accommodations in the field 3.22 Hospital receipts 3.23 Farm Receipts 3.24 Evaluation Committee for fixation of rates of Livestock and Animal husbandry Products 3.25 Miscellaneous




GOOD GOVERNANCE 5.1 Citizen’s Charter 5.2 Visiting fee 5.3 Vaccination cost 5.4 For Grievance Redressal at various levels maximum time limit 5.5 Personal Management Information System (PMIS) 5.6 e- Samadhan 5.7 AGiSAC 5.8 NADRS 5.9 SSDG 5.10 Result Framework Document (RFD) 5.11 Sevottam 5.12 Right to Information Act, 2005 5.13 Himachal Pradesh Public Services Guarantee Act, 2011


POULTRY DEVELOPMENT 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Aims and Objectives 6.3 Various Poultry Institutions in the State 6.4 Recommended efficiency practices at Hatcheries 6.5 Vaccina1tion/Debeaking/Deworming schedule to be followed at the Government Poultry Farms 6.6 Various norms CHAPTER-7 CATTLE DEVELOPMENT 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Breeding Policy for Cattle/Buffaloes 7.3 Artificial Insemination Programme 7.4 Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT) 7.5 Natural Breeding Programme 7.6 Selection of Breeding Animals 7.7 Feeding of Animals 7.8 Care of Bulls 7.9 Purchase of livestock 7.10 Transfer of Livestock 7.11 Disposal of useless/substandard animals 7.12 Guidelines regarding animals to be culled 7.13 Disposal of Injured/Sick animals 7.14 Death of Animals 7.15 Maintenance of records of livestock 7.16 Improvement of Buffaloes 7.17 Cattle Fair and Cattle show 7.18 Calf Rallies CHAPTER-8 SHEEP AND WOOL DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Cross Breeding in Sheep 8.3 Breeding Policy for Sheep in H.P. 8.4 Present Infrastructure 8.5 Wool Analysis Laboratories 8.6 Sheep Breeding 8.7 Lambing 8.8 Lamb rearing 8.9 Feeding of various categories of sheep 8.10 Shearing 8.11 Health Coverage 8.12 Culling 8.13 Sale of Livestock 8.14 Transfer of Livestock 8.15 Disposal of wool 8.16 Angora Rabbit Breeding for Angora Wool. 8.17 Mortality percentage in sheep

CHAPTER-9 THREATENED LIVESTOCK BREEDS 9.1 Yaks 9.2 Chamurthi/Spiti Horse 9.3 Chegu Goats



10.1 Introduction 10.2 Handling Disease Outbreaks 10.3 Euthanasia



 The Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Act, 2009  The Himachal Pradesh Livestock & Birds Disease Act- 1968 and the Rules  The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and the Rules  The Himachal Pradesh Livestock Improvement Act, 1968  The Himachal Pradesh Livestock Improvement Rules, 1969  The Himachal Pradesh Public Services Guarantee Act, 2011  The Himachal Pradesh Prohibition of Cow Slaughter Act, 1979  The Himachal Pradesh Prohibition of Cow Slaughter Rules, 1980  The Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984  The Himachal Pradesh State Veterinary Council (General) Rules, 1992  The Himachal Pradesh Para- Veterinary Council Act, 2010  Guidelines regarding appointment of Panchayat Veterinary Sahayaks under Chief Minister Arogya PashudhanYojna


Proformas for submitting various reports under e-Governance scheme


Format for various registers maintained in various institutions of the department


Regarding ration/feeding schedule for various species of livestock and Poultry



1.1 At the State Headquarter Level:-

(i) The Department of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh has its highest seat at state headquarter in Shimla. It is headed by Director, Animal Husbandry. The Office where he sits is called Directorate. Directorate is an essential link between the Secretariat and the District Offices, as it has a role of devising ways and means for implementing Government policies/programmes through the field offices.

(ii) The administration of the department is vested in the Director, Animal Husbandry who is also the professional head of the Department and is responsible for its efficient working.

(iii) At the Directorate level he is assisted by Joint Director (Headquarter) and Joint Director (Special Livestock Breeding Programme). He has technical assistance back up team comprising of Deputy Director (Animal Production), Deputy Director (Poultry), Deputy Director (Epidemiology), Deputy Director (Dairy), Agrostologist, Assistant Director (Sheep & Wool), Assistant Director (Rinderpest), Assistant Director (Cattle Production), Assistant Director (Extension), Assistant Director (Disease Investigation Lab), Technical Officer, Veterinary Officer (Poultry), Veterinary Officer (Disease Investigation), Veterinary Officer (D.I. Lab). To enhance the skill and knowledge of staff of the department, one officer is nominated as Training Manager. Detailed account of this training activity is mentioned separately as per the H.P. State training Policy, 2009 in the training manual of the department. Keeping pace with the present times and the importance of the Information Technology and now Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services which are more interactive in nature plays an important role in efficient use of available resources to maximize output both for the benefit of the administrators and the farmers. These activities are described in detail under Chapter 5. One nodal officer is also nominated for effective running/monitoring and streamlining the e- services at the Directorate level besides one each in the District level.

(iv) For assistance in financial matters at the Directorate level, Director Animal Husbandry has Assistant Controller (Finance & Accounts) and one Section Officer (Finance & Accounts) who are borne on the cadre of the Finance Department.

(v) To keep a record of virtually everything being undertaken by the department, there is also a statistical cell in the Directorate headed by Deputy Director Statistics.

(vi) For legal matters the Director Animal Husbandry is assisted at the Directorate level by a Law Officer.

(vii) Personal Staff and ministerial staff is also posted to aid and assist the administration in the day to day disposal of work.

1.2 Joint Directors - There are three Joint Directors for better administrative control. They are:-

(i) Joint Director (Headquarters) posted at Shimla who deals with establishment matters at the directorate level. He is also Member Secretary of State Animal Welfare Board and Ex- officio Vigilance Officer of the Department. (ii) Joint Director, (S.L.B.P.), Shimla apart from his other duties at Directorate level also looks after the administration of six districts namely Shimla, Kinnaur, Solan, Sirmour, Bilaspur, and Una & Spiti Division of Lahaul & Spiti.

(iii) Joint Director (Animal Husbandry), Palampur looks after the administration of six districts namely: Kangra, Hamirpur, Chamba, Mandi, Kullu and Lahaul division of Lahaul & Spiti.

1.3 At the District Level:-

(i) Each district is headed by the Deputy Director (Animal Health and Breeding) except for:-

(a) Spiti Division of District Lahaul & Spiti which is headed by Assistant Director (Animal Husbandry) stationed at Kaza. Pangi Division of Chamba District which is headed by Assistant Director (Animal Husbandry) Pangi stationed at Killar.

(b) Tribal area of Bharmour of District Chamba which is headed by Assistant Director (Sheep Development) stationed at Bharmour.

(c) Palampur, Jaisinghpur & Baijnath Sub Divisions of District Kangra which are headed by Assistant Director (Cattle Production) stationed at Palampur.

(ii) The officers mentioned at (a), (b) and (c) above perform the same administrative functions as Deputy Directors (AH/B) do in the remaining districts. This arrangement has been done to ease the administration.

(iii) At the district headquarters the Deputy Director (Animal Health /Breeding) is further assisted in the administration by Assistant Director (Extension) except in District Lahaul & Spiti and also by Assistant Director (Projects) except in District Lahaul & Spiti and Kinnaur.

(iv) There is also ministerial staff posted to aid and assist the district administration of the department.

1.4 Organizational set up in the field in each district:- (i) There is a network of Veterinary Institutions to cater to the needs of the farmer /animal breeder for whom actually the department exists. (ii) At the Sub Divisional Level, Sub Divisional Veterinary Hospitals exist which are headed by Senior Veterinary Officers.

(iii) In District Shimla, the Sub- Divisional Veterinary Hospital, Shimla has got a status of State Veterinary Hospital.

(iv) At Block / Tehsil / Panchayat level there are Veterinary Hospitals headed by Veterinary Officers.

(v) There are also Central Veterinary Dispensaries which perform the function of the veterinary hospitals and are headed by Veterinary Officers.

(vi) Also present at the Panchayat/ Village level are Veterinary Dispensaries:-

(a) Regular Veterinary Dispensaries manned by Veterinary .

(b) Veterinary Dispensaries opened under Mukhya Mantri Arogya Pashudhan Yojna. In those Panchayats where regular Veterinary institution does not exist Veterinary institutions have been/are being opened with the name of Mukhya Mantri Arogya Pashudhan Yojna Sansthan which are manned by Panchayat Veterinary Assistant. These Panchayat Veterinary Assistant will be providing first aid to the animals in their Panchayats. The progressive reports of the work performed by them are to be submitted to the Department for incorporating the same in its reports to various quarters. The Department provides technical guidance to these Panchayat Veterinary Assistants while their administrative control rests with the respective Panchayats who also pay salary to them.

(vii) To give specialized veterinary services there are established Veterinary Polyclinics which have got Specialists in the field of , , Veterinary Gynaecology & obstetrics and . They directly give the specialized services and also give referral services.

(viii) The Veterinary staff is duly supported by the Para Veterinary staff as:-

(a) At Sub Divisional Veterinary Hospitals, Veterinary Officers are assisted by Chief Veterinary Pharmacists apart from Veterinary Pharmacists.

(b) At Hospitals depending upon the availability of posts the Veterinary Officer is assisted by Animal Husbandry Assistant and Veterinary Pharmacist.

(c) At Central Veterinary Dispensaries, Veterinary Officer is assisted by Veterinary Pharmacist.

(d) Regular Veterinary Dispensaries are exclusively manned by Veterinary Pharmacists while Mukhya Mantri Arogya Pashudhan Yojna Sansthan is manned by Panchayat Veterinary Assistant.

(e) At State Veterinary Hospital, Shimla there is also provision of Radiographer & Laboratory Technician.

(ix) All through this technical set up the Senior Veterinary Officers/Veterinary Officers/Para Veterinary Staff are assisted by Class-IV staff (Animal Husbandry Attendants).Except in Mukhya Mantri Arogya Pashudhan Yojna Sansthan.

(x) Various administrative offices also have the posts of (i) Drivers (ii) Electricians (iii) Peons (iv) Gestetner operator.

1.5 Specialized Activities:-

(i) For epidemiological studies in the state there is a Deputy Director (Epidemiology) at the Directorate level.

(ii) For disease Investigation work in the state there are two Assistant Directors (Disease Investigation Lab) heading Disease Investigation Laboratories situated at Shimla and Mandi.

(iii) National Project on Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB).

Its objective is:-  To genetically improve low yielding non descript and crossbred Cattle stock with exotic and crossbred germplasm while Buffalo stock with purebred germplasm through Artificially Insemination and natural breeding programmes.  To bring all breedable cow and buffalo population under organized A.I. system in phased manner.  To strengthen the infrastructure of existing Sperm Station and Semen Banks which are headed by Assistant Directors so as to make available quality breeding bulls for production of high quality, genetically superior semen straws. At the State Head Quarter, the Deputy Director (A.P.) and Assistant Director (C.P.) are responsible for monitoring the provision of A.I. facilities and ensuring successful implementation of breeding programme. To achieve these objectives, there are three Cattle Farms situated at Kothipura (District Bilaspur), Palampur (District Kangra) manned by Assistant Director (Farm) & Bagthan (District Sirmour) manned by Veterinary Officer. All these farms keep high performing cattle and produce high performing calves to be used later for collecting semen in sperm station. For production of Semen Straws there are two state of the art Sperm Stations- one located at Aduwal in District Solan for producing buffalo bull semen straws exclusively and one at Palampur in District Kangra for producing cow bull semen straws. Both are headed by Assistant Director (Animal Production). (iv) Sheep & Wool Development:- To carry out the breeding policy of Sheep of the state to cross ewes of Indigenous Gaddi or Rampur Bushahari breeds with pure bred exotic rams of Rambouillet or Merino breed in an endeavor to maintain exotic and indigenous inheritance at 75:25 levels so as to enhance the quantity as well as quality of wool. With this aim, the department is running four Sheep Breeding Farms located at Kaksthal (Kinnaur), Jeori (Shimla), Tal (Hamirpur) & Sarol (Chamba). Rams of exotic breeds namely Russian Merino & Rambouillet breed are sold at nominal rates from these farms to interested sheep breeders to carry out cross breeding of indigenous sheep with these exotic breeds. Besides this there is one Ram Centre, at Nagwain (District Mandi) which provides Rams to Sheep Breeders during breeding season free of cost and at the end of breeding season these rams are brought back to Ram Centre, so that the farmers are saved from bearing the cost of maintaining these rams.

(v) Feed & Fodder Development:- There is an Agrostologist posted in the Directorate to look after quality feed & fodder development. (vi) Dairy Development: - There is one Deputy Director (Dairy) posted in the Directorate who monitors the milk scheme works in the state and gets the areas surveyed for potentiality of establishing milk scheme in the State. (viii) Poultry Development:-

At the State headquarter, supervised by Deputy Director (Poultry), this work is carried out in the field through a network of two Poultry Farms/ Hatcheries situated at Nahan (District Sirmour) & Sunder Nagar (District Mandi) which are headed by Assistant Director (Poultry) and nine poultry farms/ poultry extension centers situated at Jalgran (District Una), Kamlahi (District Shimla), Chauntra (District Mandi), Bhawarna (District Kangra), Palampur (District Kangra), Reckong Peo (District Kinnaur), Sarol (District Chamba), Solan (District Solan) and Paonta Sahib (District Sirmour). (ix) National Programme on Rinderpest Eradication (NPRE) is monitored in the state by Assistant Director (Rinderpest) who is posted in the Directorate.

(x) To give boost to extension activities in the state through various Deputy Directors (AH/B) and Assistant Directors (Extension) in the Districts, there is one Assistant Director (Extension) posted in the headquarter for the same.

(xi) As per guidelines and funds received from Government of India various Centrally Sponsored Schemes are also implemented from time to time.



2.1 Director, Animal Husbandry:-

(i) Director, Animal Husbandry, being administrative and professional head of the Animal Husbandry Department in the State is responsible for the efficient working of his Department. He shall exercise all administrative and financial powers as adjoined upon the heads of the department in the Himachal Pradesh Government.

(ii) He is responsible for execution and implementation of policies, programmes, plans, acts, rules etc laid down by the Government.

(iii) He shall act as Chief Technical Advisor to the State Government on all matters relating to Animal Husbandry and allied matters.

(iv) He shall control all Animal Husbandry affairs and allied activities in the State, for which any special instructions considered necessary for administrative and professional reason, shall be issued by him from time to time to his subordinate staff.

(v) He shall submit to the Government budget and appropriation proposals in consolidated form for the whole department for consideration and approval.

(vi) He shall act as Member Secretary of The Himachal Pradesh Livestock & Poultry Development Board.

(vii) He shall be one of the Members of State Animal Welfare Board of Himachal Pradesh.

(viii) All the reports and returns to the Government, monthly, quarterly, yearly, as required by the Government from time to time, in respect of the department shall be submitted by him or under his authority by any officer to whom he shall delegate the powers on his behalf.

(ix) Any major policy matter relating to the professional activities for example, breeding, import of animals, control of various diseases, expansion of professional work under health cover, carrying out operations at the farms etc. shall be under taken by him in consultation with two other senior officers of the Department who are specialists in their subjects.

(x) He shall exercise all the powers delegated to him by the State Government from time to time and shall be directly answerable to the Government.

2.2 Joint Director, Animal Husbandry (Head Quarters):-

(i) He will assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in the performance of his duties and responsibilities.

(ii) He will be responsible for getting finalized all the establishment matters.

(iii) He will act as Member Secretary, State Animal Welfare Board of Himachal Pradesh.

(iv) He will inspect the institutions under his control as and when required and after inspecting the institutions will record inspection notes. (v) He will act as ex-officio Vigilance Officer of the department.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the Head of Department.

2.3 Joint Director (S.L.B.P.):-

(i) The Joint Director (SLBP) shall assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in the performance of his duties and responsibilities.

(ii) He is one of the departmental members of Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Poultry Development Board and as such will assist the Member Secretary Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Poultry Development Board in performance of day to day functioning of the Board.

(iii) He is also controlling Officers of six Districts namely District Kinnaur, Shimla, Solan, Sirmour, Bilaspur, Una and Spiti Valley of Lahaul & Spiti District. He will also exercise all the administrative and financial powers attached to his post in the capacity of being controlling officer.

(iv) He will inspect at least 10% of the total institutions falling in his jurisdiction once in a year. He will also ensure that instructions/guidelines given by him during the course of his inspection are complied by the concerned staff.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the Head of Department.

2.4 Joint Director (Animal Husbandry), Palampur:-

(i) The Joint Director, Animal Husbandry (Palampur) shall assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in the performance of his duties and responsibilities.

(ii) He has been delegated with the powers of Head of office and DDO in respect of his own office as well as Poultry Farm Palampur, Cattle Farm Palampur, Assistant Director (A.P.), Palampur. He is also Controlling Officer of six Districts namely District Kangra, Mandi, Kullu, Lahaul & Spiti (except Spiti Valley), Hamirpur and Chamba. He will also exercise all the administrative and financial powers attached to his post in the capacity of being controlling officer.

(iii) He will inspect at least 10% of the total Institutions falling in his jurisdiction once in a year. He will also ensure that instructions/guidelines given by him during the course of his inspection are complied by the concerned staff.

(iv) Any other duty assigned by the Head of Department.

2.5 Deputy Director (Animal Production), Hqrs.:-

(i) To act as nodal officer for implementation of Frozen semen technology in the state and work as liaison officer between Govt. of India and state department of Animal Husbandry for the same.

(ii) To help in the procurement of equipment and appliances required for frozen semen banks and processing laboratories (iii) To help in the procurement of liquid nitrogen containers and other equipment for insemination centers.

(iv) To supervise distribution of liquid nitrogen and semen straws to various field insemination centers.

(v) To help the authorities in procurement of bulls for semen processing laboratories.

(vi) He will inspect the Sperm Station Palampur/Adhowal (Solan) twice in a year.

(vii) To assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in respect of cattle improvement Programmes in the Pradesh.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.6 Deputy Director (Epidemiology), Hqrs.:-

(i) He will be responsible for Epidemiological Studies of all the notified diseases of Livestock/Poultry.

(ii) He will study geographical, seasonal and regional distribution of different strains of Foot and Mouth Disease.

(iii) He will carry out systematic epidemiological studies of F.M.D. outbreaks, and serotyping of outbreak.

(iv) He will also look after the animal disease surveillance work in the State.

(v) He will also monitor the sero-surveillance of Bird Flu (Avian Influenza).

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.7 Deputy Director (Poultry Dev.), Hqrs.:-

(i) He will act as a nodal officer for various Poultry Development Projects in the State.

(ii) He will draw annual action plan for the development of Poultry activities in the State.

(iii) He will ensure efficient running of various poultry schemes operational in the state from time to time by monitoring them through inspections and progressive returns.

(iv) He will inspect all poultry farms, hatcheries and extension centers twice in a year to ensure their efficient functioning.

(v) He will inspect the units of poultry birds given in each district once in a year.

(vi) He will render technical guidance to the staff working in various poultry institutions.

(vii) He will ensure efficient and proper utilization of revolving funds through A.D’s/VO’s posted in various poultry institutions.

(viii) He will ensure informing Govt. of India about the periodical progress of various poultry projects being financed by Central Government.

(ix) He will act as PIO at the Directorate level.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.8 Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding):-

(i) The Deputy Directors of the respective Districts will be the nodal officers who will be accountable for the entire departmental activities in their jurisdiction.

(ii) He will inspect either himself or through Assistant Directors (Extension or Projects) all the institutions in his jurisdiction once a year in such a way that at the end of the year there should not be left any institution without conducting inspection.

(iii) They shall also be required to pay surprise visits occasionally, in addition to annual inspections so as to keep the staff alert and vigilant. During surprise visits, professional guidance and any other important instructions relating to the particular institutions be given.

(iv) They shall be required to attend all the District level meetings held in the respective Districts/ jurisdictions where their presence is needed.

(v) All the supply of medicines, instruments and other such appliances to the institutions, under their control shall be made by them as per procedure prescribed by the Director, Animal Husbandry/Government.

(vi) For regulating the supply of medicines/instruments and other appliances, the concerned officers shall call for the indent from the Veterinary Officers who in turn will make a consolidated indent of all the institutions under their control.

(vii) They shall be authorized to transfer any surplus items from any institutions to any other institutions in their District or to the Central pool stock.

(viii) They shall also entertain any supplementary indent from any institution in addition to the annual indent, keeping in view any emergency or other related situation.

(ix) They shall ensure timely adoption of appropriate disease control measures within their jurisdiction and shall ensure supply of vaccine/medicines/sera for undertaking prophylactic measures.

(x) On receipt of the report of outbreak of contagious disease from the Veterinary Officers they will ensure immediate supply of vaccine for the specific disease in case the same is not available with the respective Veterinary Officers/ Incharge of the institutions.

(xi) Subject to the provisions laid down in the rules prevailing, they will ensure that all obsolete items and unserviceable items, lying in particular institutions are written off. All such cases of writing off items exceeding the powers vested in them shall be sent to the next higher authority who will further ensure the passing of orders within a period of thirty days from the receipt of the same.

(xii) They shall organize Exhibitions, Kisan Melas, Cattle and Poultry Shows with a view to popularize the programmes of the Department and shall also be guiding and supervising the extension work.

(xiii) They shall be responsible for keeping a check that all the returns/information’s are dispatched to superior officers by the prescribed due dates.

(xiv) They will be responsible for monitoring the achievements made in the physical and financial targets of the schemes for which they have been declared controlling officers by the competent authority and shall make appropriate evaluation and recommend remedial measures for any shortcomings. They will report to their controlling officer in case of any difficulty is encountered during the course of implementation of the scheme.

(xv) They shall select suitable site for establishment of new departmental institutions.

(xvi) If the institution is not located in govt. building, they will make all possible efforts to transfer the land in the name of department.

(xvii) They will ear mark area of jurisdiction for each Hospital/Central Veterinary Dispensary/ Dispensary.

(xviii) In case they are given any additional charge of any other post, they shall be vested with all the powers as per rules prevailing and shall also be entitled to the privileges, provided therein.

(xix) At the time of inspection, they shall attend to the following points:- a. Aptitude of the Staff towards the job assigned. b. Progress of the work should be reviewed in comparison with the previous year with special reference to:- i) No. of cases treated at the Hospital and on tour. ii) Vaccination performed iii) A.I. work iv) Feed and fodder development v) Scheduled caste component vi) Follow up work. c. Maintenance of records/stores/stock cash etc. on proper lines.

(xx) They shall make provision of Rams and Ewes to the sheep breeders as per sheep breeding policy of Govt.

(xxi) They shall arrange for poultry training to selected beneficiaries and provide any kind of assistance as per the Schemes in vogue.

(xxii) They shall see that the SC/ST/Women get the benefits as per the government policy.

(xxiii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.9 Deputy Director (Dairy):-

(i) To monitor the milk schemes work in the State.

(ii) To co-ordinate the activities of Himachal Pradesh Milk Fed with departmental schemes. (iii) To assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in assessing the requirement of financial assistance to Himachal Pradesh Milk Fed.

(iv) Any other duties concerning Dairy Development in Himachal Pradesh as may be assigned by the Director Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh. (v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.10 Agrostologist, Directorate of Animal Husbandry:-

(i) He will assist the Director at the headquarter in:-

(a) Formulation of schemes and policies regarding feed and fodder developments lime Department.

(b) Monitoring of feed and fodder development schemes of the Department.

(c) Coordinating feed and fodder development activities with other departments like Forests, Agriculture and Horticulture etc.

(ii) Agrostologist will be responsible for implementation of feed and fodder development program of the Department through the Deputy Director (AH/B)/Assistant Director (Farms).

(iii) Supervision/inspection of the working of fodder seed multiplication farm, fodder development activities at other livestock farms, demonstration plots in the farms fields.

(iv) He will render necessary technical knowledge regarding fodder development to the various agencies as and when needed.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.11 Assistant Director (Cattle Production), Hqrs.:-

(i) He will be responsible for coordinating capital and minor works at State Head quarter and monitor the progress reports of capital works being undertaken in the different districts.

(ii) He will be responsible for technical scrutiny of write off cases received from different institutions of the State for declaring articles of stock/stores unserviceable at State headquarter by competent authority for disposal by way of public auction or otherwise.

(iii) He will be responsible for technical scrutiny of postmortem reports/ treatment charts of Government Livestock being maintained at various Govt. Farms for according write off sanction by competent authority.

(iv) He will be responsible for scrutiny of the proposals for requirements/ supply of sperm stations/semen banks.

(v) He will be responsible for monitoring/ scrutiny of the proposals for creation of A.I. facilities at Veterinary Institutions.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.12 Assistant Director (Extension), Hqrs.:-

(i) The Assistant Director (Extension) shall assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in the performance of duties and responsibilities in respect of extension activities of the Department.

(ii) He is Nodal Officer NABARD Projects.

(iii) He will act as APIO in respect of Directorate under RTI Act, 2005.

(iv) He is member of Doordarshan Agriculture program coordination committee.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.13 Assistant Director (Sheep & Wool), Hqrs.:-

(i) To assist the Director, Animal Husbandry regarding working of Sheep Breeding Farms/Ram Centre engaged in the production/distribution of rams respectively for upgrading the indigenous sheep flocks.

(ii) To assist the Director (AH) to administer working of Rabbit Breeding Farms, Horse Breeding Farm and Yak Breeding Farm.

(iii) To assist Director (AH) in maintaining liaison between department and H.P. Wool Federation to monitor implementation of Sheep and Wool Development Projects.

(iv) To assist the Director, Animal Husbandry in the activities for the production of Sheep and Rabbit Wool in the State.

(v) To assist Director, Animal Husbandry in maintaining liaison with Forest Department for implementation of programmes related to wild life.

(vi) To assist Director (AH) in monitoring Animal Birth Control Programme for stray dogs.

(vii) To act as nodal officer for taking initiative for implementing the welfare measures for Persons with Disability.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.14 Assistant Director (R.P.), Hqrs.:-

(i) To monitor National Programme on Rinderpest Eradication (NPRE) in the State.

(ii) To inspect veterinary check posts once in a year regarding there functioning.

(iii) In the event of outbreak of Rinderpest disease in any area of the Pradesh adjoining State under, as the Rinderpest Officer will formulate suitable control measures so that the disease could control in minimum possible time.

(iv) He will also adopt measures to check further spread of the disease.

(v) To act as nodal officer for monitoring and containment of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (B.S.E.) in the State. (vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.15 Assistant Director (Disease Investigation Laboratory):-

(i) On receipt of any information of any disease prevailing in his jurisdiction for which proper diagnosis cannot be made by the field staff for farm, he will immediately proceed on tour using quickest means of communication and shall get the approval subsequently from the competent authority for such tour. (ii) He will carry with him necessary chemicals, stains, preservatives, glass wares and if need be other equipment for collection of material.

(iii) He will render spot advice for carrying out necessary preventive measures.

(iv) After completion of the investigational work, he will send the report to the local officer under intimation to the concerned Deputy Director.

(v) While at the headquarter, when the specimens are received, he will see that all such specimens are entered in the specimen register and each specimen assigned the annual number. All the specimens received by him shall be acknowledged.

(vi) He will verify the stock and store at least once a year.

(vii) He will see that all reports and returns are sent to the concerned quarters in time.

(viii) It will be his responsibility to maintain up to date library for consultation and references.

(ix) It will be his responsibility to see that all equipment and appliances are in good working condition.

(x) He will draw out the routine testing program of the animals of the Government farms.

(xi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.16 Assistant Director (Extension) Posted at District Head Quarters:-

(i) To assist Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) of the district in the discharge of various technical and developmental activities of the department.

(ii) Being declared as estate officer, he will take care of the maintenance of the Government Buildings (renovation, estimate preparation etc.).

(iii) He is the Authorized Officer on behalf of the department to defend the revenue cases pending in the various courts of district/state.

(iv) He will do the necessary verification of obsolete items and unserviceable articles, lying in Sub-divisional Veterinary Hospitals/Polyclinics in the district for writing off the same from the competent authority.

(v) Organization of 2 sterility camps in a month and training of the farmers on management practices.

(vi) Surprise visit of veterinary institutions at least 5 days in a month. For this purpose Deputy Director (A.H./B) will provide the vehicle depending upon the availability.

(vii) Urea enrichment treatment to be demonstrated in at least ten Veterinary Hospitals in a year and the facts on milk production to be verified (whether there is an increase/decrease in milk production).

(viii) N.P.R.E. work:-

(a) Day Book Inspection (O.P.D.) for Pyrexia, Stomatitis, Faecal Samples.

(b) Village search to be motivated in the field - whether they are sending the reports or not as 100% revenue villages are to be covered for stomatitis and village search programme.

(ix) He will act as Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the office of Deputy Director (AH/B).

(x) All files of the office of Deputy Director (AH/B) will be routed through him.

(xi) The control of organizing the health camps in the district will also rest with him in those districts where there is no post of Assistant Director(Projects).

(xii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.17 Assistant Director (Cattle Production), Palampur:-

(i) He will perform all the duties of Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) in three Subdivisions of District Kangra namely Palampur, Baijnath and Jaisinghpur.

(ii) In addition he will also perform the duties which Assistant Director (Extension) performs in the district.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.18 Assistant Director (Sheep Development), Bharmour:-

(i) He will perform all the duties of Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) in Bharmour Division of Chamba in addition to implementing Sheep Development activities in that area.

(ii) In addition he will also perform the duties which Assistant Director (Extension) performs in the district.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.19 Assistant Director (Animal Health/ Breeding), Pangi At Killar:-

(i) He will perform all the duties of Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) in Pangi.

(ii) In addition he will also perform the duties which Assistant Director (Extension) performs in the district.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.20 Assistant Director (Animal Health/Breeding), Spiti At Kaza:-

(i) He will perform all the duties of Deputy Director, (Animal Health/Breeding) in Spiti Division of Lahaul & Spiti.

(ii) In addition he will also perform the duties, which Assistant Director (Extension) performs in the district.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.21 Assistant Director (Animal Production):-

(i) He will supervise processing/procurement of quality semen straws in the Sperm Stations/Semen Banks. (ii) He will be responsible for smooth and efficient functioning of Liquid Nitrogen Plants.

(iii) He will supervise and arrange for timely supply of semen straws and Liquid Nitrogen to field institutions.

(iv) He will arrange for maintaining adequate supply of equipments/ instruments related to A.I. to the field institutions.

(v) Any other duty assigned by higher authorities.

2.22 Assistant Director (Projects):-

(i) He will assist the Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) of the district in which he is posted regarding the effective implementation of various Projects/ Schemes/ Programmes pertaining to Animal Husbandry sector. (ii) He will evolve a strategy to understand the problems of the livestock owners and then prepare consolidated information/proposal for the district as per the felt needs of the people and submit the same to higher authorities for consideration and approval. (iii) He will assist the Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) in looking after the working of Gosadans situated in the district and will visit each Gosadan once a month. If there is any deficiency/problem in its working he will bring it to the notice of the Deputy Director (AH/B) and get it rectified/solved.

(iv) He will be responsible for the effective implementation of Cattle Herd Registration scheme (C.H.R.S.).

(v) He will provide regular feedback of success stories and problems faced by the livestock breeders to the Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) and make all efforts to document them.

(vi) He will plan and organize Animal Health camps as well as Animal Awareness campaigns.

(vii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.23 Assistant Director (Cattle Farms):-

(i) He shall be responsible for general management of the Farms. It will be his duty to see that the farm land is absolutely protected and no encroachments take place.

(ii) It shall be entirely his discretion to make as many sections as required in the farm and draw out a separate name for such section and its staff.

(iii) He shall draw up the breeding plan in accordance with the official breeding policy. He will ensure that the cows are regularly bred in time and will take steps for the treatment of repeat breeders and anoestrus animals for which he shall demand specialised services from their respective Deputy Director(AH/B)/Controlling Officer.

(iv) He shall make out a list of animals to be culled every year and communicate the same to his higher ups. He shall make arrangements to cull the animals as early as possible on the basis of performance records or other reasons to be specified in writing. The culling committee shall he headed by the Joint Director/representative of Director, Animal Husbandry.

(v) He will plan fodder cultivation operations for the year in the month of March, every year and shall accordingly work out the requirement of seeds, fertilizers and labour for obtaining sanction of the competent authority for the purpose, which shall accordingly be accorded by the competent authority well in advance.

(vi) It will be his duty to ensure that the land is managed efficiently and the produce of the farm is fully utilized for maintenance of Government Livestock.

(vii) Although provision for green fodder for livestock is very much desirable, throughout the year, but where the agro-climatic conditions do not permit raising of green fodder throughout the year, he shall make arrangements for conserving green fodder in the form of silage, during flush season and shall ensure that at least 5 kgs. of silage is made available to milking animals every day during the period when green fodder is not available.

(viii) He will work out the requirement of hay and concentrates in the month of March every year and shall submit the same for obtaining necessary sanction for its cutting, collection or purchase, which will be accorded to him by the competent authority. The collection of hay shall be undertaken right from the month of September and shall be completed within a reasonable period and properly stacked, so that the hay collected does not deteriorate quality-wise.

(ix) He will work out the requirement of casual labour in the month of March for the following financial year and the competent authority shall give the approval for the same.

(x) He shall supervise and attend to the treatment of animals in the farm. He shall also physically take a round of fodder/grain store section at least once in a week. He shall do physical verification of feedstock at least twice a year.

(xi) In case of any serious disease/illness in the livestock for which he requires specialist opinion, he will inform the Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry, who will make immediate arrangement to have a specialist visit the farm to tackle that problem.

(xii) He will be responsible for ensuring conduct of postmortem examination of the animals which die in the farm and will submit the report to the higher authorities who will in turn write off the animals as per the powers vested in them by the State Government within a reasonable period.

(xiii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.24 Assistant Director (Sheep Farm):-

(i) He will be the technical and administrative head of the farm.

(ii) He will draw up annual action plan in the beginning of the year

(iii) He will breed the stock according to the official breeding policy.

(iv) He shall make out a list of animals to be culled every year and communicate the same to his higher ups. He shall make arrangements to cull the animals as early as possible on the basis of performance records or other reasons to be specified in writing. The culling committee shall he headed by the Joint Director/representative of Director, Animal Husbandry.

(v) Culled animals shall be disposed off by public auction as per Rules.

(vi) He will be authorized to dispose off by auction any animal which is suffering from some incurable disease or has suffered multiple fractures due to fall or some other cause.

(vii) He will visit the Sheep pen every day by rotation and render guidance in treatment and management of the flock.

(viii) He will physically check the stock and store articles once in a year, and make a note at the end of each financial year.

(ix) He will draw up the migration programme well in advance and assign the duties to the staff to be engaged during migration and stay of animals at the alpine pasture

(x) He will organize training programmes for farmers as and when directed.

(xi) He will seek prior permission for disposing off surplus livestock so that the distributions of-improved livestock in different areas is regulated. However he will endorse a copy of the distribution plan to Director Animal Husbandry.

(xii) The wool produced at the farm shall be marketed as per directions given to him by the Director and on the rates notified by the Government from time to time.

(xiii) He will check all relevant records/registers maintained by Farm Veterinary Officer.

(xiv) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.25 Assistant Director (Poultry Dev.):-

(i) He will draw an annual action plan of the farm under his control.

(ii) He will collect the demand of layers, broilers pertaining to his sector and hatching eggs from different agencies and will organize the production and chick distribution programme in terms of these requirements.

(iii) He will arrange for the supplies of poultry feed, poultry equipment and other inputs both for the farm under his control and for the interested private poultry farmers.

(iv) He will ensure that the routine programme like culling, vaccination, de-worming and other prophylactic measures are undertaken timely. (v) He will physically verify all stock and store at least once in a year and record necessary certificate to that effect at the end of the financial year.

(vi) He will render technical guidance to staff working under him.

(vii) He shall make the supply of medicines, instruments and other such appliances for the Farms under his control as per procedure prescribed by the Director, Animal Husbandry/Government.

(viii) He will ensure that all obsolete and unserviceable items lying in the farms under his control are written off as per set procedure with a view to bring the institutions on modern and latest scientific lines.

(ix) In case of any serious disease/illness in the livestock for which he requires specialist opinion, he will inform the Deputy Director, (AH/B), who will make immediate arrangement to visit the farm and have the specialist visit the farm, as early as possible.

(x) The feed for the farms will be procured from the sources approved by the Department/Govt.

(xi) Whenever hatching work is being done, at the centralized hatcheries, he will ensure that hatcheries function without any flaw and check the working of the staff by paying surprise visit during odd hours.

(xii) He will ensure timely purchase of parent stock, as per random sample test, after obtaining sanction of the competent authority.

(xiii) He will be responsible for keeping a check that all the returns / information are dispatched to higher authorities by prescribed due date.

(xiv) He will ensure that all the records of Poultry Farm are maintained properly.

(xv) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.26 Technical Officer (Sheep &Wool), Hqrs.:-

(i) To assist the authorities to administer State Sheep Breeding Farms, Rabbit Breeding Farms, Horse Breeding Farm and Yak Breeding Farm.

(ii) To assist authorities in implementation of Sheep and Wool development programmes in the State.

(iii) To assist the authorities in implementation of Rabbit development programmes.

(iv) To assist the authorities in implementation of Horse and Yak Development Programmes.

(v) To assist the authorities in activities related to Go-Sadans and Stray Cattle

(vi) To assist authorities in implementation of various rules and acts pertaining to the department.

(vii) To assist authorities in Project Formulation.

(viii) To maintain library of the Directorate.

(ix) To keep liaison with Mass media agencies like Radio, T.V, and News Papers for dissemination of information related to departmental activities.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.27 Veterinary Officer (Poultry), Hqrs.:-

(i) To assist the Deputy Director (Poultry) in carrying out day-to-day activities for the development of poultry in the State.

(ii) To assist the Deputy Director (Poultry) in running of the Centrally/State sponsored Poultry Development Schemes efficiently.

(iii) To assist the Deputy Director (Poultry) in preparing the Project reports pertaining to Poultry as and when required.

(iv) To assist the Deputy Director (Poultry) in examining & scrutinizing various reports from the field.

(v) To assist in examining & scrutinizing the vouchers pertaining to revolving fund available at the hatcheries prior to according sanction.

(vi) To assist Deputy Director (Poultry) in providing technical guidance to the various Govt. poultry farms for their smooth & efficient running.

(vii) To assist in the preparation of annual Hatch Schedule for various hatcheries.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by Director (Animal Husbandry).

2.28 Veterinary Officer (D.I. Lab):-

(i) He will assist the Disease Investigation officer in the performance of his duties.

(ii) He will collect and process the material for investigation and diagnosis work.

(iii) To prepare stains, media and other solutions required for day to day laboratory work to keep and maintain charge of stock except store.

(iv) To supervise the working of Class-IV staff and Laboratory Assistant.

(v) He will assist the Epidemiologist by collecting samples from different areas for diagnosing various disease outbreaks occurring from time to time in the State through specialized tests available in the Lab.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.29 Veterinary Officer (Epid.), Hqrs.:-

(i) To assist Deputy Director (Epid.) in collection, compilation and analysis of Animal Disease Surveillance Report.

(ii) To carry out the Bird flu activities in the State.

(iii) To carry out the work of All India Coordinator Research Project. (AICRP) on FMD for epidemiological studies on FMD and do FMD typing work.

(iv) To carry out RP-PPR differential diagnoses work using Elisa Technique.

(v) To assist the Deputy Director (Epid.) in implementing the ASCAD Project in the State.

(vi) To assist the Deputy Director (Epid.) who is also the nodal officer for RDDL Jalandhar.

(vii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.30 Senior Veterinary Officer:-

(i) Being Incharge of the Sub Divisional Hospital, he will discharge the same duties as a Veterinary Officer discharges in the Hospital.

(ii) In addition he will co-ordinate the work of all the Institutions falling in the Sub Division in which he is posted.

(iii) He will take steps to get all the obsolete items and unserviceable articles, lying in Veterinary Hospitals/CVDs in his jurisdiction, written off from the competent authority. He will ensure maintenance of all the records as prescribed by the competent authority.

(iv) He will maintain Casual Leave account and also recommend the Earned Leave applications of the Veterinary Officers of all the Veterinary Hospitals/CVDs falling under his jurisdiction for necessary action at the level of respective Deputy Directors/Assistant Directors.

