DVB-SCENE Issue 13 V2.Pmd

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DVB-SCENE Issue 13 V2.Pmd Edition No.13 March 2005 DVB - SCENE Tune in to Digital Convergence 13 The Standard for the Digital World This issue’s highlights > IPTV Evolution > DVB-H > Focus: France > OCAP > Market Watch TV In Hand Peter MacAvock, Executive Director A word from the DVB Project Office INSIGHTS AND REWARDS Welcome to another issue of DVB- the stated aims of developing their own on to produce affordable consumer SCENE. This issue focuses mainly on system: one which will interact with the reception equipment. DVB-H, an introduction to IPTV and the DVB-S, DVB-C and DVB-T networks And the work on DVB-H continues. ramifications of recent announcements already in place. Applications specifically targeting the about the launch of DVB-T in France. French DTT is on the way. Recent DVB-H area are going to be a key Our opinion piece deals with China and announcements mean that France’s factor in determining the success of provides an interesting insight into the services will be unlike any in the other services, and DVB is working hard at DVB-SCENE : 02 developments in digital terrestrial large European countries. The bringing together the philosophies and television there. Clearly, China has announcement of the adoption of protocols associated with DVB enormous potential for digital TV and MPEG-4 Part 10 as the video codec of broadcasting and mobile the size of its market already makes it a choice for the crucial pay-TV element telecommunications. It’s not easy, but significant force in DVB-T. This despite of the offering means that the race is the rewards are promising indeed. ModulCast for low cost & easy access to DVB-T & DVB-H The ModulCast product range provides a comprehensive set of “ready-to-integrate” technical features for Transmitter, Base- Station and Equipment manufacturers: ª High performance DVB-T / DVB-H modulators, ª Hierarchical MIP inserter, ª Mobile DVB-T / DVB-H demodulators, ª Experimental DVB-H receiver, ª Ultra Low Phase Noise Synthesizers, In short, all the essential technical bricks needed to build up DVB-T & DVB-H transmission systems. The ModulCast family has proven its compliance and its full interoperability during the Laboratory & Field test campaigns recently performed by the DVB-H Validation Task Force. The ModulCast family offers to the professional Broadcast & Multimedia markets functional completeness and high performance with competitive pricing. (for further information: www.teamcast.com) Published by the DVB Project Office, c/o European Broadcasting Union, 17a Ancienne Route, CH-1218 Grand Saconnex, Switzerland. www.dvb.org & www.mhp.org Editors: William Daly, Harold Bergin Editorial and Advertising enquiries to: WHD PR CONTENTS: Email: news@whdpr.com Telephone: +44 (0)20 7799 3100 4 - The Co-Chairman of the TM for IPI introduces IPTV 6 - RTL NEWMEDIA looks at purposing content for All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. All handheld receivers content correct at time of printing. © DVB-SCENE 6 - Nokia & RTÉ conduct live DVB-H demo at DVB World 2005. DVB an MHP are registered trademarks of the DVB Project. Certain other product names, brand 7 - Going mobile in the USA with Crown Castle names and company names may be trademarks or 8 - NTL ponders the DVB-H business model designations of their respective owners. Printed by Lithmark Limited. 9 - TV Tech’s Scott Ge asks if DVB has a future in China Design by GyroGroup. 10 - Focus: DTT in France The views expressed in this newsletter 12 - What’s happening with OCAP? are those of the individual DVB members or guests and are not necessarily the 14 - MARKET WATCH - A look at DVB product launches views of the DVB Project Office or Steering Board. NEW MEMBERS DVB-SCENE : 03 DMDsecure • Digita Oy • Digital Fountain • European Patent Office • Gemplus IDway • Sigma Designs • Skyworks Solutions Inc. • SWelcom DIB7000-H WORLD’S FIRST DVB-H CHIP Mobile DVB-H Receiver for Cell Phones, PDAs, Portable LCD TV… with « Proven Performance » DVB Booth : SU11408 www.dibcom.net info@dibcom.fr IPTV EVOLUTION Will Dobbie, C0-Chairman, DVB TM-IPI DVB-SCENE : 04 The IP Infrastructure group within the The primary goal of the DVB IPTV and some are now introducing ‘triple DVB Technical Module (TM-IPI) has workshop was to inform the DVB play’ bundles that include broadcast recently completed a specification community of the progress that has TV and video-on-demand services. referred to as the Phase 1 IPI been made and the commercial case The DVB vision is to build a content Handbook. This describes the delivery for further DVB work in this area. The environment that combines the of MPEG-2 transport stream based morning session dealt with stability and interoperability of the services over IP networks and covers developments in enabling