Serving the Islands since 1961 •mm Vol. 16, No. 31 Tuesday, August 10/ 1976 1 section — 10 cents

Beach restoration started

Less than a month ago, an experimental dune renourishment program was initiated on a very modest scale at the Sanibel Beach Club on Nerite Street at the Gulf of Mexico, and all things considered, early results seem to indicate that the experiment will be a success. Under the direction of Keith Trowbridge, developer of the Sanibel Beach Club, a 12 by 25-foot primary dune area between the Beach Club building area and the Gulf was planted with sea oats, morning glory, and Beginning a new dune other native vegetation to help prevent sand erosion in the event of storm-generated high winds or water. A wooden walkway which twenty-year resident of the area whose destroyed, and which may have taken same dune renourishmenl program along can be removed at the first storm warning grandparents were local pioneers. In 1970, unaided nature hundreds of years to ac- the entire Gulf beach of his property, but the was then erected over the dune renourish- Byle founded Environmental Services complish. Byle expressed approbation for Sanibel City Council was reluctantto acton ment area to keep beach-goers from tran- Unlimited, the state's first environmental Keith Trowbridge's concern for the natural his offer, he said. Thus, he plans to submit pling the vegetation. Already the native consulting firm, and in 1974 he created the systems of Sanibel Island, and hopes that the his renourishment proposal to the council plants are beginning to gain a foothold in the informative science column, "Science Sanibel Beach Club will be a model for beach again this fall, once the success of his trial sand and proliferate, signaling the success Spectrum," for the Fort Myers News-Press. projects along the entire Gulf coast. project has been fully ascertained. He in- of the small dune renourishment mock up. Byle's design for the project was intended At the time of applying for building per- vites everyone to come to the Sanibel Beach The dune restoration project was designed to recreate the unique coastal strand forest mits for the Sanibel Beach Club this past Club to witness the progress of the project by environmental consultant Bill Byle, a which other projects have thoughtlessly June, Trowbridge proposed to undertake the for themselves.

In- a rather passionate discussion last sponsor a city charter amendment The decision was based upon the opinion of At the present time, according to the Tuesday with CPOOS (Concerned Property referendum to make the city planning city attorney Frank Watson that the petition charter, the planning commission is an Owners of Sanibel) attorney Guy Amason, commission elective rather than appointive submitted by the CPOOS group requesting advisory body, with no legislative powers. the Sanibel City Council decided not to (as is now the case) on the November ballot. the elected commissron was invalid in that it Policy decisions rest solely with the elected did not contain language with which to council. amend the charter, as prescribed by section 701-B of the charter. Vice-Mayor Zee Butler suggested to the petitioners that they either draft a proper The CPOOS petition, which was presented petition for resubmittal or that they draft an to the council on July 20, asked the council to ordinance to effect the desired change for take the initiative in drafting the proper the council to consider, the two options open charter amendment to allow Sanibel voters to them under the provisions of the charter. to elect their own planning commissioners. (Mayor Porter Goss had previously told The 161 signatures on the petition have since CPOOS representatives that the best way to been verified by Lee County Supervisor of achieve their desired end, i.e. a broader Elections, Enid Earl. based planning commission, would be to make the question an issue in the upcoming Aside irom Ihe "questionable legality'" of city council election by calling candidates the petition, the council was relunctant to out on just who they would appoint to the initiate the amendment referendum because planning commission.) it would necessitate an extensive revision of both the city charter and the city's com- Attorney Amason replied heatedly. "I prehensive land use plan, an amount of work think you're just postponing the inevitable which the council said they preferred not to here, and I assure you that a proper petition undertake at the taxpayers' expense. will be forthcoming eventually." Further, the councilmen themselves felt Councilman Francis Bailey told Amason that having two elected bodies in the city that he didn't think that the signers of the would be '"divisive" and "not in the petition realized the implications of what ineterests of good government!" There was they were signing, a point which Amason also some question as to whether such an hofly disputed. arrangement would conform to the state's In the end, the council said the> did not Local Government Comprehensive Planning wish to put' themselves in the position of Act of 1975, which states that the governing endorsing something with which they body shall designate their planning, com- disagreed on principle by initiating the Duane White watches Guy Amason address council mission. amendment referendum Tuesday, August 10, 1976 The ISLANDER

'SANIBEL-CAPTIVA ISLANDER Established 1961 In your opinion ... Editor Virginia N.Brown What do you think of the new bicycle safety laws now in effect on Sanibel?

Classified Rates: $1.00 minimum for 10 words or less; five cents per word thereafter.

•','* *« Deadlines: Advertising - Wednesday 5 p.m. Classifieds may be phoned in (472-1881) up to Thurs. noon. Please cai! classifieds and subscriptions to 463-4421 if you can't reach 472-1881.

• - -- 3- 915 Rabbit Road {just off corner of Sanibei-Captiva Road) Sanibel, FL. 33957. Office phone - 472-1881.

ISLANDER Mailing address: P.O. Box 3, Sanibet, FL 33957.

Published every Tuesday. Second class postage paid at Fort' Myers Beach, Florida, 33931. *!*

Noreen Twombiy, Sanibeh "I think it's a HAND CRAFTED GIFTS CRAFT SUPPLIES good idea, the idea of safety and all. tat the law goes a little too far. It's" the same kind of Mark Franzen. Houstan, Texas: "I think 0 the flags are a pain. They get in your way. law as She seat hrif iav if se "^ to "n*» " But r like the bike paths-that was a good idea."


ie GLOVE WITCH- Purveyors of Gentlemen's Furnishings Steve Rhizor, Sanibel: "I can't stand it. I think it's stupid. They're passing all these Closed Now! laws to take the responsibility away from the parents. I think it should be up" to the See you in parents to decide if their kids should ride a safe bicycle." Michele Mack, Sanibel: "I think it's a Cashiers, N.C. good idea, but all of the stores should have the flags. "

SANIBEL STANDARD 472-2125 Atlas Air Conditioning Service Tune ups Quaker State Pennzoil Front End Alignment Sun. 10 am - 5 pm Cai'y 7 to 6, except Jim Anholt, Prop open '""9 pm r ' Jay Rives, Fort Myers: "I think it's a good idea and everything, but I think more of the

'..••: stores here on the Island should carry the Laura Strickland, Fort Myers Beach: "I flags. The flags probably save a lot of think they're pretty stupid. Xnd I don't like people's necks." those little flags," Open Mon. thru Sat. NOTIONS YARN MACHINE RENTALS island garage island gifts shells specializing in shell jewelry S V.W.ond novelties Foreign car repair cut-out coin U.S. makes too. jewelry & more 472-4318 1609 PrfwtnfcU Way. Sanlbsi

Art Gallery Specimen 5hells Custom Framing Florida tr WORLD Wide Art Supplies The Knot Shop 1O17 Periwinkle Way Macrame Hiso Ht Decoupage 2422 Periwinkle Way Craft Supplies Soft Finished Thomas Clifford Leather Creations WE SPECIALIZE IN HAND CRAFTED Custom Shell Cabinets ITEMS MADE ON THE ISLAND. TAKE. BACK WITH YOU 1446-P€RIWIfMe W/1Y "A TOUCH OF SANIBEL." 472-11Z1 472^2893 Open 10-5 Tues.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. Th« ISLANDER Tu&sday, August "10,

warned not to ride the center line "a number of times." Area searched, UTL tunable to locate).

Call came in that a "large dog" was hanging around police complainant's dog (whowas in heat) and asked for permission to shoot the dog, report since it tried to attack complainant's wife. (Wife escaped harm by running to door and closing door on large dog.) Permission to shoot denied; officer dispatched. Unable to locate A call came in reporting dog. Lated located dog's the sighting of smoke "beind Well, the world goes on, owner, who said he would the 7-11 near Periwinkle"-- keep dog leashed in future. and the Sanibel Police the report was confirmed Department keeps on r four minutes later by the workin no matter who 's on Mosquito Control helicopter, Dispute over something or vacation. This past week, which spotted the brush fire other got overheated in local "that" alarm was triggered off Bailey Road. Fire unit watering hole, resulting in and checked out as "clear" dispatched; unable to reach argurer taking drink to rest 19, times, being set off by fire area. Mosquito Control room and spouse banging such things as ringing dispatched helicopter to bar with Kell Light hard enough to bend the light. Off telephones (who'd call a pick up firemen to take into Complaint came in that tag number, and decamped, matter, rather than a police business at 11:30 at night, area. duty deputies subdued light bender, called for SPD caller was "just about" not only leaving behind one. anyway?), papers being attacked by a "police type" them a two day bill, but delivered, and vacuum assistance. SPD officer taking with {hem two Twelve pairs of earrings arrived and took light dog while complainant was Call came in that noises cleaners. Three other were reported stolen from a riding a bike. Second time were emanating from up- alarms went off to keep it bender to jail on charges of bedspreads and one blanket parked car. Total value. disorderly conduct. same person complained Total damage, S98. which is stairs apartment which was company, presumably. Five $157.00, about same dog. Officer only SI under. Grand Lar- supposed to be unoccupied. calls • for assistance were located and spoke to owner ceny, but is still a nasty. Officer investigated; made and answered, and the Sheriffs Department Visitors' car parked in of dog 16 minutes after call neither ghosts nor burglars: ambulance was required front of accomodations was deputy radioed SPD to came in to SPD. Dog owner Complaint came in that owners had returned home two times. One ring and one report a car trying to outrun broken into five days after arrival on Islands. S25C CB said he planned to buy a pen someone else besides early. . ;: watch were reported lost. deputy's car. SPD assisted; for dog. Officer informed designated "honsesitter" and nothing found. car caught. One passenger radio and $18.75. flashlight liberated. owner thai the next time dog was in a house •"im- Van. parked in motet not guilty of anything; is found loose on the road, properly." The someone parking- lot was reported another wanted for $50 said dog will be taken to else claimed to be "looking broken into. It was. with the Lots of "dark houses" worth of Failure To Appear pound. after" house. Since the result of $975 worth of diving were checked as usual (a in Clearwater traffic court: Call came in that a car someone else had obtained aad swimming equipment; dark house being one which fine paid by friend. was parked on beach. It entrance to house by being ripped off. was, with boat trailer at- Call came in about is unoccupied and which the houseboat "in distress" breaking a lot, SPD escorted Photographs taken and owners have asked the SPD tached. Office personnel of subject out" of house. fingerprints were developed to keep an eye on for them) Complaint came in that nearby accomodations were west of the lighthouse. driver (who was also Information obtained via CB Investigation turned up a and lifted. Investigation but seven had to be com- checked; seems they knew possible "misun- continues. pletely checked out, because complaining) had almost car's owner and speculated radio. SPD notified Coast of open doors or windows or run down and over a bike that same did not know he Guard, who stated they'd derstanding" which makes more police reports such. All seven were cleared rider who decided it was fun was breaking law. Said they take care of the situation. any further action a civil without evidence of at- to ride the center line of the would tell him. Officer page 13 tempted B & Es (breaking San-Cap road. Caller wanted located driver's wife, who Two un-honest people and entering). biker to be ticketed, since it moved vehicle. checked into local hostelry was believed biker had been using fake address and car HOURS 10 -5 THE Resort Wear, Mexican Imports, RED Gifts from 35 Countries, Antiques, Toys, PELICAN CAPTIVA Penny Candy, Salmagundi, SANIBEL ISLAND! 1SLADD STOR6 Prints FLORIDA

