Geologic Map of the Tetilla Peak Quadrangle, Santa Fe
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U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MISCELLANEOUS FIELD STUDIES MAP MF–2352 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Version 1.0 Pamphlet accompanies map CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS Tat Tby Qsw Tbr Qac Tbr Tby af Holocene Qsw Qal Qac Qfd QcQd Qsw Qc Qsw Qac Tby Tbs ?? Qf Qls Qt QUATERNARY Qls Tat Qac Tbd Tat Qac Qac D04 ????? Tbr 2.68 Qsw Tby Pleistocene Tbd Qac D01 Tbs Qac Qac Tbd Qp Tbd Qsw Tbr Tbr Tbr QTs D11 Tbs Tat 2.42 ? 3.04 Tat 2.03 Qac Tby Qsw D09 D12 D10 Tbr Tbr Qsw Qac QTa Tbr Tbd Tbs Tbr Qls Z04 2.78 T01 Tbs Qsw 2.44 Qac Z10 Z05 Tbs Tdt Qsw Tdt Qsw Qsw Qac Tbr D24 Pliocene D34 Tbr Tbr Tat D08 Tbd Qac Qsw Qc Tbb Tat Tbb TERTIARY Qls Qc Qc Tbd Qsw Qac Tbs Tbd D19 Tbb Tbj 2.62 Qac Tbs Qls Tbr Qac Tbr Qfd ? 7 Tbb Tat Qls Tsp ? Qls Tbr D06 Tsp Tbr Miocene D07 Qf Qal Qac Tbs Qac Tc Cochiti-T Tbb Qac Qc Qf Tab Windmill 18 Te Qfd Tc Tmi Tmh Tbb 15 Oligocene Qf Tbr Qc Tbb Tc Qc Qac Qac Qsw Tbb Qac Tg Qls SA71 Eocene Qc AMT-4 Qfd Qsw Tc Tc Kmn Qac Qac Qt Tsp Qc Tc Kmj 9 Kmb Qac Tbs B142 QTa Upper Tbb Tbr CRETACEOUS Qfd 15 Tbs Kmd Cretaceous Tsp Tc Qsw Qac D88 Tsp Tbb Kdc Tbs Qc Qf 5 Qac Qal D30 Qls Qc Kdo Qc Qt Tsp Tsp 10 Jmj 5 15 Qc Jmb Upper Jurassic Qac 18 Qac B84 Jmw Tmi Tc JURASSIC Qls Qac Jwb Qsw Te Qac Tbb Jt Middle Qls Jurassic Qt Qac Tmi Je Qc D91 Qsw Upper Tc ၣc TRIASSIC Qc Triassic Qt Tbr Qt Qt B49 Qc QTa Eight Hundred Qsw QTa Qac Tsp Qac Foot Well Tbs 39 Tbr Qac Qac LIST OF MAP UNITS MESOZOIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Qf Qf Qf D02 Tg Qt Qac Qc Qsw Qc Kmn SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Mancos Shale (Upper Cretaceous) Qsw D03 29 Tg 34 Tg Qc 2.35 Tby Kmn Tbr Tbs Te af Niobrara Member QTs Qls QTa 27 QTa Artificial fill deposits (latest Holocene) D05 Tbr Qc Te 24 Qt Qac Tbb B48 Qf Qf Kmj Juana Lopez Member, and Blue Hill and Fairport Members of the 10 Tbs 18 Qal Flood plain and stream channel deposits (Holocene and late(?) Tg 24 Qf Qls B85 Qc Qc Carlile Shale, undivided QTs D98A 19 Qf Qls Te Pleistocene) Qsw Qac Qc Qc Qac Te Qt Qls Te 40 30 Kmb Bridge Creek Limestone and Graneros Members, undivided Qls Tg Tg Qac Alluvium and colluvium, undivided (Holocene and late Pleistocene) Qac Te Qf Qal Qc Tsp Qls 11 Tsp Te Qf Tbj Qal Qt QTa Qal 6 Kmd Qt 7 31 B162 Mancos Shale and Dakota Sandstone, undivided (Upper Cretaceous) af Tbr Kmn Tg Qt Qfd Fan alluvium and debris-flow deposits (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) Qsw Tg 10 Tg Tg 7 9 D99 12 Qf QTa Te Qt Tbs Qc Qls QTa 12 Dakota Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) Qsw 11 Te Qf Fan alluvium (Holocene to middle Pleistocene) Qfd Qc 13 Tg Qal Qac Tg Kmn 12 Te Kdc Cubero Tongue