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The Advocate - May 17, 1962 Catholic Church

The Advocate - May 17, 1962 Catholic Church

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5-17-1962 The Advocate - May 17, 1962

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Recommended Citation Catholic Church, "The Advocate - May 17, 1962" (1962). The Catholic Advocate. 221. https://scholarship.shu.edu/catholic-advocate/221 At CYO The Advocate Rally Thousands to HonorMaryMay 20 JERSEY CITY Approxi- in the center of the heart. three shades of blue and will carry represent the "Our Fa- cited, a and two altar Official Publication of the Archdiocese of Newark, N. and Diocese of N. mately 15,000 Catholics from The will wear of roses. J., Paterson, J. girls gowns Clusters of three girls thers.” As the prayers are re- boys will connect the beads the Newark Archdiocese are with blue and gold ribbons. Vol. No. 21 THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 PRICE: 10 CENTS expected to gather here at li, The roses will be collected Roosevelt Stadium May 20 for and placed before a statue of the annual Marian in Rally Our Lady of Fatima. honor of Our Lady of Fatima. Preliminary pageantry will STUDENTS from 42 secon- begin at 2 with a solemn Accentuates p.m. dary schools of the archdio- holy hour scheduled to start cese will parade into the sta- at 3 p.m. The rally is spon- dium to open the program. St. sored the archdiocesan by Peter’s Prep, Essex Catholic CYO. and St. Mary’s, Rutherford, ARCHBISHOP Boland will will have their school bands Council Information in the parade. A band preside, crown a statue of Our from St. Lady, lead the people in a Mary’s School, Rutherford, of consecration to her will also participate. VATICAN CITY (NC) can we believe that the enemy dates for the different states prayer There discussion truth has face Immaculate Heart and CYO drum corps from Bles- will be free of" one . . of give only . perfection. Solemn Benediction. sed Sacrament, St. Rose of during the coming ecumenical the kingdom of the earth very Commission for Sacraments: Rev. Thomas A. Lima and St. Lucy’s, all New- council and the public will be often suffocates the noblest Proposals on impediments of Carlin, former and St. “suitably about its aspirations of man and delays marriage, mixed marriages, 0.5.F.5., assistant di- ark, Patrick’s, Jersey rector of the national will work by an enlarged press the progress of his perfection the marriage contract, the CYO, City, parade. Hundreds of will the He is Boy Scouts will also office, Pope John XXIII said for eternal life.” celebration of marriage and give sermon. march with their colors. here. The Pontiff expressed his ap- the hearing of matrimonial presently superior of the Ob- troop late The Pope stressed these two preciation of “the interest of cases. community at Father Philadel- ANOTHER FEATURE of points in his address to the public opinion” in the council Commission on Oriental Judge High School, the rally will be choral closing meeting of the sixth and concluded with a citation Churches: The power of Bish- phia. music session of the Central from the of the by the St. Henry’s Choristers Prepara- breviary day. ops, catechetical instruction, a HIGHLIGHTING the of tory Commission for the coun- He spoke of St. Paul, who perpetual calendar, and the pro- Bayonne. gram will be in the formation cil. "welcomed all who came to Divine Office. Father Carlin served as as- of a living more than him, preaching the Kingdom rosary by sistant director of the NCWC POPE JOHN TOLD the THE QUESTION of calendar 100 girls from Holy of and teaching about the Family Youth Department for five commission that while those reform has occasioned Academy (Bayonne). Repre- Lord Christ with all consid- years. Prior to that in the he was taking part council will boldness and unhindered" erable interest both in and out senting the beads, they will executive GOING secretary of the Na- be helped by the three years of the Church. form a giant heart on the sta- Molnar, left, program director of the Union CYO, (Acts, 28-30)., ELECTRONIC - Roy County tional Newman Club Federa- of work dium field. 30 and Rev. Roland W. Muenzen, Union preparatory preced- The if A group of stu- County CYO moderator, hold the walkie-talkies tion. He has also there will be "free dis- THE SIXTH reform, adopted, taught in ing it, plenary session dent nurses from various Cath- which will be used at the Marian 20 at Roosevelt might bring East and West to- Rally M[?]y Stadium, as Delaware cussion for the of the of the City, Philadelphia, and ... good Preparatory olic hospitals will form a cross look of the field for the gether for the first time in they over plan Living Rosary ceremony. White Plains, New York. free assembly.” Commission opened on May 3 many years in their celebra- He added that he has “at- with 42 Cardinals and 22 other tion of certain feasts. It would tended to a greater develop- attending. The Cen- More Cuban Pontiff Recalls mean that Easter would fall New ment of the prtss office so tral Commission considered Orleans on a fixed date every year—- that public opinion may be proposals from various pre- as would other date suitably informed." paratory commissions, includ- every Youths Due during the year. — ing the following: A Conversation About Peace THE PONTIFF’S address The Gregorian Calendar, in Group Fights Commission for and came at the end of nine days ' use since its promulgation by and the Government of Dio- In Newark of hard work crowded with a Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, ceses: great of for proposals dealing with eliminated Integration variety proposals many errors of the NEWARK A group of 20 And the Birth a Council the council Coadjutor and Auxiliary Bish- of agenda. Topics Julian Calendar (adopted by Cuban refugee youngsters are NEW ORLEANS ops; the mission of Bishops, (NC) A ranged from a proposed dog- Julius Caesar). However, the, expected to arrive here May VATICAN CITY "It is claimed that has been the care of migratory groups, (NC)-Popc the peo- st this gift, which was all the new group organized matic constitution on the Gregorian Calendar also has 18 in the care of Rev. Edward John XXIII first decided to want here to catechetics, the instruction of ple peace and agree- more precious because it was fight integration of Church to calendar reform, its defects. J. director of the call the coming ecumenical but Catholic adults, prohibition of books, McHugh, ment, unfortunately it unexpected, and which was Schools in New Or- from a definition of the role children’s division of Asso- and of council during a conversation sometimes happens that ulti- given to the Church the leans. questions excommuni- INSTITUTION OF a univer- by of Bishops to a'definition of ciated Catholic Charities of about world with Do- cation, suspension and inter- sal calendar peace mately disagreements become new Pope, that we could not The new segregationist the place of the lay apostle. would establish a the Newark Archdiocese. menico Cardinal dict. Tardini, the more acute and threats are in- find suitable words to John told members of permanent date for express group was set up at a meet- Pope Easter, Father McHugh flew to Mi- late Papal Secretary of State. creased. What will the Church unlimited the Theological Commission: and consequently also for the our joy and obedi- ing under the name “Catholic commission that although ami to escort the do? Wednesday Pope John spoke of his de- Must the Mystical Barque ence. We are ready for White he had not been present at The position and functions of other movable feasts such as children Laymen’s League.” who are currently in cision during an audience of Christ remain at the work.” their he had follow- Religious and laity in Church the Ascension, and mercy Master of ceremonies C.E. meetings, the care of Miami Catholic granted here to a group of the waves and go adrift? Is ed their work life; the priesthood, the epis- Corpus Christi. Concluding his comments, Vetter that in closely day by Charities. of visitors from Venice led by there not rather predicted copate as the expected the recalled: "And there day. supreme degree One proposal provides for The is expected to Giovanni Pope September “people will pull group Cardinal Urbani, the from the Church not only an of the Sacrament of Or- immediately came from all out He also called the commis- Holy the division of the year into children aged 6 to their children of the Cath- comprise Pontiff’s successor as Patri- admonishment, but also the sion's attention to difficulties ders, and the office and dig- four three-month of 13 parts of the world the first an- olic schools and put them in periods 10, including five sets of broth- arch of Venice. light of great example? What that be nity of Bishops. weeks that is nouncement of other support. schools." may anticipated, say- each, of 91 days, ers and sisters. could this private The Pope said he was re- light be?” not "We cannot believe Commission for with each There was one discordant ing: that Religious: periQd beginning on So far the Newark agency vealing it as a “confirmation Then, the note, least the time of The of a and ending has 10 Pope continued, or at no indications ARCHBISHOP perfect tranquility problems vocations, Sunday on a placed Cuban refugee of his . F. affection for the faithful “our soul was suddenly en- of insurmountable obstacles. will come the eartb, nor and the formation of candi- Saturday. children in foster homes. Rummel of New Orleans had upon The of his beloved Venice.” lightened by a great idea that There was a real chorus of Following this system, New first group of 24 children ar- ordered integration of all Cath- to at Year’s would fall rived here in occurred us that mo- stirring applause to which was olic schools Day always mid-April. “THE IDEA came so sud- starting next fall. ment, which we welcomed soon added the on a All Some are good wishes Sunday. the months expected to be denly that to tell about it “We are Catholic zombies—- with the trust in of who

' Rev. Richard Butler, 0.P., DINNER director of the Aquinas New- Gracious Dining in Continental a Atmosphere" man Center at the University Attic and Basement Cos. of New Mexico in Albuquer- Inc. 4 Banquet Rooms

SOUTH ORANGE - Msgr. MSGR. GILHOOLY was On Federal Aid to All Schools Thomas J. Gilhooly, executive born in Harrison and attend- dean of the Paterson branch ed Holy • Cross School there, - PONCE, P. R. (NC) The "I PLEDGE TO institute ac- activities. of Seton Hall will Seton Hall and Seton against religious University, Prep chairman of the U. S. House tion to fill this educational the 25th Hall "The sole objective of the celebrate anniversary University. He was or- education said here committee leadership vacuum and to pro- First Amendment was to in- of his with a Sol- dained May 2, 1937, by Arch- that' legal uncertainty over vide for our national needs sure that the government be emn Mass of Thanksgiving at bishop Walsh at St. Patrick’s federal aid for parochial and and purposes,” he said. neutral in all purely religious >ll a.m. May 26 at Seton Hall. Pro-Cathedral. other private schools "must no "Our legislative efforts affairs." His first was to assignment longer be used as an excuse shall not infringe the upon Powell also noted a St. Mary’s, Plainfield, where for inaction." "great neutrality of government in re between he remained until he joined inconsistency” Con- Rep. Clayton Powell ligious affairs, but our-legisla- the Seton Hall in gressional treatment of pri- faculty 1939. of New York said he is con- tive efforts however, be shall, vate elementary and secon- From 1939 to 1949 he was vinced there is a “large gray made so that facility, dean of Seton every dary schools and of private men at Hall, and area of into constitutionality” every resource of our nation, colleges. chairman of the department of which can fall a number of every group and every individ- communication arts from 1949 methods to meet the educa- ual shall be enlisted in the to 1960. tional needs of all schools in cause of educational advance- He has been execu- the country. ment and excellence.” tive dean of the Paterson Speaking at the Catholic branch since it opened. THE HARLEM legislator, "VACATION A WOMAN'S M. of the University here, the Congress- On July 31, he was ele- TOUCH - Mother Virginette, C.S.F., provincial superior Felician who is also a Baptist minister, 1958, man said that the nation today vated Sisters,, applies some mortar to the cornerstone of the Convent at St. Adalbert's, Eliz- said that the First Amendment service to the rank of papal needs "a but /tour l abeth. many-pronged chamberlain with the title Looking on are, left to right, Rev. Joseph A. Smolen, pastor; Rev. Stephen Rut- to the Constitution was written coordinated legislative pro- Very Reverend kowski and Boland. The convent dedicated 13 with by "men of strong religious Monsignor by Archbishop was on May along gram” to assist all levels and Pope Pius XII. convictions” in order to pro- the new rectory. types of education. hibit Congress from creating a LET HORIZONS national church or giving one School Aid Studies denomination a preference PLAN YOUR over others. "Any discussion of tlic rela- tionship of church and state TRIP TO in House must be discussed against that MSGR. GILHOOLY Progress background,” he said. “Wc must remember that the First ROME... WASHINGTON-House sub- vate schools. On May 17, Msgr. Gilhooly Amendment does not require committees on education have The hearings should end will be the guest at a lunch- that the government be hostile Yes, let approved one bill to assist ed- around May 23,' after which eon given in his honor by the to religion nor does it permit ucation, are completing hear- the subcommittee will take up Horizons' Bayley-Seton League at 12:30 governmental discrimination Travel ings on another and have wills which would give grants p.m. at Mayfrfir Farms, West Consultants scheduled hearings on the so- of for each plan Orange, at which Archbishop $2O annually called "Junior G.I. Bills” to school child. Grants for chil- Boland will be present. Msgr Abbey Club Plans every facet of aid of dren in schools would Gilhooly is moderator of both provide to parents stu- public dents. be given directly to the public Moonlight Cruise your journey to the South Orange and Pater- The select subcommittee school board. Grants for chil- son divisions of the league. by EAST ORANGE - The Ab- the 3-2 has dren in schools would Holy City. a vote sent to the full private bey Club of St. Paul’s Abbey, House Education to the and Labor go parents. Newton, will sponsor a cruise Don't spoil Committee bill to raise the Playland Opens a on June 2 on the of “City wonderful PFS, Rye, N. Y.'— Edward J. quality of education through Kcansburg," leaving Battery a director of at the annual of 2,500 Throng Offers KilcuUen, Playland granting Park Seawall, New York, ot vacation, plan Rye, New York, has announced federal scholarships for teach- 6:30 p.m. Public that the park will be officially ers. and private school Council Prayer Proceeds will benefit St. ahead with Hie teachers opened or the 1962 season on May would be eligible and Paul’s Monastery build- LOS ANGELES

formed Rosary on the " a living Member field. Leaders of diocesan or- a Aid Needed J. Stanley Wayne Chamber of Commerce Planning Pilgrimage?* ganizations led the Rosary. Says Migrant * * CHURCH GOODS Call OX 4-2553

MILWAUKEE (NC) An Spanish-speaking personnel in for efforts be- 1 16 STREET Montriair CCD individuals on WASHINGTON T-BOWI CENTER Hamburg Tplc. for appeal congressional ac- their contacts with Latin half of and the migrants Span- MA 2-5071 NEWARK, N J. WAYNE Dinner May 22 tion on “critically needed" America Catholic groups ish speaking, including Sen. legislation aiding migrant should encourage members Harrison A. Williams of New Take MONTCLAIR The class workers was made here by the with Latin American bark Jersey and his Senate migrant mothers of the grammar grad- National Catholic Council for grounds \oluntrrr to fur Win ki-1 s Milu liiomitli-I- ers of the Immaculate Concep- the Spanish Speaking Church wo, k , n that atra tion Confraternity of Christian The council, in a resolution • That .steps should hr tak -l il t I I I! I’lt LSIPL VI ~f Doctrine and their husbands 11th conference, the adopted at its cn to hare an estimated rouneil was Hrv Then ANew will be 22 Favorite at a May of guests .said new laws are needed “if 50.000 Canadian Mexican dole K director of and McCarrick. dinner at the Montclair Golf advantage American migrant families are aliens, who live in foreign tlic Institute for Intcrcultural Club. John Q. of Mont- to ever realize the fundamen- territory but commute to work Relations at the Catholic Uni- clair will be host. long of tal human rights enjoyed in the U.S., establish perma- versity Puerto Rico. On May 27, the closing day their fellow citizens." Place nent to by residence in this coun- Father McCarrick stressed Eatin of classes, Sister Rebecca, LOW try. The council said these the need for understanding THE COUNCIL endorsed eighth grade instructor, will commuters lower the U.S. the temperament and cultural present each pupil with a measures, now before Con- wage scale. background of Latins in order Marian Missal gress, which would to improve The council commended a work effectively with them. JFest the educational opportunities, number of organizations and He said Latins tend to have Orange.... GROUP FARES health facilities and working "a preoccupation with the in- conditions for migrants, and *Y. V ' &Z, - / ; • FABRICS dividual.” He contrasted this Open Every Day from 8 a.m. to midnight SELF-SERVICE flip establish a national advisory with the typical American WAREHOUSE and to 3 O council on migrants. Open Friday Saturday Night a.m. concern with "the mass move- Other resolutions voted by Remnants vd ment." The Pals Pancake House has v V:r,. /« new gained popular- Irish the council recommended the on Rev. Robert Jets ‘ , Reicher, Wamsutta # on * 69c following steps: chap- For have made s ; lain of the Catholic ity overnight. years, you Pals in Council on ,pr • That Bishops institute Dan River 59c Working Life, Chicago, warn- Cabin your favorite as a “friendly place to dine.” ;;;. their dioceses the "cursillo" ed that the Church must step visit movement. “Cursillos” arc re- Now tlic newest Horn establishment the MUSLIN *Unblt*chVd 19c up its efforts to aid former exercises « 40" wld« treat-like religious informal Pals Pancake House migrant workers settling in gay, on Eagle Rock of Latin origin. SUMMER'S TEXTILES urban areas. Avenue where and • That government agen- delightful pancakes waffles, Our 50th Ytar "If the Church docs not par- 195 CROOKS AVI., CLIFTON, N. J. cies use citizens of Latin with delicious fillings and toppings are features PR 2 3033 ticipate in the climb American background and up the social escalator,” lie said, of an exciting menu. “she can never hope to have influence in their lives." THE INFANT OF PRAGUE CONVENT any PALS PANCAKE HOUSE GP b#ing built at Free to WRITERS church (••king a book publlihor Now... groups and organizations ST. JUDE'S PHILIPPINE MISSION Two llluttraled parish brochurrr ttitll bow wo can pubtuti, can travel at substantial promote and anil Jour book; arrange European sav- llpt to wrllcrij PANCAKES ANYONE? Enjoy Them atop Eagle Rock NEEDS YOUR HELP fact! and tourer on bow we publlihed o.er .1000 aulkoee. All for their members. As few as 25 Eagle Rock Avenue, West N. J. ings qualified " P«t booke wanted. Write Dope. CFNI Orange, the Donations bo sent to: Inpooillon Pratt, lit Park An. I,M.Y. U members making round-trip together can fly • may at any time of the year (exceptweekends in peak c/o Msgr. Joseph Brestel FATHER COYLE travel seasons) and still save at least $167 apiece, St. George's Rectory compared to regular economy fares. 408, Getty Avenue Fr. Paterson, Coyle Your group will fly SilverShamrock Economy Service, relax in warm Irish hospitality and ar- Jubilee Set rive in Ireland after less than six serene hours HOBOKEN A din- aloft. Linger awhile in Ireland. Your stopover parish FOR ner-dance on May 19 and a costs no extra before the Line to THE fare, the Shrines Don't Move Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving FINEST carries you to Paris, Lourdes, Fatima or Rome. home needsl on May 20 will mark the 25th Improve your to meet your present IN Diamoiu Talk to Travel or ask Irish about anniversary of the ordination Ik your Agent Modernisation with imagination will give you: of Rev. Francis X. Coyle, ad- the Shamrock Thriftair Plan, the low-cost way • More Living Space ministrator of Our Lady of • "New Home" at the address: to fly now, pay low interest later. Atmosphere, same Grace Church. In want to reality you probably don't move, because Assigned to Our Lady of • You like house m your Grace throughout his priestly • You like your neighbors life, Father Coyle is a native • You like the of Jersey City and attended St. INTERNA T/ONAL community • You like the convenient location Peter's Prep there and Seton 2 Hall University. BUT, you do need: Following studies at IRISHAIRLINES • A Porch theological Im- maculate Conception Semi- • An Extra Bedroom JEWELERS nary, he was ordained Muy 22, • An Extra Bath Powdor Room AND AER or 1937, at St. Patrick's Pro- LINGUS • A Recreation Room or Finished Attic Cathedral. Newark. SILVERSMITHS Bath 572 Fifth Avenue, New York—PLaza 7-9200 • An Extra or Powder Room Father Coyle lias been ad- SINCE 1908 In New Jersey call MArket 4-8577 • A Larger Garago ministrator of Our Lady of • A "Facelifting" for the House Exterior Grace since the death of Rev. THE LINE TO THE SHRINES Plus Awning, Alum. Siding and Screons Francis 11. Fallon, its pastor, Knock, La Rue Du last year. He has served Fatima, Bac, Lisieux, Lot Hait & Reed plan it with you from start to finish. us chaplain of the Hoboken Pub- Lourdes, Montserrat, Rome Hait & Reed, Inc. has over 25 years experience lic and offers Safety Department since you: 1956. • Many designs, Architects Blueprints, all permits • One in out of all work NEWARK MIIIBUR N responsibility carrying Inturfailh (,ift I • Service Guarantee for the entire 189-91 Market Street 1 265-67 Millburn Avenue For Irish JOS. M. BYRNE CO. Airlines • Long-term financing (if desired) HINIDUMA, Ceylon (NC)— MArket 3-2770 ! DRoxel 6-7100 />nt•Delbarton School Headmaster nual Communion dinner of the them. Non-Catholics in the in- construction will Industry be dustry are also invited to at- held May 31 at 8 p.m. at Es- tend. sex Catholic fol- 25th Year as Priest High" School, may be obtained Marking lowing 7:30 p.m. Mass in the from members of the commit- school chapel. tee or by writing to the com- Boland will MORRISTOWN - Archbishop pre- mittee at 300 New- Bishop solemn of vows in Broadway, profession side at the which will wark McNulty of Paterson will be 1935 Mass, 4, N. J. and was ordained by among those who will be celebrated by Rev. Aloy- help Archbishop Walsh at St. Pat- Very Rev. Stephen W. Find- sius J, Welsh, director of the rick’s Pro-Cathedral in 1937. lay, 0.5.8., Pope Pius XII Institute of So- Awarded Grant headmaster of Father Stephen later attend- Delbarton cial Education and moderator OMAHA School, celebrate ed the School of Canon Robert T. the Law of the dinner committee. 25th anniversary of his or- The O NeiU of a medical at Catholic University, where Elizabeth, dination on 19 here. Archbishop will also at student at May he received his doctorate in speak Creighton Universi- The will preach the dinner. has been awarded Bishop at 1941. He was appointed head- ty, a fellow- the Mass The dinner is for all Catho- anniversary to be master of De'lbarton in June, ship by the National Institutes celebrated by Father lics, labor and management, of Health for research train- Stephen, 1942. In 1952, he was appoint- who has been headmaster of in the construction of ing under Dr. A. ed sub-prior of St. Mary’s industry, W. Brody of Delbarton since its foundation North Their families the medical Abbey. Jersey. school staff. 20 years ago. All of the minis- T ters of the VOCA ION RALLY - Sitter Joan Mass will be Del- Holland, a postulant of the Sisters of Charity of St. barton Elizabeth from Immaculate 100% PURE graduates. Fr. Conception High School, Montclair, chats with three seventh- ITALIAN OLIVE OIL There will also be a dinner Fagan’s at the Vocation graders for 10 at Rally girls May Seton Hall University, Left to right, for Father Stephen on 27 May they are Mary Anderson of St. Catherine's, Cedar Grove, and two Immaculate at the Park Conception Packed in Military Hotel, Due Grammar School Maureen Zehnder Lucca, Italy Newark. Jubilee students, and Anita Colonna. Abbot Patrick M. mi m of St. O’Brieij, 0.5.8., Mary’s ELIZABETH Rev. Joseph Largest Abbey, will be chief speaker P. Fagan, chaplain at Bene- Selling at the dinner and Msgr. Thom- dictine Academy and Mother- Brand in Italy as J. Conroy, pastor of Sa- house here, will celebrate the cred Heart, will be 25th Vailsburg, FATHER anniversary of his ordina- andthe master of STEPHEN, O.S.B. ceremonies. tion with a Solemn Mass of World Demjanovich or the Sisters of Thanksgiving May 19 at 11 Over DURING HIS tenure at Del- Charity during the preliminary a.m. in the school auditorium. barton, Father Stephen has process from 1945 to 1954. He A native of Father directed improvement of the Newark, Winner of the is now vice- of the Fagan attended Blessed Sacra- physical plant at a cost of $2 cause. ment School and St. Benedict’s million. The new construction 1961 Golden Mercury Other activities include be- has included a gymnasium, a the Italian Oscar ing chairman of the admis- for Olive OH million-dollar classroom and sions committee for St. Mary’s laboratory building, improve- Abbey, a member of the board ment of the athletic field and of examiners of the clergy for (now under construction) an the Diocese of Paterson and, 01ympic-Bize swimming pool. in 1961, the organization of a Father Is also a Stephen - group of Benedictine Oblates SERRANS' DINNER Bishop addressed the Serra Club of the consultant in Canon Law and McNulty Oranges May 14 at St. Mary’s Abbey. at the Hotel Orange. He is shown served as procurator for the Suburban, East above with, left to right, Joseph Ab- of Sister bott, district governor; S. Jack cause Miriam Teresa Helsper, president; Joseph B. and A NATIVE OF Newark, Fa- Reilly, deputy governor, Rev. William Noe Field, On aale at all Lesdinf Stores, Supermarkets and Chain ffUm ther Stephen attended public chaplain. grammar schools and St. Ben- m edict’s Prep. He matriculated at St. Anselm’s When babyfata becausecansoofo 1 College, Man- gum irritations, useuse


SAFETY Prep there and Seton Hall Uni- versity, completing his studies at Immaculate Conception Seminary. He was ordained W PROFIT May 22, 1937, at St. Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral by Archbishop Walsh. Before his appointment to ro«i Never Had It So Fresh Benedictine Academy in '' June, , - ' 1949, Father Fagan served at e» Ra* Uttar Christ > «gb» to qonatWaa. r|anathin at ttgaln m the King, Jersey City, priea. and Our of -fc tatvyttvo Lady Grace, Ho- aowOAS rtvel&h® boken. He was named chaplain ORANGES 5 bag Ist- of the motherhouse 10 gaveW i>i e in __ June, Campbell's irottt 1949. Uo*'» Xhx. Assisting Father Fagan at 4, «**•• the Mass will be a classmate, POTATOES bag Campbell's Mste6 ess* Rev. Sebastian J. Cow Chiego, pas- tor of Assumption. Roselle KVot pa* and Rev. Martin acco Park, Burne, Campbell's omuMtSN, 8 0.5.8., of Sacred Heart, Eliza- ,ancy beth. APPLES A luncheon will 3 follow FmR CecktoU the Mass. Del Monte 5 Mix or Match -j&oka^ ACCM Unit s Del Monte Beans «£. 5- A To Organize FREE 30 ® MONTCLAIR An sS" organi- S&H Green Stamps Libby's Tomato Jnice 4 ~ zational meeting ror the Es- bags with of 3 sex-Montclair regional district purchase bags $1 and this VAiole areal mi council of the Archdiocesan coupon on page Niblets Corn K Council of Catholic Men will be 17 held May at 6 p m. at FRESH CHALEO! SAVE L6c ! the Montclair Golf Club. *« wwi John Q Adams of Montclair q Kellogg's will 9 cc> be the host at a dinner Citrus Salad Sections 2 r*l which will precede the meet- ing. >irnr^r~ ,ffr>rrd >Twrv —ii mmmmm Mott's Juice Attending will be Msgr. Apple Thomas F. Mulvaney. archdio- VV Frozen Foods 3S-ot cesan moderator of the AC- CM; Kev. John T. I.awlor, dis- Progresso 4 SAVINGS and Loan Association trict moderator; James E. Downey, president pro tern of Birds ITot Eye Peas 6*?sl Chocolate 40 Commerce Street, Newark 2, N. J. Mitchell 3 0260 the district, who will preside, Hershey Syrup G 8 and William Griffin, ACCM Doily, to 4. Wednesdays to p m president. SO^OBL with FREE PARKING AT KINNEY GARAGE ACROSS THE STREET Libby Orange Juice 7 tr si Ideal Beans Pork 4

Cy# Lao! ex Ctooppad Holy Name Morton » Apple or Peorh Pride Vi-oc. SPINACH 8 r‘l.oo Pits 4’4r‘1.00 of Farm Catsup 5 Hudson County Federation- Morton $ Pride of Maine FrerxA Fried tt-oz. APPLY NOW , Delegates were urged at the Hunt's Tomato Sauce 7 May 13 meeting to send let- BISCUITS 4*- *l.OO POTATOES ters and telegrams to mem- 1U; ‘l.OO bers of the New Jersey Sen- ate urging of the four We tbo limit Chef THE READING CENTER passage reterve riyM So qvontftiet leeeer quontHi** at mgulor f Boy-ar-deeJ?£!!.4 bills before that body to curb obscene literature. The revis- Features 7-ot Dairy Bakery Buys So*d win at PATERSON ed federation constitution was Ideal Tuna Fish presented by James F. Mc- Ideal Whrte or Colored Sliced Virginia Lee Peach Govern and received unani- mous approval. Kleenex “ Tissues 4A SETON HALL UNIVERSITY Amer. Cheese St. Clare’s, Clifton John Pies 2-*1 Rio, a member of the Passaic offers special County Federation speakers Borden's Angel Food Evap.Milk bureau, will address the May 4;1.00 20 Communion breakfast in READING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ideal Natural the parish hall following 7:30 Ideal Preserves a.m. Mass. Alfred A. Russo Cake 2^*l for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS and will be toastmaster. Peter 3SN*. Garrambone and Swiss Slices Lawrence Glenside Peaches 4 Vocino arc co-chairmen. VIENNA BREAD 4 COLLEGE STUDENTS Bergen County Federation- 16-t*. Brother 3 r 1.00 WHITE BREAD vw (afch Cormac Raymond, 2sc Margarine principal of Name High Vocabulary Development Compreheniion Holy School, New York, will speak at i the quarterly convention PtEW 30 SAM GREEN STAMPS Food Study Skills 1 ‘ Speed FREE! 30 S&H GREEN STAMPS Ken-L-Ration Dog 7 May 21 at St. Francis addition | School, In to your ivgulor Mampi in addition to your regular itompi and Ridgefield Park. »'*h purchata at ;s| Awards in ORANG«, APPIES or with bot purrhmn of any volume Vb-g®*o« the annual essay contest for POTATOES 3 ban nt $l.OO Funk & WcKjnnfl Encyclopedia Dazzle Bleach 3 bote. $l.OO 2C REMEDIAL READING PROGRAM eighth grade students will be presented. Rev. James M. 1 Addr.u f I,* KettbW haata Ottna SandwicK, JO-c*. for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Coyle, pastor of St. Francis, STUDENTS will welcome the EiptrM Sot, May )9 LfOOKICS or Fig Ban, 16oc Mrx or Match i delegates. t ■!>*»•« Sot., May 19 ( limit I Word Recognition Skills Rev. Thomas F. Duffy, assist- Coapo. nit 1 Coupon Comprehension Par Shopping r amity. AM orWtiMd »Mro>w Wnd. hA. U 0a ant spiritual director, will of- Shopping Family. prion* lhaoaqh May 1 Wo riitwi Am light to Radi qvaMtoo*. during fer the closing address.