(v) He will visit and also make surprise visit to all the Institutions falling under his jurisdiction at least once in a year. During such visits, he will inspect the office records, medicines, ledger items and instruments besides providing guidance to the staff in order to improve the working of the institution as per the requirement.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.31 Veterinary Officers Posted in Veterinary Hospitals/Central Veterinary Dispensaries:-

(i) He will be over all In charge of the Institution where he is posted.

(ii) He will be responsible for attending to all out patients brought to the Hospital/Dispensary for diagnosis and treatment and where there is a facility to keep indoor patients, the same shall also be attended.

(iii) Where indoor facility has been provided, it shall be his discretion to admit the patient keeping in view the availability of space and seriousness of the disease.

(iv) All the outdoor patients shall be got entered in the outdoor patients register. He will write prescription on the standard proforma for onward dispensing and issue of medicines by the Veterinary Pharmacist.

(v) He will perform all minor and major operations after obtaining due consent from the owner, in writing. (vi) He will submit indent for the supply of medicines/instruments and other such appliances yearly during the month of May. The annual indent shall be in a consolidated form for all the dispensaries and other institutions functioning under him.

(vii) He will be authorized to place supplementary indents as and when required in addition to the annual indent to his controlling officer.

(viii) He will take steps to get all the obsolete items and unserviceable articles, lying in Veterinary Dispensaries in his jurisdiction, written off from the competent authority. He will ensure maintenance of all the records as prescribed by the competent authority.

(ix) All the staff subordinate to him working in the institution and other institutions, within his jurisdiction shall be under his control for the purpose of technical guidance and other administrative matters.

(x) He is authorized to assign any additional work to his subordinate staff in the interest of the institution and its efficient working.

(xi) He will be required to chalk out his tour programme, in advance, with a view to provide extension services in his jurisdiction and to educate the farmers with better package of animal husbandry practices.

(xii) He will be responsible for keeping a check that all the returns / information are dispatched to the superior officers within due time.

(xiii) On receipt of the report of out-break of any contagious disease within his jurisdiction he will immediately proceed on tour using quickest means of communication and shall take all appropriate measures to contain and control that disease. He will send his action taken report to his controlling officer as soon as possible. He will be authorized to ask veterinary Pharmacist posted anywhere in his jurisdiction to do the same with a view to cover maximum number of animals with prophylactic vaccination within a shortest possible time.

(xiv) He will ensure that all the equipment/medicines/appliances are handled properly by the Veterinary Pharmacist in the institution.

(xv) He will pay surprise and periodical visits to the dispensaries within his jurisdiction so as to keep the staff alert and vigilant.

(xvi) He will physically check the stock and store articles once in a year.

(xvii) In case he encounters any difficulty in proper diagnosis/treatment, he should seek guidance from Senior Veterinary Officer/Controlling Officer who will take further steps to help him and guide him in all such professional matters.

(xviii) He will be required to implement any scheme in the manner prescribed within his jurisdiction.

(xix) He is authorized to grant casual leave to all the staff working under him.

(xx) Where there is provision of slaughter houses, administered by the local bodies he will be required to perform the additional duty of slaughter house inspector for which he will be paid remuneration by that local body.

(xxi) He will also be required to perform Veterolegal work including post-mortem cases within his jurisdiction.

(xxii) He will hold the charge of the store (drugs and surgical instruments) of the Veterinary Institution in the absence of Veterinary Pharmacist.

(xxiii) He will take part in the beneficiary oriented livestock improvement programmes and perform A.I. in Cattle as per the latest technique.

(xxiv) He will inspect Veterinary Dispensaries in his jurisdiction twice in a year.

(xxv) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.32 Veterinary Officer (Specialist) Posted in Veterinary Polyclinic:-

(Note:-A Veterinary Officer holding a minimum of Master’s degree in the field of Medicine, Gynaecology, Surgery and Pathology will be eligible to be posted here).

(i) Veterinary Officer with at least M.V.Sc. degree in Medicine, Gynaecology, Surgery and Pathology will provide specialized/referral services in Medicine, Gynaecology, Surgery and Pathology in their respective field of specialization.

(ii) The senior most Veterinary Officer amongst the four Specialists posted in the Polyclinic will act as Officer Incharge of the Polyclinic in addition to his own duties.

(iii) The overall administrative and financial control of Veterinary Polyclinic will remain with Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) of the district concerned.

(iv) The Officer Incharge of the Polyclinic and other three specialists will also perform all the functions/duties of a Veterinary Officer in the addition to their specialist’s job.

(v) The officer Incharge will be responsible in coordinating the working of his colleagues in the Veterinary Polyclinics in organization of Animal Health Camps/Animal Awareness Camps in their area of jurisdiction.

(vi) Various Progressive Reports of the Polyclinics will be sent directly by the Officer Incharge to the Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) of the district.

(vii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.33 Veterinary Officer Posted in Semen Banks/Sperm Stations:-

(i) He will be responsible for processing/procurement of quality semen straws.

(ii) He will be responsible for maintaining breeding bulls in optimum level of health and production.

(iii) He will be responsible for proper storage semen straws.

(iv) He will be responsible for keeping record of time schedule of supply of semen straws and liquid nitrogen gas to the field institutions.

(v) He will be responsible for maintaining performance record of breeding bulls.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.34 Veterinary Officers Posted in Cattle Farm:-

(i) He will assist his controlling officer in the proper maintenance and management of livestock allotted to him.

(ii) He will be responsible for proper implementation of breeding programme at the farm as per the official breeding policy.

(iii) He will be responsible for getting all the livestock of the Farm properly vaccinated against the contagious diseases.

(iv) He will be responsible for ensuring proper feeding of livestock according to the feeding schedule laid down by the Department.

(v) All the animals will be got dehorned by him and will carry normal management practices like dipping/drenching etc. timely.

(vi) He will take a round of the section and inspect all the animals allotted to him and shall give adequate treatment in case any animal is detected/reported sick and in case of serious illness, shall report the same to his controlling officer within the shortest possible time. Treatment given to each animal shall be properly recorded on the chart.

(vii) He shall check that all animals are groomed and get exercise daily.

(viii) In case of death of animals, he will report the death to his controlling officer and shall conduct postmortem examination as required by him and shall report the findings. If necessary he will arrange to send material for detailed laboratory examination, to the Disease Investigation Lab/State Veterinary College in consultation with his Controlling Officer.

(ix) The disposal of carcasses shall be done under his supervision.

(x) The records relating to the livestock feeding, breeding, disposal by way of sale, auction, death or otherwise, treatment charts, Calving / Pedigree sheet of each animal and performance shall be got maintained by him.

(xi) He will be responsible for taking all preventive measures against fire hazards in the farm premises. (xii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.35 Veterinary Officer Posted in Poultry Farm /Hatcheries:-

(i) He will be responsible for the smooth and efficient running of the Poultry Farm/ Hatchery.

(ii) He will ensure that standard management practices are adopted in the Poultry Farm/ Hatchery.

(iii) He will make round of all the pens at least twice a day.

(iv) He will see that watering and feeding receptacles are properly maintained. (v) He will see that the deep litter as being practiced at all farms is properly managed and there is no excess dampness.

(vi) He will see that the light hours are properly observed by providing artificial lighting.

(vii) He will see that wastage of feed and feed additives is scrupulously avoided.

(viii) He will ensure that the eggs are collected at least twice a day and recorded properly in egg collection book.

(ix) He shall see that proper temperature is maintained in the brooder house.

(x) He will see that all equipment and Poultry Pens are properly disinfected with each new batch of chicks.

(xi) He will ensure that the chicks are vaccinated for various diseases as per the approved schedule.

(xii) He will ensure that the birds are fed as per the approved schedule.

(xiii) He will ascertain the cause of each and every mortality and take steps to save further losses.

(xiv) He will ensure that the visitors are not allowed in the pens/brooders /hatcheries.

(xv) He will be responsible for taking all preventive measures against fire hazards.

(xvi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities in the interest of the Poultry Farm/ Hatchery.

(xvii)Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.36 Veterinary Officers Posted in Sheep Farm:-

(i) He will be the Incharge of livestock and will carry out preventive vaccinations against all prevalent contagious diseases.

(ii) He will carry out routine drenching of sheep against parasite infections.

(iii) The dipping of flock will be carried out twice a year.

(iv) He will work out his annual requirement of feed medicines and other items required for maintenance of livestock with the Farm Manager who will arrange the same.

(v) He will draw up migration programme of the sheep to the alpine pasture and submit his requirements in respect of personnel and other articles well in advance to the Farm Manager who will ensure the supply and arrangement.

(vi) He will accompany the flock during upward and downward journey and will stay at the camp during which period he will be entitled to all the privileges enjoyed under the various Civil Services Rules as applicable to State Government Employees.

(vii) The Livestock shall be fed in accordance with the feeding schedule approved by the Director. Any individual Sheep or a flock of Sheep can be fed on special feed over and above the approved scale as the conditions may necessitate with the approval of the Head of the Department. (viii) All the lambs shall be got weighed at birth, weaning and monthly interval up to maturity. He will suggest culling of any animal showing retarded growth despite proper management. It would be disposed off as per norms.

(ix) He will get all the lambs docked and tattooed, at marking time.

(x) All the animals under his charge shall be got tagged and tattooed by him.

(xi) He shall get the records maintain pertaining to feeding, breeding, disposal by way of sale, auction etc.

(xii) He will be responsible for taking all preventive measures against fire-hazards in the Farm Premises.

(xiii) The performance record shall be maintained as under for progeny of a particular year.

(xiv) The wool samples are to be taken at 18 months of age. Thus the progeny of previous year will be sampled for wool attributes and wool yield.

(xv) He will get all the records / registers maintained.

(xvi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.37 Junior Engineer:-

(i) He will be responsible for maintaining departmental buildings in proper state.

(ii) He will be responsible for preparing necessary layouts and estimates for repairs and minor works.

(iii) He will be responsible for Technical Scrutiny of estimates prepared by other agencies for carrying out Minor and Major construction works in respect of departmental buildings.

(iv) He will be responsible for the upkeep of Directorate Building.

(v) He will be responsible for maintenance of records pertaining to repair/construction works.

(vi) He will be responsible for making liaison between department and agencies like HIMUDA, PWD, for speedy completion of departmental works.

(vii) Settling audit paras pertaining to various construction works.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.38 Chief Veterinary Pharmacist:-

(i) Where ever Chief Veterinary Pharmacist is posted he will be Incharge of medicines and equipments and will maintain all relevant record to the effect.

(ii) He will be responsible for the compilation of all returns and other information under the guidance of Sr. Veterinary Officer/ Controlling Officer and ensure their timely submission within prescribed due date to the superior officer.

(iii) He will also assist in the Departmental programmes/schemes/activities as and when desired by his superiors.

(iv) The leave application of Veterinary Pharmacist/Class-IV employees shall be recommended by the Chief Veterinary Pharmacist.

(v) Besides this, the Chief Veterinary Pharmacist will also perform the usual duties of Animal Husbandry Assistant/ Veterinary Pharmacist, if they are on leave.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.39 Animal Husbandry Assistant:-

(i) Wherever Animal Husbandry Assistant is posted, he will be Incharge of medicines and equipments and will maintain all relevant record to the effect.

(ii) He will be responsible for the compilation of all returns and other information under the guidance of Veterinary Officer and ensure their timely submission within prescribed due date to the superior officer.

(iii) He will also assist in the Departmental programmes/schemes/activities as and when desired by his superiors.

(iv) Besides this, the Animal Husbandry Assistant will also perform the usual duties of Veterinary Pharmacist, if the latter is on leave.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.40 Veterinary Pharmacist Posted in Veterinary Hospital:-

(i) He will help Veterinary Officer in the discharge of his duties.

(ii) On receipt of prescription from Veterinary Officer, he will dispense the medicines and will carry out all such instructions as indicated in the prescription.

(iii) He will be responsible for proper maintenance and upkeep of instruments and appliances in the institution of which he is made Incharge.

(iv) He will function as Operation Theatre Assistant also. He will attend to cases, while on tour.

(v) He will maintain all the records of the Hospital/Dispensaries properly under the guidance of the Veterinary Officer concerned and get the entries countersigned from him.

(vi) He will perform Artificial Insemination where the facilities are available.

(vii) He is required to tour as directed by Veterinary Officer with in his jurisdiction with a view to combat contagious diseases by doing vaccination/inoculation in the area allotted to him.

(viii) He will be responsible for the maintenance and health of stud bull, buffalo bull, donkey and horse stallion and their service record.

(ix) He can be assigned any other duty by the Veterinary Officer or his Controlling Officer. (x) He will also help in extension work and livestock improvement, which inter alia includes dehorning, castration dipping, drenching and distribution of fodder seed plants, collection of vital livestock statistics and in the implementation of any other scheme being implemented by the Department from time to time.

(xi) He will take all preventive measures against fire hazard in his institution.

(xii) He will help the Veterinary Officer in maintaining various records/registers.

(xiii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.41 Veterinary Pharmacist Working as Incharge Veterinary Dispensary:-

(i) Since no Veterinary Officer is posted in the Dispensary, he will write the prescription and will attend the dispensary and will render necessary veterinary aid in respect of minor ailments to the livestock brought to the Dispensary for which he will maintain all the records as applicable to the Hospital/Dispensary.

(ii) He will carry out artificial insemination work.

(iii) He will carry out the castration work.

(iv) He will be responsible for all stock and store in the Veterinary Dispensary.

(v) He will, do routine dipping/drenching operation. He will carry out prophylactic vaccination against the contagious diseases. In the event of any out-break, he will seek the guidance of Veterinary Officer for adopting appropriate control measures. He will collect vital livestock statistics.

(vi) He will be responsible for proper maintenance and upkeep of bulls or any other livestock maintained in the Dispensary. For this purpose, the Class-IV employee/attached with the institution shall assist him.

(vii) He will take all preventive measures against fire hazards in his institution.

(viii) He will compile all returns and other information as desired by the department and submit in time to the higher ups.

(ix) He will maintain all relevant records of the dispensary.

(x) He can be assigned any other duty by the Veterinary Officer, Incharge of the Veterinary Hospital under whose jurisdiction the Dispensary falls.

(xi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.42 Veterinary Pharmacist Posted in Semen Banks/Sperm Stations:-

(i) He will assist in processing/ procurement of semen straws.

(ii) He will accompany the vehicle carrying liquid nitrogen gas and semen straws to field institutions.

(iii) He will be responsible for proper distribution of semen straws and liquid nitrogen gas to the field institutions.

(iv) He will be responsible for maintaining all records of semen bank/ sperm station.

(v) He will be responsible for maintenance of stock and store.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.43 Veterinary Pharmacist Posted in Cattle Farm:-

(i) He will be directly under the Veterinary Officer and will assist him in the discharge of his duties and responsibilities.

(ii) He will personally supervise feeding and grooming of livestock under his charge. He will supervise Class-IV at the time of milking in the cattle farms or other farms where dairy cattle are maintained.

(iii) While the animals are grazing he will spend at least one hour a day and check that the staff detailed for grazing performs their duties properly and also observe the behaviors of animals while grazing.

(iv) He will be responsible to see that the sheds are properly cleaned and periodically disinfected.

(v) He will be responsible that the surroundings of the sheds and the paths leading to the sheds are maintained properly.

(vi) It will be his duty to see that the dung and soiled bedding are properly carried to the manure pits.

(vii) The Veterinary Pharmacist will hold the charge of feed, stock/stores and miscellaneous articles. The store shall be issued on indents to be countersigned by the Veterinary Officer.

(viii) He will get all the stores physically verified by the Veterinary Officer once in three months.

(ix) He will help the Veterinary Officer in the maintenance of relevant registers/performance records

(x) He will attend the farm dispensary and shall perform all the jobs as prescribed for Veterinary Pharmacist in the Hospitals and Dispensaries.

(xi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.44 Veterinary Pharmacist Posted in Poultry Farm:-

(i) He will be responsible for stock and stores in the poultry farm/hatchery.

(ii) He will watch that full quantity of ration issued for each pen is fed to the stock for which it has been issued.

(iii) He will be responsible for proper maintenance of equipment. (iv) He shall maintain daily account of birds and eggs produced at the farm.

(v) The cash receipts shall be credited to the Incharge of the farm on the next working day and proper receipt shall be issued by the Incharge.

(vi) He shall see that all premises are kept neat and clean and all paths are well maintained.

(vii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.45 Veterinary Pharmacist Posted in Sheep Farm:-

(i) He will assist the Assistant Director/Veterinary Officer in discharge of their duties relating to livestock health, breeding, feeding and maintenance of records.

(ii) He will be present morning and evening, when the flock goes out for grazing and while comes back after grazing. He will hand over the flocks to the shepherds after counting in the morning and do the counting work in the evening also. A separate register indicating the number of animals sent for grazing shall be maintained.

(iii) While the animals are grazing, he will spend at least one hour a day during grazing time with the livestock and shall check that the staff detailed for grazing performs their duty property.

(iv) He will personally attend to the feeding of the livestock in the sheds because this is the best time to observe the behavior of the suckling ewes and in case where the lambs are not being owned by their mothers, he will arrange for the foster mother or resort to bottle feeding.

(v) He will attend the farm dispensary and render minor veterinary aid and shall assist the veterinary Officer in the treatment of complicated cases and routine farm operations, like vaccination, drenching, dipping etc. and shall hold the charge of instruments/equipment provided in the Dispensary.

(vi) He will be responsible to see that the sheds are properly cleaned and periodically disinfected.

(vii) He will also see that the surroundings of the sheds and the paths leading to the sheds are properly maintained and it will be his responsibility to see that dung and soiled bedding are properly carried to the manure pits.

(viii) He will escort the livestock from the main farm to the alpine pasture during the summer season.

(ix) He will render assistance to the animals during mating and lambing.

(x) During breeding season he will see that the rams have been provided with colour markings and all the ewes mounted upon by the rams shall be recorded in the morning.

(xi) He can be assigned to discharge any other duty by his superiors in the interest of the Farm.

(xii) He will be responsible for the maintenance of watch dogs.

(xiii) He will adopt suitable measures to prevent attack of the wild animals on the livestock and shall be declared co-retainer of the farm guns so that the same can be used in the event of emergency. (xiv) He will divide the work amongst various Animal Husbandry Attendants in consultation with the Veterinary Officer.

(xv) He will ensure that all the farm dogs are properly vaccinated against rabies at the right age. No stray dogs are allowed to enter the farm area.

(xvi) Since dead animals and their offals are source of attraction for stray dogs and other carnivores, as such, it will be his duty that the dead animals, placenta and soiled wound dressings are properly buried.

(xvii) He will keep charge of stock/store as desired by the Farm Incharge

(xviii)Any other duty assigned the higher authorities.

2.46 Veterinary Pharmacist (Disease Investigation Lab):-

(i) To undertake sterilization of glass-ware and other laboratory appliances.

(ii) To supervise disposal of clinical/pathological material.

(iii) To help in preparation and processing of all laboratory samples.

(iv) Preservation and mounting of pathological specimens.

(v) To collect and dispatch material from the diseased animals and assist in conducting postmortem.

(vi) To maintain stock and store register and other records.

(vii) To assist in office work.

(viii) He can be asked to perform any other job assigned to him by the Assistant Director (Disease Investigation).

(ix) He will be responsible for care and management of laboratory animals.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.47 Laboratory Technician:-

(i) He will help the officer Incharge in carrying out various laboratory investigations.

(ii) Maintain the cleanliness and safety of the laboratory.

(iv) Dispose off the specimens and infected material in a safe manner as prescribed under the bio-medical waste management protocol issued by the Pollution Control Board of Government of Himachal Pradesh.

(v) Maintain the necessary records of investigations done and submit the reports to the Institution Incharge.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.48 Radiographer:-

(i) Taking Radiographs of animals as required by the Veterinary Officer.

(ii) Keeping account of films and other supplies.

(iii) Maintaining record of X-ray/ Ultrasound reports of the animals and compile and submit the reports as and when required.

(iv) Taking precautions to protect himself, animals and other workers of the department from the hazard of X-ray radiation.

(v) To give emergency call duties after working hours as and when required.

(vi) Dispose off Bio-Medical Waste/ Chemical Waste/ Used films as per Bio-Medical Waste Management protocol issued by the Pollution Control Board of Government of Himachal Pradesh.

(vii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.49 Deputy Director (Statistics), Hqrs.:-

(i) He is to supervise the working of all personnel working in the Statistical line in the department both at the headquarters and in the field.

(ii) He is to undertake analysis of tabulated data, interpret the results and write the survey report in regard integrated sample survey for estimation of Livestock & Poultry products.

(iii) He is also to have overall co-ordination of all the surveys and livestock census.

(iv) He is to oversee the compiled/tabulated progress of various departmental schemes.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.50 Statistical Officer:-

(i) He is to undertake the analysis of tabulated data, interpret results and write the survey report of the cost of production of Milk and Eggs.

(ii) He is to supervise the working of the staff both at the headquarters and in the field.

(iii) He is to oversee the compiled/tabulated progress of various departmental schemes.

(iv) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.51 Technical Assistant (Statistics):-

(i) He will help in fixation of rates of animals and their products.

(ii) He will help in furnishing of Departmental annual progress report.

(iii) He will help in furnishing of bulletin for Vidhan Sabha.

(iv) He will help in fixation of targets and achievements of Departmental activities.

(v) He will help in the selection of number of villages for seasonal estimates of integrated sample survey.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.52 Statistical Assistant:-

(i) To scrutinize the performance figures received from field institutions and other organizations for consistency, correctness and complete coverage before transmitting to Govt.

(ii) To prepare monthly statement on the performance of the field institutions.

(iii) To assist the authorities in carrying out systematic and effective supervision by providing analytical information.

(iv) To participate in various special studies / surveys related to the assessment of Department of Animal Husbandry.

(v) To guide the field staff on maintenance of records and submission of various reports.

(vi) To receive reports on vital statistics from the field institutions to check them for their correctness.

(vii) To help in the compilation of data on Cattle Surveys.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by higher authorities.

2.53 Computer:-

(i) To help the authorities in carrying out e-Governance.

(ii) To help the authorities in the implementation of Agrisnet and other e-Governance related projects.

(iii) To collect information on various components of Animal Husbandry Department Programmes from the field institutions, feed and store it in the computer.

(iv) To keep record of various activities of the department in the computer.

(v) To compile various kinds of information stored in the computer so as to prepare and send reports as and when required to the Govt.

(vi) To help in co-ordinating and maintaining updated village records and household records regarding livestock.

(vii) Any other statistical functions assigned by higher authorities.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.54 Enumerator:-

(i) He is to collect data in field on cost and other management practices of Animal Husbandry and Dairying under various surveys.

(ii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.55 Personal Staff:-

The term personal staff includes senior functionaries such as Private Secretary, Personal Assistants, Senior Scale Stenographers, Junior Scale Stenographers and Steno-typists working in the Directorate, Jt. Director’s office and District- level offices. The general function of all these functionaries is to aid and assist the officers in their day-to-day disposal of work and carry out such duties as are officially assigned to them.

The personal staff has to handle files/records of confidential or secret nature and as such they have to retain the faith reposed in them by maintaining secrecy. The confidential reports, in majority of cases, are processed and retained in the custody of the Personal staff and they have to properly maintain them. They are also supposed to be fully equipped with knowledge of both Hindi and English shorthand, type writing to assist the authorities in quick decision making through dictation and typing.

Being members of the personal staff, they can be asked by the Officers with whom they are attached to attend to any appropriate official work on their behalf. The main duties, functions and responsibilities of the personal staff are, in brief, as under:-

 Duties and responsibilities of Private Secretary:-

(i) Receipt and Dispatch of Dak:-

(a) To receive the entire dak received from the Secretariat, arrange the dak in order of priority (immediate, urgent and ordinary categories) and submit the same in dak pad or in the form of files to the officers immediately on receipt.

(b) To mark the dak to the concerned officers/officials after perusal by the Officer and note the marking in the diary register.

(c) He will maintain a diary and record number of PUC’s given to different sections with detail and also ensured that they are dealt in time and inform HOD if any PUC’s lying pending with any section beyond time limit.

(ii) Attendance of telephones:-

(a) To ensure that the telephones installed in the office/residence of the Officer are in working order and to lodge and pursue the complaint if there is any defect.

(b) To attend to the office telephones courteously and politely and to connect the outside calls with the Officer keeping in view the engagement of the Officer.

(c) To keep always official directories updated and to maintain telephone numbers of concerned Officers of the Central Government /State Government; and

(d) To take tactful effective measures against misuse of official telephone by outsiders. (iii) (iv) Maintenance of engagement diary:-

(a) To maintain engagement diary of the Officer and also to prepare and keep a separate list of day’s engagement in the room of the Officer with a copy with the personal staff for ensuring fulfillment of engagements.

(b) To fix date and time of meeting/other engagements with the approval of the Officer and to convey the same to the concerned authorities.

(c) To timely remind the Officer about the meetings/other engagements for ensuring timely participation therein by the Officer.

(d) To ensure that files, briefing notes or other information required for the meeting are got prepared well in time by the concerned Department/Section.

(e) To arrange for refreshments, etc. as per Govt. orders for the visitors/officials in the meeting to be held in the chamber of the Officer as per directions of the Officer.

(v) Legislative Matters:-

(a) Before the commencement and during the Assembly session to collect copies of:-  Starred/Unstarred/Postponed Assembly questions.  Short-notice questions or other material as fixed for the day.  Daily list of business of the House.  Replies to all questions etc, to be replied to the Minister concerned and  Papers to be laid on the table of the House.

(b) To arrange systematically the entire business of the next day and ensure that the pad of Assembly Business reaches the Minister/Officer well in time and atleast the previous night.

(c) The personal staff have to maintain a Register of Assembly Questions, etc. for monitoring the submission of required date/information to the Government and

(d) To report the Officer cases where the efforts of the personal staff to collect necessary material from the Department/Office for the Assembly Business well in time fail.

(vi) Control over Vehicle/Driver:-

(a) To arrange a vehicle for touring by the Officer as per entitlement and to ensure that the vehicle remains always in a fit condition for being plied at any time and to arrange for timely repairs according to Government instructions.

(b) Make entries in the log book of the vehicle and to sign the same.

(c) In the case of vehicles attached with officers, to ensure that regular deduction for attached vehicle is made from the pay bill of officer and the private journeys are regulated in accordance with the instructions of the Government.

(vii) To take care of the needs of stationery articles, furniture, heating and cooling arrangements in the office.

(viii) Safe custody of ACRs/APARs of Gazetted Officers of the department and related correspondence thereof.

(ix) Maintenance of data/information/statistics:-

(a) To maintain all data/information/statistics relating to the Department under the control of the Officer. This should include information about the institutions, schemes, programmes, annual budget provision, targets and any other data frequently required by the Officer.

(b) To update the data/information/statistics annually or as often as required.

(c) To present press cuttings relating to the Department or other important news.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the Director, Animal Husbandry.

 Duties and responsibilities of Personal Assistant:-

(i) Dictation/Type work:-

(a) To take dictation in both English and Hindi, and type the same on computers and to present the dictated work to the Officer for approval and signature.

(b) To type demi-official letters, secret, confidential and important letters with enclosures.

(c) To make use of computers. All official communications exchanged through e-mail shall be deemed as official correspondence. The final outcome of the matter, sent via e-mail, may be printed and kept on record for all purposes.

(ii) Preparation of notes/drafts:- To write notes or drafts for approval of the Officer or as per his directions and after approval to fair out the same for signature. After signatures to send these notes/communications to the quarter concerned. The whole activity should be done using computers.

(iii) Arrangements for tours:- (a) To frame tour programme as per directions of the Officer.

(b) To circulate tour programme to all concerned and to inform the concerned District-level officers over the telephone as well, if considered proper.

(c) To arrange accommodation in the Circuit House/Rest House, etc. for the stay of the Officer during tour.

(d) To arrange Air/Train tickets and booking of seats by Air/Train.

(e) To accompany the Officer as per directions on tour.

(f) To prepare tour diary/traveling allowance bill after the completion of the journey and to see that the pay and other bills are timely prepared. (iv) Maintenance of records:-

(a) To keep upto-date reference books such as administrative directions, Acts, Rules, Statutes Manuals, Regulations, instructions etc..

(b) To maintain records of orders passed by the Officers in the relevant files and

(c) In the event of closing down of the office of the Officer it will be the personal responsibility of the senior-most member of the personal staff to ensure that:-

 The files/registers opened in the office of the Officer are properly recorded(closed) and handed over to appropriate authority or record room as may be directed by the administrative section by preparing detailed list in triplicate and obtaining proper receipt of the official to whom such record is handed over . A list of handing over the record will sent to the administrative section while one each will be retained by the officials handing over and taking over the charge.

 To obtain orders of the administrative section for handing over the charge in case no orders are received by the senior-most member of the personal staff.

 Duties and responsibilities of Senior Scale Stenographer:-

(i) To take dictation in both English and Hindi stenography from the officer with whom he is attached and to transcribe the same in English and Hindi on computers.

(i) To receive FAX messages/ e-mails and put up the same to the officer and also to send the FAX messages/ e-mails, if any to the concerned quarter immediately.

(ii) Any other work assigned by the higher authorities.

 Duties and responsibilities of Junior Scale Stenographer:-

(i) To take dictation in both English and Hindi stenography from the officer with whom he is attached and to transcribe the same in English and Hindi on computers.

(ii) To receive FAX messages/ e-mails and put up the same to the officer and also to send the FAX messages/ e-mails, if any to the concerned quarter immediately.

(iii) Any other work assigned by the higher authorities.

Note:-The Senior/Junior Scale Stenographer attached with Joint Director (A.H.), Palampur shall keep in safe custody the ACRs/APARs of staff of the North Zone and Senior/Junior Scale Stenographer attached with Joint Director (S.L.B.P.), Shimla shall keep the same for staff working in South Zone along with the related correspondence thereof.

 Duties and responsibilities of Stenotypist:- He/She shall perform the same duties as Junior Scale Stenographer at the place where he/she is posted.

2.56 Superintendent Grade-I:- The Superintendent Grade-I is normally Incharge of one section and has generally to perform the following duties and functions. (i) To go through the dak as received by him and take the following steps:- a) Mark the missent receipts to the concerned sections. b) Submit the important communications for perusal of the higher authorities through Branch Officer, at dak stage, in case the said authorities have not seen any such communication. c) Retain receipts of secret/ confidential or urgent nature, which he may like to deal himself in which case the said receipts will be got diarized from the diarist by the Supdt. Grade-I for further reference. d) Mark the remaining receipts to concerned dealing hands with dated initials indicating the urgency and also giving directions, if any, disposal and to hand over the same to the diarist of the section for diarizing and handing to the concerned dealing hands and, e) Keep a note in the diary about important receipts for watching proper and timely disposal.

(ii) To himself deal on relevant files, secret, confidential urgent or complex receipts retained by him and also to scrutinize cases received from the dealing hands and further to dispose off the cases at his own level if so empowered under the standing orders or to submit the same to the next higher officer.

(iii) To see that the concerned dealing hands collect and keep updated, statistical data/information relating to the establishment, budget, expenditure, schemes, plans etc., relevant to his section of posting.

(iv) To see the concerned dealing hands monitor, analyze and maintain data as to the achievement of targets of various on-going schemes both in terms of budget provision/expenditure and actual progress and also to suggest ways and means for improvement in the ongoing schemes and assist the next higher officer in preparation of new schemes/programmes, new innovations etc.

(v) To ensure that returns/statements are submitted in time and the returns/statements to be received in the section are received in time.

(vi) To see all dealing hands and the diarist maintain all required registers and keep the same up dated. He should also check these registers at regular intervals.

(vii) To see that all routine duties including maintenance and updating of various registers are carried out promptly and thoroughly.

(viii) To keep a careful watch on any holdup in the movement of dak and files between the section and higher officers, ensure timely submission of fixed date cases, other important cases and papers required by officers and to keep a watch on progress of action devise from time to time measures necessary for expeditious disposal of work in the section to make arrangement for disposal of work of official of the section on leave, training etc.

(ix) To prepare papers and compile data for meetings and ensure timely submission.

(x) To be well acquainted with the office procedures and Acts, Rules, Manuals and instructions of a general nature relating to Finance, Personnel and General Administration Department and specifically applicable in the Department./Section where posted see that all Manuals, Acts, Rules, instructions, Guard files and Precedent Registers of the section are kept upto-date by inserting correction-slip or getting new editions printed; (xi) To maintain liaison between the staff and next higher authorities in various matters, train and guide the staff posted in the section and to point out their shortcomings and deficiencies, if any, for remedial action; keep himself well acquainted with the morale, conduct and discipline of the staff and also to ensure that the staff comply with Government instructions issued from time to time.

(xii) To allocate every work of the section to the staff posted in the section with the approval of higher authorities and to maintain an updated distribution list of work amongst the dealing hands in the section.

(xiii) To ensure punctuality in attendance in the section and to advice the staff on matters of conduct and discipline. For ensuring availability of staff posted under him on holidays or early or late hours, he should maintain local addresses with phone Nos. ,if any, of the entire staff with him.

(xiv) To see that the section is kept neat and tidy and that the files, papers, etc, are arranged in an orderly manner and the recorded files are sent to the record room; and that ephemeral record is periodically destroyed.

(xv) To ensure that the dealing hands maintain their Assistant’s Diaries regularly and note the particulars of initial submission of cases and also record final disposal of receipts at appropriate stage of final disposal of the cases. He is also required to see that the interim processing of receipts leading to collection/compilation of data /information is not marked as final disposal in the Assistant’s Diaries. For this purpose he should ensure that the dealing assistants indicate in their notes whether the submission of a case at a particular stage is interim or final disposal. Weekly checking of the Assistant’s Diaries is also one of his important functions.

(xvi) If it comes to the notice of the officer next below the authority who has passed the orders that such authority was not competent to take a decision, it will be his responsibility to bring it to the notice of such authority through the immediate higher authority in writing before complying with those orders.

(xvii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.57 Superintendent Grade-II:-

The Superintendent Gr.-II working in the Directorate, Joint Directors office and District Offices normally supervise the work of a Section or Cell independently and submit the cases directly to the next higher authorities. As such their duties, responsibilities and functions are the same as indicated for Superintendent Grade-I, excepting that they cannot dispose off any matter at their level. They can be assigned any other duty by the higher authorities. 2.58 Assistants:-

The term “Assistants” includes, Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants. The Assistants are required to compile data, statistics or information and deal matters so as to present complete cases with all relevant data and information with past precedents and viable / feasible solutions to facilitate the authorities to arrive at a definite decision. The Assistants are thus basic to the administrative machinery. Depending upon urgency, need and public interest, the Assistants can be asked to undertake any job/assignment, but generally, the main duties, functions and responsibilities of the Assistants involve handling of the work relating to:-

(i) Receipt, diary-dispatch, typing, record maintenance.

(ii) Various duties in reception and varied assignments in offices.

(iii) Opening and maintenance of files, referencing, dealing cases including noting and drafting, recording of files, maintenance and updating of various types of data, statistics and information and maintenance of various registers.

(iv) Acquisition, maintenance and up-keep of stores, stocks, stationery articles, accounts and registers.

(v) Preparation of all types of bills such as pay, travelling allowance, medical re- imbursement, contingencies, contractors, suppliers and advances etc. and handling of cash, maintenance of cash books and connected accounts/bills registers etc.

(vi) Personnel/service/establishment matters, including recruitment and promotion rules, conditions of service, posting, transfers, maintenance of service books, index cards, service records, preparation of leave accounts, pension papers, disciplinary matters, personal files etc.

(vii) Budget preparation including appropriation, re-appropriation, supplementary demands for grants, additional grants, contingency fund, all matters relating to Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee, audit paras, economy in expenditure etc.

(viii) Assisting in planning and monitoring of developmental social and welfare schemes.

(ix) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2. 59 Clerks/Junior Assistants:-

In Directorate, Joint Director’s Offices, Districts level offices, the Clerks will have to perform all duties as prescribed for Assistants. This is because of the set up, quantum of work and the staffing pattern of these offices. They can be assigned any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.60 Assistant Controller (Finance & Accounts):-

In an endeavour to strengthen the mechanism of internal financial control in the department:-

(i) He will assist the department in the preparation of Budget Estimates.

(ii) He will examine all financial sanctions, fixation of pay, step up cases, G.P.F cases, store stock purchases.

(iii) Reconciliation of accounts of department with A.G.

(iv) He will function as member of Purchase committee/Tender committee/Works committee.

(v) Finalization of pension cases. (vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities. 2.61 Section Officer (F & A):-

(i) To assist in framing of budget estimates of receipts and expenditure, scrutiny of proposals for New Expenditure and to ensure their factual submission to the Finance Department.

(ii) To exercise check on receipts and accounts of stores and stocks and inspect subordinate offices to detect laxity in raising demands or leakage of revenue.

(iii) To ensure that correct financial procedure are followed, expenditure and receipts are properly accounted for, financial powers are not abused and cannons of financial propriety are strictly adhered to.

(iv) To carry out internal check of appropriation/receipts of Department and to advise the department in financial matters.

(v) To assist in timely preparation of financial returns and statements and Performa accounts if any.

(vi) To help in the disposal of important reference relating to finance and accounts.

(vii) To advise the Head of Department in the matters of tenders for supplies and works and agreements thereof.

(viii) To assist in the disposal of P.A.C. Paras.

(ix) To help in the expeditious issue of financial sanctions.

(x) To keep watch on the recovery of loans and advances of the Department.

(xi) Consolidation and maintenance of accounts other than cashiers accounts.

(xii) Issue of salary slips and maintenance of service records of Gazetted Officers (where pay slips system has been introduced).

(xiii) Scrutiny of rates, technical reports and acceptance letters etc. in case of purchase of stores/stocks like store purchases organization.

(xiv) Physical verification of cash stocks during internal audit and inspections.

(xv) Checking/giving advice on various kinds of bills/sanctions.

(xvi) The senior departmental officers would supervise his work.

(xvii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.62 Law Officer, Directorate of Animal Husbandry:-

(i) To look after all the legal work of the Department.

(ii) To prepare and file all the petitions/applications/replies in all the Court cases pertaining to the department in the various Courts including the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.

(iii) To tender legal opinion on the files/matters pertaining to all the sections of the Department.

(iv) To attend the Court cases of the Department as and when required.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.63 Dairy Development Inspector:-

(i) To assist Deputy Director (Dairy) in maintaining liaison between the department and H.P. Milk Fed for implementing Dairy Development Programmes.

(ii) To maintain records concerning registration of Milk Plants under Milk and Milk Products order 1992.

(iii) To maintain all returns/records pertaining to Dairy Section.

(iv) To assist Deputy Director (Dairy) in monitoring Dairy Development Projects being implemented in the state through various agencies.

(v) To assist Deputy Director Dairy in working out strategies for expansion of Dairy Development activities in the state.

(vi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.64 Drivers:-

(i) He is the guardian of vehicle and responsible for upkeep of the vehicle attached with him.

(ii) He will be alert throughout the duty and perform his duty diligently and with vigilance.

(iii) He will wash his vehicle daily in the morning and keep it ready for journey.

(iv) He will ensure that in case of a mechanical defect, the Office Incharge is intimated timely and remedial measures taken.

(v) He will not make any un-authorized movement of the vehicle.

(vi) He will remain on duty till relieved by the officer and follow the instructions of the officer using the vehicle.

(vii) He will maintain the Log Book of the vehicle every day and maintain its repair book.

(viii) He will be responsible to keep all the documents relating to the vehicle and his driving license with him all the time.

(ix) He shall be available for duty when ever called any time during the day /night.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.65 Tractor Driver:-

(i) He is the guardian of the tractor and responsible for upkeep of the vehicle. (ii) He will be alert throughout the duty and perform his duty diligently and with vigilance.

(iii) He will ensure that in case of mechanical defect the Officer Incharge is intimated timely and remedial measures taken.

(iv) He will not make any un-authorized movement of the vehicle.

(v) He will maintain the Log Book of the vehicle every day and maintain its repair book.

(vi) He will be responsible to keep all the documents relating to the vehicle and his driving license with him all the time.

(vii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.66 Technician Grade-I (Mechanical):-

(i) He will be responsible for handling and maintaining machinery in the Liquid Nitrogen Plants/Semen Labs.

(ii) He will be responsible for ensuring efficient working of the Plant Machinery.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.67 Technician Grade-I (Electrical):-

(i) He will be responsible for doing electrical works anywhere in the department.

(ii) He will be responsible for the proper and efficient working of Liquid Nitrogen Plants /Semen Labs./ Poultry Farms concerning electrical works.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.68 Technician Grade-I (Carpenter):-

(i) He will be responsible for attending day-to-day minor wooden repair works where-ever needed in the department. (ii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.69 Daftri:-

(i) To mend, trim, stitch, bind etc., old records, files etc. in Record room and in the sections.

