The Parish Council of Leckhampton with Warden Hill Cheltenham, Gloucestershire Clerk: Mrs A.J.Winstone, 7 Aldershaw Close, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham, GL51 3TP tel. 01242 518008 email –
[email protected] 6thDecember 2015 Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy Examination in Public Local Green Space – Common Ground Review FOA Inspector Elizabeth C Ord LLB(Hons), LLM, MA, DipTUS Dear Inspector Ord, At the JCS Examination in Public session on the Leckhampton Fields Local Green Space (LGS), held on 23rd July 2015, you asked the various parties supporting the LGS to submit an analysis of their priorities for the LGS. The Parish Council submitted a response to you on 28th September (EXAM121), but because we were all very heavily engaged throughout September with the Appeal Inquiry on application 13/01605/OUT, we did not have time to get full agreement to the response from all parties. Section 6.7 concerning White Cross Green required adjustment and we need to draw to your attention to the two points below. 1. The first paragraph of Section 6.7 of EXAM 121 includes the sentence: ‘The Council notes that Natural England and the Cotswold AONB Management Board are markedly more relaxed about development on the White Cross Green / SD2 site compared with their serious concern about the Bovis-Miller development as proposed in 13/01605/OUT’. This sentence was based on Natural England’s letter of 5th August to Joan Desmond, the Case Officer for application 14/00838/FUL from Redrow for development on the SD2 site. However, taking into account other statements from Natural England, we were reading too much into that letter and I would be grateful if you would kindly put aside this particular statement.