KNOWN FOR OFFERING THE BEST IN MEATS complete groceries and provisions

Mpn. - Sat 9-6 Downtown Turn Right At The Shopping OPEN SUNDAY Captiva Island Follow The Signs 472-4449


Fine Jad^J&^^ Oriental De€k>rative Accessories,

K SUMMER HOURS ::::;10>5-TUES.-SAT. £ Closed, ;Sun.."&:Moii.

: NORTH END OF SANSBEL ;:\;;-;;-;:;.:rKCOH|»oRAT'E'D AT BUND PASS BRIDGE 472-1387 1711 Periwiokle Way, next to dottTs Tuesdoy, August 10, 1976 The ISLANDER

on something so childish! petitioners were net part of fee city and the If you lawmakers are so obsessed with city not responsible to them. The response to Letters to the editor: making Saiabei a "Marshall Law" type the petition was derrogatory in manner. community; I'm sure you are going to drive However, to give Council its due, the door To the ISLANDER: you can't swing your leg safely over on top of out the free feeling elements that drew is has not been totally closed. The people can lam writing to express my concern for the the /ailing cycle. As far as forcing someone here. re-petition under paragraph ibl which says avid cyclists of SanibeL to purchase a bell or horn—"if you can't yell -s-Russ Mattsen that tbe exact wording of tfee amendment Our thanks goes out to the people louder than a bell I don't think you could SanibeLFIa must be circulated or the people can write responsible for the creation of a much pedal a bike too far." an ordinance requesting that the matter be needed bike path. My concern is with the When I begin to see a governing body ¥Oted upon by Council which would also ridiculessness of our new "cycle laws." It create "laws" that should be suggestions I contain the exact wording of the amend- seems the lawmakers are more concerned see the creation of criminals. ment. with "making laws" than they are with the Why can't we strike these laws from the sport and safety of our cyclists. records, and apply the energy and revenue it TothelSLAHDER: Acting Mayor Butler warned, however, A red flag on the rear may give our senior would take to enforce them towards Total incomprehensibility as to City were the people to write an ordinance, the citizens the confidence to enjoy cycling but maintaining our present path? Council's behavior last Tuesday entered my Council would not necessarily pass It to the 10 speed rider it creates a danger. I'm sure the SPD must have more im- mind while listening to reasons why the However, petitioning under paragraph lb) When riding close or passing the flag pole portant things to do than chase bike riders people of Sanibel were not going to be would automatically place the amendment becomes a whip at about eye level. If a around. In fact, it must be embarrassing for allowed to vote, why a petition with a one on the ballot for approval or disapproval by situation comes up where the bike goes down them to waste their hard training and bullets letter mistake was declared invalid and why the voters. two elected bodies would divide the city. All this came on the heels of a petition It was not the intent of the pet ition to place FOR YOUR BROWSING FUN! signed by 8 percent of the Florida voters to an additional burden on the people by amend the Constitution of the State of petitioning under paragraph lb) whereby an WE ARE OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Florida thus pitting the financial disclosure attorney would have to be hired to formulate 9:30 to 5:30 amendment on the ballot for the vote of the the exact wording when a city attorney has people in November. Also, it came on the been hired to advise us. It was not the intent i WONDERFUL SELECTION OF JEWELRY FOR GUYS AND GALS. heels of Governor Askeers statement that of the petition to place an additional SPECIMEN SHELLS AND UNIQUE GIFTS. petitioning by the people was becoming a financial burden on the people by having to s liable way for the people to effect change.* call a special election for the purpose of McCRUL s TREi HOUSE All this came at a time, for all time, in this considering the amendment. This was ex- country where all legislative bodies are plained to Council at the time of presentation elected, the judiciary is elected, < in Florida, of the petition. Had council acted respon- | oft CapUva Island X at least), the House of Representatives are jf % MILE NORTH OF CAPT1VA POST OFFICE - BankAmericard-Mostercharge 1 sibly, the taxpayers could have been saved elected, the Senators are elected, the this additional expense. Governor is elected and the Sheriff is elected. Administrative personnel are hired It was the intent of the petition to help and paid by tax dollars. promote good government... (and to borrow Planning commissions apparently are a few words from Abe Lincoln) "of the Salesman Wanted neither legislative, nor judiciary, nor ad- people, by the people, for the people, so that ministrative, nor do they belong to Hie it shall not perish from the earth." sheriff s department Now, here we have a "fledgling" city so -s-Carol Quillinan 100% Commission new and apparently so insecure as to ife President, Concerned actions that an elected planning commission Property Owners of would seem to be a threat to its very Sanibei. YOU WILL RECEIVE THE TOTAL COMMISSION PAID TO existence. One can only wonder why. Even if, by majority vote, the City Charter SURF REALTY ON ALL OF YOUR LISTINGS AND SALES. were amended to allow for an elected planning commission, those planning A WHOLE NEW WAY OF BUSINESS! FLORIDA REAL commission members who have done their ESTATE LICENSE REQUIRED. jobs well would certainly have the op- To The ISLANDER: portunity to run and possibly gain office on We have purchased a bouse in Sanibel their merifs- Highlands from Mr. Frey. We hope to begin However, this is not to be so in the new to spend more time on Sanibel in the near FOR INFORMATION ON HOW THE 100% COMMISSION city. Its wings have not yet spread far future, but until that time, we would like to enough to include requests by petition nor have The ISLANDER sent to us so we may PROGRAM WORKS AND HOW IT WILL WORK FOR YOU has it spread its joy of being and raison keep up on all the news of the Islands... CONTACT _ d'etre abroad upon the land but insists on -s-Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hansel E keeping itself to itself as though the Dubuque, Iowa 472-1540 472-4886 REALTOR3

Refer to "100% COMMISSION OPERATION" article appearing in the May, 1976 issue TRAW of Florida Realtor Magazine, page 9. 5 The Last Straw "Yourisland StrawMarket" 2242 Periwinkle Way, Sanlel 472-2154 Qfts, Packaged & Slipped 9:38 - 5 Mon.-Sat sat Mint* Inn Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 DREAMS LUXURY LIVING ON THE SUNNY GULF COAST!

105 ultra modern efficiencies and-motel rooms All air conditioned & heated. Room phones & color TV, large heated pool. Tennis courts, snuffleboard, putting green, excellent shelling, fishing & safe swimming, tennis, goff. PHONE (813) 472-1541