(ii) To paste correction slips in the official reference books of various officers and those of the branches/sections.

(iii) To affix service postage stamps on envelopes, maintain their accounts, prepare envelopes/packets and parcels, dispatch, dak and telegrams and help the dispatchers in the circulation of all printed matter etc. and

(iv) To sort-out and properly keep the record in the record section. (v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities. 2.70 Gestetner Operator/Photostat Machine Operator:-

(i) To operate the Gestetner/Photostat Machine and make out desired number of copies.

(ii) To procure paper, ink, toner, etc. for ensuring proper operation of machines.

(iii) To maintain proper account in a register with requisition slips for paper used and consumption of ink/toner etc. and

(iv) To arrange timely repair of machines.

(v) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.71 Peon:-

(i) He will be on duty half an hour before the working hours of the office in which he works and leave half an hour after the office hours.

(ii) To carry and deliver dak within and outside the office (maximum weight to be carried outside the office not to exceed 10 Kg.

(iii) To ensure the cleanliness and general up-keep of the section/office where posted and of the furniture, fixture and equipment.

(iv) He will attend to the telephone calls when the officer is not in his seat.

(v) To perform miscellaneous and odd jobs for officers/officials;

(vi) To attend to officers at Headquarter and while on tour.

(vii) To attend to any other work that may be assigned by the Head of the Office.

(viii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.72 Animal Husbandry Attendant Posted in Veterinary Hospital / Dispensaries:-

(i) He will fetch and draw water both for livestock and for routine Hospital work. (ii) He will help in handling and securing of animals when required. (iii) He will help the Veterinary Pharmacist in keeping the instruments, medicines and other appliances neat and tidy. (iv) He will take care of flowerbeds and plants in the Hospital area. (v) He will be required to accompany Veterinary Officer on tour. (vi) He will be responsible for loading, unloading of stock and store received at the Institution and shall help the Veterinary Pharmacist in keeping the stores in order. (vii) He can be asked to perform any other duty during or beyond hospital hours by his superior. (viii) He will report for duty half an hour before the working hours of the institution to do the cleaning/sweeping work. (ix) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.73 Chowkidar posted in Offices:-

(i) To keep watch and ward during and after office hours and

(ii) To take precautionary measures relating to prevention of fire and damage to Government property.

(iii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.74 Animal Husbandry Attendant Posted in Poultry Farm:-

(i) He will be responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning of sheds, and maintenance of paths flowerbeds allotted to him.

(ii) He will carry feed from the store to the pen.

(iii) He will carry water from the water source to the pens for watering birds and cleaning of sheds and other premises.

(iv) He will undertake slaughtering and dressing of birds sold for table.

(v) He will transfer and carry birds and other stores from one shed to another or loading and unloading of these items in the vehicle.

(vi) He will dispose off the dead birds and rotten eggs in the manner as advised by his superiors.

(vii) He will undertake delivery of eggs, birds to the customers as and when required.

(viii) He will realize the sale proceeds of birds, eggs which are delivered by him outside the farm premises and deposit such cash to the Incharge sales, on day to day basis.

(ix) He will help the other technical staff in discharge of their duties.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.75 Animal Husbandry Attendant Posted in Sheep Farm:-

(i) They shall perform duties assigned to them by their In charge which shall broadly cover the following works:- a. feeding, watering; b. Grazing as per schedule fixed by the Farm Manager/DAH from time to time keeping in view the topography of the place: c. Cleaning of sheds, removal of dung, urine, soiled bedding from the sheds to the manure pit d. Carrying of water to the livestock shed, laboratory dispensary. e. Cleaning of utensils and washing of farm premises. f. Sweeping and cleaning of farm premises g. Carrying of hay, green fodder, concentrate, chaffing and cutting of fodder h. To render assistance during treatment, dipping drenching, preventive inoculation, weighing, docking, tattooing, AI/natural service and other farm operations. i. Carrying of dead animals and to render help in conduct of postmortem, skinning of dead animals and burial of dead animals. j. Shearing of animals. k. Carrying of lambs as and when necessary during migration l. Erection of pens and enclosures. m. Repair of pens and fences n. Sorting and handling of ewes.

(ii) They shall be responsible for the livestock handed over to them during grazing and shall make search for any missing animal.

(iii) All the Class-IV working/posted at the farm can be required to load, unload trucks or any other transport vehicle and will accompany the sheep in the Lorries.

(iv) In case they are attached with Agriculture section, they shall carry out all agricultural operations like ploughing, sowing, planting, application of farm yard manure, fertilizer, irrigation of crops, harvesting of crops, thrashing of crops, carriage of fodder, chaffing of fodder, filling up of silo pits, application of pesticides and rodenticides, etc.

(v) Maintenance of irrigational channels and other irrigation system. (vi) Maintenance of farm paths, roads. (vii) Putting up and mending of fences around the fields. (viii) Watch and ward of farm property. (ix) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.76 Chowkidar posted in the Farms:-

(i) He will keep watch and ward of the farm and will check entry of any unauthorized person, livestock in the farm;

(ii) It will be his duty to check and bring to the notice of the Assistant Director (Farm), removal of any farm article, damage to farm property including lopping of forest and fodder trees, unauthorized plucking of fruits and cutting of fodder;

(iii) He will keep vigil of any fire outbreak in the farm area and will give the fire alarm and bring it to the notice of the Assistant Director (Farm)

(iv) He will be responsible for upkeep of the farm dogs and prepare food for them;

(v) He will keep watch on attack by wild animals to the livestock, fodder or fruit crops;

(vi) He will be responsible for switching on and switching off of the street lights and external lights of the farm buildings, whenever and wherever necessary;

(vii) During his round in and around the animals sheds, if he detects any parturition or ailment, he will immediately report it to the official Incharge of the livestock;

(viii) He can be assigned to discharge any other duty or function by the Assistant Director (Farm) including night duty.

(ix) If a gun has been given to him he will be responsible for its safe custody, upkeep and proper handling as required under Arms Act. He may test the gun to ensure its proper working at least once in a month on the instructions of the Assistant Director.

(x) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.77 Animal Husbandry Attendant Posted in D.I. Lab:-

(i) To see that the premises are kept neat and clean and to undertake systematic disposal of morbid cultured and clinical material received or collected from the field when discontinued from investigation.

(ii) Cleaning and washing of laboratory premises, laboratory tables, sinks and other fixtures. (iii) Cleaning and washing of glass-wares and other laboratory equipments after use. (iv) To help in wrapping and sterilization of glass-wares. (v) To help in opening of carcasses for postmortem work and to assist in its disposal. (vi) Cleaning of laboratory animals shed. (vii) Feeding of laboratory animals. (viii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities

2.78 Animal Husbandry Attendant Posted in Cattle Farm:-

He will discharge the following functions:-

(i) Feeding, watering and milking of animals.

(ii) Grazing, exercise and grooming of animals

(iii) Securing and tying of animals.

(iv) Cleaning of sheds, removal of dung, urine, soiled bedding from the sheds and its carriage to the manure pits.

(v) Carrying of water to livestock sheds, laboratory, dairy, dispensary etc. both for watering of animals, cleaning of equipment and washing of premises.

(vi) Washing of dairy utensils, equipment and appliances.

(vii) Sweeping, cleaning of farm premises.

(viii) Carrying of hay, green fodder, concentrates, chaffing of fodder, carriage of any store articles of the farm.

(ix) To render assistance during treatment and preventive inoculation and artificial insemination and natural services.

(x) Carrying of dead animals and help in the conduct of postmortems and skinning of dead animals and the burial of dead animals.

(xi) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.

2.79 Cleaner:-

(i) He will assist the Driver in performing his duties.

(ii) Any other duty assigned by the higher authorities.



3.1 Technical Wing:-

(i) H.P. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services Class-I

 Veterinary officer is the direct recruitment post whose minimum educational qualification is B.V.S.C. & A.H. done from a Veterinary College duly recognised by Veterinary Council of India.  Next in hierarchy are Senior Veterinary Officer, Assistant Director and Deputy Director. From Veterinary Officer to Deputy Director the hierarchical climbing is not in the shape of promotion but rather placement.  From Deputy Director to Joint Director is the first promotion based on merit cum seniority , making the Joint Director as the first promotional post  There are three Joint Directors. Two of them are stationed at Shimla while the third one is stationed at Palampur.  From Joint Director to Director is the second promotion (based on merit- cum- seniority) who is the Head of Animal Husbandry Department.

(ii) Paraveterinary Services:-

 Veterinary Pharmacist is the entry grade post, whose minimum educational qualification is 10+2 any stream but having matric with science subjects or its equivalent examination from the Board recognised by the State Government. Provided that he should have passed the prescribed Veterinary Pharmacist Training Course of two years duration and Diploma to this effect should have been issued by CSKHPKV, Palampur or should have passed two years duration course with equivalent syllabus prescribed by CSKHPKV, Palampur for veterinary pharmacist training from a University / Institution recognised by the State/Central Government. These posts are filled 88% by Direct recruitment on a regular basis from amongst Panchayat Veterinary Sahayaks or on contract basis from amongst the Panchayat Veterinary Sahayaks and 12% by promotion from class – IV employees of the department who have passed the prescribed Veterinary Pharmacist Training Course, failing which by direct recruitment on a regular basis or by recruitment on contract basis from amongst Panchayat Veterinary Sahayaks as the case may be.  Next promotional posts in the hierarchy of Veterinary Pharmacists are Animal Husbandry Assistants, Chief Veterinary Pharmacists, respectively.  Apart from these, there are posts of Radiographer and Laboratory Technician which are recruited directly.

(iii) Engineering Wing:-

 Junior Engineer is a direct recruitment post.

(iv) Agricultural Wing:-

 Agrostologist is a direct recruitment post.

(v) Dairy Wing:-

 Dairy Development Inspector: This is a direct recruitment post.

 Deputy Director (Dairy): Recruitment is 100% by promotion from amongst Dairy Development Inspectors failing which by direct recruitment or on contract basis.

3.2 Statistical Wing:-

 Enumerator: The minimum qualification of this post is 10+2. 90% of these posts are filled by direct recruitment and 10% of the posts are filled by promotion from amongst the Class – IV employees with at least 5 years service.

 Computer: This post is filled 100% by direct recruitment. Minimum basic qualification is 10+2. In case of Enumerator and Computer inter-se-seniority is prepared.

 Statistical Assistant: The minimum qualification of this post is B.Com./B.Sc./ B.A. with Economics/ Maths/ Statistics as one of the subjects. These posts are to be filled 100% by promotion.

 Technical Assistant (Statistics): 25% of these posts are filled by direct recruitment and 75% by promotion from amongst statistical assistants.

 Statistical Officer: This post is filled by promotion from Technical Assistants.

 Deputy Director (Statistics): This post is filled by promotion from Statistical Officer, failing which by direct recruitment on a regular basis or by recruitment on contract basis.

3.3 Ministerial Wing:-

 Clerk: It is entry grade post. 70% of the posts are filled by direct recruitment on a regular basis or by recruitment on contract basis. 20% posts are to be filled by limited direct recruitment from amongst the regular Class- IV officials possessing 10+2 qualification through competitive examination and 10% by promotion from amongst the regular Class- IV.  Junior Assistants: 50% of the senior most clerks are placed in the category of junior assistants.

 Senior Assistants, Superintendent Grade – II and Superintendent Grade – I respectively, are the promotional posts in this hierarchy.

3.4 Personal staff:-

 Steno typist is the direct recruitment post.

 Junior scale stenographer, Senior scale stenographer, Personal Assistant and Private Secretary respectively are the promotional posts in the hierarchy of personal staff.

3.5 Miscellaneous Wing:-

 Driver: It is a direct recruitment post.  Tractor driver: It is a direct recruitment post.  Technician grade-I (Mechanical): It is a direct recruitment post.  Technician grade-I (Electrical): It is a direct recruitment post.  Technician grade-I (Carpenter): It is a direct recruitment post.

3.6 Class-IV Employees Wing:-

 Animal Husbandry Attendants: They are directly recruited and posted in various veterinary institutions.  Peons: They are directly recruited and posted in various offices of the department.  Daftari: It is a promotional post from peon.  Gestetner Operator: Is appointed by transfer/placement from amongst the Daftaries having 3 years regular service.  Chowkidar: It is a direct recruitment post.  Cleaner: It is a direct recruitment post.

3.7 Legal Wing:-

Law Officer is a direct recruitment post. 3.8 Accounts Wing:-

 Section Officer (Finance and Accounts): This is an entry grade post.  Assistant Controller (Finance and Accounts): This is the promotional post from section officer (Finance and Accounts). Both the above posts belong to S.A.S. Cadre. Treasuries, Accounts and Lotteries Department of Finance Department are the cadre controlling authority in their case.

3.9 Office Hours:-

Unless otherwise specified are from 10 am to 5 pm with a half an hour lunch break from 1:30 pm to 2 pm. Any member of the staff may, however, be required to work beyond office hours or on holidays (except Independence Day and the Republic Day), if his work is not up to date or the business of the Department demands. The peons are required to attend the office at least half an hour before the office opens in the morning for cleaning/sweeping/ arranging the office purposes.

3.10 Attendance:-

Normally, the hours of attendance are those which are fixed by the H.P. Govt. from time to time for various departments of H.P. Govt. However, any employee may be required to work for extra hours as and when the official work demands without any claim for extra remuneration. Punctuality must be strictly observed. In the absence of Head of Office, the officer next to him shall ensure that members of the staff attend the institution punctually. No member of the staff is allowed to leave the office within the office hours except for the specific permission of the Head of the office concerned.

3.11 Veterinary Hospital / Dispensary Hours:-

From 9:30 am in the morning to 4 pm in the evening with half an hour lunch break from 1.30 to 2.00 P.M. These timings shall be displayed prominently in the hospital premises. Emergency cases shall however be attended to any time when brought to the hospital / dispensary. Animal Husbandry Attendants shall attend their institutions half an hour before their opening time for cleaning/ sweeping purposes.

3.12 Attendance Register:-

Attendance register will be kept in all subordinate offices and in each section of the Directorate of Animal Husbandry, HP in which names of all Govt. servants will be included. Every employee, whose name is entered in the attendance register, will mark his presence with his initials in the attendance register with time of arrival and departure. This register will remain under the supervision of section in charge who will put his initials at the foot of the day’s entries. He will submit the attendance register to the head of the office. Any person coming late is marked and chronic latecomers / absentees warned and punished accordingly.

The Superintendents/ Head of Sections who don’t come to office in time should be treated like other officials and should be considered late when their initials are not there on the attendance register. Such Superintendent / Head of Section should also on reaching office have his time of arrival noted in the attendance register by the head of office concerned.

3.13 Unauthorised Absence:-

Except in case of sudden illness, leave must be obtained before it is availed. Absence without leave will be tantamount to indiscipline and will render the absentee liable to disciplinary action unless any satisfactory explanation is furnished of such absentee.

3.14 Medical Certificate:-

Every person absent on the plea of illness must when called upon, produce a medical certificate of his inability to attend and as a rule such a certificate should invariably be submitted when the period of casual leave extends two days or more. The certificate should be obtained from the authorized medical officer of the station where the official fell ill. An official when asked to appear before the Chief Medical Officer for second opinion must obey the orders and get himself examined from the chief medical officer concerned and furnish a certificate to the authority concerned. In this case, medical certificate from other medical practitioner should not be entertained.

The grant of medical certificate for the purpose of leave other than casual leave does not in itself confer upon Government servant concerned any right to avail leave. A certificate should be forwarded to the authority concerned for orders. Serious note will be taken of any unauthorized absence.

3.15 Public Holidays:-

The offices will remain closed on Gazetted holidays, unless otherwise ordered by the Head of Office who may stop a holiday in case of any individual guilty of idleness or inattention to duty expect when the day in question is deemed especially sacred by the members of the religion which the offender professes. Permission to leave the station during holidays must be obtained before departure.

3.16 Disposal of Work:-

Expedition of disposal of official business is imperative. Every member of the office is responsible for the work entrusted to him and should ensure that it is disposed of speedily, diligently and honestly with due regard to rules and regulations and in manner uninfluenced from any quarter or extraneous consideration and according to the instructions of the Govt.

No Government servant shall except in accordance with any special or general orders of the government communicate directly or indirectly any official document or information to a person unauthorized to receive the same or to the press.

3.17 Attitude Towards General Public:-

Members of the public approaching Govt. servants for help or redressal of their grievances should be given patient hearing and due courtesy be shown to them. In official contacts, the handling of the general public should be sympathetic, cautious, straight forward and honest.

3.18 Buildings:-

(i) Hiring of private buildings:-

No private building shall be rented if some suitable building belonging to government is available for the purpose. This information shall be ascertained by obtaining N.A.C. from the Executive Engineer P.W.D., concerned before selecting a private building. Usually buildings are hired for housing Veterinary Dispensary or Veterinary Hospital or the like. For this purpose , it shall be kept in mind that such buildings should contain two rooms of about 12’x12’ for Dispensary and three rooms for Hospital and should have a compound of its own or there should be some space available nearby for handling / restraining the animals. It should be easily accessible, so that the animals and their attendants can conveniently avail of the facility. After selecting such building, the rent reasonable certificate shall be obtained from the P.W.D. authorities.

(ii) Construction of permanent building (Hospital and Dispensary):-

Following factors shall be kept in view while selecting the site - a) The area available should be sufficient for immediate requirement and also capable of allowing future extensions. b) The area selected shall be such that it is conveniently approachable. c) It will be so located that there is water supply available near the site. d) All efforts shall be made to acquire such area which belongs to Government. e) The department entertains free gifting of land building free from all encumbrances and the department shall not permit use of name of the donor to be fixed with the name of the institution. However such donation may be ascertained by affixing a stone indicating the name of the donor. f) After selecting, the site for approval from the P.W.D. will be obtained regarding its suitability. g) After receiving the suitability report, the proceedings as required shall be initiated.

(iii) Construction of buildings procedure thereof:-

The department shall write to the P.W.D. about its intention of constructing the building at a particular place and request for preliminary estimates and give the standard design of the buildings required to be constructed. On receipt of these estimates, administrative approval shall be conveyed depending on the availability of funds.

The area purchased or acquired by the department shall be properly fenced and all care shall be exercised that no encroachment is permitted even to the extent that the owner of the land adjoining the compound of the government building doesn’t build a house on his land with its windows overlooking the government compound.

(iv) Register of building:-

The buildings belonging to the Govt. are in the charge of P.W.D. and are entered in their books. The incharge of the institution shall keep check on their utilization. A building register shall be maintained by each controlling officer. This register shall indicate the date of completion of the building, total cost incurred in construction of building and detail of its occupants. Detail of annual / special repair will be entered in this register.

3.19 Restriction on keeping private animals in the Government Farms:-

No employee occupying government accommodation in the Farm shall be allowed to keep the animals at the Farm. However, such employees shall have to seek prior permission before doing so from his controlling officer. In case of poultry birds, no such formality would be necessary up to 10 birds but the birds shall have to be kept in confinement and would not be allowed to move about in the farm area. An employee posted at the poultry farm shall in no case be permitted to raise poultry birds in the farm premises.

3.20 Restriction on keeping private animals in the Hospitals/Dispensaries:-

The staff posted in the Hospitals/Dispensaries can keep one cow/buffalo where there is no government livestock.

3.21 House rent charges of the Accommodations in the field:-

There is no provision of rent free accommodation in the field occupants of such houses has to pay rent as per the norms fixed by the governments and those having no government accommodation are paid HRA as per the Government policy in vogue. The detail of the license fee is as follows:-

Type of accommodation Monthly standard license fee

Type-I Rs. 106/- per month

Type-II Rs. 228/- per month

Type-III Rs. 388/- per month

Type-IV Rs. 898/- per month

Type-V Rs. 1232/- per month

Type-VI Rs. 1284/- per month

Type-VII Rs. 2578/- per month

Type-VIII Rs. 2834/- per month

3.22 Hospital receipts:-

Income from Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries shall be deposited directly or through S.V.O. to the Deputy Director (Animal Health and Breeding) at the district level or Assistant Directors in case of Pangi, Kaza, Bharmour and Palampur who shall further deposit it in the government treasury in the particular Head of account as per the instructions of the government and as per the provisions made in the H.P.F.R. Volume-I. It must be ensured by the concerned D.D.O. that proper receipt in T.R.-5 is duly issued by the Cashier against the deposited income.

3.23 Farm Receipt:-

Income from Poultry Farms/Sheep Farms/Cattle Breeding Farms where Assistant Director (Farms) are themselves Drawing and Disbursing officer, will deposit the income according to financial rules and instructions issued in this behalf from time to time. Rest of Assistant Director (Farms) will deposit the income with their respective DD’s (AH/B). 3.24 Evaluation Committee for fixation of rates of Livestock & Animal Husbandry Products:-

For fixation of rates of various Livestock and the Animal Husbandry products there is an Evaluation Committee comprising of:-

(i) Secretary (A.H.) to the Govt. of H.P. Chairman (ii) Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary/ Member Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary (Finance) to the Govt. of H.P. (iii) Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary/Deputy Member Secretary/Under Secretary (A.H.) to the Govt. of H.P. (iv) Director of Animal Husbandry (H.P.) Member (v) Head of the Statistical Cell of Animal Member Secretary Husbandry Department (H.P.)

This committee fixes the rates of livestock and livestock products on year to year basis.

3.25 Miscellaneous:-

(i) Issue of Health Certificate:

No fee shall be charged for veterinary examination at the Veterinary Hospital/Dispensaries for the soundness of the animals belonging to the Departments or Local bodies or beneficiaries.

(ii) Issue of Vetero-legal Certificate in Veterinary Practice:

Only Registered Veterinary Practitioners are authorized to issue Vetero- legal certificates. Registered Veterinary Practitioner who issues Vetero- legal certificates should do so only at the written request of the police authorities. Law permits such persons if they subsequently institute legal proceeding, to summon Veterinary Officer who has examined animals, to give evidence when required.

(iii) Poisonous Drugs Handling and Storage:

All poisonous drugs as detailed below may be kept in a separate Almirah under lock and key. The Veterinary Officer In charge of the of the hospital is solely responsible for safe custody of poisonous drugs and for the accuracy with which they are dispensed and the key of Almirah must remain in his possession and the prescriptions containing any poison either be dispensed by him or under his immediate supervision. The poison label must be attached to every receptacle containing poison and also to the Almirah in which they are kept.

All inspecting officers in their inspection report, reporting on the condition of medicine must report whether these instructions are followed in the case of all the poisonous drugs. In case where they find poisonous drugs are not under safe custody, they will mention it in their report and call explanation of the defaulter for non-compliance.



(Vide Office Memo No. Per-(AP-B)-B-(15)-1/2002-III Government of Himachal Pradesh, Department of Personnel (AP-II) dated 7th March, 2011)

( i ) The nomenclature of Annual Confidential Report (ACR) has been modified as Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR).

(ii) Henceforth full APAR shall be communicated to the officers holding selection posts or who are in the feeder category for further promotion to selection posts after the report is complete with the remarks of the Reviewing Officer and the Accepting Authority.

(iii) The authority entrusted with the maintenance of APARs after it’s receipt shall disclose the same to such officer reported upon.

(iv) The concerned officer shall have the opportunity to make any representation against the entries within a period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the entries in the APAR. The representation shall be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the report leading to assessment of the officer in terms of attributes, work output etc. While communicating the entries, it shall be made clear that in case no representation is received within the fifteen days, it shall be deemed that he/she has no representation to make. In case no representation is received from the concerned officer on or before fifteen days from the date of disclosure, the APAR will be treated as final.

(v) The new system of communicating the entries in the APAR shall be made applicable prospectively only with effect from the reporting period 2010-2011 which is to be initiated after 1st April, 2011

(vi) The competent authority for considering representations against adverse remarks, under the existing instructions, may consider the representation, if necessary, in consultation with the reporting and / or reviewing officer and shall decide the matter objectively based on the material placed before him/her within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of the representation.

(vii) The competent authority after due consideration may reject the representation or may accept and modify the APAR accordingly. The decision of the competent authority shall be communicated to the officer reported upon within fifteen days by the concerned APAR maintenance authority.



In order to promote e- Governance and bring efficiency and transparency in the functioning of its offices, the department has web presence through a dedicated departmental website while other online services like e- Samadhan, PMIS, e- Salary, Sevottam, etc. are also being taken care of through the Himachal Pradesh Government official website.

5.1 Citizen’s Charter:-

Citizen’s charter is a document which represents a systematic effort to focus on the commitment of the department toward its Citizens in respect of standard of services, information, choice and consultation, non-discrimination and accessibility, grievances redressal, value for money. It lays down time limits and standard of services, avenues of prompt grievance redressal and access to information and credible monitoring arrangements. It is essentially about the rights of the public and the obligations of the public servants. Keeping in view the above objectives our Department has fixed the time line for different services to be rendered by us and in lieu some fees, etc. are charged as shown below.

 Purchi Fee Cattle/other animals Re. 1/- per animal  Poultry Re. 1/- 10 per birds  Castration fee/Bull Re. 1/- per bull  Buck/Ram Re. 1/- per animal  Stallion Rs.10/- per Stallion  Dog Rs. 5/- per Dog  A.I Fee/cow and buffalo Rs. 15/-per cow/buffalo for APL families Rs. 10/-per cow/buffalo for BPL families

5.2 Visiting fee:-

Government has fixed the following rates of visiting fee to be paid by the livestock owner’s to the Veterinary Pharmacists/Animal Husbandry Assistants and Chief Pharmacists when they attend the cases at the farmer’s door as shown in the table below:-

Distance from the Veterinary Pharmacist Animal Husbandry Veterinary Assistant and Chief

Institution Pharmacist

Upto 3Kms Rs. 30/- Rs. 35/-

Above 3Kms Rs. 35/- Rs. 40/-

Regular Veterinary Officers get Non-Practicing Allowance @ 25% of the basic Pay from the Government, in lieu of the visiting fee, hence they can’t charge visiting fee from the farmers.

5.3 Vaccination Fee:-

Foot and Mouth Disease, Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Black Quarter, Peste Des Petitis Ruminants and Post exposure Anti Rabies Vaccine are provided free of cost except for pre- exposure Anti Rabies Vaccine in which case, full cost is charged from all categories of the Citizens.

5.4 For Grievance Redressal at various levels maximum time limit is given below:-

Level of the Type of complaint Maximum office time limit for redressal of complaint

Deputy Director 1. Shortage of Medicines One week Animal Health 2. Shortage of equipment One month and Breeding in 3. Control and containment of diseases 2 days every District 4. Prophylactic vaccination 1 month Assistant 5. Absence of staff 2 weeks Director at Pangi, 6. Regarding treatment of sick Animals 2 weeks Bharmour and 7. Non availability of A.I equipment 1 week Kaza and and material 8. Wrong treatment given by the staff 2 days Assistant 9. Regarding repeat breeding cases 1 month Director(CP) at 10. Failure to supply death certificate 1 week Palampur and Post mortem report 11. No settlement of Insurance claims 1 month 12. Regarding irregularities committed 1 week by the staff 13. Filling up of vacant posts 1 month 14. Regarding organization of camps 1 month 15. Ensure the supply of fodder seeds, 1 month fodder roots, and fodder tree saplings 16. Provision of Bulls/Rams for natural 1 month service where A.I facilities are not available 17. Complaints of the Employees 1 month Joint Director 1. Non redressal of complaints 1 to 17 2 weeks Level at district level 2. Complaint regarding control out 2 days breaks 3. Prophylactic vaccination within the 1 month Division 4. Constitution of teams for organizing 1 month the camps in the division 5. For making local arrangements 1month against the vacant posts Director, Animal 1. Those complaints which were not 2 weeks Husbandry Level attended at District and Division level. 2. Regarding vacant posts. 1 month 3. Regarding furniture, equipment and 1 month Medicines. 4. All complaints arising on account of 1 month staff. 5. Grievances of the staff. 1 month

5.5 Personal Management Information System (PMIS):-

The Personal Management Information System (PMIS) is an online real time database system where the employees service data is fed in various proformas online by the authorised user and verified online by the competent authority. This software helps to see the information about employees who are working in various Government departments. Hence, the service Books are maintained as e- Servicebooks through this portal. Day to day routine establishment matters pertaining to the employees are also updated under PMIS.

5.6 e- Samadhan:-

The e- Samadhan system is a web- based online grievance redressal and monitoring system to handle public grievances. It is a single integrated web- enabled system for all the departments. Any individual can register his grievance/ complaint pertaining to the department on the Himachal Pradesh Government official website from any place where internet facility is available. The complaints so entered are attended to by the department. The content on the website is published and managed by the Department of Redressal of Public Grievances, Himachal Pradesh.

5.7 AGiSAC: - (

Aryabhatta Geo-informatics and Space Application Centre has been established in the state, by the Government with an objective to facilitate the use of geo- informatics for the purpose of developmental planning and decision making. Under AGiSAC the department has got developed an application for online Submission of Progressive Returns from the field institutions/offices. The reports so generated can further be utilized in monitoring by the higher authorities.

5.8 NADRS:-(

This portal has been launched to monitor livestock diseases in the country by monitoring and creating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) infrastructure in various Animal Husbandry Institutions. This will help not only in animal disease monitoring but also in the surveillance of the diseases. Further, the livestock farmer will be able to interact with the NADRS portal through mobile phone as well.

5.9 SSDG:- (

State Services Delivery Gateway is a single entry point for farmers to conveniently find, manage and submit forms to the department. Two forms have been incorporated in the e-Service link in the above portal as under:-

1) Application for poultry farm a) 200-Chick Scheme under SCSP (Subsidy based). b) Backyard Poultry Scheme (Cost based).

2) Application for sheep farm

5.10 Result Framework Document (RFD):-

RFD is a document for monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of essential services to the common man effectively and efficiently. RFD compendium contains determination of key objectives, what action does the department propose to achieve for these objectives and how to measure progress in implementing such actions.

5.11 Sevottam:-

It is a system devised to improve the service quality, in the delivery of services by the Government departments to all categories of its citizens/ clients. This process involves defining the services which the department provides to the clients after identifying the clients, sets standards and norms for each service, develop capabilities to meet the set standards, performs to achieve each standards, monitor achievements against the set standards, evaluate performance and continuously improve the services.

Finally, all these processes need to be undertaken in continuous improvement mode so that the department can reach progressively higher levels of service delivery quality, as new technologies and ways of improving service delivery emerge.

5.12 Right to Information Act, 2005:-

In consonance with the Right to Information Act, 2005 and Rules made there under, Rule 11 of Conduct rules has been substituted which reads as under:-

Communication of Official Information: Every Government servant shall, in performance of his duties in good faith, communicate information to a person in accordance with the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005) and the rules made there under.

5.13 The Himachal Pradesh Public Services Guarantee Act, 2011:-

This Act is to ensure that the various services relating to Animal Husbandry Department, H.P. are provided within the prescribed time limits. The details of this Act are available in the Chapter- “Acts & Rules”.



6.1 Introduction:-

Poultry Farming in Himachal Pradesh plays an important role in improving the socio-economic status of rural population particularly the landless because it requires less capital and ensures quick returns. It has shown vast potential of self employment opportunity along with augmenting the nutritional status of the rural population by enhancing the availability of proteins in the diet at a reasonable cost. Hilly topography and extreme climatic condition compounded with limited availability of poultry inputs mainly affordable feed are some of the reasons why people here prefer poultry units of small size rather than bigger units.

A peculiar feature of poultry farming in Himachal Pradesh is the bulk availability of eggs and broilers in the urban areas while rural areas remained neglected. This has led to high cost of poultry products in the rural areas as compared to towns. Therefore, the department has put thrust in the development of rural poultry and efforts are on to make the backyard poultry more popular as it provides supplementary income as well as nutrition of high order without incurring extra expenditure. This has been further made successful with the introduction of hybrid birds.

Poultry farming requires less space with low capital investment thus making it a remunerative enterprise both in the rural as well as urban areas. Poultry is easily reared in rural areas. Even women and children can handle it with ease.

6.2 Aims and Objectives:-

The Poultry Development activities of the department in the State aim to achieve the following:-

 To demonstrate the modern method of poultry farming.  To provide nutritious diet to the people of the State by providing day old chicks, birds and eggs.  To help the people to open poultry units so as to augment their income.  To impart training in poultry farming.  To increase employment opportunities especially in the rural areas where rural population is mostly under employed.

6.3 Various Poultry Institutions in the State:-

(i) Two Hatcheries namely Him Hatchery, Sundernagar, District Mandi & Central Poultry Farm, Nahan, District Sirmour. (ii) Ten Poultry Farms where chicks are reared and distributed to the beneficiaries. The detail of these institutions is as under:-  Poultry Farm, Jalgran, District Una  Regional Poultry Farm, Kamlahi, District Shimla  Poultry Farm, Chauntra, District Mandi  Poultry Farm, Palampur, District Kangra  Poultry Farm, Bhawarna, District Kangra  Poultry Farm, Reckong Peo, District Kinnaur  Poultry Farm, Tapri, District Kinnaur  Poultry Farm, Sarol, District Chamba  Poultry Farm, Solan, District Solan  Poultry Farm, Paonta Sahib, District Sirmour 6.4 Recommended efficiency practices at Hatcheries:-

(i) Incubation:-

In the Hatcheries artificial hatching is practiced. Eggs used for hatching should be of good quality, eggs showing good interior quality as judged by candling, hatch better. Four physical factors necessary for successful incubation are temperature, humidity, ventilation and turning of eggs.

Temperature is the most important single factor in determining hatching. The incubator temperature should be maintained as recommended by the manufacturer.

Hatchability of the eggs is greatly influenced by the moisture content of the air in incubator. A relative humidity of about sixty percent gives best results. Relative humidity is measured by dry and wet bulb thermometers. Wet bulb reading should be 11.7 0 C to 180 C below the dry bulb reading during the first 18 days of incubation.

The incubator must be regularly fumigated to kill disease organism which otherwise would spread to the whole of the incubators.

Cross ventilation of the incubator is essential for the removable of CO2 and for supplying fresh air. It is also essential that the room in which the incubator is installed has adequate ventilation.

Place the eggs in machine with big ends uppermost. Set the eggs early in the morning to allow the correct temperature to be obtained by evening. It is advisable to calculate the time of hatch from the time when eggs attain the correct temperature; this is usually 8-10 hours after setting. Hence if hen eggs were set in the morning the hatch would be due in the evening 21 days later.

On the first day check the temperature and see that it does not exceed 1030F. The temperature should remain so till 7th day. On 7th day test eggs for fertility by candling. The embryo should be showing movement and it should be possible to see small red lines and a clouded appearance. An infertile egg will show clear.

On 8th to 18th day turn the eggs daily. There is no need for manual turning if the incubator have automatic turning devices. All eggs should be candled on 18th day when there transfer to the hatching compartment. By candling at this stage, it is possible to remove infertile eggs and those with dead embryos.

From 18th to 21st day don’t turn eggs and don’t open machine for the fear of losing moisture and heat. In general ample moisture is needed for the last three days for hatching. Hatching should be over by evening of 21st day. It is good to leave them till 22nd morning. Chicks can be placed in a chicken box or transferred to brooder.

(ii) Preparation of poultry house prior to chick arrival:-

Ensure proper cleaning of the poultry house and equipment before the entry of the chicks. Walls should be white washed and properly dis-infected. When the floor gets dried up spread two to three inches of saw dust as litter. For the first few days cover the litter with old news paper sheets so as to ensure that the chicks do not eat litter in place of feed. Start the brooders 24 hours prior to the arrival of the chicks.

(iii) Bird Rearing:-

(a) Brooding:- Appropriate number of brooders should be installed according to the size of the hatch. Temperature of 950F should be maintained at the start, decreasing the same weekly by 50F so as to reach the level of 700 F gradually. For small flocks the most common source of heat is a heat lamp. A 250 Watt bulb when suspended about 17 inches of the floor provides enough heat to brood up to 100 chicks. The bulb should be so suspended that the distance from the bare floor to the bottom of the lamp is 17 inches which means 13-14 inches above chicken litter. Weaning of chicks from the heat can be carried out by gradually raising the bulb two or three inches at the end of each week, although this will be governed by weather conditions. The spreading out of chicks is the best guide. For 300 chicks, three bulbs are needed and they should be placed on a triangular frame with two feet distance from each bulb. It is advisable to place a guard of corrugated card board about 30 cm high to set up a brooder that forms a circle around the heat source. This will prevent the chicks from getting too far from the source of heat. Chick Guard of seven feet diameter for 300 chicks prevents their straying out. It should be removed after about a week.

(b) Duration of bulb use:- In case more than 100 number of chicks are to be brooded than say for 300 chicks it would not be economic to lower the temperature by raising the height of bulb. In that case the below mentioned schedule should be followed-:

During first week:- All three bulbs day & night Second Week:- Three bulbs during night but only two during day Third & fourth week:- Two only during night and one during day Again weather conditions should be the guide.

(c) Space Requirements:-

 Floor Space:-

Upto 4 weeks 0.5 sq.ft. per chick 4-8 weeks 1.0 sq.ft. per chick 8-12 weeks 1.5 sq.ft. per chick 12-18 weeks 2.0 sq.ft. per chick 18 weeks onwards 2.5 sq.ft. per bird

 Feeding Space( Linear space):-

4-8 weeks 10 ft. per 100 birds (one side) or 5 ft. per 100 birds (two sides)

9 weeks to laying stage 14 ft. per 100 birds (One side) or 7 ft. per 100 birds (two sides)

Adults 20 ft. per 100 birds

 Water Space:-

4-8 weeks 2-3 ft of drinking space or two drinking fountains per 100 birds 9 weeks to laying stage 3-6 ft or one large capacity fountain per 100 birds and even layers.

(d) Feeding :-

For feeding scale and ration recommendations made in Annexure -Z may be adhered to.

(e) Debeaking:-

It should be performed at 4th week of age to prevent feed wastage and to prevent cannibalism.

(iv) Artificial Lighting:-

A point to watch with the handling of lights is that of regularity as any variation causes moults. Various methods are:-

 Morning lighting. (2) Evening lighting (3) All night lighting.

 Recommended period is 15 to 16 hours per day. Say sun rises at 6 am and sets at 6.30 pm making 12 hours and 30 minutes day hence artificial lighting for three and half hours is needed. Electric light is safest and requires less labour.

 60-75 watt bulb is needed as a minimum for each 350 to 400 sq.ft. of floor space (for morning or evening lights).

 For all night lighting 20 -25 watt bulb is used for the same area. Night light refers to practice of using a very dim light kept on all night.

 Bulbs should be hanged about 6-7 feet above floor.

(v) Culling:-

It should be a regular process starting from the Day Old Chicks. Elimination of un- productive birds is necessary to keep the average egg production of flock high and save the extra cost of feeding. Culling is easier when birds are kept in individual cages. The following characteristics of the birds can be used to identify the layers from non layer.

Sr. No. Character Layer Non-Layer

1. Comb Large, smooth, bright, red Dull, dry shriveled and and glossy scaly

2. Eyes Prominent and sparkling Dull and sunken

3. Vent Large, smooth and moist Shrunken and dry

4. Pubic Flexible and at least two Less than two fingers fingers apart apart bones

5. Space between More than three fingers Less than three fingers pubic bones

6.5 Vaccination/Debeaking/Deworming Schedule to be followed at the Government Poultry Farms:- Sr. Age Name of Vaccine Dose Route No. (Days) 1. Day Old Marek’s 0.2 ml S/C

2. 0-2 Days I.B. Live 1-2 drops I/O 3. 8 Days Lasota & 1-2 drops I/O N.D.+ IBD Killed 0.3 ml S/C 4. 15 Days IBD intermediate & I.B.H. 1-2 drops I/O 0.3 ml S/C 5. 18 Days M.D. Booster 0.2 ml S/C 6. 21 Days I.B. Live Drinking Water 7. 27 Days I.B.D. Live Intermediate Drinking Water 8. 36 Days Lasota Booster Drinking Water 9. 53 Days Fowl Pox Drinking Water 10. 60 Days Deworming 11. 67 Days R2 B Live 0.5 ml I/M 12. 88 Days I.B. Live Booster D/Water 13. 102 Days Fowl Pox 0.2 ml I/M 14. 107 Days Leechi heart Disease 0.5 ml I/M 15. 118 Days Debeaking in Females only 16. 153 Days Deworming 17. 160 Days N.D.+ I.B.+ I.B.D. Killed 1 ml I/M (Triplex Vaccine) 18. 167 Days Mixing of Males 19. 307 Days N.D. Killed 0.5 ml I/M

Note:- Deworming of the birds may be got done on monthly basis depending upon the need to do so. However, the schedule may change as per the manufacturer’s recommendations with the advent of new kind of vaccines.