St. Joseph’s, West New York SUMMER 1962 Martin Sanzarl has been 11 FREE! 30 S&H GREEN STAMPS FREEI 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS FREEI 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS SESSION, re- FREE 100 SAH GREEN STAMPS SAVE 50c townrdt tK. at elected president. Named to In odd Mon to purchaia SAVE 50« towardt tha purchata ot I your rngulor itampi OID la oddilton whh RED Mill DtNNERWARE CXD RED Mill DtNNERWARE to your pagulaf .amp, servo with him were Chris Su- • pvrdiOM of 2 pockagot of For and Information with pvfdwM of application contact tich, James LANCASTER BRAND COMPIFTER UNIT 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING Coleman, John DINNERS G W. DAVIS POWtW MOWM Edward Nam. Noma Mrs. O. Director Misa, Cullen, Thomas Margaret Murphy, Addrato Seton Hall Barkigia, Carmine Visco and Addrvii ftagwtor Priea $1.49 University Nicola Mollica. ■ Priea $1.49 Plans were U« 151 Ellison Street Sat., 19 .50 law .50 for the May completed dinner- Ihah 1 Witt* INU 6 Expirn« Sot,. Moy yy Paterson 2, New- Coupon Cowpaa 9 With Thh Coupon .991 Jersey dance to be held 26 at l hah May the Par Shopping Family With $lO Porchai. With $lO Purchaia 1 Coupon Lambert 5-3425 St. Joseph’s Catholic Par Shopping Family. Center, Coapoa Eaplrat Sot, May 19th. Coupoa Ercpirat Sat, May 19th. in conjunction with tho Cor Jcsu Mothers Guild. May 17, 1962 THE Annual Demonstration Masses Unity Study ADVOCATE 5 In Montreal Scheduled for Week Silver Jubilee of - May 20 MONTREAL (NC) A per- manent diocesan ecumenical NEWARK Retarded chil, Philip’s, who range in age brant. in this commission has been dren Taking part es- from St. Philip Neri from 10 to 15, have been learn- Mass will tablished For be over 800 students Paul Emile School by Car- of Special Education ing the Latin since last Octo- from dinal Ex-Chaplain 50 schools. Leger of Montreal to will take part for the first ber and have been Stanton the question JERSEY singing Bishop will be cele- study of Church CITY - Rev. time in the 24th annual series First Friday Mass at St. Phil- brant of the Union on a local basis. George A. of County unity O’Gorman, assist- demonstration Masses to be for the ant ip’s past two months. Mass at Immaculate Concep- The nine-man commission, at All Church, will held the week of May St. celebrate 20, Philip’s is now in its sec- tion, Elizabeth, on headed by Rev. Irenee Beau- the 25th which has May 24, anniversary been designated ond school and has a of his year to- where over 450 students from bien, S.J., head of the Catho- ordination with a Sol- Archdiocesan Liturgical Week. tal enrollment of 65. 28 schools will be heard. lic Inquiry Forum is the first emn Mass of on Fifteen students Thanksgiving of the Boland will also such official commission in May 20 at All followed Archbishop JOSEPH A. arch- Saints, school, under the instruction of MURPHY, Canada. s by a testimonial dinner celebrate the May'22 Mass at diocesan director in the Sister Mary Immaculata of the of the Insti- The school hall. Holy Trinity, Hackensack, commission has seven Sisters of will v tute of Sacred Music, will con- Charity, join with over 49 priests and two laymen Father 750 students from duct the Essex and among O’Gorman, in addi- more than 1,000 choristers Bergen its members. tion Bergen County schools partici- to his parish duties, is from 65 schools in Essex Coun- County demonstrations, with pating. Mrs. Warren archdiocesan director of the ty at the 21 Mass to be Little as organ- TWO PROJECTS May . are On the Hudson Teenage Sodality and modera- celebrated 10 May 23, ist. The Hudson and at a.m. by Arch- Union planned for an early date. On tor of the Hudson County Mass will be held at County demonstrations District of bishop Boland in Sacred Heart will be May 29 a group of Catholic TO BE Terence M. the St. Aloysius, with conducted ORDAINED - Rev. Pescatore, O.F.M., Archdiocesan Council of Cathedral. Jersey City, by Carl William theologians will meet with Cony of James A. Hoboken, left, and Rev. M. Catholic Men. Msgr. Hughes, vic- Lesch, with Edward Boyd- professors of the McGill Fergus Heffernan, THE CHILDREN from St. Uni- O.F.M. Conv., of will At All Saints ar general and pastor, as cele- Smack as his organist. Bayonne be ordained on 26 parish he versity faculty of divinity and in May is moderator In addition to the Albany by Bishop William A. of the Holy county representatives of Protestant Scully. Name demonstrations, each in Society. parish churches. On June 3 a group FORST RACKING lac. the archdiocese will set aside of 10 priests and 10 Protestant COMPANY, Franciscans From Hudson AN ARMY chaplain one Mass during Liturgical ministers will two v during meet for World War Manufacturers Week to be all 11, Father O’Gor- of sung by stu- days in a retreat to pray, dents. This man earned the nickname TASTY A provides a larger study and discuss problems of To Be MEATS PROVISIONS Ordained in “Beachhead" from Gl’s be- number in each parish to ex- Kingston, N. Y. unity. Albany -of his perience the landings with as- congregational The action of Cardinal Leger ALBANY Two Conventual sault Our 101*/ Year 26, 1959. and troops on Leyte and Oki- FATHER O’GORMAN singing of a High Mass, as the in setting the commission Philosophical up Franciscans from Hudson nawa. county demonstrations theological studies were taken Approved Suppliers for tho are has been hailed by Anglican County will be came to All Saints and among the at St. Anthony-on-Hudson Sem- He served from Janu- has Archdiocoso of Nowork and tho limited in number. In the past Archbishop John Dixon of class of 32 been there since. to be ordained on 1941, ever Diocoto of inary, Rensselaer, N. Y. ary, to February, 1946, PaUrton 20 years, over 216,000 students Montreal, and by Rev. Ernest May 26 William by Bishop A. earning five battle two have been as E. Long, stars, reported partici- secretary of the Unit- Scully at the Cathedral of the FATHER TERENCE is the from the oUC in the Philippine govern- pants program. ed Church of Canada. Immaculate son of Mr. A HP Conception here. \ and Mrs. Dominic ment. Wedding Reteptiea Rev. Pescatore Srttu INSPECTED Terence M. of Hoboken. He ef Pescatore, at- He now serves as chap- AND PASSED BY To to AA O.F.M. Conv., of Hoboken and tended Dcmarcst School Speak ChurchBuilding Aid High lain ol' the 58th Armored Di- ACCEPTANCE DEPARTMENT OF Rev. Fergus M. and served in the WAYNE Rev. Frederick Heffernan, Navy during vision, New Jersey National AGRICULTURE BERLIN (NC)—The Berlin O.F.M. World War PLAZA HOTEL Conv,, of Bayonne 11. He entered St. Guard. Lawrence, M.S.SS.T., of St. Senate has voted half JeofMl a mil- both received the ha- Francis Minor I*. Jarea* CMr. N. t EST.I32 religious Seminary, Father O’Gorman PA?> Joseph’s Villa, Stirling, will lion dollar subsidy for Catho- bit in 1955 at Queen Staten in attended of Peace Island, 1953. Scton speak to the Wayne Alcoholic- lic church construction in the He will Hall Prep and Scton Hall PHONE css MA 2-1505 phone COILEO Novitiate, Middleburg, N. Y. celebrate his first KINGSTON FE 1-3500 Anonymous group on May 16 and $1 million for Solemn University and took his theo- city con- They made their first Mass at noon profes- on May * CaMaa YOUR TRIPLE GUARANTEE at the Packanack struction 27 logical studies at Immaculate Rapartae Community of , Protestant sion of vows Aug. 15, 1956, and in St. Francis, Hoboken. Church Conception churches. their Seminary, Darling- * solemn profession Archpriest will be Very Rev. Carafei atteatian ta Sept. ton. MA Crispin Fuino, O.F.M. Miaaa IrWal Conv., He CawiaHaae pastor of St. Francis. Deacon was ordained May 22, 1937, at and subdeacon will be Rev. St. Patrick’s Pro-Car thedral and Oldfield 3-0100 Camillus Protomastro, O.F.M. assigned to St. Brigid’s, North where Parking Ipaaa Cap., of Beacon, N.Y., and Bergen, he remained Friar Giles M. Lasher, O.F.M. until entering Conv., of Scotia, N.Y. The service. On discharge, he preacher will be Rev. Venance M. Darkness, O.F.M. Conv., of I Albany, N.Y. FATHER FERGUS is the SETON HALL son'of Mrs. Anna M. Heffernan of Bayonne and the late Fran- UNIVERSITY cis O. Heffernan. He attended St. Vincent’s Grammar School and entered St. Francis Minor SOOTH ORANGE • NEWARK • PATERJOI Seminary, Staten Island, in 1949. He will celebrate his first Solemn Mass SUMMER SCHOOL Ask tor your FREE Copy of the New S&H Idea Book at noon on May 27 in St. Vincent’s. Archpriest will be Rev. William J. Burk- ley, pastor. Deacon and 'sub- Three Lancaster Brand deacon will be Separate Sessions 'Ovcn-Rcady* Rev. Canice M Your Choke for $1! Connors, O.F.M. Conv., of June 11 thru Syracuse and Rev. James F August 17 Conti of St. Patrick's Pro- Cathedral, Newark. The Over500 coorses preacher will be wotnro nouna Rev. Adrian on the Graduate and RIB M. Brennan, 0.F.M.. director Ground Chuck 2^ of the Conventual Franciscan Undergraduate level Mission Hand. Uoi, ■•gwWar and Ground Beef 3 *-• Classes Daytime Evening Classes Religion In tho Fireside Bacon 2 *~ Underground College of Arts and Sciences School of Business Hl'. R I,IN Administration Loncottor (NC) A com- Brand School of Education Pork Roll 1 1/*! lb. roll munist magazine in Lithuania has complained that "under- For Fortkor hFormaHon Writ • Your Choieo Each ground cloisters are keeping Director, Summer School religious instruction Seton Hail rtwrvo right to limit quantities. Uutr quantities ot regular price. alive with- University, South Orange,N.J. in the nation's families Telephone South Orange 2-9000 This is despite the suppres- sion of all religious communi- ties and the suppression of re- ligious instruction by priests CHUCK ROAST to children -A The magazine Ist Svywyns said curs higher. secret (lightly organizations of re- ligious who wore driven from Lan-aster - Brand their communities arc wide- (Bone In) 39* | 0 MW A(Tfi (\()m \ spread and active in teaching catechism to children • Free! 50 S&H GRIEF* MILK FED 15 STAMPS In addition to your regular itampt S&H Green with purchase of a Lancaster Brand -r‘ VEAL LEG or RUMP 49 Stamps RIB ROAST -jj N amo WITH PURCHASE OF A Address LANCASTER BRAND BONELESS ROLLED VEAL •■s9c Eipirm Sat., May 19. ft Limit RIB ROAST on* coupon pnr chopping family ACM “ Rib. loin WITH COUPON VEAL CHOPS 69c lb. 85c lb 95c H H [[ff ff ee :.. xml Mm eer CROSS RIB ROAST -79 FREE I 30 SAH BONUS ST AMPS WITHcCOUPON A PURCHASE OF 2 PKGS. fffEEfEEEEfc ff ft ff EE Ktt CHUCK STEAK Lancoiter Brand k 45c LANCASTER BRAND DINNERS 2 s1 Iff! lEEE EEB EEEEEFEEEUE BEEF ££Z3 *-‘l Farmdalo Chicken, Beef, or Turkey LEAN STEWING BEEF -79 TURKEY, c rfffFEEFE|.® «•>-' FISH STKKS 4r’l. POT PIES 6-- ‘l.OO SLICED Lancaster Brand ‘s9c BOLOGNA We rowKvo tbe right to limit quantities. laiwr qvoaNiot ot regular price.

v7iWI ;4: ; t THERM-0 CUP - Club -\lu ininii m For better taste. Keep it HOT! Keep it With Food Porchosot COLD! Ttnt Prices! p$ One color each week. DISH- Cookware Ctmpatt On Famous Hammercraft Waterless SAFE - The WASHER UNBREAKABLE! Un- NEW JERSEY bank that Pure hose vX;’; harmed by boiling or freezing stain e Save Food Save Flovor l'/j qt. covered sauce pan $5.95 $2.95 X ... proof! This week's color BLUE. covered works with and ... Save Fool 2 qt. sauce pan 6.95 3.99 t •. ... for industry e With covered Coe Pay For iHolf 3 qt. sauce pan 7.95 Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Saving* BVi" open fry pan 4.95 2.69 National State was established e A Homo la ' by Newark back Top Quality 10" open fry pan 5.45 2.99 X businessmen Cookware m IKI2 to 4Vi qt. Dutch oven 9.95 5.99 - specifically encourage industry and commerce in e loti* a Lifetime of,Cooking REGULAR the 15" oval covered roaster 12.95 7.99; Newark*Essex area. Pleatora 71c County 12" Chicken 11.95 6.99 : $l.OO CSAVE Fryor Over VALUE the past 150 years many thousands of New Trial 10” Teflon Griddle 6.95 3.99 ■ 29 Jersey Days • Satisfaction Guaranteed businessmen 10“ Teflon Electric Pon 19.95 11.97 have found that National Fry , State knows their mssmn with $5.00 purdtaM and coupon needs, and serves their needs, best! mmmm 22 VALUABLE ACME COUPON banking offices serving New Jersey I FREE ! 100 S&H GREEN STAMPS THERM O CUP The In addition to regular stamps excluding Fluid Milk & Cigarettes WITH $lO PURCHASE OR MORE Reg. $l.OO And Purchase la*-* 100 S&H For ■T* of $5 or more NATIONAL STATE ' Only BANK Nome * OF NEWARK GREEN STAMPS Address Name isia loss • Irvington Orange • Millburn-Short Hills WITH PURCHASE OF Expires Sot., Moy >9. Address West Essox-Caldwell limit $lO OR MORE 1 coupon Pur Shopping FomOy OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, MATMAY 19IV Member LIMIT-Ona I !• ederul Deposit Insurance Corporation AND COUPON AT RIGHT 1* lUtf-CTCoupon Per Family—ADUITS ONLY 6 THE AD V o CA T E May 17, 1962 Fr. Czermak Local Priest To Bless St. Felix Shrine FIX UP YOUR HOME In Jubilee HN Medalist

At HARRISON Rev. Ladis- Felician School NEW YORK Msgr. Jo- THIS WAY High laus J. Czermak, Assistant at EASY seph A. Aughncy, a native of ) LODI Our Lady of Czestochowa par- A marble shrine in of the Sisters of St. Felix Jersey City, will receive the honor of St. ish here, will observe the 25th One of our Felix on the lawn (Felicians) was fond of bring- 1962 Father McKenna Award easily repayable in front of Immaculate anniversary of his ordination Con- ing students of 100 years ago of the national headquarters of with a Solemn Mass of ception High School here will to a similar shrine in the the Holy Name Society on be dedicated Thanksgiving May 20 at 10:30. by Archbishop Capuchin Church in Warsaw. May 24 In Omaha, Neb. HOME All of IMPROVEMENT Boland on May 18, the feast- Father Czermak’s di- May 18 is the 375th an- Msgr. Aughncy, society day of the , the patron priestly life has been spent at niversary of tho death of St. rector for the Omaha Archdio- of the Felician Sisters. Our Lady of Czestbchowa par- Felix and the 250th anniver- cese, is being honored for his ish. He was born in LOANS The carved of car- Jersey shrine, sary of his canonization. years of service to the so- rara marble in Pietrasanta, City, attended St. Peter’s Archbishop Boland will cele- ciety. i will enable to depicts tluree Immacu- Prep, Don Bosco Prep and St. you paint, decorate, repair, Italy, brate a low Mass before bless- He was ordained in 1919 late High School Mary’s College, Orchard Lake, enlarge and modernize home. Conception ing the shrine. at St. Bonaventurc Seminary, your students Mich. He was ordained 22, with St. Felix, a May New Mother Mary Alexander, York, and began his work TYPICAL RIPAYMINT Capuchin lay Brother. Mother 1937, at St. Patrick’s. PUNS superior general of the con- with the Holy Name Society in Mary Angela Following the Mass on May RECEIVE Truszkowska, gregation from Omaha in 1929. He has been REPAY POR foundress of the vjsiting Rome, 20, Father Czermak will be Congregation will at the archdiocesan director since * 500 place shrine a host to his and friends . $43.86 per mo. . 12 month* floral family 1937. wreath ornamented with the 1,000 in a private reception at 31.94 per mo. 36 months the flags of the U. S., Poland, parish hall. At 6:30 p.m., there ARCHBISHOP Gerald T. 1-500 31.18 Italy, France, Germany, per mo. 60 month* Bcrgan of Omaha has been in- Brazil and Canada where the G vited to preside at the presen- Felician Sisters serve. Chil- mell ouahthiy on iavinoi I tation banquet there. The prin- o dren of Immaculate Concep- |__4% s cipal address will be Rev. tion Home will also by '■ place a i : . . hUM „and 9-927? Matthew Scullion, 0.P., asso- wreath at the shrine. ciate national director ANNIVERSARY HOUR - Mrs. Michael M. Villanova of of the Newark receives Archbishop Boland's blessing during the society. hour Rev. Dennis B. Mc- fIRANGE for at Sacred SAVINGS holy anniversary couples Hearth Cathe- national BANK Carthy, dral 0.P., director, May 13. will V MAIN STREET AT DAY read the citation and Rev. ... SINCE 1854 It John E. Marr, 0.P., provincial His Was Member Federal lnturance Wind-up Hue of the Dominicans' St. Albert DepotU .Corporation Roselle Park Provir .•will make'Tlie pre- Priest sentation. The Father McKenna Award, reserved for priests, is named Observing Jubilee for the late Rev. Charles H. ; McKenna, 0.P., xnown as "the American apostle of the Holy ROSELLE PARK-Rev. Se- Name Society.” bastian J. Chiego, pastor of ■ Assumption Church, Roselle Park, will celebrate the 25th ZARCONE SeLL-A-BRAtIqN Now- anniversary of his ordination ( SCIENTIFIC SHOE FITTERS on May 20 with a Solemn FATHER CZERMAK Mass of noon. Will He Thanksgiving at Aeencyi OR. (CHOLL SHOI* brand NEW '62 CHEVROLETS For will be a parish at Assisting Father at men and women banquet Chiego • Jackson's Hall, with Leo Mich- the Mass will be a classmate. Jr. Medic Arch Preserver CHEVY II CORVAIRS ncvich as toastmaster and Rev. P. of Ben- for Children De/iver? Joseph Fagan • Mayor Frank Rodgers among edictine Academy, Elizabeth, 317 LAKEVIEW AVE. MONZAS CORVETTES the guest speakers. as deacon and Rev. Anthony (Near I. »th> • Biggest Trade-In Allowance • Tomasulo, Easiest Payments In 0.5.A., first parish CLIFTON, N. J. Finest saving money, be Service, Parts, Paint A Body Shop Greek boy to ordained, as sub- too, it takes more Symposium dcacon. DOCTOR'S FRISCRIFTIONS FILLED Eit. 1932 • L. On Premises bp Certified laperfs President than an initial At St. Peter's FATHER CHIEGO is a na- T«l.i 773-Stlt 'A 3085 HUDSON BOULEVARD flourish a tive of Newark and attended to play winning game. It’s a matte* of JERSEY CITY—St. Peter’s public schools there before en- m JERSEY CITY • across” time after time. College will hold its third an- 0L 6-8000 "coming Greek tering Seton Hall Prep. He was nual symposium on May 4 Bloch North of Journal ordained on 1937, at Squoro 20 with "Classical Drama and May 22, Craftsman /CHEVROLET^ hto a program if saving with us! something tvery payday, St. Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral, Modern Thought” as the Opon ovoi. till 9 • Wod. and Sot. till 6 theme. Newark, by Archbishop Walsh, the Prof. John V. Walsh of Pace following completion of Institute will be fchairman of theological studies at Immacu- COMMUNION For late Conception FATHER County-WideBanking Service Over 100 Vo the symposium. Seminary. CHIEGO First assigned to Holy Ro- sary Church, Jersey City, he ber. Tfie old church was in- to ROSS was transferred to Mt. Vir- adequate handle this growth PORTRAITS HUDSON COUNTY and Father NAnONAL BANK MOTORS! gin, Garfield, in 1939, and, on Chiego built anew ’6O FORD Oct. church which was at Pricotl .... $1395* 16, 1943, was named ad- completed Special Dapult* Murad To I Up $lO,OOO By Th. I Blue. 4-Dr.. R & H i ministrator of the Church of Aug. 20, 1955. Standard Trans. A beauty. \ Fodorol the Assumption. He became In addition to the Mass, Deposit Insurance Corporation I 516 Union Blvd., Totowa pastor here Nov. 25, 1951. there will be a testimonial AR 4-4600 COLOR Then a small parish of 350 dinner given by the parish at -OR - families, Assumption now the Elks Club in Elizabeth on PERSONAL LOAN has four times that 27. over num- May BUCK and White L ST wxclus/ve For communion or confirmation w NorrxrtHs/vt , NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY When financial emergencies find you short of cash, come to The Trust of STUDIO OPENS «;10 A.M. SAT. Company New Jersey,- any office - or phone OLdfield 3-4100 to for a loan. Get t0*»2500. Take apply up up to 2 year* to pay. Ufe • Insurance included at no additional cost! you needn’t be a depositor. PHOTOGRAPHY ADRIAN'S All offices open Monday evenings 6 to 8 P.M. IV W Jersey City CfUCttS»9t€lK The Hoboken WHITES Weehawkan Union City SPOT B'lint Ay». 7Yiist Outttnbtrg Company West New York 515 Secaucus X Wothlnglsn St., Hobokin 27U HUDSON fHOHIt of New BLVO % UN. Jersey

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beef, beef, etc., to serve ban- SI. chopped Luke's attractive uniform model* Donald Barbara Mahonv, Gulffre, Robert Petermai WYCKOFF and Susun SAVINGS meals to the for Peterman, showed their quet recently school’s new average family uniforms at regular P.T.A. meet- four Ing. The well received by the parents, AND LOAN ASSOCIATION months. Flash-freezing, freezer, uniforms, are supplied by Lobels, NEW JERSEY and S LARGEST PAROCHIAL SCHOOL UNIFORM - incltfded. MAIN OFFICE ■ wrapping delivery OUTFITTERS 393 Main St., Wyckoff TW 1-2200 TERMS AVAILABLE

SADDLE RIVER OFFICE MIDLAND PARK want thebest. Inquiries OAKLAND If you . . Telephone 5 Barmtable Court 207 invited Franklin Ave. Ramapo Valley Road SW 6-4220 (Adjacent tto Strawberry Barn) Gl 4-6114 • FE 7-7624 DA 7-0004 is theplace §hjckakdi E. OPIN MONDAY PATERSON • PARAMUS • . FRIDAY »-J FRIOAV NIOHT M WEST NEW YORK • HACKENSACK Shortage of Priests Endangers May 17, 1962 THE.A D V OCATE 7 Fr. to Celebrate Faith in Cuba, Priest Reports Lang MIAMI (NC) - There are Lugo, O.F.M. Cap.; and Rev. said that the Cuban regime has 25th only about 120 priests in Red- Segundo de las Heras, S.P. stopped persecuting the Anniversary ruled Cuba to minister to some Four are imprisoned on the Church and clergy publicly be- 6 million people, to Isle of Pines: Rev. Francisco cause it wishes to according create a MORRISTOWN.— Archbish- which is used by all Seton a priest who arrived here re- Lopez; Rev. Jose Ramon Fid- more favorable attitude in Boland op will preside and Hall students in preparing from Havana. Rev. Luis other cently algo, 0.P.; Rojo countries toward the preach at a Solemn Mass of their theses. The priest, who asked that all and Scijas, Spanish-born; government. Thanksgiving offered by Rev. His parish assignments in- his name be said the ßev. Rcincrio Lebroc Mar- He stated that all of Cuba’s Paul withheld, j _ E. Lang on May 20 at clude St. Nicholas, Jersey clergy shortage is so critical tinez, a native Cuban. churches are Villa open officially, Walsh, where he is resi- City, 1937-43, Sacred Heart, that the remaining priests Father Lebroc ls\jn isolation but services are not offered in dent chaplain. Bloomfield, 1943-44, and Im- have received permission and is forced to on the all of them because of the Father sleep Lang, who also maculate Conception, Mont- from the Holy See to offer floor of a small cell. HnJs not clergy shortage. teaches at Seton Hall Univer- 1944-49. He came to four clair, Masses on Sunday and permitted to receive visitors^ sity, is state moderator of tho Villa Walsh in THE POSSIBILITY that the as chaplain two or three Masses on week- International Federation of 1961. , FORTY PRIESTS are in government’s anti - July, i days. He stated that up until religious Catholic Alumnae and modera- Havana. But in the Province be Following the Mass, there a year ago, when Premier campaign may having re- tor of the Archbishop Boland at of Camagucy, where the larg- sults different from those will be a dinner Villa Fidel Castro ordered the ex- de- Presentation number Catholic Ball. Father FATHER DEVORE of est of church- sired was raised Jose Walsh. On May 26 pulsion foreign-born priests, by Born in Newark, Father es is of there were located, there are only Monto, a Cuban exile Lang will say another Mass some 700 priests leader Lang attended St. Rose of stationed in Cuba. seven priests to serve a mil- who is a former Havana Thanksgiving there, attended jour- Lima School and Seton Hall Fr. Devore lion nalist. his friends in ’ The exiled priest gave this people. and by religion. Prep University. He was further of Altar breads for all of the Monto said that the account religious govern- ordained May 22, at St. churches are made by two Sis- ment’s “war '1937, conditions in Cuba: of attrition” has Patrick's Pro-Cathedral New Priest ters of the Most Precious by brought about even greater Archbishop Walsh, following SEVEN PRIESTS are still Blood at a Havana convent. the BRIDGEPORT, Conn.—Rev. unity among Catholics completion of theological stud- imprisoned the Castro re- Other communities of nuns by on themselves. DISCUSS ies Immaculate Gerald T. Devore, a member gime, but the faithful INSTITUTE - Rev. John J. Considine, M.M., left, at Conception are free the island include the Sisters Despite the fact that Mass s of ail old Essex County fami- to without harrass- of of director of the NCWC Latin American bureau, and Rev. Seminary. worship Charity St. Vincent de can no longer be offered in Co\** ly, will be ordained by Bishop mcnt. Three who the Little Sisters of the Frederick A. McGuire, executive of the *4O priests Paul, some churches C.M., secretary FATHER LANG Walter W. Curtis 26 at every week, earned his May served as chaplains during the the Servants of U.S. Mission look Poor, Mary, Mass attendance throughout Secretariat, over the program for the Ph.D. in from the Cathedral of St. Augustine invasion of Cuba and Dominican Carmelite sociology St. April, 1961, and the island has risen 20% and Institute for International Service to be held John's for the Bridgeport Diocese. July 2-Aug. University in 1957. He are at El Principe Prison in Sisters. They are all native there has 10 at Seton Hall Father Devore is the of been increased use University, sponsored by the Association has taught throughout his son Havana. They are: Rev. Tom- Cubans. of the. sacraments. fo r International Development of Paterson. priesthood: at Seton Hall Uni- Mrs. Gladys M. Devore and as Ismael The who arrived PAID Macho, S.J.; Rev. priest here “The still in PRICES the late Charles Devore. He priests Cuba,” versity College, 1937-1943, at Monto “follow Immaculate was bom in Bridgeport and said, faithfully Conception High FAIRLAWN STAMP l COIN educated at St. Charles Gram- the norms set by the Bishops, 25th School, Montclair, 1944-1949, to Observe and the Bishops in their in- and at Seton Hall Convenient Locations' mar School there, Fairfield Anniversary University Two Chaplain and devotion since that tegrity are ex- time, as Prep and St. Thomas Semi- serving 2105 O'WAY (Rt. 4> CUI C CQQJ emplary.” dean of men, 1949-1951. He FAIRLAWN OW O-DOD** nary, Bloomfield, Conn. He published “Format Guide for 255 wanaoue AVR. rr n inOl completed his theological stud- POMFTON LAKES 1C iHIWI 25th Students’ Reports” in 1949 ies at Christ the King Semi- Anniversary For Fr. DiGuardo nary, St. . N. Y. 1st Vocations WEST Rev. i umi His first Solemn Mass will ORANGE, PATERSON Rev. Domi- BORN IN (Capt.) Charles J. a Catania, Sicily, n be celebrated May 27 at St. Covert, nic DiGuardo, 5.D.8., assist- •• Naval to Father DiGuardo was raised chaplain assigned Set ant Charles. Archpriest will be Congress pastor of St. Anthony’s In Lawrence, where the Bureau of Naval Person- Mass., he mm, Msgr. George B. Curtiss, pas- parish, will celebrate the 25th attended Holy Gram- nel in Washington, D.C., will ROME (NC)—More than 400 Rosary tor of St. Charles and chancel- anniversary of his ordination mar School. observe the 25th from 30 countries He returned to lor of the Bridgeport Dio- anniversary delegates May 20. Father DiGuardo will of his Sol- Sicily for his high school and a •• ordination with will attend the First Interna- •<• : cese. Deacon and subdeacon celebrate a Solemn High Mass at ■ emn Mass of Thanksgiving at tional Congress for Ecclesias- college education, Palermo, will be Rev. Edward H. at 12:15 p.m. and be honored and made his stud- noon on 22 in St. Jo- tical Vocations theoligical May which opens at silver Rooney and Rev. Thomas E. a jubilee dinner in ies at Dominic seph’s Church here. here May 23. Savio Oratory Burns. the school hall immediately in Messina. The congress will study the afterwards. A NATIVE of Lake He was ordained in Mes- Hopat- circumstances, problems and the only Restaurant In Paterson Rev. sina cong, Father Covert attended which Very August Bosio, May 22, 1937, and cele- rocommondod by Duncan Hints" pastoral concerns sur- Seton Hall University and was 5.D.8., Salesian su- brated his first Solemn round current efforts to stimu- provincial High ordained on May 22, at perior, will preach at the Mass in Lawrence, the 1937, late vocations to the priest- Mass., St. Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral. Mass, and Rev, Chester Wis- following August. hood. It is being sponsored by He served as an assistant niewski, 5.D.8., Tho the Sacred Congregation of superintend- Sanctus, Bcncdictus, at St. ent of all Salesian and Us» Anthony’s, East New- Seminaries and Universities. schools and Agnus Dei of the jubilee ark, from 1937 to 1939 and director of Don Bosco Mass will be from the “In Among the items to be stud- High from 1939 to 1942 was will Memoriam” Mass score com- profes- ied are the rural-to-city migra- School, Ramsey, speak at sor of classical at the dinner. posed by Father DiGuardo VJ RESTAURANT languages tion which has affected voca- Seton Hall. He also assisted at himself. tions, methods of combatting Father DiGuardo has been St. Hamilton • Joseph’s. at 20 St. MU 4-4198 « materialistic influences, ways stationed St.' Anthony’s DEACON OF the Mass will Entering the Navy as a lieu- oi since 1951. he "Opto 7 Dayt a Week" encouraging young boys to Previously was be tenant junior on March Rev. John Divizia, 5.D.8., grade FATHER COVERT begin priestly studies, the de- at St. Anthony's, Elizabeth, Luncheon served 11-1 of St. 3, Father Covert at- 1943 pastor Anthony’s; sub- Cocktails our specialty 1942, velopment of vocations to 1951, and from 1937 to the among tended chaplain’s school at stars and Philippine Lib- deacon, Rev. Eugene DeMar- older students and how to help 1943 he was on the faculty of Va., and in eration Medal with one star. tini, 5.D.8., or St. Anthony’s, Norfolk, April, seminarians persevere in their the Salesian School in Goshen, From January, 1945, to Elizabeth. Rev. Victor Andri- 1943, joined the USS Tennes- Ap- vocations. he was Lakehurst & see, serving on that battle- ril, 1946, at sani, 5.D.8., of St. Anthony’s, Borgos Borgos ship until December, 1944. Naval Air Station, N.J. Later Paterson, will be master of tours included service on the assisted Insurance During this period, he partici- Catholic Forum 12 Club to ceremonies, by Broth- USS the Note pated in the operations off the Washington, USS Lit- er Vincent Inghilterra, 5.D.8., of all kinds Gilbert Islands, Marshall Is- tle Rock and shore duty at Plans Dinner of Don Bosco College, New- 593 KEARNY AVENUE lands, Marianas, Tinian, Car- Norfolk. Va While attached to Silver Jubilee ton. olines and the Leyte landing. the headquarters of the Third NEWARK Archbishop Bo- Don Forrarclla is chairman KIARNY, N. J. SOUTH ORANGE Naval District in Washington, land will attend tho annual Rev. of the dinner, being sponsored Thomas E. Davis of FOR HIS SERVICE on the he took dinner of Immacu- HOME j. lOROOS postgraduate studies the Catholic Forum by parish societies and friends. Father to late Conception, Montclair, Tennessee, Covert re- at Fordham. From 1952 to be held on May 28 at 6 Father DiGuardo will be pre- ALIIRT H ILAZE p.m. and Elmer ceived the Navy Unit Com- the Park Hotel. Matthews, majori WILLIAM j OIA"CU'\ 1955, he served in the Bureau in Military sented with a purse to be of mendation ribbon. He also o( Teresa ty leader the State Assemb- Naval Personnel. From Varni is general used, as he requested, toward PVsr* WYman 1-8700 ly, will be the holds the Asiatic-Pacific Cam- 1955 to 1957 was of the speakers at the he with the chairman dinner and the education of a seminarian. Silver Jubilee Communion paign Medal with six operation Pacific fleet, had four years William Cain will be master breakfast of the 12 Club of of shore duty at the Marine of cermonies. A program has Seton Corps base of Camp Pendle- been planned, musi- Hall University on May £ o including 20 at Boland Hall on the cam- ton, Cal., and returned to cal selections and a selection pus here. This is Washington, Jan. 26, 1961. of readings illustrative of The breakfast will follow 10 Catholic thought by a newly- a m. Mass in the organized speaking choir. Immaculate Bergen Serra Club Conception Six m Katharine McLaughlin is Chapel. of the eight To Receive president of the Catholic original members of the Charter club will attend along Forum. Msgr. Vincent P. Co- with the A. CRESSKILL Archbishop bum is moderator. founder, Rev. James Carey. He is still moderator of AKE Boland will preside as the the I newest Scrra Club of organization, which derives its North Hudson Gets Award Jersey receives its charter name from the room number in the administration 5 THE May 22 at the Tammy Brook At St. Bonaventure building Country Club here. where the first meetings were ST. BONAVENTURE held. The Serra Club of Bergen is Timothy Hudson of River BIG JUMP the fifth to be chartered in the Gregory J Castano is break- National I Archdiocese of Newark ami Edge has received the eighth fast chairman. seventh annual Student Service Award the in North Jersey. * Clean-up. i at St. Bonaventure Rev. Daniel J. Collins, pastor University TO for outstanding achievement. 'Horn* of a Million Hats" of St. Peter the Apostle, River Paint-up, The first underclassman Edge, is chaplain. to Month receive the award, Hudson is .Jloilcrn HntiwM Rx-up Pan Am offers complete travel facilities ORITANI a junior modern languages (may 1-31) major. He is of his for individuals or president FINEST QUALITY recognized groups class, a member of the ad- NEWEBT STYLES As A COLORS Take Long advantage of Pan Am’s new Jet vance corps of the ROTC and f economy group fares now MEN S • LADIES' available all secretary-treasurer of the Of- year ’round, except weekends, season. 4% CHILDREN'S CAPS, during high per year As You Live ficials Club. of 25 HATS. HATS FOR Get a Groups or more, planning to be in Rome for the 21st °« Insured savings on aO THE CLERGY. will Ecumenical roe receive a Congress, for example, 5385 accounts over $5. Dtp END ABLE and pay only per person GOOD loan Jet INCOME U of Recollection At Lowest Factory Price* fix-up at group economy round trip from New York. Assets over Invest your aav Day *75,000000 ?ou And ticket n■ a In on r Htadpltctt • Vein your round-trip to Rome on Pan Am lets you visit s.vTd. ANNUITY For Third Order Dyad for Bridal FIDELITY UNION virtually PLAN. Partial every major European city at no extra fare. Whether MAHWAH The Third k Ton alao share In the Or- TRUBT COMPANY you're with traveling a group or alone. Pan Am will be happy to ■real work of the Missions der of Our Lady of Mt. Car- Factory Outlet 313 3rd Street and hslp In educating Th« help you plan your entire trip. Ask Pan to mel, Tenncck 1 Block oil Newark Avr. Bank That's Strong for Youl Am arrange hotel Priests and Brothers for chapter, will your Convenient Offices in Bergen reservations, car side County Use Missions. hold a day of recollection May Jersey City—Phone OL 9-9300 rentals, trips. Or see your Travel Agent, who • Certain tax advantages, Member f tdtul Deposit Insurant* Corporstioo 24 at the Carmel is prepared to make all Hackensack e A Lasting Memorial and . Retreat. arrangements for you. For more informa- Cliffside Park remembrances In many' tion mail this Masses and prayers. coupon. Teaneck Y WRITE FOR FREE INFORMATION. New Center Palisades Cmpus Park Mr, John SOCIETY OF CLEVELAND (NC) A F. McEvoy, Director of Religious Travol Paramus American $300,000 Newman Hall and CHA-CIIA-CHA I Airways, Dept. 376 Va Ridgefield THE 80 East 42nd Street, New DIVINE WORD Center has been dedi- gnu York 17, N.Y. HoHo-Kus Chapel Annuity Dept. Pleas# send further GIRARD, PA. cated next to the campus of me details about Pan Am's Jet service to Rome. am Interested in: Group travel Kent State I □, Individual travel □, Travel to Rome invested before the 10th ol University. 1 every month earn dividends from the Ht 'N A WAY for tho 21st Ecumenical Congress □. YOU GO! CP Flight reservations for (date) EVERYONE'S "Lay Up Treasures For Yourselves" FRIENDLY... I'lir travel-pleasure is all yours! Through AT THE