bUGGERS OF SANIBEL Unusual Ceramic & China Painted Gifti

2902 Gulf Drive 472-11 81 Tuesday thru Saturday 10-3 Tti* 1SLANDHE Tuesday, Awgusf 10,

weekdays till 6.-3O p.m. For full week's TV schedule, SPECIAL NOTE: Hie Republican National Convention 12:30 place left index finger here •*-*- starts Monday, August 16, which will (being political and all) 11-Search for Tomorrow mess up more than one TV schedule. Channels 11 and 20 have 20-The Gong Show already announced "gavel to gavel" coverage, which means 26-A11 my Children (turn page) that on Monday and Tuesday, August 16 and 17, daytime 12:55 programming from 11:30 ajn. on is up for grabs. An 20-NBCNews educated guess leads us to believe it will be a soapless and thufsday - 6:3O p.m. til! sign off gameless week—at least the pre-written ones. The Con- 1:00 vention, of course, may possibly provide as many tears and- ll-Young and Restless 20-Somerset or laughs as the regular programming. Channel 26 has been 6:30 8:30 11:00 completely silent on the subject, probably because ABC 26-Rvan's Hope 11-CBS News 2S-Barney Miller ll-News Eleven network news rarely lets its local stations in on their plans. 1:30 20-NBCNews 20-Eyewitness News This week (till Friday, at least) the following schedule 11-As the World Turns 26-ABC News 26-Peter Gunn should be valid; after that, it's up for grabs. 20-Days of Our Lives 8:57 7:00 26-FamilyFeud 6:30 11-MayberryRFD 11- Bicentennial Minutes 11:30 Powell, Julie Adams; 2:00 20-Concentration 11-CBS Late Movie: "Amy 20-Guif Coast Today Thurs: "The Crusades" 6:35 26-S20.000 Pyramid 26-Jack Van Impe 9:00 Prentiss; Baptism of Loretta Young; Fri: 7:30 Fire." Jessica Waller. 1 l-Sunshine Almanac "Wings of the Hawk" 2:30 11-HawaiiFive-O 6:50 11-The Guiding Light 11-Partridge Family 20-NBC Movie: "fOuie," in William iThe Trek; Van Heflin, Julie 20-The Doctors 20-ScreenTest which someone wants to Shatner and Peter 11-F.Y.I. Andrews; Mon: Aug. 16, 26-One Life to Live 8:00 kill Jane Fonda Haskell 6:55 "Ride Clear of Diablo" 11-Spanish News Cast 3:00 11-The Waltons (Nothing political, she's 20-The Tonight Show Audie Murphy, Dan 20-"Come Into My Parlor," a NYC call girl) 26-Mannix and The 7:00 Duryea; Tues: "The 11-AiI in The Family 11-CBS Morning News 20-Another World an NBC special in which 26-Streets of San Francisco Magician i2 shows) Naked Dawn" Arthur Peter Ustinov narrates 20-Today Kennedy. 3:15 26-General Hospital about and with spiders 10:00 26-Good Morning America 10:00 1:00 7:25 3:30 (Shiver!) 11-Barnaby Jones 20-The Tomorrow Show 11-Merv Griffin Show 11-Match Game 26-Welcomft Back, Hotter 26-HarryO 11-LocalNews 20-Sanf ord and Son 20-Today in Florida 4:00 11-Tattle Tales 7:30 10:30 11-CBS Morning News 20-Robert Young, Dr. & 20-Celebrity Sweepstakes 26-Edge of Night 8:00 11:00 li- 4:30 8EAUT1H& GUtfSES HMNG AND SUNSETS AT BUND PASS 11-Gambit ll-Mike Douglas Luncheon: Noon - 3 p.m. 9:00 20-Wheel of Fortune 11-Sesame Street 26-Dinah! Dinn er: 5:30 pjn, - 9:30 p.m. 11:30 5:00 20-Phil Donahue Show 11-LoveofLife FINEST FOODS + QUAU7Y PREPARATION 26-Sunshine Showcase of 20-Adam 12 20-Hollywood Squares 5:30 classically old movies: 26-Happy Days Tues: "Raw Edge," 20-To Tell The Truth FINEST SEAFOODS ON THE ISLANDS* Rory Calfaoun, Yvonne 12:00 6:00 EVERY dish cooked to orderi DeCarlo; Wed: ll-News Eleven ll-News Eleven NO micro-wave ovens! "Treasure of the Lost 20-The Fun Factory 20-Eyewitness News WineSBeef Canyon" William 25-Hotseat 26-Newscene —Carry out ovaifchison o$f i1«mi— To Serve You: ChefWtfsem tuesdcxy p.m. - 6:3O till sign-off Reservations: 472-1212 Closed Sundays 6:30 8:28 11:00 11-CBS News ll-BIcentennial Minutes ll-News Eleven 20-NBC News 8:30 20-Eyewitness News 25-ABC News 11-Good Times 26-Peter Gunn Holme* tee 7:00 26-Laverne & Shirley •11:30 11-Nashville Music 11-CBS Late Movie: "The 20-Concentration Wings of Eagles," in 26-Treasure Hunt 9:00 which John Wayne. 11-M.A.S.H. Maureen O'Hara, Dan 7:30 20-Poiice Woman Dailey and Ward Bond 11-Porter Wagoner 26-ABC Comedy Thea tre ' fly high in the old 20-Hollywood Squares 9:30 fashioned way, via 26-Travel Horizons ll-"This Better Be It," CBS airplanes. fHmmm) 8:00 Special 20-The Tonight Show 11-Popi 10:00 26-ABC Mystery Movie 20-Movin On 11-Switch 1:00 26-Happy Days 20-City of Angels 20-The Tomorrow Show Wednesday - 6:3O p.m. tiii sign-off MAINE LOBSTER FEAST EVERY MON., TUES., WEDS. & THURS. 6:30 20-Little House on the 11:00 * Boiled Maine Lobster (choose from our tank) 11-CBS News Prairie ll-News Eleven INCLUDING 20-NBCNews 26-One & Only "Bionic 20-Eyewitness News A Cup Of Our New England Clam Chowder 26-ABC News Woman" (Thank ' 26-Peter Gunn THEN VISIT OUR SALAD BAR 7:00 Goodness) 11:30 11-Untamed World 9:00 11-CBS Late Movie: "When A Choice of Baked Potatoe, French Fries, Hash Browns or Spaghetti 20-Concentration 11-CBS Movie, "The Eight Bells Toll," in with Red or White Clam Sauce and Loaves of our Homemade Bread 26-Name That Tune Autobiography of Miss which Anthony Hopkins. * Because Our Tank Only Holds 125 Lobsters We Can Not Guarantee 7:30 JanePittman" Robert Moley, and Jack Lobster After 8 P.M. $/QC Hawkins cover their 11-Friends of Man 20-"Over and Out," abquta Gourmet Cuisin& %#• * w 20-New Price is Right code cracking couple in ears??? 26-Pop Goes The Country WWII 20-The Tonight Show 35 Entrees-10 Page Menu , Dining & Cocktails 8:00 10:00 26-ABC Movie of the Week 463-5519 CHILDRENS MENU AVAILABLE '.'7. Days-5 'til ? ll-"Hazard's People" CBS 20-Hawk 1:00 Special 26-Starsky and Hutch 20-The Tomorrow Show BlVO. TORTNY^aS 8E^C« storting of S3.95

Paid Political Advertisement ELECT DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Beauty of the Unadorned & Freedom of the Vote! Every Wednesday the Gentle Sex is Feted! Ali mixed drinksforthe distaff just95c BILL SHEFFIELD RED TARPON SALOON SHERIFF it 19yrs. experience And excelsior! Happy hour occurs each weekday 'twixt 4 PM and 6 PM wherein all mixed drinks are just 95c to all regardless of TV Proven gender! administration Come quick and often less the opportunists consume your iz Leader of man portions. TV Family man

PAID BY... DANSLW. (BILL) SHEFFIELD Casa Ybel Road at Gulf Drive Sanibel Island. CAMPAIGN FUND Ttfesday, August TO, 1976 The ISLANDER ffiday - 6:3O pm. tf sign-off

-..put left thumb here, 6:30 8:30 11:00 11-CBSNews H-" You're Jast Like Your •Il-News Eleven 2Q-NBCNew$ Fafher!" 2&-E*iemtaess News pull (don't tear) gently. 26-ABCNews 2G-Phillip and Barbara 7:00 8:57 .11:30 Il-ISpy H-BIeentennial Minutes ll-CBS Movie: "Saiior, ZQ-Concentraflon 9:00 Beware!" Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis, Corinne w M WMM1CM 26-Love, American Style U-CBS Movie; "COB- '¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥^ 7:30 fessions of a Pdiee Calvert 20-Candid Camera Captain," Martin Balsam Gasparilla Restaurant * 26-NashviIle on the Road 8:00 20-Your Place or Miae? 11:45. 2163 periwinkle way H-"Don*tCaIlUs" .2G-ABC Movie K-The Rookies - 1:00 * M-For Better or Worse •& seafood. •& -steaks 26-Donnv & Marie 20-TheRockfwd FUes 20-midni^!t Special

home made dam chowder & If me pie salad bar — children's menu Cf OSSWOfd WINE & BEER open 5 - 9 pm — closed Tuesdays ACROSS 38 Bacteriolo- gist's 472-2113 5 Wrongly wire answer ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 10 Kaffir 39 Iranian to crossword warrior monetary 11 Batter's unit on page 15 Winner of Meritorious bearing 40 Belgian Food Service Award 12 Funny river scene DOWN 13 Mason's 1 Pancake Harbor House mixture topping RESTAURANT 14 Prefix for (var.) 8 Said of a 23 Trattoria's cycle 2Kipdof triangle menu Item FRESH SEAFOOD 15 Fashion acid 9 Arranged 24 Destiny The Closest You Can Get To 16 New 3 Terribly in 26 Perk up Fresh Seafood Without Getting Wet"! Havenite pampered order 28 Crowbar, (2 wds.) 11 Whacked Stone Crab Claws, Steaks, Chicken 17 Defile for one 19 Cartoonist,. 4 Success 15 Gyrate 29 Demean Imported & Domestic Wines Gardner — 5 Expiate IS German 30 Beer Chiidrens Menu 472-1242 20 Colleen's § Disfeature ballad 35 Yellow land .7 Banking 21 Amalga- bugle Reservations Dinner 5-9 21 Cleft concerns mate 36 Kind of Not Required Closed Sunday 1244 Periwinkle Way 22 Shake- (2 wds.) 22 Terrified sauce spearean 3 4 forest 24 Type of to ii match 25 Fat 26 Hold restaurant & out 15 16 cocktail lounge 27 Timorese coin n 18 19 28 Word 2! for 20 word 22 23 featuring fresh seafood 31 Slower (mus.) 25 2fo steaks m salad bar m chops 32 She raised 27 28 29 : Cain —— —— daily dinner specials 33 Arab 32 33 garment cchildren's menu available 34 Incentive 36 Hind's 37 Open 7 days a week 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. mate 37 TV news 39 Island Shopping Center 472-1366 hour

Seafood Dinners To Take Out for your entertainment pleasure... Smoked Mullet see pages 5-6-11-12

For Superb Dining in a Truly Unique Atmosphere - cross over the bridge. FISH MARKET The ISLAND PUB

DOORS OPEN 5 P.M. TIL 9:30 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK Cocktails Open Monday - Saturday 10-9 Sunday 12 - 9 Specializing in Steaks and Prime Rib FRESH SEAFOOD DAILY Southwest Florida's Finest Seafood Menu ON PERIWINKLE WAY NEXT TO ISLAND BAKE SHOP 883 SAN CARLOS BLVD. 463-2033 BETWEEN THE BRIDGES Banquet Facilities Available FT. MYERS BEACH MARK & PEG BRUNO, OWNERS 472-2860 The ISLANDER Tuesday, August 10, 1976 Council discusses budget

