Pindley Abbey, Wootton Wawen, Henley in Arden Uilenhall, Botley, Barrels, Shelfield, Wootton Wootton Park, Silesbourne, Edstone

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Pindley Abbey, Wootton Wawen, Henley in Arden Uilenhall, Botley, Barrels, Shelfield, Wootton Wootton Park, Silesbourne, Edstone 4690 Pindley Abbey, Wootton Wawen, Henley in Arden privileges in any manner connected with the lands Uilenhall, Botley, Barrels, Shelfield, Wootton proposed to be purchased or taken, or which would Wootton Park, Silesbourne, Edstone, Aston Cant- in any manner impede or interfere with the con«. low, Little Alne, Newnham, Wilmcote, Hardwick struction, maintenance, or use of the said intended Pathlow, Great Alne, Hazeler, Haselor, Walcote railways and works, and to confer other rights and . Upton, Billesley, Bearley, Snitterfield, Stratford privileges. Stratford-upon-Avon, Old -Stratford, Dodwell Welcombe, Ingon, Hampton, Lucy, Bishops And it is also intended by such Act or Acts, to Hampton, Bridgetown, Ryhon Clifford, Rhyne incorporate a company for the purpose of carrying Clifford, Bishopton, Bishopston, Shottery, Dray- into effect the said intended railways and works, or ton, Ludington, Upper Millcote, Lower Millcote some of them, or some part or parts thereof, and to , Clopton, Alveston, Tiddington, Atherston-upon- take powers for the purchase of lands and houses, Stour, Ayleston, Whitchurch, Wimpstone, Crira- by compulsion or agreement, for the purposes scote, Grimscott, Broughton, Bruton, Admington thereof, and for levying tolls, rates, and duties in Upper Eatington, Lower Eatington, Ilalford, respect of the use thereof, and to grant such exemp- .Halford Bridge, Ilmington, Upper Lark Stoke, tions from such tolls, rates, and duties as to such =Lower Lark Stoke, Nibsworth, Foxcote, Comptou company may seem meet. ..Scorpion, Stretton-on-the-Foss, Ditchford, Ditch- ford Friary, Upper Ditchford, Lower Ditchford, And it is further intended by the said Act or .Burmington, Willington, Barcheston, Honington, Acts, to enable the company thereby to be incorpo- Bickmarsh, Dorsington, Little Dorsington, Weston- rated to purchase the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal, .-upon-Avon, Weston Sands, Clifford Chambers, or any part or parts thereof, and all or any of the .and Welford, in the county of Warwick; Church powers, rights, arid privileges of the company-of Honeybourne, Church Honeybourne with Poden proprietors of the said canal in connexion therewith, Bretforton, Offenham, Littleton, South Littleton, or in relation thereto, and to enable the said com* . Aldertninster, Treddington, Tolton, Newbold, pany of proprietors, or other the owner or owners cf .Armscqt, Halford, Halford Bridge, Darlingscot, the said canal, to sell or lease and transfer the same •Blackwell, Longdon, Little Longdon, Shipston-on- to the company to be incorporated as aforesaid: and ^Stbur, Tidmington, Blockley, Ditchford, Upper for the purposes aforesaid, it is proposed to alter, Ditchford, Lower Ditchford, Paxford, Aston amend, and repeal, so far as may be necessary, 'the Magna, Draycot, Dorn, and Northwick, in the powers and provisions of the several Acts relating county of Worcester; Clifford Chambers, Ather- to the said Stratford-upon-Avon Canal, passed re- ston-upon-Stour, Ayleston, Weston-upon-Avon, spectively in the thirty-third, thirty-fifth, thirty- Weston Sands, Upper Millcote Lower Millcote, ninth, forty-ninth, fifty-fifth, and fifty-seventh years Preston-upon-Stour, Alscot, Welford, Long Mars- of the/reign of King George the Third, and in the ton, Marston Sicca, Lower Quinton, Upper Quinton, first and second years of the reign of King George Broughton, Bruton, Adraington, Upper Meon, the Fourth, and to vest the powers and privileges of Lower Meon, Upper Clapton, Lower Clapton, Upper the said company of proprietors of the said canal in. Clopton, Lower Clopton, Foxcote, Pebworth, Broad the company to be incorporated as aforesaid. Marston, Dorsington, Little Dorsington, Ullington, Mickleton, Hitcote, Itcote, Idcote, Idcote Combe, And it is further in1 ended by such Act or Acts, Little Idcote, Idcote Bertram, Great Idcote, Idcote to enable the company thereby to be incorporated to Boyce, Upper Stoke, Lower Stoke, Upper Larkstoke, sell, or let, or transfer the said intended railway or . Lower Larkstoke, Weston Subedge, Norton, Saint- railways and works, or either of them, or any part bury, Aston Subedge, Cow Honeybourne, Pauls thereof, and all or any powers of such company House, Ilraington, Ebriiigton, Charingworth, Camp- in connection therewith or in relation thereto, to the den. Chipping Campden, 'Broad Campdeu, West- Great Western Railway Company. ington and Comb, Berriugton, Batsford, Blockley, Ditchford, Ditchford Friary, Upper Ditchford, And notice is hereby further given, that maps or Lower Ditchford, Paxford, Aston Magna, Draycot, jlans and sections of the said intended railways and Dorn, Northwick, Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Toden- works, and of the lands proposed to be taken for the ham, Bourton-onTthe-Hill, Lemington, Upper Le- jurposes thereof, together with books of reference mington and Lower Lemington, in the county of ;o such plans, containing the names of the owners or Gloucester. reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and of And it is also intended by such Act or Acts, to ,he occupiers of such lands, will be deposited on take power to alter or divert, or stop up, whether or before the thirtieth day of November instant, temporarily or permanently, all turnpike and other with the clerk of the peace for the county of roads, railways, tramways, aqueducts, canals, pipes, Warwick, at his office in Stratford-upon-Avon; sewers, streams and rivers, within or adjoining to with the clerk of the peace for the county of Wor- the aforesaid parishes, townships, and extra-paro- cester, at his office in the city of Worcester; and chial, or other .places, or any of them, which it may vith the clerk of the peace for the county of Glou be necessary to interfere with, stop up, or divert cester, at his office in the city of Gloucester; and by reason of the construction of the said intended hat a copy of so much of the said maps or plans, railways and works. ectiona, and books of reference, as relates to each And it is further intended by such Act or Acts • >f the parishes in or through which the said intended to vary, repeal, or extinguish all existing rights or railways and works are intended to be made, will be.
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