GRAYMOOR’S You’ll never tangle CLUB n over tickets, puzzle over ANNUITY PLAN passports or hag- gle over hotels . . . We pay interest on an Investment of DANCE n when you leave all $lOO.OO or more, as long as you live. those worrysomc de- After your death is your Investment FOR SINGLE CATHOLICS tails to us! Just relax used for the education of future and enjoy the cruise Priests and to aid the poor of Christ 26 Years and Over throughtout the world. or flight of your 3SSP FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1962 choice! WRITE TODAY tho Enjoy Priceless Extra of Complete C.arribean, Mediterranean and Experience" European cruises on the World’s Most Experienced Airline oirpONTATioiriNN arranged to suit your budget. Vl«y REVEREND FATHER BONAVENTURE FRANCIS. S A FIKI ON THE FIRSTON IHL FIRST ORAYMOOR, Oo.nion TJ New York r TEANECK ROAD TEANECK ATLANTIC... PACIFIC... IN LATIN AMERICA... FIRST'ROUND TNI WORti] Without obllflatlon, please lend me further INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Information SERVICE about your Graymoor Annuity Plan. "3 Convenient For Pan American ORCHESTRA 9-1:30 A. M. Offices To Serve You" NAME AGE Members 245 Market St., Paterson • LA Airways Reserva- ADDRESS. $l. Non-Members $1.50 5-4100 32-A N. CITY. Washington Av«„ Bergenfield • DU 5-1211 tions or For Information Mombonhlp Wrltoi Information, on Dor Post Office Box 507 Short • 397 - Ridgefield Parle, Millburn Ave., Hills DR 9-4343 N.J. Call, Write or See ►■A* 8 THE ADVO C A T E May 17, 1962 NEW YORK NEW YORK

RESORT SECTION t«M IttH KK J vl« SUNSET Only Hr». N.Y. Thruwey, exit 1* Kingston S, N.Y. Tell *l4. Cl (4114 ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 110 OUSSTf X COTTAGE large CONNECTICUT NEW YORK, enough for lots af fun— YULAN, N. Y For information YET INTIMATI AND FRIINDLY •n Wainlnaton Woodland Acroa • Emerald Lawna Lcko CRYSTAL CLEAR FILTERED FOOL regarding advertising WITH HOLLYWOOD PATIO H A C water all rmt, chowerc, TV WAKE ROBIN INN Cokmial WELCOME PARTY EVERY SATURDAY In recroatlen rm. Excall, made. Pvt. Boating, Tennla Court, Volley Ball 4 hole golf cauraa. Shulflaboard. CALL; Archery, LAKEVILLE# CONN. Badminton. Blkea, etc.. Bar- Caalna adlolnina pram. Acc. 71 becues; Hayrldea Masquerades with •warn. iteamhoat. oaluxa acc. W- Prlaea. Planned 1V» Hours To Pleasure Activities, "Stardust" $4l wkly, IS dally. Bklet. Tal.i Band Sci. Dancing with "Pappy" Dietx Earryvllla t»S4ttl J, Haian MArket NVIanor « Lawla 4-0700 Transportation to Churches. In the benutiful Bcrkshlres Slate Ll- open renaed Fishing Mid-May to Choose Preserve, Restocked Mid-October. GREENVIELE 7, N. Y. With Bass A this delightful Pickerel 3 Hearty Meals country Inn resort 4- Snacks.. i for relaxed Te! Eve. yiiiiiiiiim CITY a fun-filled vacation. YOrktown 6-8806 ATLANTIC Here old friends meet and new AIR CONDITIONED . . . •UIBT HOUIE A friends are made. Tennis swim- DINING ROOM. BEAUTIFUL LOUNGE, MOTEL RED #l. ming, shuffleboard, putting on June Rates EAR AND DELUXE CABINS $4l to $59 Lake ... . premises. Golf, riding, SSJ-I4 per week ALL INCLUSIVE Oaaroa, a, hT Y. summer Special Weekend Rstsi NEW theatre SPECIAL JUNE RATES Directly an Laka Chora, CHURCH - The architect's nearby. Dances, cook- Frl. Nlta to Sun. Aft#r« Dinner of the new church for Our of Lourdes Write for excellent boatlne, fleh- conception Lady A outs. games and parties. Tempt- color folder COMPLETE Ina ucual West Is shown ing food. Taproom, apaclous $l4 to $l7 A reservations E! cummer parish. above. Construction Orange, is to in eporte. wkly.. expected begin September, lawns apd terraces. All S4C.SO up With a date June rooms . htcl. completion set for 1963. The architect is M. private bath. Color folder. _ family ctyla meale, George Vuinovlch of Engle- VACATIO Church, • Modern resort Accom. Tranep. Train, Bua. Bklt. "A" wood *»**£»** “Sun-Mace, 1 block" Cliffs. Catholic Churches nearby. r^Ti Mainhouse. Also new motel H. A. ORIOOS, Prep. M. A. Chamberlin Owncr-Mgr/ with luxurious rooms and HKmlock 5-2000. private bath. EDGEWOOD $34 WEEKLY Our of Lourdes Plans • Dancing and other evening Lady _FOR A COMPLETE VACATIONI activities. Barbecue. Because food M mostly from our own. farm • Crystal clear swimming FALLS wholesome, plentiful, DONNELL AN'S FARM deliciously prepared (Oerman-Amer. pool (new filter system). lean cooklni). All popular lawn a* East Durham 1, New York New Church in RIVEREDGE • Tennis hand lames. Genuinely clean airy rma. West courts, softball, Tel. (area code SIS) MElroaa 4-lS»l Danclni and amuaementa nearbyi Orange relaxation at the seashore MOODUS 2, CONN. lawn "Ideal Family Resort" churches. Write, phone: . . . ball, sports. Golf, I FAMILY FUN WEST ORANGE Ground- in the sun FILTERED POOL • Hot and cold SHADY LAN! tween the entrance doors, and as from healthy and salty horses nearby. water all rooms FARM the nave. Inland beaches, canoes water ski- Delicious R.D. No breaking ceremonies will be will ocean air. Beachfront sundecks, • 3 (Home Cooked) 2 Greenville. N. Y. have special stained glass The church will be air-con- ing tennis dances movies, • Free transportation to Cath- Meals Dally. YORKTOWM Mill heated and protected pool, mod- outdoor barbeque. delicious held in September for the new embedded food. • Large tillered Swimming Pool in concrete. ditioned and will have hot ern Golf and horses nearby. $O2 olic Church. a air-conditioned Ocean Wing $67 per- • Fishing on the Grounds church of Our of son Includes Lady rooms with weekly everything. • Fine home cooked • Lawn Sports. Recreation Hall. THE NAVE OF water heating system. A par- television; private Color Folder. meals Lourdes the church • Lounge, Dancing parish here, accord- tial basement beach entrance; varied (3). TV. House Parties. will be entered under the entertain- Cook-Out A Weiner Roasts SUNNYBROOK to an through spe- ment ipg announcement by program. Write for Euro- • • Golf A Saddle Horses nearby cially designed wooden doors church will consist of a large NEW HAMPSHIRE $5O to $69 includes meals Rev. John T. Modified American, and • Close to Catholic Church For e FRIENDLY RELAXING, well Lawlor, pastor. foyer, ushers’ cloak pean, and all other facilities. with clear al- room, Inclusive Vacation REASONABLE RATES Color rounded vacation. INCLUDING ALL glass openings, Plan rates or . Booklet. To be located lend end water eporta. evening at the corner a room and a hall seating 500 Write for color booklet. A Eve. recrea- lowing full view of the sanc- 9:345 12,l! h N V Menu Activities on Request tion, delightful meals of " German-Amerlcan Eagle Rock Ave. and Mis- for church functions. &l?9 - ' AL ONLY tuary. The nave itself will be There and Ethel STAPCHUK at M3 weekly during July and the edifice will August. Spring-Fall rate (38. Booklet. sissippi Ave., new cross-shaped with also be a large kitchen, INDIAN

POEMS OF PRAYER edit- veals a great man’s humility House.” The childlike simplic- ed by Ralph L. Woods. Haw- the presence of God. ity of Mary Dixon Thayer’s Birth Control as Cure-All thorn. 288 lessons page?. $5. Spiritual are also to “Finding You” renders it es- As be found. Montclair’s WASHINGTON CBS - TV to these problems to be leaders to discus* prayer is the lifting up A.M. pecially appropriate for chil- except community has been with ad- against birth control and of the mind and heart to God, Sullivan wrote a jewel call- dren. charged contraceptives for the the problem birth control the so ed "A rem- vancing as sake of a seemingly esoteric seek a solution “without tram- poetry'is a spiritual ascent simply Prayer,” Among the 175 poets repre- when it reflects iniscent of St. Therese’s Little solution to a long list of hu- moral principle.” pling on anyone’s conscience." a universal sented are John Donne, G.K. man miseries. Rev. John C. Dr. Alan Guttmacher of the: aspiration in a deeply personal Way. Chesterton, Sister Madeleva, Knott, director of the NCWC THE NEED FOR discus- Planned Parenthood Associa- context. Poets pray; their , “Great Art Thou O God,” Francis Thomp- Joyce Kilmer, cusions to end the birth con- take St. the Family Life Bureau, made tion of America agreed: “It’s prayers on the form of by Augustine expresses son and Hilaire Belloc. The trol the in a letter to CBS controversy was a point desire of the crea- charge time that we call off the cold poetry. profound of saints such as St. poetry Frank aft- of agreement reached between the birth control is- ture to be united with its Cre- St. Thomas president Stanton, war” on Francis, Aquinas, a and a birth “POEMS er the May 10 telecast of priest leading OF PRAYER” is ator—“our hearts are restless and St. Thomas of Avila is sue. control advocate in one a choice of such till find rest in Thee.” “Birth Control and the Law,” seg- Father O’Brien, however, compilation they included. ment of the on "CBS program. Rev. prayer-poems. The mood rang- Wood’s “Fa- Reports.” disagreed with Dr. John Rock earlier volume John A. O’Brien of Notre es from such THERE ARE PRAYERS for Father Knott accused CBS of Harvard medi- joyous outcries mous Poems Little-Known University and Dame called on as John Bannister Tabb’s every situation. A particularly of departing from “objectivity University cal school, who holds that a Stories Behind Them” was the is Sister and and “God” to the tenderness ex- beautiful one Mary impartiality” pointed anti-ovulation pill he has de- inspiration for this new anthol- Lady of the out: a by the au- Maura’s “Our - veloped is "completely mo- pressed anonymous ogy. Cite Franciscan thor of “Prayer Beside the Refugees.” Special sections ral” birth control method that It is a. tribute to his hours of “THE HUMAN miseries Manger.” contain prayers for the home should be acceptable to Catho- research—and discrimination caused by the social problems Television Film Sorrow, is evident and children. Included are lics. Father O’Brien pointed too, —to have made such fine se- of bad slum condi- in Blanche Mary “The housing, had Robert Hugh Benson’s Kelly’s NEW YORK - A TV film. out that Pope Pius XII lections.- A. Tomanelli. tions, unemployment, inade- “Contrition,” while Michelan- Housewife’s Prayer,” and Jo “The Third Devil,” produced condemned the use of such quate wage scales, poor edu- gelo's “A Prayer for Aid” re- Bingham's “Prayer for a New at “The Hour of St. Francis” drugs for the purpose of birth cational faciliUcs and worse Films onTV headquarters in Los Angeles, prevention. nutrition are not solved by a was awarded a citation at the Following pack of contraceptives. Yet WE Is a list of films on recent American Film Festival TV May 19-25. There may be changes NCCM GETS F. Johnson of this was the overriding im- In due to cuts for TV AWARD - William Wayne here. some use, pression of the show." CHALLENGE but generally the original Legion (left), president of the National Council of Catholic Men, Hit Violence, of Decency ratings may be accepted Father Knott said that “CBS, The film was cited as the as correct. receives the Institute of Human Relations Award from best YOU instead of the in the documentary and FAMILY Irving M. of the American Jew- promoting pub- Engel, honorary president lic denominational category at the TO African Rogues of Sher- welfare by offering an open Sex on TV FIND ish Committee, at the committee's annual in New Adventure wood Forest meeting festival, sponsored by the Edu- forum for discussion of a very American of India BETTER Song York. The award was given for the television series, cational Film Library Associa- Romance Sons O’ Guns "Prej- important problem, gave evi- WASHINGTON (NC) Sen. Down to Sea Spoilers of udice-USA," the Hour the NCCM tion. produced on Catholic by dence of become a Thomas Dodd Connecti- FOOD in Ships Fofest having pub- J. of with NBC. Pat O’Brien Espionage Sword of in cooperation lic relations medium for a par- was narrator of cut charged here that the Gentle Touch Monte Crlsto ANYWHERE! ticular of life with the film, which starred Giant From Tarzan's Secret philosophy Henry three major TV networks are Unknown Treasure an over-simplified solution to Danicll. Rev. Karl Holtsnider, for of Hiawatha Texas Lady responsible “excesses 0.F.M., is Whin Motoring Visit tho "St. Moritx," Sporto, NJ. Human Comedy Texas Rangera human problems.” producer of “The crime, violence and sex on Luxury Liner Thunder Birds He also that Hour of St. Francis” which home FAMOUS FOR ITS FOOD Madame Curie Thunder Over charged pro- television screens.” Moby Dick Tangier* duction is hoard on 700 radio stations Modorato Prlcos and editing of the pro- Graceful Country Dining at Okinawa Young Stranger ‘Going My Way’ Dodd told a Senate subcom- and is out gram were at least to now branching into Rhythm on Range partly mittee hearing (May 14) that blame for television. “The Third Devil” COURSE ADULTS, ADOLESCENTS creating the im- there is “a trend . . . away FULL Action pression that the is one of the first series of 13 in North Jump Into Hell three Catho- from the self-imposed Atlantic Just off lic films for TV. high spokesmen “had no answer prepared ON THi PLAZA Angelo Broadway Tailored for TV moral standards of its Behave Yourself Margin for [tele- DINNERS cod* •' I f Between Midnight Error vision’s] industry-wide I LAKE MOHAWK A Dawn COCKTAIL LOUNGE Moon Over and of individual moral stand- Cairo Road Burma t By WILLIAM H. MOORING SPARTA, N.J. Deadliest Sin Ride Crooked Television ards of practice set by each LUNCHEON Dr. Cyclops Mile Radio Encore Sailor’a Lady network." , American • German • Swiss Cuisine San Antone Escape From MAY He made the statement after Island Searchera When “Going My hits characteri- 15 SUNDAY, 20 Devil's Way” acceptable comedy 'YtL 'Y. _L I3O" WNBC 060. WHOM 7 * (7) Chriatophers. from 12 till Garden of Evil Stranger at My the ABC network Oct. 20 1480. WCBS MO. won 710, WMCA ;,U , testimony from the presidents Opsn 7 Dayi July & Aug. noon doting next 3, zation of years ago might, if •Your Voto Count,," Lowell Guilty Bystander Door L. WWItL 1000. WVNJ 620. WBNX S THURSDAYS _ viewers will find Thorn.,. of the three major networks, m that the flav- and be- aOSED Hamlet 3 for Bedroom C J3BO. WABC 1500. repeated again again, 770. WERA S ».m. Heaven With Time of Their 1063. (5) Face of World. or of the IM4 'yFHA-FM WFUV-FM 90.7. 8:25 (9) Robert E. Kintner of NBC, Barbed Wire Lives Oscar-winning come the corniest caricature WSOU-FM 88.5 a m. Chrlatophera. (4) Fence Is is 8:30 a.m. Talk About God. Frank Stanton of and Who Hope movie still there, but the of today. SUNDAY, 20 Sister.. CBS, Hideout . MAY Maryknoll Get Out YourShell at the Schuyler? 7 WPAT Leonard H. Goldenson of ABC. of package has a.ra. - Christopher,. 1:30 p.m. <4, High Wall Woman’s Secret been brought up He also knows there is CathoUc Hour. 7 a.m. WNEw Hour of Crucified. Journey for You Can’t Have to America and Communiim." Rev. All three denied that their date. one one and one WNBC—St. Francis Hour. Margaret Everything Bing; Barry *-ni. John F. Cronin. Z -£ ■m. WHOM—Sacred Heart Hour. SATURDAY, MAY 24 networks ordered the introduc- Producer Joe Connelly McCarcy. To imitate them 7 ;30 WOK Marian FOR ADULTS a.m. Theater. 12 (11, Christopher*. "World tion to would * m WMCA—Ave Maria Hour. Order Start* of objectionable sex and ®m»R 1 Passed for (“Leave it Beaver") knows produce a second-rate 559 * With You." Myron Gfrrril? #m WWRI,—Ave Hour. Floren. White 5;59 ‘ Maria violence into programs. the difference between a two- effort. ®:3O a m. WVNJ Living Rosary. OBJECTIONABLE 11:30 a.m. WERA Hour of Cruci- a of for hour movie and a one-hour The Father O’Malley whom fied. delightful change pace Are You With No Man’s Woman 12 00 WFUV (FM> t It? weekly repeater with a sepa- Gene to the “Go- Maas From Repeat Kelly brings Blue Chapel. SPECIAL Dreaming Lip* Performance rate to be ARRANGEMENTS for JULY and DINNER and COCKTAILS story followed each ing My Way” series is a shade 12:15 pm. WFHA Our Spiritual AUGUST! Jphnny Apollo Showdown Mother. Murder Without That Lady In time. more stern, less Parties & lyrical (and 11:43 WFUV-FM—Sacred Heart. Catering to Banquets Crime Ermine p.m. SUPERBLY much 2 30 p.m. WNBC Catholic Hour. AIR-CONDITIONED ROOMS! Never Say Die He knows, too, that the most less an “oracle") than American-Continental Cuisine 345 p.m. WFUV (FM) Sacred the one Bing Crosby showed us Heart Program In Spanish. 357 Northfield Ave. 3 WFUV Your Host: in the McCarcy movies. The old Pin. (FM>— Ave Maria 0:30 p.m. WFUV (PM) Ave Maria - ' A " WEST ORANOE N J Father to Hour. Chet» ' Moral M'ln* hr N.w pastor, Fitzgibbon, rVTERING Grabowski th. York •fit., ~ it,, • P WFUV —Hour of Cruci- N.ttoiutl l-*l*n D-t.nc, m. •- nucTß REdwood 1-2942 m with cn.tr. whom Barry Fitzgerald lent fied. TASTE • lon Motion Plctur. o-n.rfm.ni: Inltr- OBEEN*S Diner's Club end American Express Credit Cards Accepted MOVIES his ® Dm. WBNX—St. Jude Novena. ruttonol Frt.r.tion «» c.tholir Alumn... familiar Irish brogue and 7 p.m. WWRL Hail Mary Hour. a 7 45 paying cutely doddering sentimental- p.m. WBNX Novcna. 8 p.m. WFUV (FM) Fordham FREE PARKING For further Information: MA 3-5700 AD ity, is replaced by Leo G. Lecture or 2 6900 Series. “Roadblocks to inwi'S RANSOM. Carroll, who makes the char- Understanding Catholicism." KING’S All CONDITIONED Morally Unobjectionable for Everyone • Pm. WFUV (FM) Liturgical acter less a codger, still iras- Music Concert. Capture That Guns of Navarone Prisoner in Iron Swinging Along 10 SpadoTixfcig In HOME MADE but, in the p.m. WABC—Christian in Action. Capaule Have Rocket. Mask Tarantula cible, long run, Colorado MONDAY, MAY 21 Will Travel Romanoff A Underwater R Comanche more real. 2 WSOU Ravioli Cavatelli Kinr A I Julie! City pm. oPM)—Barred Heart. Dc*crt « nm WFUV —Sacred Heart Whistle Down a 8 WFUV First Texan Goretti Lad with half dozen more on Prn *KM> Sacred Heart. 3 PRIVATE v Wind 7 4ft BANQUET For Ist Time Lost Missile Silent Enemy p m WBNX Novena Windjammer paper and a string of others 7 Gallant 10 p m WSOU «FM > George- j Hess Moon Pilot i«» Summer X 15 town University ROOMS Pirates of Tortuga Remember shaping up. Forum s-sisa 10 iwVSnp p.m WSOU —Sacred • Superb Pirbny. 925-31 West Side Ave. for Adults, Heart. banquetsanqucis ratings this fall UcMm nowfar high (and 8P in WFUV (F.\U — Sacred Heart n S* m M Fanny House of So ’ p3i^' Under Personal 2?*L Usher mar 10 p m WSOU (FM) Ampio party and taka adranlaga tt Supervision H ack Tights Fiercest Heart Incident in State chances look good), the reason Following Alley Fair of Christ oar low PETE* lIVENTO Blue Hawaii 5 Exercise introductory prim. Finger Jailhreakers 20 Plua 2 may well be varied MAY 24 Broken Land of Lost and meaty THURSDAY, Can ES 5-1600. Flight Judgement at Twist all Night 2 pm. WSOU HE Carousel Balloon Sacred Heart Jersey City. 3-8945 Nuremberg 2 Way Stretch scripts by top-grade writers— 5 Pm WSOU K not 'k Gold of 7 Saints Ling (FM) Following '?iew Hope Weekend With Emmet of Christ. Twist Hands of Stranger Premature Burial Lulu Lavcry, Morris West, Bpm WFUV (FM) Sacred Heart. Experiment In Hellions Halntree County World John Otis John In My Carney, Fante 10 p m. WSOU (FM) Ave Marta. & Terror • Horizontal Scream of Fear Pocket JOHNNY MARGIE'S TAP HOUSE and Bill FRIDAY, MAY 25 Lieutenant 6 Black florses Fay among them. The 2 pm. WSOU (FM)—Sacred "Specielixlnt In Steak Dinners" objective is human Heart. interest 8 pm. WFUV' (FM) Sacred Heart. m Morally Unobjectionable for Adults stories, written with H p m WBNX Novcna. comedy 10 oni WSOU (FM) Hour of All Fall Down Exodus Malaga Singer. Not Hong as an on ( rucifted "Business and Breakfast at 4 Horsemen of I. overtone, general, not Morality." 2. 3 Summer A Smoke Rev Damian Reid. Cl* Tiffany’s ' Apocalypse Only specifically Catholic, SPRINGFIELD 2 Can Play Sweet Bird levels of SATURDAY, MAY 24 Cape Fear George Raft Roman of « Spring Youth appreciation. pm WFUV (f*M) Sacred Heart. Route #46 DEerfield 4-9070 N.J. Cat on Hot Tin Story of Mrs. Stone Tender 8 Partippany, Roof I* Night Oft p.m. WOR Family 'Theater Happy Thievea Rome- Adwnture 2 Women Children's Hour Hustler Sail Crooked Upstairs A Couch Last Year at Ship Counterfeit Downatairs JOHN J. MURPHY. Ho.t Marlenbad Satan Never View From Bridge Traitor As You'll Like Light In Piazza Sleeps West Side Story For Persons Over 21 Day of Outlaw Loss of Innocence THE BRASS HORN Plays in Brief 9:00 P.M. to 12:30 A M. IfFor Morally Objectionable in Part for Everyone Angel Baby Girls Rooms Available for In Night Lover Come Back Racers Banquet Back Street Head Mark Revolt of Slaves All Occasions e Circus of Horrors By JOAN T. NOURSE DANCING Open Daily Horrors of Black Minotaur September Storm Conquest of Space Museum Rock Your Pleasure Mr. A Roll Siege of Syracuse of Shaw's about the S W. Grand Sd. Day Earth House of Women Love /Veir adaptation comedy Chtrry Eliiabath.N.J. No for Too I.ate Blues Play lockney flower-girl transformed (’aught Fire Jessica by Johnnie 20.000 Eyes the proud professor of Soms Devil’s Eve to 7th A Funny Thing on speech. EVERY Journey Oklahoma World by Happened low. broad humor in FRIDAY NIGHT Entertainer Planet Night scenes featuring Please Turn Over the Way to the Forum Leer- her raffish father. The Night of ths Iguana High ish, broad burlesque-type com- voltage Recommended "Cue" William* drama which in Separate Classification studies CLUB about some of the sympathetically some odd ST. LEO A edy least separate classification Is liven to certain films which, while characters on the verge of despair. offensive not CONTINENTAL morally in themselves, require some analysis and explanation noble Homans of them all. r *W dl *lo,u * * nd >(vm CUISINE as altuatio*s y Market St., at the East l ° lhC unln *ormed * Boulevard, Paterson, N.J. Tkdolcu- - - All-American *** in l wrong interpretations and false Large. lavish , BROILED LIVE MAINE LOBSTERS DAILY conclusions college musical with captivating dances Snlsrt. sleek, sophisti- AIR COOLED AUDITORIUM by R«iy cated m CiqSED SUNDAYS & MONDAYS Intruder “La Bolger. Marred Rodgers musical about Ameri- ' King of Kings boice Vita" Walk Wild by suggestive cos- on Side cans living m tuming snd leering humor. R up In Paris. Suggestive for Reservation s Call MU 7-0707 costuming and Featuring Alternating A Man for All Soasons quite casual moral Condemned Intense, standards. engrossing drama about the last i ORCHESTRAS At Tha Fiva Poind, Union, N.J. Gordon cru- Oh Slot* PLway Exit 138 Expresso Bongo Jules cial contest St. D.d, Poor D.d - Wildly romlo A Jim "Lea Liaisons Odd Ohseasion of Thomaa More with Directions: the Henry paiody of lute Plays and early films Dangereuses” Vlrtdlana despotic VIII. Highly rec- marred ommended for all. by overly gruraome Jokes and suggestive Banker's Daughter, Th# situation* South on Gracious at Special Assortment of ( o|- Rotmersholm Driving Garden State Exit 158 Dining orful, wryly amusing 19th Dynamic revival of Parkway, century lhsen melodrama drama about a about a ruthlesa fi- free-thinking North on Garden SEAFOODS nancier. couple who pay for Driving State Exit 157 set to a delightful new dearly defying Parkway, Lunchasni, Ala Cart* musical score. community conventions. Suicldo In plot solution. (One Minute from either The Blacks Wildly non-conventlonal Exit) A Dlnnara A In play racial sho» ths Dsrk Heavily sug- European scoring preju- h dice. Includes some gutter talk rrn ,arr,, •* Btlmentallzlng and Kvthe IT. *? of / , blast* plight a maid Church as a dated form of parlor of easy tyranny. vutue accused of murdering one of hrr For paramours ~ s P ,r ndld pageantry, GRACIOUS DINING .. cap- The Sound of Music ELEGANT Faalurlng SAT. A SUN. tivating tunes and a likeably Enchanting DECOR Reservations idealistic song-feat about the hook make this Lrrnrr-Loewe Arthur- lively convent girl SUPERB PRIME RIBS OF BEEF who the FRENCH CUISINE A u jus ian musical a brave and launched Trapp children’s joysome choral LUNCHEON • Dl 2-1299 grate. career. COCKTAILS Party Accommodatlona • DINNER Carnivall Subways Are for Sleeping Lively (Clotod Opan Evary Day Charming, wistfully gnv Mondays) Cor. musical danc e routines this Itaox A Pollfly Rd., HACKENSACK shout an orphuned French girl spark snappy salute PARTY befriended the to th ii.o amiably unencumbered New FACILITIES by performers of s traveling circus. lorkera who boost no fixed abode. Family Take Her, She's Mina Affair, A— Broadly comic Amiable, musical about often funny, family with Art ONE OF NEWARK'S RESTAURANTS a Jewish wedding al comedy Maison arney the Billia Restaurant moat ( as harried father of a live- SERVING THE ULTIMATE In Italian wrecked by squabbling future In- laws. ly. (ad-following coed. Foodi. All coo Lad ordar. Thousand 1260 Terrill Road foods par Gideon Lively, stimulating Chav- Clowns Witty, topical Scotch Plains evsky drama comedy about a disgruntled about an Old Teh*ament writer of FA 2-8212 AULISE’S • • general who TV ALSO PIZZERIA children’s finds divine orders hard to programs. Rather casual FA 2-9848 obey Exception hr stand illicit love. cun taken to some Located on cor. Bloomfield and Clifton Newark aspects of its humanized portrayal of Aves., the Lord. One Block from Sacred Cathedral Gift Heart of Time, A— Depiessing piny, pagan In about spirit, a doomed cancer patient who commits suicide with the help of his devoted wife. THI ORIGINAL • - • Golden IST 1918 OPEN DAILY The - Apple, Competent re vlval of clever, somewhat risque mu ■ leal parody of stories from limner and How to Succeed SWISS CHALET Banquet In Business Without I V ryl "° Clever nlaaln, anil . k T catchy tunes make enormously enter- restaurant Wedding ((fit taining (his witty, cynical musb al st»out a blithe young opportunist blitz- Ing his to executive cir«i. KSl way up status. n. j. »«*« v’S Vl^ The snd the Short ramsey, Facilities • w s \ 31 Long and the Tall - i Some British soldiers In Malays in DAvia 7-0800 MRS 1942 are COCKTAIL LOUNOE AW loathe to execute a Japanese captive they’ve grown to like. Suspense drama with lively debate on war rthlcs A rV M ~ GOLDEN LANTERN n? ' , ,?ry J,, “" Kcrr'i funny, rrotnyi, adult comedy To re me in her about an all-hut- and be remembered divorced pair too xtuhtNiin to admit RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE COCKTAIL U V re ~olh 111 In love uui, A« Ho£ • *be n#v Melodic ® M our ..nil » . musical PIAYIAND ,L, FUI RARLY AMIRICAN ATMOSPHiRB • • exquisite decor, fanioui laiuto to modern Israel's catering , .°.to: L - young farm- Wadding Iteccptlona I’urtleg A Luncheona ing pioneers Accents divorce Hanquetx, continental tlio and re- LUNCHEONS cniaiue, superb French service. marriage, ATTtYE AND DAILY hut otherwise has sound BEACFT.N-Y DINNERS SERVED Kvcry glam, values. orous detail with arranged - 1900 East impeccable taste. Select Litfy melodic Edgar Road, (Route 1) from 20 nrllllant OVER beautiful function 100 RIDES AND ATTRACTIONS JUNDENj^NjJ roomi, all air rTHE fully conditioneiL Accout- PERFECT FAMILY SHOWh No long waits for rides. America's LOUIS Dl most Biodating from 10 to 1500 ROC HI MONT'S beautiful "KINGSTON RESTAURANT" person*. amusement park. 300 land- INDUAMMB* scaped half DINING IN THE FINEST TRADITION acres, a mile of boardwalk. minute* from to Salt water fresh 1 Two cocktail loungai I EXCLUSIVENEWJERSEYSHOWING Only anywhere Greater swimming, water pool, N.Y. Exit 11, New England Thruway (Conn. clean beach. Free picnic tables and UNEXCELLED FACILITIES FOR n tut play- pwMi Turnpike), Direct connection with Cross- fields. WEDDINGS - BANQUETS Band COMMUNION BREAKFASTS ing concerts. Sun.;fireworks, cunuii mm w mmimi"! Westcheiter Expressway and Tappan Zee Tues. 1181 MORRIS UNION and Fri., 9:15 P.kL AVE., MU 6-2537 fcTKKm ONm fOK Alt PCKFOKMANUS Bridge. Direct bus from Fordham Rd. and Operated by Fronk Navaa tha BROAD STREET AT LINCOLN Valentine Ave. Also from Westchester County at organ Wad., Thun., Frl., Sot. and Sun PARK. NEWARK. NEW JERSEY I aiwhi r*a«iNt (IND). Yonkers, Playland Commis- MAH ANO White Plains and other Westchester sion. Your comfort k u u points. protected stall OUR ATTENDANI Will PARK YOUR CAR PHONI OIDIRI times. ACCIPTIO 10 the advocate May 17, 1962 Church Formula The Question Box Orleans Fence-Sitters Bishop’s Vocation Without doubt some of the New Or- stiff steps of a person who has been im- segregationists are anti-clerical. leans The mobilized in a cast for a of long period of insuUing Archbishop Rummel and the Advice time, 50% seem to be taking their er Churchauthorities Repeated already reported first steps of of in the acceptance integration Rev. Leo press, radio and TV is too ribald cautiously. Farley, S.T.D., attd Rev. Robert Hunt, S.T.D., of o bear Immaculate repeating. But one Conception Seminary, Darlington, Ramsey, N. who actually are They keenly aware of how lit- are lsits this editors of The Question Box. Questions be addressed archdiocese in a dilemma won- tle it would take may to be thrown off bal- to them ders how there for answer in this column, or to Question Box rampant the anti-clericalism ance is. by the sway of-emotion, The anxiety, and Editors, Advocate, 31 Clinton St., Newark 2, N. J. IT IS long standing custom. don’t seem to REPORTED that the Catholic They Q. I For want to . am a teenager. itual Mother and pray fervent- P U n ls 25% talk about it. Not that split against, 25% for, ignoring many years I have wanted to ly to her. Since the can °S la^ the rosary and 50 yo on the decision will do with it. be a and I still fence in the matter of away Rather do. Are be said so simply there should it would seem there their they want privacy in their prayers and works that be few days that pass without integrating parochial and grammar I might do to foster voca- it schools in struggle to make a right decision. my forming part of our day. September. They tion? are fearful of “Spiritual reading may also being pushed. Of Assuming the accuracy of the esti- the many things that can be put into our regular life. mate be offer for the sake of the WHAT FEW said, we the following Spiritual books as approved by discussion, 25% outward signs there are, suggestions made Bishop our will against” are not to are There by spiritual guide help agitating that palpa- hopeful. is no surge of num- Curtis in this column several ble a us greatly. Especially will the degree so far as to a week-long visitor bers the camp of the years ago. be fruitful in open segregation- inspired Scriptures the city can detect. ists. be The 25% “for” is Indeed, there was a noticeable drop "First, sure to have a to us. Let the- Bible become regular familiar noticeably reserved, apparently deter- in attendance at the Perez-Ricau Easter confessor, namely a a book in your hand, mined priest to whom can and the life of Christ Im- not to aggravate a sensitive Wednesday you go an prob- meeting. They had attracted most of the time lem. The to confession. portant reading assignment 50% “on the fence” are the greater numbers before. The September Spiritual writers place the that you should voluntarily ac- center of and anxiety the reason for our enrollment for Catholic schools reached benefit of a regular confessor cept. at prayer. Theirs may be a anti- anew high this almost the top of their sug- smoldering spring. "DAILY clericalism There gestions for anyone who wish- PRAYERS, morn- or, more hopefully, an un- seems to be more muted and loyal- es to God faith- ing night, including a steady in the silence serve more loyalty. ty than dissension. This fully. daily examination of con- at least should will be another be the prayer of those “To this regular confessor science, part THE NECESSARY virtue of of loyalty of us not our program of daily life. faced with the decision, for explain your situation and and obedience not "Any other devotions may come to are. your wish to be guided toward you easy prac- those, who Only a very short time tice for that wish to include are of course 50%.'Like the first remains to tell. your vocation. painfully permitted to "At times a regular confes- you. ..I suggest that form sor is hard to find because of you the practice of confessor circumstances. Catholic high consulting your or guide about personal devotions The and the schools and colleges, and even in your life. is Pope Liturgy every parish, will do well to It much better in to have a few that follow keep mind the wish of many you with solid 1 than to have Pope John last penitents for a regular guide; piety month, speaking Christ s Heart—who are zealous to and many that become a mere about the plan their confession liturgy, said, “in or our times, spread His Kingdom and anxious for schedule routine burden to you. the sacred the accordingly. liturgy has been the holiness object of the perfection outlined "A FINAL of far more intense by "SECOND, if you do not find suggestion might study than in the Him in the be workable Gospels, should have more a regular confessor who will by you. Can you preceding several centuries.” to than a passing interest wish, arrange do some of the ac- in the liturgy. guide you as you you This," the Holy take tive work that the Father contin- Their interest should be, and might one of the priests community has usually is, of your choice in? ued, greatly aided the efforts of intense. or religious in your school as engages quite This is not all those obedient a guide. Talk to them outside always possible, who, to the norms The liturgy—Mass, the best but if you intend to enter a issued exam- A Return Israel — confession and follow their ad- by the Church in this matter, to that ple-should vice. If your Catholic community teaches, can most possess “radiance,” and school and especially in the should live has you be of service to the Sis- encyclical “in fashion stir the faithful a guidance counselor, she ters, or the Mediator Dei and other to might be the best choice. to parish right letter. weighty sincere piety,” as our Holy Father now in teaching Christian Doc- pontifical have "Third, as your guide will documents, laudably expressed it. The can do And trine to the liturgy so. Our a Second no doubt first suggest to young or in help- striven to restore to the sacred Herod you, rites study of it and active form "a ing them learn their prayers? their native participation in it simple program of life power of Some use the radiance, in order will help. to follow in spiritual things. religious wisely that they in services of girls and who may more live fashion stir By FRANK J. SHEED Begin now to lead a regular boys the SUCH have a vocation. It strength- faithful to sincere piety, and lead STUDY CAN take several spiritual life (remembering Where did the Holy Family But would they have wanted ens the vocation and aids in them to forms. Mediator Pilate would later have his however that are the holiness of Dei, Pius Xll’s you not yet / evangelical Pope go in Egypt, and how did to in the work. live the place of the mas- headquarters in encyclical letter in it-was from religion) somewhat as you perfection.” 1947 “On Sacred they live? The second question sacre? \ here "If it is a-hospital commu- that he went up to Jeru- will as a religious. Worship,” deserves an even presents no great have greater in- problem. They did not settle in Ju- salem and sentenced Our "This of life nity you in mind per- WE TAKE HEART from the There Lord simple plan Pope’s than it was a large Jewish col- haps you might give some of vestigation has hereto- dea. for Archelaus was reign to death). would include set words on the of gotten and spiritual power the and ony there, anywhere in your time right now as a hos- liturgy fore. ing there. He had begun with The practices. Probably are ruler in Galilee was you the value of it. to the ancient world there was pital aide of some kind. studying We hope be The a massacre on his own ac- Herod far less already using them. Include magazine, Worship, is work for a Antipas, counted helpful carpenter. But count. in these "This sharing in the activ- among those obedient to the The national Judea was no safer un- savage than his but daily Mass and Com- society, The where they lived we do not brother, Liturgical der him than or at least as ity will be helpful; but it is Popes of our times under his un- destined to an munion, often who have issued Conference, offers know, nor how long'they stay- immortality de- valuable services and speakable father. nied as your circumstances not necessary. on Archelaus. For Antipas per- important documents the subject. information to ed. mit. members. was the Since each Not Herod who, some 30 "PERHAPS I should have Catholic is a member of long, probably. They JOSEPH WAS TOLD in Highly commended are the years later, beheaded John "Especially on Sundays and begun this answer the Liturgi- had come to to with the re- and Egypt escape sleep to to Nazareth worshipping cal go of the and three on the days when you are free sanctifying Church, Study Days, Saturday, May and Herod, who died not aft- Baptist, years minder that first things must and since sacred 19, long Galil.ee. The small after from make Mass and liturgy is the group that played his own school, come first. You are in public Sunday, May 20, in St. erward. There arc those who high Philip’s, Clifton probably took the Mediterran- small Communion the rule. More worship of God by the entire think that had part in the trial of Jes- school; and therefore the work Church, This program of and they barely ean coast road Gaza than else, it Bishop McNulty by us. So that Our Lord anything the love of your school classes and stands to reason that each Catholic of crossed the border, heard of spent high his Liturgical (where Samson brought the for our Lord in the of Commission is a praise- the practically His whole life as a Mystery studies must be your first con- should have an interest in king's death, and were temple down the Altar the liturgy. worthy effort to make us crashing on the subject of the man who will strengthen your cern. greater Cath- back in Jerusalem in time for was Prepare yourself with a Those Philistines who had blinded vocation; and your love for Catholics—the of olics to hand Him over to he put to good solid education. joy in line with the Pope’s the Presentation in the Tern him) Proper teachings. and Caesarea (where death by the Romans. Him will be manifested by the performance of duty is always But it nat- pie. seems a more sacrifice to you are willing our first obligation. ural reading of St. Luke's ac- make to attend Mass and re- “To add to the above ‘No One count and St. Matthew’s, to ceive Communion. sug- Ever Asked Holy gestions follow Me’ have the visit of the Magi and you might the weekly column of Fur- all that followed happen after “WEEKLY confession will Msgr. also long in The Advocate.” An elderly convert was asked the Presentation. Reds Label be part of your plan, or why he every Confirmation in t group every confession as close to didn become a Catholic par- weekly earlier in his ish there are a of HEROD’S DEATH was of life His number converts. Few a as your circumstances permit. answer was typical of that which- of special horror, the Jewish his- these walked into the rectory and said By this means you will purify could be torian Josephus tells us. Mod- n<>A to spoken at American universi- That greater esteem and ment in pas, was be tetrarch of Editorial America.” citadel of Is Board: Moat Rev. Martin The world reaction, ties. more exact investigation be- W Stanton. phenomenal success the Jehovah Galilee and Perea; his half- S.T.D., Ph.D.; Rt. Rev. emerging more and tween Magr. William C. Heimbuch; more as The alleged Catholics and separ- RU Witnesses, the NOTHING brother, Philip, got the rest. progress in this Magr. Adventists and the Pente- WILL the J*v i John J. Dougherty, strengthen your international center of first ated Christians may S.T.L., 5.8.D., Very Rome's confirmation phase of the "battle pre- Rev. Magr. costals have in own faith like it of the fascism.” George W. Shea. S.T.D.; Very Rev. spreading their bizarre spreading to others. Just against fascism” pare the way for true union. will is being re- Magr. Thomaa M. Reardon. L.LB., creeds is a being necessary, Arche- Do we realize the Rev. proof enough that the church- simple question “Have ever signifi- ported in every current The mission intention sug- William J. Duffy, S.T.L.; Rev. you laus went to issue there obtain it cance of Hugh J. Fltutmmona. M.R.j Rev. less become of these words? They of The gested for the interested when they are thought becoming a Catholic?” ask- Worker. The May 6 Apostlcship Jamca W. O’Neill; Rev. William N. (Antipas, too). But the Jewish brand us creators of Field. M LS.; as anew number of Prayer the Rev Wtillam Keller, asked. ed of those who show even displayed a big head- by Pope is; A.M., S.T.L.i Francis a little inter- leaders sent a large Hitlerism. Rev. J. Hough- deputa- The Kremlin That ton. STL. est line announcing that "Cleve- by means of a more in the Church will tion after them, urging Augus- Executive Director; Rt. Rev. Magr gain many - souls spreads such ideas at the mo landers intense devotion to ON MAY tus March Against Horror the Holy John J. Kiley. 6, Boland con- to not to Herod's king- ■bent Archbishop Christ. give when we are told Paterson Representative: being Tests” and that "ADA Urges priestly and re- R*v. firmed 329 converts and dom as Herod willed, but to Francla J. Rodlmer adult Catholics This be by our own general press that ligious could the seed Ban on Tests Minus vocations in the mis- Managing Editor: Joseph R. in planted by make it of the Inspec- Sacred Heart Cathedral. This he part Roman there has been a “relaxation” sions be Thomaa. does you in soil and to tions.” The latter head is over may increased. Subscription ready willing receive province of Syria. Thus they of Price: $4 50 yearly. tensions on the of Second annually. Almost without part So- the lengthy lead story of the Class postage paid at New. exception in it. God’s grace will do rest. ark. the anticipated a phrase their suc- viet Russia. under act of Mar. 3, 1879. issue written by the important cessors were to use a genera- Daniel Me on. tion later against one greater THERE ARE THOSE who than Archelaus Growth of “We have complain loudly today that IN HIS FIRST sentence the our Church no but Caesar.” is "distort- king In spite image being Mason said: "Americans for Our Parish ed," but to of the deputation, Rome con- few seem place Democratic Action (ADA) last the The recently published Official Catholic firmed the will; but it would responsibility where it be- week-end Di- with 135,765 pupils; while Paterson'* 35 elemen- expressed deep re- rectory for not give Archelaus the longs, at the door of Dictator 1962 contains information of inter- title of gret over the tary schools with 8,708 pupils have increased resumption of est to all Americans and King. Khrushchev. We therefore particularly to Catho- to 66 with 26,462 pupils. nuclear weapons tests and urg 1- lics. shall proceed to quote still fur- Numbering 42,876,665, Catholics are almost cd an agreement to ban at- The Archdiocese of Newark and the Diocese ONCE AGAIN Joseph re- ther the half-truths 25% of the national population of 180,970,947. and false- mospheric tests, without inter- of Paterson arc now ceived a message It Catholics educating 209,213 students in sleep hoods that are being distribut- may interest of the Archdiocese in from national Inspection.” The an of Newark all their colleges, high schools and elemen- an angel: "Take the ed against the U. S.: and the Diocese of Paterson to know thor asserted that this act tary schools. This Is almost 2 1/2 times Child and His Mother and go "The how they have contributed to the growth of the as many present upsurge of fas- "undoubtedly reflects the dis- as they were in into the land of Israel. 1 ’ SI. Church since educating 1939. We see here a cism in the U. S. can be large- the archdiocese and the diocese content of some groupings in reason why federal aid should be Matthew makes it clear that ly to were canonically established in 1938. given to stu- traced the setbacks suf- the administration dents in Catholic Joseph's first intention to Kennedy Schools if it is given to any was fered by the U. S. monopolies, with the decision to resume go to not lo THE CATHOLIC DIRECTORY for students. Judea, Nazareth. the self ‘sav that year appointed tests and tvlth the influence of docs list Where in Judea'.' We are not of not the archdiocese and the diocese The 1939 Catholic did not iors’ world capitalism—and Directory list the told. lhe ‘preventive war’ forces in but Possibly to the town the separately, gives their united population as number of religious who then taught in especially failure of the in- •he government our where who backed 750,000 in a national Catholic schools. Zachary and Elizabeth tervention population of 21,- There arc many more but the in Cuba." the decision." now, in- lived, for 451,460. This national crease not we know of Mary’s population is just one-half has been proportional to that of the This is only one of thousands A few devotion to her days before, the mid- of the present total of 42,876,665. students. This cousin, and she of Have Newark is the reason for the large num- references to Cuba, which week must edition of The Worker and Paterson doubled their Catholic ber of teachers have been passionately population, lay who have come to the aid has now become the great ilalcd interested the May 1 could arouse the as the in child who was country has, since 1938? They have more of the Church. communist exhibit to "the to co comrades with tills headline: be her own child's forerun- than doubled it. The present of the loniul to population peoples” as how to "1,000 Picket While archdiocese is THE INCREASE In the number of priests ner. •leal House; 1,495,298, and that of the Pater- with "fascist-spawning Say: End Tests!” has not been to son Dioccso Is 243,673. The total of proportional that of the Catholic Many scholars think they American population imperialism." The both population. In the archdiocese and diocese there would have gone lo communists thus cheer is 1,738,971, almost 2 1/3 times that of 1938. Betide But Moscow is not content diocesan on the non communists who Our are now 1,489 and religious priests as hem, 's Perhaps. Catholic school systems have grown. City. with carrying this flaming with lake a stand for The 1939 Catholic lists the archdiocese compared 844 in 1939. Priests arc carrying "anti-fascist" banner policies that Directory into the would a heavier burden. So arc Catholic the make our country de- and the diocese, separately. Newark then had churches, "colonial countries." It also number of which has increased fenseless. But for (lie men who three from a total of strives to stir colleges for men with a total enrollment up a feeling of to For Vocations follow Moscow there of 239 329. Is even a 952. Paterson had a college for women with resentment against the y. s. We have reason to thank God A Indulgence of bigger stake involved, as this »n enrollment of 410. Newark's three colleges, for the large partial government and against anti- 100 very directive article stresses. one of increase in the Catholic population of our coun- days may be gained by them u university, now have 12,383 stu- Soviet moves in our defense. H becomes the while try and particularly of the Archdiocese of New- members of the Apostolate And necessary that dents; Paterson now has two colleges with so the directive contin- ark and the Diocese of for Vocations Communist come for- * total Paterson, for the in- for each act ues : Party enrollment of 1,362. ward crease in the number of pupils in our schools, of charity or piety per- gradually to take leader- "Experience has shown that of these "peace NEWARK’S high school enrollment has in- and for the Increase of priests, religious and formed for the intention of ship move- only popular can ments” creased from 9,435 to 25,018, and Paterson's Catholic lay teachers. In praying for continuous fostering vocations to the struggle —and "the battle from curb the reactionaries and against fascism” 1,270 to 5,640. Newark’s 137 elementary increases, we may be confident that God will priesthood. can only end •choola prevent fascism from seizing with have increased to 220 give us the means to serve His successfully in the triumph of 63,195 pupils people. power.” com munism. Exaggerated Jealousy May 17, 1962 THE ADVOCATE 11 Letters to the Editor Government’s

