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ftif czZX BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF 1891 /4....5;..o...3...4/.fO.^. ^/6,//9o<,... S901 ¥ HOME USE RULES. Books not 'tteeded for instruction or .re- search are returnable within 4 weeks. I ^Volumes of periodi- cals and of patnphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special piirposes they are given out for a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the bene: fit of other perrons. Books not needed during recess periods should be returned to the library, or arrange- , ments made for their return during borrow- er'sabsence, if wanted. Books needed by- more than one person are held on the reserve list. of special Books , value and gift books, when the giver wishes, it, are not allowed to circulate. """" '"""' Z8857 .S5ri884 ^„^ 3 1924 029 651 084 THE jitftlfegrap})j of ^toinhurne ' A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST ' ;.' AR,RANGED lif. CHRONOLOGICAL ORI)ER OF THE , ' PUBLISHED WRITIlfGSIN VERSE, AND PROSE ALG-ERKON CHARLES SWINBURNE (1857-1884) Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 924029651 084 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE Only 250 ccfies 'If THE iSibltosrapf)? of ^toinhurne A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS IN VERSE AND PROSE OF ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE (1857-1884) LONDON GEORGE REDWAY MDCCCLXXXIV A iLdZ^-af- PEEFACE. This Bibliography commences with the brief-lived College Magazine, to which Mr. Swinburne was one of the chief contributors when an undergraduate at Oxford in 1857-58, in his twenty-first year, and ends with the newly-published Century of Roundels. Besides a careful enumeration and description of the first editions of all his separately-published volumes and pamphlets in verse and prose, the original ap- pearance is duly noted of every poem, prose article, or letter, contributed to any journal or magazine {e.g., Once-a-WeeJe, The Spectator, The Cornhill Magazine, The Morning Star, The Fortnightly Beview, The Examiner, The Dark Blue, The Academy, The AthencBum, The Tatler, Belgravia, The Gentleman's Magazine, La BipuUigm des Letires, Le Bappel, The Glasgow University Magazine, The Daily Telegraph, The Musical Beview, The Pall Mall Gazette, Home Chimes, etc. etc.), whether collected or uncollected. Among other entries will be found a remarkable novelette, published in instalments in a vi PREFACE. brief-lived weekly journal, and not yet issued in a separate form, and several productions in verse not generally known to be from Mr. Swinburne's pen. The whole forms a copious and, up to date, it is believed approximately complete record of a remark- able and brilliant literary career extending already over a quarter of a century. Long distant may the day be when it can be made complete in a final sense ! As on former occasions the Editor invites the co- operation of literary correspondents and will be obliged to any one who will correct an error or supply an omission. RICHARD HERNE SHEPHERD. 5, Bbambbton Stkeet, King's Road, Chelsea : January 1884. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SWINBURNE. Undekgeaduate Papers. " And gladly wolde he learn and gladly teach." Chauoek. Oxford : Printed and published by W. Mansell, High-street ; London : Whittaker and Co. (1857- 1858, 8vo., pp. 186.) No. I, December, 1857; II., Parts 1 No. to 4, February-March, 1858 j No. III., March-April, 1858. (Title and sig. b to 2 b.) CONTENTS. No. I. i Hereditary Influences on Character The Early English Dramatists—No. 1, Marlowe and Webster 7 The Republic and Christianity .... 16 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1857- PAGB The Temple of Janus, Part I. - - - 20 The Story of the Princess Blanchelys - - 26 liouis Napoleon, Part I. - - 31 Modern HeUenism - 38 Queen Yseult, Canto I. 41 No. II. City Poems (a Review of Alex. Smith's volume) 51 The Nonagenarian, I. - - - 57 - Lines to Margaret - • 61 Christmas at Oxford 63 Wycliffe - - 65 Union Debate, Feb. 1. - 76 The Emerald Isle (verses) - - 79 Classical Scholarship in the Scottish Universities 81 The Saturday Bevieio on Love and Marriage - - 90 The Monomaniac's Tragedy (Review of a Volume of Poems by Ernest Wheldrake) - 97 Louis Napoleon, Part II. - - - 103 The Temple of Janus, Part II. - - - 115 Union Debate, Feb. 8 - - - 121 No. III. Locke on Innate Ideas - - 123 " Tyrol : Arrival at an Inn (verses signed E. W.") - 133 Church Imperialism ... 134 Disraeli and Gladstone 138 The River Life (verses) . 144 The Carlovingian and Anglo-Saxon Romances - 145 The Force of Circumstances . 147 On the Character of Milton's Satan - 155 The Loreley (from the German of Heine) - - 160 Kingsley's Poems (Review of " Andromeda ") - 1 61 Merope, a Tragedy by Matthew Arnold (Review) - 166 Mazziui and his Critics - - - 1 80 — — 1862.] OP SWINBURNE. 