The Sanibei City Council met last Tuesday Causeway surplus funds, as well as a meeting calls for the city to levy a miSlageof taxing district from the cit>. for what was supposed to be their only remaining balance of $85,617.75 from this 3.75 for the coming year, down .28 mils from 'hydrant issue to stand alone on the regular meeting daring the month of August. this year's capital improvements fund. this year's ad valorum taxation millage of while the council wants the mueh-needfed August being one of the slower months here During the afternoon session, the council 4.03. Both the operating budget ordinance hydrants to be a part of the overall bond on the Islands, the council was two members heard a first reading of an ordinance fixing and fee millage ordinance will be given a package to help sell the total bond issue to short of full strength, with Mayor Porter the appropriation for the city's general second reading at a public hearing to be heid city voters. Goss away on vacation for the month and operating budget for the coming year. The in City Hai on September 14, beginning at The council last week also discus councilman Vernon Mackenzie absent due budget proposal calls for an expenditure of 7:30 p.m. At that time, the council plans to resolution authorizing the city mar to illness. Vice-Mayor Zee Butler chaired the $1,015,411 to operate the city government for act upon the budget and millage proposals. enter into contract with James H-jjg^Tand meeting in Mayor Goss'absence. the coming year, while allowing for the Associates, a San Francism^raffu addition of 2 new policemen and 2 new engineering firm, to have awiiffie With another fiscal year in the city rapidly maintenance men to the city payroll, as well In other discussion of financial matters eulation study done for.jfe^is&nd at drawing to a close, budgetary matters as providing for a modest salary increase last Tuesday, the council reached an im- maximum expenditure of $5,000. The stud practically dominated Tuesday's agenda. for all city employees, in order to put the passe with respect to the proposal for the would aid ciiy engiaeers in drafting ne Early in the session, the three-man council City of Sanibei in a competitive situation city to issue $2.5 million worth of general road proposals for the city in order to meej unanimously passed a revised capital im- with respect to government employees obligation bonds to fund specific projects the demands of the ever-increasing amoii provements budget for the ciiy, outlining a elsewhere in Lee County. This past year's within the city. Roughly a third of the total of traffic on Ihe Island. variety of specific projects to be ac- general operating budget was in the vicinity bond proposal would go toward the in- City Manager Bill Nugester reported tha| complished for a total capital outlay of of $640,000. stallation of fire hydrants throughout the he had received 35 letters of interest fro $22433.82. Island, to be sponsored jointly by the city engineering firms offering their servie Although the proposed budget represents and the Fire Prevention District for Sanibei. the city. Preliminary cost estimates ^ The projects agreed upon by the city a substantial increase over last year's As all bond issues are subject to a general needed on the various road irsprovp- •»• * council, which include various beach access operating budget, an increase in property referendum vote by city taxpayers, the issue proposed by fee city before t|- improvements," recreational facilities, and valuations this year has allowed the city to reached a stalemate on whether or not the obligation bond issue to fund tf road and street improvements and ap- propose a decrease in the millage to be hydrant proposal should be a separate issue can go on the ballot in Xoveir. purtenances, are to be funded primarily levied against individual taxpayers within on the ballot from the other projects council took no action on the . with the proceeds of the J.N. (Ding) Darling the city. A supplementary ordinance which proposed by the city. The fire prevention pending a clarification of what the ^ National Wildlife Refuge and Sanibei was given a first reading at Tuesday's commissioners, which represent a separate entail.



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2OO years ago, this land was probably worth 10 conch shells

Today, 200 years later, many things have changed but one thing Quarter acre lots, golf course, club house facilities, tennis courts, remains constant... VALUE. The rate of exchange is different now swimming pool, central water and sewage," underground utilities, all - but a building site in The Dunes is still a great value. During July, city approved and ready to go. And there's more. Visit our Model you can save up to $2000 plus a $1000 rebate. Home and Office or call 472-3448 for more details.

Take Bailey Road off Periwinkle Way and follow the signs to our Model and Office at... The Dunes AT S A NIB EL ISLAND


Call or Write Exclusive Sales Agent and Realtor ft BCllty, ItlC. 1707 Periwinkle Way, Sanibei, Florida 33957 (813) 472-1566 Tuesday, A«gusf TO, 1976 TheJStANDER News & editorial notes

Hearing schedule Crime prevention on ferry service system underway CoJi Lee County Commission Chairman L.H. False killer whales The Sanibel Police Department, according > Bob) Whan announced Jast week that the to Police Chief John Butler, will implement commission and Lee County Administrator its pilot "crime warning" system this week, Latwf-IFkJier had received considerable still critical when final determination is made as to correspondence about the proposal of Phil where the 25 emergency call boxes will be and Roberta Kinsey to operate a ferry placed on both Sanibel and Captiva Islands. service between mainland Lee County and the barrier islands of Captiva, Upper Since the ISLANDER'S deadline last The red boxes, attached to white cement Captiva. Cayo Costa, Cabbage Key, and week, another of {he false killer whales poles, will be placed at various possible BocaGrande. which beached themselves in the vicinity of trouble spots the Bowman's Beach area. Redfish Pass a few weeks back has died in Turner Park, Lighthouse pointpark. Tarpon Much of.the correspondence was in op- 1 position to the county's granting the Kinseys captivity at Sea World in Orlando. Although Bay access and so forth. so that the witness lift operating franchise, said Whan, with we reported that the mammals were or victim of a crime may report it directly to •r'ich of the disfavorable comment coming beginning to school, feed, and adjust to their police headquarters merely be lifting the **t£ residents of L'pper Captiva, who captivity, it appears that they are still "very receiver off the phone and telling the SPD •pied at the prospect of boatloads of sick" whales and remain in guarded con- dispatcher where ihey are and whai's going .sitorsr overrruning their secluded dition. - on isle, which ai present has no police 'ion or public restroom facilites. While the ca;i boxes are basically to help An autopsy performed upon the whale deter crime or So get aid to crime victiras as commission has scheduled a public revealed a heavy concentration of iung earing on the matter for August 25. soon as possible, lifting the phone will ako worms and stomach worms in the mam- put you in touch • via the SPD dispatchers mal's body, lending further confirmation to with the fire department and the medical the theory advanced by some scientists that technicians, so if you are in need of parasitic infestation was responsible for the emergency medical treatment, or \-our car mass beachings of false killer whales and is burning-up- -heaven forbid) you wont' ti rowbridge addresses spinner dolphins along Florida's southern have to go knocking on someone's door in the Gulf coast in recent weeks. hope they may have a phone - - - you'll be vfafe cabinet able to call directly for immed late aid. Another group of four false Killer whales washed ashore last week near Cape Sable in The call boxes were funded by a gover- the Everglades National Park, but unlike nment granf to further the efficency of Island developer Keith Trowbridge the other recent beachings, this group has .journeyed to Tallahassee last week to ad- police protection in a community. If tbey been \-isibly attacked by sharks, which help in theimanner Chief Busier expects dress the state cabinet concerning the new resulted in their death. The carcasses of the emergency regulations governing time them too, t&ey may be adopted by other whales were too badly mutilated to allow police departments throughout the country. -tiaring realt estate operations in the State scientists to ascertain whether they were -.,-!'• Florida adopted by the cabinet last members of the school of false killer whales iVtidnesday. Another set of goodies these being a that beached themselves in the Dry Tor- couple of dozen or so electronic black boxes, ?-Jecause__ of- the input of Trowbridge, tugas the week before. granted under the Civil Defense funds J^esentatives of Plantation Village at will be given to various members of the j?3eas Plantation, and representatives a poiice and fire departments so that the main -**e other inten'al ownership resorts in SPD or fire office may reach any one or all the cabinet was careful to individuals by sending out a signal which .ish in their legislation between pre- 1 Toll booth will activate the black box so that it not only cation concept operations such as beeps, whistles and blinks a light at one. but xisting on Miami Beach and interval has busy month also teiis one where and what to report to or jrship resorts such as Sanibel Beach for. ciub, which give their buyers a deed to the nits for the specified time which they Well, over 75 thousand vehicles (69,744 The boxes are supposedly effective for the purchase. - being automobiles) crossed over the bridge range of the present'police and fire radio interval ownership resorts such as Sanibel in July. Either a lot of us natives were going system, but will have a decided advantage Beach Club are already regulated by the back and forth a lot from here to town (or over the "emergency bar" (which rings Florida Division of Land Sales and state real somewhere) or else we had a lot of visitors phones in all the homes of the Ore depart- estate laws, and the escrow provisions of the who visited invisably, more or less. That is, ment men at one time) in that the boxes are new regulations would have placed an undue if you listen to the business community. portable, so that if you're out mowing the burden upon them. The regulations were That brings the total number of vehicles grass s'or swimming in your pool! you will intended to curb the questionable business which have used the causeway to 783.769 hear the call if you've carried the box out practices of pre-paid vacation resorts.such since the beginning of the fiscal year, Oct. 1, with you — and if you've left it in the house, as those on Miami Beach. 1975. D'at's a lotta cars, dere, Andy! when you go home, it will be flashing at you to tell you are needed. Another advantage is that instead of having to ring everyone's phone when perhaps only one or two specific men are needed, the boxes are set so that •any one can be activated individually. cJIM'S Ingenious, these scientific thinkers. We with a pi can envision a time when perhaps all in- dividuals, both civilian and police, may SHELL SHOP carry such a device . . . imagine being able to call for aid by merely pressing a button CHECK JIMS PRICES ON SHELLS which would send out an electronic impluse telling the police or ambulance or whatever AND ADD TO YOUR COLLECTION TODAY just where you are and what help you need. Shades of Flash Gordon — and hopefully, Ye ed has just returned fn OPEN 10-5 DAILY WEST OF THE CAUSEWAY ON PERIWINKLE WAY none of Big Brotherism. yummy vacation on the otfc Florida, where they have waves i sting rays (because of the we presume).