Source Tit turn* and address writer of Family Rift of the must he included in a letter intended for publication, but they will be withheld if requested. By REV. JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. New Burden? Assistant Professor of Sociology, St. Louis University How Confraternity of Christian Doc- While these are very impor- By MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS can I help my husband? He is so jealous that he even suspects teenage School Figures trine is not all of the tant they arc certainly not the Social Action reaching Director, • PJCWC boys—young enough to be my sons—of with me. He’s a wonderful Department flirting man except Catholic students in public sum total of education. Other for this failing. I’m afraid it is weakening my love for him, since I find that I’d rather schools. important areas might include 'Discouraging' I was in France the have him from to Isn’t it time to face and In day that correct. There is no doubt th*t away home than to have handle him with kid gloves all the time. Editor; up to originality clarity Big Steel and capitulated to Presi- the President’s decisive hand- Continued display of these realities and prepare a writing speaking, acquir- jeal- The statistics from the 1962 dent Kennedy and of the steel ousy husbands apparently never criticism. Rather than workable plan of action to ing good study habits, appre- grudgingly ling dispute marks always destroys the very \ trying Official Catholic Directory cer- give cancelled its proposed increase a turning point in the lovo trust their wives alone in constantly to justify her ac- all baptized Catholics a sound ciation of literature, art, and history relationship it pretends tainly are thought-provoking. in the of basic to mixed she should education? etc. Class size most price steel of government-business rela- protect, for contrary to a company. tions, point out the I am interested in religious music, especially products. Subsequently I went tions in this country. The Pres- common real source of his Too many of our certainly affects these areas. However, even apart from difficulty the figures our young to misapprehension, regarding D. England and Ireland. In all ident has made it unmistak- does such ethnic men and indicate that the Catholics reach adulthood In a Henry Keough, jealousy not spring from customs, remedy school-age children. three countries there bve. lies in his state of New Milford. was ably clear that he will not hes- raised in families in which correcting own in- Specifically, the ratio of religious illiteracy. widespread interest in the itate to use the and Because he How can we the Faith power has a negative their mothers and sisters were adequacies Catholic elementary school spread steel if Catholic dispute and public opin- prestige of his office whenever or very low estimate of his shy, retiring, or not allowed students to Catholic our own population ion SECOND, ANOTHER high was substantially on the he feels that the national in- own worth, the to converse freely with "men- pos- school students looks, is not well-instructed? Anti-Obscenity side jealous person sible particu- of the at does source of your husband’s Mrs. Paul T. President. terest is stake. not believe that his part- folks,” are likely to regard larly discouraging. Using the Zitelli, I got the jealousy may be his own radi- Bill Defense impression that the On the other hand, it would ner Paramus. can really love him, and such a pattern of separation figures .as they appeared in President’s cal insecurity as a person. He handling of the be premature, I think, to say this fear orives him to demand between the sexes as proper, The Advocate May 3, the total Editor: steel is not sure of love dispute was even more that the is your be- note: government going exclusive devotion and atten- and will consequently be sus- of school students in (Editor’s Church offi. Mr. wake he grammar Please Berke, up! popular in to tion wives cause is not sure that ho France, England intervene in specific price as a constant assurance picious of who diviate the Newark Archdiocese cials, of course, share this If country were in hands and himself is lovable. as ' our Ireland than it was here. and that the This basic wage disputes as a matter partner is still faith- from this pattern. of Jan. 1 is 135,847, or roughly concerts. On a local level, the like youFs, wo would be in a insecurity is frequently the re- THE MOST of regular policy. Contrari- ful. an average of 17,000 in each is the sad state of affairs. interesting news- HUSBANDS sult of early treatment. problem being met hy as the President himself Yet this exclusive WHOSE jeal- family the New paper story was a Washington wise, devotion A child learns of eight years. Archdiocesan I congratulate Jer- has in the ousy stems from this source that it is Development dispatch in the Paris pointed out recent days, on partner’s part is Total number of high school sey Assembly for passing published are not capable of enjoying lovable because it is loved. If Campaign, which is resulting daily, Washington already has many humanly so that students Is those four bills obscen- Figaro, April 16. The impossible, this love is denied the child 24,746, or a rough in against burdens and doesn’t want "the the normal social relationships or eight new high schools in President’s victory in the steel Jealous person always finds feels it average of 6,000 in each of ity which you feel are "abso- added burden of with women, and as a result, rejected, tends to re- the determining some grounds to confirm his four archdiocese.) lutely impossible to -enforce dispute, according to this dis- their social main insecure in all later in- years. individual prices for individual own inadequacies patch, will mark an historical suspicions. We estimate on the and against all laws of jus- and timate might Communion Suit product*.” misconceptions cause relationships. basis of these tice." turning point In the economic HOW figures that of CAN YOU help your them to see an ulterior sexual that these bills and social life of the U. S. and IF THIS IS the source of the 17,000 parochial grammar You claim IF THE PRESIDENT’S dra- husband? Two sour- motive in all such relation- Can Be Used could possible cannot be enforced. modify the concept your husband’s problem, you school graduates each year, Suppose pre- malic and decisive handlingof ces of the difficulty should be ships. viously held in the U. must be firm in with some 11,000 will not be able Editor: the traffic bureau felt the S. on the steel dispute impels labor considered. dealing the A wife Miho wishes to lead and decided ban supremacy of en- hirm Point out that his jeal- to get into Catholic high I am making an appeal for same way to private and management to move First, you and your husband a normal life with such hus- terprise. a ousy docs not stem from his schools . . , And what about First Holy Communion clothes speed limits. There would be more rapidly toward coopera- may disagree concerning what band must not allow herself accidents and deaths Without doubt, the love for as he those who weren’t even able for the missions of Bolivia. so many Figaro tion, it will have served is and you, pretends, a very proper permissible con- to be maneuvered into a de- that would be afraid to story continued, there arc but from his low estimate of to get into parochial grammar Now in the month of May, people useful purpose. If labor and duct for a married woman. fensive position by being too drive their cars. If President many precedents for his own worth. schools? when so many children ire govern- management fill to respond to Among some national groups. concerned with his felt that mental -intervention in Ameri- harping Why else does he doubt his The figure for Infant bap- making their First Com- Kennedy communism the President’s plea for cooper- could never be and can economic life, but until ability to hold your affection? tisms for the year ending Jan. munion, I hope their parents stopped, up ation—if they ignore the pub- now it was used True love can only be built l is 33,957. When these babies will remember other children decided to abandon all efforts only for the lic interest and try to rational- BUT TRU less fortunate. against its control, the United regulation of social conflicts. on mutual trust and reach grammar school ago, ize their position in the name respect. the Remind him our Please don’t let chil- States would be in the hands "Today," Figaro story STRANGE E that since jeal- present average capacity your of free enterprise we can Little-Known Facts for Catholics dren's white suits of the communists. concludes, "the Kennedy Ad- ousy undermines both these will enable only half of them and dresses reasonably expect the-govern- MURRAY after By M.J. (fcrrrtgM. nm. jccwa Nm Mr** it to be admitted. . hang in a unused and As for bill A-8 which ministration, under administra- qualities, inevitably destroys . closet, you alerting ment, any the Think how deem public opinion and obtaining very foundation of love. It is apparent, too, that ibe yellowing. happy unconstitutional, I tion, to intervene increasingly make almost unanimous you can others. should think that officials support, in the field of wages and opened the to a more If you will gather the clothes know whether a book is ob- way pro- God found kind prices. Love You together at your parish, I will scene or not. If it is obscene, of government in- which The trouble is that it might gladly pick them up and sec it is. A fact is a fact. tervention, has yet to be defined also prove to be disastrous, that are but is certainly new in they sent to South Now for bill A-219; I beg you for, to repeat the words of America. the annals of the economy of to stop looking for excuses. Prof. Marshall E. in The Levels the .” Dimock, Mrs. William O’Neill Snow White is pure fantasy “The New American Political 67 Glover Ave. and can hardly be called a FROM ONE POINT of view, Economy,” we might find the Paterson this crime. analysis of the President's government "unprepared and Donna action in Of Mosckvam, the steel dispute overwhelmed by its new bur- Prayer P.S., Mr. Breig: Clifton. would seem to be substantially dens.” By BISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN Number , Please Everyone IAI the level prays third may not want any favors Editor: Mass Calendar of his own holiness. The more at but the all, merely oppor- I would like to make a few spiritual we are, the less for per- tunity love and devotion. comments concerning Joseph sonal are our prayers; the less IN THE LIGHT May 20 Sunday; Fourth Sunday of this: Breig's article, "Large Class, after Easter 2nd Class. White. Gl. we the holy are, more egotistic • Do you ever pray for the Small Class." Cr. Pref. of Eaitar. May 2! Monday. Mass of arc our novenas and petitions. pre- persecuted Christ in China or Mr. Breig refers to vious Sunday (Fourth after Easter). surveys Gl. Coll. Ask any what he North Vietnam? 4th Class. White. 2nd C tP). person which show better than two-to- No Cr. Pref. of Eastfr. most often • Have May 22 Tueaday. Maaa of prays for, and you you ever fasted from one that pre- pupil achievement is vious Sunday. 4th Class. White. GL have the of his moral a soft drink or dessert measure a or a higher in large classes than in No Cr. Pref. of Eaater May 23 Wednesday. Maaa of condition. A young woman is cigarette that the merits of small classes. The difficulty previous Sunday. 4th Claaa. White. called a your self-denial CL Coll. C

. No "gold digger” if she might be ap- here is that no Indication 2nd Cr. Pref. is of Easter. uses a young man merely to plied to the conversion of a given what as to is meant by May 24 Thursday. Maaa of pre* vioua 4th Claaa. W’hite. get for soul in India or or Sunday. GL something herself; an- Nigeria? large small. These arc rela- No Cr. Pref. of Easter. • other young woman be Have ever taken May - Friday. St. may you upon tive terms. A class of 40 in a 23 Gregory Vfl. Pope. Confessor 3rd Class. more interested in a mutual yourself the burdens others of public school would be con- White. GL 2nd Coll. Rt. Urhan I; exchange of favors; and a by reducing sidered 3 C

. Pref. of Eaater. your bodily satis- large; the same num- faction, May 26 Saturday St. Philip even in a tiny way, ber in a parochial school class Nerl. Confessor 3rd Class White. and by Gl 2nd Coll SI Eleutheriua. f»ref sending the money would bp considered small of Easter saved to the Holy Father for Mr Breig owes it to his read May 27 Sunday Fifth Sunday after Easter 2nd Class. White. GL the of the Faith ers to be explicit. Forty Hoars Propagation more Cr Pref of Easter. in mission lands’’ Ol Gloria; Cr Creed; C from Surveys such as those men Key the Votive Mas* of Holy Ghost; N We pray and sacrifice ac- tioned Newark usually measure only Archdiocese of Newark; P Diocese cording to our spiritual state. achievement in basic of Paterson. Coll. Collect; Pref. skills. Preface May 1442 May those of INTEREST 20, you who read Fourth Sunday After Easter this column for the ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE OF Queen of Anavla. 232 Academy St , pray glory Newark of God and the of the Immaculate Conception. Darlinaton spread of the Church from of Our Lady Bleaaed Sacrament. throughout the world! day deposit on SPECIAL EDUCATION ANNOUNCES A 113 Elmwood Ave . Ea»t Orange of Whatever send to the So- waul to Our Lady Vlctorlea. R 1 Lynn St,. you Do you earn Harrington Park ciety for the Propagation of St John'*. 100 Yealcr Way. IlilUdale St Leo'a. 103 Myrtle Avc , Irvington the Faith will he forwarded ONE YEAR CERTIFICATES Immaculate Conception Mother- directly to the SUMMER PROGRAM houae. S Main St.. Lodi Holy Father, to St. Michael'*. 824 Page . *13,000 Ave Lynd- and he sends it to the hur»t poor St. Joseph's. Elm St . Oradell. of the world. St. Krancla. 114 Ml. Vernon St.. OF DEPOSIT FOR Ridgefield Park GOD LOVE YOU to Anony Dominican Slaters of the Perprt *31,000 a ual Ilosary. 14th and West Sts.. mous for $5: "May God bless yea Union City you through Jesus, Mary and May 27, 1442 PAROCHIAL Fifth Sunday After Easter Joseph." To Mrs. C.E.B. for SCHOOL Lady of Ml. Carmel. $l,OOO to Our 23(1 Oliver $25,000 $3O: "In St.. Newark thanksgiving for a St. . 339 Pompton favor received through the in- If you have a sales Ave., Cedar Grove personality, college education, good Holy Trinity. 2367 Lemokne tercession of Our Lady and health and for Ave., genuine ambition, you may qualify a Coyteiville the Infant of Prague. It CHILDREN St. 4501 Liberty May high-income opportunity and tales Commercialtrust Cos. Brlfld'a. Avc., in our salea man- North Bergen help some of the poor of the of agement organisation. of New Our Lady the Vteltatlon. 234 to and Jersey Falrvlew A'e.. Paramua missions know, love You St. Mary’*. 516 W 6th St.. Plain- serve God." must have a success potential, a sincere desire field to and deal with MAIN OFFICE: 15 Exchange WITH Cut out this column, pin serve people, ability to important men Place, Jersey City Paterson your sacrifice to it and ad and women. dress it to Fulton J. May 30, 1442 Bishop 11 Convenient Offices Previous experience not required. Our free aptitude Fourth Sunday After Easter Sheen, National Director, So SPEECH Sacred Heart. 4 Richards Avc., analysis will help Foundation or HEARING ciety for the of determine qualifications. Dover Propagation - and JERSEY CITY BAYONNE - UNION CITY advanced training given on individual basis. Bt. Joseph’s, 10 W. Main St.. Mend- the Faith, 366 Fifth Avc., New York, to St. Monica’s. 33 Unlonvtlle Ave . Sus- or your dioces- OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS (Excapl Main Otflct) PROBLEMS an director: Martin for Appointment colt the Apostle. Hills Bishop St. Peter Troy JERSEY CITY and BAYONNE 7 UNION 31 lo ( - CITY 4 la • May 17, 1442 W. Stanton, Mulberry St., LOUIS M. - Fifth Sunday After Easter GRABSKY 6-6884 or Rt. Rev. ORange SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS St. Thomas of Aquln. 53 Railroad Newark, Msgr. Ave.. William F. Louis, DeGrasse WHEN: June - Ogdenahuri 24 25 4, 1962 Member August Our Lady of Katlma. 32 Exchange 9ioo AM. and 3 100 P.M. Federal ITeaerve System and Federal Dapoalt Inauranca Cnrp. PL. Passaic St., Paterson. (45 minutes daily, Monday through Friday)