technology world of broadcasting with the vigour, transport, service discovery and and broadband network innovation and multiplicity of services selection plus signalling. infrastructure. It included some of the world of the Internet. Many Complementary work on metadata for fascinating case studies from within DVB now agree with the content-on-demand services has also European operators that are now approach to fixed IPTV services been completed. The first release of introducing IPTV services plus views presented by Telefonica at the “Telcos are increasingly planning for the broadband world where telephony and digital TV become Internet applications...” the DVB-IP specification was from the EBU, the European workshop. This assumes the use of recognised as an excellent start for Commission and consumer electronics ADSL to deliver triple play services to any IPTV system at a major companies. The afternoon a wide range of consumer terminals workshop held at the EBU recently. It session presented technical elements via a home network which would be is already being implemented by one of the first release of the DVB-IP wired for demanding links but European telco (France Telecom) and specification, the status of work on wireless wherever possible. commercial requirements for next others are seriously considering it. DVB has an excellent track record of releases and addressed questions However, further work is needed to enabling key elements of new over what DVB should do and when. meet all of the industry requirements systems to be implemented in an and to build on new standards from Broadband Internet is growing fast interoperable manner. It is therefore other industry bodies. The DVB IPTV (even faster than cellular phones at seen as important for DVB to work and Home Networking commercial the same point in the development with other industry and standards groups are therefore producing a cycle). Telcos are increasingly bodies (e.g. IETF, DSL Forum, DLNA) series of new commercial planning for the broadband world to extend the current DVB requirements and the IPI group is where telephony and digital TV specifications. The following list of starting to work on some of them. become Internet applications requirements was (among others) identified during the IPTV workshop: • Remote configuration and management • Carriage of all DVB A/V formats • Content security and DRM covering over MPEG-2 Transport Streams (inc. IPTV access and home network H264/AVC) (building on the DVB-CPCM specifications) • Implementation of end-to-end IP QoS plus IP level FEC, as an option • Network level security (including authorisation, authentication, DDoS • Downloading of content to PVRs attacks etc.) • Hybrid services using a combination • Carriage of all DVB A/V formats of IPTV and over-air delivery directly over IP • An extended metadata specification Some of these requirements are allowing for live TV, content downloaded already recognised as essential in the to PVRs and hybrid delivery near term and work on them is well • A common approach to application advanced. Others are accepted as Will Dobbie is a consultant in the field of environments plus authoring necessary but effort has not yet been interactive multimedia networks and guidelines for ‘network service found to progress them. Some are services and currently represents BT provider’ applications aimed at TVs new and these (plus others) will be within DVB. He started his career in the discussed in the commercial groups. Royal Air Force then worked for a • Home Networking specification If your company is interested in IPTV variety of companies including MCSL allowing for wired and wireless or home networks you would be very before settling at BT Laboratories for 19 networks that is easy to setup and welcome to contribute to either the years. During that time he was involved DVB-SCENE : 05 use (building on DLNA guidelines) commercial or technical work (or with a number of major broadcasting • Specification for an interface to a ideally both). Please contact the DVB and interactive TV initiatives. Will has a residential home gateway Project Office to find out more. PhD from Essex University. $87+25,1*722/)25 0+3$1''9%+08/7,0(',$7(50,1$/6 &DUGLQDO6WXGLRLVDQ0+3DXWKRULQJWRROZLWKYHUVLRQVIRUFRQWHQWSURGXFHUVDQG -DYDGHYHORSHUVDQGDFOLHQWVHUYHUEDVHGFRQWHQWDXWRPDWLRQDQGDJJUHJDWLRQVR OXWLRQ IRU EURDGFDVWHUV ,Q )HEUXDU\ &DUGLQDO UHOHDVHG D QHZ YHUVLRQ RI WKH DXWKRULQJWRROFDSDEOHRIJHQHUDWLQJFRQWHQWIRU'9%+PXOWLPHGLDWHUPLQDOV :LWK&DUGLQDO6WXGLRQRDGGLWLRQDOSOD\HUVRUFRGHFVDUHUHTXLUHGDVWKHVRIWZDUH JHQHUDWHVQDWLYH-DYDFRGHZKLFKFDQEHIUHHO\PRGL¿HGGHSOR\HGRULPSRUWHGEDFN LQWRWKH6WXGLR 0,''/(:$5()25 '9%+$1',3'$7$&$677(50,1$/6 '9%+JLYHVQHZUHYHQXHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDOOLQGXVWU\SOD\HUVIURPKDQGVHWPDQX
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