3 The editor of this brief-lived College Magazine was Mr. (now Professor) John Niohol, whose historical drama of Hannibal afterwards formed the subject of one of Mr. Swinburne's prose criticisms in the Fortnightly Review. The other contributors were George Eankine Luke, the late T. H. Green, Professor Albert Venn Dicey, Mr. George Birkbeck Hill (afterwards author of " Johnson and his Circle "), and Algernon Charles Swinburne, whose contributions, five in number, included a very amusing parody. 2 The Queen-Mother. Eosamond. Two Plays. By- Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Basil Montagu Pickering, Piccadilly. 1860. Collation : Half-title, Title, Leaf of Dedication and of Per- sons represented (in The Queen Mother), Half-title to The Queen Mother, pp. 217, and Leaf of Errata. Half-title to Soaamond between pages 160 and 161. 3 The Fratricide (Finnish). Once-a-Weeh, February 15, 1862 (vol. vl, pp. 215-216). Reprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 329-333, under the title of "The Bloody Son." 4 Seven Poems contributed to The Spectator, April to September, 1862 : I. A Song in Time of Order. 1852. (Eleven stanzas of four lines each, signed " A. C. Swin- burne.")—%ctoi!or, April 26, 1862, fol. 466. Reprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 158-160. 1 — —— 4 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1862- II. Before Parting. (Six stanzas of six lines each, signed "A. C. Swinburne.") Spectator, May 17, 1862, fol. 550. Reprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 212-213. III. After Death (Breton). Twenty-five couplets, signed "A. C. Swinburne." Spectator, May 24, 1862, fol. 578-579. A footnote states the lines to be taken "from the Seciteil de Chants Bretons, edited by P^lioien Cossu, 1*" serie (no more published), p. 89, Paris, 1858." This note does not reappear in Poems and Ballads, where the piece is reprinted, pp. 324-326. IV. Faustine. (Forty stanzas of four lines each, signed "A. C. Swinburne.") Spectator, May 31, 1862, fol. 606-607. Reprinted in Poem^ and Ballads (1866), pp. 122-129. V. A SonginTimeofEevolution. 1860. (Signed " A. C. Swinburne.")—S^ecto^or, June 28, 1862, fol. 718. Reprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 161-16S. VI. The Sundew. (Eight stanzas of five lines each, signed "A. C. Swinburne.") Spectator, July 26, 1862, fol. 830. Reprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 214-216. VII. August. (Ten stanzas of six lines each, — — —— 1864.] OF SWINBURNE. signed "A. C. Swinburne.") Spedatm; Sep- tember 6, 1862, fol. 997. Keprinted in Poems and Ballads (1866), pp. 248-250. 5 Mr. George Meredith's "Modern Love." (Letter to the Editor, signed " A. C. Swinburne.") Spectator, June 7, 1862, fol. 632-633. A protest against the article on Mr. Meredith's volume which had appeared in Tlie Spectator of May 24th. 6 Charles Baudelaire : Les Flewrs dit Mai. A notice, with extracts. Spectator, September 6, 1862, fol. 998-1000. 7 Dead Love. By Algernon C. Swinburne. (Prose.) With an illustration by M. J. Lawless. Once-ct- Week, October 11, 1862 (vol. vii., pp. 432-434). The Children of the Chapel. A Tale. By the " author of Mark Dennis." London : Joseph Masters, Aldersgate-street and New Bond-street. 1864, pp. 124. The Children of The Chapel. A Tale. By the author of " The Chorister Brothers, " "Marie Dennis," &c. Second Edi- tion. London : J. Masters and Co., 78, New Bond-street. 1875, pp. 116. With interludes in verse by A, C. Swinbukne. The authoress of the prose portion of this story was a Miss Gordon (now Mrs. Disney Leith). 1-2 6 THE BIBLIOGRAPHY [1865- 9 Atalanta in Calydon. a Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London: Edward Moxon and Co., Dover-street. 1865, 4to, pp. xii. 111. 10 (Moxon's Miniature Poets.) A Selection from the Works of Lord Byron. Edited and Prefaced by Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Edward Moxon and Co., Dover-street. 1866, pp. xxxii. 244. The Preface is dated " Christmas, 1865." It is reprinted in Essays and Studies (1875), pp. 238-258. 11 Chastelaed; a Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. London : Edward Moxon and Co., Dover-street. 1865, pp. viii. 219. 12 Speech in answer to the toast of the " Imaginative Literature of England," at the Seventy-seventh Anniversary Dinner of the Eoyal Literary Fund, at Willis's Eooms, Wednesday, May 2, 18G6.—Beport of the Anniversary, p. 27. 13 Poems and Ballads. By Algernon Charles Swin- burne. London : Edward Moxon and Co., Dover- street. 1866, pp. vii. 344. Contents:— 1. A Ballad of Life. 2. A Ballad of Death. 3. Laus Veneris. 4. Phsedra. 5. The Triumph of Time. — 1866.] OF SWINBURNE. 7 6. Les Noyades. 7. A Leave-Taking. 8. Itylua. 9. Anaotoria. 10. Hymn to Proserpine. 11. Ilioet. 11. Hermaphroditus. 13. FragoleiTta. 14. Rondel. 15. Satia te Sanguine. 16. A Litany. 17. A Lamentation. 18. Anima Anoeps. 19, In the Orchard.