Qsw QTs D101 Qc Colluvium, undivided (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) Tbd Tsp Tg QTa QTs Tbb Tbb Qac Qsw Qls Te Kdo Oak Canyon Member Kmn Tbr Qls Tg Qc Qd Debris-flow deposits (Holocene to middle(?) Pleistocene) Tbs Kmn Qsw QTa QTa Qfd Qc Qac Tsp Tbs Kmn 10 Qc Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) Tsp Qc Tbd Qc Qsw Sheetwash deposits (Holocene to middle (?) Pleistocene) Tbb Tab Qd Tmi 31 Tg Qsw Qc Kmn Tbj Jmj Jackpile Sandstone Member Tsp Tsp Qls Tsp Qal 11 Qls Landslide deposits (Holocene to early Pleistocene) 16 Qd 74 Qfd Te Qt Tab 20 Te 27 Tsp Qac 15 Tmi Qfd Qac Jmb Brushy Basin Member Qc Qls Qd Tab Tab Tc af Qt Terrace alluvium (late and middle(?) Pleistocene) Te Tbd Tmi Qfd Qls 10 20 af 47 Qsw Qf Qac Kmn Tg Jmw Westwater Canyon Member Tab Tab Qf QTa Ancha Formation (late or middle Pleistocene to Pliocene) Qp Qc Qf Tbj Qac Qal Qt Tbj af Jwb Wanakah Formation, Beclabito Member (Middle Jurassic) Qc Qls Qp Pediment deposits (middle Pleistocene) Tbd Qf Qls Qsw Qt 22 QTa 8 Tab Qc Tab Jt Todilto Formation (Middle Jurassic) Tbd Tbj Tbj QTa QTs Upper Santa Fe Group sediments (middle or early Pleistocene to late(?) Qp Tab Pliocene) Je Entrada Sandstone (Middle Jurassic) 5 Qc Qls ၣ Qt10 Qsw Qsw TERTIARY ROCKS c Chinle Formation (Upper Triassic) Tbj af Qac Volcanic rocks of the Cerros de Rio volcanic field Qsw Qac Qac Qac 7 Tab Qsw Qt Qsw Tby Younger basalt of Caja del Rio (Pliocene) 21 Tbj Contact Qls Tbj Qsw Qf Tbd Basaltic dikes (Pliocene and Miocene) Qt Lava-flow contact—Concealed or uncertain internal flow contact Te Tbj QTa Tbr Tab Basalt of Caja del Rio (Pliocene) Tab 21 Qc Fault—Showing dip where known. Dotted where concealed. Bar and ball on Qp Qac Qsw af Tdt Dacite of Tetilla Peak (Pliocene) 65 downthrown side. Opposed arrows show strike-slip movement. Diamond Tbd Qac 56 indicates slip lineation bearing and plunge. Arrowhead indicates dip of fault Tc M49 Tbj Tat Andesite of Tetilla Peak (Pliocene) 12 plane at lineation site Te Tbs Basalt of Tsinat Mesa (Pliocene) af 85 85 Tbj Qac Anticline Tab Tbb Qac Qsw Basalt of La Bajada (Pliocene) 19 12 Syncline 58 Qc Qac Tg Kmj Tbj QTa Basalt of Mesita de Juana (Pliocene) 35 2.69 Tbj Qac Cinder deposits in units Tby, Tbr, Tbs, Tbj, Tbb 24 36 Kmb Qls 17 12 D15 Miocene to Eocene igneous and sedimentary rocks Strike and dip of bedding 25 48 46 Qac Tbj Tbd Te Tc 85 Joint 18 Tsp Santa Fe Group–eastern piedmont facies (Miocene?) Tg Tmi Tbd QTs Qac 42 15 Tbj 82 Kmj Tab Abiquiu Formation (Miocene to Oligocene) Inclined Qac af 11 Qac 4 70 84 Qc 42 Qac Tc Cieneguilla Basanite (Miocene to Oligocene) Vertical or near vertical—Showing strike 69 15 Kmn 62 42 Tmi Te 15 30 68 Kdc Te Espinaso Formation (Miocene or Oligocene) D13 Geochronologic analysis sample locality—Showing isotopic age (in Ma) Qac Qac