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NEWS TRANS·CANADA I BROADCASTS NETWORK ~ ~~~J~~ ~I CBK DAILY IIII I WATROUS Trans-Canada Network: (Trans-Can.da Network) 8:00,9:0011.01. 1:00.6:30, 9:00 p.m.. 12:00 p.m. PROGRAM 540 Kcs. CBC Dominion Network: Prairie Region 10:00 p.m. eRe SCHEDULE Transmitter Times given in this Schedule are Central Standard DATE OF ISSUE OCTOBER 17, 1947. PRAIRIE REGION W••k of Octob.r 26th, 1947 612 Telephone Bldg., Winnipeg, Cened. CBC's Alberta Station o Steady progr;,ess is being made with the CSC's plans lor coverage in the Prairie Region. By next year it is expected that each oj the prairie provinces will have its own 50,OOO·watt eBC transmitter, serving TUral and urban areas with the most powerful signal possible to AM stations anvwhere in North America. Above aTe pictures showing stages in the development 0/ CBX. the new esc transmitter at Lcu..'ombe, Alberta. (1) The basement wall-forms of the transmitter building completed, late June; (2) Pouring concrete in the floor slab of the transmitter building, August; (3) The structural steel framework completed. late August; and (4) Representatives of the CSC photographed during an inspection of the work. Left to right: J. J. BOWLEN of Calgary, member of the CSC Board 01 Governors; DONALD MANSON, Assistant General Manager, CSC; DR. AUGUSTIN FRIGON, General Manager, CSC. ~f=======================~ Page 2 CBC PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region MUSIC BY ERIC WILD SUNDAY/ October 26th/ 1947 (10,30 p.m.) IThe Prairie Gardener I ·1111 ~ I Light orchestra conducted by Eric ""I~ Wild; vocal trio. From Winnipeg. Summary 0/ Broadcast oj All times given are Central Standard; jor Mountain Time deduct one hour.. Orchestra: EI Relicario (Padilla); October 19, 1947. Mia Venezia (La Freniere) ; Tempta STATION CBK, WATROUS tion (Freed-Brown); The Merry House Plants jor Winter Decorations 9:55 PRAffiIE WEATHER Widow (Franz Lehar). Trio: The (continued) __A/oteJ-:1_- FORECAST Naughty Waltz; In the Valley of the Foliage Plants: Their eWef func 10:00 CBC NEWS CANADIAN PLACE NAMES Moon; It Had To Be You (contralto tion is to frame or provide back 10:02 NEIGHBOURLY NEWS (11,15 a.m.) solo); Save the Last Dance For Me. ground for specimen flowering FROM THE PRAffiIES Talk by R. H. Sherwood. From An plants. 10:15 PRAIRIE GARDENER 10:30 THE CONCERT ALBUM tigonish, N.S. 1. Some 0/ the hardiest ones that 11:00 BBC NEWS AND Comedian Trips On will stand abuse and survive under COMMENTARY very unfavourable conditions: HARMONY HARBOUR 11:15 CANADIAN PLACE NAMES Potentate Of Swat a. Aspidislra--"Cast-iron Plant:" (11,30 a.m.) 11:30 HARMONY HARBOUR Recently, a comedian in the Car Large upright green or green Qnd Acadian Male Quartet; Marjorie 11:59 DOMINION OBSERVATORY roll LeVis' program on the BBC, had yellow leaves, insignificant flower at Payne, organist. From Halifax. The occasion to introduce a highly ground level, easily propagated from OFFICIAL TIME SIGNAL Pilot; The Road to the Sea; Hila, imaginary Eastern Potentate. Seek divisions, culture; well manured 12:00 FOLK SONGS FOR YOUNG Sombody; The Capital Ship; Land ing a name for this creature of his soil, plenty of water, a little light, FOLK Ahead; The Lighthouse-keeper. fancy, he called him the Sultan of and regular washing of the leaves. 12:15 JUST MARY Swat, assuming that there would be 12:30 THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT b. Sansevieria-"Snake Plant" or no danger of confusing this char "Bow-string Hemp:" Mottled green 1:00 CBC NEWS THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT acter with any actual person. living sword-like leaves, also green leaves 1:03 CAPITAL REPORT (12:30 p.m.) or dead. 1 :30 RELIGIOUS PERIOD with yellow borders, propagated Earl~ 2:00 N.Y. PHILHARMONIC Biblical drama, by Grey and However. says the BBe London from divisions or leaf cuttings, a 3:30 CHURCH OF THE AIR Canon J. E. Ward. From Montreal. Letter. the result was a letter from tough companion for the aspidistra. 