Since we NEVER do anything wAoi ISLANDER in mind (hope the-ic reading this) we naturally co&e OVER 50 YEARS number of native recipes to sharewit Members New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (To allay any idea that you may-ibv we spent all our time in local spas, we f Residential and Commercial to add that we also used up two aui LARGE bottles of suntain oil andfot. Designing and Furnishings that we were coconutty on the outside: Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Options, as the inside, which you will unde] Commodities, Tax Shelters, Financial Planning when you read on.) : '

No. 1 Periwinkle PI. 1601 Jackson Si SANIBEL DOWNTOWN The first recipe was created'b ISLAND FORT MYERS "For Information Call" Thibedeau of the Yellow Submarine 3 472-1327 334-1348 at the Holiday Inn on North Fofi ' 1995 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island-472-3121 < Beach, and we were assured that if • 2164 W. First Street, Fort Myers - 334-3505 nothing but sip on them and nibfile peanuts for a week, in spite of alls ti caloric ingredients,, you would \ Mgrs. exceedingly healthy and also loose ' Thomas C. Coleman Willis G. Eshbaugh Oddly enough (in a test.just benefit, of course — we had to ibr Th* ISLANDER

ftball to report scores, schedules jnd highlights (piease)l

Action, at Soi .~^... ballfietd resumes toni- at 6:30 with / Francis's Foxes taking on the Police Ladies.

selves) we found this to be true. The ( depending on its sweetness >, the juice from your car. or be carried). Stir, top with a creation, a picture of which is supposedly two limes (or 2 oz. of Rose's lime juice), and liberal mound of whipped cream, dribble a someone somewhere on this page, is called a one quarter cup of honey (or you may bit of green creme de menth over" the Pina Colada (sure, you've heard of them substitute a half cup of simple syrup, which whipped cream for the color effect i if you before — but notlike these) and herewith is a half and half mixture of water and white like) and top all with chocolate sprinkles follows the recipe for an individual one and a sugar). Shake the whole thing up (it makes ' sip slowly through a straw. batch. about a gallon) and chill thoroughly. Now for something solid, if equaih of salt. They are served in a 16 ounce bell or When you're ready to serve, mix up two at caloric. Whilst going through our maiTo qjK hurricane glass, although we're sure they'd a time in your blender, using two handfuls of return to the Islands, we noticed ij taste as good (if not as pretty) in a old jelly ice. enough of the mix to just cover the ice. Bailey's had butter on" sale (thrnu by ginn! brown jar. six chunks (or one whole slice) of pineapple, tomorrow, Wednesday) which, for so Okay - - - for one-^-pulla handfull of ice in and the 151 rum if you want a "hot" cold reason, reminded us of the Scottish Shi your trust electric blender. Add 3 jiggers of drink. Blend and garnish as described for bread Grandmama used to make. Simp] Roncoco (NOT to be confused with creme de the single drink. A gallon of this (especially delicious and fattening. cocoa), 3 oz. pineapple juice, 1 oz. orange if you add the 151 rum) will keep a dozen Cream one cup of real butter with a h •ly juice, I oz. half and half cream, ' tsp. sugar cup of sugar. Add one and a half cups of z peopie happy for quite a while. or honey (the latter preferred), a dash of Another concoction we learned about at sifted flour (the regular kind, not the se irks, lime juice and four chunks (or half a slice) of the Yellow Submarine was created by a rising kind) and beat until fluffy. Ad_ 5, we canned pineapple. gentleman named Max, who calls it a "Slow another cup and a half of sifted flour and Put the cover on the blender and blend for Blow" because it will definitely knock you work itall in with your hands (which you had about a minute (depending on the strength out, but slowly enough so that you're not better flour, too) and then knead a bit, til] it .tthe and speed of your particular machine) so aware of it until you try to walk away from is nice and firm. Press into nine inch square ;s is that everything ends up in a delightful slush your seat. And it's very simple. Just take a pan lot is equivalent one recipe we id a which can be consumed through a straw, large brandy snifter, and splash in equal checked advised using a round 9 inch pie you. (for a sneaky touch, add about three' amounts of Patrician brand Ameretto and pan, which, the cook book assured us, would that quarters of an-ounce of 151 proof rum.)> Courvoisier. Do NOT add ice. DO inhale, and yield 9 three inch squares something isten Pour into glass, shake out a mound of for heaven's sake, SIP. If you have more we're still trying to figure out. I mean, how half whipped cream from a can, and garnish- than two make sure you are with very good do you get nine squares from a pie round n, so with three pineapple chunks, a half slice of and nice friends. which should yield wedges if one is logical well orange and a cherry (except we left off the The third (and last liquid) cocoction we about the whole thing?) tend cherry). brought back with us is the Coffee Nudge, Anyhow, crimp the edges with a fork, i the house after dinner drink at the Red Tail then pierce the flattened dough with the: If you don't have or can't find Roncoco, Hawk, one of the most delightful tines of the fork so there are plenty of air Phil substitute dark or light Bicardi (Anejo is restaurants we've ever had the pleasure of holes (or to make a pretty design, if you feoi >unge good) rum, plus a one inch square of fresh visiting. Bob, the regular bartender there, artistic). ierce peeled coconut and an ounce of coconut assured us the following was the way to Bake in a 350 degree oven for u did milk. Actually, the rum and real coconut equal his masterpiece. Remove from heat, cool and cut into squares i few tastes better, although it is more trouble. In a 12 ounce brandy snifter, pour one or wedges or whatever. If it all doesn't : high To make a batch, blend a 46 ounce can of ounce of Kafuha. 1 ounce of creme de cocoa eaten right away, either store in an electric come Del Monte pineapple juice, 1 qt. half and and half ounce of white (or I guess green crisper. or an air-tight metal container wit Jight. half, l qt. Anejo, one whole peeled and cut up wouldn't matter i creme de menth and add wax paper between the layers of shortbread.' coconut, including the milk (or 1 qt. of six to eight ounces of hot strong coffee Now that everyone's gained 10 pounds, g, your s ; our- Roncoco instead); -> to 1 pintof orange juice (depending on whether you wish -to walk to jogging. It's good for the soul. 10 Tuesday, August TO. 1976 The ISLANDER Permit extensions granted

Surety Construction Company and the structures to be completed under certain After a number oflegal complications sfor , College Life Insurance Company were conditions, which might vary from project to instance, the original city permit for a go- ' granted an extension of building permits by project ahead on construction was issued Jan. 9., the Sanibel City Council last week to allow

PRICIS ARI R1©HT - RIGHT NOW! YARD SALE AAEN! -double knit slacks-were $30. NOW $10. SHELLS polyester shirts -were $20. - NOW $10. also jeans, cotton or denim shirts, and jackets Wednesday MINIATURES August 11 for . /OAAEN I - tremendous markdowns on collectors blouses, jeans, tops, and 11 am to 4 pm 1215 Seagrape Lane 7554 casual outfits. PERIWINKLE WAY IUS MANY MORE SUMMER BONUS BUYS AT BIG SHELLS ^. Tues.-Fri. 10-4 CUT SHELLS "" Sat. 10-2 SPECIMEN SHELLS' SHELL FRAMES SHELL BOXES A SHOP IN TAH1TIAN GARDENS SHELL BOOKS




We've taken the bite out of a 35

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P3 And in more ways than one! Unlike some other resort in a completely equipped kitchen -- Use owner supplied Cfi facilities, with one of our condo apartment rentals, you utensils and dine on the owners china. There are many have your own private screened terrace to enjoy the M more features — al! at low seasonal or off seasonal rates CO refreshing Gulf breezes or those kalaidescopic Gulf with no extra charges per person to put the bite on the sunsets without being eaten alive. And speaking of family budget. eating, the economy-minded can cook their own meals

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P3 '•si Executive Services, Inc W 455 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 REALTOR en

