Police All Over 0. S. Net to Catch Bomb Plohers
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' y~- ■ ;r'- r-' /. V ' f ■ X -‘.'m* The Weather Circulation Statement Coaw Iteln tonight and Friday; warmar Average daily circulation of THB b is*-' 'x>night. *■ '■ EVENING HERALD for •l;. month of APRIL 3,227 urntnn ^t)ecLo. Try THE HERALD’S WANT COL Established as a Weekly 1881. UMNS. Cost one cent per word for PRICE TWO CENTS Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888 MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919. first insertion,, half cent thereafter. VOL mvui NO. 180 Establisned as a Daily 1914. TO SIGN TR E m POLICE ALL OVER 0. S. W m t lN 48 NET TO CATCH BOMB PLOHERS DESPITE ITilllilNS t * - .♦ TURBULENT STLDENTR RIOT IN CAIRO HOPES or Regardless of What Action Three Arrests Made in Bos ('iiiro, Eg>'pt, (Via London, >Iay 1.)— Turbulent students ton — Senator Overman who. attempted, to .prevent Italy Will Take Powers British government employees Dr. Koo Says Wilson D o ^ from returning to work in com- ‘‘GERMANY WILL BE RUINED Another to Receive Bomb plianee with the manifesto is to ProcfM . sued by General Sir H. H. Al- 9 9 Not Understand Real Situ lenby, were dispersed by the jtoliee. Government offices UNLESS TREATY IS SIGNED i f Through Mails— Plot Was and officials are being guard- ation — Arrangements e<l by troops against rioters. IMPORTANT MESSAGES Nation Wide— Discovered Tlie ju-ess is condemning up by the government. Responsibil to public utterances to fix responsv- the strikers for their metho<ls. ARE SENT TO ORLANDO Berlin, April ' 30.— (Via London, Were Adroitly M an aged- May 1.)—“Germany will be uiterly ity is said to rest with individual bility for war guilt. This is about by Accident-^Noted Men as clever as appointing Prof. Walter ruined unless the German envoys persons and the German institutions Up to Italy to Come Back sign the peace treaty” , said Earl which gave these personages their Schuecking to the German peace Japs Sati.sfied With Agreement— Picked Out. Kautsky in the newspaper Freiheit power. The people as a whole arc delegation after the verdict on the Wilson Urges Great Britain to or Be Considered an “Out SENATE BY 24-11 VOTE today. said to be called “ not accomplices, Fryatt case.” Send Coal to Italy. (The execution of Captain Fry- New York, May 1.—A wholesale (Herr Kautsky was a former at but victims.” Herr Kautsky was quoted as say att, commauder of a British mer law”— Treaty Soon Ready roundup of I. W. W. leaders who tache of the German Foreign Office, PASSES MOVIE MEASORE commissioned to investigate the ing: chant ship, for attempting to ram a have openly preached violence was Paris, May 1.— The agreement on German submarine which was at'- archives to fix responsibility for the “ We are perhaps the most unfor Paris, May 1.— “The agreement to Japanese claims in the Shantung tacking his vessel, was recently up begun by the police today while war). tunate victims of the war with the recognize Japan’s claims in the Shan held by the German government, al- Postoffice Department operatives peninsula insures the signing- of the Herr Kautsky is believed to com exception of Belgium. tung peninsula is unsatisfactory to Overrides Governor Hol thQugh it had been universally con and detectives sought the men who treaty'Within 48 hours by the allied plete his investigation, but the pub “ The government considers it China,” it was declared today by Dr. powers, regardless of Italy’s posi best to start negotiations, leaving it demned throughout the world.) mailed bombs to many prominent lication of his report has been held .Wellington Koo, Chinese ambassador comb’s Veto for Sabbath tion. to the United States and leader of officials and men of wealth through- Within the past twenty-four hours the Chinese delegation to the peace the country. important messages have been sent Observance. IRENE C.4STLE TO WED conference. number of persons were to be to !^emier Orlando in Rome warning “Wilson Don’t Understand.” into custody in New York, him of the necessity for action, but TROOPS PARAIIT IN PARIS STREHS CAPT. ROBERT E. TREMEN “I do not believe that President Chicago and on the Pacific ooast be this pressure, it was said, was pure Wilson understands the real situa fore night for questioning. In many MOVE TO RECONSIDER ly of the most friendly nature. tion,” continued th.