6.6 Various Norms:-

 Formula for calculating monthly mortality in birds:-

Mortality % = No. of deaths in the month X 100__ Average Nos. of birds + Death during the month 2

 Mortality norms 0-8 weeks 5% per month 8-24 weeks 2.5% per month

Adults 1% per month

 Percentage loss of feed during storage 1% per annum

 Breakage of eggs during collection, handling & 0.2% per annum grading, etc.



Himachal Pradesh being a hilly state has small and marginal landholding and under such circumstances cattle rearing assume an important role. Introducing cross bred milch animals through breed improvement initiative is not only providing the farmer with animals having high production features but also preserves hardiness traits of local indigenous animals.

7.1 Introduction:-

To genetically improve low yielding non descript cattle and buffalo stock with exotic germplasm through Artificial Insemination and Natural Breeding Programme and to bring all breedable cow and buffalo population under organized A.I. system in a phased manner and further to strengthen the infrastructure of existing Sperm Stations, to make available quality breeding bulls for production of high quality, genetically superior semen straws, the department has presently three Cattle Farms situated at Kothipura (District Bilaspur), Palampur (District Kangra) and Bagthan (District Sirmour). All these farms keep high performing cattle and produce high performing calves to be used later for collecting semen in sperm station.

 The main objectives of the Government Cattle Farms are as follow:-

(a) Maintenance of elite cows which will act as a model for further demonstration to the farmers.

(b) Training of farmers in dairy and animal husbandry activities.

(c) Supply of breeding bulls for natural breeding and to sperm stations of the state.

 In the Government Cattle Farms the breeding is so ensured that the bulls are produced as per the requirement to carry out the existing breeding policy of the state.

 For production of semen straws there are two state of the art Sperm Stations –one located at Adduwal in District Solan for producing Buffalo bull semen straws exclusively, and one at Palampur in District Kangra for producing cow bull semen straws.

 In the state the semen straws are produced and distributed so as so implement the breeding policy of the state.

7.2 Breeding Policy for Cattle/Buffalo:-

(a) Breeding Policy of the State for Cattle:- According to the breeding policy of the State, inheritance of exotic blood i.e. Jersey / Holstein is to be kept at 50% and remaining 50% inheritance will be contributed by Hilly Cattle. This policy will ensure the benefit of higher milk production potential of exotic breed and simultaneously disease resistance and hardiness traits of hilly cattle to the farmer of the state.

(b) Breeding Policy of the State for Buffaloes:-

According to the breeding policy of the State for buffaloes, genetic make up of non descript buffaloes of the state are to be improved by grading up process using Murrah Breed of buffaloes. 7.3 Artificial Insemination Programme:-

Apart from providing A.I. Services in various Veterinary Hospitals/ Dispensaries, they are virtually offered at the door step of farmers.

7.4 Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT):-

ETT laboratory at Palampur (District Kangra) is being set up where by embryos from genetically superior cows would be transferred into the synchronized recipient animals which would serve as surrogate mothers. This would go a long way in tackling the problem of sterility and breed improvement by production of pedigree bulls for sperm stations.

7.5 Natural Breeding Programme:-

The topography of H.P. is such that in remote areas where it is not possible to introduce A.I. facilities, but otherwise livestock population is enough to warrant the provision of breeding facilities, the natural breeding programme with improved breed of bulls is carried out through distribution of cow bulls which are supplied from the Government Cattle Farms of the State. The superior buffalo bulls are also distributed to interested breeders for natural breeding. The cow and buffalo bulls are distributed in the difficult terrain of state to breeders who act as custodians of these bulls. The proper record is maintained by these custodians and from time to time they are supervised by the field staff of the Animal Husbandry Department.

7.6 Selection of Breeding Animals:-

The success of cattle breeding depends on the selection of the livestock. Therefore, while making selection for the milk production, it is desirable to take into consideration quality of high and persistent production, regularity in breeding, longevity and strong constitution. The cow should have typical dairy characters like wedge shape, prominent milk vein apart from typical characteristics of the breed. As regards the criteria for milk production the same is fixed depending upon the breed. So far as Jersey cows are concerned, no cow shall be purchased /retained whose milk production is less than 2,000 lts. per lactation period of 300 days.

7.7 Feeding of Animals:-

For feeding of calves, heifers, pregnant cows, cows in milk, new born calves, bulls, etc. feeding schedule given in Annexure -Z should be adhered to.

7.8 Care of Bulls:-

(i) The male calves should be separated from the females at the age of 6 months. (ii) These shall be maintained in good state of health and vigour, so that they lead a longer life of usefulness. They shall be kept in good, trim and given enough exercise, so that these do not get pot bellied or put on too much of fat. (iii) They shall be taught to follow a head rope willingly and stand quietly when required to do so. (iv) After one year of age, they shall be given individual care. At this age and in no case later than 1 ½ year of age, a metal ring (nose ring) shall be inserted in their nasal septum. (v) They shall be handled with firmness but no act of cruelty like abusing/bashing shall be met out to them. The bulls have tremendous strength but they should not be allowed to know it or try it because once a bull is broken loose or knocks down an attendant, it shall like to repeat it and at occasion even in a wicked manner. Such bulls are dangerous and should be led with bulls staff or with a string in the nose ring. These should always be kept out of site of other bulls. The bulls should be given sufficient exercise in morning and evening. To keep them physically fit, when there are more than four bulls, a mechanical bull exerciser shall be installed depending upon the site and location of a particular institution. (vi) A young bull may be put to first service at the age of 12 months, during first year it shall be allowed to serve 25 cows and subsequently, 50 to 75 services shall be permissible. (vii) In bulls, which are used as donors at A.I. Centers, there should be at least 2 to 3 days interval, between two successive ejaculate collections. (viii) At the time of collection, the bull shall not be fatigued or exhausted. (ix) Feeding and watering shall not be done before the collection time otherwise a bull may feel too heavy to give a good mount. (x) The semen shall be evaluated before the dilution of semen is resorted to. (xi) During hot weather fertility of exotic bulls is lowered so as a precautionary measure efforts should be made to reduce the heat stress. (xii) A second mount service shall not be allowed on the same cow on the same day unless a bull has been put to a cow after a long spell of time. (xiii) The bulls shall be fed as per feeding schedule annexed (Annexure 'Y').

7.9 Purchase of livestock:-

Director Animal Husbandry has been empowered to make purchase of livestock for a particular farm/institution as per provision of H.P.F.R. and as per delegation of power from time to time. Purchase of livestock in bulk shall be made by a purchase committee to be constituted by the Director for which he shall seek permission of the Government to constitute such committee, if necessary. While disposing of livestock it should be ensured that the livestock is disposed of to residents of Himachal Pradesh. In case, where it is considered necessary, the Director shall issue a tender notice inviting rates where such purchases are contemplated to be made from the open market. Where bull purchases are contemplated to be made from abroad, global tender notice shall be issued and terms and conditions for such purchase shall be finalized in consultation with Government of India/State Trading Corporation as per delegation from time to time.

7.10 Transfer of Livestock: -

The Director shall order transfer of surplus livestock from one Government Cattle Farm to another if need arises. When such transfers are ordered, the Director shall indicate the mode of payment like book-transfer or Performa transfer, so that the income of each farm is properly exhibited. The case for such transfer shall be initiated by the Assistant Director (Farm) where the livestock is in excess or surplus.

7.11 Disposal of useless/substandard animals: -

A list of animals to be culled should be prepared by Veterinary Officer in consultation with Assistant Director (Cattle Farm) on the basis of the performance records and sent to the Director, Animal Husbandry through their Deputy Directors. The culling committee shall be headed by Joint Director (Special Livestock Breeding Programme), Shimla or Joint Director (Animal Husbandry), Palampur depending upon the area of jurisdiction or a representative nominated by Director, Animal Husbandry. Other members of the committee shall be the Deputy Director of the concerned district and Assistant Director (Cattle Farm).

7.12 The guidelines regarding animals to be culled shall be:-

(i) Animals that do not conform to breed characteristics. (ii) Animals that is old in age. Generally animals above 10 years have to be taken as old. (iii) Animals which are poor milkers. Any animal whose average production in three consecutive lactations is less than 2000 liters in case of Jersey, 3000 liters in case of Holstein Friesian and 1500 liters in case of cross bred shall be recognized as poor milker. (iv) Poor breeders that do not respond to proper treatment and management. (v) Young stock that show stunted growth. (vi) Animals that are suffering from incurable diseases. (vii) Animals with congenital deformities. Such sub-standard animals shall be disposed of in the manner, the Director may indicate such as by auction or on book value or transfer to Gosadan.

Where it is estimated that the sale proceeds of such livestock on auction is expected to be more than Rs. 5000/- the Assistant Director (Farms) or any other Officer authorized by the Director shall issue the public notice exhibiting the intention of the Department to dispose off such livestock by public auction through the Director, Public Relation and Regional Station of All India Radio.

7.13 Disposal of Injured/Sick Animals:-

In cases of serious injuries, chronic and incurable diseases such as Tuberculosis, Johnes disease etc. involving risk of infection to other healthy animals, the Assistant Director (Farm) shall directly approach the Director for his permission for disposal of such animals. While forwarding such proposal, the Assistant Director (Farm) shall give full details of the case history of such an animal / animals including the details of measures adopted to economically save such animal/animals. This shall be followed by writing off the case. All this must take priority over other matters. In the meanwhile the affected animal must be isolated.

7.14 Death of Animals:-

The Assistant Director (Farm) shall intimate separately the death of adult animals or calves and shall furnish all relevant particulars as to the cause of death, action taken by him during illness and report of the postmortem conducted and seek sanction for write off the same from the Director.

7.15 Maintenance of Records of Livestock:-

Various records in respect of livestock, their breeding, feeding, milk production, crop and fodder production, buildings etc. shall be maintained as per appendices.

7.16 Improvement of Buffaloes:-

The Buffalo Bulls shall be maintained on the lines suggested for cow bulls under section livestock in general. The Buffalo Bulls shall be given bath daily during summer months.

7.17 Cattle Fair and Cattle Show:-

The Cattle Fairs are organized by the local Bodies, Panchayats and are in a way trade fairs which are held for sale and purchase of animals. The department is required to check /prevent spread of infectious diseases. These shows/fairs are the source of spread of such infectious diseases in the areas where new animals purchased during the show are introduced. The Veterinary Officer who is associated with organizing these fairs shall adopt or cause to be adopted the following measures:-

(i) Establish Inspection post for veterinary examination of animals brought to the fair and arrange for adequate accommodation for the isolation of cases of infectious and contagious disease. (ii) Refuse entry to the fair ground of any animal suspected to be suffering from any in factious or contagious disease. (iii) Get any premises or any animal which is in his opinion infected or likely to carry infection, inspected and adopt appropriate measures accordingly. (iv) To prohibit entrance into the fair ground of animals coming from a town, village or locality which is infected with H.S., Rinderpest, Foot and Mount, Anthrax , Black Quarter, Sheep Pox, Cow Pox, Mange, Strangles, African Horse sickness or any other communicable diseases unless such animals are subjected to preventive measures. (v) All animals should be passed through foot bath constructed near the entrance gate. (vi) It shall be the duty of the owner to inform the Officer In-charge of the fair of the Veterinary Officer of any case of illness or any contagious or infectious disease.

The local bodies/Panchayats /Block Samities shall seek permission of the department for holding cattle fairs, cattle mandies in the beginning of each financial year indicating the periodicity and duration of such fairs /mandies. The department shall have the right to impose restriction on such organizing agencies, if exigencies so warrant as per policy of the Government.

7.18 Calf Rallies:-

In order to promote the cross-breeding work, the Department organizes Calf Rallies and shows for which specific provision is made in the budget. These shows shall be organized only when no infectious disease prevails in the area from where the animals are collected for participation in the show.

The organizer of the show shall constitute a Judging Committee and award prizes/ certificates on merit. Where ever possible, a private progressive breeder shall be made a member of such committee.

The prizes shall be awarded in the following manner depending upon the availability of fund, as per policy of the Government and the rates of prizes approved by the Government:- Prizes Sr. No. Schedule of Classes 1st 2nd 3rd


1. Cross bred cows in milk * * * 2. Cross-bred Cows (dry) * * * 3. Cross- bred Heifers * * * 4. Cross bred male calves * * * 5. Cross Bred female calves * * * 6. 5 consolation prizes under * * * each class of schedule.

(B) Milk Yield competition:-

Highest milk yielding * * * cross bred cows

(C) Prize for best animals of the show *

Note:-(1)Any other class of animals may be included depending upon the kind of show.

(2) (*) Prize money will depend as per availability of funds. CHAPTER- 8


8.1 Introduction:- Sheep rearing is one of the main occupations of the people in Himachal Pradesh. Rampur Bushahari and Gaddi breeds of Himachal Pradesh are famous for indigenous Carpet Wool production in the country. About 37% of the agricultural families of the state rear sheep. The total sheep population in the state is about 9.01 lakhs. 8.2 Cross breeding in Sheep:- Wool and mutton industry in India has been assuming increasing importance but the low productivity and poor quality of mutton and wool of our sheep act as limiting factors in developing sheep. Introduction of desirable highly developed traits of exotic breeds of sheep into indigenous breeds through cross breeding is a much easier, potent and faster tool than to improve these traits by selective breeding. 8.3 Breeding Policy for Sheep in H.P.:-

Indigenous Gaddi or Rampur Bushahari ewes are to be crossed with purebred exotic rams of Rambouillet or Russian Merino breed so that in F1 Generation Exotic and Indigenous inheritance comes at 50:50 level. Ewes of this F 1 Generation (50% cross bred) are again crossed with purebred exotic rams of Rambouillet or Russian Merino breed so that in the progeny thus produced (F2 Generation) has exotic and indigenous inheritance at 75:25 level. Thereafter in subsequent generations Rams with 75% exotic inheritance are to be used for cross breeding to maintain exotic and indigenous inheritance at 75:25 level.

It is to be ensured that exotic rams used for crossbreeding in F1 Generation should not be used for progeny of the same ewe in the next generation to avoid inbreeding. 8.4 Present Infrastructure:- To carry out the breeding policy of sheep of the state in an endeavor to enhance the quantity as well as quality of wool, the department is running four Sheep Breeding Farms located at:- (i) Jeori (District Shimla) (ii) Kaksthal (District Kinnaur) (iii) Tal (District Hamirpur) (iv) Sarol (District Chamba)

Rams of exotic breeds namely Russian Merino and Rambouillet are sold at nominal rates from these farms to interested sheep breeders to carry out crossbreeding of their indigenous sheep with these exotic breeds.

Besides this, there is a Ram Centre at Nagwain (District Mandi) which provides Rams to sheep breeders during breeding season free of cost and at the end of breeding season these rams are brought back to Ram Centre. This saves the sheep breeders from bearing the cost of maintaining these Rams throughout the year.

8.5 Wool Analysis Laboratories:-

To analyze the quality of wool produced by the sheep, the department is having two Wool Analysis Laboratories situated at:-

(i) Sarol (District Chamba) (ii) Tal (District Hamirpur)

8.6 Sheep Breeding:-

The ewes should be put to rams when they are about one and half years old so that a young ewe drops her first lamb when it is about 2 years old. Ewes should be bred up to the age of 6-8 years. Though this age is influenced greatly by the feed and care they receive. The rams should be put to breeding before the age of one and half years. One ram per twenty ewes should form a norm for serving the ewes. Though older rams are capable of serving about 30-40 ewes.

Breeding should be carried out only once in a year. Autumn mating and spring lambing should be preferred. Before mating season, the breeding stock is normally flushed by virtue of their stay at the alpine pasture, thus ewes do not require concentrate feeding during this period. However in individual cases or in a certain group of sheep, it may be necessary to resort to extra feeding.

Similarly rams should not have been exhausted and should be given extra ration during the mating season. Inbreeding should be avoided. The semen quality and fitness of the rams should be periodically examined and tested when ram is mated to flock of ewes.

If a ewe does not successfully breed for two successive seasons, the same should be culled. At the time of lambing, the lambing pens with enough light and good bedding should be so made that these are free from draughts & dampness. Proper arrangements should be made that wild animals may not enter & eat away the freshly born lambs.

The animal nearing parturition should be retained in the pen and not let out for grazing.

8.7 Lambing:-

The lambs born should be tagged/ tattooed. They should also be weighed & proper record kept in lambing register.

8.8 Lamb rearing:-

The lambing ewes should be stall fed and retained in the lambing pen for a period of not less than 4 days, so that they can identify their lambs and there is proper mothering up, when the ewes are let out for grazing.

To ensure abundant supply of milk the ewes should be given ration as per scales prescribed by the department. The ewes in late pregnancy require one and half times and while nursing their lambs two times the maintenance ration. For those which are poor mothers, necessary arrangement shall have to be made to put the lamb on to another ewe who has lot her own lamb or the lamb shall have to be bottle fed.

The poor mothers should be marked for identification, so that if need be those can be culled. The poor mothers should be physically handled to make their lambs suckle them. The lambs should be weaned at the age of 3 months when the ewes normally go dry. In case any ewe still has the milk capacity, the same should be dried so that it is in good condition before the commencement of next breeding season. Normally the lambs start nibbling at about one month of age. At that time soft grass and leaves should be provided to them.

8.9 Feeding of various Categories of Sheep should be done as given in Annexure –Z of this manual.

8.10 Shearing:-

The cross bred animals should be shorn twice a year preferably at the end of March or in the beginning of April and again at the end of September or in the beginning of October. The exotic sheep be shorn only once a year. Shearing should not be carried out at a time when the climate is very hot or very cold. Chilly winds accompanied by driving rains will ruin the health of newly shorn sheep. Freshly shorn hoggets can be very susceptible to wet, windy weather and can quickly succumb to exposure. Sheep have to be kept dry for one to two days before shearing so that the fleece is dry enough to be pressed.

Cuts & Injuries during shearing should be attended to at once & after about seven days when shearing wounds have healed up, the sheep should be dipped/ given ectoparacitidal treatment to protect them from ectoparasites and various skin diseases like mange. During ectoparacitidal application due care should be taken of the head around horn and the perineal region. Each days dipping should be completed by about 4PM so that the last sheep to go through the dip will have some hours in which to dry before night falls. The rams should not be dipped during breeding season for fear of injury to penis and scalding of thighs.

8.11 Health Coverage:-

A proper calendar be made so that timely drenching against endoparasites is carried out and also various vaccinations like Foot & Mouth disease, PPR etc. is done in time

8.12 Culling: -

Elimination of unwanted and useless livestock which becomes a drain on the feed budget is necessary from time to time. In order to avoid unnecessary expenditure on such stock, the following principles should be followed:-

(A) Culling of sheep should be resorted to in the following cases:-

(i) Sheep that don’t conform to the breed characteristics.

(ii) Sheep that are weak and do not thrive well under the farm conditions inspite of good management.

(iii) Sterile ewes (which have remained barren on two successive occasions).

(iv) Sheep suffering from incurable infections, contagions diseases and those having congenital defects and deformities.

(v) Rams that are not fit for breeding purposes.

(vi) Animals that are old. Old age in animals means ewes & rams over six years of age.

(vii) Ewes which have poor mothering instincts.

(viii) If lambs need to be culled, they should be done by the age of two to three months.

(B) A list of animals to be culled should be prepared by Veterinary Officer in consultation with Assistant Director (Sheep Farm) in the month of May & December each year on the basis of the performance records and sent to the Director Animal Husbandry through their Deputy Directors. The culling committee shall be headed by Joint Director (Special Livestock Breeding Programme) Shimla or Joint Director (Animal Husbandry) Palampur depending upon the area of jurisdiction or a representative nominated by Director, Animal Husbandry. Other members of the committee shall be one Deputy Director of the concerned district and Assistant Director of the Sheep Farm.

8.13 Sale of Livestock: -

After the lambing season is complete, a detail of surplus animals keeping due margin for replacement of livestock shall be made at the farm level. This detail should be submitted to Director, Animal Husbandry through proper channel along with any demands from the Sheep breeders so that distribution sanction could be given by Director, Animal Husbandry. The sale would be at rates decided by the department from time to time.

8.14 Transfer of Livestock:-

The Assistant Director (Sheep Farm) shall intimate and recommend to the Director, transfer of surplus livestock if any, keeping in view the carrying capacity of his farm and the Director shall decide as to where such livestock can be transferred. Normally, such transfers will be by book transfer. However to account for the income of that particular farm, Assistant Director (Sheep Farm) shall include the sale price of such animals in his income register. The rate charged for computing the income shall be those as fixed by the department from time to time.

8.15 Disposal of Wool: -

All out efforts should be made by Assistant Director (Sheep Farm) that the wool produced at the farm is disposed off at an earliest. Woolfed shears the wool at the farm premises & buys it too. But this shall not debar the local buyers to purchase wool for their domestic use. The rates for sale of wool are notified by the Government from time to time and the same shall be charged.

8.16 Angora Rabbit Breeding for Angora Wool:-

Another source of wool promoted by the department is Angora Rabbit Wool. Climate of Himachal Pradesh is very favorable for Angora Rabbit Farming. Many people fancy Angora rabbit farming and as for unemployed youth, it gives them self employment. Wool of Angora Rabbits is very fine and fetches good price in the market. The department is maintaining two Rabbit Breeding Farm one in Nagwain (District Mandi) and the other in Kandwari (near Palampur District Kangra). The people interested in learning rabbit rearing skills are imparted training in these two farms.

8.17 Mortality Percentage in Sheep:-

Although it is expected that all out efforts should be made to keep the mortality to its lowest, however some deaths are bound to take place when livestock is kept. For proper verification and determining the efficiency of management, the department has laid down the following norms of mortality:- Adults 7% per annum Young 12% per annum

For purpose of working out this percentage, the strength of the farm in the beginning of the year shall be taken into consideration plus additions during the year.



As per the criteria fixed by Government of India certain animals based on population size have been recognized as Threatened. In Himachal Pradesh Yaks, Chamurthi/Spiti horses and Chegu goats have been recognized and threatened.

9.1 Yaks:-

(i) General Information:-

Yak belonging to family Bovidae are heavily built animals with a sturdy frame, short legs and rounded hoofs. Both sexes have long shaggy hair with a dense wooly undercoat over the chest, flanks and thighs to insulate them from the cold. The natural habitat of yaks consists of treeless uplands between 3000 and 5500 meters dominated by mountains and plateaus. Yak physiology is well adapted to high altitudes. Yaks are domesticated primarily for their milk, fiber and meat and as beasts of burden. Yak is a sure footed climber.

Females generally give birth for the first time at three or four years of age and reach their reproductive fitness at around six years. Estrous cycle length is about 20 ± 1 days and estrum period is of 6 to 31 hours (Average being 15 ± 6 hours). Females enter estrous up to four time a year. Gestation lasts between 257 to 270 days (Average 260 days).

Males mature sexually at about five years of age. Yaks mate in summer typically between July and September, so that the young are born between May and June and results in the birth of a single calf. Weaning takes place about one year after birth. Maximum age of yak reported is 23 years.

(ii) Reasons for decline in the size of yak population are:- (a) Ruthless hunting of yak for food. (b) Socio-economic causes like desire for an easier and more comfortable life style on the part of the younger generation. (c) The closure of the border with Tibet to the former traffic in yak is also a contributory factor and has affected the availability of new sources of breeding stock. (d) Hybridization on a large scale of yak with local cattle is another factor leading to this sharp decline in the pure yak population.

Accordingly to conserve the yaks so that they are saved from being extinct, the Department of Animal Husbandry (H.P.) is running a Yak Breeding Farm at Lari in District Lahaul and Spiti. This farm is being strengthened under Centrally Sponsored Scheme- “Conservation of Threatened Breeds of Livestock." Male yaks are provided to yak breeders so as to conserve and propagate the yak breed and increase their population. These are provided free of cost and after the breeding purpose of the breeder is solved, these are returned back to the Yak Farm. Progeny in the farm is to be sold only in case the stock is surplus to the carrying capacity of the farm. Progeny is also culled and auctioned as the situation may be after getting the prior approval of the Head of the Department.

9.2 Chamurthi / Spiti Horse:-

(a) General Information:- Although regarded locally as a horse, in western terms it is a pony being under 14 hands in height. The Chamurthi is a small mountain pony of the Indian Himalayas regarded as a distinct breed. It primarily inhabits upland plateau of 5000 meters or more. It is mostly found in Pin Valley of district Lahaul and Spiti. It is well adapted to temperature extremes of the cold desert regions of Spiti. Relatively consistent in size, the Chamurthi horses range in height from about 11 hands 2" to 13 Hands 2" Chamurthi horses are sure footed and have an ability to travel long distances in difficult terrain. Perhaps its most distinguishing feature and the source of its value to riders is that it is one of the world's few natural “Pacers", a five gaited horse that trots on its laterals rather than diagonals enabling the rider to sit comfortably without posting while the horse trots on for two to three hours at a time.

(ii) Management:-

 For feeding:- The ration and scales given in Annexure -Z should be adhered to. In general, hay should be given twice or even thrice a day when there is snow on the ground. A piece of rock salt placed in the stable or in the manger is a great favourite as well as being good.

 For bedding: - Oat straw or wheat straw are quite suitable. If stables have concrete floor then dry wood shavings can be a good form of bedding. Bedding should be atleast 4" deep turning it over each day after removing the droppings.

 Grooming:- It comprises of brushing the hair coat of horses. It is performed for cleanliness and appearance, to massage and stimulate the cutaneous blood and lymph circulation, to remove waste products like skin secretions, scurf and loose hair and to remove lice and skin parasites from hair coat. Vigorous brushing also keeps skin in loose and pliable condition and brings out the natural oil in the hair.  Precautions in serving mares:- Mares must always be properly secured when they are being covered to avoid risks to the stallion. When the service is completed, the mare should be led forward instead of the stallion being backed as the mare should be gently walked about for a short time.

 In the mare period of heat lasts for 4 to 9 days in a particular monthly oestrous cycle. It is desirable for this reason to mate mares not earlier than the 5th to 6th day of oestrous.

 The service of a stallion should not be given to any mare that is weak, very old or emaciated, excessively small, diseased, in a marked degree misshapen, hereditarily unsound, or suffering from contagious disease of any kind.

(iii) Precautions against Dourine:- The following instructions are issued to prevent the spread of Dourine diseases:-

(a) If at any time a stallion or a mare is suspected of being infected with dourine, they should on no account be mated. (b) When a mare is suspected of being infected, she should be detained under observation and a report sent, as soon as possible, to the next higher authority of the Department. (c) The penis and sheath of stallion’s must be thoroughly washed after covering with the special cleansing lotion as a routine precautionary measure.

(iv) Conservation:-

To conserve the Chamurthi horses, so that the breed is saved from being extinct, the Department of Animal Husbandry (H.P.) is running a Chamurthi Horse Breeding Farm in the native tract of these horses at Lari in District Lahaul and Spiti. Farm is being used for propagation of these horses and only surplus progeny is being sold. This farm is being strengthened under Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Conservation of Threatened Breeds of Livestock." Male Chamurthi horses are provided to Chamurthi breeders so as to conserve and propagate Chamurthi breed and increase their population. These are provided free of cost and after the breeding purpose of the breeder is solved these are returned back to the Horse Farm. Progeny in the Farm is to be sold only in case of the stock is surplus to the carrying capacity of the farm. Progeny is also culled and auctioned as the situation may be after getting the prior approval of the Head of the Department.

9.3 Chegu Goats:-

(i) General Information:-

Chegu goat, a habitat of high altitude Trans-Himalayan region serves as a lifeline for several thousand rural families as it is the exclusive source of softest, finest and warmest commercial natural fiber termed “Pashmina", which is warmer even than the finest Merino wool. In addition the Chevon from Chegu goats is preferred by the local for its taste. Population of Chegu Goats is fast declining due to several constraints like in breeding, indiscriminate breeding of Chegu Goats with other goat species, slaughter of Chegu for chevon (especially during the winter when there is substantial decline in the availability of vegetables) and shrinking pasture land.

(ii) Conservation:-

Taking note of fast declining population of Chegu goats, the government has recognized it as a threatened breed of livestock. Accordingly to conserve the Chegu goats so that they are saved from being extinct, Chegu Goat Breeding Farm is coming up at Lari in District Lahaul and Spiti with financial assistance of Govt. of India under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Conservation of Threatened Breeds of Livestock” .

(iii) Management:-

 Feeding:- Goats have special feeding habits as different from other ruminants. With the aid of their mobile upper lips and very prehensile tongues, goats are able to graze on very short grass and to browse on foliage which is not the common feed of other livestock. The special feeding habits of the goats enable them to meet their nutrient requirements in adverse feeding conditions in which quality and quantity of feed available are inadequate for other species. Stall feeding is advocated as a good husbandry practices.

 For feeding ration and feeding scale adhere to recommendations made in Annexure -Z.

 Breeding:- Goats are generally considered to be comparatively free from breeding troubles. Fertility in goats is occasionally impaired by errors in feeding and management. Does come into heat at an interval of 18 to 21 days. The average gestation period is 151 days.

 Health Care:- Be alert for signs of illness such as reduced feed intake, fever, abnormal discharge or unusual behaviour. Vaccinations may be done regularly against PPR and Goat Pox. Deworming should be carried out twice a year to boost the growth. Severe infestation of external parasites like ticks and flies will suppress the growth, so timely treatment should be given to control it.



10.1 Introduction:-

Animal Health includes both prophylactic and treatment components. To provide animal health services, the department has got a chain of veterinary institutions like Veterinary Hospitals, Central Veterinary Dispensaries, Veterinary Polyclinics (offering services of veterinary specialists), Veterinary Dispensaries and Disease Investigation Laboratories manned by competent staff.

10.2 Handling Disease Outbreaks:-

Himachal Pradesh Government has enacted an Act known as "The H.P. Livestock and Birds Disease Act 1968 " and has framed rules there under called " The H.P. Livestock and Birds Disease Rules 1971". The disease outbreaks are handled under this Act and Rules. However some general instructions for attending the outbreaks are as under:-

(i) The Veterinary Officer shall visit without delay any village where serious outbreak of a disease is reported to him by the Panchayat / Revenue Authority or any other responsible functionary of the department in writing. In case, the Veterinary Officer feels that the outbreak cannot be attended to single handedly, he should immediately get in touch with his higher authorities and seek additional assistance and guidance.

(ii) An emergency kit containing essential medicines, instruments etc. likely to be required to meet the emergency should be taken along with.

(iii) On arrival in the village or locality, he should contact the informer of the outbreak and examine ailing animals or birds. He should thereafter make survey and inspect animals /birds as the case may be in every house of the locality to assess the magnitude and intensity of outbreak.

(iv) He should undertake investigation and take samples of materials from affected cases on the spot for laboratory examination and dispatch to nearby DI Lab. located in Shimla or Mandi. However if the magnitude of work is beyond his competency he can seek the services of Specialist of Veterinary Polyclinic and /or Assistant Director (DI Lab) after bringing it to the notice of his controlling officer. The specialists posted in Veterinary Polyclinic and in Diseases Investigation Laboratories are specially trained to cater to such situations. They may offer timely, valuable guidance and if need be take the required samples / material for disease investigation in the laboratories to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis. They may in their wisdom seek further assistance from any other institution like a Veterinary College or Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratories established by government.

(v) He should undertake prophylactic vaccination and other preventive measures for the control of disease. In case the vaccine is not available with him then he should place an indent with Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) through quickest means to obtain the supplies preferably by deputing a special messenger.

(vi) He should make proper arrangements for disposal of carcasses affected with contagious diseases like Anthrax, Tetanus and Glanders under personal supervision.

(vii) In case of doubt or confusion or opposition from the public for undertaking prophylactic measures, the matter should be reported to Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) or assistance of Police be obtained if it is a Scheduled Disease.

(viii) A Veterinary Officer is not necessarily required to remain on the spot throughout the whole course of the outbreak, though at times it would be advisable for him to prolong his stay in the village for such time as the situation demands.

(ix) After attending the outbreak, he should get in touch with his Senior Veterinary Officer and Deputy Director (Animal Health/Breeding) and submit an action taken report.

(x) After ten days of vaccination, the Veterinary Officer should visit the affected village /locality to ascertain the efficacy of prophylactic measures adopted and submit the report to higher authorities.

(xi) If similar situations arise in Government Farms, the Assistant Director (Farm) may also follow these instructions.

10.3 Euthanasia:-

When the owner of an animal or a bird approaches the Veterinary Officer/ Senior Veterinary Officer of the concerned Veterinary Hospital that his animal/bird is in agony and is not likely to recover of the ailment and if the Veterinary Officer is satisfied that the injury or disease is incurable then he can at the request of the owner in writing, advise him to seek written permission from the competent authority for mercy killing of such animal/bird. After that the Veterinary Officer can do the mercy killing (euthanasia). He shall not charge any fee for this service.




(CENTRAL ACT NO. 27 OF 2009 )

Assented to on the 20th March, 2009

An Act to provide for the prevention, control and eradication of infectious and contagious diseases affecting animals, for prevention of outbreak or spreading of such diseases from one State to another, and to meet the international obligations of India for facilitating import and export of animals and animal products and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

WHEREAS economic losses due to infectious and contagious diseases of animals are enormous in the country with some of these diseases constituting a serious threat to the public;

AND WHEREAS many of such animal diseases can be largely prevented by judicious implementation of vaccination programmes or by taking other appropriate and timely measures on scientific lines;

AND WHEREAS such measures are necessary to facilitate the import and export of animals and animal products and to keep in tune with international practices;

AND WHEREAS it has been realised that the prevention, control and eradication of infectious and contagious diseases of animals from India has to be tackled on a national basis so as to avoid adverse impact of such diseases on the economy of the country and for this purpose harmonise the control procedures and to prevent inter-State transmission of animal diseases;

AND WHEREAS the national level handling has to be done with the active involvement of the State Governments, particularly in regard to the precautionary measures required to be taken within their jurisdiction in respect of certain infectious and contagious diseases and the regulation of movement of animals outside their respective areas by timely adoption of appropriate measures;

AND WHEREAS India is a Member Country of the Office International Des Epizooties, Paris and it is necessary to implement the general obligations, decisions and recommendations of the said Organisation and abide by the International Animal Health Code stipulated by the said Organisation.

Be it enacted by Parliament in the Sixtieth Year of the Republic of India as follows:—



1. Short title, extent and commencement:- (1) This Act may be called the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Bill, 2009.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different States or for different areas therein as well as for different provisions of this Act, and any reference in any such provision of this Act to the commencement of this Act shall be construed in relation to any State or area or provision as a reference to the coming into force of this Act or, as the case may be, of that provision, in such State or area.

2. Definitions:- In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:— (a) “animal” means :— (i) cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, yak, mithun; (ii) dog, cat, pig, horse, camel, ass, mule, poultry, bees; and (iii) any other animal or bird as the Central Government may, by notification, specify; (b) “Check Post” means any place established as such by the Director to carry out checking of animals for the purpose of this Act; (c) “Competent Officer” means any person or officer of the Government notified as a Competent Officer under Section 17; (d) “compulsory vaccination” means vaccination of any animal against any scheduled disease in respect of which vaccination is made mandatory under the provisions of this Act; (e) “controlled area” means any local area which has been declared as such by the State Government under sub-section (1) of Section 6; (f) “defective vaccine” means any vaccine which is expired, breach in seal, contaminated, improperly stored, unlabelled or with mutilated label; (g) “Director”, in relation to a State, means any officer in charge of the Department of Animal Husbandry or Veterinary Services, or both, notified by the State Government as such for the purpose of this Act; (h) “free area” means any controlled area which has been declared as such under sub-section (5) of Section 6; (i) “infected animal” means an animal which is infected with any scheduled disease; (j) “infected area” means an area declared as such under Section 20; (k) “notification” means notification published in the Official Gazette; (l) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (m) “publication” includes propagation of information through the media or newspaper or any other mass media and the means of local communication such as declaration in loud voice and by beating drums in the area; (n) “Quarantine Camp” means any place declared to carry out quarantine of animals and birds for the purpose of this Act; (o) “scheduled disease” means any disease included in the Schedule; (p) “” means a person having a recognised veterinary qualification who, under the law for the time being in force, is allowed to treat animal diseases; (q) “Veterinary Officer” means any officer, appointed as such by the State Government under clause (b) of Section 3; (r) “Village Officer”, in relation to a village, means any person who is authorised or designated as such in accordance with the qualifications prescribed by the State Government. CHAPTER -II


3. Appointment of Veterinary Officers:- The State Government may, by notification, appoint:— (a) such number of persons, as it deems proper, to be to undertake inspection and specifying the local limits of their respective jurisdiction; and (b) such number of Veterinarians, as it deems proper, to be Veterinary Officers, who shall exercise their powers and discharge their duties within the local limits of their jurisdiction as may be specified in the said notification.

4. Reporting Scheduled diseases obligatory:- (1) Every owner, or any other person, non- governmental organisation, public bodies or the village panchayat, in charge of any animal which he or it has reason to believe to be infective of a scheduled disease shall report the fact to the Village Officer or village panchayat in-charge, who may report the same in writing to the nearest available Veterinarian.

(2) The Village Officer shall visit the area falling within his jurisdiction for reporting any outbreak of the disease.

(3) Every Veterinarian shall, on receipt of a report under sub-section (1), or otherwise, if he has reason to believe that any animal is infected with a scheduled disease, report the matter to the Veterinary Officer.

(4) Where in any State there is any occurrence of scheduled disease in relation to any animal, the Director shall send an intimation to the Directors of the States which are in the immediate neighbourhood of the place where there is such occurrence, for taking appropriate preventive measures against the spread of the disease.

5. Duty to segregate infected animals:- (1) Every owner or person in-charge of an animal, which he has reason to believe is infective of a scheduled disease, shall segregate such animal and have it kept in a place away from all other animals which are healthy, and take all possible steps to prevent the infected animal from coming in contact with any other animal.

(2) The owner or other person in-charge of, or having control over, the animal referred to in sub-section (1) shall confine that animal and prevent it from grazing in a common place or to drink water from any common source including a vessel, pond, lake or river.

(3) All other infected animals shall be segregated by the Municipality, Panchayat or other local administration.

6. Notification of controlled areas and free areas:- (1) The State Government may, with the object of preventing, controlling or eradicating any scheduled disease, by notification, declare any area to be a controlled area in respect of any scheduled disease affecting any species of animal and any other species that may be susceptible to the disease specified in the said notification. . (2) The State Government shall also cause the substance of the notification issued under sub-section (1) to be published in a local newspaper in the vernacular language and by declaration in loud voice and by beating drums in the area.

(3) Where a notification has been issued under sub-section (1), all animals of the species in the controlled area shall be subjected to compulsory vaccination against that disease, and be subjected to such other measures against the disease, in such manner and within such time as the State Government, may, by public notice, direct. (4) The State Government shall make available necessary vaccine and it shall be obligatory on the part of every owner, or the person in charge of an animal which is required to be vaccinated under sub-section (3), to get the animal compulsorily vaccinated. (5) Where the State Government is satisfied, on a report received from the Director or otherwise, that, in any controlled area, any of the scheduled diseases affecting any species of animal is no longer prevalent, it may, by notification, declare the area to be a free area in respect of that disease in relation to the particular species of animal. (6) Where a notification has been issued under sub-section (5), no animal of the species or of any other susceptible species with regard to which it is a free area shall be allowed to enter the free area unless duly immunized by vaccination against that particular disease.

7. Prohibition of movement of animals from controlled area:- (1) Where a notification has been issued under sub- section (1) of Section 6 declaring any area as a controlled area in relation to any disease affecting any species of animals, no animal belonging to that species shall be moved from the place where it is kept. (2) The Director may, for the purpose of control, prevention or eradication of any scheduled disease, in respect of any area, by order published in the Official Gazette, prohibit the movement of all animals belonging to any species specified therein, from the place where it is kept, to any other place. (3) Nothing contained in sub-sections (1) and (2) shall be deemed to prohibit:— (a) the movement of any animal referred to therein, from the place where it is kept, to the nearest place where it can be got vaccinated, so long as the animal is being moved for the purpose of its immunization by vaccination; or (b) the movement of any such animal, so long as it is accompanied by a valid certificate of vaccination to indicate that the animal is duly immunized against the particular disease and it bears proper mark of such vaccination.