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COPYNK.iI » I 12 THE ADVOCATE May 17, 1962 Missions Above Small Sacrifices Here Keep Politics, Pontiff Tells World Delegates A France to Missions LYONS, (NC)-Pope day missionary congress, was asked to find 10 other per- Big John XXIII said in a letter which donate Help to four sons who would to the brought Lyons directed to First Missionafics are fighting the Interna- Cardinals, 30 Archbishops and missions, and in this way the tional against paganism and pain Missionary Congress Bishops, and national direc- society came into being. for the here that is more ur- every day. They depend on Society Propagation nothing tors of the Society for the our prayers and and gent in the world than that Propagation of the Faith from alms, of the Faith they- beg us not to wait to the Church’s missions speak 20 countries, located in five Tertiary Group help them because before we Archdiocese of Newark: only in the name of the Church continents. realize and not to it thefy might lose an- bow political ex- To Hear Most Rev. Martin W. Stanton, S.T.D., Ph. D., LL.D. Bishop other mission. pediency. POPE JOHN said: “At the 31 Mulberry St., Newark 2, N. J. Phone MArket 2-2803 PASSAIC Bishop McNulty “Make some little sacrifice Pope John was writing to present time when here and Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 9 to 12. p.m.; Saturday, a.m. Pierre Cardinal Gerlier there will give the keynote address every day,” they say. “God of Ly- across the world, trou- Diocese of Paterson: at the annual provincial con- will ons. The letter was read bles reward you when you help at are breaking Out and Rt. Rev. William F. Louis gress of the Third Order of St. the suffering billions in mis- Msgr. the opening session of the five- throwing nations into confu- 24 DeGrasse St., Paterson 1, N. J. Phone Francis on June 10 at Mt. Car- sion lands who are sick in soul ARmory 4-0400 one take sion, thing must mel School auditorium. Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 9 a.m. 12. and body." p.m.; Saturday, to precedence over ail in the or- Donations to the Society for the the Mission Priest The Bishop will speak on These billions are dead spir- Propagation of der of urgency and prefer- TO BE “The Second Vatican Council itually. You can Faith are income lax deductible. two will be ence: it is that the help them to ORDAINED - These priests ordained missions, and the Third Order life for other Named destined Aposto- spiritually by giving them dioceses on May 26 at Sacred Heart Cathedral Bishop to bring the Gospel the late.” opportunity to know God, Boland. At left to pagans, act in a ef- by Archbishop is Rev. David M. Mangum TAIPEI, Formosa (NC)—An very Presiding will be Very Rev. through His missionaries. of ficacious way that leaves no five and a half hours for the No Ridgewood and the Archdiocese of Denver and at American missioner, Rev. Wil- Adelmo Maestrini, O.F.M. Eternal life room can be theirs he “but it Honeymoon right Rev. Michael P. Matarazzo of for any political compro- of the with journey,” writes, Cliffside Park and the liam F. Fupper, M.M., hag Cap., provincial Capu- your help. Give to the So- mise with mere earthly inter- was worth all the walking, for Them Diocese of been named of the new chin Fathers. The congress ciety for the of Trip for Lansing, Mich. Bishop ests, but that it make Propagation use 2 living here was the only Cath-' There Formosa Diocese of Taichung. will open at p.m. and there the Faith and recite the daily was no honeymoon for only of the name of the olic in the midst of an utterly The announcement of the will be separate panels for the mission Our the couple described here Church.” prayers —one of about 500. by Italian pagan population Rev, Robert creation of the new diocese, two language groups, Father, one Hail Mary and the Hymus, S.F.M., Will Ordain Priests He added that the missions “This man was a with another at and English. invocation, “St. Xav- baptized of Santo Domingo. He writes along Chiayi, Francis “should perform exclusively Catholic. His wife was a puts into relief the ier, pray for us.” Your alms pa- of the wedding, saying the af- sharp pic- the and the five little chil- functions of the Church.” go to the Holy Father for dis- gan, fair was witnessed only by the ture of Catholic growth on this WEEK-END RETREATS dren were unbaptized and had mission island. In 1949 all of Formosa THE CONGRESS tribution among the missions. gardener and house- For Denver, took place FOR THE LAITY Your God never seen a priest in their keeper, and that the bride Lansing was administered from one in Lyons to honor Pauline t prayers go to for the salvation of lives. The children all ran "came in her housedress and NEWARK apostolic prefecture. Today it who founded the So- SPEND A WEEKEND WITH QOD mankind. Archbishop dies at St. Philip Ncri School Jaricot, when saw me, but the they the groom in his threadbare Boland will ordain two for has an archdiocese, five dio- ciety for the Propagation of father priests Delayed Vocations, Boston, For: MEN, WOMEN, recognized my cassock pants and tattered ceses and a the Faith and Town's Only Catholic coat. from North Jersey for the John Carroll University, Cleve- prefecture. who began her and came toward HUSBAND and WIFE swiftly me, the was 79 Father work here. "Bartolina, bride, Archdiocese of Denver and land, and the Theological Col- Brooklyn-born Kup- — Not on his knees and kiss- 8u.1n0.. Women: June IP to July 1 Forgotten falling years old and Euloglo, the the Diocese of Mich., of Catholic per, 53, had been prefect of John said the Lansing, lege University. Pope meeting Huibond and Wlfo: July 17 to IP ing my foot. 90. ‘Do take Bar- the Pre- Going into the of groom, you on May 26 at Sacred Heart Taichung Apostolic was an tribute jungles His first Solemn Mass will appropriate to Conducted by tht monk* ol “I was very moved this tolina for your lawful wife?’ fecture since its establishment Ceylon, a missionary happened by Cathedral. the society’s founder. He re- Saint Poul'i be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Abboy on a little and tears of joy came to my ‘Say yes,’ said she, and the in 1951. The mis- village. “It took me The priests are Rev. David June 2 in Maryknoll called that she had conceived Ploaio mako reservation. oarty. not Epiphany, Cliffside eyes when he, who had groom meekly answered, M. sioncr came to China the year the idea Mangum, son of Mr. and Park. of her family Write for Information toi to the Sacraments for ‘Yes.’ And well he Archpriest will be Rev. asking gone might, for Mrs. Leonard J. of he was ordained, 1933. In and friends to Mangum William S. contribute a DIRECTOR OF RETREATS years, told me: ‘Father, now their 26 children agreed to Sesselman, pastor. 1948 415 East Glen Ave., he was named superior of a week to Stanton Ridge- Deacon and subdcacon penny propagate of Bishop I believe the story I learned the wedding. will be Quton Poaco Rot root HouM wood, who will be ordained for Rev. James the Maryknoll community in Catholicism in mission areas. J. Ferry of St. Paul'. N.J. when 1 was a little boy, that “There was no honeymoon. and Michael Epiph- Hong Kong. Each Abboy, Newton, In Saddle Denver, Rev. P. any and person she contacted Brook went out Bartolina to Rev. Henry Murphy, Christ in search of had hurry home Matarazzo, of Mr. and son S.J., of Fairfield Bishop Stanton will make the lost sheep and when He and prepare supper for the Mrs. University, Anthony Matarazzo of who will also preach the found it He children. Another case of chil- ser- an appeal on behalf of the was happy. 266 Lawton Ave., Cliffside “ dren the mon. Society for the Propagation ‘I have been out of the leading way to the Park, who will be ordained for true faith!” of the Faith on May 20 at Church for years and never Lansing. ' In Time of Need St. Philip the Apostle, Sad- thought that you or any priest Converts FATHER Negro dle Brook, Rev. Thomas J. would come in search of me. Vocations Needed MANGUM attend- ed Park School Consult Your Catholic Kenney, pastor. And.now I cannot bear it any Ridgefield High Funeral Director InPuerto Mission Aim Bishop Stanton wishes to longer.’ He then made his Rico and St. Peter's College. He his confession and This 44 Puerto spent two in the Army BAY SAINT Miss. Whose and accord express deep gratitude I am now try- year Rican years LOUIS, careful understanding service is in with to and 22 and then began (NC) - Divine to Father Kenney and to ing get the marriage regu- Cuban seminarians are theological Word Mission- the traditions Mother Church the other pastors of the larized and the children bap- studying at Scminario San II- studies at St. Thomas Semi- aries from five states pledged of Holy themselves archdiocese for their coop- tized. defonso, the diocesan semi- nary, Denver. anew here to the eration in making these nary at Aibonito, Puerto Rico. conversion of the American ap- “Oh, my only dream is to His first Solemn Mass will The need is great for peals possible. touch the hearts of these pa- priests be offered at noon on May 27 Negro. in Puerto Rico, for a MURPHY HOME NECKER-SHARPE gans with the love of Christ.” popula- in St. Francis, Ridgefield At a three-day meeting with FUNERAL tion of 2,500,000 needs 2.500 Park. Archpriest will be Rev. their provincial, Rev. Robert BERGEN COUNTY GRACE MURPHY, Director FUNERAL HOME priests. Now there are only 68 James M. Coyle, pastor of St. C. Hunter, S.V.D., the pastors ' 301 ROSEVILLE AVENUE 525 45th STREET Puerto Rican priests and 455 Francis. Deacon and subdea- of 38 Negro parishes and mis- N. J. UNION CITY, N. J. priests from other countries. THOMAS J. DIFFILY NEWARK, con will be Rev. John J. Land- sions in Arkansas, Louisiana, HUmboldt 3-2600 •UNion 7-0820 The students at San Ildefon- 41 AMES AVENUE ers of St. Francis and Rev. Mississippi, Texas and Cali- UNIon 7-0120 so — the future priests of RUTHERFORD, N. J. WOZNIAK James Donoghue of Pitts- fornia reviewed efforts by Puerto Rico and Cuba — look burgh. The preacher will be their order since 1905 WEbster 9-0098 MEMORIAL HOME to for the RIEMAN FUNERAL HOME you for prayerful support Rev. James of Denver. Ryan Negro’s conversion. HENNESSEY 320-22 Myrtle Avenue 1914 NEW YORK AVENUE and for any financial aid you The missionaries N. can offer, and they ask that FATHER MATARAZZO at agreed that FUNERAL HOME Irvington, J. UNION CITY, N. J. one of the Church’s most win- Conrad & you “Please pray for more tended Cliffside Park High 232 KIPP AVENUE Ray Woznlak, UNion 7-6767 Puerto Rico vocations.” School and from ning external attractions for Oirectori was graduated HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N. J, Cross served the Negro is vigorous insist- ESsex LEBER FUNERAL HOME Holy College. He ATIos 8-1362 3-0606 Germans Raise two years in the Army and ence on racial justice implied 20th ST. & HUDSON BLVD. through GORNY then took his theological stu- integration. TRINKA FUNERAL SERVICE A GORNY UNION CITY, N. J. $11 Million MORTUARY UNion 3-1100 MAYWOOD - BOGOTA 303 MAIN STREET BERLIN (RNS) - Catholics LITTLE FERRY EAST HOWARD J. in West Germany raised $11 Convent,Ni)rsery HUbbard 7-3050 ORANGE, N. J. BRENNAN million during Lent for the SchoolOis^ary ORange 2-2414 6414 BERGENLINE AVE. German Bishops’ Theae three Institutions will be of untold value hi VOLK FUNERAL HOMES WEST NEW YORK, N. J. Campaign the vil- V. of PA* A ' M INDIA. The l. MULLIN ft SON Against Hunger and Sickness, lage In faith of the young will be TEANECK: TE 6-0202 UNion 7-0373 now 976 BROAD STREET in its fourth year, it was safe-guarded by Catechetical In- BOGOTA: HU 9-2202 reported here. structions begun in Nursery School NEWARK, N. J. WILLIAM SCHLEMM, INC. and carried A smaller return this year- on through grammar JOHN J. FEENEY & SONS MArket 3-0660 2200 HUDSON BLVD. in comparison the $12.5 school the faith to mil- years; of many of 232 FRANKtIN AVENUE UNION CITY, N. J. lion collected in Lent of 1961— the elderly and others, it is hoped, PETER J. QUINN RIDGEWOOD, N. J. WILLIAM SCHLEMM, will be re-born was attributed mainly to a through the service Funeral Gilbert 4-7650 Director MANAGER for of the Dispensary. The will Christmas collection Latin building! 320 BELLEVILLE AVENUE not win souls for UNion 7-1000 America which netted about Christ—this will GORMLEY FUNERAL HOME be BLOOMFIELD, N. J. $6 million. accomplished by Uie devoted Sis- 335 UNION STREET 8-1260 ters who will live in the Convent Pilgrim and staff both the and Dis- HACKENSACK, N.J. School GORNY & GORNY MORRIS COUNTY The pensary . HUbbard 7-1010 Ho/y Father) Million Aid MORTUARY Family Life PAI.AYAM is situated in a hilly [or the OneuUil Church CLIFFORD H. PEINECKE 399 HOOVER AVE. and remote region of INDIA. For SCANLAN CONFERENCES many long years it has been Isolated from 1321 TEANECK ROAD BLOOMFIELD, N. J. SUNDAY. MAY 10 writ-developed FUNERAL HOMES Catholic Hlvtr Kdsc. St Peter*,. Hu.band- centers. FATHER SEBASTIAN POTTANANY. the WEST ENGLEWOOD, N. J. Pilgrim 3-8400 Newark Wife. 8 (HU 7 8283) Rev 781 p m An- pastor of SAINT Pompton Tpk. drew P. Jensen. newly appointed MICHAEL'S, the parish FRANCIS X. FAHEY, St. Francis FLOOD FUNERAL HOME Pompton Plains, N. J. I-Odi. de Sale,. Husband- church of PALAYAM, writes to tell us that wife 7:13 the religious in- pm ipn 0-4330) Rev difference Manager Andrew W. TE 5-4156 Vincent of a great many of the people is Flood, Mgr. Preatera. alarming. Deter- TE 7-2332 Northvalr. St Anthony*, Annual. mined to do about it SH 2-6433 something he invited the POOR CLARE 11 2 So. Munn Ave. 8 p.m. M,*r Waller G. Jarvai, SISTERS to School Monument* mode of granite from the Rock of Age* FRIDAY. MAY IS open a Nursery and Dispensary. Part of East Orange, N. J, Clark. St. John*,. BERMINGHAM Family Life In his letter reads; "Hoping in Providence and Progreaa. draining all 4 4445 Quarry E. L. Smith Barre Guild Monument*. 8 pm. Rev. Walter De- our ORange r Quarry bold. resources we have begun the work of ESSEX COUNTY FUNERAL HOME construction in earnest. SUNDAY, MAY 27 MArket 2-2530 A plot of four acres of land was purchased and Htlladale. St. John the Raptiat. An- the founda- 249 SOUTH MAIN STREET nual. 8:30 (NO tions of the buildings The CODEY'S VISITORS WELCOME p.m. 4-8703) Rev. are nearly completed. estimated cost FUNERAL SERVICE Walter Deßold GEORGE AHR & SON WHARTON, N. J. of the three buildings is $6,000. The I^addcl Ridgefield Park. St. Francla. Par- practicing Catholics of thr 69 HIGH STREET I Our FOxCroft 6-0520 manufacturing plant and ent and Maturing of loss 700 NYE AVENUE Child. 8 p.m. parish, aware the of faith in so many of 1 (HU their neighbors, BARRE showroom 329 7-5419) at Ridge Road, Rev, Joseph M. Doyle. their ORANGE, N. J. Scotch pooled life's savings and gave me IRVINGTON, N. J. I North is Plains. St. Bartholomew's. $1,500 to start the Arlington, open seven 4-7554 Psychological Development of work. Means for the cement, ORange week. Iron, roofing and masonary are ESsex 3-1020 I days a Child. B p.m. Rev. Nell J. Smith, PASSAIC Dr. Ann l.ucas. wanting. $4,500 is needed for these things and If this COUNTY [GUILD] I sum can HUELSENBECK SUNDAY, JUNE 1 be the obtained buildings can be completed.” REZEM FUNERAL HOME Plainfield, St. Mary's. Husband-Wife. MEMORIAL HOME The depth of faith of the good TH« BARRE GUILD Certificate of I 830 p.m. (PL 80085) Rev. John people who surrendered their 579 Grove Street QUINLAN FUNERAL HOME Caulfield. 1108 So. Ave. Guaranteed bv^ life's savings In order to save the faith of others Orange Quality it a binding guarantee to Nutley. St. Mary’s. Annual. Is edifying 8 p.m. Irvington, N. J. 27-29 HARDING AVENUE the Good (NU 7 1304) and Inspirational. We don't want to crush Newark N. J. purchaser and hit heirs for* I Housekeeping Rev. Francla J. Hough- their hopes of re- 6, ton. the In of their ESsex 2-8700 CLIFTON, N. J. ever and for all timet. No stronger kindling faith many neighbors and Karl W. Huelsenbeck PRECANA FOR THE ENCAGED strengthen- be written. June 3-10 St. ing the faith In their Can PRescott 7-3002 guarantee can I Bartholomew's, children. you help us gather the Director Scotch Plains. KL 3 3597. necessary to send STANTON FUNERAL June 3-10 money them? A donation In any amount will HOME Holy Name,’ East Or- ESsex 2-1600 HENNESSEY ange OR 2 1283. be gratefully received. For those who 661 FRANKLIN FUNERAL HOME might be able to send AVENUE ALBERT H. Inc. June 10-17 Jersey City, O. L. HOPPER, of a large amount; $1,500 will 171 WASHINGTON Victories. HE 3 0561. complete one of the buildings NUTLEY, N. J. CODEY'S FUNERAL SERVICE PLACE June 17-24 Holy Family. Nutley, MONUMENTS WY 1-2266-67 77 PASSAIC, N. J. • MAUSOLEUMS OR 2-1283. OF NOrth 7-3131 PARK STREET June 24-July SERVICE THfTqUKEN 32V-341 RIDGE ROAD NO. ARLINGTON, N.J. 1 _ St. Paul's PRescott 7-0141 (Greenville) BY THE VOWS of N. J, Jersey City. HE 3-9581. poverty, chastity, and obedience, THE MONTCLAIR, Cross Opposite Holy Cemetery HUSBANDWIFE RETREAT LIFE OF A MURPHY MEMORIAL HOME NUN Is one spent In the very Pilgrim 4-0005 May 23-27 Queen of Peace Re- special SERVICE GORNY & GORNY treat House. OF MARY OF THE 102 FLEMING AVENUE St. Paul’s Abbey. QUEEN UNIVERSE. In far away Newton India, i MORTUARY 01, 2-3272 or PL 5-1541. also of DECAPUA FUNERAL HOME part Mary's realm, there nre four Bills whoso love for NEWARK, N. J. and her Son has them the 269 519 MARSHALL STREET Mary led to Novitiate of the POOR MArket 3-0514 MT. PROSPECT AVE. CLARE SISTERS. 'They arc: SISTER FULOENCIA SISTER NEWARK, N. J. PATERSON, N. J. CARITAS, SISTER SISTER EMMANUEL, VICTIMA. It will JOHN F. MURPHY HUmboldt 2-3333 MUlberry 4-5400 cost $3OO to train each these MAKE YOUR MONEY of Sisters. Could for the WORK FOR YOU you pay 480 SANFORD AVENUE of of them? The entire GORMLEY FUNERAL training one amount does not have to HOME be all NEWARK, N. J. paid at once—you could send $l5O over of 154 WASHINGTON a period a HUDSON COUNTY PLACE year. If tills would be beyond your means ESsex 3-6053 perhaps you could PASSAIC, N. J. send invest one dollar a month to lie deposited In MARY'S it wisely through our RANK PRescott 9-3183 Mission Club JOHN J. QUINN a established to help pay tor the training ot james a. McLaughlin Novices. FUNERAL HOME LIFE INCOME MISSION CONTRACT 591 JERSEY AVENUE 323-329 PARK AVENUE OF SPECIAL CONCERN JERSEY CITY, N. J. UNION COUNTY at all the PALESTINE ORANGE, N. J. and you will receive limes are REFIT(IKES— the unfortunate OLdfield 3-2266 people who lost their homes and ORange 3-6348 livelihood at the time of the ARAB-ISRAELI War 1018 WILLIAM INC. in and are still living in exile In SCHLEMM, MASTAPETER 539 (iA/A. JORDAN, LEBANON and SYRIA During the KIERNAN FUNERAL HOME BERGEN AVE. A good rata of interest on An assured dependable income month ol FUNERAL HOMES May each year we appeal especially for funds JERSEY to carry on our 101 UNION AVENUE CITY, N. J. investment. as as live. 400 FAITOUTE AVE. your long you relief program for these poor people. Their dependence JOHN J. on us BELLEVILLE, N. J. CARTY, ROSELLE cannot he ignored and any donation that you can PARK, N. J. A send enables PLymouth 9-3503 MANAGER remembrance in the prayers and Masses of our us to continue this great CHestnut 5-1558 humanitarian work—the CAUF. OI PALESTINE HEnderson 4-0411 S.V.D. REFUGEES. For $lO we ran buy food Elizabeth 3-4855 missionaries in Japan and the Philippines. enough to FRANK McGEE ferd a family for entire month an or provide complete 'care for EARL F. BOSWORTH 525 SUMMER an orphan for a month. AVENUE WORRY NO 311 WILLOW AVENUE MILLER-BANNWORTH *fOI.OS£ _NQ ±ARE NEWARK, N. J. _ _ FUNERAL HOME ILv... ICS. .uutANGEU TO HAVE HOBOKEN, N. J. MASS uR B«nd Information HUmboldt 2-2222 me complete about your Life Income Mlaslon THE LOVED ONE YOU WILL BE 1055 EAST JERSEY ST. Contract A REMEMBERING ON OLdfield 9-1455 MEMORIAL DAY’ N. MURRAY OLdfield 9-1456 ELIZABETH, J. Name Age Elizabeth 2-6664 FUNERAL SERVICE BUNNELL FUNERAL HOME Address l&l2ear MICHAEL J. MURRAY, 41 Highland Ave. GORNY & GORNY JEbtOlissionsj^ Director City Zone Jersey N. J. MORTUARY State FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Pra.ld.nt City, 206 BELLEVILLE AVENUE Charles A. 330 ELIZABETH M»y. Joseph T. Stevens, AVENUE Ryaa. Nor'l w r BLOOMFIELD, N.J. N. Sood all coaiaiuaicafloat to: Manager ELIZABETH, J. R£V. FATHER s.v.d. CATHOLIC CATHOLIC NEAR EAST PI 3-2527 DElaware 3-6446 2-1415 RALPH, UNIVERSITIES WELFARE ASSOCIATION Elizabeth 480 Uxington Avo. of 46th St. Now York 17, N. Y. 316 N. MICHIGAN CHICAGO 1 For lilting in thii section call The Advocate, MArket 4-0700 LEARNING PROCESS - James Moore (standing), trustee of DePaul’s radio sta- tion and vice president of the Radio TheAift^eate instructs Ron Club, Mayer, who is working for his novice license. 13 May 17, 1962

Ransom Is Still Work of Mercy


I don’t like to see ransom but our cloak, to Invite to our to Fidel Castro’s paid com- tables those who do not have munist more than regime any the wherewithal to invite us in anybody else does. But when return? an appeal for funds for the ONE OF purpose is organized under THE trickiest proper auspices, I intend to temptations we face nowadays is give as generously as I can. that of tending to become much The reason is simple, and to too humanly calculating, to be too much me unarguable. Ransoming concerned with the captives is a very noble deed. “figuring angles.” We need It is included in the traditional to remind ourselves often that listing of what we call the somehow, what is called the of the seven corporal works of folly Cross is the exact mercy. opposite of folly. We can be Among the spiritual works of completely confident that it even mercy, furthermore, none is works, when we don’t see how it more touching than that of possibly can. comforting the afflicted. And For example, the Chinese are we will be comforting afflict- starving. And many an ed mothers and fathers, broth- honestly troubled person is whether we ers and sisters and wives and asking should feed friends, if we will help to re- them if their marxist masters PADDY SITLL store should decide to let us. RIDES - A power mower at St. Aloysius, Caldwell, is his mount now, but to them the prisoners Of course should feed long ago Paddy Callaghan rode Motor Car in the Dublin Horse Show and performed Castro holds. we talk them if we can. Is there any a feat they still about. FACT that THE VERY we room for doubt that Christ to see no material advantage would so advise us? us in ransoming Cubans —but 'Hams’ at DePaul in Green Pastures rather unrelieved material NEVERTHELESS, we can’t Jockey sacrifice should make this help asking, "Wouldn’t we all the more simply be strengthening the By ANNE MAE BUCKLEY horseman which he earned at a mountain.” cause appealing to hundreds of millions whom the CALDWELL— They still talk the shows in Cavan, Navan, Paddy boasts he’s “never our deepest sense of reli- Friends about the that gion. communists are planning to Making thing happened Castleblayney, Oldcastle, Cas- spent a dollar with a doctor,” Electronically What I is, after World use for our destruction as soon at Dublin Horse Show nearly tlepollard, Cootehill, Bally- and whefi he has rare cold mean ED WOODWARD a By transmitters and eight have a life-long hobby. War 11, could make a -as the arises?” you opportunity - .50 years ago the magnifi- jamesduff itself, and of he gets personal attention WAYNE Would you be In- receivers at home. of is that Chinese Ernest Ohlhoff, president cent feat performed by a course, Dublin, where he rode from Father Joyce. Once when worldly argument for pouring My guess a terested in meeting "the nicest "I usually work with it a the club, is one of the novices young man from Ballyjames- Motor Car and Mignionettc for Father fell ill while out money to help the late people with enough to eat in the world” Joyce people every day little before leaving for school learning radio as a hobby. duff. the Germans and would be much more to He was the chap who the prizes —andthen threw in on vacation in Florida. enemies, likely of the week? Twelve DePaul in the admitted “When overthrow the morning,” we contact people, we went to the judges and ac- the ride with the two of them took his Japanese and Italians, instead communists School students up Paddy a jet first High claim Frank Filipclli, the club sec- talk about the weather, kinds sword to than a sunk in the de- cepted his prizes for first, sec- for measure. and last ride be of taking the them, people are able to do that good plane to they just retary, in echo of Jim Moore's of equipment, we tell each oth- ond and third and or simply leaving them in their spair of creeping starvation. place, then, Here in the U. S. he worked with him. without leaving the school. "every second of spare time" the signal is coming in, to misery. as though celebrate, took for while of Paddy is a favorite But even if that is not so, Electronic history, as far as a at Queen Peace, great philosophy. or we might hook up phone to every hurdle on the course 1927 with the Sisters here No- You could appeal self-in- we can trust God. lie knows this diocesan school is North Arlington. In he too. young Jim and Frank are the only patches,” he explained. "But, terest by that if we with two of the winning horses hired the late body fixes things the way Pad- saying the future; we don’t. He sees concerned, was made at its was by Msgr. members with general li- it isn’t so much what we say riding one, the oth- at Im- dy does, and refused to go to their rescue, into the science fair. Radio Sta- leading John J. Gormley, then they claim, every deepest motivations of recent censes, which permit them to that makes it so much fun. It's er, keeping their gait perfect- there’s they would fall into com- human we don’t. If tion WA2-WNO made its first maculate Conception, Secau- February a birthday beings; transmit and receive. The oth- just being able to' talk to these munism, and added to the ly synchronized as they jump- Father cake baked for him be He to the good Samari- invasion of the airwaves. cus. Gormley came to specially points ers either have or soon will people so far away.” stone stone forces with which the Soviets ed wall after wall Caldwell in 1934 and mud- in the convent. tan and says go and do like- The industrious dozen who receive, novice licenses. Those to and the final 15 feet of hedge dled while scheme bury us. wise, then we make the Radio Club ITS FIRST TIME on the air,. through for a with- PADDY NEVER returned to can confidently up press- with general licenses instruct water. and out Paddy, but in 1942 the go and do, knowing that He ed some of their personal the others and guide them to- the club contacted hams in- Ireland; asked what his fav- I AM NOT saying that our Canal Paddy Callaghan, that man man from Ballyjamesduff ar- will make it all come right in equipment into use, enabling ward their novice and Texas, Haiti, Panama orite place in the world is, motivation was selfish; in general from is still to debut St. Florida and Ballyjamesduff, rived on the scene. the end. the station in conjunc- licenses. Zone, Louis, he’ll say, “Caldwell." most cases I don’t think it was. riding. Oh not horses he’s tion with the fair. Since then several local stations. When Father Gormley de- Still, his fame lived on in But certainly the threat of SOME READERS 84 now, and its been several have con- second-hand equipment has JIM INTENDS to obtain a The list of contacts has been parted for less-green re- Ireland after he left. made easier for city long communism it sidered me a for commercial years since he gave away his pollyanna been put into service. license, and make growing ever since. The club gions as pastor of St. Rose of years after, a most of to wisdom Twenty-five us see the saying that if we want to do radio. to last horse to a little girl. It's a a career of Others, with is striving keep pace, both Lima, Newark, Paddy stayed newspaper columnist in Dub- in spending for foreign aid. about “IT’S AN EXCITING thing,” power mower Paddy rides something communism, electronic careers as their in experience and member- on at where there lin his Dublin Caldwell, wrote up Horse But ransoming captive we should each remarked James Moore, vice now —and at his age, that is go through day goals, are learning much about ship. With energy to spare, were acres of grass to be tend- Show feat. Paddy still has the Cubans will be an act of purest of the club and sta- a feat as doing each bit of good that president their future work. Still others these men should reach well as the electri- of shrubs to be young ed, scores cov- clipping. altruism. We will donate mon- comes hand. tion trustee. "We spend fying display of horsemanship to All the same, just in the club may have acquired their goals. ered in winter and sprayed in It tells of crowds ey which we know will go to about every minute of our he put on in Dublin going I think I’m on the right track. in 1913. and azaleas and summer, ge- “wild with excitement" as a man who is blackmailing You and I can’t make the spare time with it. It gives us PADDY DOES HIS mowing raniums to be given his spe- they watched and satisfaction of .Paddy’s jumps us, our only satisfaction decisions that government the contacting on the rolling lawns at cial green-thumb treatment with the green two horses. It ends will be in doing right and in must make; we’re not in of- people all around the world. St. " Aloysius He also (and win a Garden Club it is feel they the parish. ... that pleasant to recall helping to give happiness to fice. We can’t do the job of the And we are does whatever else needs do- prize). Then after serving dur- of nicest in the one the most spectacular fellow human beings. Federal Bureau of Investiga- people world. Now can to to the tract you deposit up ing keep five-acre ing the brief pastorates of displays ever in Dublin What's ‘ You talk to all kinds of peo- given wrong with that? tion, or the Surete, or Scotland trim and Rev. Mamell and and blooming to keep Robert Rev. Show: when Paddy Callaghan do Doctors, lawyers peo- Didn't Christ teach us to Yard or the Royal Canadian ple. the church to gleaming, and Thomas J. McEncry, Paddy from Ballyjamesduff rode ple from about pro- good simply because good is Mounted Police; we weren't just every keep everything in the con- got anew boss, who, he tells Hughic Grey’s Motor Car, and good? Didn’t He instruct us, given fession have licenses.” vent in their work to do. But we running order. There everyone, “is like no boss at led alongside, and out Mignionettc of His mysterious divine can do the good that is ours A is another man to tend the all." Rev. Patrick F. the LITTLE MORE than a Joyce, jumped pair of them over wisdom, to walk the extra to do including helping to half school. says Paddy, “has heart and a ago, six or a like every fence on the course! ! !’’ mile, to not year give only our coat ransom Cuban captives. *15,000 Paddy is still built like a seven DePaul students decided jockey. He stands five feet to organize a Radio Club. four, and has never weighed With Edward Costanzo, a gen- in your more than Sees eral science teacher, as their 120 pounds. He has Bolivia Lost Without Priests unbelievably smooth, lightly advisor, they began to hold tanned skin, and small, lepre- By JERRY COSTELLO meetings. INDIVIDUAL “It's just a personal opinion, dur- chaun-like features. And just PATERSON A Bolivian They met each Monday of course, but I think the about the same amount of hair Bishop is making his tempo- ing club period, discussing ra- problems Bolivia faces are Savings Account as he had on that day of tri- rary headquarters here while dio and dreaming of their own worse than those of any South umph at the Dublin Horse he searches out one American station. American country. Dues were used to purchase and Show only now it's silver. diocese after another, in his “We appreciate the interest second-hand Paddy still does "a day’s unflagging hunt for priests to the equipment of the United States in South and Ann Joachim, the work.” Rather! It starts each serve his country. Sister America, but 1 think there is a principal, by morning at 5:30. It always in- Auxiliary Bishop Gennaro helped providing tendency to think the cludes early Mass and Com- M. 5.D.8., of LaPaz that a place for it. A small room Prata, whole continent is like one she had been using as a dark- munion. has other goals on his mind, „ There country. are many room was reconditioned and A bachelor who neither but the need for more priests *30,000 countries, and different the boys set up shop. smokes nor drinks, Paddy remains paramount. prob- lems in each one. Now they spend their club lives in a little house provid- “Your American dollars ed the and have been period as well as a couple of in by parish presides of incomparable "ONE OF OUR most impor- your afternoons each week with over his own kitchen. What value in helping us,” Bishop tant tasks is education. The kind of their project. a cook is he? Prata remarked last week dur- country is highly illiterate; “A I’ll it to JOINT or TRUST good one, say my- ing a visit Seton Hall Uni- perhaps 75% of the people can- MOST OF THE boys aren’t self!” “But if don’t versity. we have not read or write. Of course, finished with radio when they when asked Still, why he enough priests to sustain the this is one reason there is such leave the school. Five have Account never gave some nice girl the faith of our people, all will be a great vocation shortage. favor of his wife, lost.” becoming There arc others, too the Priest Writes And it all earns Emigrant’s generous dividends ... com- Paddy laughs uncontrollably family situation is not THAT PATERSON good, pounded quarterly—plusextra dividend days every month! and winds "I should bo for up, did them a one thing. There are many favor by his headquarters is natural in Musical Play staying single.” divorces and many illegiti- more ways than one. Bishop mate WOOD RIDGE "Dino Fal- births. The good exam- total PADDY HAS BEEN at St. Prata, a native has per year Italian, ple needed for vocations is caro,” a musical play written Aloysius longer than anyone cousins living here whom he /o LATEST lacking. by Rev. Vianney I.ongo, 0.F.- else. Nearly 20 When has visited (“This years. previously M., and based on a television QUARTERLY Paddy came, there were only is first ‘working’ he “BUT STILL my trip,” AND all, Bo- script by Reginald Rose, will DIVIDEND four Masses of a Sunday; he's observed with a smile). livia is CAMPUS heavily Catholic—9B% be at Assumption Au- m John J. staged seen the to need the Paterson Dio- VISITOR - Msgr. Dougherty, left, presi- of the 3%% regular,plus parish grow Then, too, people are baptized ditorium June 1, 2 and 3. dent of Seton Hall welcomes 10. cese has been the first University, Bishop Catholics. Vi% special, on among Auxiliary There are many in- Father Vianney, a native of Gonnaro M. Prata of on At St. Al's Paddy has watch- in the U. S. to take a direct la Paz, Bolivia, to the South dications savings deposit Orange on the surface Wanuque, has written 15 songs for four consecu- ed a generation grow up. One hand in supplying priests to campus. Bishop Prata is in the U.S. funds against it, but I believe there seeking priests, for the musical, which tells tive quarters of his came serve in Bolivia. Three Pater- and educational is pri- proudest days assistance for Bolivia. a great, deep religious spir- tiie story of the rehabilitation when Rev. Benedict or to the dividend Joseph, son priests have been selected it among our Bolivian of STILL ANOTHER people. a young delinquent. The 0.F.M., Cap., said his first by Bishop for reason Arriving on his present trip period. McNulty parish “That’s why I say it will not starring roles are played for the is to by and afterwards made a in the of Coroi- trip secure as- on Holy he Mass, duty Prelacy Saturday, spent only be American dollars that Helen Merritt of Wyckoff and sistance for public of and- will in anew Catholic Easter with his relatives be- acknowledgement co, depart early will save us from Brian Keenan of college in the town of Cocha- fore communism. Wood-Ridge. Paddy as “a man of the June. plunging into a schedule great You can build schools, and the A former saxophone player bamba. There are seven state which Church." When Father Bene- “He has been a great help, includes mission Russians with the bands of Lcs universities but can send teachers. Brown EMIGRANT in the country, dict was a of the great,” said. preaching each and boy parish Bishop Prata Sunday You can build hopsitals, and and Louis Jordan, Father Vi- this is the first Catholic insti- visits to named Peter Groeschel, it was “I that others may co- diocesan and college the hope Russians can send doctors anney was ordained in 1959. tution. It was in this connec- officials Paddy who’d sit in the school operate with us as fully as during the week, lie Industrial SAVINGS BANK and nurses. lie was director of dramatics tion that Prutu was at after hours and listen to the Bishop McNulty has." Bishop has already been through "But if you can send us while at St. Bonaventure Uni- Peter would be Seton Hall. most of the northeastern speeches pre- priests, you can suve our reli- versity and is now 51 Chambers Street 5 last 42nd WHILE NEW PRIESTS re- studying Street for the - "There are more students states, and his Seton paring high school ora- following gious in Hall Park main the spirit. And the Russians for a doctor's degree dra- Opnnaite City (Another inltince 10 East 43rd Street) torical he achieved. Bishop's primary here at Seton Hall,” the Hall interview he caught Mon. and Fri. 6 triuißphs a can send nothing that will matics at New York Univer- Open to P.M. Between Fifth and Madison Aicnuei concern, there are secondary “than plane for St. Louis. Mon. 7 And Paddy has a veritable Bishop observed, there match that." sity. Opi'n to P.M., Kri. to 8 P.M. to One of purposes his trip. of arc in all seven of Bolivia's litany “people 1 pray for Still to come are trips to Chi- them is to obtain additional fi- state universities." & every night,” which includes He smiled cago, Kansas City, and other 7th Ave. 31st Street nancial aid. the sick and the dead of St. when Msgr. John J. Dougher- principal cities. Opposite l’cnn Station "The church in Bolivia is 'S COLLEGE Open Mon. nnd FrL to 6:30 P.M. i_ and ty, Seton Hall's president, _ _ _. Aloysius a couple of other “I feel amost he like a tourist," and list very, very poor,” said. “It showed him a of parishes a long of drawing a he said □ Without with warm humor. "In Offers 78 Courses in obligation—tend literature on how I con start building o is difficult, I imagine, for new priests who arc his friends. you campus building and told cosh In Bolivia, you know, transporta- good reierve on Emigrant Savings Account. I am Interested In an to understand, but this is how While he was reciting of him it cost $2 million. O Individual Account Joint parts tion is still primitive for the Q Account Q Trust Account it is. My salary as is this litany he came to the part Bishop "For that money in Bo- most part, and so arc the TWO EVENING SUMMER SESSIONS and if that went, ”... and Mr. Ken- $lB a month, it were livia," he said, “we would he roads. Going from one not for the kindness of rela place Enclosed is $ nedy, and Mrs. Me . . ." able to Jo open an account build six buildings." to another here in I June 18 19 tives here, I don’t know what America, July □ In alone "You mean the President?” my name can just sit back in a plane. I would do. Muny BORN IN THE □ In name In for we asked. his parishes, of - 23 my trust “No, father,” province It is relaxing." July 23 August f no for in very □ In was Paddy’s reply. you know, have place Casserta Italy, Bishop Pra- my name |olnlly with J their priests to live. That is ta volunteered for mission THERE WILL HE little All College Students, men and women, Forward passbook to Q Mr. I I Mrs. O Miss CAME to PADDY. the U. S. why muny families whose sons duty and went to Peru to chance for relaxation if, in- MINT - in 1920, He left behind him his to on of their Dean have vocations the priest- study for the priesthood deed, Bishop Prata has much Accepted Approval farm and birthplace Car- hood insist they enter a reli- at a ABPMtt Salcsian seminary clianco now once he returns nin, outside Bullyjamesduff gious order that way they're there. Ordained in he to Bolivia. WRITE or PHONE for BULLETIN CIT * 1931, There is a stagger- ZONE. STATE in County Cavan. He left be- sure to have a roof over their was (Use Moll a teacher before his con- ing amount of work to be Registered when sendino cosh) hind JERSEY CITY N.J. also the reputation as a heads." secration 6, DElaware 3-4400 as a Bishop. done, and few to do it. Missel* PIDKRAL OKPOSIT INIURANCS CORPORATION

