King Weekly Sentinel Weekly Circulation: 10,200 905-857-6626 | 1-888-557-6626 | FREE Thursday, March 3, 2016 Volume 43, Issue 9 St. Patrick’s DAY BARANDGRILL 905-833-0400 Thursday, March 17 BILL NADEAU 2124 King Rd, King City IRISH FARE! LIVE! David Clapp Sales Representative Muzzo to be Expert Service Exceptional Results sentenced on Office905-939-2000 Direct 416-938-5345 March 29 in
[email protected] fatal collision By Angela Gismondi & Bill Rea The fate of Marco Muzzo in the hands of Justice Michelle Feurst. Fuerst will hand down her sen- tence March 29. Three days of tes- timony were given in the case last week in Newmarket. Crown attor- ney Paul Tait said a 10-to-12-year 416-617-1724 sentence would send a message. Muzzo pleaded guilty to four counts of impaired driving caus- ing death and two counts of im- paired driving causing bodily Service You Deserve, harm in the deaths of Daniel, Har- Someone You rison and Milagros Neville-Lake, and their grandfather Gary Nev- Can Trust ille in the horrifi c Sept. 27, 2015 crash in Vaughan. Muzzo himself spoke for the fi rst time last Wednesday since his REALTY INC arrest and incarceration. He de- b 905-833-0111 livered a page-long apology to the c 289-221-4564 families of the lives he destroyed. In a packed courtroom, Superi- Maria Ongaro or Court Justice Fuerst heard from Sales Representative, Trends Realty Inc. the crown, the defence, the victims 12967 Keele St., Unit 1, King City •
[email protected] and the accused himself.