8. Vaccination, marking and issue of vaccination certificate:- (1) The vaccine to an animal may be administered by any person competent under the law for the time being in force to administer it, and issue a certificate of administration of vaccination.

(2) Where any animal has been vaccinated for any scheduled disease in compliance with the provisions of sub-section (1), the person vaccinating the animal shall cause to put a mark by branding, tattooing or ear tagging, or in such other manner as the Director may, by general or special order, direct and the same shall, unless otherwise specified by the Director, shall not be removed.

(3) The authority issuing a certificate of vaccination shall specify the date of vaccination, dates of manufacture and expiry of the vaccine and the date up to which the vaccination of the animal with the particular vaccine shall be valid.

9. Contents of vaccination certificate:-Every vaccination certificate issued under this Act shall be in such form and shall contain such particulars as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

10. Entry and exit of animals into controlled area and free area:-(1)Where any area has been declared as a controlled area under sub- section (1) of Section 6 in respect of any disease affecting any species of animals, no animal belonging to that species . shall be taken out of, or brought into that area save as provided in Section 16. (2) The Director may, by notice duly published in the Official Gazette and at least in one daily local newspaper in vernacular language, extend the prohibition contained in sub-section (1) to any other species of animals, if animals belonging to that species are also likely to be infected with that disease. (3) No carrier of goods or animal shall carry any animal from or out of a controlled area, free area or infected area by land, sea or air unless he complies with the provisions of Section 16. (4) Nothing contained in sub-sections (1)to (3)shall apply to the carriage by railway of any animal referred to in those sub-sections through any area which, for the time being, is declared as a controlled area or infected area so long as the animal is not unloaded (for whatsoever purpose or duration) in any place within that area: Provided that the State Government may, by notification, declare that any species of animal so carried through any local area within the State shall be duly immunized against such scheduled disease, in such manner and within such time as may be specified in that notification and a certificate of vaccination shall be a pre-requisite for the transportation of the animals by the railways through that area: Provided further that, where any notification as referred to in the first proviso has been issued, it shall be incumbent on the State Government to intimate that fact to the concerned railway authorities so as to enable them to satisfy themselves about the immunization of the animal before transporting it through the local area of the State.

11. Precautionary measures in relation to controlled areas:-No person shall take out of the controlled area:— (a) any animal, alive or dead, which is infected with, or reasonably suspected to have been infected with, any scheduled disease notified under sub-section (1) of Section 6, (b) any kind of fodder, bedding or other material which has come into contact with any animal infected with such disease or could, in any manner, carry the infection of the notified disease, or (c) the carcass, skin or any other part or product of such animal.

12. Prohibition of markets, fairs, exhibition, etc. in the controlled areas:- No person, organization or institution shall hold any animal market, animal fair, animal exhibition and carry on any other activity which involves grouping or gathering of any species of animals within a controlled area:

Provided that the Competent Officer may, suo- motto or on application made to him in this behalf, relax the prohibition in relation to any species of animals, in a case where animals belonging to that species are not susceptible to the scheduled disease and are incapable of carrying it, if he is satisfied that in the public interest it is necessary to accord such relaxation.

13. Prohibition of bringing of infected animals into market and other places:- No person shall bring or attempt to bring into market, fair, exhibition or other congregation of animals or to any public place, any animal which is known to be infected with a scheduled disease.

14. Check Posts and Quarantine Camps:- (1) The Director may establish as many Quarantine Camps and Check Posts within the State as may be required:—

(a) for the detention of animals suffering from any scheduled disease or of animals which have come into contact with or have been kept in the proximity of any such infected animal; (b) for ensuring the prevention of entry into or exit from any controlled area or infected area or free area, of any animal belonging to the species of animals in respect of which a notification, issued under sub-section (1) of Section 6, or an order issued under sub-section (2) of Section 7, is in force. (2) Any animal which is required to be detained, inspected, vaccinated, or marked, may be kept in the Quarantine Camp for such period as the Competent Officer may direct. (3) Every animal detained at a Quarantine Camp shall be under the custody of the person in charge of the camp, and shall be vaccinated and marked. (4) The officer in-charge of the Quarantine Camp shall, at the time of release of an animal from the station, grant a permit, in such form as may be prescribed by the State Government, to the person taking charge of the animal, and every such person shall be bound to produce the permit whenever required to do so by any Competent Officer.

15. Inspection and detention animals at Check Posts and Quarantine Camps:- (1) Every person in-charge of any Check Post or Quarantine Camp shall inspect any animal stopped at the Check Post, or detained therein or at the Quarantine Camp.

(2) The manner of inspection and the period of detention of the animal at the Check Post or at the Quarantine Camp for the purpose of inspection or for the administration of compulsory vaccination, the marking of animals and the form and manner in which permit for entry in respect of any animal may be issued, shall be such as may be prescribed by the State Government.

16. Entry and exit of vaccinated animals into controlled and free areas:- Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 10, an animal belonging to the species of animals in respect of which an area has been declared as a controlled or free area in duly relation to any scheduled disease, which has been vaccinated against that disease, shall be allowed to enter into or be taken out of the controlled area or free area, or to be taken out of any other place on the production of a certificate to the effect that vaccine against that disease has been administered and a period of not less than twenty-one days has elapsed thereafter.

17. Appointment of Competent Officers:- The State Government may, for the proper implementation of provisions of this Act, by notification, authorise any person to exercise the any power or discharge any duty as a Competent Officer, under this Act, who shall exercise such powers and such duties within the local limits of his jurisdiction as may be specified in the notification.

18. Cleaning and disinfection of carriers.:-(1) Every common carrier whether a vessel or vehicle shall be cleaned and disinfected immediately before and after the transportation of any animal in that vessel or vehicle, and so also any other place where the animal has been kept in transit.

(2) Where any area has been declared as a controlled area or free area in respect of any scheduled disease affecting any species of animal, the Director may, by an order duly published in the Official Gazette and in a local newspaper in the vernacular language, direct the owner of every vehicle in which any animal belonging to that species is carried, to have the vehicle properly cleaned and disinfected.

19. Powers of entry and inspection:- Any Veterinary Officer or other Competent Officer may enter upon and inspect any land or building or place, vessel or vehicle, for the purpose of ensuring compliance of the by the persons provisions of this Act or the rules or orders made there under, responsible for such compliance.



20. Declaration of infected areas:- If the Veterinary Officer, upon receipt of a report from a Veterinarian or otherwise, is satisfied that, in any place or premises falling within his jurisdiction, an animal has been infected with any scheduled disease, or that an animal, which he has reason to believe has been so infected, is kept, may, by notification and publication in at least one local newspaper in the vernacular language and by declaration in loud voice and by beating drums, declare such area as he may deem fit (including the place or premises aforesaid) to be an infected area.

21. Effect of declaration of infected areas. (1) Where an area has been declared as an infected area under Section20, all provisions of this Act which are applicable in relation to a controlled area shall mutatis mutandis apply thereto as if for the words “controlled area”, the words “infected area” have been substituted. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in sub-section (1), the following further provisions shall apply in relation to an infected area, namely:— (a) in respect of every animal in that area which is infected or reasonably believed to be infected, with any scheduled disease, the owner or other person in-charge of the animal, shall forthwith get it treated by a Veterinarian; (b) all articles, which are likely to have come into contact with any animal referred to in clause (a), shall be treated or disposed of in such a manner as the Veterinarian may direct; (c) every Veterinarian shall, for the purpose of inspection, have the power to enter any place or premises where any animal is kept or is likely to be kept; (d) the owner or any other person in-charge of the animal referred to in clause (a) shall keep the animal in isolation forthwith, and also take such other measures as may be necessary for the prevention, treatment and control of the disease as the Veterinarian may direct. 22. Denotification of infected area:- If the Veterinary Officer, after such enquiry as he may deem is fit, satisfied that there is no longer the threat or danger of any animal. being infected with the scheduled disease in any infected area, by notification and publication in a local newspaper in vernacular language, declare that the area is no longer an infected area as aforesaid, whereupon all the restrictions referred to in Section 21 shall cease to apply.



23. Segregation examination, and treatment of infected animals. (1) Where the Veterinarian has, on receipt of a report or otherwise, reason to believe that any animal is infected with a scheduled disease, he may, by order in writing, direct the owner or any other person in charge of such animal:— (a) to keep it segregated from other apparently healthy animals; or (b) to subject it to such treatment as may be required under the circumstances. (2) Where any action has been taken in pursuance of sub-section (1), the Veterinarian shall forthwith give a detailed report of the incidence of the disease to the Veterinary Officer. (3) On receipt of a report from the Veterinarian, the Veterinary Officer shall, as soon as possible, examine that animal as well as any other animal which could have come in contact with it, and for that purpose, submit the animal to such test and medical examination as may be required under the circumstances. (4) If, after such test and examination, the Veterinary Officer is of the opinion that an animal is not infected with any of the scheduled diseases, he shall issue a certificate in writing that the animal is not infected with any such disease.

24. Drawing samples from animals:- (1) Where the Veterinary Officer considers it necessary for the purpose of ascertaining whether the animal which is suspected to have been infected with any scheduled disease or susceptible to such infection, is actually infected, or for the purpose of ascertaining the nature of the scheduled disease with which an animal is infected, he may draw such samples, as may be required, from the animal for the purpose of carrying out such investigations as he may deem necessary under the circumstances.

(2) The Veterinary Officer or any other Competent Officer shall draw samples from any animal for the purposes of ascertaining whether the animal has been vaccinated against any disease, or whether the vaccination of the animal has been effective in conferring it immunity and have the samples examined, in such manner as he may deem necessary.

25. Resort to euthanasia for infected animals:- If the Veterinary Officer deems it necessary

that an which is infected with a scheduled disease, euthanasia has to be resorted to, for preventing the spread of the disease to other animals in the area or to Protect public health if the disease is of zoonotic importance, he may, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, by an order in writing, direct euthanasia of the animal and the carcass disposed of immediately to his satisfaction. 26. Disposal of carcass:- Every person in possession of carcass (or any part thereof) of any animal, which, at the time of its death, was infected with any scheduled disease or was suspected to have been infected, shall dispose it of in such manner as may be prescribed. 27. Powers of Veterinary Officer and Veterinarian to hold postmortem examination:- (1) Where the Veterinary Officer or any Veterinarian has reason to believe that the death of an animal has been caused by an infection of any scheduled disease, he may make or cause to be made a postmortem examination of the animal and for that purpose he may cause the carcass of any such animal to be exhumed where required followed by proper disposal after necessary examination and postmortem. (2) Every examination and postmortem referred to in sub-section (1) shall be conducted in such manner, and the report of postmortem shall be in such form, as may be prescribed.

28. Seizure and removal of certain animals:- Where any animal which is infected or suspected to have been infected is found without any person claiming to be its owner, or where a valid order or direction given in relation to any such animal is not promptly complied with by the owner or other person in control of the animal, it shall be open to the Veterinary Officer or any other Competent Officer, to seize the animal and remove it to a place of isolation or segregation, as he may deem proper.



29. Enforcement of orders and recovery of expenses. (1)Where by any rule, notification, notice, requisition, order or direction made under this Act, any person is required to take any measure or to do anything:— (a) in respect of any animal, carcass of any animal or other thing in his custody or charge, the same shall be promptly complied with by that person; (b) in case of any stray or ownerless animal, carcass of such animal or parts thereof, the same shall be promptly complied with by the Municipality or Panchayat, as case may be, at its cost. (2) If the measures as referred to in sub-section (1) are not taken within such time as may be allowed for the purpose, the authority issuing the notice, requisition, order or direction, may cause the measures to be taken at the cost of the person or Municipality or Panchayat, as the case may be, who or which was required to take the measures. (3) The costs of any measures taken under sub-section (2), shall be recoverable from the person or the Municipality or Panchayat, as the case may be, concerned in the manner provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, for the recovery of fines imposed by a Court, as if such costs were a fine imposed by a Court.

30. Village Officers, etc. to assist:-All Municipal, Panchayat or Village Officers and all officers of the rural and dairy development, revenue, agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary departments of the State Government, shall be bound:—

(a) to give immediate information to the Veterinary Officer and to the Veterinarian having jurisdiction in the area regarding the prevalence of a scheduled disease amongst any animal or species of animals, in the area; (b) to take all necessary measures to prevent the outbreak or spread of any scheduled disease; and (c) to assist the Veterinary Officer and the Veterinarian in the discharge of their duties or in the exercise of their powers under this Act.

31. Penalty for issuing vaccination certificate without authority or administering defective vaccine:- If any person issues a vaccination certificate:—

(a) without authority or competence in that behalf, or (b) after administering the vaccine which is known to be offence defective in any manner, he shall be guilty of an punishable with a fine of five thousand rupees or in case of non-payment of fine with imprisonment which may extend to one month, and in the case of any subsequent offence, with fine of ten thousand rupees or with imprisonment which may extend to three months.

32. Penalties:- Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Act or obstructs the Competent Officer in performing his duties shall be guilty of an offence punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, and in case of failure to pay the penalty with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month; and in the case of any subsequent offence (whether under the same provision or any other provision of this Act except in case of Sections 31 and 33) with a fine of two thousand rupees, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two months in case of non-payment of the penalty.

33. Penalty for placing Infected animal or carcass in river, etc.:- Whoever places or causes or permits to be placed in any river, lake, canal or any other water body, the carcass or any part of the carcass of any animal which at the time of its death was known to be infected, shall be guilty of an offence and, on conviction, be punished, in the case of a first offence with fine of two thousand rupees or with imprisonment of one month in case of non-payment of fine and in the case of subsequent conviction with a fine of five thousand rupees or imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with both. 2 of 1974. 34. Offence by companies. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company, every person who at the time the offence was committed was in, charge of, and was responsible to, the company for the conduct of the business of the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded and punished accordingly: Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render such person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. Explanation.—For the purposes of this Section:—

(a) “company” means any body corporate and includes a co-operative society registered or deemed to be registered under any law for the time being in force, a firm or other association of individuals; and

(b) “director”, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm.



35. Prevention of escape of causative organism:- (1) In every institution, laboratory or clinic, engaged in the manufacture, testing or research, related to vaccines, sera, diagnostics or chemo- therapeutic drugs and aimed at the prevention or treatment of any scheduled disease, adequate precautionary measures shall be taken:—

(a) to ensure that the causative organism of any scheduled disease does not escape or otherwise get released;

(b) to guard against any such escape or release; and

(c) to warn and to protect everyone concerned in the event of any escape.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, every animal:—

(a) used for the manufacture, testing or research as referred to sub-section (1), or

(b) which is likely to carry or transmit any scheduled disease, shall be promptly administered euthanasia and disposed of by the person in charge of or having control of the institution, laboratory or clinic, as the case may be, referred to in that sub-section.

(3) Every person who is in-charge of or having control of an institution, laboratory or clinic referred to in sub-section (1) comply with the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (2); and in the event of non-compliance he shall be guilty of an offence punishable with fine which may extend to twenty thousand rupees or imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with both, and in case the establishment is in commercial manufacturing of vaccines or medicine, a temporary suspension of licence up to a period of one year may also be imposed.



36. Power to delegate: - The State Government may, by notification, delegate to any officer or authority subordinate to it, all or any of the powers conferred on it by or under this Act, except the powers to make rules under sub-section (2) of Section 42.

37. Officers and authorities to subject function to Government control :-. All officers and

authorities under this Act shall exercise their powers and discharge their duties conferred or imposed on them by or under this Act, in accordance with such orders, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as the Central Government or the State Government may, from time to time, make.

38. Power to amend the Schedule :- (1) The Central Government may, by notification, add to, oromit from the Schedule any animal disease and the said disease shall, as from the date of the notification, be deemed to have been added to, or omitted from, the Schedule.

(2) Every notification issued under sub-section (1) shall, as soon as may be after it is issued, be laid before each House of Parliament.

39. Power to issue directions :- The Central Government may, with the object prevention, control and eradication of any infectious or contagious disease of animals, issue such directions to the State Government or other authorities under this Act, from time to time, including directions for furnishing such returns and statistics on scheduled diseases, and vaccination, as it may deem fit and every such direction shall be complied with.

40. Certain persons to be public servants :- Every Competent Officer, Director and Veterinary Officer, while exercising any power or performing any duty under this Act, shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. (45 of 1860).

41. Power to remove difficulties :- (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty:

Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act.

(2) Every order made under this Section shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before each House of Parliament.

42. Power of Central Government to make rules :- (1) The Central Government may, subject to the condition of previous publication, by notification, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:—

(a) the form of vaccination certificate and the particulars which such certificate shall contain, under Section 9;

(b) the manner of disposal of carcass, under Section 26;

(c) the manner of conducting examination and postmortem under sub-section (1) and the form of report of postmortem under sub-section (2) of Section 27;

(d) any other matter which may be prescribed or in respect of which rules are required to be made by the Central Government. 43. Power of State Government to make rules :- (1) The State Governments may, by notification and with the prior approval of the Central Government, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:— (a) the form of permit to be granted by the officer in-charge of a Quarantine Camp, under sub-section (4) of Section 14; (b) the manner of inspection and the period of detention of an animal at a Check Post or at a Quarantine Camp for the administration of compulsory vaccination and marking of animals and the form and manner of issue of entry permit, under sub-section (2) of Section 15; (c) any other matter in respect of which rule is to be or may be made by the State Government.

44. Laying of Rules :- (1)Every rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule. (2) Every rule made by the State Government under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be, after it is made, before the State Legislature.

45. Repeal and savings :- On the commencement of this Act:— (i) The Glanders and Farcy Act, 1899 (13 of 1899 ; (ii) The Dourine Act, 1910 (5 of 1910) and; (iii) any other corresponding law of any State, so far as it is inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall stand repealed : Provided that nothing contained in this Section shall:— (a) affect the previous operation of any such provision of law or anything duly done or suffered there under; (b) affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under any such provision of law; (c) affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed against any such provision of law; or (d) affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid; and every such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be continued, instituted or enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture and punishment may be imposed, as if the aforesaid provisions of law had continued: Provided further that, anything done or any action taken under any such provision of law, including any notification, order, notice or receipt issued or declaration made, shall in so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done, taken, issued or made under the corresponding provisions of this Act, and shall continue in force accordingly, unless and until superseded by anything done or any action taken under this Act. THE SCHEDULE

[See Sections 2 (o) and 38]

(a) Multiple species diseases 1. Anthrax. 2. Aujeszky’s disease. 3. Bluetongue. 4. Brucellosis. 5. Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever. 6. Echinococcosis/hydatidosis. 7. Foot and mouth disease. 8.Heartwater. 9. Japanese encephalitis. 10.Leptospirosis. 11. New world screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax). 12. Old world screwworm (Chrysomya bezziana). 13.Paratuberculosis. 14.Q fever. 15.Rabies. 16.Rift Valley fever. 17.Rinderpest. 18.Trichinellosis. 19.Tularemia. 20.Vesicular stomatitis. 21.West Nile fever.

(b) Cattle diseases 1.Bovine anaplasmosis. 2.Bovine babesiosis. 3.Bovine genital campylobacteriosis. 4.Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. 5.Bovine tuberculosis. 6.Bovine viral diarrhoea. 7.Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. 8.Enzootic bovine leucosis. 9.Haemorrhagic septicaemia. 10.Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis. 11.Lumpy skin disease.

12.Malignant catarrhal fever. 13.Theileriosis. 14.Trichomonosis. 15.Trypanosomosis.

(c)Sheep and goat diseases 1.Caprine arthritis/encephalitis. 2.Contagious agalactia. 3.Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia. 4.Enzootic abortion of ewes (ovine chlamydiosis). 5.Maedi-visna. 6.Nairobi sheep disease. 7.Ovine epididymitis (Brucella ovis). 8.Peste des petits ruminants. 9.Salmonellosis (S. abortusovis). 10.Scrapie. 11.Sheep pox and goat pox.

(d)Equine diseases 1.African horse sickness. 2.Contagious equine metritis. 3.Dourine. 4.Equine encephalomyelitis (Eastern). 5.Equine encephalomyelitis (Western). 6.Equine infectious anaemia. 7.Equine Influenza. 8.Equine piroplasmosis. 9.Equine rhinopneumonitis. 10.Equine viral arteritis. 11.Glanders. 12.Surra (Trypanosoma evansi). 13.Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis. (e) Swine diseases

1.African swine fever. 2.Classical swine fever. 3.Nipah virus encephalitis. 4.Porcine cysticercosis. 5.Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. 6.Swine vesicular disease. 7.Transmissible gastroenteritis.

(f)Avian diseases 1.Avian chlamydiosis. 2.Avian infectious bronchitis. 3.Avian infectious laryngotracheitis. 4.Avian mycoplasmosis (M. gallisepticum). 5.Avian mycoplasmosis (M. synoviae). 6.Duck virus hepatitis. 7.Fowl cholera. 8.Fowl typhoid. 9.Highly pathogenic avian influenza and low pathogenic avian influenzain q poultry. 10.Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease). 11.Marek’s disease. 12.Newcastle disease. 13.Pullorum disease. 14.Turkey rhinotracheitis.

(g) Lagomorph diseases 1.Myxomatosis. 2.Rabbit haemorrhagic disease.

(h) Bee diseases 1.Acarapisosis of honey bees. 2.American foulbrood of honey bees. 3. European foulbrood of honey bees. 4.Small hive bettle infestation (Aethina tumida). 5.Tropilaelaps infestation of honey bees. 6.Varroosis of honey bees.

(i)Fish diseases

1.Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis. 2.Infectious haematopoietic necrosis. 3.Spring viraemia of carp. 4.Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia. 5.Infectious pancreatic necrosis. 6.Infectious salmon anaemia. 7.Epizootic ulcerative syndrome. 8.Bacterial kidney disease (Renibacterium salmoninarum). 9.Gyrodactylosis (Gyrodactylus salaris). 10.Red sea bream iridoviral disease.

(j)Mollusc diseases 1.Infection with Bonamia ostreae. 2.Infection with Bonamia exitiosa. 3.Infection with Marteilia refringens. 4.Infection with Mikrocytos mackini. 5.Infection with Perkinsus marinus. 6.Infection with Perkinsus olseni. 7.Infection with Xenohaliotis californiensis.

(k) Crustacean diseases

1.Taura syndrome.

2. White spot disease.

3.Yellowhead disease.

4.Tetrahedral baculovirosis (Baculovirus penaei).

5.Spherical baculovirosis (Penaeus monodon-type baculovirus).

6.Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis.

7. Crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci).

(l) Other diseases

l. Camelpox. 2.Leishmaniosis.




1. Short title, extent and commencement. 2. Power to exempt areas form the provision of this Act. 3. Definitions. 4. Scheduled Diseases. 5. Veterinary Surgeons. 6. Inspectors. 7. Status of Veterinary Surgeons and Inspectors. 8. Power of Inspectors. CHAPTER- II


9. Power to regulate inter-State trade and to control transport of livestock and birds and things which may spread diseases. 10. Power to control the holding of markets, fairs, etc. 11. Power to control traffic in infective livestock or birds. 12. Cleansing and disinfection of vessels and vehicles. 13. Duty of certain persons to report scheduled disease. 14. Power to Veterinary Surgeon to hold post mortem. 15. Power to isolate infective live-stock or birds. 16. Exanimation by the Veterinary Surgeon. 17. Action after examination by the Veterinary Surgeon. 18. Compensation for livestock or birds destroyed. 19. Power to require disinfection of premises, vessels or vehicles. 20. Declaration of private infected places. 21. Examination of infected place by Veterinary Surgeon. 22. Declaration of public infected places. 23. Declaration of infected areas by the Government. 24. Removal of livestock or birds and other things form infected areas or places. 25. Power to return livestock or birds etc., to infected areas. 26. Time for complying with the enforcement of orders. 27. Recovery of expenses incurred under this chapter.



28. Penalties for contraventions of Act, regulations and rules. 29. Penalty for keeping of grazing infective livestock or bird in unenclosed land. 30. Penalty for bringing infective livestock or bird to market. 31. Penalty for placing carcass of infective livestock or bird in river. 32. Penalty for disinterring carcass of diseased livestock or bird. 33. Penalty for malicious and vexatious entry or seizure by Inspector. 34. Institution of proceedings. 35. Jurisdiction of magistrates. 36. Bar of claim to compensation. 37. Delegation. 38. Power of Government to make regulations and rules. 39. Power to make regulations and rules subject to previous publication 40. Protection to persons acting under this Act. 41. Repeal and savings.



(Received the assent of the President of India on 13th September, 1969, and was published in R.H.P. Extra., dated the 22nd January, 1970 at P.9-19)

An act to provide for the prevention and control of disease affecting livestock and birds.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Nineteenth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-



1. Short title, extent and commencement:-

This act may be called the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Act, 1968.

(a) It extends to whole of Himachal Pradesh.

(b) This section shall come into force at once and the Government may by Notification, bring the rest of the Act, or any part of it into force in Himachal Pradesh or in any area in Himachal Pradesh on such date2 and for such period as may be specified in the Notification.

2. Power to the Exempt areas from the provisions of this Act:-

Notwithstanding any things contained in section 1, the Government may by Notification exempt any area from any or all of the provisions of this Act, or direct that any provision of this act shall apply to any area with such modification as may be specified.

3. Definitions:- In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in this subject or context.

(a) ‘an infective livestock or bird’ is one which is affected with a scheduled disease or has recently been in contact with or in close proximity to livestock or birds so affected; (b) ‘bird’ means a domesticated fowl, goose or chick, and includes such other bird as may from time to time be specified by the Government by notification; (c) ‘Government’ means the Government of Himachal Pradesh; (d) ‘livestock’ means all domesticated animals maintained on farms or by individuals including horses, donkeys, mules, elephants, cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, dogs, cats or such other animals as may, from time to time, be specified by the Government by Notification. (e) ‘Notification’ means notification published under proper authority in Rajpatra of Himachal Pradesh; (f) ‘Official gazette’ means Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh; (g) ‘prescribed’ means prescribed by the regulations or rules made under this Act; and (h) ‘schedule’ means schedule to this Act.

1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons see R.H.P. Extra., dated 21st August, 1968 P.876. For its Hindi text see R.H.P. Extra., dated 2 Enforced w.e.f. 09/07/1971 vide Notification No.6-7/69 AH (Sectt.)-I, dated 08/07/1971 appended. 4. Scheduled disease:- The disease specified in the schedule shall in the first instance be scheduled disease for the purpose of This Act, but the Government may, by notification.- a. Delete any entry format the schedule, or b. Include in the schedule any communicable disease for livestock or birds to which it is expedient in their opinion that the provision of this Act should apply. 5. Veterinary surgeons:- (1) The Government may either by name or by designation appoint any person holding the office of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, or any graduate of a recognized Veterinary College whom they think fit to be a Veterinary Surgeon for the purpose of this Act, and may define the area within which he shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of a Veterinary Surgeon under this Act.

(2) A Veterinary Surgeon shall have all the powers of an Inspector under this Act, and may exercise such powers concurrently with his powers as Veterinary Surgeon.

6. Inspectors:- The Government may either by name or by designation appoint any person it thinks fit to be an Inspector for any or all of the purposes of this Act, and may define the area within which he shall exercise the powers and perform the duties incidental to such purposes.

7. Status of Veterinary Surgeons and Inspectors:- Any person appointed under section 5 or section 6 shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section 21, of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, (45 of 1860).

8. Powers of Inspectors:- An Inspector may, subject to any rules made in this behalf by the Government, enter and inspect any land or building or other place or any vessel or vehicle for the purpose of exercising the powers or performing the duties conferred and imposed on him by or under this Act.



9. Power to regulate inter-State trade and to control transport of livestock and birds and things which may spread diseases.- (1) The Government, for the purposes of preventing the outbreak or spread of any scheduled disease, may, by notification, prohibit or regulate in such manner, and to such extent, as it may think fit,- a. the bringing or taking into Himachal Pradesh or any specified place therein of any livestock or birds, alive or dead, or of any parts of livestock or birds, or of any kind of fodder, bedding or other thing which may, in its opinion, carry infection; b. the removal from any specified part of Himachal Pradesh of any such livestock of birds, parts of livestock or birds, or things.

(2) The Government may, by notification specify the season or seasons during which and the route or routes by which livestock or birds may be imported into Himachal Pradesh and no person shall import livestock or birds into Himachal Pradesh otherwise than during the season and by the route so appointed.

(3) The government may establish quarantine stations for the inspection and detention of such livestock or birds along the route appointed under sub-section (2).

(4) The period of detention of livestock or birds at a quarantine station for the purpose of inspection, vaccination, if necessary, marking and issuing of a permit for the release of livestock or birds form the station shall be such as may be prescribed by the Government.

(5) The livestock or birds so detained shall remain under the care of the person in charge who shall be responsible for their feeding and upkeep and for the payment of fee for their vaccination and marking, as may be prescribed by the Government.

10. Power to control the holding of markets, fairs etc.- The Government, for the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of any scheduled disease, may by notification, prohibit or regulate, in such manner, and to such extent, as it may think fit, the holding of markets, fairs, exhibitions or other concentrations of livestock or birds in any specific area. 11. Power to control traffic in infective livestock or birds.- The Government may, by regulations, prohibit or limit the sale of or other traffic in infective livestock or birds, or in the carcasses of livestock or birds which at the time of their death were infective or in any parts of such livestock or birds, or litter, feeding utensils or other things which may carry infection.

12. Cleansing and disinfection of vessels and vehicles.- (1) Every vessel or vehicle used by a common carrier for the transport of livestock or birds shall be cleansed and disinfected periodically in such manner as the Government may, by regulations, prescribe.

2) The Government may appoint places where an Inspector may detain and inspect any such vessel or vehicle and, if it is not in a sanitary condition, the Inspector may require it to be cleansed and disinfected in the manner prescribed within such time as he may appoint. 3) If such vessel or vehicle is not so cleansed and disinfected within the appointed time, the Inspector may cause it to be cleansed and disinfected at the expense of its owner.

4) This section shall not apply to the rolling stock of any railway or aircraft.

13. Duty of certain persons to report scheduled disease.- Every owner or person in charge or every person bringing into Himachal Pradesh and every veterinary practitioner who has been called to treat livestock or bird which he has reason to believe to be infective shall forthwith report the fact to the Inspector exercising powers in the area.

14. Power of Veterinary Surgeon to hold post-mortem.- Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf by the Government, the Veterinary Surgeon may make or cause to be made or post- mortem examination of any livestock or bird which at the time of its death was infective.

15. Power to isolate infective livestock or birds.- (1) where an inspector has reason to believe that any livestock or bird is infective, he may by order in writing, direct the owner or person in charge of such livestock or bird to keep it where it is for the time being or to remove it or allow it to be removed to such place of isolation or segregation and within such period as may be specified in the order: Provided that where there is no person in charge of the livestock or bird, and the owner is unknown or the order cannot be communicated to his without undue delay or the person in charge of the livestock or bird refuses to do as ordered above, the Inspector may seize the livestock or bird and remove it to a place of isolation or segregation.

2) The Inspector shall forthwith report every order of seizure under this section to the Veterinary Surgeon.

16. Examination by the Veterinary Surgeon.- On receipt of a report under sub-section (2) of section 15 the Veterinary Surgeon shall examine the livestock or birds which it has been in contact with or in close proximity to and for this purpose may submit any livestock or bird to any test which the Government may, by regulations, prescribe in this behalf.

17. Action after examination by the Veterinary Surgeon.- (1) If, after such examination, the Veterinary Surgeon is of opinion that any livestock or bird in not infective, the Inspector, shall forthwith return it to the person who in his opinion is entitled to possession of it:

Provided that where such person cannot without undue inconvenience be found, the Inspector shall send the livestock or bird to the nearest cattle-pound, or deal with it in such other manner as the Government may, by rules, prescribe in this behalf.

(2) If after such examination, the Veterinary Surgeon certifies in writing that any livestock or bird is affected with a scheduled disease, he shall deal with it in such other manner as the Government may, by rules, prescribe in this behalf.

(3) If, after such examination he Veterinary Surgeon certifies that the livestock or bird is infective though not diseased, the livestock or bird shall be dealt with in such manner as the Government may, by rules, prescribe in this behalf.

18. Compensation for livestock or birds destroyed.- compensation may be paid to the owner of livestock or bird if destroyed under section 17, and such compensation shall be determined, in accordance with rules to be made in this behalf, by the Government:

Provided that-

(i) No compensation shall be paid to any person convicted of any offence punishable under this Act committed in respect of such livestock or bird;

(ii) No compensation shall be paid in respect of nay livestock or bird which, when it was brought into Himachal Pradesh, was affected with the disease on account of which it was destroyed.

19. Power to require disinfection of infected premises, vessels or vehicles.- (i) Subject to rules to be made in this behalf by the Government, the Veterinary Surgeon may, by order in writing, require the owner, occupier or person in charge of any building, yard, vessel or vehicle in which there has been an infective livestock or bird to have such building, yard, vessel or vehicle be disinfected, or destroyed in such manner and to such extent as may be specified in the order.

(ii) Subject as aforesaid, if such owner, occupier or person fails to comply with the requirements of such order within a reasonable time to be disinfected, and the internal fittings and other things to be disinfected or destroyed at the expense of the owner.

20. Declaration of private infected places.- (1) If the Inspector has reason to believe that there is an infective livestock or bird in any field, yard or building in which livestock or birds are kept temporarily or otherwise, he shall at once, by order in writing declare the place to be an infected place and shall deliver a copy of the order to the owner, occupier or person in charge of the place and report his action to the Veterinary Surgeon.

(2) This section shall not apply to any place owned by or under the control or management of any local authority or railway administration or to any airfield where livestock or birds are temporarily kept for sale, exhibition or in transit.

21. Examination of infected place by Veterinary Surgeon.- (1) The Veterinary Surgeon shall, as soon as possible, examine the infected place and the livestock or birds kept therein, and may cancel or confirm the order of the Inspector.

(2) If he confirms the order, he may cause notice to be served on the owners, occupiers or persons in charge of all places in which livestock or birds are kept temporarily or otherwise, within a radius not exceeding one mile from the infected place, declaring such places to be infected places. The Veterinary Surgeon shall forthwith report his action under this sub section to the authority prescribed by the Government in this behalf.

22. Declaration of public infected place.- (1) Where the Veterinary Surgeon has reason to believe that infective livestock or birds are or have been in any place owned, controlled or managed by any local authority, or railway administration or aircraft company where livestock or birds are temporarily kept for purposes of sale, transit or exhibition, he may, by order in writing, declare such place to be infected place.

(2) The Veterinary Surgeon shall cause a copy of such order, in the vernacular of the locality, to be exhibited prominently in the infected place, and he shall deliver copies at the office of the local authority, or to the nearest station-master of the railway administration or to the officer in charge of the airfield, as the case may be, and shall also send a copy to the nearest police station; and he shall report his action forthwith to the authority prescribed by the Government in this behalf.

23. Declaration of infected areas by the Government.- (1) On receipt of the report of the Veterinary surgeon under sub-section (2) of section 21 or under sub-section (2) of section 22 and after such further inquiry, if any, as it may think fit, the Government- a) may cancel any declaration made under sections 20, 21 or 22; or b) may confirm such declaration either with or without modifications. (2) Where the Government cancels any declaration, the Inspector shall give notice of the cancellation to all persons to whom copies of such declaration were delivered or on whom notice of such declaration were served.

(3) Where the Government confirms such declaration either with or without modifications, the Government shall, by notification, defining the limits of the area to which the notification shall apply, declare such area to be an infected area.

(4) On the issue of such notification, any place declared by the Inspector, or

Veterinary Surgeon to be an infected place and not included in the infected area so defined shall cease to be an infected place, and the Inspector shall give notice accordingly to the owner, occupier to person in charge of such place.

(5) The Inspector shall cause to be exhibited in some prominent place in the infected area and in the Vernacular of the area, a copy of the notification under sub-section (3) and shall also cause to be so exhibited a copy of any subsequent notification adding to, amending varying or rescinding such notification.

24. Removal of livestock or birds and other things from infected areas or places.- (1) No person shall remove from any infected area or place any livestock or bird; dead or alive, or any part of livestock or bird, or any fodder, bedding or other thing used in connection with livestock or birds, save in accordance with the conditions of a licence granted by the Inspector.

(3) Nothing in this section shall prevent the transit by railway through an infected area or place of any livestock or bird or thing;

Provided that where any livestock or bird or other thing described in sub-section (1) while in transit through an infected area or place in unloaded therein, it shall not be removed there from save in accordance with sub-section (1).

25. Power to return livestock or birds etc. to infected areas.- Where any livestock or bird or thing is removed from an infected area or place otherwise than in accordance with a licence granted under section 24, any Inspector or police officer may require the owner or person in charge of such livestock or bird or thing to return it to such area or place, and if the owner or person in charge fails to do so within a reasonable time, may cause it to be returned at the expense of the owner without further delay;

Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the powers of an Inspector under section 15 to deal with infective livestock or birds.

26. Time form complying with and enforcement of orders.-Where by any notice, requisition or order under this Act or under any notification or rule issued there under, any person is required to take any measures or to do anything in respect of any property owned or occupied by him or in his charge, a reasonable time shall be specified in such notice, requisition or order within which such measures shall be taken or such thing shall be done, as the case may be.

27. Recovery of expenses incurred under this chapter.- Where any action may be taken under this chapter in respect of any property at the expense of the owner thereof, the officer taking such action may frame a certificate stating the amount of the expense incurred and the person form whom such amount is recoverable, and any magistrate to whom such certificate is presented may after such inquiry as he may think fit, recover such amount as if it were a fine imposed by him on such person



28. Penalties for contraventions of Act, regulations and rules:-

Whoever- a) removes from any part of Himachal Pradesh any livestock or bird, alive or dead, or any part of livestock or bird or any fodder, bedding or other thing in contravention of a notification issued under section 9, or imports livestock or birds in contravention of sub-section (2) of that section; b) holds or promotes or takes part in any market, fair, exhibition or other concentration of livestock or birds in contravention of a notification issued under section 10; c) sells or otherwise traffic in, or attempts to sell or traffic in, an infective livestock or birds, or in anything mentioned in section 11 which may carry infection, or the carcass of livestock or bird which at the time of its death was infective in contravention of section 11; d) being a common carrier fails to clean or disinfect any vessel or vehicle used for the transport of livestock or birds in such manner as may be required under sub-section (1) of section 12 or as may be required by the Inspector under sub- section (2) of that section; e) fails, in contravention of section 13, to report that livestock or bird is infective; f) fails, to comply with an order made by an Inspector under sub- section (1) of section 15; g) fails, to comply with an order made by the Veterinary Surgeon under sub- section (1) of section 19; h) removes any livestock or bird or thing from any infected place in contravention of section 24; shall be punishable with fine which may extend in the case of first conviction to one hundred rupees and, in the case of the second or subsequent conviction to five hundred rupees.

29. Penalty for keeping or grazing infective livestock or bird in unenclosed land.- Whoever keeps or grazes in or on any forest, open field, roadside, or other un-enclosed land to which other persons have a right of access for their livestock or birds, any livestock or bird which he knows to be infective shall be punishable with fine which [may extend in case of first-conviction, to one hundred rupees] or, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to five hundred rupees.

30. Penalty for bringing infective livestock or bird to market.- Whoever beings or attempts to bring into any market, fair, exhibition or other concentration of livestock or birds, any livestock or bird which he knows to be infective shall be punishable with fine which may extend, in the case of a first conviction, to one hundred rupees or, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to five hundred rupees.

31. Penalty for placing carcass of infective livestock or bird in river.- Whoever places, or causes or permits to be placed, in any river, canal or other water, the carcass or part of the carcass or any livestock or bird which at the time of its death was infective or which has been destroyed as being infective or suspected of being infective shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend, in the case of a first conviction, to one hundred rupees, or, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to five hundred rupees or with both imprisonment and fine.

32. Penalty for disinterring carcass of diseased livestock or bird.- Whoever, without lawful authority, disinters or causes to be disinterred the carcass or part of the carcass of any livestock or bird which at the time of its death was infective or which has been destroyed as being infective or suspected of being infective shall be punishable with fine which may extend, in the case of a first conviction, to one hundred rupees or, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to five hundred rupees.

33. Penalty for malicious and vexatious entry or seizure by Inspector. (1) Whoever being an Inspector maliciously and vexatiously enters or inspects any land or building or other place or any vessel or vehicle, or seizes or detains any livestock or bird, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both.

(2) Non prosecution under this section shall be instituted after the expiry of one month from the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.