« Chinese diplo cases their identity will be kept se While Chinese official circles seem Famous Dancer to Be Married in READY FOR HAY DAY DISTURBANCES mat. “ The Chinese are most un cret until the police have concluded to be genuinely concerned over the New York Satm-day— Groom From happy over the outcome.” Senator Hough Defends Veto— their investigation. Shantung settlement, it is agreed Ithacu, N. Y. Regardless of the declaration by Govenior Has I»roi>er Respect Sent by N. Y. Reds. everywhere that the terms accepted LAW AND LLOYD GEORGE Dr. Koo, President Wilson is under for the New England Sabbath, He No Automobiles AUowed PostofficG officials here do not will safeguard Chinals interests Ithaca, N. Y., May 1.— Mrs. Irene ON EX-KAISER’S TRIAL stood to have secured important, doubt but that the bombs mailed Says. more than could have been done by Castle, widow of Vernon Castle, the London, May 1.— A. Bonar concessions in the Chino-Japanese Peace Delegates So They from here were sent by members of any other method of action. well known dancer, who met his Law, former chancenor of the matter. The agreement results in the New York Colony of Reds, wlio Hartford, M ar 1-— By a roll call Japs Satisfied. death in an aeroplane, will be mar exchAjqner and now govern the conversion of all German rights planned to kill several prominent Must Walk— City an vote of 24 to 11 the Senate today ried on Saturday to Captain Robert ment leader in the House of I at Kiao-Chau from German:^ to Jap Japanese delegates were flatly in Commons, is leaving for I’ari.s persons on May Day. All last night passed the Sunday motion^ picture an. The terms include territorial structed that unless they retained E. Tremen, of Ithaca, friends of the to consult with Premier U oyd detectives searched all anarchists bill over the governor’s veto, which Armed Camp— No Serious sovereignty and other rights^. The economic rights in the Shantung pen groom announced today, despite George on the trial of the ex- haunts in the foreign sections for was read in the Seirate just ten min Kaiser of Germany, the Daily Japanese promised President Wilson insula they must refuse to sign the Mrs. Castle’s recent denial that she several suspects and the search was utes before. The veto, which is the Mirror announced today. that this sovereignty will eventually treaty. They are said to be entire was engaged to Tremen. They said Trouble Expected.V being continued today. same as was brought into the Senate _____ \ be returned to China while Japan ly satisfied with tha result of the they had received invitations to at At the same time it is thought two days ago by the governor’s exe tend the ceremony at the famous retains only certain economic rights. compromise and are lined, up with Paris,. May 1.— Probably for the i.ible that the men who mailed cutive secretary and then withdrawn, Little Church Around the Corner in The Japanese demands were recog lbs in the New York general the American delegation on the big first tim^ since he became chief exe caused no stir among the Senators New York. Captain Tremen met nized in view of the tac(. that Japan treaty questions. TOEATV TO BE SIGNED may have been working in who all appeared to be thoroughly cutive" of the United States, Presi ese troops had tajken the territory It is understood that some of the Mrs. Cnstle while she ./as filmed in Tion with anarchists in other conversant with the objecti9ns made. pictures here a few years ago. While dent Wilson was without the use of in question from the German de It is for this reason that a Senator Klett immediately moved associates of President Wilson sug in England, after the armistice was NOE BEFORE MAY 26 an automobile today— May day. Or fenders by force of arms. ^ lallon-wide round ui2_ was ordered. reconsideration of the bill and then gested economic pressure upon Italy signed, he met her again. ders were issued that no array or Tsing Tao, (the port of Kiao In Many Cities. said that although loyal to the gov to change the attitude of the Italian Tremen is the son of Robert H. navy cars be used and also that no Chau), will be a free city so far as The police of New York and move ernor he could not vote to uphold government on Fiume. Tremen, Governor of the Federal American soldiers or sailors congre China is concerned. than a score of cities with large an the veto. The question before the It is possible, however, to deny Reserve Board for the New York Wilson Now Willing That For gate in the streets except in case of Adroitly Managed. archist colonies were taking special Senate under the rules was: Shall that anything of the kind was ever District, a man of much w'ealth. The necessity. The complete arrangement was precautions today to prevent any vi the bill pass the governor’s veto to dreamed of, so far as President W il captain is a graduate of Cornell, mer Kaiser is Brought Officials connected with the peace adroftly managed, but the Chinese olent May Day demonstrations.