M (813)472-4195 en ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI • ESI • ESI* ESI* ESI • ESI • ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* ESI* Tha ISLANDER Tuesday, August W, 1976 II Saturday - all day 7:00 12:00 6:30 1!-Music and the Spoken 11- 11-Thirty Minutes Word . ' 20-TheJetsons 20-NBC Saturday News 20-My Partner The Ghost 26-The Lost Saucer 26-ABC Saturday News 7:30 12:26 7:00" 11-Fury 11- 11-LawrenceWelk Show 8:00 12:30 20-Holly wood Squares ll-Pebbles and Baram Il-Fat Albert 26-HeeHaw Bamm 20-Bonanza . 20 -E mergency Plus 4 26-Ameriean Bandstand 2tf-WHd. Wild World of 26-Hong Kong Phooey 1:00 Animans 8:26 11-Children's Film Festival 8:00 li-News for Children (4 1:30 11-TheJeffersens minutes in 2 minute 20-This Is Baseball 20-Emergency! segments on the hour 26-Roland Martin goes 26-Doubie Feature movies and half hour til 2 p.m.c fishing while you watch! 8:27 8:30 2:00 11-Bicentennial Minutes I!-Bugs Bunny-Road 11-Wilburn Brothers 8:30 Runner 20-Grandstand 11-Doc 20-Josie & The Pussycats 26-Waiiy *s Workshop 9:00 26-Tom & Jerry Grape Ape " 2:15 11-Mary Tyler Moore Show 20-Major League Baseball 20-Pitteburgh Steelers play 9:00 2:30 football with the 20-Secret Lives of Waldo 11-Untamed World Washington Redskins, Kitty 26-Big Valley 9:30 9:30 3:00 11-BobNewhart !l-ScoobyDoo 11-Wait Til Your Father 10:00 20-ThePink Panther Show Gets Home! 11-Diahann Carroll Variety (SAY CHOW) 26-The New Adventures of 3:30 11:00 Gilligan 11-Championship Wrestling 11-News Eleven 10:00 26-Wide World of Sports 26-ABC Weekend News ITALIAN 11-Shazuml 4:30 11:15 20-Land of the Lost 11-Ghuck Wepner & 26-Wayne Tyler Show DELICATESSEN 26-Super Friends Jimmy Young indulge 11:30 10:30 in a Heavyweight fight ll-Don Kirshners Rock A NEW WORLD OF FINE FOODS 20-Run, Joe, Run on CBS Sports Concert 5:00 11:45 PIZZA 11:00 20-WBBH Local Feature 26-Late Movie: "Murders Call 472-4003 U-Far Out Space Nuts 26-PGA Championship in the Rue Morgue," 20-Return to the Planet of 5:30 BelaLugosi! the Apes 20-Last of the Wild (About 12:00 FRESH ITALIAN BREADS & ROLLS 26- eagles, hawks, falcons, 20-Eyewitness News cheeses 11:30 owls & osprays) 12:30 11-Ghost Busters 6:00 20-NBC Saturday Night homemade lasagna 20-Westwind Il-News Eleven (Very funny humor & 26-The Odd Ball Couple 20-Eyewitness News outrageous humor} homemade sausage Sunday - all day imporfed and domestic cold cuts 5:57 12:15 7:00 11-Morning Devotional 20-GuIf Coast on WallSt. 11-Pre-Convention Special YOU CAN DISCOVER CIAO 7:00 12:30 20-WonderfuI World of IN TAHIT1AN GARDENS ON PERIWINKLE 11-The Christophers Il-Thy Kingdom Come Disney 7:30 20-Meet the Press (Pre- 26-Pre-Convention Special Il-ResHumbard Convention Special) 8:00 OPEN MON.-SAT. 10-8 20-The Bible Answers 26-Directions ll-Sonny&Cher 8:00 1:00 20-MacMillan&Wife 20-Amazing Grace 11-Camera Three 26-Six Million Dollar Man "8:30 26-Insight (A Bionic one of a kind - 11-Oral Roberts 1:30 the original - and not Sam's Meats 20-Old Time Gospel Hour 11-NFL Cincinnati at female.) 9:00 Minnesota, pre-season 8:57 11-U.S. Of Archie football already uet. 11-Bicentennial Minutes & Provisions 26-GoodNews 20-PubIic Policy Forum 9:00 9:26 26-The American Angler 11-Kojak 11-News for Children 2:00 26-ABC Sunday Movie 1473 Periwinkle, San i&el 9:30 26-Wally's Workshop 10:00 Phone Orders Welcome 11-Harlem Globetrotters 2:30 11-Cannon 20-Changed Lives 20-Bonanza 20-Pre-Convention Special 472-1054 26-OId Time Gospel Hour 26-Thrillseekers 11:00 10:00 3:00 11-News Eleven 11-CatholicMass 26-SecretsoftheDeep 20-Eyewitness News 20-Norman Vincent Peale 3:30 11:30 S Reasons Why You Should Buy 10:30 20-NFL Action 11-CBS News 11-Day of Discovery 26-National Open Long 20-"The Magus," A bizarre 20-Davey & Goliath Driving Championship tale of a young teacher From 26-Groovie Gooh'es 4:00 who arrives on a small 10:45 11-Trenton 200 USAC Grecian Island. Sam's Meats And Provisions 20-This is the Life Championship Contest Players: Anthony 1. SAM SELLS "ONLY" TOP OF THE GRADE U.S.D.A CHOICE 11:00 20-Championship Fishing Quinn, Candice Bergen, li-Riverside Baptist 26-PGA Championship Michael Caine. AND PRIME MEATS 26-These are the Days 4:30 12:05 2. THE QUALITY OF SAM'S MEATS IS ALWAYS UNIFORMLY 11:15 11-Hartford Open Golf 26-ABC News PERFECT 20-Insight 20-Dr. Robert Young 12:20 3. TO INSURE THE FINEST FLAVOR AND TENDERNESS SAM'S 11:30 5:30 26-Late Movie: "The MEATS ARE AGED 2-3 WEEKS 26-MafceaWish 20-Ironside Mummy's Hand" (What 11:45 6:00 you hold on to in the 4. ALL OF SAM'S MEATS ARE SUPERVISED AND INSPECTED 20-Medix : U-CBSNews museum after hours?) BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BEFORE SAM SELLS IT 12:00 20-NBC News Dick Foran and Peggy 5. ALL OF SAM'S MEATS ARE SOLD ON A SATISFACTION 11-Face the Nation 26-ABC Championship Moran GUARANTEED BASIS 26-Issues and Answers Bowling

monday - 6:3O p.m. till sign off ••••••••••••••••••••••••« »••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (Being as this is the first 26-Monday Night Baseball day of the Republican 10:00 Convention, NOTHING 26-Republican Convention is solidly scheduled. For 11:00 mm instance, CBS Late 20-Eyewitness News (If Movie are only Convention ends bet- "Maybes," depending ween 11:30 & 1a.m.) Dime Days- on time of convention's 26-Peter Gunn end. Same for NBC 11:30 Lemons - Limes - Peppers - Tonight & Tomorrow 11-CBS Movie: "Lady L" with Sophia Loren, Paul Oranges - Apples - 6:30 Pears - Newman, ? H-CBS News 20-The Tonight Show Cucumbers J0 each 20-NSCNews 26-ABC Monday Night 26-ABC News Show 41b. Tomatoes $1.00 7:00 . 1:00 11-Republican Convention 20-Tomorrow Show, 20-Concentration GOOD THRU FR1. - 13TH 26+TBA If the Convention 7:30 continues past 1 a.m., 1473 Periwinkle Way - just »ast of 7-11 Mon. - Sat. 10 - 6 20-Republican Convention all you get is local news - 10, 1976 The ISLANDER attorney for the City of Fort Myers. and Ohio state Bars and has had a moderate Sanibei will not lose what councilman Zee amount of litigation experience during his Butler called the "exemplary" talents of years of private practice in Jacksonville, New city attorney Frank Watson, for Immediately after Florida. Currently the city attorney for the passing the new resolution appointment, the City of Hallandalej Florida, Bowen was council passed a second resolution ap- interviewed by all five city councilman and pointing Watson as Special Attorney to the received a unanimous endorsement. Tuesday the Sanibe] City Council passed a city for an indefinite period of tune, at a resolution appointing Neal Dwight Bowen of salary of $50 per hour. Watson's duties as Hallandale. Florida, the new city attorney Special Attorney will include lending The council commended Watson for his for the City of Sanibel, replacing the city's assistance and consaltation to the new city labors on behalf of theeity over the year and first city attorney, Frank Watson. The attorney, as well as eontHBiing to handle the nine months since he assumed the post, to resolution, which becomes effective on or city's current ongoing suits until such time which he replied with a laugh that "affairs before October I of this year, establishes a as they are resolved. on Sanibel have been interesting and in- salary not to exceed $25,000 for the new city triguing, and I've learned a great deal from attorney. working with the people here." The appointment was intended to provide The new city attorney, Neal Dwight the city government with full-time, in-house Bowen, 29 years old, attended both Findfey College and the Kentucky Military Watson added that he had never seen a legal service, which attorney Watson cannot more-community spirited community than offer because of his private practice in Lee Outgoing Frank Watson Academy, among other institutions of higher County and because he also serves as city learning. He is a member of both the Florida Sanibel Island.

Walter KHe of the Sanibel- the group on behalf of the Captiva Chamber of Island and Mike Paceri on THE ONLY WAY Commerce reports that on behalf of the Chamber of to experience the Islands is with Wednesday, August 11, Commerce, as well as Vice- Chamber there will be a welcoming Mayor Zee Butler to greet JERRY WAY ceremony at the Chamber the young students on behalf ji offices on Causeway Road of the Sanibel City Council^, shelling — fishing — sightseeing guide notes beginning at 1:30 p.m. The and present each of them 19 years experience on heal waters dignitaries to be welcomed with a letter of welcome to the Islands at the from the city. 'Tween Waters /L^ 472-1784 ceremony are a group of 40 Marina young students from Spain, Capflva island ^••fHfis. home 472-1007 who were chosen by King Juan Carlos to come to the The group will remain on United States to get a first the Islands for much of the hand look at how democracy afternoon, pursuing one of works. their favorite hobbies, m shelling, with Island shelling 3%0 B W #%f^i Vz day deep sea fishing near the Sanibel guide Esperanza Woodring, Light House. No sea sickness. Everybody catches fish. Two trips a who will conduct them on a ,| The group will be ac- tour of Island beaches in j day, seven days a week. Start 9:00 A.M. return 12:00 Noon. companied by John Schif- search of Saxiibel's famous i fermuller. Special sea shell gems. The group J Start I IOO P.M. return 4i00 P.M. $3.00 per person, children Representative of the will be treated to a picnic' same price. Rods and reels rented $2.00/ or bring your own. Foreign Study League of the lunch later in the afternoon,^ Reader's Digest and in the event that the Cap!. Stan Lummis located at Old Wooden Bridge, Fort Myers Beach. Educational Service, their shelling proves un- escort during their stay in satisfactory, will stop at *Aa States. Elsie Malone's specimen shell shop for a spree before departing for their next The welcoming ceremony destination. West Palm i t will feature Island notables Beach. Bill Macintosh welcoming

i We have room for you, we haven't turned anybody away since Christmas. No need lor reservations, no phone , fust be here a little before starting time, and bring a little ©f that green RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL folding stuff. Usual bait furnished. Treat the family to a fishing LANDSCAPING t»P soon. NO DRUNKS! "ASK ABOUT OUR PACKAGE DEAL"

TRACTOS GRADING iooococeoooeooooo< toocooooeoo REMOVING AND RHtACiNG ANY TYPE OF SOD FILL DIRT Entertainment : REPAIRS AND SERVICE OFHCE542-580S MOBIL PH. 334-SWS Nightly by 3«O6 La'ayetre srreet P O Sox ITS?. Cape Coral. F'or.da At Tecza RESTAURANT & LOUNGE