34. Institution of proceedings:- No prosecution under this Act, except under section 33, shall be instituted except by or under the authority of the Veterinary Surgeon or the Inspector.

35. Jurisdiction of magistrates:- No magistrate shall try any offence under this Act unless he is a magistrate of the first class or magistrate of the second class especially empowered in this behalf by the Government.

36. Bar of claim to compensation:- Save as provided for in section 18, no person shall be entitled to any compensation in respect of the destruction of any livestock or bird or thing or in respect of any other loss, injury, detriment or inconvenience caused to him by reason of anything done under this Act in good faith

37. Delegation:- The Government may, by notification, delegate all or any of its powers under this Act to any of its officers.

38. Power of Government to make regulations and rules:- (1) The Government may make rules consistent with this Act for all or any of the following purposes, namely:- a) to define the powers of entry and inspection of an Inspector under section 8; b) to prohibit or regulate the holding of markets, fairs, exhibitions or other concentrations of livestock or birds under section 10; c) to appoint places for the disinfection of vessels or vehicles under sub-section (2) of section 12, and for the isolation or segregation of livestock or birds under section 15; d) to regulate post-mortem examination of livestock or birds under section 14 and the disposal of livestock or birds under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) of section 17; e) to provide for the determination of the compensation payable under section 18; f) to regulate the exercise of the powers of the Veterinary Surgeon and Inspector under Section 19; g) to prescribed the authority referred to in sub-section (2) of section 21 and sub-section (2) of section 22; h) to prescribe the form and contents of the licences to be granted by an Inspector under section 24 and circumstances under which they may be granted; i) to prescribe scales of charges to be followed in certificates under section 27 for expenses incurred on behalf of an owner; j) to regulate the isolation, detention, treatment (including sterilization and inoculation), and disposal of livestock or birds which are infective or suspected of being infective, and the disposal of carcasses and part of carcasses; k) to regulate the duties and powers of Inspectors and prescribe their qualifications; l) to prescribe the manner in which any report or notice under the Act shall be made or given; m) to prohibit or regulate the entry into Himachal Pradesh or any specified part or place thereof, and the movement from one place to another in Himachal Pradesh of livestock or birds alive or dead, or parts of livestock or birds or fodder, bedding or other things; n) to prohibit or limit sale or traffic in infective livestock or birds or carcasses of infective livestock or birds; o) to regulate the disinfection of vessels or vehicles used by common carriers, the cleansing and disinfection of buildings, yards and other places used for livestock or birds, and the destruction of infected matter or things found therein or near thereto; p) to prescribe the tests to be applied to livestock or birds suspected of being infective; q) to prescribe the manner in which livestock or birds shall be destroyed, and the manner in which carcasses or parts of carcasses, fodder, beddings or other things seized under the Act shall be disposed off; and r) to prescribe the period of detention and the amount of fee for vaccination and marking at the inter-State quarantine stations.

(2) In making a rule under this section, the Government may direct that a breach of it shall be punishable with fine which may extend, in the case of a first conviction, to one hundred rupees, or, in case of a second or subsequent conviction, to five hundred rupees.

(3) Every rule and regulation made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the Legislative Assembly while it is in session, for a total period of ten days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions and if before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the sessions aforesaid, the Legislative Assembly makes any modification in the rule or the regulation or decides that the rule or the regulation should not be made, the rule or the regulation shall therafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be, so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or regulation.

39. Power to make regulation and rules subject to previous publication:- (1) The power to make regulations and rules conferred by this Act is given subject to the condition of the regulations and rules being made after previous publication.

(2) All regulations and rules made by the Government under this Act shall be published in the official gazette.

40. Protection to persons acting under this Act:- No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.

41. Repeal and savings:- The East Punjab Animal Contagious Diseases Act, 1948, (47 of 1948), as in force in the areas comprised in Himachal Pradesh immediately before 1st November, 1966 and the Punjab Livestock and Birds Diseases Act, 1948, as in force in the areas transferred to Himachal Pradesh under section 5 of the Punjab Re-organization Act, 1966, (31 of 1966), are hereby repealed;

Provided that anything done or any action taken or any proceedings commenced or continued under the aforesaid Acts shall be deemed to have been done, taken, commenced or continued under the corresponding provisions of this Act.


English names Vernacular names

1. Rinderpest or Cattle plague 1. Mata, Wah, Sitla, Mok, Zehmat 2. Foot and Mouth disease 2. Rora, Munh-Khur 3. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia 3. Gal-Ghotu, Garhi 4. Black-quarter 4. Phar Suja 5. Anthrax 5. Sat, Goli 6. Tuberculosis 6. Tap-i-Dik 7. Johne’s disease 7. Purana Dust 8. Glanders and Farcy 8. Bad Kanar 9. Epizootic Lymphangitis 9. Zeharbad 10. Dourine 10. Atshik-i-Aspan 11. Rabies 11. Halkapan, Bawlapan, Pagalpan 12. Surra 12. Pheta, Tebersa or Sokra 13. African Horse Sickness 13. Africa ki Ghoron ki Bimari 14. Swine Fever 14. Suron ka Bukhar 15. Contagious Caprarine 15. Photka Pleuro-Phenumonia 16. Cantagious Abortion 16. Mutadi Isqate Hamal 17. Ranikhet Disease 17. Ranikhet 18. Salmonellosis 18. Choozon ke Safeid Dast 19. Coccidiosis 19. Maror





Simla-4, the 8th July, 1971

No.6-7/69-A-H-(Sectt.)-I.-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Disease Act, 1968, (Act No.24 of 1969), the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to appoint the 9th July, 1971, as the date on which the provisions of the said Act (other than those which have already been brought into force) shall come into force in the State of Himachal Pradesh. ______(R.H.P., Extra; dated 8.7.1971, P.559).


Simla-2, The 9th July, 1971

No.6-7/69-A-H-(Sectt.)-II.- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Disease Act, 1968, (Act No.24 of 1969), the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to appoint all Veterinary Assistant Surgeons (In Charge Veterinary Hospitals) and Extra Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in Himachal Pradesh is pleased to appoint all Veterinary Assistant Srugeons (In-charge Veterinary Hospitals) and Extra Veterinary Assistant Surgeons in Himachal Pradesh to be Veterinary Surgeons for the purposes of this Act and empower them to exercise the powers and perform the duties of Veterinary Surgeons within their respective jurisdiction in the case of former (Veterinary Assistant Surgeons) and in the areas to which they are detailed on special duty to attend to out breaks immediately in the case of latter (Extra Veterinary Assistant Surgeons). ______

(R.H.P., dated 17th July, 1971, P.777).

Simla-2, the 9th July, 1971.

No.6-7/69-A-H.(Sectt.)-III.- In exercise of the power conferred by section 6 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Diseases Act, 1968, (Act No.24 of 1969), the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to appoint all the District Animal Husbandry Officers, in Himachal Pradesh to be Inspectors for all the purposes of this Act and empower them to exercise the powers of and perform the duties incidental to such purposes within their respective jurisdiction.

(Issued and published in Hindi in R.H.P. Extra., dated 3.11.2001, P 3005)

Simla-2, the 3rd August, 1988.

No.AHY.F(5)11/83- In exercise of the power vested in him, under sections 5 and 6 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Diseases Act, 1968, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to declare the Kangra District, to be affected with Rinderpest.

In order to prevent the spread and to control this disease, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is further pleased to appoint Joint Director, Animal Husbandry, Palampur, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Kangra, Rinderpest Officer, Himachal Pradesh (HQs).) and all the Veterinary Officers working in Kangra district as Veterinary Surgeons for the purposes of this Act, till further orders.

(R.H.P., dated 19.3.1994, P.583).

Shimla-2. The 16th October, 2001.

No.AHY-F(5)-5/99.- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 37 of the Himachal Pradesh livestock and Birds Diseases of Act, 1968, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to delegate powers exercisable by the State Government under section 9 of the Act ibid to all the District Magistrates in Himachal Pradesh with immediate effect.





Simla-2, the 19th/21st April, 1972

No.6-7/70-A-H.(Sectt.).-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 38 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Diseases Act,1968,(Act No.24 of 1969);the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the following rules for carrying out the purpose of the said Act having been previously published in Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh (Extra-ordinary), dated the 3rd August 1971 and these shall come into force immediately.

The Himachal Pradesh livestock and birds diseases rules, 1971

1. Short title:- These rules may be called “The Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Diseases Rules, 1971”.

2. Powers of entry and inspection of an Inspector under section 8 of the Act:-

(i) An Inspector shall have the power of entry and inspection at any time of the day before sunset and after sunrise of any livestock or bird, house, land or building or other place, of any vessel of vehicle in which or in respect of which he has reason to suspect the presence of Livestock or bird suffering from or suspected to be suffering from or having died of any of the scheduled diseases under the Act.

1[Provided added that no person other than a Veterinary Assistant Surgeon or any Veterinary Graduate of a recognized University or College shall be appointed as Inspector.]

(ii) The Inspector before entering shall, if required by the owner or occupant of the place or person in charge of the livestock or bird or land, building, livestock or bird house, place, pen, vessel or vehicle, state in writing his intention and reason or reasons for entering and inspecting and the owner or occupant shall there upon without demur or obstruction allow the Inspector to perform his duties under the Act.

(iii) Any resistance or refusal to allow entry or in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law for the time being in force inspection as above on the part of the owner or occupant of the place or person in charge of the livestock or bird or land, building, livestock or bird house, place, pen, vessel or vehicle shall render him punishable with a fine which may extend in the case of first conviction to Rs. 100 or in the case of a second or sub-sequent conviction to Rs. 500.

3. Control of the holding of markets fairs, etc. under Section 10 of the Act:- The following rules shall be deemed to govern the prohibition or regulation of the holding of livestock or bird market, fairs, exhibition or other concentrations of livestock or birds for the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of any scheduled disease, when Government shall have issued a notification under Section 10 of the Act:- In any specified area where livestock or bird’s market, fair exhibition or such similar gathering or concentration of livestock or birds is to be held-

(i) All livestock or birds brought into or taken out shall use the proper entrance and exit gates to places or areas of such livestock or bird gates to places or areas of such livestock or bird entrance and exit gates to places or areas of such livestock or bird gatherings. (ii) Inspection posts shall be organized at each of the above entrances and exits under the supervision of an Inspector.

(iii) The Inspector shall examine all livestock or birds entering into and going out of above places for livestock or bird gatherings.

(iv) If the Inspector on examination finds or suspects any livestock or bird to be suffering from any of the scheduled diseases, he shall seize that livestock or bird forthwith and cause it to be removed to segregation camp.

(v) If the Inspector deems it fit, he may also require all the in contact livestock or birds to be removed to the segregation camp.

(vi) In the segregation camp, the livestock on birds sent as heretofore provided, will be dealt with according to the rules made under sections 38(g), (h) and (i) of the Act on scheduled diseases.

4. Cleansing and disinfection of vessels, vehicles, etc. under sub section (2) of section 12 of the Act:- (1) (a) All owners of vessels or vehicles etc., being common carriers for the transport of livestock or birds shall have to present their vehicles or vessels to the Veterinary Surgeon concerned at a place and time to be specified by him every month for such inspection and disinfection as he deems necessary. b. Every vessel or vehicle used by a common carrier for the transport of livestock or bird shall be cleansed and disinfected every month, or, if it is not in a sanitary condition, the Inspector may require it to be cleansed or disinfected within such time as he may specify, in the manner prescribed in Appendix 1. c. If such vessel or vehicle is not cleansed and disinfected in the manner prescribed by the Veterinary Surgeon within the appointed time or as required by the Inspector, the Veterinary Surgeon of the IIIaqa or the Inspector, as the case may be, shall cause it to be cleansed and disinfected at the expense of the owner or owners.

d. The Veterinary Surgeon or the Inspector as the case may be, may require the owner, occupier or person in charge of any building, yard, vessel or vehicle in which there has been an infective livestock or bird to have such building, yard vessel or vehicle disinfected, and the internal fittings thereof and other things found therein or near there to be disinfected or destroyed in such manner and to such extent as may be specified in the order, subject as aforesaid if such owner, occupier or person fails to comply with the requirements of such order within a reasonable time, the Inspector may cause such building, yard, vessel or vehicle to be disinfected and the internal fittings and other things to be disinfected or destroyed at the expense of the owner.

5. Isolation or segregation of livestock or birds under section 15 of the Act:- Places for the isolation or segregation of livestock or birds shall be appointed by the Veterinary surgeon of the IIlaqua by an order in writing.

6. Power of veterinary Surgeon to hold post-mortem examination under section 14 of the Act:- (i) (a) The owner or person in charge of livestock or bird that has died of a scheduled disease or is suspected to have died of an infectious disease, shall inform the Veterinary Surgeon of the area concerned of this fact. He will not bury or otherwise dispose of the carcass of such animal until it has been examined by the Veterinary Surgeon.

b. The Veterinary Surgeon on getting the above information shall proceed to the place concerned and perform or cause to be performed post-mortem examination or any other examination of the Livestock or bird which he deems necessary to confirm the nature of the disease. c. If the veterinary Surgeon declares the livestock or bird to have died of an infectious disease, he shall direct its owner or person in charge of the livestock or bird to cause its incineration or burial in the manner he deems necessary. d. In the event of any owner or person in charge of the livestock or bird not complying with the instructions laid down by the Veterinary Surgeon regarding the disposal of the carcass the Inspector will cause the disposal of the carcass in the manner directed by the Veterinary Surgeon at the owner’s expense or the person in charge of the dead livestock or bird.

(ii)(a) Action after examination by the Veterinary Surgeon regarding disposal of livestock or birds under sub section (1), (2) and (3) of Section 17 of the Act:- When the owner of livestock or bird seized under section 15 but declared not infective by the Veterinary Surgeon cannot without undue inconvenience, be found, the Inspector shall send the livestock or bird to the nearest cattle pound or to the nearest Veterinary Hospital, where it will be detained for a period of 15 days within which period the rightful owner may claim the livestock or bird. He shall cause a notice of such detention to be proclaimed in the locality from which seizure was effected. b. If the owner does not claim the livestock or bird within 15 days from the date of its admission into the cattle pound or Veterinary Hospital it will be sold by public auction. Three days before the auction is held, the Veterinary Surgeon will advertise in the following manner, in the village or locality from which the livestock or bird was seized:- “The livestock or bird answering to the description …………. seized on …………………at…………………………under the Act will be sold by public auction in case its owner does not turn up by date ……………..…. to reclaim the livestock or bird on payment of all expenses incurred in connection therewith.” c. The gross amount of the sale proceeds should be credited to the head “XXVII-Animal Husbandry-Other Receipts” and the cost of feedings, auction and other expenses debited to the minor head “E-Hospitals and Dispensaries”E-3-Other. Charges-Contingencies” of major head “33-Animal Husbandry”. d. The livestock or bird declared to be suffering from any of the scheduled diseases shall be dealt with as laid down in these rules for the disposal of the infective or diseased livestock or birds. e. If after examination, the Veterinary Surgeon certifies that the livestock or bird is infective but not deceased, the livestock or bird shall be dealt with in the manner laid down in these rules regarding infective livestock or birds.

7. Compensation for livestock or birds destroyed under section 18 of Act:- Except as provided in section 18 compensation to the owners of livestock or birds certified in writing by the Veterinary Surgeon to be infective or deceased and ordered to be destroyed for that reason shall be paid at the following rates:- i. Glanders and Farcy:- (1) when clinical symptoms are shown, ½ of the value subject to maximum of Rs. 60 for each horse or mule and Rs. 10 for each donkey.

(2) When clinical symptoms are not shown but when there is a reaction to the Mallein Test, half of the value subject to the maximum of Rs. 100 for each horse or mule and Rs. 20 for each donkey.

(3) In non-clinical cases, compensation for destruction will be ¾ th of the value subject to the maximum of Rs. 150 for a horse or a mule and Rs. 25 for a donkey. ii. Lymphangitis Epizootica and Dourine:- ¾th of the value subject to maximum of Rs. 100 for horse or Rs. 70 for a mule and Rs. 15 for a donkey. iii. The value of the livestock should be regarded at the price which would have been paid for it immediately after it was certified to be diseased. The Veterinary Practitioner ordering destruction should award compensation in accordance with the above scale and his orders shall be considered final. iv. The compensation so paid is debitable to the minor head “E-Hospitals and Dispensaries, E-3- Other Charges-Contingencies “of the major head “33-Animal Husbandry”.

Note.- The above rates of compensation may be revised by Himachal Pradesh Government form time to time.

8. Regulations for the exercise of the powers of the Veterinary Surgeon and Inspector under section 19 of the Act:- (i) Regulations of the exercise of the powers of the Veterinary surgeon for disinfection or destruction as required under section 19 (1) of the Act, are prescribed in Appendix 1 and the Veterinary Surgeon may enforce them in the manner and to the extent as he considers necessary in the circumstances of each case.

(ii) In case of default by the owner, occupier or person in charge of any building, yard, vessel or vehicle the Inspector shall, under order of the Veterinary Surgeon in writing cause the disinfection or destruction of such building, yard, vessel or vehicle in accordance with the regulations prescribed in Appendix 1.

(iii) A certificate of an Inspector under the Act to the effect that livestock or bird is or was affected with a scheduled disease under this Act and the amount of expenses incurred specified in the certificate shall for the purpose of this Act be conclusive evidence in all courts of justice of the matter s certified.

9. Prescribed authority:- The Veterinary Surgeon shall report the action under sub-section (2) of section 21 and sub-section (2) of section 22 of the Act to the District Magistrate in the District or sub-Divisional Magistrate in the case of Sub-Division and shall also forward a copy of his report to the Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry and the District Animal Husbandry Officer concerned.

10. Form and contents of the licences to be granted by the Inspector under section 24:- The licence to be granted by the Inspector under section 24 of the Act shall be in the form and subject to the condition given in Form 1.

11. Regulations for the isolation, detention, treatment including strilisation and inoculation and disposal of livestock of birds which are infective or suspected of being infective and the disposal of carcasses and parts of carcasses, under section 21 (1), 22 (1), 23:- (1) The Veterinary Surgeon shall not confirm an order of the Inspector under section 21 (1) or declare an infected place under section 22 (1) until the existence of a case of Anthrax/Blackquarter/ Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in the infected places has been confirmed by microscopical examination.

(2) Should livestock or bird certified by the Veterinary Surgeon to be infective die, whether in the isolation pound or not, it shall be the duty of the keepers of the pound to have the carcass of the said livestock or bird, without opening it , either burnt or buried six feet below the surface of the ground away opening it, either burnt or buried six feet below the surface of the ground away from water course with a layer of unslaked lime not less than one foot deep both beneath it and above it and afterwards water thrown over it, at Government expense.

(3) Where the Inspector has declared under section 20 and the Veterinary Surgeon has confirmed the orders under section 21 of the Act that a certain private place or area is an infected place, or where the Government declares under section 23 any specified area to be an infected area the following regulations shall apply for the isolation, detention and treatment of livestock or birds and their disposal in relation to an infected place or an infected area.

Rinderpest:-(1) The Veterinary Surgeon shall arrange for the establishment of an isolation pound within a convenient distance of the infected place, and the Inspector shall be appointed the keeper thereof.

(2) (a)After the establishment of an isolation pound the Veterinary Surgeon may direct the owner or person in charge of livestock affected with the disease or one which is infective though not diseased, to remove it to the pound, where it shall remain until such time as the Veterinary surgeon considers it to be released therefrom.

(b) The Veterinary Surgeon may also direct that an effective livestock shall be subject to immunization against Rinderpest by one of the recognized methods.

(3) From the time when livestock is taken charge of by the keeper of the isolation pound he shall arrange for the feeding and medical treatment of the said livestock unless the owner or person in charge thereof desires to supply the food and medicine himself; provided always that such food and medicines shall be such as the keeper of the pound may approve of or direct.

(4) Should livestock impounded as aforesaid recover from the disease from which it was suffering or suspected to be suffering, before the livestock is released the owner or person in charge thereof shall pay to the keeper of the pound, the actual cost of the feeding an treatment of such livestock. Should he fail to pay the expenses aforesaid, then the said livestock shall be sold by auction and the sum realized by its sale after deducting the amount of the expenses shall by paid to the owner or the person who was in charge of the livestock.

(5) Should livestock die while in the isolation pound it shall be the duty of the keeper of the pound to have the carcass of the said livestock after slashing the hide, either burnt or buried six feet below the surface of the ground away from water-courses with a layer of unslaked lime not less than one foot deep both beneath and above it and afterwards water thrown over it at Government expense. In the case of any other ruminating livestock or pig dying within an infected place it shall be the duty of the owner or person in charge of the livestock to deal with carcass in the aforesaid manner, failing which it will be disposed of by the Inspector at the expense of the owner or person in charge of the livestock or if such person is unknown, at Government expense.

(6) The Inspector shall not grant a licence for the removal of any livestock from any infected place or an infected area until 7 days have elapsed since the livestock ceased to be infective and then only if they have been subjected to an inoculation with anti-Rinderpest serum within the previous 10 days; provided always that nothing in this rule shall apply to any animal known to have been immunized against Rinderpest by the Serum Simultaneous method of inoculating or Goat Virus Vaccination.

(7) If such livestock be a female, and giving, milk, such milk or any of its products, shall not be exposed for sale, unless it has been previously pasteurized or boiled.

(8) A breach of any of the above rules shall be punishable with fine which may extend in the case of a first conviction to Rs. 100 or in case of a second or subsequent conviction to Rs. 500.

Foot and mouth disease:- (1) Regulations (1), (2)(a), (3), (4), (5), (7) and (8) described under Rinderpest shall also apply to this disease.

(2) The Inspector shall not grant a license for the removal of any livestock from an infected place or infected area until 10 days have elapsed since the livestock ceased to be infective.

Anthrax and Black Quarter and Hemorrhagic Septicemia:- (1) Regulations (1), (2) (a), (3), (4), (7) and (8) described under Rinderpest shall apply to these diseases.

(2) The Inspector shall not grant license for the removal of livestock excepting camel from an infected place or infected area until 7 days have elapsed since the livestock ceased to be infective.

Tuberculosis:--(1) For the purpose of these rules-

(a) Livestock includes bull, bullock, buffalo and cow, or the young of any of the aforesaid.

(b) “Tuberculin test” means the testing of animals with Tuberculin either by subcutaneous or double intradermal method or any other method approved by the Himachal Pradesh Government from time to time to determine whether they are affected with Tuberculosis or not.

(2) Any livestock which has reacted to the Tuberculin test, or has been shown to be affected with Tuberculosis by any other method subject to confirmation by the Director of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh shall be deemed to be affected with Tuberculosis and shall be permanently marked in the right ear by the Veterinary Surgeon performing the test with the letter “T”.

(3) Any livestock so marked shall not be sold or transferred to any place or exhibited for show or sale at any market, fair or other public place where animals are concentrated.

(4) If such livestock dies or is destroyed only such portion of the carcass as is passed fit for human consumption by the public health authority of the locality shall be exposed for sale; the remaining portions shall be burnt or buried.

(5) If such livestock be female and giving milk, such milk or any of its products, shall not be exposed for sale unless it has been previously pasteurized or boiled.

(6) Any person who sells or traffics in or attempts to sell, traffic in livestock so marked or the milk of such livestock or the carcass of such livestock except as provided for in rule 4, or brings or attempts to bring such livestock into any market, fair or exhibition, other concentration of animals shall be punishable, with a fine which may extend in the case of a first conviction to Rs. 100 or in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to Rs. 500.

Johnes disease:- (1) For the purpose of these rules:-

(a) ‘Livestock ‘includes, bull, bullock, buffalo and cow, or the young of any of the aforesaid.

(b) ‘Approved test’ means the testing of livestock either with Avain Tuberculin or Johnin by the subcutaneous or the double intradermal method or with any other agent approved by the Himachal Pradesh Government from time to time, to determine whether they are affected with Johne’s Disease or not.

(2) Any livestock which has reached to the approval test, or has been shown to be affected with Jone’s Disease by any other method, subject to the confirmation by the Director of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh, shall be deemed to be affected with Johne’s Disease and shall be permanently marked in the rights ear by the Veterinary Surgeon performing the test with the letter ‘J’.

(3) Any person who sells or traffics in, or attempts to sell or traffic in livestock so marked, or brings, attempts to bring such a livestock into any market, fair or exhibition or other concentrations of livestock shall be punishable with fine which may extend in the case of first conviction to Rs. 100 or in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to Rs.500.

Glanders and Farcy:- (1) The owner or person in charge shall not allow the livestock which is affected with or has been exposed to the disease to run at large or to come in contact with other livestock.

(2) Every person having or having had in his possession or under his charge any livestock affected with or suspected of the disease shall with all practicable speed give notice of the fact of the livestock being so affected or suspected to the inspector under section 6 of the Act or if there be no Inspector at any place nearer than the nearest police station to that police station and the officer in charge of that station shall forthwith transmit the information to an Inspector under the Act.

(3) Every Inspector who receives information of the supposed existence or who has reasonable grounds to suspect the existence of livestock infected of the disease at any place shall, without unnecessary delay and with all practicable speed, proceed to the place where such disease and livestock according to the information received by him, is or is suspected to be, and shall discharge the powers and duties conferred and imposed on him under these rules or the Act.

(4) The Veterinary Surgeon may, if he thinks fit, give public warning by placards, advertisement or otherwise of the existence of the disease in any place or premises, buildings, filed or other place, and the order aforesaid shall continue in force during the existence of the disease and until the place has been thoroughly cleansed and disinfected or otherwise got rid of the contagion, it shall not be lawful for any person (without authority or excuse) to remove or deface any such placard.

(5) No livestock nor any part thereof, shall be removed out of the place or premises infected with the disease without a licence signed by an Inspector under the Act.

(6) For the purpose of these rules, “Mallcin Test” means the testing of horses, mules or asses with ‘Mallein’ either by the subcutaneous or the intradermopalpebral method, or any other method approved by the Himachal Pradesh Government from time to time to determine whether these livestock are affected with Glanders and Farcy or not.

(7) Inspectors shall arrange for a Veterinary Surgeon under this Act to inspect and subject to the Mallein test any horses, mules, or asses affected with Glanders and Farcy or suspected of being so affected or which have been in contact with livestock so affected or suspected of being so affected, or which have been in any way whatsoever exposed to the contagion or infection or the disease of Glanders and Farcy, and for the purpose of making such inspection or test to order any such livestock to be collected, detained or isolated at the expense of the owner.

(8) Livestock affected with the disease whenever they show clinical symptoms of the disease, or are found to be positive on test without showing such symptoms, shall be, on an order signed by a Veterinary Surgeon duly appointed under this Act, slaughtered or killed and the carcasses, after slashing the hides, burnt or buried six feet below the surface of the ground away from water courses, with a layer of unslaked lime not less than one foot deep both beneath and above it and afterwards water thrown on them.

(9) When it is decided that horse, mule or ass under the rules should be destroyed by shooting under the rules, the Inspector may, if necessary, send a requisition in writing to the officer in charge of the nearest police station to depute a police officer who shall forthwith comply and shoot the livestock in question under the orders of the Inspector.

(10) No person shall dig up or cause to be dug up the carcass of livestock disposed of under the rules or any part thereof, except with the licence of an Inspector under the Act.

(11) Any person claiming compensation in any of the cases aforesaid, must produce a satisfactory report, order for slaughter, certificate of valuation and slaughter and certificate of thorough cleansing and disinfection of the permises concerned duly signed by an Inspector under this Act.

(12) The certificate of a Veterinary Surgeon to the effect that livestock has reacted positively to the Mallein test or has shown clinical symptoms of Glanders and Farcy, shall for the purpose of this Act and of these rules be prima facie evidence in all courts of Justice and elsewhere of the matters certified.

(13) Every year, stable, out-house, or other place of premises and every wagon, cart, carriage, car or other vehicle, and every utensil or other things infected with the disease shall be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected by and at the expense of the owner or occupier in such manner and to such extent as specified in Appendix 1.

(14) Nothing in these rules applies to houses, asses or mules which are property of the State or Central Government or in stables of military barracks or camps and under the care and supervision of the Army Veterinary Service, or to houses, mules or asses in the stables of any Veterinary College or Veterinary Research Institute; provided that nothing in this rule shall be deemed to apply to the carcass of any horse, mule or ass not to exempt a local authority from any obligation imposed on them in regard to the disposal of carcasses.

(15) A breach of any of the above rules shall be punishable with a fine which may extend in the case of a first conviction to Rs. 100 or in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to Rs. 500.

Epizootic Lymphangitis:-

(1) Regulation (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (8), (9) (10), (11), (13), (14) and (15), described under Glanders and Farcy shall apply to this disease.

(2) Inspectors shall inspect or arrange for an inspection by the Veterinary Surgeon under the Act with a view to obtaining material from the lesions of the disease from any horse, mule, ass or any other livestock affected with Epizootic Lymhangitis or suspected of being so affected, for microscopic examination and for the purpose of marking such inspection or examination to order any such livestock to be collected., detained or isolated at the expense of the owner.

(3) The certificate of a Veterinary Surgeon to the effect that the material from the lesions of the disease has shown the specific organism (Cryptococcus farciminosa) on microscopical examination shall, for the purposes of this Act and these rules, be prima facie evidence in all courts of justice and elsewhere of the matter certified. Dourine:-

Regulation (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (8), (9), (10), (11), (13), (14) and (15), described under Glanders and Farcy shall apply to this disease.

(1) A veterinary Surgeon may from time to time order slaughter, castration or other disposition of the livestock which are found to be affected with Dourine.

(2) Inspector shall inspect or report to the Veterinary Surgeon to inspect any livestock affected with Dourine or suspected of being affected, or which have been in contact with livestock so affected or being so affected, or which have been in any way whatsoever exposed to the infection of Dourine, and the Veterinary Surgeon may order any such livestock to be collected, detained, castrated or otherwise dealt with as may appear to him advisable.

(3) The expenses of, and incidental to, the collection or isolation, seizure, castration or otherwise dealing with livestock affected with suspected to be affected with Dourine, shall be borne by the owners of the livestock and no indemnity shall be allowed to the owner in case of damage arising out of or resulting from such action.


Regulation (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (10), (13) and (15), described under Glanders and Farcy shall also apply to this disease.

(1) A Veterinary Surgeon may order the slaughter of any dog or other livestock affected with Rabies or suspected of being so affected and the disposal of the carcass of such livestock which shall either be buried in unslaked lime and afterwards water thrown on them two feet below the surface of the ground or preferably burnt, away from water-courses and at the expense of the owner or person in charge.

(2) Inspectors shall order dogs or other livestock which have been exposed to the infection of Rabies, to be detained, isolated or muzzled at the expense of the owner, for as long as the Veterinary surgeon may decide.

(3) Inspectors shall order the destruction of stray dogs, cats, or any other livestock in the infected areas under their respective jurisdiction in order to limit the spread of infection of Rabies at the expense of the local authority.

(4) (a) Every municipality and other local body shall enforce in the area under their jurisdiction, the licensing of dogs, cats and other livestock kept as pets. (b)In the event of an outbreak of Rabies in the area under their jurisdiction, the muzzling of dogs in that area for as long a period as the disease is in existence shall be enforced.

(5) On receiving the report of an Inspector to the effect that Rabies is known or suspected to exist in any locality, the local authority may order that all dogs or other livestock within such an area shall be detained, isolated or muzzled in such manner and during such period as he may specify in this behalf.


Regulations (1), (2) (a), (3), (4) and (5), described under Rinderpest shall apply mutatis mutandis except that for words ‘An isolation pound’ there shall be substituted the words “A Surra Centre” and the rules 10, 14 and 15 described under Glanders and Farcy shall apply to this disease.

(1) No livestock shall be certified to be suffering from Surra until the necessary micro-scopical examination and diagnosis has been made by the Veterinary Surgeon.

(2) (a) The Veterinary Surgeon shall direct that livestock affected with Surra, while at the Surra Centre, be subjected to a suitable curative treatment. (b) If the livestock is in such a condition that it is considered that treatment would not be of any benefit, or if the owner is not willing to defray the expenses of treatment of the feeding of the livestock while under treatment the livestock shall forthwith be destroyed. (3) The Inspector shall not grant a licence for the release or removal of any livestock form a Surra Centre unless he is fully satisfied that such livestock has received the prescribed treatment and is not infective.

(4) No livestock shall be removed out of an infected place without a licence signed by an Inspector under this Act.

African Horse Sickness:-

For the purpose of these rules livestock means horse, mare, mule and donkey.

Regulation Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 as described under Rinderpest shall also apply to this disease, Diagnosis of this disease will be on symptoms shown by the ailing livestock. Carcasses will be disposed of after slashing the hide by burying 6 feet deep below surface of the ground away from water sources with a layer of unslaked lime not less than one foot deep both beneath and above it and afterwards water thrown over it at owners expenses.

Swine Fever:-

For the purpose of these rules livestock means pigs only.

Regulation No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 as described under Rinderpest shall also apply to this disease. Carcasses will be disposed of in the manner as described under African Horse Sickness at owners expenses. The diagnosis of the disease will be by (i) symptoms (ii) Gel diffusion test.

Contagious Caprine Pleuro-Pneumonia:-

For the purpose of these rules, livestock means goats.

Regulation numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 as described under Rinderpest shall also apply to this disease. Carcasses will be disposed off in the manner as described under African Horse Sickness at owners expenses. The diagnosis of the disease will be based on the symptoms or identification of causative organisms under microscope.

Contagious Abortion:-

For this purpose livestock means cow and bull.

Regulation 1, 2, (a), 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 described under Rinderpest will also apply to this disease, Diagnosis of disease will be by agglutination test.

Ranikhet Disease, Salmonellosis and Coccidiosis.- For this purpose birds means cock, hen, turkey, guniae fowl, partridge, pegion, quail and parrots, Diagnosis in the case of Ranikhet and coccidiosis will be on symptoms and in the later case identification of coccidiosis under microscope also. Whereas in the case of salmonellosis, symptoms-cum-agglutination test.

The birds affected with these diseases will be immediately got destroyed, buried in the manner as mentioned in the above diseases or burnt according to the discretion of veterinary Assistant Surgeons at owners risk.

Regulation Nos. 1, 2(a), (b), 3, 6, and 8 as described under Rinderpest will also hold good for the above mentioned bird diseases. Rules No.2, (i) to (iii) of 3, 4(a), (b), (c), (d). 6(ii) (b), (c), (d), (e), 8(i), (ii), (iii) will also hold good in the above mentioned diseases.

12. Scales of charges in respect of expenses incurred on behalf of the owner to be recovered under section 27 of the Act:- The officer taking action under Chapter 11 of the Act in respect of any property shall frame a certificate of expenses incurred at the following scales of charges:- a. For the disinfection of premises not exceeding Rs. 5 per 100 square feet floor area. b. For the disinfection of vehicle, vessel or other articles not exceeding Rs. 5 per article. c. For the Disposal of the carcasses- (i) Not exceeding Rs. 5 for carriage per animal; (ii) Not exceeding Rs.20 for the burial of each carcass; (iii) Not exceeding Rs. 30 for the incineration of each carcass. d. Feeding charges not exceeding Rs. 3 per day per animal. The Inspector shall prepare the bill of such charges in Form 1 and send to the District Magistrate of the district concerned for recovering the same from the person concerned.

Note:- All such charges are to be recovered from the owner of the animal and credited under head XXVII-Animal Husbandry-Other Receipts”.

13. Report or notice under the Act:- The Veterinary Surgeon or the Inspector as the case may be, shall submit a report of the action taken by him under the Act in respect of any livestock or bird to the District Animal Husbandry Officer of the district concerned and will seek instructions from him for any further action to be taken by him.

The District Animal Husbandry Officer shall report or bring to the notice of the Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh of the action taken by him. The Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh, in turn, shall keep the Director, Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh, informed of the action taken by his subordinates.

14. Control on the movement of livestock or birds:- The livestock or bird/birds so detained in the quarantine stations shall remain under the care of the owner or person in charge of the livestock or bird/ birds who shall be responsible for their feeding and upkeep. He shall have to pay Re. 1 for vaccination, marking etc., and the amounts so recovered are creditable to head “XXVII- Animal Husbandry-Other Receipts”.

15. Control on the sale of traffic of infective livestock or birds or carcasses of infective livestock or birds:- When any place or any area has been notified or declared as infected , the sale of, or other traffic in infective livestock or birds or in the carcasses of infective livestock or birds or in any parts of such livestock or birds or litter, feeding utensil or other things which may carry infection shall be prohibited or restricted in the manner and to the extent laid down under these rules in respect of scheduled diseases.

16. Disinfection of vessels or vehicles or buildings, yards or other places:- The disinfection of vessels or vehicles used by common carriers, the cleansing and disinfection of buildings, yards and other places used for livestock or birds and the destruction of infected matter or thing found there in or near thereto shall be done in accordance with rules laid down in Appendix 1.

17. Diagnostic tests:- The diagnostic tests to be applied to livestock or birds suspected to be suffering from scheduled diseases shall be such as may be prescribed by the Director, Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh relating to such scheduled diseases.

18. Disposal of livestock or birds, carcasses and other things seized under the Act:- The destruction of livestock or birds and the disposal of carcasses or part of carcasses, fodder, bedding or other things seized under the Act shall be down in accordance with these rules respecting scheduled disease.

19. Detention and fees at the inter-State quarantine station:- (i) The period of detention of livestock or birds at the inter-State quarantine station shall be 10 days. (ii) The fee for vaccination and marking of livestock or birds at the inter-State quarantine station shall be Re. 1 per livestock or bird. All such fee will be recovered from the owner of the livestock or bird and creditable under head “XXVII-Animal Husbandry-Other Receipts”.




1. Permanent buildings:- (a) Walls, roofs, floors, doors, fittings, partitions and windows shall be scraped free of adhering dirt and scrapings, sweepings and other matter shall be effectively removed there from and from contract with livestock or birds and forthwith burnt or thoroughly mixed with quick lime. b. Disinfection shall be carried out either by flaming with a blow lamp, or scrubbing with one of the following prescribed disinfectants:-

1. Mercuric Chloride- 1 in 1,000 water solution. 2. Carbolic acid-5 per cent water solution. 3. Formaldehyde-1 per cent water solution. 4. Phenyl solution in the proportion of the quart to ten gallons of water. 5. Fumigation with sulphurous acid gas by burning 1lb, of sulphur for every 10 cubic feet and keeping the whole building tightly closed for at least twenty four hours. c. Subsequently lime-washing or repainting shall be down as ordered by the Inspector.

2. Temporary buildings.- (1) Temporary buildings shall be demolished and burnt, or portions, impossible to disinfect shall be demolished and burnt.

(2) Wood work shall be flamed with blow lamp or washed with a prescribed disinfectant. (3) Kutcha floor shall be covered with quick lime (fresh) dug up to depth of 3 inches and surface removed and buried. Quick lime shall get scattered again and the area filled in with fresh earth. (4) Paved yard and unpaved yard shall be disinfected in the same way as permanent building floor and kutcha floor respectively. (5) Gates and fencing shall be scraped clean from adhering dirt, washed down with a prescribed disinfectant and lime washed or repainted or tarred.

3. Stable equipment:- Buckets and other metal articles shall be sterilized with the blow lamp or a prescribed disinfectant. Harness blankets, brushes, etc; shall be sterilized by sulphurous acid gas or burnt at the discretion of the Inspector.

4. Vessels:- Standing floor, walls, partitions, etc, shall be scraped free from adhering dirt, washed down with a prescribed disinfectant, and lime washed or repainted.

5. A breach of any of the above rules shall be punishable with a fine which may extend in the case of a first conviction to Rs. 100 or in the case of second or subsequent conviction to Rs. 500.



1. Every horse-box, cattle, truck or vehicle, used for the conveyance of livestock or birds shall, on every occasion, after an infective livestock or birds is taken out of it and before any other livestock or bird is placed therein, shall be rendered safe for use by cleansing and disinfection in the following manner:- a. The floors, sides and partitions and all other parts with which the droppings of the livestock or birds may have come in contact, shall be thoroughly scraped and swept and all dung, fodder, litter scrapings, sweepings and other matter shall be effectively removed there from and from contact with livestock or birds and forthwith burnt or thoroughly mixed with quick lime.

b. The whole of the box area and fitting shall be thoroughly scrubbed with hot water and brush and then thoroughly soaked with phenyl solution in the proportion of one quart to ten gallons of water followed by a through sprinkling with lime-wash to which 5 percent of carbolic acid has been added.

c. The manager and parts of the box adjacent there to shall be specially cleansed and disinfected- Firstly scraping so that all dirt, dust or nasal discharge adhering thereto is effectively removed;

secondly by scrubbing with a stiff brush and hot water;

thirdly by lime-washing with freshly prepared lime-wash in the proportion of one maund of fresh lime to 20 gallons of clean water to which 5 percent of carbolic acid has been added.