4:00 SINGING STARS OF The series continues with the second Mr. Edwin Haward, the secretary of Any good potting soil will do. Dis TOMORROW main divIsion of the Bible. The the India-Burma Association, in likes over-watering during the win forming the BBC that there was, 4:30 CBC NEWS Prophets, today's play dealing with ter but otherwise very thrifty. indeed. a Sultan of Swat, or at least 4:33 JOHN FISHER Isaiah. c. Dracaena-Common form wide a Wall of Swat, which is almost the ly used by florists as a centre for a 4:45 WEEK END REVIEW same thing. Swat is a country in the CAPITAL REPORT (1 :03 p.m.) tub or box of plants. Narrow green 5: 00 OZZIE AND HARRIET extreme north-west comer of In leaves sprayed out gracefulLY in 5:30 PRAIRIE WEATHER Alexander Uhl from Washington, dia, between the Swat River and the symmetrical profusion from a low, FORECAST Matthew Halton from London, and upper reaches of the Indus, with an central stalk. There are many kinds 5:35 MUSICAL PROGRAM Warren Baldwin from Ottawa. area of about 1.800 square miles, and but in addition to thlS common 6:30 MUSIC FOR CANADIANS a population of about 300,000, mainly type one of the best is Dracacna 7:00 BERGEN AND McCARTHY Muslims. The Wall's actual name is fragrans, with leaves like those of RELIGIOUS PERIOD (1 :30 p.m.) Mlangul Sir Abdul Wadud Gulshah 7:30 FRED ALLEN com rising from a fast growing, Roman Catholic Series-Rev. Paul zade. Mr. Haward suggested that the 8:00 CBC NATIONAL NEWS central stem. Ordinary potting soil Monahan, O.M.I. From Ottawa. Levis comedian choose another and ordinary "horse-sense" treat 8:10 THE OLD SONGS name-for example, the Sultan of ment produces good results. 8:30 ALBUM OF FAMILIAR Pong. He had been through the list 2. Two oj the easiest to grow: MU5IC N.Y. PHILHARMONIC (2:00 p.m.) of 630 Indian states and could as 9:00 STAGE 48 New York Philharmonic orchestra sure the BBC that there was no a. Coleus. also known as "Foliage 10:00 THE READER TAKES OVER conducted by Leopold Stokowski; such name as Pong, if that helped. Plant" or "Painted Nettle." Belongs Nathan Milstein, Violinist. guest to the Mint Family. Widely grown 10:30 MUSIC BY ERIC WILD The BBC, defending itself, says for its colourful foliage. Chief diffi 11:00 CLASSICS FOR TODAY soloist. Mr. Milstein: Violin Con that Mr. Levis' comedian was not culty is to keep them free of mealy 11:30 VESPER HOUR certo in A Minor (Dvorak). alone in regarding Swat as a hum bug. Best grown as young, vigorous 12:00 CBC NEWS orous and improbable name for a plants from cuttings or seed. Sultan. It recalls that Edward Lear, 12:10 PRAIRIE WEATHER CHURCH OF THE AIR (3,30 p.m.) b. Asparagus-Usually called "as FORECAST famous Victorian writer of nonsense Rev. Dr. D. H. Telfer, West Point verses. wrote the following: paragus fern:' but not a fern. Can 12:15 MARY ANN MERCER Grey United Church. From Van be grown from seed or young plants 12:30 PRELUDE TO MIDNIGHT. couver. Who, or why, or which, or what. may be purchased from any florist. Is the Akoond of Swat? There are two main types but sev TRANS-CANADA Is he tall, or short, or dark, or fair? eral varieties. One has small needle (Programs oj the Trans-Canada net~ SINGING STARS OF TOMORROW Does he sit on a stool or a sofa or like leaves borne on plumy branches, work offered to Prairie Region net (4,00 p.m.) chair, the other has longer, heavier stems works or stations, not carried on This series resumes for its fifth Or squat- and coarser foliage and makes a CBK) senson. Male as well as female vocal The Akoond of Swat? good hanging plant. Both like rich 9:00 CBC NEWS ists will be heard, with two singers Oddly enough, this IndIan poten soil and plenty of water. and both (Cent. stns.) (3 Mins.) on each of the twenty-two broad tate has also had a Canadian cele dislike hot, dry air in winter. En casts. Five scholarships will be brant. On January 22, 1878, the rich soil with cow manure and apply DOMINION awarded to winning performers. London Times published a brief manure water at frequent intervals story with the heading: The Almond during periods of rapid growth. (Programs oj the Dominion network From Toronto. 3. True Ferns: offered to Prairie Region networks of Swat Is Dead. This reached the desk of Mr. George T. Lanigan. a or stations, not carried on CBK) FRED ALLEN (7:30 p.m.) The best of the true ferns for the night editor working in an Ottawa amateur is the Boston Fern or va 4:00 THEATRE HOUR (60 Min,.) Jack Haley will be Fred Allen's newspaper office. Touched to the rieties originated from it. Inclined 5:30 GINNY SIMMS (30 Min,.) guest this week. Others on the pro heart. and stirred by the divine af to become too large for the average 7:30 LEE SWEETLAND (30 Mins.) gram Include Senator Claghorn, Mrs. flatus, Mr. Lanigan burst into a home after a year or two, but may 8:00 MEET CORLISS ARCHER Nussbaum, Titus Moody, Ajax Cas famous lament, of which the follow be divIded and kept to fairly small (30 Min.'iJ sidy, and Portland HotTa.