FRIDA Special NiGHT Seafood Buffet The Best is After 65 Here Lobster, Shrimp, Fish Filet, Shell Point Village is not a condominium, def- Scallops, Oysters, V2 shell, initely not an ordinary retirement community. Oyster Rockefeller, Voyage Our concern is for your happiness, security and spiritual well-being. Your apartment will be on to our saiad bar a 50 the River, with breathtaking Coffee; Tea. views. You'll enjoy sports, social and church activities and delicious, economical meals in Open 11:30 a.m.-Till our residents1 dining room. Our Nursing Pavilion Early Bird Special Every Evening From is one of the finest in the country. Visit us or Phone (813) 481 -3737 for FREE information. 5:30 P[M. to 7:00 P.M. CHILDRENS PRICES AVAILABLE €h Shell Point Village OPEN SUNDAY 5 -12 Fort Myers. Florida 33901 Follow McGregor Blvd., abt 15 mi. so. of Fort Myers (NEXT TO WINN DIXIE PLAZA) (Rte. 867) to our sign just before the Sanibel Bridge. A Ministry of the Christian and Missionary 2601ESTERO BLVD. 463-4181 Al I iance Foundation The ISLANDER Tuesday, August TO, J97& 13

(Happy note: while this was being written, man was picked up in Fort Myers by S.O. officer who happened to "Let's Go remember the name after 3 SPD report. Man in custody Skiing! ' at time of writing; further action unknown at this time.) Water Ski Along Sansbel's Bay Front. RATES BY THE HOUR Call came in that as caller ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED. was driving past business CALL CAPT. HERB PURDY: 472-1849 after 6 building, all business lights went out at one time. Officer Police arrived on scene within nine minutes. Three minutes after officer's arrival on report scene, report came in to SPD that a vehicle had hit a JOIN US power pole, knocking out power and therefore lights. Call came in via |'"Emergency Bar" Call came in on "requesting aid for another Emergency bar about above person's vehicle, which had wreck, which occurred on been driven or fell in a Casa Ybel road. Officer "deep hole" in the Sanc- arrived two minutes after officer, a SPD officer, a tuary. Wrecker dispatched. report came in toSPD : Sanibel fireman and a police reports people unhurt, but wan- sheriff's deputy (the latter dering around. Officer stopped by just in case his Security guard reported assistance was needed s start 'suspicious" couple wan- requested EMTs. fire unit (since there were gas fumes arrived . at house and dering around, who refused removed both refrigerator on page 3 to identify themselves and around). and asked dispatcher to call Electric doors. Case cleared, with all eportedly told guard that breathing freely. ince he was "only a company, telephone com- ecurity guard" they •'didn't pany and Cable TV people, At* have to take anything from as all three had lines or Complaint came in that him." Officer investigated; equipment affected by unauthorized people were turned out to be married crash. camping in his buildina. One Home of the Live Educated Shrimp :ouple registered at motel person found: said he had authorization. Didn't. ^ho just allegedly felt like Officer requested to hurry 75 cents a dozen 'messing around." Left 'em over and pick up a suitcase sitting at the pool. Very annoyed motel to hold until 1980. Confusion owner called SPD to request reigned until officer found office come view vandalized Call came in that a vehicle out that child of caller had beach furniture. which, ^%^-E We Restring Tennis Racquets nad apparently attempted to broken a window by mistake owner said, was probably turn around (in a "U" whilst trying to eliminate an vandalized by near-by ^ & Replace Grips hape) on the San Cap road, extremely noisy cricket, persons but wouldn't say .vhich resulted in vehicle (which cricket, officer anything else, including any ioing a "nose dive," ripping stated, was making enough names. Officer viewed ts front shaft and leaving it noise to keep anyone in any vandalism- - -most beach At The n need of assistance. SPD part of the house awake) furniture had been dragged ifficer and wrecker arrived and parent decided to punish into the Gulf and a garden REAL EEL in scene and got vehicle out child by withholding hose had been wrapped f predicament and nose trophies and medals until around a number of palm live within 40 minutes. the 1980 Olympics. Officer trees and tied in knots. settled matter without Officer and owner came to Accomodations manager further trouble. agreement on who the deed eported "suspicious may have been done bv. and ituation" in that person had Complainant who is city it was decided if they were SKiP PURDY :hecked in, paid S67.60 and official stated that house seen around the scene again, 472 2674 wed S202.80 when he ap- contained two refrigerators SPD would be called im- G >arently decamped, leaving with doors in which, caller mediately. SPOBTING GOODS LIVE inanswered notes, plus a said, children could be TENNIS & GOLF EQUIPMENT ;tereo and approximately caught and suffocated, and Pi FISH 00 tapes and presumably a RAFTS-BEACH TOWELS-BAIT that non-profit organization, CASTING NETS-SPEARGUN'S-TIPS S; BANDS nessy room, since he had caller said, had bought MENS S'.'.Bi TRUNKS-FILM-SCNTAN LOTION-MASKS FINS SNORKLES refused maid service during house and should be made to RiIDS REELS iFISHLXG TACKLE-'SLAXDS ONLY SCUBA AiR STATION tour day stay. Suite was then remove the doors. 5CUBA RENTALS-TENNIS-WATER SKIES double locked and a note left Investigation revealed _ _Sanibel Center Bldq., Periwinkle & Casa Ybel Road an door for decamped house was not property of person to report to office to organization _ stated (ac- settle bill. cording to organization Later that evening, SPD spokesperson) and that, officer entered room only to indeed, house was federal find that stereo and tapes property. had been removed via About the same time that S€@TT crawling through a window. federal official was called, a CONSERVATIVE This all adds up to a "ob- SPD auxiliary member CANDIDATE FOR taining lodging with intent to came into office and, when defraud" and is a Grand REPUBLICAN hearing about it, said that O Larceny charge, since the house belonged to his COUNTY amount is $202.80, well over grandfather and had been COMMISSIONER the $100 level which begins unoccupied for eight years. mi mpmm grand larceny. PAID FOR BY SCOTT At that point, the auxiliary DOUGLAS CAMPAIGN TREAS.

hi low hi low TUES. 2:09 a. 7:13a. 1:03 p. 8:54 p. WED. 2:24 a. 7:56 a. 1:45 p. 9:15p. THURS. 2:41 a. 8:38 a. 2:33 p. 9:41 p. FR1. 2:59 a. 9:23 a. 3:02 p. 10:02 p. SAT. 3:25 a. 10:09 a. 3:49 p. 10:27p. Sanibel Marina, lite* SUN. 3:55 a. 11:04 a. 4:41 p. 10:56 p. 472-2723 MON. 4:32 a. 12:07 p. 5:44 p. 11:25 p. LIVELY PIN FISH & SHRIMP TACKLE HEADQUARTERS FOR SANIBEL Tides courtes\'Of PrisciHa Munphy. Realtor, Inc. COLD BEER RAMP & DOCKAGE Conversion table: The above tides are for the lighthouse point of Sanibei' GAS DIESEL & PRE MIX only. To convert for Redfish Pass (north tip of Captiva), add 55 minutes to the CB CHANNEL 13 MONITORED time shown for every hi tide, and sub two (2) minutes for every low tide. (NO, we don't know why, but it works. Instructions following are even less Charter Fishing ^errse-sical but, as.we stated, they do work.) For Captiva Island, Gulf side, subtract 30 minutes from each high tide, and Cpt Ted Cole subtract 1 hour and 16 minutes for each low tide. For Captiva Island, Pine island Sound {bay) side, add 1 hour and four (4) minutes for each high tide, and add 52 minutes for each low tide. Periwinkle oi N. Yachtsman Dr. In between these points on gulf or bay — guesstimate ---and have good fishing and-or shelling. 14 Tuesday, August 10, 1976 The ISLANDER Your astrological week by flladam Dorinda (phone: 481-3O51)

Aries: Go easy with spicy foods. This is a Libra: Be prepared to act promptly in an good time to make or keep promises and emergency. Take note of actions of others sign papers. Some problems where romance that could be dangerous. Past errors return and children's matters are concerned. to haunt you; don't dwell on them. Taurus: Be a good judge for those who Scorpio: Say what you think if a friend OUTSTANDING WICKER ITEMS may not have their wits about them. A seems bent on a foolish course of action. romantic triangle or an argument with a Have faith that a personal problem will be loved one could develop. Keep calm in solved. Work is the best solution. SAVINGS OF 20% crowded circumstances. Gemini: Slow up and don't cut corners or Sagittarius: A lot of talk likely without you may invite a clash with the law or a reaching any decisions. Avoid hazards or parent. Be wary of high tempers. Don't sharp edges where work and play are promise more than you can deliver. concerned. Some unusual meetings or parties are possible. Wicked Wicker oman Cancer: Puzzling conditions can make this We a hazardous time to make promises or Capricorn: Don't overextend yoursel' diagnoses. Be sympathetic but non- financially. Practical jokes could backfire. 3319 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers 936-8916 committal now. Don't jump to conclusions. Surprise visit from one who has authority Leo: Don't cut corners where mer- this week. Your love life will not be dull. chandise is concerned. People you loan Aquarius: Sign nothing without reading things to could lose or break them. If you're the fine print. O.K. to take calculated risks, persistent you can make slow but steady but go by the letter of the law. Follow a progress with most things. hunch that has to do with getting away from a KODAK the daily grind. • HONEYWELL Virgo: There may be a confrontation now: Pisces: You will benefit through contact be sure you are not causing it. Be aware of of with someone you don't always see eye to • VIVATAR hazards while working around sharp eye with. Watch your health now; excesses machinery or slippery areas. Give others could lay you low. You can afford to be • AGFA the benefit of the doubt. generous with others. • POLAROID

THE ISLAND CAMERA SHOP FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISAN SHOP NEEDS NUTMEGftVILLAGE FEATURING a ? u s r4 1 FAST SLIDE PROCESSING BY KODAK FLORIDA ARTISTS complete FRESH FILM - CAMERA REPAIR AND CRAFTSMEN selection american 1571 Periwinkle Way Open TO-5 hand made crafts 472-1086 Mon. - Sat. Mon.-So*. 10-5 2807 Gulf Drlv» W»st 472-2176 NO ONE WILL EVER BUILD HERE No one will ever build on this wonderful 3x/2 miles of Gulf-front beach. Only a footbridge away from Blind Pass condominiums, the beach is only one of the good things we'd like to show you. You'll find spacious condominiums in a Polynesian style, natural landscaping, luxurious amenities and much more. Look for Blind Pass condomin iums and you won't need to look any further.