f 14 THE ADVOCATE May 17, 1962 Oops! The Year Is Ending Jerome Hines to Sing By JUNE DWYER and for the celebrating that is you are wishing for older The calendar your At Concert pages are turn- rightfully theirs. friends. Marylawn ing fast apd graduation day is The underclassmen are This is your chance to speak SOUTH ORANGE - Jerome Each slipping on us. The calen- received a gift from up thinking ahead to their own out and to have Hines of the dar also tells your thoughts Metropolitan Op- Mrs. Edward Sudol, president. us that it is May, big dayi And they are prob- mean something to others. We era Company and his Mary’s month—and that it is also wife, ably thinking of how will print the winning speech—- Lucia will be St, Vincent Academy, New- tinle for to much Evangelista, the us announce anew they will miss the ark - Mri. Wilbur eighth and if we have the space the featured Kratt will contest. performers 'in the graders—on the baseball dia- second and third be installed of the place win- fifth annual concert sponsored as president Addie added up all of our on the basketball mond, court, ners also. of the Mothers’ Guild May 21. Other thoughts and decided to have by Marylawn Oranges serving Mass, as friends. new officers are Mrs.. Ed- May 23. The performance will a Year’s End contest that THE YOUNGER boys and ward ALL be held in the auditorium Kane, Mrs. Vito La- featured both graduation and RIGHT, graders. You girls from kindergarten at 8:30. mola, Mrs. Mario Parran, our beautiful tell us about it. Write us queen, Mary. a through the fourth grades—- Mrs. Francis Lo Biudice and that would Other Metropolitan speech you like to might not be thinking too Opera THE BOYS and from to the performers include Robert Mrs. Frank Giovine. girls give graduating class much of graduation yet. But. the fifth through the eighth with all of Moulson, Salvatore Bac- Benedict’s your feelings put we know they have been tenor; St. Prep, Newark grades nave been thinking into words. If are caloni, basso Arthur Patrick A. Guzzo of you leaving thinking of Mary, Our Bles- buffo; East about graduation even tell us what Budny, and longer you would say to sed Mother, during May—her baritone; Alex- Orange is the new president than we have. If this ander is their your classmates who are leav- month. Alexay, pianist. ' of the Fathers’ Club and alsd big year have Dr. and Mrs. they already ing with you. If you are stay- We are asking you to draw Arthur J. chairman of the father-son made plans for high school ing behind, tell us the us D’Alessandro are chairmen dinner for things a picture of that Lady you set May 29 at the love assisted by the Theodore Lan- Park Newark. so much. Try to show us Military Hotel, gans and the Frederick Lun- with your crayons or pencils Speakers will include Peter Advocate Club or your paints tvhat you think cnburgs. Carlesimo, Scranton Universi- Young the athletics Queen of Heaven would St. Vincent de Paul, Stir- ty director, and look like. You may draw her ling The PTA musicale is Msgr. Thomas J. Conroy, pas- CONFRATERNITY four picture under one of her girls above are the winners of the first school tor of Sacred Vails- titles, FIRSTS - The high scheduled for May 25-26 at Heart, or you simply draw scholarships offered by the of Christian Doctrine on the of burg. Year’s may Confraternity basis an ex- 8:30 in the auditorium. Titled, End Contest Mary. > amination. Archbishop Boland is shown talking to, left to Ann ‘‘Americana, A Musical Melt- •' right: Mary MacPhee, ' i Try to draw your picture Corpus Christi, Hasbrouck Patricia St. West Maureen the show is directed . Heights, Pilia, Joseph's, ing Pot,” SENIORS: and from the with dove and the Orange; Summer School (Boys girls fourth through the put time O'Brien, Our Lady of Mountainside and Francine Mt. by George Ippolito of Summit. and Lourdes, Allert, Carmel, Jersey City. eighth grades) Write a speech of 150 words or less that effort into it that would The scholarships were presented at the Office the Mrs. Henry Kaufmann is In Maine would like to deliver to the make Chancery by Archbishop. you eighth grade graduating your picture a present choreographer and Phylls Car- The Benedictine Monk) of If. class. fit for a queen. lini is musical director. Mrs. Anselm's Priory School, Weshlng- ton, O.C. JUNIORS: (Boys and girls from the THE WINNER in PTAs Robert Brown is chairman. announce a summer kindergartenthrough each di- Bergen couras at St. Oratory's Summer the fourth Draw School, York Harbor grades) a picture of Mary, Our Blessed vision will receive a check for Most Sacred Heart, Wel- Malnt. Mother. $5 and a first place certifi- To Meet May 22 lington Eleven mothers who About twenty-fivo boys will bo accept ad tor tutoring cate. There will also be $3 and have children who or remedial RIDGEWOOD are Sisters work for seventh through ninth $2 checks The Bergen for the next win- were honored at the mother- grades. Classes will be In the County Federation of the Cath- ■nominal summer activities In the ners in each division. Communion break- olic Parent-Teacher Associa- daughter afternoon) study periods In the We also will send honorable fast by the PTA ovanlnt. Soys will have personal tions will meet at Our Lady sponsored supervision and Instruction by mention certificates to the 50 on Mothers priests of St. Anselm's of Mt. Carmel here 22 Day. Priory. and each May at boys girls in divi- were: Mrs. Jason 8:30. ' They Tuition, room, and board for the sion who are the almost-win- period Juno 1* Rev. William P. Woodbury, Mrs. Henry Zim- August IS Is in the Devine, $4OO. Parents ners group. The certifi- noch, Mrs. Edward Interested may Bergen County CYO modera- Smith, write or phone. cates are nice enough to will Mrs. John Sakacs, Mrs. Clare frame. tor, speak on grade parties dancing and dating. Petty, Mrs. Karol Sudol, Mrs. HEADMASTER That’s it for this week. Start Thomas Koczwara, Mrs. now to make PRIORY SCHOOL your tribute to George Tlusty, Mrs. John Jas- RULES: Entries are to be sent to June V. or speech St. Dwyer, Young Mary your to the Mary’s Girls kot, Mrs. Rocco Marino and Wash. 17, D.C. LA 6-6060 Advocate Club, 31 Clinton St., Newark 2, N. J. graduates. We’re starting to Mrs. Sal Dorando. get headquarters ready for Go to All entries must be in by Wednesday, June 13, and must Detroit the biggest Young Advocate mam ,n the Foolhillt of tha Whitt Mountains be accompanied by this coupon or by /a copy of it. mmm Club contest in history—don’t ORANGE Four student NEW HAMPSHIRE let of Your entry makes you a member. Prizes of $5, $3 and us down. nurses St. Mary’s Hospital $2 will be given in each division. v School of Nursing here will at- CAMP tend the National Student NOTRE DAME Caldwell to Offer Nurses’ Association convention NAMASCHAUG SPRUCELAND in Detroit May for 18-21. They BOYS Ages 6 to 16 for GIRLS Courses are: Theresa LAKE SPOfFORD June Pivola, Mary on on GRANITE LAKE Norton, Leone Connors and $2BO SEASON $320 CALDWELL Caldwell Col- Barbara Tozzi. $155 FIRST 4 WEEKS $lB5 FACE lege will offer seven credit TRAFFIC ! $l5O SECOND 4 WEEKS $175 courses during an intersession scheduled for June 1-21, with CAMP ST. JOHN Boy*’ Pre-Season Period $4O most classes meeting 9 a.m. fines' Equipment Booutiful Wotorfront Motor* Supervision 6-10 Modern Focllltiq* In Each Cabin at noon May 21-24. Boy» Girls 6-14 Sonltory - Physician In Attendant*

• • • , » Balanced and ••V.T.V' V The registration will be Meals—Resident Chaplain Registered Nurse at Each Camp JULY 1 to AUGUST 18 For v.v • • • The courses offered are: art (Boys) Booklet Writ*' (Girls) •.v.v»V.v.v/ r.'.y JOHN appreciation, hygiene, health E. CULLUM MR. & MRS. ALFRED J. SKIDMORE :vW/A"vV.V.V,mmmm iXSe Activities include swimming, av.w. 79th in. the elementary school, 213 St.. No. Bergen, NJ. .113 N. Broadway, Y. hiking, terinis, archery, pic- Hlcksvllle, N. methods of arith- UNIon $-2531 UN teaching nics, boating, hay rides, vol- or 9-127$ PErshing 1-2740 or Wells 8-1500 metic in the elementary leyball, softball, school, French campfires, phonetics, an- movies, and other and dramatics, alytic geometry geology. Rates THE derived soft round games. $3O per Week. from - MITRE - is a cap creased on BOYS and GIRLS 6 to 16 Write for brochure. Age* the crown much like soft hat without St. E’s Names a present-day a brim, and with a circular band tied around the base with Guest House, for Women— OFF ends TO CAMP hanging at the back or sides to tie under the chin. Writing Winner July 1 to August 18 Cardinals, Bishops, Abbots and Protonotaries Apostolic CONVENT - Kate Bcgnal have a right to wear it. So great has been the transfor- SISTERS OF ST. JOHN ST. JOSEPH of Waterbury, Conn., a junior, mation of the mitre the during past 800 years that it is THE BAPTIST Seaton: July 3rd to August 28th has been awarded the 1962 almost impossible to realize that there can be any con- ALL SPORTS Cecille Sullivan Memorial nection the Gladstone, New Jersey INCLUDING between original round cap and the tower-like award for creative at WATER-SKIING, SAILBOATING, writing mitre of the 18th Peapack 8-0640 the College of St. Elizabeth. century. GOLF ON PREMISES The a scholar- WALK award, partial • for Separate campt boys and girls shores of 100- ship, was instituted in 1959 by on,oppoi!te private acre lake. Dr. lan editor of NEW B'LVD Vacation Mininberg, Fun At • 1300 acres of healthful scenic woodland ot 1700 foot altitude ON Keyboard Jr. magazine, in Individual LEFT • cobint; one counsellor for 6-8 - - campers memory of his late wife, POOL an • Experienced, mature counsellors instruct and carefully supervise alumna of the <35 College of St. all campers Elizabeth’s. DAY CAMP • Reasonable AIL-INCLUSIVE for CYO CAMPS rates 8 or 4 weeks; convenient payment plans available NATIONAL REMINDER Thomas Crikelari and Kevin For Girl* & 41^-13 I Boys • s St. Joseph is open throughout the year; parents are welcome to visit Butler of St. Catharine's, Glen made a Attend ot time Rock, poster two 2,000 • NEW POOL FOR any which years ago won a in the American Auto- For illustrated prize 1 DAY CAMPERS catalog and rates, write or phone: mobile Association regional contest. This month the So. Fair Director of Camps, Saint Sullivan Orange !« Excluil** Uaa of Blvd Arena ■ Josephs, Cos., N.Y., will !• All Art* CAMP CHRIST poster appear throughout the country and Canada Smarts. Dramatic*, THE KING (Boys) Monticollo 770; New York City 9-5800 SOUTH ORANGE Over Craft* TWining as the of the month. kt Mature Staff—Teacher Coacht* THE IDEAL CAMP lor Catholic Camps conducted by th« Sisters of S*. Dominic of poster 2,000 persons, the largest boys 7 to 74. Located on AmltyvilU '• Transportation beautiful Mrmbsr of fhs Notional Catholic Association crowd in its six-year history, Arranged 163-acre tract In Klftatinny Mountains, just outside Camping .• Individual Swim Initructlon attended the eighth Blalretown, N.J. Fine lake, modern elevated all grade fair cabins, sports, !• Rainy Day Indoor Program arts and crafts, Seminarians at Our Lady of Sorrows here nature study, etc. serve as coun- Young Advocate Club • Nutrltloua Lunch** May 12. Chairmen of the eVent selors. Resident priest and nurse. Tutoring. Older boys In (For Information Call flcrnlo Ockene. DOMINICAN BOYS CAMP separate cabins. Full were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Former Aaat. Haaketballl Coach at July, $lBO. Aug., $l7O. Season, $3OO. Jordan and Mrs. and Mrs. kSt. I’cter‘e College. STAATSBURG-ON-HUDSON-NEW YORK LOCATION- 258 * ocres ... on Rout* 9 II miles North el CYO Contest Charles Wagner. HE 7*34)4 ... N.V.C CAMP TEGAKWITHA - HOUSING. ¥ (Girls) Newly built (1958-40,1 dormitorlee; each with Camp Proceeds will go to the i Write Box 141, Bayonne, N. J. own lavotorie. ON N.w and hot ihowiri. building fund. LOCATED J.ri.y'. moil beautiful natural lake, Lak. Boys: Write an article in 150 words or less COUNSELORS: XAVERIAN BROTHERS on "Why 1 Hopatcong, Camp T.gokwitha off.r. a ptann.d of program All Would Like to Go to Christ the Sports . Huge Filtered Peel Camp King." whol.tom# actlvltl.., fun and matur. guldanc. for Catholic . . Swimming . . . Archery ■MM High in the Catskills of Sullivan »iflery County 7 to 15. Modern . . . Tutaring . . . Registered Nurse Girls: Write an article or girl. .l.vat.d cabins, car.fully prepared in 150 words less on 1 meal., SEASON: ta "Why / July 1 August 2ith (8 Weeks) Would Like Go LET'S GO TO CAMP! r.ildent prle.t, traln.d coum.lort, congenial atmo.ph.r.. to to Camp Tcgakwitha." RATES; Full season Had Two week., $9O. Four S29S. season $l4O THIS SEASON JUNE 26-AUG. 21 week., $l7O. Eight week., $3OO. WRITE: Riv. H. Age: 7-14. R. Barron, O.P. BOTH CAMPS CONDUCTED BY THE NEWARK CYO 869 Lexington Ave., N.Y. 21, N.Y. Prizes: Two will win a free month each boys at Camp CAMP ST. ANTHONY t Write for brochure.: Phone: RHinelander 4-2080 (4 to 8 P.M. Christ the King. Two will win a free month each at Only) girls WE URGE FOR 7-14 INSPECTION AND Camp Tegakwitha. GIRLS COMPARISON Next to God child CYO 101 PLANE naturo nearer to your bloiiomi. Nawly built Coblni. CAMPS, ST., NEWARK, N.J. A cabin shower, lavatorial provided Counselors Collage trained VK Name \ CYO & Newman club memben Varied fed lake Age Sporti Spring There it a Catholic Camp for Hike* Some ipecial event! Roaring twentiei Chriitmai In July Boys costing only $30.00 Address a wook and worth twice that Blueberry festival birthday night Infirmary Regiitered Nune amount. City Phyiician Supervised - Mon Sunday & Holy Day Volunteary Roiary 5 P.M. Shrine The Daily ot campers travel to and from our de- CAMP SAINT ANDREW , School Town parture point under staff supervision. CAMP ALVERNIA£ TUNKHANNOCK, PENNA. Teacher Write for Brohcure Mrs. Jeanne Spomortd by tho Z. Ferraiuolo, R. N. Box 12 Whippany, N. J. 105 PROSPECT ROAD Dlocau of Scronlon —with Samlnarlan-Countalori Parish assign'd of fholr TU 7 1904 FO 6-9152 JE 9-5437 as part training for tho Priastthood. ■ xcapflonal Program and Cara. - LONG Fadlltlas. Inspection Invited June 3 1962 Your Picnic lunch 10 - J CENTERPORT, ISLAND, N. Y. □ I am a member □ I would like to join Bring P.M. 1886-1962 Raolttrallon cloaat In May 76 YEARS OF CAMPING FOR BOYS Season June 30 to Aug. 25 THE IDEAL CATHOLIC Rules: Entries should be mailed to CYO Camp Contest, CAMP FOR YOUR BOYI Write: Rev. Andrew J. FOR - McGowan c/o The Advocate, 31 Clinton St., Newark 2, N. J. BOYS, 6-14 THREE AGE GROUPS 300 Wyoming Scranton, Penna. LITTLE FLOWER Seatoni June 10 Avenue., Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, June 6. - August IS I Rilgg: ts ~<>> Registration. »100. pgr 1 weeks. «I*o month. >o< Each entry must be accompanied by this coupon or by a per 1170 per Season copy of it. CAMP .ncntcd on beautiful Centerport Harbor on the North Shore ol lona .land - only 40 miles New _ Information: further information on the Iron, York City Modern "bins and For camps write to: facilities noted for excellent food well-balanced, organised nro- CYO 101 Plane N. 11,111 nr

LINDEN Court Our Lady Mendham a of Mothers' Fatima, Catholic Daughters Offers Prayerful Day of MENDHAM A of lies America, presented awards group for a whole weekend,” the women will be for God and us.” to the meeting body except winners of its mothers—not morn than Mrs. poetry young Hess said. Father Kelley the fourth time. The program starts at 10 contest. and 25 married not more than agreed but the matter was s.m. with Prizes confessions and were given to: Divi- 15 years—will be making a dropped. “OUR BIGGEST Mass. sion problem, It concludes with Bans* 1 (fourth through sixth day of recollection May 17 at But the of thought kept com- course,” said Mra. Paroby diction and dinner at 5 p.m. grades), Kathleen Schleckser, the Villa Pauline here. It Is a ing back and in the Fall of i“is a St. babysitter.” She has aix “The best thing,” said Mra. John’s; Lisa Pampinto, St. special that has no or- 1960 group Mrs. Paroby called Fa- daughters and Mrs. Hess has Paroby “is that silence 1* tha Theresa’s; Joseph Gugiiotta, ganization whatsoever and has ther and asked Kelley if they five children. "But we need order of the St. and Kevin day.” Elizabeth’s, only a spiritual couldn’t have a them- purpose. v day for to take a little time out for Other groups interested In Wrigley, St. Theresa’s; selves A few years ago Mrs. Walter and their friends. The our spiritual life. Up in Mend,- forming should call Mrs. Pa- Also, Division 2 (seventh and Paroby and Mrs. Walter Hess, answer was yes and this week ham we forget about (SE eighth grades), Uarion Soko- every- roby 8-5202). neighbors in Fair Lawn, sneak- lowski, St. Elizabeth’s; Sandra ed away from their families Popovich, St. John’s; Larry and made a weekend retreat Lukenda, St. Theresa’s, and at Villa Pauline. While there Denise Del Gardio, St. John’s. they spoke to’ Rev. Bennet Mrs. Chester was Deptula of St. contest chairman. Kelley, C.P., Michael’s, Union City, who was retreat OPPORTUNITY master. THE PROVINCE of Newark FOR MEDICINE - Mrs. William J. Duffy, out-going president of the \ Seton Hall of Medicine includes the Archdiocese College and Dentistry's Women's Guild, presents a dental schol- “IF of Newark and arship to John J. Seton Hall ONLY there was a spe- suffragan sees Msgr. Dougherty, University president. Looking on are Dr. of Paterson Merrltte of cial day for us to make a re- Camden, and Maxwell, dean the medical school, and Rev. William N. Field of Seton Hall treat it would be so much Trenton. guildmoderator. easier than leaving our farai- Sisters’ Scholarships: ■*>> CAMPS ST. REGIS M. Teachers Receive EAST HAMPTON LONG ISLAND National Awards NEWARK - Not the North only Arlington, have been in- tina, math at the but University pupils, even the teachers vited to participate in the of Illinois. are winning scholarships these NDEA summer institute for Sister Mary Lucy of the Im- * * days. secondary school For For Girls 5-18 teachers of maculate Sisters, a graduate Boys SeparateCamps Ages Recipients of National De- The Spanish. former will at- student at St. Louis Beautiful setting includes mile-long sandy beach on Shelter Island Univer- fense Education Act grants tend the University of Califor- Sound, surrounded by miles of virgin forest. Clear, safe Salt sity, has been selected by the are Sisters M. Nataline, C.S.- nia, the fatter will Water Swimming, Crafts all go to Ro- there Sailing, Horseback Riding, and sports. and M. speech department to as- A.C., Eugenia, C.S.- sary College, River Forest, 111. MODERN FACILITIES sist in anew experiment. «. EQUIPMENT TUTORING AVAILABLE A.C., both teachers at Holy SISTER MARIAN A National Science Founda- Rosary Academy, Union City. Jose, as- leading Staff composed of mature, experienced In the tion has experts Sister sistant chemistry fellowship been camping field Including Frank "Bo" Adams, former Ferdham Nataline will study professor at the of St. awarded to Sister Ursula Ma- Basketball Coachr Don Kennedy, Director of Athletics and Italian at Central Connecticut College Elizabeth, Basket- rie of the Sisters of Charity. A ball St. Peter's State New has received a Coach, College. College, Britain. post-doctoral teacher Sister research grant to attend the chemistry at St. Pet- * Jesuit Chaplain * Private Chapel • Medical Staff Eugenia will study er’s High School, New Bruns- French at University of Glasgow, Scot- v SEASON - PLAN Rutgers. $495 TUITION land, for nine wick, she will do graduate Sisters M. Isabel, S.S.J., and weeks this sum- work in that subject six weeks VISIT Anne mer to continue work in nu- & SEE FOR YOURSELF Beatrice, S.S.J., of for three BRAZILIAN cleic acids. The summers. MISSIONARIES - The Religious Teachers Filippinl pictured above with 'Mother Queen of Peace High School, grant was Carolina OR WRITE OR PHONE FOR INFORMATION made by Ciba Pharmaceutical Jonata (seated), provincial superior, left recently for Sao Paulo, Brazil, to NEW ORLEANS (establish- the first DON KENNEDY Cos. open Brazilian foundation. The deft to „ community's Sisters, right, are Sister n ed 1793) was the second dio- Elena St. Peter's College ‘ Sister _ Last Ruggeri, Sister Rosmunda Rohr, Patti, vicar; Sister 27 Uw,r Cro, Rood„ , September Sister Mary Margaret Geragh- 2641 Hudson Blvd. ‘ cese in the U.S. CDA Elects Marian Jose was one of four ty, and Sister Josephine Di Raimo Jersey City 6, NJ. Saddle River, N.J. Americans, and the only wom- DElware 3-4400 DAvis 7-1479 an, to attend a symposium in Miss Gorman Gottingen, Germany. She is If Your Are Under 80 auarasrgs co-author of two scientific works. You Are Not Too Old

Of Bayonne FULBRIGDT AWARD win- ATLANTIC CITT < For Life Insurance At ners are Sisters Eugene Ma- CAMP the ALVERNIA& stata convention of the rie and Theresa Alma of St. Let us tell you how you can Catholic Daughters of Michael’s MOUNT ST. FRANCIS High School, Jersey still apply for a $l,OOO life insur- America held here, Flor- City. Sister Eugene Marie will ance policy to help take care of RINGWOOD, NEW JERSEY ence Vj Gorman of Ba- attend a seminar for Ameri- final elected expenses without burdening consitutes 132 acres of yonne was state re- can teachers of The Camp heavy woodland and history at the your Once gent. Miss Gorman family. your applica- hills of the Mountains. Surrounded an- Institute D’Etudes Politique at Ramapo by pictur- nounced that tion is approved, the policy can daring the the University of Paris. Sister esque beauties of nature. It is an ideal place for girls be carried the rest of your Ufa. past two years the 102 Therese Alma of will attend a today to spend their leisure time. coarts In New Jersey have seminar for American teach- No one wiU caU! Handle entire- Swimming, Boating, Basketball, Hiking, Gymnastics, contributed to over $90,000 ers of Spanish at the Univer- ly by mail with OLD AMERI- Camp fires, Music, Dramatics, Volly-Ball, Bicycle charity. Riding, sity of Valladolid, Spain. CAN, the company that Other officers' include helped Water Cycling, Movies, Roller Skating and Television, Under National Science pioneer insurance for senior Arts and Indoor Games Mrs. Walter Block, Andn- Foundation Crafts, for Rainy Days, etc. grants, Sisters M. Americans. bon; Mrs. John Gannon, Gervasia and M. Justina of SEASON: JULY Ist to AUGUST 18th Perth Mrs. Charles Send address Amboy ; College for the Im- name, and year (7 Weeks) - AGES 5 to 13 Scanlan, Paterson, and Dr. of birth Old maculata Sisters, West Pater- to American, 4900 E. Cecelia Kernan, Union. LUNCHEON L 512 Kansas $5O per week— $350 per season son, will attend science Little of Oak, Dept. C, City and FUNDS - The Sitters the Poor Auxiliary a check to Good Fee Gnests at the convention mathematics Mother Ines of presented 12, Mo. $lO Registration (New Campers only) institutes. Sister Paterson as a result of the anual luncheon. the included Bishop Btanton, spring Making presenta- M. Gervasia will tion left to Mrs. CONDUCTED CDA study biology were, right, John J. McBride, Mrs. John J. McDevitt, and Mrs. BY CAPUCHIN SISTERS chaplain. at Vanderbilt president; University, Gellene. Nashville Alfred For information write to: and Sister M. Jus- "THE SACRA) REV. SISTER DIRECTRESS HEART OF JESUS YO 2-7411, If no answer YO 2-7923 Caldwell Elected Approved members of the National Catholic Camping North Junior Association and the American Camping Association. Jersey Date Book By Automobile About 45 mile* from G.org* Washington Bridge Collegiate Press Prexy MAY 17 8 HOBOKEN Carolyn bingo, p.m., parish hall; Mrs. Helen Klein, Cap- and received honorable men- New Rochelle College, Garden State Alumnae— rio of West CAMP ST. VILLA HACKETTSOWN, chairman. Caldwell, a junior tion as the editor of the year. "THE SACRED lift' JOSEPH'S NEW Luncheon-fur fashion Chanticlcr Caldwell JERSEY show, noon, Junior Seton League at College, was elect- Anniversary (23) dinner, MISS an HEART OF MARY"! A 43rd Mason Millbum; Mrs. W. Robert Sinclair, Mrs. Rich’ The ed president of the New Jer- CAPRIO, English POt BOYS Completely Staffed Xavarlan 6:30, Arch, Short Msgr. John J. by Brother* ard Horner, chairmen. Proceeds Hills; major, is a graduate of La- The best you are looking for in Haalth to scholar- sey Collegiate Press Associa- Site Dougherty, Seton Hall . University president, In Sanitation Supervision Recreation ship fund. tion 12 cordairc, Upper Montclair. honored guest. Frances chairman. May as the 26 mem- Dimensional WALL Ciccone, addition to as editor PLAQIES MAMMOUTH SWIMMING Bayley Seton League Testimonial luncheon met at serving iMatllil POOL MAY 22 ber-colleges Stevens Unlit Ctriali-ritltl for of The Kettle, she will become ir lIU W Open Air Theatre Msgr. Thomas J. Gillhooly, Institute of I DEEP,lilt ■turn I Holler Skating Rink Vaat Ball Field moderator, on Court Sancta Maria, CDA sale, Knights Technology here. Pioneering Home Cooking and Bakery silver Penny literary editor of the anniversary of priesthood, Mayfair of Columbus Henry O. Wefing, editor of campus *OOO I *CSO INSPECTION INVITED PROM MID-APRIL ON Hall, Belleville; Mrs. Stanley The ImiNMp Farms, West Orange, 12:30. Mrs. Charles the literary magazine, Calyx, wiw O PM rniimZ. Weekly Rato: MO Seaton Rata 0310 E. Akus, chairman. St. Peter’s College news- next year, I | Booking for 3,6, 8 2 Garneau, South Orange, chairman. paper, Pauw Wow, i or fait vraaki—Seoaon from Juno 3Qih to Aug. 25th. Court Immaculate Heart of Mary, CDA was named St. Patrick’s Rosary, Mother’s Guild, Chatham— editor of the Miss Caprio is a member of Agai 6-14 Bavarian Mrs. year by the ORDINAL festival, 8:30, auditorium; the honor COMPANY For Information and Direction, Luncheon-bridge-fashion show, Bow and Ar- NJCPA. journalism society, Conault Robert Lewis, Mrs. Thaddeus imi lmin. i noun N,w Y ®RK Dunn Kocal. chair- iiuui. . OFFICE: Rev. Thomat West Pi Delta Epsilon. 3L / row, Orange; Mrs. Raymond A. Finley men. Elected *O7 Rett llrd St., New York M N„ Y. Tal.i Murray Proceeds to Catholic Relief Services. vice president of Hill MlO4 Jr., Mrs. Benjamin Jackson, chairmen. Sisters of St Ladies Guild the association was Nick See- Our Lady of All Souls Rosary, East lara Orange Dessert-bridge, 1 p.m., Koos Brothers, Rah- of Seton Hall University. CAMP MOTHER MAZZARELLO Luncheon-fashion show, school hall; Mrs. John way; proceeds for community library. Three other distinctions went NORTH HAIiDON, NJ. (Guait Houti For Woman) Ohnmacht, Mrs. John DiMais, chairmen. CAMP MAY 23 to Caldwell ST. College. Doris Pe- JULY TO AUGUST - WEEKLY RATE BENEDICT St. Rosary, Newark Calendar $33. Bergen-Paramus District Council of Catholic rella, a freshman, received a NEW party-fashion 8 Somi>Privoto Room», Food: Plonty and NEWTON, JERSEY - 50 MILES FROM show, p.m., school; Mrs. John Woll Proparod NEWARK Women Day of recollection, Carmel Re- cash award and a certificate Chapol, A for 7-15 P. Fenncran, chairman. treat Picturotquo Spot Boys Juno 23, 25 (Sat.) House, Oakland, 10 a.in.-4 p.m.; Rev. for a design which has been (Sat.)-Aug. $45. par wk. St. Mary’s CONDUCTED BY - Rosary, Denville Around the world Brice E. 10% Discount Tuition for Juno 23 - O. Carm., as the NJCPA on Registration July 7 7 Riordan, spiritual director. adopted seal. THE DAUOHTERS OF MARY HEIP OP CHRISTIANS dinner, p.m., auditorium. Court Miss Conducted Benedictine St. Paul's Cecilia, CDA Meeting, Kearny Sav- Caprio, managing editor Slilori of Si. John by Monks of Abbey MAY 18 (Saloilan Boico) ings and Loan Building, North 8:30; of tlie Caldwell Sacred Heart Arlington, College news- An: SISTER CARMELA, F.M.A. $375 PER SEASON Junior Rosary, Irvington Attend Mrs. Patrick Mariano, Mrs. James paper, The Kettle, won sec- 659 723 Bolmont N. Rnsldnnt Little Johnson, . Avo. Halodon, NJ. HAwlhorno 7-0452 PritiH; Stgltfortd Nurse; Snmlnorlan-Counin/lors; Modern Theater, East Orange; Mrs. .Joseph chairmen. ond place in the Harry S. Si- fatilUht; Cabins; Eifensive Property: All Spdiil Private Hurtuk, chairman. lain. 24 mon Horse bocic MAY editorial-writing contest Riding; Rllltry, Registered by N.C.C.A. St. Catharine’s Rosary, Glen Rock Retreat St. James Hospital Newark Card LIMITED ENROLLMENT - Guild, Writ, lor Brochuro to; (May 18-20), St. Joseph’s Villa, Pcapack. «. JAMES party, auditorium, 1 Mrs. Helen >ll// CRONIN, 0.5.8., CAMP ST. N Immaculatn p.m.; Schwab, BENEDICT, NEWTON, J Guild of Missionary Sisters of the chairman. German Tour Phono (Boforo Juno 20) DU 3-2470 (Aftor Juno 20) DU 3-3380 Immaculate Conception, West Paterson—Rum- Sacred Heart Cathedral Rosary, Newark Card mage sale (May 9 \\u///av>iti///, \v \n,. 18-19), a.m.-7 p.m., Mis- party, 8 p.m., Terrace Ballroom, For vVjii///.wm////v x vwu///..\111