Unless all parts of the vehicle have been thoroughly cleansed the application of any form of disinfectant will both be considered to render it safe for use.

d. Before such disinfected wagons are occupied by other livestock or birds, it is necessary to brush off the dried lime wash so that their eyes and nostrils are not affected.

2. A breach of any of the above rule shall be punishable with a fine which may extend in the case of a first conviction to Rs. 100 or in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to Rs. 500. 3. On application to the Station Master of any Station, Veterinary officers shall forthwith be allowed to inspect any or all vehicles used for the conveyance of livestock which may at the time be standing at his station.

4. The administration of the several railways shall forward to the Director of Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh a list of the stations at which the cleansing and disinfection of vehicles, under these, rules, will ordinarily be carried out.


(see 24, Rule 10)

Certified that the livestock or bird ……………………… of the following description ……………… being the property of ………………………… son of………………… …………………… resident of village …………………… Tehsil …………………. District ……………………… is hereby permitted to be removed from the infected place/ infected area/ isolation camp/ segregation camp/ quarantine station on the following condition:-

1. The owner shall get the said livestock or bird inoculated or vaccinated against the diseases. 2. The owner shall keep the livestock or bird segregated for a period of at least 10 days.

Dated ……………. Veterinary Surgeon/ Inspector under the Act



In accordance with the powers vested on me under section 27 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock and Birds Diseases Act, 1968, I, ………………………… in my capacity as a Veterinary Inspector do hereby certify that the following expenses were incurred for the disinfection/ disposal of the carcass/ feeding of ……………….. And are recoverable from Shri …………………….. son of ……………….. village …………………… Post Office ……………….. Tehsil……………… District ……………………..

Veterinary Surgeon/ Inspector under the Act


(R.H.P., Extra, dated the 28th June, 1976, P.1341-1356).


These are available on the site :-


This Act is available on the site:-


1. These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Livestock Improvement Rules,1969.

2. In this rule, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context ‘

(i) ’The Act” means the Himachal Pradesh Livestock Improvement Act,1968.

(ii) “Castrate” to perform an operation in accordance with these rules for the purpose of removing the reproductive power of a bull and the words “Castrated” and “Castration” shall be construed accordingly;

(iii) “form” means a form appended to these rules;

(iv)“section” means a section of the Act;

(v) “village” means an area declared as specified area under section 3;

(vi) words and expressions not defined in these rules but defined in the Act, shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Act.

3. Intimation with regard to the possession of any bull required to be given under section 5 to the Livestock Officer shall be given within 15 days from the date of issue of the notification under section 3, or from the date of coming into possession of the bull, as the case may be.

4. The order to be issued under section 6 by the Livestock Officer requiring any person keeping a bull to present the bull for inspection shall be in Form No.1.

5. Where after inspection of the bull produced before him and in pursuance of the order, issued under section 6, the Livestock Officer is of the view that the bull is capable of being used for breeding purposes and should be certified as approved within the meaning of section 7, he shall certify the bull as approved and cause it to be branded with a mark given below:-

“H.P.”(On Left Thigh)

6. Where on inspection, the Livestock Officer is satisfied that the bull is effectively castrated, he shall cause it to be branded with the mark as given below:-

“R” (On Right Thigh)

7. Where on inspection as aforementioned, the Livestock Officer is satisfied that the bull is not fit for being certified as an approved bull, and is also not effectively castrated, he shall order (which shall be in Form No, II) the person keeping the bull to have it castrated within a period of 15 days from the date of the service of the order.

8. The mark with which the bull castrated under the provision of sub section (2) and (3) of section and sub section (2) of section 10 shall be branded will be as under:-

“R” (On Right Thigh)

9.(a) Every bull directed to be castrated under section 6 of the Act shall be effectively desexed from the nearest veterinary Hospital free of any charge.

(b) If the Livestock Officer is not satisfied with the castration of the bull he may order the castration to be performed again in a manner approved by the Director, Animal Husbandry, Himachal Pradesh.

(c) The bulls should be castrated before attaining the age of 1½ year.

10. Before seizing under subsection (1) of section 10 of the Act, the Livestock Officer shall cause an inquiry to be made as to the owner ship of the bull by the Panchayat of the village in collaboration with the Village Level Worker.

11. The amount of costs, stabling charging, or incidental expenses shall be fixed by Livestock Officer:

Provided that if the owner or other person who keeps the bull, disputes the amount so fixed , such amount shall be determined by the Panchayat of the village.

12. It shall be the duty of the Livestock Officer to exercise all or any of the powers conferred on him under the Act, or the rules for the purpose of carrying into effect the purposes of the Act; and in particular to see that no bull shall remain in any specified area notified as such under section 3 (1) of the Act, unless it has been inspected and branded with the mark prescribed under these rules.

13. The Livestock Officer or any other officer or person authorized by him in this behalf shall have power to enter between sunrise and sun set, any premises or place where he has reason to believe that bulls are kept, for the purpose of performing any of the duties imposed on him by the Act or the rules;

Provided that before entering such premises place a due notice there of shall be given in the form prescribed in Form III.

14. The service will be affected by the Village Level Worker or other employee of the Veterinary Department or through post of the notice or order on the person under section 13.

15. The register to be maintained by the Livestock Officer under section 14 shall be in Form No IV.

16. Whoever commits any breach of any of these rules, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. Twenty and in the case of second or any subsequent offence with fine which may extend to Rs. Fifty.

Form 1

(see rule 4)


o Whereas it has been made to appear to me that you keep the Mr/Mrs……………………………………………………… bull described in the margin. Description of the bull……………………………………




Identification Marks……………………………………


Now, therefore, in exercise of the power conferred by section 6 of the Himachal Pradesh Livestock Improvement Act, 1968. I hereby require you to submit it for inspection by me /an officer deputed by me between the hours of………………………………………………..on the …………………….day of……………………… ……………………………of village…………………………and render all possible assistance in connection with such inspection to me /the officer deputed.

Dated this………………….day of ………………………………

Livestock Officer

The place where the bull is kept for the time being or any other reasonable place should be specified.


(See rule 7)


Whereas I am of the opinion that the bull described in the margin has attained the age namely …………………………… and is unsuitable for breeding purposes on the following grounds:-

The bull is of the defective or inferior confirmation and consequently likely to get defective or inferior progeny.


The bull is suffering from incurable contagious infectious disease or from any other disease rendering it unsuitable for breeding purpose.


The bull is of the breed, which it is undesirable to propagate in the State or in the part of State in which it is kept.

Now, therefore, in exercise of powers conferred by section 7 of the Act, I hereby direct that the said bull be castrated within …………………………………days of receipt of this order, by the method and in the manner described below and marked with prescribed mark………………



Dated……………………….day of ………………………………………

Livestock Officer

Form III

(See rule 13)


Mr/Mrs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Whereas I have reason to believe that you have kept at your premises / places a bull/bulls, I hereby give you notice that I shall enter your premises /place on…………………………………….between………………….for the purpose of inspecting the said bull/bulls. You are hereby warned to keep the bull/bulls ready for inspection and not to remove the bull/bulls on the aforesaid date from the premises/place until it is/they are inspected by me.

Dated,this…………………………… of……………………………………………

Livestock Officer

Form IV

(See rule 14)


If Castrated, then date of castration date then If Castrated,

Inspection of Livestock Officer regarding condition, fitness and service, etc. and service, fitness condition, regarding Officer Livestock of Inspection

Serial No. Serial is presented). bull the whom (by parentage with owner of the Name Address Colour Breed Age Weight Height Girth Length paid price and purchased which from Funds date with location Place of address with of custodian Name REMARKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Services, Designated Officers, 1st Appellate Authority and 2nd Appellate Authority notified for providing the services within the prescribed time limits relating to the Animal Husbandry Department, Himachal Pradesh for the purpose of the above said Act.

Sr. Service Designated Time limit for providing Designation Designation Officer/Official services. of 1st of 2nd No Appellate Appellate Authority Authority

1 Artificial Skilled At the Veterinary Deputy State Insemination Inseminator of the Institution :- On receipt of Director Information concerned area. request for Artificial (AH/B) Commission Insemination the skilled /Controlling inseminator shall examine Officer of the the cow/buffalo within two concerned hours and after area. examination, depending on stage of estrus, he will decide the time of

conducting the Artificial Insemination.

At door step of the

livestock owner – On receipt of request for Artificial Insemination the skilled inseminator shall examine the cow/buffalo at the doorstep of the farmer at the earliest but not later than 12 hours and after examination, depending on stage of estrus, he will decide the time of conducting the Artificial Insemination. .

Note:- Providing of this service as per time will depend on availability of skilled Inseminator, and material /inputs required for performing Artificial Insemination.

2 Issuance of Senior Veterinary On receipt of written Deputy State Health/Fitnes Officer/Veterinary request, the designated Director Information s certificate Officer of the officer will examine the (AH/B) Commission concerned area. animal and issue health/ /Controlling fitness certificate as per Officer of the following time schedule :- concerned area.

At the Veterinary Institution :-

On the same day

At door step of the livestock owner:-

Maximum 7 days

Note:- In case the livestock is also required to be insured, then the designated officer will issue health/fitness certificate within same time schedule given above after the animal has been tagged by the concerned insurance agency.

3 Post Mortem Senior Veterinary On receipt of written request Deputy State of the Officer/Veterinary the designated officer will Director Information livestock Officer proceed for conducting (AH/B) Commission postmortem within /Controlling following time schedule:- Officer

(1) If the site of conducting Post Mortem is connected with motorable road – Max. 12 hours. (2) If the site of conducting Post Mortem is connected with foot path– Max. 24 hours. (3) If the site of conducting Post Mortem falls in inaccessible area-Max. 48 -72 hours. (4) Issuance of Post Mortem Report - Max. 3 days after conducting of post Mortem

 Provision of services within time schedule will depend on availability of staff and inputs at the institution concerned, otherwise extra time will be required to arrange staff from nearby institution along with emergency medicines/inputs/transport, etc.


Both the above are available on the following sites:-  INDIAN VETERINARY COUNCIL ACT, 1984 (52)

This Act is available on the website


Government of H.P., Animal Husbandry Department, Notification No. AHY-B(15)-20/76 Dated 16-6-1992

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 65 of the Indian Veterinary Council Act,1984 (Central Act, No.52 of 1984) and all other powers enabling him in this behalf the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the following Rule namely:-

1. Short title:- These Rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh State Veterinary Council (General) Rules, 1992.

2. Definitions:- (1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the context:-

(a) “Act” means the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (Act No.52 of 1984);

(b) “Appendix” means an appendix appended to these Rules;

(c) “Committee” means a committee appointed by the Council;

(d) “Council” means the Himachal Pradesh State Veterinary Council, established under section 32 of the Act;

(e) “Form” means a Form appended to these rules;

(f) “Member” means a member of the Council;

(g) “President” means the President of the Council;

(h) “Register” means the State Veterinary register prepared and maintained under Section 42 of the Act;

(i) “Registrar” means the registrar of the Council to be appointed by the Council, from time to time, or any other officer under section 42 of the Act

(j) “Section” means a section of the Act;

(k) “State Government” means the Government of Himachal; and

(l) “Vice President” means the Vice President of the Council;

(2) The terms and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act;

3. Registration of Practitioner:- (1) Every person who possesses a recognized Veterinary qualifications as required under the Act shall, have his name entered in the register by making an application to the Registrar in Form “A” . Every such application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed under rule 24.

(2) The Registrar, may after examining the application, require the applicant to furnish such other information or documents as he may deem necessary to establish the claim of the applicant.

(3) If the Registrar, on receipt of the application, under sub-rule (1) or on receipt of further information or documents under sub-rule (2) from the applicant and after making such further inquiry, as he may deem proper, is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to have his name entered in the register, he shall enter his name in the register and if he is not so satisfied, he shall reject the application.

(4) The person whose name has been entered in the Register, under sub-section (3) of section 44 shall be issued a certificate in form “B” by the Registrar on payment of prescribed fee under Rule- 24 and the person whose application is rejected shall be informed of the decision within fifteen days of the date on which the order is passed on the application.

(5) Every registered practitioner registered under Section 44 of the Act shall renew his registration after every five years, by making an application to the Registrar accompanied by the fee prescribed in rule 24. The Registrar shall endorse the renewal on the original certificate.

4. Change of name to be intimated to the Registrar:- If a registered practitioner changes his name, he shall immediately inform the Registrar about the same and satisfy the Registrar that he has already notified the fact of the change of name in a leading new paper having wide circulation in the area in which he carries on his practice. The Registrar, shall on being so satisfied and on receipt of a fee prescribed in Rule 24 enter the changed name in the register accordingly. Necessary change in the registration certificate will also be made by the Registrar.

5. Entries in the Register regarding further qualifications:- (1) A registered practitioner who obtains any post-graduate degree or diploma in Veterinary Science in addition to his recognized Veterinary qualification and wish to get the same entered in the register, shall make an application in Form “C” accompanied by the fee prescribed in Rule 24. He shall also furnish along with his application, the relevant degree, diploma, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, as the case may be, on the basis of which, the entry in the register is sought. The Registrar may require the registered practitioner to produce the original degree or diploma, as the case may to satisfy his claim.

(2) If the Registrar on receipt of the application under sub-rule(1) and after making such further enquiry as he may deem fit, is satisfied that the registered practitioner is entitled to have the degree or diploma, as the case may be, entered in the register, he shall do so and grant such practitioner a certificate in Form “D”. If he is not so satisfied, he will reject the application:

Provided that no order rejecting any application shall be passed without giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard.

6. Issue of duplicate Registration Certificate:- If a registration certificate is lost, destroyed or mutilated, the registered practitioner may at any time during which the certificate is in force, apply to the Registrar for a duplicate certificate and the Registrar shall on being satisfied, issue on receipt of fee prescribed in Rule 24, a duplicate certificate. The duplicate certificate shall be inscribed on the top of the certificate.

7. Fee for supply of certified copy :- (1) The fee for the supply of copy of any order passed by the Council or the Registrar or of any entry in the register shall be charged at the rate of 75 paise per 100 words or fraction thereof subject to a minimum of one rupee:

Provided that if the applicant applies for a copy urgently, he shall have to pay double the amount of fees calculated as above subject to a minimum of two rupees.

(2) In case of urgent application, the copy sought for shall be ready for delivery to the applicant by the close of office hours of the day following that on which the application is made.

8. Verification of pages of register:- Each page of the register shall be numbered and verified by the Registrar and he shall sign each of the pages of the register.

9. Meetings of the Council:-The Council shall meet atleast twice in a year at such time and place as may be appointed by the Council. The notice of meeting shall be issued by the Registrar 21 days in advance.

(2) An emergency meeting of the Council can be convened by the President at any time after giving 15 days notice to the members, in addition to the meeting referred to in sub-rule (1).

(3) The quorum for the transaction of business of a meeting of the Council, shall be four.

(4) The President or in his absence the Vice-President shall preside over every meeting of the Council. In the absence of both, the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves a president for this purpose.

(5) All questions at a meeting of the Council shall be decided by votes of the majority of the members present and voting at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the members presiding shall have in addition to his vote as a member of the Council, a second or casting vote.

10. Travelling and other allowances admissible to members:- (1) For attending meetings of the Council or any Committee, thereof the official members shall be paid travelling allowance/daily allowance in accordance with the provisions of the rules applicable to them.

(2) Non-Official members of the Council shall be allowed travelling daily allowance as admissible to the highest grade-I Officers of the State Government.

11. Seal of the Council:- The common seal of the Council shall be kept by the Registrar in his custody. It shall be affixed on each registration certificate and any other document issued by the Registrar under the provisions of these rules.

12. Custody of records, etc.:-The Registrar shall be responsible for the custody and maintenance of all records of the Council and other property belonging to or vested in the Council.

13. Deposit of Council’s money in Bank:- The Council shall open an account in such Scheduled Bank, as it may from time to time determine and all money received by it shall be deposited in such bank.

14. Receipt of money on behalf of the Council:- All money payable to Council shall be received on behalf of the Council by the Registrar or any other employees of the Council authorized by him in this behalf in writing and shall be deposited in the Bank as determined under Rule 13. A receipt in the form ‘E’ shall be granted by the Registrar in lieu of having received the money.

15. Operation of Council accounts:- The accounts of the Council with a bank shall be operated upon by the Registrar.

16. Permanent advance:- The Registrar shall have a permanent advance of five hundred rupees for meeting emergent official expenses. 17. Maintenance of accounts:- All money received or spent on behalf of the Council shall be brought to the accounts of the Council in the general cash book to be maintained in the form ‘F’ under the direct supervision of the Registrar and all the entries made therein shall be signed by him.

18. Audit of accounts:- The accounts of the Council shall be audited annually by the Accountant General, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla.

19. Preparation of annual statement of accounts:- The Registrar shall in the month of July each year get prepared a statement of income and expenditure of the preceding financial year ending 31st March, and place the same before the Council.

20. Preparation of estimates:- (1) The Registrar shall in the month of October each year get prepared an estimate of income and expenditure of the Council for each year commencing on the 1st of April of the ensuing year and shall submit the same to the Council.

(2) The estimate shall make provision for the fulfillment of liabilities of the Council and for effectively carrying out the provisions of the Act.

(3) The Council shall consider the estimate submitted to it under sub rule (1) and may sanction the same with or without any alterations as it may deem fit.

21. Preparation of supplementary estimates:- (1) The Council may, require the Registrar at any time, during the year for which any estimates have been sanctioned cause a supplementary estimate to be prepared and submitted to it. Every such supplementary estimate shall be considered by the Council in the same manner as if it were an original estimate. No expenditure shall be incurred which is not duly provided in the estimates sanctioned under sub-rule (3) of rule 20 or in a supplementary estimate.

22. Payment of Bills:- All the salary bills of the staff and other vouchers presented as a claim for money shall be prepared and examined by the accountant of the Council. On being satisfied that the claim is in order, the bill shall be passed.

(a) by the Registrar, if the claim relates to a salary bill of the staff or is for an amount not exceeding ten thousand rupees, and

(b) by the President, in other cases.

23. Refund:- Amounts received by the Council toward fees shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The amount received as fees or otherwise shall remain credited to the account of Council;

Provided that any amount paid by registered practitioner in excess of prescribed fees shall be credited to the suspense account of the Council and may be refunded, if claimed within a period of three years and if no claim for refund is made within the aforesaid period the amount shall be credited to the account of the Council.

24. Fees payable to the Council:-The following fees are prescribed be paid to the Council:-

(1) for registration in the register under rule 3 (1); Rs.25-00

(2) for change of name in the register under rule 5; Rs.10-00

(3) for registration of ever further qualification Rs.15-00 or status subsequently registered under sub-rule(1) of Rule 5

(4) for a duplicate certificate of registration under rule 6; Rs.10-00

(5) for renewal of registration under rule 3 (5) Rs.15-00 after every five years before 1st ay of April;

(6) for restoration of registration; Rs.25-00

(7) for transfer of registration certificate from Rs.15-00 other State Councils to the Himachal Pradesh State Veterinary Council; By order


Secretary (Animal Husbandry) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh


Himachal Pradesh Para- Veterinary Council Act, 2010 has been notified vide Government notification No. LLR-D(6)-32/2010 dated 31st January, 2011 (Published in the Rajpatra of dated 05/02/2011 vide gazette No. 230)

Himachal Pradesh Para- Veterinary Council Rules, 2011 notified vide Government notification No. AHY-A(3)-1/2009- Part- I dated 21/07/2011 (Published in the Rajpatra of dated 22/07/2011)


(Vide Secy.(AH) to the Govt. of H.P.’s letter No. AHY-B(12)-1/2010 dated 18- 06-2010).

1. Establishment of Institutions:-

It has been proposed under Mukhya Mantri Arogya Pashudhan Yojna that in those Panchayats where there is no Veterinary Dispensary, new Veterinary Dispensaries shall be opened under the control of local Panchayat.

 In the first instance these institutions shall be opened in those Panchayats where they will provide rent free accommodation and where retired Veterinary Pharmacists/Animal Health Assistants/ Chief Vety. Pharmacists or newly trained Vety. Pharmacists are available to work as Panchayat Sahayaks on an honorarium of Rs. 5000/- per month.

 In the second instance these institutions will be opened in those Panchayats where they will provide rent free accommodation and where trainee Vety. Pharmacists or retired Vety. Pharmacists/ Animal Health Assistants/Chief Vety. Pharmacists will become available for Panchayat Vetertinary Sahayaks.

2. Panchayat Veterinary Sahayak Services in the Institutions:-

(A) Terms and Conditions of service of Retired Veterinary Pharmacist/ Animal Health Assistant/Chief Veterinary Pharmacist:-

Services of Retired Veterinary Pharmacist will be taken on the following terms:-  Applicant should have retired as Vety. Pharmacist/Animal Health Assistant/Chief Vety. Pharmacist from Animal Husbandry Department of Himachal Pradesh.  Applicant’s age should not exceed 63 years.  Maximum age to remain in service would be 65 years.

(B) Terms and Conditions for the service of newly trained Veterinary Pharmacist Diploma Holders:-

 Applicant should have passed 2 years diploma from Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishavvidhyalaya, Palampur.  Applicant’s age should not be less than 18years.

(C) General Terms and Conditions for both (A) & (B) :-

 Appointment to Panchayat Veterinary Sahayak will be made by Panchayat Pradhan after passing of a resolution in the Panchayat.

 Applicant should be physically fit and capable to perform his job.

 Applicant should be ready to offer his services for atleast one year.

 An honorarium of Rs. 5000/- per month through Panchayat should be acceptable to the applicant.

 During his service period, the applicant would get one Casual Leave per month and in one complete year one month’s leave without any honorarium after seeking permission.  Applicant would be able to leave the service by giving one month’s notice. If on the report of Veterinary Officer the Work and Conduct of Panchayat Veterinary Sahayak is not found satisfactory, then Village Panchayat would have the right to terminate his services.

 Applicant would have to provide his services to the animal breeders under the supervision of the nearby Veterinary Officer.

 Applicant would have to maintain various records. Applicant would abide by the directions of higher officers of the department.

 Applicant would have to submit a fixed deposit of Rs. 5000/- pledged in the name of concerned Panchayat as surety money in the Panchayat office, which would be returned to him after the cessation of his service on producing No due Certificate. If required, the fixed deposit can be renewed during the course of service.

 Applicant would have to follow any other Rule, Condition or Order made from time to time.

3. Functioning of the Institution:-

 Department will provide necessary material to the Pradhan, Gram Panchayat for opening the Institution which would be responsibility of Panchayat Secretary and would be provided in the institution by Panchayat on the appointment of Panchayat Veterinary Sahayak. Material rendered unserviceable due to use would be written off by the competent officer of Animal Husbandry Department and in its place new material would be provided.

 Medicines/Vaccines, Semen Straws, Liquid Nitrogen, Fodder Seed etc. will be provided in the institution by the department.

 Various Registers like Out Patient’s Register, Artificial Insemination Register, Daily Diary Register, Daily & Monthly Medicine Expenditure Register, Store and Stationery Register etc. would be prepared as in departmental institutions. Register would be provided by the department.

 In the Institution Purchee Fee/ Other Fees shall be charged at departmental rates and the same shall be deposited in the nearest controlling Veterinary Hospital.

 For technical work the institution would work as per the guidelines & directions of the nearest controlling Vety. Officer. Schemes of Animal Husbandry Department would be carried out as per the guidance and orders of Vety. Officer.

 Outside the institution, the applicant would be entitled for visiting fee during his visit at the door step of farmers on the same rates as prescribed by the department.

 Institution timings would be from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM & 2 PM to 4 PM. Emergency services would have to be provided 24 hours.

 Electricity and Water bill of the building would be paid by the department.

4. Application for Recruitment:-

 For the Retired Veterinary Pharmacist to obtain application forms for recruitment the advertisement would be given in two News Papers that they should applied through Panchayat Pradhan where institution is to be opened and send a copy of the same to the Deputy Director(A.H./B) of the concerned district.  If the applicant so desires he can mention in his application names of two other Panchayats where institutions are to be opened and where he is ready to provide his services on the above mentioned terms & conditions.  Alongwith the application form, document of retirement will also have to be submitted.

Veterinary Pharmacist Training Schedule:-

(As per Pr. Secy.(AH) to the Govt. of H.P.’s letter No. AHY-B(12)-1/2010 dated 01-06-2010)

1. The candidates will be selected according to the Reservation Roster applicable in case of training.

2. On the basis of marks obtained in the examination of 1st year of Vety. Pharmacist’s Training, and after three month’s Practical Training in the institution as per the option exercised by the trainee, nine month’s Professional Training will be provided in Panchayat/Proposed Veterinary Institution. Form of Agreement to be executed between the Gram Panchayat through its Panchayat Secretary and the Panchayat Veterinary Assistant (For retired Para Vets only).

This agreement is made on this ______day of ______2010 between Gram Panchayat (Name)______District______H.P. through its Panchayat Secretary (hereinafter referred to as the “First Party” which expressions, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, shall include its successor and assignee) of the first party and Sh./Smt./Km./______S/o or D/o______R/O______(hereinafter referred as the “Second Party” which expressions, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, shall include its successor and assignee) of the Second party.

Whereas the first party has engaged the Second Party, who is agreed to serve as Panchayat Veterinary Assistant on fixed honorarium on the following terms and conditions after contained.

WHEREAS the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. The first party will ask to the Second Party after passing a resolution & filling up of this agreement in the Gram Panchayat______to join the duty at place specified by First Party.

2. That the Second party shall remain in the services of the First Party as a Panchayat Veterinary Assistant till the age of 67 years on the basis of year to year agreement or till the availability of trained Veterinary Pharmacist whichever is earlier.

3. Second Party agrees to deposit Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) in the shape of fixed deposit pledged in the name of concerned Panchyat Secretary, which on the termination of services will be refunded to the Second Party after obtaining, no dues certificate from the concerned Veterinary Officer. If required, the fixed deposit can be renewed during the course of services.

4. The consolidated honorarium of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) to the Second Party will be paid by the First Party.

5. The service of Second Party can be terminated by First Party by giving one month’s notice or one month’s honorarium in lieu thereof.

6. If the work and conduct of Second Party is not found satisfactory by the Veterinary Officer, then on the written report of Veterinary Officer First Party may terminate the services of the Second Party.

7. Second Party can also leave the services by giving one month’s notice to the First Party.

8. The Second Party will produce a fitness certificate from Medical Officer of Govt. Hospital.

9. The Agreement will not confer any right of continuation or seniority.

10. Under the Technical Guidance of Veterinary Officer, Second Party shall have to provide veterinary services either in the institution or at the door step of the farmers.

11. Second Party will be entitled for visiting fees during his/her visit at the door step of the farmers on the same rates as are prescribed for Veterinary Pharmacist of the department.

12. The Second Party agrees to work in the Veterinary Institution as per timings fixed for other veterinary institutions. Further, Second Party shall provide 24 hours emergency services.

13. Second Party shall be entitled for one day casual leave after completion of one month service and during the year, Second Party can avail one month leave without any honorarium. The leave application shall be submitted by the Second Party to the First Party.

14. Medicines, Semen Straws, Fodder Seeds, Stationery and other items will be provided to the Second Party by the Animal Husbandry Department through the nearest Veterinary Officer and Second Party shall complete all records and to work under the Technical Control of the concerned Veterinary Officer.

15. Second Party will charge purchee fee & other departmental charges as fixed by the Govt. and same shall be deposited with the controlling Veterinary Officer.

16. No TA/DA will be paid to the Second Party for joining the service as Panchyat Veterinary Assistant.

17. The Agreement is valid for specific Gram Panchayat.

18. After executing the agreement the Second Party will submit the documents related to date of birth and date of retirement to the Second Party.

In witness whereof, the parties have set their hands in the presence of witnesses on the day, month and year first above written.

Witness:- (FIRST PARTY)

Gram Panchayat______

through Panchayat Secretary





S/O or D/O______




Sr.No. Particulars of Report Proforma No. Details

AHD- 01 Hospital work

AHD- 02 Work done on tour

AHD- 03 Breeding work

AHD- 04 Slaughter House Report

Reports pertaining to AHD- 05 Animal Health Surveillance Vety. Report 1. Hospitals/C.V.D./Vety. Dispensary AHD- 06 Fodder Development and Livestock Extension Activities

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Report

AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 49 Monthly Rinderpest Out Break Report

AHD- 09 Livestock Statement

AHD- 10 Milk Production Statement

2. Reports pertaining to AHD- 11 Income Statement Cattle Farm AHD- 12 Statement of Seed, Feed and Fodder

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Report

AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 09 Livestock Statement

AHD- 10 Milk Production Statement

3. Reports pertaining to AHD- 11 Income Statement Yak Breeding Farm AHD- 12 Statement of Seed, Feed and Fodder

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Report

AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 09 Livestock Statement

AHD- 11 Income Statement

4. Reports pertaining to AHD- 12 Statement of Seed, Feed and Horse Breeding Farm Fodder

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Report

AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 09 Sheep Strength Report

AHD- 13 Sheep Wool Production Report

Reports pertaining to AHD- 10 Milk Production Report Sheep Breeding Farm 5. AHD- 11 Income Statement

AHD- 12 Seed, Feed and Fodder Statement

AHD- 14 Wool Analysis Report

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Statement

AHD- 38 Store Account Report

6. Reports pertaining to AHD- 25 Progress Report Gosadan AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 15 Ram Strength Report

AHD- 16 Rabbit Strength Report

AHD- 13 Sheep Wool Production Statement

7. Reports pertaining to Ram AHD- 17 Rabbit Wool Production Centre, Nagwain Statement AHD- 11 Income Statement

AHD- 12 Seed, Feed and Fodder Statement

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Statement AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 16 Rabbit Strength Statement

AHD- 17 Rabbit Wool Production Statement 8. Reports pertaining to AHD- 11 Income Statement Rabbit Farm, Kandbari AHD- 12 Seed, Feed and Fodder Statement

AHD- 07 Target and Achievement Statement AHD- 38 Store Account Report AHD- 18 Poultry Birds Strength Statement AHD- 19 Income Statement (Poultry)

AHD- 20 Egg Account Statement AHD- 21 Hatchability & Fertility Statement of Hatcheries Reports pertaining to AHD- 22 Mortality Statement Poultry Farms AHD- 23 Target and Achievement

Statement(Poultry) 9. AHD- 24 Poultry Units under Backyard Poultry Project AHD- 38 Store Account Report AHD- 07 Targets and Achievement Statement AHD- 38 Store Account Report AHD- 27 Progress Report

AHD- 11 Income Statement

Reports pertaining to AHD- 12 Seed, Feed and Fodder Statement 10. Sperm Stations/ Semen AHD- 07 Targets and Achievement Bank Statement AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 28 Progress Report Reports pertaining to AHD- 11 Income Statement 11. Liquid Nitrogen Plant AHD- 07 Targets and Achievement

Statement AHD- 38 Store Account Report Reports pertaining to AHD- 29 Progress Report Disease Investigation 12. Laboratory AHD- 38 Store Account Report

AHD- 30 Establishment Statement of Officers / Officials

AHD- 31 Vacancy Position Statement AHD- 32 Pension Report 13. AHD- 33 Report regarding RTI Act Reports of Establishment AHD- 34 Vigilance Cases Report pending Branch over 2 years (V-1 ) AHD- 35 Vigilance Cases Report pending over 3 years (V-2 ) AHD- 36 Report regarding Public Servants under suspension

14. Reports of Accounts AHD -37 Monthly Expenditure Statement Branch 15. Report of Store Account AHD- 38 Store Account Report AHD- 39 Receipt Estimates & Revised Estimates AHD- 40 Budget Estimates & Revised 16. Reports of Budget Estimates Section AHD- 41 Excess and Surrender Statement AHD- 43 Performance in Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme. AHD- 44 Monthly Expenditure Report Bigger Harvest Report AHD- 45 Quarterly Physical Progress 17. Report C .S. S . N P R E AHD- 46 Day Book Inspection , Format-I C. S. S. N P R E AHD- 47 Village Search, Format-II

C. S .S. N P R E AHD- 48 Stock Route Searches ,Format-III 18. C. S. S. N P R E OB-3 AHD- 49 Monthly Rinderpest Out Break Report

Schedule-1 AHD- 50 Report of Study of cost of

Production of Milk Schedule-2 AHD- 51 -do-

Schedule-3 AHD- 52 -do- Schedule-4 AHD- 53 -do-

Schedule-5 AHD- 54 -do- 19. Schedule-6 AHD- 55 -do-

Schedule-7 AHD- 56 -do- Schedule-8 AHD- 57 -do- Schedule-9 AHD- 58 -do-

Schedule-10 AHD- 59 -do- Sample Survey for estimation of

Village Schedule-1 AHD- 60 Production of Milk, Egg , Wool, Meet and study of Animal Husbandry Attendant Practices Village Schedule-2 AHD- 61 -do- Schedule L.P.S.1.1 AHD- 62 -do- 20. Schedule L.P.S. 1.2 AHD- 63 -do- Schedule L.P.S. 21 AHD- 64 -do-

Schedule 3.1 AHD- 65 -do- Schedule 4.1 AHD- 66 -do-

Note:- Reports from AHD- 50 to AHD- 66 have not been included in this manual as they are various schedules prescribed by the Government of India and are adopted as such by the department. They can be downloaded from the departmental website



Contagious disease Non Contagious disease Castration Vaccination Specify the vaccine E B O T E B O T E B O T E. B O T

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Dehorning Daily Income received average Remarks

Male Female Total Purchee Castration A.I. fee Cost of Cost of Any Total fee fee seed ARV other

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29



Sr. Designation No.of No.of Contagious Diseases Non Contagious diseases Castration Infertility cases No. of Employee days Village spent s on visited E B O T E B O T E B O T Cow Buff Total tour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

S.V.O./ V.O.



Vaccination Endoparasiticidal Ectoparasiticidal Dehorning H.S. B.Q. FMD ARV P.P.R. Entero- Any Medication Medication Remarks toxaemia other (all species ) (all species) Male Female Total

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32



Straws received Straw used A.I. done Natural service No. of Animals followed up (No.) (No ). (No.)

New Repeater A.I. N.S.

Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Found pregnant Conception Percentage Calves born (No).

A.I. N.S. A.I. N.S. A.I. N.S.

Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Cow Buff Remarks

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



Sr. Name of Whether No. of Animals slaughtered Meat Meat Meat passed Remarks No. Slaughter Registered or obtained condemned ( Kg) House unregistered Sheep Goat Pig (Kg) (Kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



F.M.D. H.S. B.Q. P.P.R. Rabies Any other

( Specify)

O.R. O.A. A.A. A.T. A.D. O.R. O.A. A.A. A.T. A.D. O.R. O.A. A.A. A.T. A.D. O.R. O.A. A.A. A.T. A.D. O.R. O.A. A.A. A.T. A.D. O.R. O.A. A.A. A.T. A.D.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

NOTE:- O.R.- Out Break Reported A.A. - Animals Affected A.T. - Animals Treated A.D. - Animals Died



Sr. Type of Seed Particulars Unit Quantity Number of Beneficiaries No. distribution Gen. I.R.D.P. S.C. S.T. Women

1 a) Seed distribution Kg.

b) Roots distribution No.

i Free of cost c) Fodder Plants distribution No.

d) Feed / Minerals Kg.

a) Seed distribution Kg.

b) Roots distribution No. ii On 50% subsidy c) Fodder Plants distribution No. d) Feed / Minerals Kg. a) Seed distribution Kg. b) Roots distribution No. iii Full Cost c) Fodder Plants distribution No. d) Feed / Minerals Kg. a) Seed distribution Kg. b) Roots distribution No. iv Total c) Fodder Plants distribution No. d) Feed / Minerals Kg.