Kmn Tbd D14 2.66 af where available. See table 4 QTs 55 Tg 21 2.66 af Tmi 76 44 Kmb Monzonite and monzonite porphyry intrusions (Oligocene) QTs 18 65 Kmn D13 D14 Geochemical analysis sample locality—See table 3 7 Kmj 51 65 af Tmh Hornblende monzonite porphyry (Oligocene) QTs 17 Kdc Qls Qac 65 Pit or quarry Kdo Tbj 65 Tg Galisteo Formation (Oligocene and Eocene) 56 35 Tg QTs Te Tg Tbj Tmi Audio-magneto-telluric (or high-frequency magnetotelluric) station af 54 34 Qsw AMT-4 38 Qc Tg Qsw Qp 106°15' Tbj 35 Kdc Qac Tmi 38 Qc QTs Jmb QTa 10 15 Pajarito af 70 Jmw Qsw Española Basin 57 70 (Santa Fe Group basin fill) 11 78 10 16 56 Jwb Kmd 43 6 Kmb Jemez 10 fault zone QTs 13 12 Jmj Qac Tbd Qsw QTs 85 56 Qls Volcanic Field Qac 55 10 Tbj de Jwb Jmb an Kdo Gr 82 Tbj Qac Tmh io af 11 R 53 Jt 22 Kdc Qc 35°45' Qac D97 Tmi QTa Cañada 7.5'Cochiti Dam Montoso Peak 7.5' 55 Qls Kmd Jwb 7.5' Qls 6 Jt Tbd Qls Kmn Kmn Kmn Qc Qls Kmn QTa af 8 Kmb 11 Qd Qsw D96 Jmw Qc Qls Qt QTs Qac Qfd Jt Qfd Qd Qac Qc Cerros del Rio Qac Qt Kmj Qls Qd Qac af Je Qd Qal Jmj Kdo 14 Tbd Tmi Qac Tmh Qal 11 Kmn Qsw 2.80 Tbj Kmd Volcanic Field Qt ၣc Kmn Tbd BachMen20 (2.7- 2.3 Ma) 1 Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1953; photorevised 1993. 10 / 2° SCALE 1:24 000 Bedrock geology by David Sawyer, Scott Minor, and Interpreted North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27). Projection and 1 1/ 2 0 1 MILE Ren Thompson, 1996–1999; surficial geology by pre-2.7-Ma TH rift border 10,000-foot grid ticks: New Mexico coordinate system, central zone NEW MEXICO Ralph Shroba, 1996–1998, assisted by Aaron Pecos, 1996. OR Santo Domingo Cochiti L Tetilla Peak 7.5' transfer fault (Transverse Mercator). 1,000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator .5 Editing and digital cartography by Alessandro J. Donatich Pueblo a 1 0 1 KILOMETER Pueblo SW 7.5' B grid ticks, zone 13. ETIC N Manuscript approved for publication December 13, 2000 Santo Domingo a Shaded-illumination Digital Elevation Model j TRUE NORTH Pueblo 7.5' a d (DEM) of the Tetilla Peak quadrangle MAGN CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET a APPROXIMATE MEAN MAP LOCATION f DECLINATION, 1993 a NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 u US l t I-25 Any use of trade names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE TETILLA PEAK QUADRANGLE, SANTA FE AND SANDOVAL COUNTIES, NEW MEXICO Santo DomingoSanto Basin Domingo Pueblo (Santa Fe Group basin fill) This map was produced on request, directly from By 35°30' digital files, on an electronic plotter Mesozoic 0 5 10 km For sale by U.S. Geological Survey Information Services David A. Sawyer, Ralph R. Shroba, Scott A. Minor, and Ren A. Thompson Rocks Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 1-888-ASK-USGS Digital compilation by Jeffrey C.