Sanibel Island Blind Pass You'll fiityi us on Seabell Road which is just off the Sanibel-Captiva Road opposite the Ding Darling Bird Sanctuary exit. Look for Blind Blind Pass Condominiums — and you won't Rass need to look any further. Sea Bell Read Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 (813) 472-1585 The ISLANDER Tuesday, August 10, 1976 15


Rates: Display classifieds: $1.25 per col. inch for each weekly insertion. Regular classifieds: Custom Framing HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES $1.00 for first 10 words done on premises and 5< for each word FOR SALE thereafter for each week- WANTED: Painters, handy- Island Arts j ly insertion. REMO (RIP) GABACCIA men and laborers to work at Barnes pump pn 15 gal. 1446 Peri winkle Way PLUMBING CONTRACT©* resort in exchange for room tank, $99.98; Ceiling fan, and board and small month- UCENSED-INSURED-BOND6D 472-2893 $88.88; White closet, $34.88; CAPTIVA 472-23!» ly salary. Apply in person to Trailer skirting, 16' per ft.; Nick Nickerson. Casa Ybel BIOFEED BACK 19 x 16 Vanity W/faucet, ALUMINUM Resort, Sanibel Island. ^INTRODUCTORY $49.88; Plain tub end., AWNINGS - SHUTTERS 3 HR. SEMINAR Print media salesperson. $36.88; PVC Pipe, 1", 8< FIBERGLASS, HURRICANE PANELS Experienced. Salary open. per ft. Present ad for prices. • CONTROL RESINS, Call 542-5644. LAUREL'S - Between Ft. POLYESTER, BUILDING • BEGIN RELAXATION Myers & Punta Gorda SPECIALTIES CO. crossword on HWY. 41. - 995-5043; EPOXYS, • RELIEVE TENSION FOAM> 2213 Fowler-332-5131 USING HELP WANTED: Condo- 8290; 0809; 0605. on page 6 minium sales, Sanibel Is- FIBERGLASS BIOFEED BACK VISIT OUR SHOWROOM OR land. Work directly for the CLOTH, MATS, ETC. EQUIPMENT REAL ESTATE CALL US FOR AN ESTIMATE developer. Real Estate EPOXY PAINTS, PHONE 332-4330 license/experience re- FOR SALE OVER 100 MON.-FRI. - 10-5 COST $15 - LIMITED CLASSES quired. Draw available. DIFFERENT ITEMS 472-1585. FOR SALE: New Furn- ished duplex, free living by Suncoast Fiberglass MADAM DORINDA ANNOUNCEMENTS renting 1 apartment. 500 REAL ESTATE 2880 Palm Beach Blvd. feet from private beach. Ft. Myers 334-6127 481-3051 Al Anon meets every Fri- FOR RENT 472-1198. ^y, 8 p.m., St. Michael's ~T A\6 All Angels Church, Buildable Jot on private Bring Ad FOR RENT: House on lake with private walking -or information, call 472- Fort Myers Beach. 2 bed- >491. easement to Gulf. 100 x 10% Discount room, furnished. Reason- 140. $17,000, 1% down, 1% 'J able rent, until mid Sept. per month. Sale by owner. Call 472-3222 or 463-0214. Call evenings: 472-4886. Alcoholics Anonymous, *************** ipen meeting, St. Mich- Summer rental, 2 bedroom, SAILBOAT RENTAL canal front close to gulf Rent day or week iel's and All Angel's FOR SALE: 2 bedroom, Ihurqh, Fridays at 8 p.m. condo apt., fully furnished, 23' - Shoal Draft : including washer/dryer, 1 bath mobile home. Quiet Motor—Safe- or information, call 332- area on river. Extras in- 300. disposal & dishwasher, Sleeps 5 Comfortable etc. Rent negotiable. Write clude: storage room, utility Guide Available Rod Griffis, Apt. B-32, shed. Periwinkle Trailer 463-2320 Park. Call 472-2380 after Tennisplace, Sanibel 33957. •*••••*••••••• 6 pm. FOR SALE ASTROLOGER TARQT CARD READER SANIBEL HARBOURS LOST & FOUND LOST on Sanibel public CANAL HOMESITE beach -'-'a cocapoo - setter Seawall & Patio Dock. Can handle up to 40-ft. boat. named Snoopy. Seven year NORTH old boy heartbroken. ' PRICED: MID-30S PLEASE call 481-6334 CAPTIVA after 6:30p.m. Vlrttor/ore Vital ISLAND Laughrey & Holtz "CALL FOR CALL" Gulf front Island Real Estate, Inc. 813-472-4127 Bay front Reg. Real Estate Broker Inland parcels SANIBEL OFFICE 472-1123 WE EXCHANGE YOUR UNWANTED PROPERTY $5,000.00 FOR SOMETHING YOU REALLY LIKE CAPTIVA (BRANCH) OFFICE to 472-3318 $300,000.00 After Hours — 472-1846 RALPH A. CALL, REALTOR 10% -25% down SEAPLANE EXCHANGOR-COUNSELOR available. FORD P.O. BOX 232 - 147 PERIWINKLE See Islands SANIBEL, FLORIDA 33957 in the sun See from the air. TOM LANTERMAN m MLS or Shaded AL LAPPA ALSO SALES AND RENTALS CONDOMINIUMS areas were for new or used cars or trucks bought by for any budget Gulf front and Gulf view State of 975 RABBIT RD.. -WILL DELIVER - Florida 472-1549 SAM GALLOWAY FORD Fort Myers, Florida 936-2193 Sanibel Island REALTOR 472-4886

Subscribe now to the Sanibel-Captiva ISLANDER — the original little paper which really gets around!

Yearly rates: $5.00 (Lee County Only) NAME . $7.00 - USA (except Lee County) ADDRESS

$10.00-Canada CITY & STATE ZIP . check enclosed bill me, please Mail this coupon to the [SLANDER, P.O. Box 3, Sanibel, FL. 33957 PLEASE ALLOW TWO WEEKS START OF DELIVERY IMPORTANT: Please notify us if you do not receive your ISLANDER within three weeks of the original date. If you don't tell us, we have no way of knowing — and we CANNOT fill six or seven complete months of back issues. Thank you for your cooperation. ruesdcy, August 10, 19 76 TheSSLANDER Sewer purchase

Representatives of the environmental treatment capacity of 1.250.000 gallons Der L-n-ilneering !irm of Ross. Saannan. Bolton day : '4pd •. At present, only the larger of the •:>.nti Wilder appeared before the Sanibe! Citytwo plants i with a peak capacity of 1.000,000 \'nur\c-~i Tuesday to present the results of a Hpd • is in operation. The greatest demand on -tudy they conducted on the feasibility of the the system recorded to date was 770.000 gpd proposed city purchase of the Jamesiown- during the time of the study this past April. Beachvjew sewerage system here on the The study, however, concluded that the Island, currently owned by .Mariner system would reach peak operating capacity Properties. Their recommendation, within four years. presented by vice-president Tom Furman One major problems pointed out in the and project manager Dean Patrinely. was study is that of coordinating the Jamestown- WE GUARANTEE YOU CAN that the city should not buy the Jamestown- Beachview system with the proposed 201 Beaehview system because of the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan for OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD inadequacy of the waste water treatment Lee County as a whole, which caiis for the system to meet the long-term needs of the abandonment of the current plant by the ON ANY OF OUR LOTS fast growing city." year 1985 and the installation of a new Counsel points out ,.«..; disadvanicoe o; bu'- - . '-. THIS GUARANTEE IS GOOD FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF PURCHASE OR YOUR MONEY BACK.

. - ' - .. ,- f ' .m »a ,r- -.1 > in~ i iii - i' n I,- ,n - - . >, „ , o ^ v p i < '" - i _~ i i- --. > \ L ^z SUBDIVISION 4 r \ -• . i ii i t ii' lit [.It ' r ' i- '' i i _ \ lu r i >' li'i t~ f- v-> _t

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j r P.O. BOX 114 - CAPTiVA, FLA. - f- ~ MCHV i _ I'IO] L pumn 1'nPi - i i IJJI-r < t [ E 'q^ rl r ^iin JT jt • D- r~p"i o Et ' ii unrnen'cl ' ' -il vi5 75i prt >e^i Tfn-a n^-, ,d T> PH. 472-2472 r 1 ' Zi >' - J ic ' r 'lF n£-~<=-r)^aC f ' tl •" ' ' O ' O 1 '' IILL'I C ^Ub^lcT'l I f^-- i-l n r-f-

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HU't,i p'aT at t^t mil- --c 'ion oi ii-> h in nl • i> oh-r>]tte HhiT'j'ir tc"~ ) i ^ ' Pe' c r iJunonia ''. B'"l h In-n L'U'_rT th^ J^^e^ii >- 11 3 fl Hf ^ic-ir trpg re 'rrilu' oi th- " >-h r' > - ^teii- ' r^t nega" ootratms ' SEE YOUR REALTOi s • >•-' i n B< J h% o -' sterp cnn-ist^ oi '"""i ti - puitna-efi itcpi L nnaren •"•< ci ».i'i "ri* piu^ - nh a comn.ned peak Marine p npornp> e^i ii<=" THIS ,e?r

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Center, corner of Periwinkle & Tarpon Bay Roads S«rvia| Sasibsl & Copii^s Isisads since 1899 BEL PACKING COMPANY - WINE & C01D BEER - FILM DIVitOPIKG SIgVK! We Are Open 52 Weeks A Year To Serve You - Thursday 8 tun. to 6 p.m. Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday S a,m. to 6 p.m.