2 Farmers Training i In Dairying No. ii In Poultry Farming No. iii In Sheep & Goat Farming No. iv In Rabbitary No. v In Feed & Fodder No.

a) Hay making No. b) Straw Enrichment No.

c) Demonstration Plots for fodder cultivation No. d) Grass Land Development No. 3. Animal Health Camps organised No. 4. Livestock Breeder awarness camps organised No 5. Any other activity like cattle fair , Exhibition, Calf rallies etc. No PROFORMA No. AHD- 07



Sr. Particulars Target Fixed Achievement Cumulative No. of Women No. During the Achievement Beneficiaries Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 A.I.Cows a) General b) SCCP c) BASP d) TSP e) Total 2 A.I.Buffaloes a) General b) SCCP c) BASP d) TSP e) Total 3 Castration a) General b) SCCP c) BASP d) TSP e) Total Vaccination a ) General i) FMD b) SCCP c) BASP 4 d) TSP e) SCA f) Total ii) H.S.B.Q. iii) P.P.R. iv) Enterotoxaemia v) Ranikhet vi) Marek’s vii) Rabies 5 Endoparasiticidal a) General Medication b) SCCP c) BASP d) TSP e) SCA f) Total 6 Ectoparasiticidal A )General Medication b) SCCP c) BASP d) TSP e) SCA f) Total 7 Fodder Seed Distribution 8 Fodder Plants Distribution 9 Fodder Roots Distribution 10 Fodder Seed Distribution to Women @ 50 % subsidy. 11 Fodder Seed Distribution a) S.C. Families (Minikits) b) Women 12 Fodder Seed Production at Farm (Kg) 13 Units distributs under Backyard(10 Chicks Unit) 14 Poultry units to be a) Layers established ( <100 Birds) b) Broilers 15 Poultry units to be a) Layers established ( > 100 Birds) b) Broilers 16 No. of Animal Health Camps organized 17 No. of Animals Awareness Camps Organized 18 D.F.S. Straws Production a) Cows b) Buffalo 19 Liquid Nitrogen Production (Lts.) 20 Production of Chicks in Hatchery 21 Livestock Breeders Training 22 No. of Private ewes served by the Departmental Rams



Sr. Name of No.of No.of Night No. of No. Institution days villages halts Kms. Veterinary Services spent visited during covered Contagious Diseases Non-Contagious Diseases Castration on tour on tour Govt.

vehicle E B O T E B O T E B O T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Name of Infertility Endo- Ectoparasiticidal Vaccination Vaccination Dehorning Cases parasiticidal Medication Outbreak Remarks E B O T (Specify) M F T Cow Buff Medication (All Species) Received Attended

(All Species) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


LIVESTOCK STRENGTH STATEMENT IN RESPECT OF CATTLE / SHEEP / HORSE /YAK BREEDING FARM ______FOR THE PERIOD______Name of Opening Balance Births Received from Internal Transfer From Total Deaths Breed other Farms Age Group Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Supplied to Auctioned Transferred to other Total Disposal Closing Balance Remarks Breeders farms Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult Young Adult M F M F M F M F F F M F M F M F M F M F 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44



Name of Farm Milk Milk disposal Total number Average No. of Wet average Herd average Remarks Production of cows cows in Milk (Total milk (Total milk (Ltrs.) ( both in milk + produced ÷ produced ÷ (Ltrs) Sold to Fed to Suckling dry ) average No. of Total No. of consumers Calves / Lambs cows in milk ) cows in milk + Dry) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Sr. ITEM Amount No. Rs. Paise

1. Income from sale / auction of Animals

2. Income from sale of Milk

3. Income from Sale of Wool (Sheep)

4. Income from Sale of Wool ( Angora Rabbits )

5. Income from sale of Hides /Skins

6. Income from sale of Farm Yard Manure

7. Income from Sale of D.F.S. Straws

8. Income from Sale of Liquid Nitrogen Gas

9. Income from sale of Fodder Seed

10. Income from sale of Fodder Plants

11. Income from sale of Fodder Roots

12. Any other Income (Specify)

Total Income



1. Information regarding Total area (In Hectare)

Total Area under Area under Cultivated Land area grazing/pasture Buildings and Road Irrigated land Unirrigated land Total

2. Information regarding Sown area (In Hectare )

Sr. No. Season Area Total Kind of Crop sown Sown area

1 Rabi

2 Kharif

3 Nursery

3. Seed Account (In Kg)

Sr.No. Name Opening Production Received Total Sold to Sown at Transfer Closing of Seed Balance from Breeders the Farm to other Balance other farms sources

4. Production of Fodder /Grass /Silage etc. (In quintals)

Sr. Name of Opening Production Received Total Sold to Consumed Sent to Closing Remarks No. Production Balance from other breeders at Farm other Balance sources Farms 1 Green Fodder 2 Green Grass 3 Hay 4 Dry Fodder (Maize Stalk /Oat Bhusa , etc.) 5 Lopping of Fodder Trees 6 Silage

5. Other activities

(1) Roots Produced at Farm______(2) Fodder Plants Produced In Nursery______



Wool Disposal Name of Breed Opening No. of Animals Wool Total Wool Closing Remarks Balance Sheared Produced Wool used for Wool Sold Balance Lab Analysis

(Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) ( Kg) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Sr. Analysis Number of Samples Analysed ( Breed wise ) Result after analysis ( Breed wise) No. Characteristics Rambouillet Merino Gaddi Rampur Cross Rambouillet Merino Gaddi Rampur Cross Remarks Bushairi Breed Bushairi Breed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Staple length in cms 2. Staple Crimps per cm 3. Fiber Length in cms 4. Fiber Crimps per cm 5. Fleece Density 6. Fibre Diameter (Microns) 7. Medulation % 8. By Uno Meter % 9. Benzyl Test (Pure /Hydro Hair / Kamp ) 10. Clean Wool Yield %

1.Monthly Minimum Temperature ______2.Average Monthly Maximum Temperature ______3.Average Monthly Minimum Temperature.______4.Average Humidity ( Morning 10.30 A.M.) ______5.Average Humidity ( Evening 3 P.M.) ______6.Total Rain fall in inches.______



Sr. Breed Opening Received Total Transfer to Death Auction / Total Closing Remarks No. Balance during the other Sale Disposal Balance month farms / breeder

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Opening Balance Birth Purchased / received from other farms Internal Transfer Total Kit Weaner Young Adult Total Kit Kit Weaner Young Adult Total Kit Weaner Young Adult M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Grand Total Sale / Auction Death

Kit Weaner Young Adult Total Kit Weaner Young Adult Total Kit Weaner Young Adult Total


26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Total Disposal Closing Balance Remarks

Kit Weaner Young Adult Total Kit Weaner Young Adult Total M F M F M F M F M F M F

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65



Opening Balance Wool Produced during the said period Wool Sold Closing Balance Remarks (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) A B C Total A B C Total A B C Total A B C Total Grade Grade Grade Wool Grade Grade Grade Wool Grade Grade Grade Wool Grade Grade Grade Wool 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



Name of Name Opening Balance Received Age change Total the Farm of 0-8 8-24 Adult 0-8 8-24 Adult 0-8 8-24 Adult 0-8 8-24 Adult Breed Weeks Weeks M F Weeks Weeks M F Weeks Weeks M F Weeks Weeks M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Transfer to Other Farms Sold for Breeding Sold for Table Purpose Mortality

0-8 8-24 Adult 0-8 8-24 Adult 0-8 8-24 Adult 0-8 8-24 Adult Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks M F M F M F M F 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Total Disposal Closing Balance Remarks

0-8 Weeks 8-24 Weeks Adult 0-8 Weeks 8-24 Adult M F Weeks M F

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43



Name of Sale of Sale of Auction of Sale of Sale of Sale of Interest on Misc. Total Remarks Farm Breeding Birds for Culled hatching eggs for Manure Revolving Income Income Birds Table Birds eggs Table Fund Purpose purpose (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Breed Average Opening Production Received Total Sold for Sold Set in Breakage Supply Total Remarks No. of Balance from (3+4+5) hatching for the to other Disposal Layers of Eggs other Table Incubato farms (7+8+9+1 farms Purpos r 0+11) e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Average Number of eggs laid per hen during the said period______


Hatchability and Fertility Statement of Him Hatchery, Sunder Nagar / Nahan for the period______

Breed Opening Eggs set Total Total No. Infertile Fertile Dead in Dead in Chicks Hatched Hatchability Hatchabilit Fertility Closing balance of during the Eggs of eggs in eggs eggs germs shells % age on y %age on %age balance of eggs in the month in the the Weak- Unsexed Male Female Total all eggs fertile eggs eggs in the incubators incubator Hatcher chicks incubators lings

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Date 0-8 Weeks 8-24 Weeks Adults Mortality %age Birds Reared Birds died Birds Reared Birds died Birds Reared Birds died 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

31 Total PROFORMA No. AHD- 23


Sr. Particulars Target Fixed Achievement during Progressive Remarks No. the said period Total

1 2 3 4 5 1 Commercial eggers parent stock 2 Chicks to be reared 3 Birds to be distributed 4 Broilers to be reared 5 Broilers to be distributed 6 Establishing Poultry Units a) Establishment of layers units (<100 birds) b) Establishment of layers units (>100 birds) c) Establishment of Broilers units (<100 birds) d) Establishment of Broilers units (>100 birds) 7 Target for hatching of Broiler Chicks 8 Target for hatching of Egger Chicks 9 Rearing of Parent Stock Eaggers 10 Rearing of perent Stock Broilers 11 No. of persons trained in Poultry i) Women ii) S.C. iii) S.T. 12 Vaccination a) Ranikhet Disease b) Marek’s Disease 13 Debeaking 14 Disinfection of Sheds



Number of Beneficiaries Assisted during the period No. of Birds Distributed No. of Beneficiaries Trained during the period during the period S.C. S.T. Women Others Total S.C. S.T. Women Others Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Sr.No. Particulars Cattle Buffaloes

Young Stock Adult Stock Young Stock Adult Stock

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Opening Balance of Animals

2. Animals added during said period

3. Total animals

4. Animals died during the said period

5. Animals sold/auctioned during the said period 6. Closing Balance

7. No. of Hides collected:-______

8. Quantity of bones collected:-______

9. Income Generated:-

(i) From sale of animals______

(ii) From sale of Skin / Hides______

(iii) From sale of bones______

(iv) From sale of Farm Yard Manure______



Sr. In the Polyclinic IN DOOR Out Door Out Door Grand Total Remarks No. ( New cases) ( Old cases) E B O T E B O T E B O T E B O T 1. No .of gynaecological cases treated

2. No. of Surgical Cases treated

3. No.of medicinal cases treated

4. Grand Total

No. of Pathological Samples Investigated :- 1. Blood Samples 5. Post-Mortem conducted 2. Faecal Samples 6. Microbiological Samples 3. Urine Samples 7. Histopathological Samples 4. Milk Samples 8. Others (Specify )


Sr. In the Camps E B O T Remarks No. 1. No. of gynecological cases treated 2. No. of Surgical Cases treated 3. No. of Medicinal cases treated Grand Total

1. No. of Camps organized :- 2. No. of Pathological specimens collected in the camps :-



Cows Buffalo Sr. Particulars Jersey Jersey R.S. H Any other Total Murrah No. Sindhi .F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Opening Balance of DFS 2. DFS produced 3. DFS received from other sperm stations (with in state) 4. DFS purchased ( from outside the state) 5. Total Straws. 6. Straws discarded during processing. 7. Straws supplied to A.I. Centres. 8. Straws supplied to Semen Banks. 9. Total supply. 10. DFS sold. 11. Total Disposal 12. Closing balance of DFS.

(Breed wise detail of bulls kept at the station)

Jersey Jersey Sindhi Red Sindhi H.F. Any other Total Buffalo (Murrah) Y A T Y A T Y A T Y A T Y A T Y A T Y A T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

NOTE :- Y- Young A- Adult T- Total




Sr. Particulars Quantity (Ltrs.) No.

1. Opening Balance of Liquid Nitrogen Gas

Plant No. 1 2 Liquid Nitrogen Gas Plant No.2 Production Total Production

3. Liquid Nitrogen Gas received from other Liquid Nitrogen Gas Plants

4. Liquid Nitrogen Gas Purchased

5. Total Liquid Nitrogen Gas

6. Liquid Nitrogen Gas supplied to A .I .Centres

7. Liquid Nitrogen Gas supplied to Semen Bank with in State

8. Liquid Nitrogen Gas sold to different agencies

9. Liquid Nitrogen Gas used in Lab for processing of Straws

10. Liquid Nitrogen Gas evaporated while processing , transferring , Storing and testing of New Cryocans

11. Total consumption of Liquid Nitrogen Gas

12. Closing Balance of Liquid Nitrogen Gas


Liquid Nitrogen Gas Plant Plant run with electricity Plant run with generator Total hours plant run

Plant No. 1

Plant No. 2

Total :-

( C )

Name of District No. of A.I. Centres supplied Liquid Nitrogen Gas No. of New A.I. Centres opened during the said period



Sr. Particulars Number of Sample Result Remarks No. Processed Positive Negative 1 2 3 4 5 1. Haematological Tests

2. Faecal Tests

3. Milk Tests

4. Urine Tests

5. Skin Scrapping Tests

6. Test for T. B

8. Test for Johnes Disease

9. Test for Glanders Disease

10. Test for Pullorum

11. P.M. Conducted

12. Antiobiotic senstivity Test

13. Bio-Chemical Test

14. Pathological Samples sent to other Labs 15. Any other Test (Specify)



Establishment Statement of______in respect of the office of the Director /Joint Director/Deputy Director/ Assistant Director ______District______for the period______

Sr. Name of the Father’s Designation Pay Scale Basic Pay Educational Date of Date of Date of No. Officer /Official Name and Qualification Birth Apptt. Confirmation Home address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Category Regular Place of Since when Last three postings with date Whether Remarks (SC/ST/OBC/ /Contract/ Posting working served in the Gen) Daily Place with Place with Place with Tribal/difficul Paid period period period t area Or not

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19



Sr. Name of Post Total No. of posts Total No. of posts Total No. of posts Institution Whether in Since Name of No. sanctioned filled up vacant where post is General Area / when Constituency General Difficult General Difficult General Difficult vacant Difficult Area vacant Area Area Area Area Area Area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Sr.No. Name of Officer / Official Designation Date of Birth Date of Superannuation

1 2 3 4 5



Name of Total No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of applications No. of applications for Balance Of which No. Public applications pending applications applications for information inspection rejected pending at end pending over authority received, so far applications received during accepted during rejected during the during the month of the month 30 days during CFY (upto at the start of the month the month month start of month) month For infor- For For For For For For For U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S U/S For For For For mation Insp infor- Inspe infor- Inspec- infor- Inspec- 3 9 11 24 3 9 11 24 infor- Inspec infor- Inspec- ec- matio -tion mation tion mation tion mation tion mation tion tion n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



Status No. of Vigilance Complaints No. of Vigilance Complaints Pending

Pending at Received Disposed of Upto Six Over Six Over 1 years Over 2 years Total Remarks the during the during the months Months to to 2 years beginning of quarter quarter One Year the quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2.Non Gazetted


N.B.:-Details of Vigilance complaints pending over 2 years must be attached with this proforma.



Status No. of Vigilance Cases No. of Vigilance Cases Pending.

Pending at Received Disposed of Upto one Over 1 year Over 2years Over 3 years Total Remarks the during the during the year to 2 years to 3 years beginning of quarter quarter the quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2.Non Gazetted


N.B.:-Details of Vigilance cases pending for more than 3 years must be attached with this proforma.



Status Upto Six Months Over 6 Months to 1 Over 1 year to 2 Over 2 years Total Remarks year years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


2.Non Gazetted




Sr. Head of Demand Bill Salary Wages Travel Hospitality O.E. M.R. RRT Motor M.E. Material TTA Other Minor Adver- Subsidy Schol- Total Dedu Net No. Account No. No. Exp. vehicle & Charge works tisment arship -ction amount & Supply date



Sr. No. Name of Store Opening Balance as on Received during the Issued during the year Closing Balance as on 1.4. year (Rs.) 31.3. (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) 1 2 3 4 5 1 Dead Stock

2 Feed & Seed

3 Drugs / Medicines

4 Miscellaneous store

5 Fertilizer

6 Total



Descrip Actual for last 3 years Sanctio Revised Estimates for Causes for variation Proposed Remarks -tion of ned current year between sanctioned & budget for the 1st 2nd 1st 4 Last 8 Total budget 1st 4 Last 8 Total Revised estimates next year Scheme Year Year months months (Col current months months of 3rd of 3rd 4 + 5) year year year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



(Rs. in thousands)

Description Actual for last 3 years Sanctio Revised Estimates for Causes for variation Proposed Remarks of the ned current year between budget for Scheme 1st 2nd 1st 4 Last 8 Total budget 1st 4 Last 8 Total sanctioned & next year Year Year months months (Col current months months Revised estimates of 3rd of 3rd 4 + 5) year year year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



(Rs. In Thousands )

Sr. Description of Original Supplementary Total Expenditure Variation between Reasons for No. the Scheme Budget Budget Sanctioned during the Col. 3 & 5 Variation sub Head / Budget Year Surrender Excess Minor Head 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Major/ Approved Outlay Revised Outlay Exp. Incurred during Quarter Cumulative Minor Expenditure Head of GEN TSP BASP SCP Total GEN TSP BASP SCP Total GEN TSP BASP SCP Total Dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



(Rs. In lakh )

Name of Sharing Pattern Unspent Allocation for Current Year Total Exp. during Cumulative Scheme Balance by Resources the quarter Expenditure Remarks State Centre March,______State Centre Total available 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Sr. Point Allotment of Previous Expenditure Exp. During the Progressive expenditure No. budget (in Rupees) month (in Rupees) (in Rupees) (in Rupees) 1 2 3 4 5

1. Milk Production

2. Egg Production

3. Wool Production



Sr. No. Point Targets Achieved up to Achieved during the Progressive achievement Previous Month Month 1 2 3 4 5

1. Milk Production

2. Egg Production

3. Wool Production



Pg of


PLAN OF ACTION: 200 -200 Activity : Day Book Inspection , Format I Mandal / Taluka No. of Inspections Progressive Totals Target Actual Target Actual




Pg of


Activity : Village Searches , Format II

Monthly Return for 200 District No. of No. of Villages Searched Progressive Total Outcome of Villages in Searches District Target Actual Target Actual



Pg of


Activity : Stock Route Searches , Format -III

Monthly Return for 200

Route No. / From ------To Section Covered Through Outcome of Remarks Name District(s) Searches


C S S N P R E OB 3


Reference No. of Animals Attacked No. of Deaths Sequence Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Other Cattle Buffal Sheep Goat Other o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


FORMAT FOR VARIOUS REGISTERS MAINTAINED IN VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT (The formats produced below can be modified by the Institution Incharges depending upon their specific requirements.)


Sr. No. Name of Opening Cost Requirement Total Remarks Medicines Balance Requirement for the year for the year

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Sr. Name of Opening Condition of If unserviceable Total Remarks No. Instrument/ Balance Instrument/ Written off or not Requirement Appliance Appliance

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Name of Staff appointed No. of days spent on No. of village visited Contiguous case treated month tour V.O. Pharmacist V.O. Pharmacist V.O. Pharmacist E B O T

Non Contiguous Castration Vaccination Name of Outbreak case treated. performed performed disease E B O T E B O T E B O T Received Attended





Upto 31


Daily average for the month______

Opening balance Closing Balance

Adult Lamb Total Adult Lamb Total M F M F M F M F M F M F


Breed and Sex______

Sr. Tag or Dam Sire Date Colour and description If purchased No. Tattoo of No. Colour H G W From Date of Approx. Price birth whom purchase age (Rs.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Date of Mode of Reason of If Sold disposal disposal disposal Weight at To Authority Price Remark the time of whom under which realized Sale (Kg) sold (Rs.) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Note: - (i) In Columns 7 to 9 under description should be included height (H), Girth (G) all in cms and body weight (W) in Kg for all animals.

(ii) Column 15 enter whether sold, transferred, died, etc.


Sr. Tag or tattoo Dam Sire Date of Colour and From Date of Approx. Price No. No. birth description whom purchase age (Rs.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Date of Mode Reason Weight If sold disposal or of of disposal at the To whom Authority Prize Remark of transfer Disposal time of undertaking realized to adult sale sold (Rs.) stock (Kg) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Note:- (i) Col. 12 enter whether sold, transferred, died, etc.



Sr. Tag Sex Date Dam Particulars DATE No. or of Tatoo Birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 No.

Age day


Skim Milk


Daily Total:


Sr. No. Breed No. Age Sex Postmortem Opinion of the Doctor Findings


Breed No. & Sex Date of Book Value Cost Name & address Remarks Sale realized of the buyer


Breed No. & Sex Date of Book Value Cost Name & address Remarks auction realized of the buyer


Breed No. & Sex Date of Dam Book Supplied to whom Remarks Birth value


Sr. No. Date Dam No. of of Weekly Weight Sex Birth First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week



Livestock Section:-

(1) Number of cows in milk. (2) Numbers of cows dry. (3) Quantity of milk produced. (4) Quantity of milk sold. (5) Amount realized from sale of milk. (6) Number of Animal sick and treatment given. (7) Any other important information to livestock-section.


Feed and Fodder Section:-

(1) Quantity of fodder procured/produced for animals. (2) No. of Daily laborers engaged for sowing and harvesting etc. (3) Quantum of work performed by daily labour in fields for sowing/harvesting, etc. and other agricultural operations.


Area Fodder Sowing Seed Rate Quantity Manure applied Time of Quantity or Crops Date seed utilized harvesting green fodder Fertilizer Farm Yard produced manure


Year Opening Receipt During the Year Total Struck off During Year Unserviceable Serviceable Repairable Closing Balance Balance Quantity Date of Cost Quantity Date when Reason Purchase struck off for with sanction writing order off No.



Date Particulars Opening Receipt during the Total Issued Closing Remarks Balance month during the Balance month

1 to 31


Sr. Date Annual Montly Name of Address Description Fee Date of Remarks No. No. No. owner of the charged calving/foaling cow/mare with sex 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Date To whom ration fed Scale per Quantity Received Total Quantity Balance Signature Remarks day in hand during used in hand of the In- the charge month 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1 to 31


Date Opening Balance Quantity Quantity used Quantity destroyed Closing Balance received Bull Batch No. of Bull Batch No. of Bull Batch No. of Bull Batch No. of Bull Batch No. of No. No. Straws No. No. Straws No. No. Straws No. No. Straws No. No. Straws

1 to 31



Date No. of RECEIPT DISPOSAL Closing Remarks layers Opening Production Total Any Grand Sold for Sold for Transfer Total Balance Balance of other Total table hatching to other eggs receipt purpose farm


Date Opening Receipt Total Mortality Sold Sold for Transfer Total Closing Remarks Balance for rearing to other Disposal Balance table farm


Date Opening Receipt Total Mortality Sold Sold for Transfer Total Closing Remarks Balance for rearing to other Disposal Balance table farm


Date Opening Receipt Total Mortality Sold Sold for Transfer Total Closing Remarks Balance for rearing to other Disposal Balance table farm


SEASON OF MATING______Ram No. ______Age______Breed______

Sr. No. Tag or Breed of Date of Date of Date of Single or Normal Remarks Tattoo ewe service previous lambing twin etc. lambing(N)/ No. of services, Abortion (A)/ ewe if any Still birth (S) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Note:- Separate sheets should be mantamied for each ram.



Sr. Tag or Date Date of Order of Greasy fleece weight (gm) Remarks No. Tattoo of Shearing the clip in No. of Birth life time Body Breech Belly Skirtings Total animal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Note:-In case of Sheep with poor wool yields, columns 8/9 may be combined.


Sr. Date Tag or Breed Sex Age Details Duration Results of Diagnosis Treatment Results of Remarks No. Tattoo of of micro- treatment No. Sickness disease scopical & (Symptoms) micro- scopical tests 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.



Date Quantity Quantity Strength of animals in each class Rate per day per animal Quanity issued (Kg) Balance Remarks in hand received (Kg) (Kg)

Lambs Hoggets Rams Ewes Lambs Hoggets Rams Ewes Lambs Hoggets Rams Ewes Total

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

1 to 31



Sr. Tag or Tattoo Date of Tag or Tattoo Description of progeny Remarks No. No. of dam lambing No. of Sire

Sex Birth Tag or Tattoo No. weight Male Female

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Sr. Date of Tag or Tattoo Breed Age Weight at Name of Village Tehsil District Remarks. No. Supply No. of ram the time of person to supply (Kg.) whom supplied 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Breed…………………… Sex…………………………..

Sr. Tag or Dam Sire Date of Birth Weekly weight upto two months Monthly weight upto Maturity No. Tattoo birth weight (Kg) (Kg) No. of (Kg Weeks Months Lamb 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 3rd 4th 5th 6th and so on


Daily No. Monthly No. Annual No. Tag/Tattoo No. Kind of Age Sex Diagnosis Treatment Animal


In-door cases treated Out-door cases treated Castration Vaccination Daily Cases supplied Total Performed performed Average with medicines Contagious Non-contagious Contagious Non-contagious In- Out- but not door door brought to Hospital/ Dispensary E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T.


Date Annual No. Monthly No. Daily No. Name of the Village Kind of Disease Treatment owner Animal diagnosed


Yearly Monthly Daily Date of Name of the Village Kind of Age Disease Treatment No. No. No. admission owner Animal diagnosed


Daily Monthly Yearly Name Village Description No. of Bull Batch No. Stage Pregnancy Date of Sex Fee Signature of No. No. No. of the the animal Lactation No. No. of of diagnosis calving of the Charged Inseminator owner straw heat Calf used


Name of Name of Opening Received Total Quantity issued Closing From whom Remarks Month Medicines Balance during the during month Balance received month


Date Purchase fee Castration A.I. fee Cows A.I. fee Vaccination Misc. fee Total fee fee Buffaloes fee

1 to 31


Date No. of old cases Indoor cases treated Out- door cases treated No. of castrations No. of No. of treated performed Vaccination Dehornings Contagious cases Non-contagious Contagious cases Non-contagious Cows Buffalo cases cases E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. E. B. O. T. M. F. M. F.


Name of Date of Annual Monthly Daily Name of Kind of Animals Disease Treatment Remarks village visit No. No. No. the owner E B O T diagnosis



Sr.No. Name of Dates Total Medicine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Upto 31st


Sr. Date of receipt By whom Village Name of Date of By whom No. of animals No. of Prophylactic No. of Outbreak reported disease attendance attended affected animals measures Cow Buffaloes died taken



Date Name of feed/ Stock in hand Received during Total To whom Total issued Balance fodder the month issued during the month



From To Date & Date & Contagious Non- Castration Vaccination Dehorning Remarks Time of Time of cases contagious departure arrival cases E B O T E B O T E B O T E B O T M F

1. No. of days spent on tour. 2. No. of Villages visited on tour. 3. No. of out break reports received. 4. No. of out breaks attended.


Sr.No. Name of Opening Quantity Date of Total Quantity used Date of Closing Remarks Vaccine with Balance received receipt consumption Balance Batch No.



Sr.No. Monthly No. Annual No. Cow’s No. Date of Sex of calf Weight at Sire No. Calf No. Remarks parturition the time of Birth


Bull No.______

Date of Birth Dam No. Sire No Dam’s Milk Yield Sire’s Dam’s Yield Book Value Remarks


Date Bull No. Clinical Observations Diagnosis Treatment in Detail Remarks



Sr. Bull No. Type of Feed and Dates Total of the No Fodder 1 to 31 Month

1 1 Feed

2. Green Fodder

3. Wheat Bhoosa

2 1 Feed

2. Green Fodder

3. Wheat Bhoosa

and so on


Date on which Tested Bull No Results Source of Testing



Sr. No Breed and Semen Semen % Primary Total No of Post thaw Remarks Bull No Quantity Conc. Motility in Dilution Dilution Straws Motility primary dilution


Bull No.______

Date No of Neat Semen Semen Concentration % Batch Primary Total Straws Remarks Collection Semen Diluted Discard Motility No. Dilutor Dilution


Month Batch No. Opening Production Discard Supplied Closing Remarks Balance Balance


Sr. Particulars Jersey JS RS H F Others Totals Buff No 1. Opening Balance of DFS 2. DFS Produced 3. DFS Received from out side 4. DFS Purchased from out side 5. Total DFS 6. No of Straws discarded 7. No. of Straws supplied to AIC 8. No of Straws supplied to Semen Bank Total No of Straws supplied 9. No of Straws Sold 10. Closing Balance of Straws



Date Starting time Meter Production Meter Operator Stop Time Meter Total Average Reading time Reading at Signature with Date Reading at Running per Hour Production Switching Hours off Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Date Starting time Stop Time with Total Running Reason for HSD and Mobile Operator Meter Reading at Date Hours starting purchase Signature Switching off Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Year Opening Receipt Date of receipt Total Issued Date of Issue Closing Source of Balance Balance Receipt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Sr. No. Details of work Name of Firm Bill No./ Case Amount Signature of person Date of issue Closing done memo No. making entry Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Date Source of receipt Quantity Rate Total Amount Bill No. and Officer Signature Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Name of Semen Bank______

Sr.No. Bull. No and Batch No. No of Date of Supply Breed Quantity Straws


Date Name of the Bull Batch No Straws Sheaths AI Gloves LN2 Cont. No AI Gun Dipsticks Others Receit by Sign Center No No Semen Bank


HP Livestock Development Board Sperm Station, Palampur

Microscopic Semen Evaluation - Frozen Thawed Semen Sr.No. Bull No. Breed Date of Host reactive PTM % (Incubation) Remarks collection sperms (%) 0 hr 30 min 60 min 90 min


HP Livestock Development Board, Sperm Station, Palampur

Validation Of Bovine Photometer Using Haemocytometer For Neat Semen Sr. Bull No. Date of Collection Conc. Reading by BPM Conc. By Haemocytometer Remarks 6 6 No. (10 /ml) (10 /ml)


HP Livestock Development Board, Sperm Station, Palampur

Sperm Concentration Evaluation in Frozen-Thawed-Semen Sr. No. Bull No. Date of Collection Standard Conc. in Straw Conc. Evaluated By Remarks

(106/ 0.25ml) Haemocytometer 6 (10 / 0.25ml)


HP Livestock Development Board, Sperm Station, Palampur

Semen Microbial Load (Frozen-Thawed-Semen) Sr. No. Bull No. Date of Collection No. of Straws Result Remarks tested


Sr. Location/Strl. Procd./Material Date of Sampling No. of Sample Result Remarks No. Tested



Sr Bull Breed Date of Abnormal Acrosome

No. No. collection Total % Lost Flattened Knobbed Ruptured Ruffled Swollen Total Normal Counted Abnormal


Ration/Feeding schedule for various species of livestock and poultry recommended by Animal Husbandry Department, H.P.


 Chick Starter Ration (0-8 week age):-

Ingredients Percentage Maize 40 Rice Bran 25 Groundnut Cake 17 Soybean meal 5.0 Fish meal 8.0 Meat Meal 2.0 Lime Stone 1.5 Common Salt 0.5 Vitamin+ Minerals 1.0

 Grower Ration (8-20 week age):-

Ingredients Percentage Maize 45 Rice Polish 35 Groundnut Cake 12 Fish meal 5 Lime Stone 1.5 Common Salt 0.5 Vitamin+ Minerals 1.0

 Layer Ration (>20 week age):-

Ingredients Percentage

Maize 42 Rice Polish 42 Groundnut Cake 8.0

Fish meal 5.0 Lime Stone 1.5 Common Salt 0.5 Vitamin+ Minerals 1.0

 Broiler Ration ( 0-7 week age):-

Ingredients Percentage Maize 45 Rice Polish 20 Groundnut Cake 25 Fish meal 7.0 Lime Stone 1.5 Common Salt 0.5 Vitamin+ Minerals 1.0

 Scale of Feeding ______

Age in weeks Quantity in Grams per bird/day______

Eggers :- 0-1 10 8-12 60 12-16 80 16-20 110 >20 120

Broilers :- 0-1 15 1-2 20 2-3 30 3-4 50 4-5 60 5-6 75 6-7 90 (which can subsequently be increased to 120 grams)


 Composition of concentrate ration:-

Maize/ Barley 32% Black Gram 20% Groundnut cake 25% Wheat Bran/ Deoiled Rice Bran 20% Mineral Mixture 2.0% Common Salt 1.0%

 Scale of Feeding:-

Kind of Animal Concentrate Salt Mineral Hay or green Mixture Foals 4 months to 1.0 Kg 20 gm 20 gm 2 Kg or 6 Kg one year Foals 1-2 years 2.0 Kg 30 gm 30 gm 4 Kg or 12 Kg

Horse/ Pony 3.5 Kg 35 gm 35 gm 5 Kg or 18 Kg Stallion Brood Mares/ 3.0 Kg 30 gm 30 gm 6 Kg or 18 Kg Ponies/ mules Mare in advance 4.0 Kg 45 gm 45 gm 6 Kg or 18 Kg stage of pregnancy (last 10 weeks) Jack Stallion 2.0 Kg 20 gm 20 gm 5 Kg or 15 Kg

Jenny 1.5 Kg 20 gm 20 gm 5 Kg or 15 Kg


 Composition of balanced concentrate for sheep:-

Sr. Ingredients Parts No. 1. Maize 25

2. Barley 25

3. Ground Nut Cake 16

4. Mustard Cake 5

5. Deoiled Rice Bran/ 26 wheat bran 6. Mineral Mixture 2

7. Salt 1

 Scale of Feeding:-

Sr. Various categories of sheep Concentrate Hay Green/ No. legume/silage 1. Lambs (Creep Feeding) (21 days to 45days) Upto 150 gm Nil Adlib (45 days to 90 days) Upto 200 gm 250 gm Adlib 2. Weaners (a) Indigenous & cross bred 300 gm 1 Kg 0.5 Kg (b) Exotic 350 gm 1 Kg 1 Kg 3. Hoggets (9 months to 18 months) (a) Indigenous & cross bred (b) Exotic 400 gm 1 Kg 1.5 Kg 400 gm 1 Kg 1.5 Kg 4. Dry Ewes or Ewes in early pregnancy till last six weeks of gestation (a) Body weight 30-35 Kg 300 gm 1 Kg 1.5 Kg (b) Body weight above 35 Kg 400 gm 1.5 Kg 1.5 Kg 5. Ewes in last six weeks of gestation (a) Body weight 35-40 Kg 400 gm 1.5 Kg 1.5 Kg (b) Body weight above 40 Kg 500 gm 2.0 Kg 1.5 Kg 6. Nursing Ewes (a) Body weight 30-35 Kg 500 gm 1.5 Kg 2.0 Kg (b) Body weight above 35 Kg 600 gm 2.0 Kg 2.0 Kg 7. Breeding Rams (one month before and during breeding season) (a) Indigenous & cross bred 400 gm 1.5 Kg 2.0 Kg (b) Exotic 500 gm 2.0 Kg 2.0 Kg 8. Breeding Rams (except for one month before and during breeding season) (a) Indigenous & cross bred 350 gm 1.5 Kg 2.0 Kg (b) Exotic 400 gm 2.0 Kg 2.0 Kg

Note:- Calf Starter can be used as creep ration for young lambs.


Composition of concentrate mixtures

 For Goats:- • For Chegu Goats:-

Sr. Ingredients Parts Sr. Ingredients Parts No. No. 1. Maize 50 1. Maize 50 2. Ground Nut Cake 20 2. Ground Nut Cake 25 3. Rice Bran/ Wheat Bran 22 3. Rice Bran/ Wheat 12 Bran 4. Fish Meal 5.0 4. Fish Meal 10 5. Mineral Mixture 2.0 5. Mineral Mixture 2.0 6. Common salt 1.0 6. Common salt 1.0 Note:- Chegu goats require more energy since they remain in cooler climates and hence different ration.

 Feeding schedule for kids according to age:-

Age Concentrate (in gm) Hay/ green fodder (Kg.) Birth -15 days - - 16 days to 1 month 50 0.050/ 0.250 1 month to 2 months 100 0.150/ 0.500 2 months to 3 months 150 0.350/ 1.000 3 months to 4 months 150 0.600/ 2.500 4 months to 5 months 100 0.750/ 3.000 5 months to 6 months 100 1.000/ 4.000

Note:- Till weaning the kids will suckle their mother’s milk.

 Above 6 months:-

(1) Concentrate mix. 500 gm (if legume green is not available) per day (2) Green fodder – ad lib

 Dry Does:-

(a) Exotic Concentrate Mix. 400 gm/ per day (b) Cross bred Concentrate Mix. 350 gm/ per day (c) Indigenous Concentrate Mix. 300 gm/ per day

 In pregnancy 2 months before parturition 250 gm feed more than maintenance ration be given.

 For lactating does 330 gm more concentrate is required for every 1 liter milk production.

 Bucks :-

(During non breeding season):-

(a) Exotic Concentrate Mix. 400 gm/ per day (b) Cross bred Concentrate Mix. 350 gm/ per day (c) Indigenous Concentrate Mix. 300 gm/ per day

(During breeding season):-

(a) Exotic Concentrate Mix. 500 gm/ per day (b) Cross bred Concentrate Mix. 400 gm/ per day (c) Indigenous Concentrate Mix. 400 gm/ per day

Note:- Green fodder to be given ad lib to the adult goat.


 Composition of calf starter:-

Sr. Ingredients Parts No. 1. Crushed Barley/Maize 50

2. Ground Nut Cake 30

3. Wheat bran/Rice bran 8

4. Fish Meal/Dried Skimmed 10 Milk/Meat meal

5. Vitamin &Mineral Mixture 2

NOTE:- To the above mixture add 500 gms common salt and if available, 5% to 10% Molasses.

 Scale of feeding for calves (from birth to 12 weeks):-

Age of calf Milk (in gms.) Skimmed milk Calf Starter Good quality green (in gms) (in gms.) fodder/Hay (in gms.) Birth to 3 Day 2500 ------(Colostrum) 4th to 7th Day 2500 ------

2nd week 3000 ------100 300

3rd week 3250 ------300 500

4th week 3000 ------400 600

5th week 1500 1000 500 700

6th week ------2500 650 750

7th week ------2000 800 850

8th week ------1750 1000 1000

9th week ------1250 1200 1100 (up to 60th day) 10th week ------1300 1200

11th week ------1400 1300 12th week ------1500 1500

 From 3 months to 6 months of age calves should be fed about 1.5 to 2 Kg of concentrate mixture and about 3 Kg green legumes and about 2 Kg straw.

 Recommended concentrate for adult Cattle:-

Sr. Ingredients Parts No. 1. Maize/ Barley 35

2. Ground Nut/ Mustard Cake 30

3. Wheat Bran/ Deoiled Rice Bran 32

4. Vitamins and Mineral Mixture 2

5. Common Salt 1

 Scale of Feeding for Bulls:-

Sr. Particulars of animal Concentrate Green Hay No. 1. Hill cow bull 1 Kg 6 Kg (in absence of 4 Kg (in absence Below 3 years of age hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 2. Hill Cow bull 1.5 Kg 9 Kg (in absence of 5 Kg (in absence Above 3 years of age hay 24 Kg) of green 8 Kg) 3. Crossbred cow bulls 1.5 Kg 9 Kg (in absence of 5 Kg (in absence Below 3 years of age hay 24 Kg) of green 8 Kg) 4. Crossbred cow bulls above 3 years of age:- (a) B. W. 300 Kg 2.0 Kg 15 Kg (in absence of 7 Kg (in absence hay 33 Kg) of green 12 Kg) (b) B.W. 400 Kg 3.0 Kg 15 Kg (in absence of 8 Kg (in absence hay 42 Kg) of green 14 Kg) (c) B.W. 500 Kg 4.0 Kg 27 Kg (in absence of 9 Kg (in absence hay 54 Kg) of green 18 Kg)

5. Buffalo bulls below 3 2.0 Kg 10 Kg (in absence 5 Kg (in absence years of age of hay 25 Kg) of green 8 Kg) 6. Crossbred cow bulls above 3 years of age:-

(a) B. W. 300 Kg 3.0 Kg 15 Kg (in absence 7 Kg (in absence of hay 36 Kg) of green 12 Kg) (b) B.W. 400 Kg 4.0 Kg 18 Kg (in absence 10 Kg (in absence of hay 48 Kg) of green 16 Kg) (c) B. W. 500 Kg 5.0 Kg 24 Kg (in absence of 12 Kg (in absence hay 60 Kg) of green 20 Kg)

 Scale of Feeding for Calves / Cows/ Buffaloes:-

Sr. No. Particulars of Animals Concentrate Green Hay

1. Hilly cow calves 500 gm 6.0 Kg (in absence 1.5 Kg (in absence 6 months to one year age of hay 11 Kg) of green 4 Kg) 2. Hilly Heifer (one year of 1.25 Kg 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence age till calving) of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 3. Hilly Cow in advance 2.0 Kg 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence pregnancy (during last of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) trimester) 4. Hilly Cow in milk 1.25 Kg + 500g 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence extra for every of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 1 Kg milk

5. Cross bred cow calves 1.0 Kg 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence 6 months to one year age of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 6. Cross bred Heifer (one 2.0 Kg 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence year of age till calving) of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 7. Cross bred cow in 3.0 Kg 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence

advance pregnancy of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 8. Cross bred Cow in milk 2.0 Kg + 500g 6.0 Kg (in absence 4.0 Kg (in absence extra for every of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 1 Kg milk 9. Buffalo calves 1.0 Kg 9.0 Kg (in absence 3.0 Kg (in absence 6 months to one year age of hay 18 Kg) of green 6 Kg) 10. Buffalo Heifer (one year 2.0 Kg 15 Kg (in absence 6.0 Kg (in absence of age till calving) of hay 33 Kg) of green 11 Kg)

11. Buffalo cow in advance 3.0 Kg 15 Kg ( in absence 10 Kg (in absence pregnancy of hay 45 Kg) of green 15 Kg) 12. Buffalo Cow in milk 2.0 Kg + 500g 15 Kg ( in absence 10 Kg (in absence

extra for every of hay 45 Kg) of green 15 Kg) 1 Kg milk 13. Dry Buffalo 2.0 Kg 15 Kg (in absence 10 Kg (in absence of of hay 45 Kg) green 15 Kg)


 For growers pigs (20-50 Kg.):- • For Finishers (50-90 Kg.):-

Sr. No. Ingredients Parts Sr. No. Ingredients Parts 1. Maize 50 1. Maize 40 2. Ground Nut Cake 20 2. Ground Nut Cake 22 3. Rice Bran 20 3. Rice Bran 30 4. Fish Meal 7.5 4. Fish Meal 5.5 5. Mineral Mixture 2.5 5. Mineral Mixture 2.5

Add antibiotic premix @ 2.5 Kg./ ton feed

• For Boars, Pregnant & lactating sows:-

Sr. Ingredients Parts No. 1. Maize 50 2. Ground Nut Cake 20 3. Rice Bran 18 4. Fish Meal 5 5. Mineral Mixture 2.5 6. Salt 0.5 7. Molasses 4

Add antibiotic premix @ 2.5 Kg./ ton feed

 Scale of Feeding:-

Sr. Class Body Weight Average Feed/day No. 1. Growers 1-5 Kg 250 g 5-10Kg 460 g 10-20 Kg 950 g 20-50 Kg 1900 g 2. Finishers 50-110 Kg 3110 g

3. Pregnant Sows 120 Kg 1.40 Kg. +500g 140 Kg 1.50 Kg. +500g 160 Kg 1.60 Kg. +500g 4. Suckling/ 145 Kg 1.40 Kg. +600g/Litre milk yield Lactating Sows 165 Kg 1.50 Kg. +600g/Litre milk yield 185 Kg 1.60 Kg. +600g/Litre milk yield 5. Boars 105-175 Kg 2.450 Kg 175-245 Kg 2.00 Kg

Note:- 1) During last three weeks of gestation give 5000 grams extra feed to pregnant sows. 2) Green fodder to all categories be fed ad lib.

(G) FEEDING OF RABBITS  Composition of concentrate ration:-

Sr. Ingredients For kids For Adult does and For Pregnant No. (0-6months) Bucks and lactating Does 1. Maize 25 25 20 2. Oats 8 8 --- 3. Wheat Bran 10 12 20 4. Rice Bran 13 16 28 5. G.N.C. 20 17 10 6. Sunflower Cake 7.5 8 10 7. Soya flakes 7.5 5 3 8. Fish Meal 2 2 2 9. Molasses 5 5 5 10. Mineral Mixture 1.5 1.5 1.5 11. Salt 0.5 0.5 0.5

Note:- From birth to 6 weeks of age, kids are reared on dams milk and after 15 days of age concentrate feeding is started.

 Scale of feeding:-

Age Quantity of Green fodders concentrates 3rd week 5g/day -- 4th week 10g/day -- 5th week 20g/day -- 6th week 30-40g/day -- 6th week to 2 months 50-60g/day Ad lib 2nd month to 4 months 60-80g/day Ad lib 4 months to 6months 80-100g/day Ad lib >6 month 120g/day Ad lib Pregnant & lactating Does 150-180g/day Ad lib