GRAMMAR CHAMPS - KRUMEICH will lead the His competition at Engle- Msgr. Aloyaius S. Carney, national chaplain of Catholic War will come from John Veterans, the Essex track New Jersey Catholic Track wood presents County CWV and field championship trophy to Tom Bradshaw of Charles Evans Fallon, coach of St. Paul of the Cross (Jersey City). Joe Stella (left) and Tom DeAngelis, Hughes, N. Y., in the 100 and St. Paul’s co-captains, look on. from Kent Gorham of Field- Germann, Dowd ston and Mike Cucchiara of Bergenfield in the 220. Mc- St. Catharine's Bows Pirate Guinness, who won the Bergen Spark County 100 May 12 in 10.0 and lost the 220 by two yards to Frosh Squad Cucchiara, will be at the North St Arlington meet. Pauls Dethrones CWV YORK Champ NEW George Ger- SETON HALL may not have NEWARK Capturing first in of 10 events and the mann and Bobby Dowd led the eight relay top two teams was St. its top foursome of Bob place in 12 of 20 events, St. four of Seton Hall freshman squad to Dyke, 10 dashes. St. Joseph's Rose of Lima (Newark), St. A1 Fraenkel, Wyrsch and Paul of the Cross (Jersey (East a second-place finish in the Ray Rutherford) and St. Ca- Andrew’s (Bayonne), St. Jo- Vadim Schaldcnko intact for City) dethroned St. Catha- tharine’s each won a relay to St. metropolitan intercollegiate rine’s seph’s, Patrick’*, (Jersey the two-mile at (Glen Rock) as defend- championships last week at relay Engle- deny St. Paul’s a sweep of that City) and St. Ann’s (Fair wood, so coach Bill Persichct- ing champion in the third an- division. Randalls Island Stadium. The / Lawn). there are uncertain. nual Essex Catholic Pirates scored 48 to 66- ty’s plans County The points War Jersey City school’s in- St. Benedicts will use the Veterans invitational 5/8 for winning Fordham. dividual winners were Vince track meet meet as a test for the New for Xavier Senior Dowd, who is apparently to parochial Masidone, Harry Fritz, Tom The Spoilers? Schools grammar schools 12 become the jack-of-all-trades Jersey Independent May at DeAngelis and Joe Stella. Translates and NJCTC Schools Stadium. Latin >f the Pony Pirates, placed sec- championships The order of finish behind May and May St. which fin- NEW YORK Leo- ond in the broad jump and coming up 26 30, Catharine’*, George with Steve Bercik in the 880, ished runner-up to the new pardi of Cliffside Park has re- fourth in the pole vault at the Eamon in the mile titlists, had won the crown in Win ceived an award for outstand- field events 10, won O'Reilly Jerseyans Pirates' Plan: May the? the first two the John of the ing in Scalp Redmen both hurdles in the running (against Loeschorn, years meet achievement a Latin 4:18.7 star from St. and is current County Carroll Awards sight translation contest, program May 12. Ramapo's Bergen spon- doUTH ORANGE One of the Elizabeth’s CYO champ. CLEVELAND Three sored by the Catholic Classi- following day to spill Vil- Going into a game with parish, Wyckoff) Seftm Hall University’s base- lanova, 7-Q, behind the Montclair State BUT IT WAS Germann who and Dick Modeski and Paul North Jerseyans were among cal Association of Greater steady May 18, Seton THIRTY-THREE schools baa has eluded reaUy stole the show as he Drew in the hurdles. New York. goals it, but hurling of Drew Beifus. Beifus Hall had won some 150 John Carroll Univer- 14 games and from throughout the state more raised his won the frosh mile in 4:16.7, par- atheletes Leopardi, a senior Xav- another, important one, record to 4-0. lost three. with sity honored at a at record OTHER LEADING NJCTC ticipated 1,091 dash en- may still be within its grasp. Ted Fiore continued to clout St. a meet and three-tenths banquet here May IS. ier High School, was second Peter’s, which had a trants and 258 of a second faster than entries at Englewood will be relay teams The Pirates, who lost the the ball, boosting his team- with Pratt the among 103 seniors from game on the agenda A1 Edmonds of for a total of 2,123 contestants. Walt Mueller of Guttenbcrg Cofiegiate Baseball Conference leading/RBI total varsity time. The Butler High Holy Trinity, schools in five eastern states. to 33. He May 16, blasted Newark Rut- who 22.3 St. Paul’s powered its took two special awards, one title to Fairleigh Dickinson had graduate then came back to ran a 220, placing way eight of those RBIs in a 16-8, halt in gers, May 14 to a second to Tom Farrell second at the Union County to the championship with wins track and another in tennis. last week, could strengthen 21-1 Seton Hall win place against three-game losing skid. That meet last week; Steve Ashurst Ron Timpanaro of Lyndhurst, their still-flickering hopes for Fairfield for of St. John’s in a record-break- May 10 a school left the Peacocks a 5-10 who was all-conference NCAA with ing 1:53.5 half mile. of Our Lady of the Valley in an an' toarnament berth record. Fiore also belted his record after losses FDU and Essex Accepting VOLVO i ‘*‘’ to the Richie Marino of St. player, received a special foot- this week.’ ', fifth home Dowd’s winning hurdles 440; run against Villa- Rider in the Collegiate Base- ball award. Smith of Jer- times were 17.3 for the highs, Aloysius in the mile and Den- Baseball Entries Ray nova. ball Conference last week. nowin *62 AFTER THEIR traditional in which he was trailed to the ny Carleton of Holy Trinity, sey City took a football mana- MONTCLAIR Entries are with Peter’s who was third in the Union ger’s award. New B-18 Power Series elajh St. at tape by teammate Fran De- being in accepted for the Essex Roosevelt Stadium May the Stiff Unbeaten Lessio, a Don Bosco County 880 2:03. 17, graduate, County CYO’s intermediate Pirates will visit St. John’s, and 25.5 for the lows, where At the Long Branch relays and junior summer baseball the scourge of the Metropoli- DeLcssio placed fifth. Bob is May 12, Seton Hall swept the leagues, which are scheduled tan member two-mile as in Ta Intercollegiate League, a regular of the Pir- relay expected to begin June °Uy Dons T-CCC Title with 10. The entry May 19. Approach ate frosh mile relay team and 8:21.8 Dyke, Schaldenko, deadline is May 28. :°o» The St John’s battle could is coach Wyrsch and Bill Murphy and NEWARK being groomed by Sacred Heart Cathedral is determine Seton Hall’s Currently set- Mary’s (JC), which followed Johnny Gibson for his old also won the 440 with Jim «LW'- the for North the defending champion in the chances ting pace Jersey an opening loss with seven the hurdles. Wolf, Tom Van Grofski, John of being among the event, 40-meter intermediate which is Catholic schoolboy nines, Don consecutive wins. The Jersey and Stan Dubicki. league, field for the District II re- Tom Tushinghara and Frank Harrington 18 for boys years old and un- Bosco is approaching an un- City team was gional playoff, which is ex- to tangle with Governale, the other members Holy Trinity set a mile relay der. Sacred Test Drive A Volvo This Week! Heart also cap- OUR SALESMEN precedented sweep of both the St. Mary’s (R), which had won record of 3:38.2 with pected to be selected May 21. of the mile relay squad placed Edmonds, tured the archdiocesan basketball and baseball titles of its first title. KNOW HOW New lots St. John’s will eight 10 games, in first and third in the Steve Margeton, Carleton and engine ... more be celebrating 440-yard St. Francis Xavier will be TO OIVE in the Tri-County Catholic a vital contest May 15. Bob White and St. Aloysius its homecoming day and prob- run, Tushingham’s winning looking to defend the honors YOU THE economy... stillthe same Conference without a loss. Both rate in the bat- lost record in the will be to strong time being a fast 49.5. Despite a victory in the REST DEAII ably aiming com- junior circuit, open to fabulous Swedish qualityt The Dons, who will bring a tle for the state Catholic B distance medley, anchored plete an undefeated season. all this individual running, the by 13-0 boys 16 years old and under. The Redmen had few record into their meeting championship along with St. Pirates managed to put to- Marino, when one of its boys a games A productof suporb with Queen of Peace at Ram- (E). The was found to be not MALCOLM KONNER listed before that finale. Mary’s pairings for gether a mile relay team properly 18, assured Swedish tnilnssrlnl The Pirates have another sey May them- the state tournament were to minus Germann which entered for the race, a calam- caTOTTJISIT" VOLVO selves of at least a share be befell Atk for on of announced May 17. placed second to lona's record ity which four other Iha lain Mar. game tap during the week, AIK I*OR the T-CCC TH« IPICIAL DIAL baseball laurels Among the other teams 3:22.5. other schools as well. / CHEVROLET/i PAUL'S May 22 here against Delaware. on tha WIW IMI VALIANT 4-1 with a triumph over St. which have been St. Peter’s is scheduled to playing well, In the varsity competition, MOTOR SALES 14. to Cecilia’s (E) May They Baylcy-Ellard takes the Seton Hall an Knights Golf West Caldwell Auto Mart close out its campaign May spot- got unexpected I 473 Bloomfield Ave , R». 208 & Goffle Road have one other conference with its light 8-2 record behind victory from Hansell Gordon - 1> against lona at Jersey City. ATLANTIC CITY Mem- Caldwell, N J CA 6*6666 Hawthorne HA 7-2530 game remaining, also with the pitching of Phil the broad at 22 the Hurley in jump feet bers attending annual con- POSSIBLY FEELING the the Queensmen. (5-2). Morris Catholic (9-4) 4-1/4 inches and he also vention of the New Jersey pressure of a long stretch of has also been enjoying a placed third in the COACH RICH who top hop, step State Council, Knights of Col- competition (seven games in O'Brien, and Kevin" led Don year. jump. Hennessey umbus, here May 18-20 will be nine Seton Hall bowed Bosco to a 10-0 While days), its record is just 5-3, added four points with a sec* able to compete in an annual league record in basketball, is to a determined FDU club, 7-2, Essex Catholic has developed ond to Tom Kenney of Ford- golf tournament at Somers enjoying the same kind of suc- May 11. That snapped a five- into an Essex County power. ham in a 4:17 mile. Point Golf Course. With cess in his first try at coach- game winning streak for Seton The Eagles trimmed ’ four ing the spring sport. Hall and decided the confer- straight teams, Se- He has had considerable including ence championship. ton Hall, as Ron Del Mauro GAS help from pitchers Don Auri- Baseball Calendar But, the Pirates rebounded (4 1) pitched some of the best emma (7-0) and Terry Mur- ball in the area. Included in phy (5-0). In the last seven SCHOOL St. Joseph's (WNY) at North Bergea his wins are a a two- Thursday, May 17 St. HEAT no-hitter, Mary’s (E) at Plainfield games, that pair has worked East Bids at St. Benedict’s hitter and a three-hitter. Two St. Michael's (JC) at Ferris the Holy Trinity at O. L. Valley "Weehawken at St. Michael's (UO every inning, limiting op- • of Essex’ three losses are to Morris Catholic at Delbarton —Trt-County Catholic Conference position to seven runs. Each St. Bonaventure at Bercen Tech •• —Pasaalc-Bergen Catholic Con- HITJ St. Benedict’s. St. James St. Mary’s you at (SA) ference tossed a shutout and only once St. Michael’s (JC) at Mariat COLLEGE St. Mary’s (P) and Don Michael’s did the losers score more than St. (UC) at Holy Family Thursday* May 17 St. Peter's at Lincoln Seton Hall at St. Petcr’a never Bosco Tech emerged from a a run. St. Cecilia’s made Snyder at St. Aloysius Friday, May 18 , RAMBLER three tallies in string of surprises in the Pas- Stevens Academy at St. Anthony's lona at St. Peter’s one game. Union HIU at St. Joseph's (WNY) saic-Bergen Catholic Confer- Saturday* May 19 have Elsewhere, St. Joseph's Walsh at Essex Catholic Seton Hall at St. John's AMERICAN Friday, ence with a tie for first, each May IS Tuesday* May 22 (WNY) continues to rival the •Berxen Catholic at St. Cecilia's (E) Delaware at Seton Hall Don Bosco With 3-1, following action May •Queen of Peace at Don Bosco pace. The Bluo ••St. 13. John's at DePaul to Jays breezed past their first ••St. Mary's (P) at St. Luke’s worry The league Bloomfield Tech at Walsh *1699 10 foes on the of standings: pitching (Include! Holy Family at Memorial games May 14) Immaculate Seton Charlie Meisse (5-0) and Bill Tri-County C. C. at Hall 1962 North Beraen at St. Michael's (VO W about •"W* CLASSIC Dolan (3-0). L Passaic at Pius Don Bosco 0 0 Pope at Paterson Tech Pope Plus 4 2 St. Bonaventure St. Mary’s (JC) at Dickinson PONTIACS ODDLY two St. Cecilia’s 2 ENOUGH, those 3 St. Mary's (ft) St. Cecilia's (K) $ Bergen Catholic at l 4 Stevens Academy teams shared the T-CCC crown of Peace at St. Joseph's fuel Queen O 4 (WNY) 1799 Pasiaic Bergen C. C. last season and would have Sussex at O. L. Lake & TEMPESTS Saturday, May 19 CROWN IS TOPS IN SSRVICS, TOO been locked in a duel Don Bosco Tech 3* 1 mighty Bayley Ellard at St. James St. Mary’s 3 1 No Lower Prices now if St. Joseph’s hadn't left Clifton at Pope Plus. 11 a.m. 257 ELIZABETH St. Bonaventure 4 2 deliveries. AYE. Delbarton at Perklomen. 2:30 p.m. the Catholic St. John's 4 3 or Better Service league to rejoin Don Bosco Tech at Essex Catholic TA 4-4000 St. Luke’s 2 3 NEWARK DePaul Memorial at St. Joseph’s (WNY) the Hudson County league. 2 4 k Anywherel S Stock* muNi St. Aloysius at Lincoln. 10:30 ■ of loir* ■■■ St. Joseph’s 1 b a.m. St. Benedict's, with Don St. Mary's UC) at Mariat. 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 20 Bosco and St. Joseph’s, rates ••Don Bosco Tech at DePauL among the prime favorites for 2:30 p.m. STATION WAGON St. St. Peter's Mary's (P) at Morris Catholic* spots in the Greater Newark 2:30 p.m. Monday, May 21 Tournament. The field was to HEADQUARTERS ••St. Luke’s at St. John's be selected May 16. The Gray Bayonne at St. Peter’s Demareat at St. Joseph’s (WNY) who ran their Coach Retires Bees, record to Holy Trinity at Queen of Peace KOPLIN Hun at Delbarton PONTIAC,me 13-1 with a 7-4 victory over JERSEY CITY A1 Fltz- St. James st St. Patrick's 411 NO. BROAD ST. Union last week, have been re- St. Mary's (R) at St. Anthony's after Hall When icy storms and snow drifts hit AOTAL their burgh, retiring 13 years Seton at St. Benedict's ELIZABETH. N. J. BOOHS FROM MM ceiving mound strength Snyder at St. Michael’s (JC) as St. Peter’s College track New Jersey, homeowners with gas heat from Marshall D'Aloia (6-0) Tuesday, May 22 was honored at a sports have little worry about All Mokes and Rich O'Brien (4-0). coach, ••St. Bonaventure at DePaul comfort. With Bloomfield Tech at St. James banquet here at the school COMPLETE Delbarton at Morris Catholic safe, dependable underground delivery •■d 14. He was the dean of East Paterson at Pope Plus to Models BATTLING FOR .a place May directly their furnace, there is never Holy Family Ifnlon AIR RENTAL PACKAGE St. Peter's coaches. at Hill fuel among the leaders is St. Holy Trinity at Essex Catholic a delivery problem never a fuel As another feature of the Lincoln at Marlst PACE MOTORS O. L. Valley Walsh shortage. And gas heat is so the at NOW clean, :E h»ilfnf tur. dinner, Frank Nicoletti of St. St. Benedict's at Jefferson 47 CENTRAL AVI. housework is lessened there’s dly givtn. Simply Hudson St. Peter's at Ferris never Coaches Peter’s received the first bhc S*fvic#, Prep Sparta ut O. L. Lake YOU CAN, soot or your ■AST ORANGE any oily grime to dirty if contractor or Nick Tufaro Memorial Award Stevens Acadomy at Don Bosco curtains, ssr. itmc ins Invited to Meet Wednesday, May 23 GET furniture and walls. installer. as the school outstanding high ••DePaul at St. Joseph’s cp> JERSEY Another very - Berxen Catholic is CITY Coaches basketball player in Hudson at Seton Hall important advantage North Arlington at St Cecilia's (K> thatPublic Service interested in entering their County. gives,without charge, in the prompt efficient service on the parishes Hudson County Tony Ncusch, track and gas burn- NEW YORK and CYO Junior and intermediate air ing parts controls of PLYMOUTHS cross-country captain, was m lop-quality Ingenoll-Rand com* gas heating summer baseball leagues are At preitor, fuel, ho»e, air tool and Because GAS honored for Its Best tw« equipment. gas has VALIANTS having the highest Dining equipment Invited to attend a scholastic (or only $25/day through our fewer moving I meeting average of any parts it lasts longer June 11 at 8 at the CYO costs less. ’l7OO p.m. athlete. Pete Norton, top scor- GILHULY'S Complolo Air Rontal Plan tnm up Center. Do what er of the basketball team, was so many Public Servico cus- That date is RESTAURANT and BAR also the entry named the school's outstand- It'll pay you to tlop In and g«t Ihn tomers are doing every year "Join (Est. 1803) the HEAT deadline for the two leagues. ing athlete. Norton also receiv- complain ilory at Delicious Luncheons nml Dinners Sivmg to Gas Heat.” REZZA St. Bridget’s (Jersey City) is ed a student-athlote award served In Homelike Atmosphere Dells and SUNDAY. Air the defending in the from the Eastern Cond. champion College Ath- Convenient to Coliseum & Theaters DALERANKIN junior division, which is for letic Conference. Choice Wines and Liquors, Musak SPICIAL FACILITIES FOR . boys 16 years old and under. FRIVATI PARTIES An ACCOMMODATING PUBLIC SERVICE intermediate division, open A POPE is ordinarily elect- IS tS «« ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY 71* to under Ushth A vs., St 41th St. boys 18, was not con- ed by 2/3 plus one of the TAXPAYING SERVANT NEW CITY OF A GREAT STATE ducted last year. Cardinals. YORK SAUS • RfNTIU • SERVICE Essex Seniors May 17, 1962 THE ADVOCATE 17 Win 75 Awards Eight Awards Given Honor Publications NEWARK—Seventy-five stu- dents, representing almost one- third of the Essex Catholic High School senior class, have At 1st Art Exhibit Jersey Schools Share in Prizes been awarded .state scholar- MONTCLAIR—The Clairlon the shared the distinc- ever achieved a Catholic will Valley by ships. They amount to ap- NEWARK - Ann Seton Mlkulski’s Hall, watercolors; Mary of Immaculate Conception led tion. school paper. proximately $24,000. Peaches in a Bowl,” a still- Ann Bodino, St. Dominic Acad- several North Jersey Catholic Sister Immaculate Of the 75 winners, 59 will Mary life pastel, won her the Arch- emy, school which IN the receive full charcoal; Immaculata high newspapers ADDITION, Clairlon moderated the winning paper, grants of $4OO per bishop Boland Award at the Carey, St. Dominic Academy, won prizes during recent com- was declared a. first-place win- which was edited by Alexan- year. The winners are deter- first annual art exhibit of the design; ner in its class the New mined results Virginia Legato, St. petitions. by dra Tyne. Barbara, WiQUma through of col- secondary schools of the New- Cecilia's honor for the Scholastic (Englewood), sculp- The latest Jersey Press Asso- and Ann Wojal were lege bohrd examinations. ark Archdiocese Mary May 12-13 at and Richard local school came 10 ciation and the Cath- ture, Szczeny, May was only news editors. In addition to the above Essex Catholic School. High St. Mary’s (R), crafts. when it was named runner-up olic publication among those In other St. Bonaventure scholarships, others totaling Miss a The 10 have Mikulski, student at other results are as fol- for newspapers in its class in judged the top by the New- awards for publications, Bay- $lO,OOO been won by the lows Immaculate Conception (Mont- (in order, they are sec- a contest sponsored by St. ark News. The Clairlon was ley-EUard took certificates of following: James Maguire, Jo- clair), was one of eight top ond place, third place and Bonaventure University. The second in that newspaper's merit for its seph Deehan, Charles Chris- magazine. winners from 930 projects honorable Voice of Our of the teU, John Borkowski and mention): Valley Lady listing, highest position Crosier, and for its newspaper, shown. In addition to - Mario pastels, Drawing Ann Schneider, St.Msra’s Baylard. San Vin News of St. Errante, Scton Hall Uni- (R)i Roee Merle Lautner, St. Mara’s; areas of competition included Vincent’s Edward St. Jane Looram, St. Cecllia'a ; Judith Academy (Newark) versity; Boyno, Glocde oils, watercolors, drawings, and Sandra Fontana, both Mt. Peter’s also won a certificate of merit College. St. Dominic Academy; Rose Anne Fo- charcoal, sculpture, design gerty and Mara Also, Richard Starostecki, UhUg. both St. Mary’a. as did the Queen of Peace and crafts. Donald Talbot and Richard Legend and the Lakeview of K. Ought, Jane Hughes Stevens ANN ADAMS and Barbara Our Lady of the Lake. LaCarpa, Institute; of Lacordaire Ryan, ail East Orange Catholic; The- Robert Llsh and Donald Tal- School won the reaa Situi and Carol Ping, both St. Dom- ' Msgr. Gal- inic Academy; IMMACULATE Conception Sandra Fontana, Mt. St. bot, Manhattan Dominic; College; Greg- lagher Award for first place Joseph C. Spohr. Seton Hall. had three individuals win cer- Oils Frank Glautaka, Seton ory Conniff, Columbia Univer- in drawing. The other winners Hall; tificates of Thomas Rlcclardi, Essex Catholic; John merit, Regine Ben- sity; Robert Lish and Mario were Marilyn Novello, St. O’Shaughneasy, Mary Ann Fogel and Richard St. son, photography; Nancy DeStefano, of Dominic Academy Costa, all Aloysios; Ber- University (Jersey nice Starr, St. Dominic Academy; Su- Niland, feature writing, and Scranton, and Joseph Sher- City), oils; C. zanne Szelewa and Carolyn Orelg. both Joseph Spohr, Marylawn of the Oranges. Kerry Kilmartin, column lona wood, - College. Watercolors William and Richard writing. Marino, St. Aloyslua; Marlene Irving. Our of the Lake alio ; Adrienne Lady Mission Co rtl. St. Mara’s (R); Virginia Legato had three individual merit Work and Donna Rhea, St. Debut Due Cecilia’s lE>- Thomas Schwelster, Seton Hall; Larry winners, Robert Piampiano, Whelan, Roselle Catholic. Alice Ada- Replaces trip BOSTON - The Blessed sports; Barbara Jones, metz. Immaculate Heart Academy . art, NOTRE Sacrament Charcoal Maraha Paulis DAME, Ind.—Three HER Golden Knights on. St. and Janice Moyse, column. HONOR - Linda Hynes of Sacred Heart (Dover) re- Dominic Academy; Margaret MoUnarl. young women from North Jer- and the Garfield Cadets will St. Dominic Other North Jersey ceives the Morris CYO Academy; Thomas Ricci- car-, crown as County queen from launch ardl. Essex Catholic; Ann Adams sey are featured in the New Jersey's and tificate winners were: Man- May par- Dorothy Podelak. Lacordaire. issue Jackie DeRoxtro of St. (Morristown), the 1961 of Catholic Miss maga- Margaret's ticipation in junior drum Design Kathy LaFaso. East Or- reen Hibell of St. Vincent's* Catholic; zine published here. winner, at recent ceremonies in Assumption (Morristown). add bugle ango Manreen McGovern. St and Edward Kehoe of corps competi- Dominic Academy; Carol Panepinto Queen The girls, Anne Moore, Hil- tion here May 19 at Boston and Nancy Gallardo. Holy Family of Peace, photography; Bea- Stadium. Academy; Kathleen Walker. St. Domf- ary Hinchman and Mary College nic Academy. trice Granville of Bayley-El- Sculpture Frank Claire Donohoe, graduated in Blessed Sacrament, which Galuzaka and Jo- lard, feature, and Mary Jo seph Spohr, Seton Hall: from will be its George Do- Warth 1961 the School of the Finals Set in starting 11th sea- marelU. Holy Trinity: Kathleen RuHer, of Bayley-EUard, Contest -s Oak Sum- Play son, is state .Dominic Academy; Thomas Rlc- Woitkowakl of St Vin- Holy Child, Knoll, defending clardi. Essex Catholic. Patricia V.F.W. Crafts - mit. They had planned a and American Le- Barbara Schneider. St. cent’s and Philip Kohn of grad- NEWARK and Mary uation A junior a ESSEX COUNTY selected its gion s (R); Carol Panepinto. Holy trip to Europe but in- champion and National Family Edwin TROPHY (left), .editor, and Queen of Peace, all columns. senior champion will be chosen representatives last Academy; Miller and TOTERS - Alexandra Tyne stead the week, V.F.W. Judith Anderson. Holy Trinity; Barbara spent summer in this week in runner-up. Kathleen Quigley, her successor, admire a trophy given the Newark Arch- naming St. Francis Xavier as Lucllta “° family Peru working with the mis- Academy'd l ’ the Clairion Take Edge diocesan CYO one-act play the junior winner with “Joe’s to of Immaculate Conception (Montclair), re- Early sionaries to help the poor. JERSEY CITY-St. Aedan’s contest finals at St. Francis Girl.’’ Albert Tobia of St. cently voted one of the top school newspapers in New and St. Paul’a (Greenville) Xavier. Francis was the outstanding ( Jersey. have jumped into the lead in Seniors will compete at actor. “Now is the Time” by Vocation Notes Capuchin Fathers the early play of the Hudson 8:30 p.m. May 17 and St. John's (Orange) was the ST. LAWRENCE MON. County CYO’a A division of the juniors at the same hour the senior winner with Rita La- Schools Plan 'Damn Yankees' BEACON, NEW YORK grammar boya baseball lea- - following day. Salle of St. John’s the top per- NEWARK Four Eeach 2 Him wnd im without obllootlon perform- John Browne, 0.5.8., and Rev. gue. holds a 0 record. In addition to the parish former. / Graces tour lltoroturo In rooonio to Mary’s ances of “Damn Yankees" Eugene Schwarz, 0.5.8., hand- ( ) Prlotttiood . ( > Brothorhood In Bergen County. St. Mi- awards, an outstanding per- will be chael’s (Palisades given by a cast of 60 ling the musical score. No former will be named in each Park) de- mo students from St. Benedict’s Lead roles will be division. There will be four throned the defending archdio- played by Ilroot Prep, Lacordaire Bene- and cesan Aid School, Gregory Lagana Joseph plays in each class, one from junior champion, As- Vocations City dictine Academy (Elizabeth) Lago, both of St. Benedict’s; each of the four counties in sumption (Wood-Ridge). An- Stato Am and Our of Barbara thony Ditaranto drew the in- Lady the Valley Howard and Maybeth the archdiocese. By MSGR. WILLIAM F. FURLONG School dividual honor in St. Michael’s High this weekend at Fuchs, both of Lacordaire, St. Benedict’s. Our “Nero Fiddles.” St. Francis I have Carol Gorson, Lady of the read of very saintly like St. Catherine Park) nuns, de The opening is scheduled Valley, and Judy Signorelli, (Ridgefield was the sen- Ricci and St. Veronica Giuliani, to whom ior our Lord appeared for 7:30 Benedictine Academy. THE champion with “The Sun and to each of whom He p.m. May 18 with gave a ring as a symbol of her be- is a Dead Man’s shows at 2:30 and 8:30 Weapon,” in mg His mystical bride. Not until p.m. recently, however, did I 19 and at which Mary McCaig won the May another 2:30 read of a man a under To Host Statue TBINITARIAN nod. receiving ring somewhat similar cir- 20. FATHERS acting cumstances. He p.m. May is Blessed Herman a ORANGE St. John’s will Hudson County’s Joseph, Norbertine offer an opportunity to young men and boys of Grammar junior en- monk who lived in Germany in the 13th Frank S. Torok, director of be host to the try will-be century. Essex County “Shotgun Wedding” o o • St. Benedicts School and School a Drama Guild, CYO Statue EASTERNMOST High to become priest or a Brother Pilgrim for a by Assumption (Bayonne). IT ALL HAPPENED will be in HM«m.(U|| BECAUSE OF HIS being named Jo- charge with Rev. week beginning May 20. b|nri CM In the Trinitarian Order. Lack of funds no Adam Gromczewski of impediment Mt. seph. He was first given Carmel that‘name, not by bis religious Write tot (Bayonne) was judged superiors, but his by fellow students when he was In the the top individual. St. Paul's no- viciate. So blameless and so innocent (Greenville) is was his life, and so VOCATION O.S.S.T. the senior rep- extreme DIRECTOR, his devotion to our Blessed that resentative with Daniel Mother, he reminded Box them of St. and sd 5742, Baltimore 8, Maryland O’Leary of that the Joseph, they called him by that name. parish out- • • • standing player. ' * HERMAN WAS EMBARRASSED. St. Joseph’s (Roselle) will He was the last one in the to world think that any resemblance existed between give “Bobbysox Brigade” as him and St. Joseph. He PROVE YOUR Union County’s junior play. objected strenuously. He insisted that LOVE FOR CHRIST they him Catherine lannucci of St. Jo- stop calling Joseph. Then it was that Mary came into the picture. She seph s was the outstanding appeared to him; told him that she of the would like Sisters Sorrowful Mother performer. St. Bernard's very much for him to be named Joseph, and bound (A Frandxoa Community) (Plainfield) took the senior 'mystically him to herself with a ring, as representing AetlYtUM Hospital* prize an It ruin In*. pharmacy, with “Two Four the earthly Joseph.” was Mary’s way of telling this young laboratory. Xray oMtco. library. and domestic student for Schooli: Money” and the priesthood thst he her In U**- catochottcal. elementary and Mary Kelly of St belonged to a special i ,r L profeaalonal and practical Patrick's way. of nurafnf Hnmcr tho the (Elizabeth)'was the for a«e

Please send me NEW FIRST I information about a Benedictine vocation to the CALDWELL, JERSEY NATIONAL BANK CONDUCTED BY THE J priesthood □ brotherhood □ SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC OF JERSEYCiTY Fully Accredited - Offering A.B. and B.S. Degree* I should like to arrange a visit to the □ Membiri Fidtral Doposlt Abbey Insurant* Corporatlaj • Name — Age GEORGIAN COURT COLLEGE Main Office: One Street Exchange Place, JerseyCity Phone A fully accredited Liberal Arts and ten Collega ... other convenient offices In

City filnta Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy Jersey City, Hoboken, West New York, Harrison and Kmy Apply: Director of Admissions, Lakewood, N.J, T 18 HE ADVOCATE May 17, 1962 to Dedicate Fr. Murphy Panel Guest LithuanianKnights Bishop List District Meet WASHINGTON - (NC) The “One-Parent Families,” “The challenges of and ELIZABETH Elizabeth marriage Middle Years of Marriage,” Council of the of family life today will be treat- “Marital Chastity” and "Fam- Knights Paulist Novitiate Lithuania will be host to the ed at 10 general sessions, 12 ily Problems in Minority convention seminars and annual of the New - eight workshops Groups.” OAK RIDGE The new three-story building is a and New York at the National Catholic Fam- Jersey Dis- Paulist novitiate at Mt.. Paul cross. Among workshop topics will trict May 27 at Peter ily Life convention June 25-28 on SS. here will be blessed and dedi- The building includes a main be “Early Dating and Paul in St. Louis. Early parish hall. cated May 23 at 11 a.m. by chapel seating 75, three Mass Marriage,” “Togetherness in A tentative convention the The main topic will be the Bishop McNulty. chapels, a large sacristy, two pro- American Family” and national convention in Newark Attending the dedication will classrooms, gymnasium, li- gram was announced here by “The Challenge of Marriage be Rev. John C. director Aug. 15-19. There will also be clergy and lay friends of brary, dining room and kitch- Knott, Preparation.” the Paulist of the Life Na- election of officers and in- Fathers, headed by en. One of its features is a Family Bureau, vestiture of third degree-mem- Very Rev. William A. Michell, plan that provides both the tional Catholic Welfare Con- bers. The will C.S.P., superior general. A students and the with ference, which is sponsoring meeting begin priests 2 house the convention. 3 BEDROOM RANCH at p.m. special open for reli- a full view of Oak Ridge Lake gious communities of women from their separate common on Thomas More your requlrcmcnta Evonlngs and garden Council, Holidays call Mrs. Kelly WE 9 8922. New apartment In flneat sec- tion. Westwood Future meetings MArkct 3 2738 MArkcl 3 8378 STANLEY JOHNSON around comer from new Catholic 11. S.i 2lt. 3Vx and 4 rooms; gas, sir D > will be second 23 High St . Nutley NO held on the and SIDNEY T. HOLT 7 0000 conditioning and parking Included from *l3O. fourth of each *’U. S. G ” Open dally 0 to 8; evening., Tuesdays month RIDGEWOOD 7 Official Diamond At Jewelry Appraisers to ». Phono 877-0880. at the Old Hook Inn, Emerson, Established IHH2 788 GILSENAN SUMMER RENTALS until permanent quarters are BROAD STREET & COMPANY cor Market Street "OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR 10W RAILS obtained. The annual NEWARK 2. N J SHORES family GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION" EAST ESTATES Summer MOVING SINCE 1885 4th Floor Room 401 cotliism all Communion breakfast will be 1.000 I.l,ting, of the Finest conveniences, for rent sea- Our Only Entrance Properties son. monthly or weekly basis. $7O 27. In Rergen County per held May K. week amt up. Use of 1.000 ft AUTO SERVICE 219 Itlilgewomt Axe. G! 3 1800 of sandy & REPAIRS beach. A place for your boat. Catholio Ridgewood Uualnes. church East Orange Council The . A Re.lilenll.l on property. Call 398 0403 or propertte. for M 50th anniversary wdl G. M. Transmission .nlc. Cull the Murray jJ- Benedict on premises. be cele- Service Agency realtor.. 43 North Itroud Street, N. J. 01. 2-2181. HOUSE brated with a dinner dance on Plymouth. Font. Chevrolet. lime. old,, Ridgewood, SHORE Munasquan. N. J Cadillac, Attractive mobile, any make auto, we House In nice neighborh June 9 at will instull RIDGEWOOD A VICINITY the Robert Treat, a rebuilt transmission, guar- near Catholic church. Available anteed WE CODDLE OUT OF TOWNERS J 8 months. 1 price quoted, no IMh July 14th and August Uth 1 Newark. KZ OVER 300 MULTIPLE ups; terms, I-day service. 331 Hal LISTINGS September. SITHENS REAL Visit; Montreal, Cap do la-Madeleine, St. Anne de m\v St. Newark. For prices call Ml ESTATE U 1 3 9000 11 HE 1-8340 Beauprt 138 Franklin Ave. y* - Evenings. Regina Puds Council, Vails- 2 3334. 8; A M . 6 P. M Ridgewood A Franciscan Priest Is all OPEN FOIt burg The seventh annual Chaplain on pilgrimages. 7 DAYS AND EVENINGS SALE or RENT, l ake llopatcc Beautiful log cubln. Write or telephone for our complete folder fireplace. 4 ro. ball WAYNE TRANSMISSION RUTHERFORD and bath. DIRECT SERVICE ALL 50 charity will be held May alum, screens, private bei TO STATES $7500 25 at the Robert Treat. Joseph FRANCISCAN SERVICE or $73 weekly. FAMILY CIRCLE J, HAVASY, 31 Hudson St., Clifton i llepalr, on all automatic Dcegan is chairman, assisted 125 FRED - P. ENGEL Wejt 31st Street New York 1, N.Y. Iran,ml,,ton, KURGAI ORCHESTRA INC. by Frank Pace and Peter l.ro Whltty H.y Nyhul, ll Kurgan BROTHERS, PENNSYLVANIA s In So. Bergen 6-4685 31 Sherman Rt„ Wayne. N. J. Realtor Aijene. Catering to teen-age dancee. Music ll Park Avenue. by OXbow 4-3586 Hutherf "Don and The Impreaaluns". Call PI 3-8915. Stag Run New Wayne Community New Apartments May 17, 1962 THE ADVOCATE 19 A Kaylon Release area serviced with city sewdrs In WAYNE and ail Ramapos Lake Readied for (PFS)—Unique ex- improvements. Opening teriors in a New, England Konwiser, who is also con- A Preahness Homes Release GRAND look will be featur- A Ideas vacation OPENING barn-type Creative Release dent of this structing Village Green in 1,200-acre ed four models in BLOOMINGDALE (PFS) - STILLWATER TRUE RANCH HOMES on bi-level, Hillsborough Township, New (PFSK-Prep- community located atop the ON FULLY LANDSCAPED, colon- Forest Drive Apartment, a 24- split-level and two-story Jersey’s first cluster-type aratlons are under way for the Blue Mountain Range, off unveiled unit garden apartment devel- OVERSIZED PLOTS OF 12,000 FT. & LARGER ial designs to be this community in more than 30 start of the 1962 season at Route 206, above Stillwater. SQ. week-end the 60-house opment situated atop the Ram- Lake at Stag years, lias also developed the Success, reports Frank The last section of three 3 Run at Wayne community lo- Run apo Mountains here, offers a Aceto, executive vice Priced BEDROOMS/1 V 4 BATHS/FAMILY-SIZE Stag community at Stir- presi- miles of hew roadway is being panoramic view of the sur- WALL OVEN cated on Black Oak Ridge ling, Hidden Hollow and North this 400 sites KITCHEN WITH AND REAR with completed week, From Only Road (Route 202) east of Brook at North and rounding countryside, DOOR Plainfield, in the new “Lakeview” sec- ENTRANCE/SLIDING CLOSETS/ Route 23. Woods in three garden type apartment New Model for Edge Kenilworth. tion are currently being read- $ Built Melvin Konwiser of houses on a private eight acre CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS/FULL BASEMENT/ by ied for docks are Homes at Stag Run are built tract. sales, new 20.990. Meldor Corp. of Union, the Rebel Hill AUTOMATIC GAS HEAT/100-AMP. ELECTRIC SERVICE i from plans by architects Rot- being built along the lake, apd tract features the This hilltop location with Saratoga wein & Blake of Union. A Creative Ideas Release the community areas are be- Luxury-styled for spacious comfort and located in and Yorktown split-levels, the outdoor parking for more than 10% DOWN a lovely this weekend BASKING RIDGE ing painted. Debuting is (PFS) — suburban setting In convenient Park Ridge. Close to public Stuyvesant split-ranch and the 50 cars is convenient to the five-bedroom Yorktown A new 8-room furnished and parochial elementary and high schools houses of Hamilton two-story models. churches, transportation, shop- split PAYMENT . . . model which fea- level fashioned of all faiths facilities Brounell and Kramer of Union split-level and all of North model, after worship . . . shopping . . and ex- ping Jersey’s . tures an exterior of double- the architecture employed by cellent bus and train transportation. Recreational attrac- will handle sales. fine lakes and recreation 30-YEAR course cedar shingles and has the Dutch settlers in Pennsyl- tions include a and The homes, with seven'to 10 areas. municipal pool supervised day camp. into is 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 a grade-level entry an 11 vania, being opened to pub- VACATION MORTGAGES rooms, baths, Rent for these four-room lic by 10-1/2 foyer. inspection this weekend by and 1-1/2 and two-car garages apartments is $115 per month, the Rabar Corporation at HOMESITES priced from $23,990 to $25,990, with the tenant PARKVALE HOMES providing light Rebel Hill, 74-home communi- MOOIL HOMR are to be built on heavily- PRIMATE is the title given and heat. Preakness Homes, at PRESIDENTIAL LAKES ty on Mt. OPEN DAILY rising Airy Rd., off Rt. 7* (1 mil* Nit of Rt. 71) Orand Ave./PARK RIDOI, N. J. wooded landscaped plots 100 to the ranking prelates of Inc., TE 5-8282, is the renting A SUNDAYS Rt. 202 in only - cohntries. Basking Ridge. Office Phone: 471-7714 Model Home Phone: »1-I7«1 x 150 feet and larger in an some ageat. M $ Furnished byi ONLY MINUTES FROM NiW YORK Designed by architect Harry 398 5 CORNERS Maslow to blend with DIRECTIONS: Rt. 4 to Rt. 17: north Rt. 17 to Gerden State Park- the roll- FURNITURI on lot (min. 1) way to Exit 172 to Grand Avo.i right Grant BEST BUY ON BEAUTIFUL terrain Mr STORS on Ave. one mile to Model BARNEGAT BAY! ing of the rustic Bask- Home. OR: From Rt. 4 north at Foreat Ave.. Paramua (at Rayco sign); LOW AS $6.88 MO. WISTWOOD, continue on Foreat Ave. to Oradell Ave. light (Bergen Catholic H. S.) ing Ridge countryside, this N. J. to Ufltd buyoro left on OradeU Ave. to Paecack Rd.; right on Paacark Rd. to Grand Ave. new quo split-level model features t« of lake (end of Paecack Rd.) left on Grand Ave. to Model Home. Ovor ocroo oroo plus LAGOON LOTS wood clapboard and hand tho boouty of ourreundlno Lobonon split (tot# Forott—Now Jersey's to tit, exterior re shingles along with a moot booutlful ototo pork. Not |utt gambrel roof with hay loft atid o summer vocottontomf but 0 YEAR-ROUND COMMUNITY. *UM- MONEY hoist in the front gable. MRRSi You con on|oy on exciting vorloty of sports ond oomos—swim- Priced from this YEAR •- 3 t 1 , $19,990, mint, flshlno, booting ond comping DOWN oro Durham ground entry split- lust o fow. WINTIRIi you'll on- lay hunting, leg skating leg booting, level home shows — ROUND on the en- hiking plus many planned Indoor activities donees, shows, special trance level — a foyer with ovonts ond got-toaothors. A staff of guest closet, an 18 x 12 ft. fin- qualified social directors will help HAVE YOU SEEN HOMES m you Plan for countless hours of fun. . . ished rec room with a sliding DIRECTIONS: N. J. Turnpike glass door leading to the rear Forest terrace, optional fourth bed- *9,990. room. Lakes PIUS LOT Route 206, Andover, N. J $71.65 NOT A SUMMER SHELL I ■ The Greatest Unspoiled # MO. Homes Ready For Immediate Home Round Ever Natural Beauty Includes Principol Occupancy I Up . . .

Formerly a private estate, available BUY NOW & SAVE ON for those who want the beat for • • 3 BEDROOMS CERAMIC THIS YEAR’S VACATION I present use or future Investment. PLASTIC) • • Wafer Mains • 4 Beaches THE BATH (NOT AIL THESE ATTRACTIONSFOR YOUR FAMILY'S VACATION • Paved Roads • Boardwalk AMERICAN STANDARD FIX AND YEAR HOUND FUN AND PLEASURE! HI Limited Number ef Vs-acre plots 3 Water TURES • CUSTOM BUILT • Salt Swimming Peels • Private Beachee Reasonably priced at only tim • Batting frem Year • Marina laefn KITCHEN CABINETS • Flit l Y Backyard AT imaton. and Not only ONB but MANY builders • Yacht Chb Cabanas • Wenderfal Fishing l ready to serve you. Sherwood Forest HEATED • COri'Eß PLUMB Drive and the Rotunda Sections Now Crabbing. Open. INC, • DOUBLE FLOORING

• • PORCH CARPORT Near St. Paul’s Abbey ROUTE 206, ANDOVER

ON BARNEGAT BAY 8 ROOM “STORYB a (5 Miles Santb el Pelmt Pleasant) 0« 4 SCDROOM SPLIT UVUS • AIR CONDITIONED* 4 SUVADOKS TO CHOOSt FROM DIRKCTIONSi Gord.n Stato to Exit 91 contlnva n./LX its Parkway r INCLUD£S THESE /I ilralght ahoad and follow tlgno la Rod lion Tavomr turn Si follow lofl, Drum Point toad Id Baywood, Ocbomvfllo, mm* cmnm fabulous features ■ trick Township, Now Jonoy. wßfcWrjKthl

Fi*«...KA • RCA Dry* • Aufmatu. Dry«. • m*K Room Fomily * m *|iii»t||llß • Opm Mn*i» uriui" VotelMp •Mhfem with Sliding •** 1Door Potto Arto

Noll 10* 10% DOWN YOU All NO aoswe T 21,990- HIS


m MOMLf OWN DAILY AMD MUST a »•*>*«»riM c U Dm* Um«

DiRICTIONS MirMNI • i>4n «w» Mw AUTHENTIC *• •■!• 10f, rt§M •• M i ©UJk«£poofc 2 STORY COLONIALS appuanJis .. . n




SIMM Custom-plannedto provide the ic utmost in gracious living and spacious comfort with 3 to 6 citvUcufm *

bedrooms . BLACK OAK RIDGE ROAD (ROUTE 202) . .

baths . . . paneledfamily

rooms . . . full basements... 1 and 2-car cedar 11 V: garages ... shingleexteriors ... Superbly situated in an unspoiled wooded distinctive NewJerseyRealty

gambrel roofs . . . and many setting in one of the finest residential other luxuryfeatures.' TITLE INSURANCE CO. sections of historic Wayne ... a NEWARK community known for itsfine Colonial

TRENTON • heritage and unsurpassedenvironment, HACKENSACK 30 Minutes Only NEW BRUNSWICK * FREEHOLD rural charm and accessibility. From New York City Important advantages includenearby FROM NEWARK Bloomfield Ave. modern public and parochial elementary to Route 23; north on Route 23 to and Route high schools... all houses of 202 Circle; proceed north on m Route Worship Ml 202 (Black Oak Ridge Road) ... complete shopping centers HIGH VALUE-LOW to Exhibit PRICE Homes at STAG RUN

... publicand private clubs country on left.

and courses TWO - golf ... picturesque lakes MODELS ONE PRICE! FURNISHED EXHIBIT ... express highways and excellent HOMES H OPEN DAILY & WEEK ENOS transportationfacilities. CITY SEWERS Interior Decor by: SiK? e» ’17,000 AND ALL THEODORE WEISS ASSOCIATES. A.I.D. UTILITIES ... PAVED ROADS tail Orange, N. J.

... SIDEWALKS AND CURBS ARE Architect: Features ... include 75 x 125 ft. lots, paved D. S. ROTWEIN & EDWARD BLAKE roads, IN AND PAID FOR. Union, N. J. curbs, sidewalks, concrete service walks, landscaping, city sewers, water, gas, electric, 3 bedrooms, full basement, Exclusive garage, fine kitchen cabinets, built-in Sales Roprosontatives: oven and surface unit, gas fired G-E warm BROUNELL & KRAMER air heat, tile bath, hardwood floors, pic- MUrdock 6-1800 ture window. Model Home Phono: 694-0006 A REAL BUY FOR THE MONEY - CONVINCE YOURSELF! PREAKNESS HOMES Inc. ARmory 1-1927 TEmple 5-8282 NS Kt W 23, North on Rt *3 HM?<^«h> i nt k, to Blverd*!* Circle. * Turnpike, Left Turn- Bike ™mmJar on TUmlC* 20 THE ADVOCATE May 17, 1962 SchoolDiscrimination? ACCM Mass In Stcreo-Hi Fi fonos & Tope Recorder Montclair Zoning Case in Court On May 27 _J2S NEWARK Archbishop Bo- NEWARK A case zoning as the physical capacity of the last year which prohibits mu- land will offer Mass on May . with possible widespread im- school is 500 and the present codes from dis- nicipal zoning 27 at 10 a.m. in Sacred Heart plications will be argued in enrollment about 430. between liiiimumaiHlll criminating public illliufumiinilfll Cathedral for the Archdio- Superior Court here May 17. and non-profit private schools. llllliim ERECTED IN an cesan Council of Catholic Men. ... It involves a suit R-I resi- { brought His brief states that the A Communion breakfast will dential St. Cassian’s re- against Montclair by St-. Cas- zone, school has been discriminated Call WA 1-41*0 follow at Thomm’s. The Mass quired a variance and this was sian’s Church. against under the provisions ALU (TATI ■istrlbutora, N, with the restriction and breakfast will be attended St. Cassian’s is seeking to granted of the law. It further contends by repr®entativcs of the lay remove a restriction on its that the number of pupils be en- that public schools are not limited to for organizations affiliated with rollment which was one every 100 imposed subject to regulation by muni- the ROBERT the Montclair Board square feet of playground ACCM, according to Msgr. by of Ad- bodies and can cipal governing Thomas F. Mulvaney, arch- justment when the school was space. built in but be any zone pri- diocesan moderator. TREAT built in 1951. The restriction Vincent J. Joyce, attorney schools vate are subject to The Archbishop will be guest allows St. Cassian’s a maxi- for St. Cassian’s, based his regulation. of honor at the breakfast, mum enrollment of 280, where- appeal on a state law passed HOTEL where the speaker will be IT IS THE LATTER conten- NEWARK William F. Johnson of PARK PLACE, tion, if upheld by the court, Wayne, president of the National Coun- which could affect other pend- cil of Catholic Men. CORDIALLY INVITE* YOU* Close ing zoning law cases. In no Joseph Orphanage M. Naab, head of the ACCM RESERVATIONS TOR previous zoning case in Jer- religious activities committee, sey has this point been is breakfast chairman. brought before the court. Sam- COMMUNION For Tots in Roselle uel Allcorn Jr., attorney for BREAKFAST Montclair, argued at a hearing New Facilities ROSELLE - St. Walburga’s ther Trainor said the decision on May 11 that there is no le- ORDINATION Orphanage closed officially not to relocate St. Walburga’s gal barrier to prevent a muni- At St. Vincent’s from the DINNERS Tuesday. was motivated by the hope cipality controlling GREETS BISHOP - William A. of Mercurio, - president the Serra Club of Morristown, Rev. Patrick J. Trainor, act- that the very young depend- location of a public school. MONTCLAIR A fully WEDDING the club's annual greets Bishop McNulty at reception and dinner May 10 at Stauffer's, ing director of Associated ent children might be placed Allcorn also challenged the equipped cystoscopic room Short Hills. RECEPTIONS Looking on are Joseph E. Halloran, vice president, and Rev. James L. Fallon, Gatholic Charities of the New- with families, rather than in constitutionality of the law was set up at St. Vincent's last chaplain. ark Archdiocese, celebrated institutions. and it was to hear further ar- Hospital week with the OTHER SOCIAL Mass at the orphanage Tues- The youngest of the chil- guments on this point that latest model of the improved FUNCTIONS day. dren have been placed in fos- Judge Theodore Labrecque de- Hugh H. Young urological ta- ble. In attendance were the ter homes, and 20 have been clined motions for a summary Archbishop’s Appointments remaining Missionary * Sisters returned to their own homes. judgment on May 11 by both This device maneuvers into of the Immaculate Conception The remainder are in St. Jo- parties. position to facilitate examina- Modtm air coaditionad MAY 20 SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 9 a.m., , Immac- who have staffed the home for seph’s Village, Rockleigh, St. Among the zoning cases tion at various angles and banquet facilitie* fine 10:30 preside and 10 Annua] and a.m., a.m., Liturgical ulate Conception Seminary 30 years, and their provincial Anthony’s Orphanage, Kear- pending in New Jersey courts for concurrent X-ray filming food Mrvka olwayt. i. preach, Solemn Mass, Villa Music Demonstration 11 Mother M. and Immaculate STANLEY AKUS Mass, a.m., Annual meeting, superior. Candida. ny, Concep- is one involving a site in Ho- that may be required by Walsh Hudson Manager County, St. Aloysius, Board of Trustees, St. Vin- The 88 children, aged 1 to tion Home, Lodi. hokus, owned by the Archdio- cystoscopic procedures. The 3 p.m., CYO Hally, Roosevelt Father Jersey City cent’s Hospital, Montclair 4 1/2, have been placed in fos- Trainor repeated an cese of Newark, on which one room will be reserved for the • Stadium, Jersey City 3 p.m., Address Im- earlier for foster of the , 2 p.m., Confirmation, St. ter homes and other institu- appeal of the new high schools of the use urolpgy department. 7:30 St. maculate p.m., Confirmation, Conception Semi- , Bloom- tions. homes, and noted that these Archdiocesan Development Dr. Burnet Rathouse of East FOR RESERVATIONS Francis Newark. will Xavier, nary field be needed “on a continu- Campaign is to be construct- Orange is head of the depart- Call MArket 2-1000 7:30 p.m., Our 2 THE ORPHANAGE is MONDAY, MAY 21 Confirmation, p.m., Confirmation, Epiph- lo- ing basis” to accommodate the ed. In this case, the borough ment, assisted by Dr. Frank- Lady of Libera, West New cated on the site of the new children that 10 a.m., Annual Liturgical any, Cliffside Park young are placed council passed a zoning law lin J. Mascia of Newark and A KNOTT HOTEL York Music Demonstration Mass, 4 Cornerstone Roselle Catholic High School, in the care of Catholic Chari- after the land had been ac- Dr. Peter and Dr. John p.m., laying, Ross ALBERT W. STENDER, Resident MAY 24 under construction. Essex County, Sacred Heart THURSDAY, blessing of new school and now Fa-\ ties from now on. quired. E. Bowers of Upper Montclair. 10 a.m., Annual Cathedral / Liturgical Confirmation, St. John the ' 4. p.m., Confirmation, St. Music Demonstration Mass, Baptist, Fairview Union Philip the Apostle, Saddle County, Immaculate 4 p.m., Confirmation, St. Elizabeth Brook Conception, Joseph’s, West Orange 7:30 Our , 2 p.m., Confirmation, Aidekman p.m., Confirmation, Holy 1 SUNDAY, MAY 27 Sam (Good Deal's Country Boy) Says: Lady of ML Carmel, Trinity, Westfield Orange 10 a.m., Pontifical Low 7:30 2 p.m., Confirmation, St. On« guy toys "I'm low". Another "I'm A p.m., Confirmation, Mass, National Council of says lower". third store Our Lady of ML Carmel, Anne’s, Jersey City Catholic Men, Sacred Heart says "I'm lowest". It's confusing. So I say DO IT WITH ACTION—NOT Montclair 4 p.m., Confirmation, Sacred Cathedral, followed by break- WORDS! Prices speak louder than words. on at Good Jersey Price-choping goes TUESDAY, MAY 22 Heart, City fast at Newark Deal all the time. > Thomm’s, Big, deep whacks at the on foods p.m., Confirmation, St. prices your family > 10 a.m., Annual Liturgical 2 p.m., Confirmation, St. eats all the wife tells Peter’s, Belleville time. My me I have fine character. But when Music Demonstration Mass, Lucy’s, Newark you look at my prices, you'll know I'm THE LOWEST GUY ON EARTH! Bergen COunty, Holy Trinity, FRIDAY, MAY 25 2 p.m., Confirmation, Sacred Hackensack 7 Dinner, Lay Commit- Heart of *Sam p.m., Jesus, Irvington Aidekman is Good Deal's president and the best friend a housewife ever had. 7 p.m., Chartering of Serra tee, Archdioceaan Develop- 4 p.m., Confirmation, St. Club of Bergen County EasL ment Campaign, Hotel Robert Bridget’s, Newark PASSAIC Tammy Brook Country Club, Treat, Newark 4 p.m., Confirmation, St. 78 Main Ave. Cres skill MAY Stephen’s, Arlington SATURDAY, 28 NEWARK 7:30 9 8 Cana ; p.m., Confirmation, Our a.m., Ordinations, Sacred p.m., Holy Hour for 75 First St. Lady of ML Carmel, Newark Heart Cathedral couples of Bergen and Hudson counties celebrating silver and IRVINGTON lOMilfld. golden wedding anniversaries, Sacred Heart Cathedral . CLIFTON IS7B Maks Ave. SETON HALL UNIVERSITY NEWARK St. Martin 543 Springfield Ave, SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ELIZABETH Mass Set 647 Market St ANNOUNCES E. ORANGE POTATO SALAD 600 Central Ave. PATERSON Bishop Mc- | MILLBIIRN with Nulty will celebrate a low Pon- purchase of 1 lb. salad at REMEDIAL READING AND 200 Main St. regular price. jj). tifical Mass of Thanksgiving 20 10 on May at a.m. in the . Maplewood 719 Cash Savings Galore at GoodDeal Store! READING IMPROVEMENT FOR mission church of St. Peter Irvington Ave your Clavcr in observance of the UNION recent canonization of St. Mar- 1714 Stuyvesant Ave. CHILDREN AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS tin de Porres. CHATHAM CREAM CHEESE At the Mass, First Commun- 393 Main St. FRUIT DRINKS COLLEGE STUDENTS AND ADULTS ion will be distributed to chd- , IRVINGTON wilh ol Allen's Date & Nut loaf Drink or Fruit dren of the parish, who are purchase Geiger Orange Punch 35 Mill Rd. 3_ oz under the instruction of the or Plain or Morble Pound Coke. p^g with purchase ol 2 qts. ot regular low price. Missionary Servants of the W. ORANGE 3 gj SUMMER SESSION Essex Green Plaza 1962 Most Blessed Trinity. The Seton Hall choral Compare the Cash Savings at Good Deal! are the University offers roorr\ing programs in read- group of Scton Hall Cash Savings Best Savings! ing for children and College, Paterson, will sing. high school students, and evening OPEN DAILY for Devotion to St. Martin be- programs college students and adults at its new gan at the mission 18 years SCALLIONS reading center, University Campus, in South FRENCH Orange, ago when Rev. Thomas Mc- 9-9 FRIES New Jersey. Glynn, a noted sculptor, pre- Friday 9-10 10-oi. or RADISHES sessions will be held sented a statue of the then Daily from July 9, 1962 to Auaust with Blessed Martin to the purchase ol lb. Chuck 3, 1962. Trini- I Chopped pkg. with ol purchase carton or ol tomatoes tarian Sisters. Since then the 3 pound children Applications will be accepted until June 22, 1962. Inter- and adults of the par- ish views and will be held have prayed for the canon- SAVE lOc-SUNSHINE SAVE testing in McQuaid Hall, Uni- r Wt-SHOULDER ization. versity Campus, South Orange, New Jersey. HYDROX COOKIES*39 CRTAT SCOTT! VEAL CHOPS 49 For and further SALE application information, contact: Priests PAPE* SAVE 28c—STAFF this _ SAVE 20c—FRESH,20c—FRESH. BARBECUED Attending at £ IHOT, Mr. B. Suraci look Anthony Welfare Clinics 5 TOMATO JUICE 4r l CHICKEN fl). Director of Center MONTREAL Foil Wrapped 69 Reading (NC) - The Seton Hall Catholic Welfare Bureau of University CUT-RITE CHASE £ HOUSE Montreal has South Orange, New Jersey started "a cler- gy clinic” where English-lan- FAB DETERGENT SO 171 guage of tbe archdio- PAPER ■ Telephone: 2-9000, Ext. priests WAX EE str. m §Hpr_:iii cese will be brought to up SAVE date on social welfare. In save 4c 2 49' only Cflc ™ 2-lb, can m ...98c • WALDOFF ; SAVE 18e—DEL MONTE £ SAVE 16c-MINUTE MAID/BLUEBIRD FRESH TOILET 5 _ TISSUE FRUIT COCKTAIL 5^ 1 ORANGE JUICE 19- SAVE C 4 roll SAVE 10c—BARCOLENE A 4c 29 pock _ SAVE , q,. L B.—FRESH TASTY c JET STARCH CHICKEN Quarters 35 SCOTT y. FRESH PARTS OF “boneiess ""'M FAMILY NAPKINS i ja v pig. if o h7- 10c BREASTS ms * c. * SAVE c SAVE SAVE 1/ 20c lb. 24c lb. A- lb 39 a 20c 69 : O' Aluminum Folding 1 - TENDER SAVE 20c-FRESH JERSEY BUNCH LOOSE SAVE PLENTY-SENECA PUNCHES OR MINUET CHAIR & c Ti CHAISE ASPARAGUS 35 l9j ORANGE DRINK -10 America's Strongest SAVE FROZEN 17c—STAFF FRESH _ SAVE 6c—ROYAL DAIRY FRESH _ h# Additional King Sized, Heavy Gauge S rwihuai Check Those sturdy feature* ORANGE JUICE 7- 1 CREAM CHEESE $ 29‘ Rtqulisdl • All Frame* full 1" furniture bright 1 ——— • Revere aluminum tubing! SHOULDER SWEET FRESH RIPE • Double lubulor arm*) : ■ • SpunAluminum End*! 2U" firestone In North • woven weatherproof Jersey In Hudson or Essex OUT OF TOWNERS CHOPS County webbing fastened by screw* LAMB (nol dip*) STRAWBERRIES Call Collact For FREE ESTIMATE for OL 6-6300 CO 2-3112 Day or Nloht, Dally A Sal. permanent tightness! SAVE Sunday 121 P.M. Folds (lot for Storagel SAVE ;c FHA 20c lb. • Terms - GUARANTEED 10c Up to 5 Yrs. to Pay to salisfyl ■n9SfivJL ■anp«- SPECIALI "ECONOMY" Payment Plan ALSO SPECIALS PRICES 5x4x4 WEB 6x16 WEB JL Take 90 SAVE 30c—COLGATE up to Days to pay-Wifhout CHAIR CHAISE FLOURIDE SAVE 10c-GOOD DEAL All BEEF All Meat ANY INTEREST CHARGE ON DORMER ATTICS SAVE $3 SAVE $6 £ 39 TOOTHPASTE 07 FRANKS 53,1 49 NORTH JERSEY ATTIC & 7 BASEMENT, INC. 3” 6’ SIRLOIN ROAST „ 89‘ 243 Licentod N.J. State Ih by APWE^STOLEN KINDERKAMACK RD. of & 49* ( Dept, Banking MatchingKiddiaChoir. . effective thru Insurance JJ.97 Prkw Sol., May 19. We teteive right to limit quontilie*. ORADELL, N. J. i: Member Oradell Chamber of Commerce