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Yankees, Minus Ruth, Smother Indians by 11 to O.Giants Beat Out Cut>s in 12th Substitute Vick's Double McGraw Uses Clears Bases in the Third On, Man! *........ By briggs Copyrlght, ID20, New irnrl. Tribune Ini Five Pitchers Shawkey Holds Cleveland to Three Seat- ftlll lv.e Got SotMi? \ tererl Shiggers SVAJt-Lt STU<-F MflOE )y. /Take /*.'___hot o^ ) /¦_*6 Got In Game Singles; Babe's Eccentric Knee Long- Again ST6P, /e-j Mt .-»<_ use / ( _vj;,vy WANT To BU"*' A, ¦.' Its hSRe aojT) 'T -^ \Ce_duGH \ |T SO C-O Slips and 18,000 Are t«=.*t railRoad __. ir "Shufflin' Phil" Moorings Disappoinlcci ._ [ To QILL Donglasl Manages to Stem Hally of By \V. O. McGeehan -_--'q^ Chicagoans in the Tenth Despite the absence of "Babe" Ruth, the Yankees reversed the litho- "Custer's Last Stand" CHICAGO. 18..The Giants are praph at the Polo Grounds yesterday and massa- ;r____ May cred the Cleveland Indians by the score of 11 to 0. Sammy Vick, under- making a valiant effort to climb thc tho in pennant ladder. They began their as- studying "Babe," brought. throe of the runs in thc third inning with <fPS cenl thi' other day, but in a hard- a crashing double into the dial of Ihe and the rest Fought fifteen-inning struggle at Pitts¬ Ingersol clock, was burgh yesterday they lost their footing unnecessary brutalitv. nnd slid back. They tackled the Cuba Thc Babe is suffering from an ec- in the opening game of the series here centric knee which sometimes slips its to-day and the result was another moorings, his feet to in thrilling overtime. battle. On this oe- Two men were causing point casion the Giants, arter twelve innings discuss. d;*Tcrent directions at times. The Five Leading Batters ol' exciting play, emergedvictorious by ing the H. C. L. knee goes on the loose periodically ;i score of 8 to 6 and again started a and yesterday happened to be one 01 In Two Big Leagues climb toward thc top, having advanced "The big idea," says one, one notch days. Thc medicos are tht to-day.. "is to cranking up AllKKHAV *L_*AGI K Incidentally, New Yor this vic¬ buy only what we joint and be to resume kby Babe may able tory broke the winning streak of the need.make things last." hia arduous labors to-day or to-mor- locals. To-dar'« vps a weird and roV. ln the meantime the second line frenzied dash. ln the first plar.o, Mc¬ "That's fine, but if Graw used five pitchers in gaining things troops of the Yanks are getting their while the Cuba are to we must chance. victory, used three. At last, buy the the beginning of the ninth Chicago had best when we Bob Shawkey held the attack of the apparently clinched the contest, but the buy." Indians to three hits. vVMAT n( __> | teiL LlSTEivj OSCAR- i've ('iants massed their attack and ob¬ According to tained hits Dependable suits and the experts Shawkey is either over- Ybo «Sr_ T Tt-./-YT Got imoR6 i-\,)-\j6*t Th/-\m enough off Hendrix to give warked or ? | (NJirC-D | U/'ArviT them two runs, which were to overcoats for men and underworkod thia season. IHE. GDO.D5 Yo<*. HE 'o enough boys. Either Kob tho Gob is too To SHrtRe IT ii/UiTtn r-._.- Bt-_-fr\>S. H_i__Ri= TAKe tie the count. pitching R_-CO_ar_ 12 ln Prices based on much or too little. The Indian slug- vyG GoT E HlS VOURE the ,tenth tne visitors attacked actual gera yesterday seemed to he of the peoplg he'-I. MUCH Hendrix again in such forceful manner cost at time of T5_.TTef-. that over manufac¬ opinion that there was nothing at all Felsclrs 66 OUT ,r*J A they put two more runs and Home Run |Hl*_ MOR/UIIMtS then it like a Giant ture. No the matter with the pitching of Robert \juSSK F--VEP. 6'O/mG appeared victory. boosting things thc Gobert. Eimer Myers, who However, the Chicagoans came back to ¦learned what suffering meant while Wins for PoiA/rvr PULS*-*_ in their half and drove Hubbell from replacement levels. \ working for Corneliua McGillicuddy; Chicago MoRrAAU the mound with a fusillade of blows fair that's got most of the plastering from the Over Red that netted them two runs, which again profit.and all. Yanks. Uhle was bumped after Eimer Sox, 4-3 evened the count. The eleventh period was earned out. was scoreless, but the Giants reas- Even the Ping Thinks BOSTON, May 18..Singles by Felsch, sembled their forees and advanced en All-leather oxfords at Jourdan, McMullin and masse on the local pitchers in the N'ot or.ly did the Yanks hit with Williams, to¬ twelfth, driving Martin from the box. 'part-paper" prices. vehemence and persistence, but they gether with Schalk's sacrifice fly, gave The visitors then hit Vaughn hard and became unusually daring on the bases. the Chicago White Sox three runs off succeeded in pushing across two more Ping Bodie, who contributed a couple Joe Bush in the second runs. These proved enough to win of two to the aggregate swats, inning to-day. the Livery! baggers Felsch's home run contest, as Nehf, who had replaccd went even further. lle started to think over tho left field Douglas in the eleventh, held the Mit¬ Miles and miles ot' satis¬ "n thi' bases. Ping does his fence off Russell in the sixth gave the chel! crew usually safe during his stay on the or thinking with deliberation while sit¬ visitors a 4.3 victory over the Red mound. faction your moneyback. ting dewn and resting hia intellect. Sox. After the Giants had tied the score But he started to think yesterday The home team did little in the ninth and had earned two more deliberately on his feet. The purpose with Will¬ tallies in the next the Cubs ol his was to deceivo Johnston iams until the ninth, when inning, Tennis! Golf! thought Menonsky's landed on Hubbell, scoring two runs and into believing that he would not try single, Hondryx's and from the in for third. But triple Mclnnis's driving him box. Quality sporting though Ping thought hit through Weaver yielded two runs. Manager McGraw then sent "Shuffiin' deeply and earnestly he was nailed Phil" to goods, too. while to The score: Douglas Huhbell's rescue, and trying reach the bag. Douglas proved to the occasion. That the Yanks did not waste any CHICAGO iA. I,.) HOSTON (A. I.) cqual al> r h P" »<¦' at) r li a o Paskert was the tirst to face and time on the bases is shown ,. , po him, by the net Murphy, rf..:;0l 1 lO.ITooper. rf .'01 1 0 0 he fanned. Barber, No result- eleven runs fur eleven hits. I,---" ¦.."') 1 -r> OOMeXally, 2b..4 0 2 :; 0 however, caught conforming! Our Heretofore the Yankees have been \\eaver, ss ..5 0 0 1 5 0 Menosky. lt'..,4 11 1 00 hold of one of Phil's fast ones and Jacksoii, :f...4 0 1 2 OOllon ryx, cf...4 2 2 2 o n Senators sent back a stiff straw liats are cf :< Outslug it like shot at the loose- flexible heaving the anchors as soon as they Felsch, ..322 0 0 Mclnnis, lb.4 o 2 :; o reached first. The team looked Jourdan, lb. .4 11 ; 0 0 Foster, Sb ..2 0 0 ', II Pirates Have jointed twirler. Douglas managed to where fast ¦¦ touch M Hulllii, Jb.3 11 0 10 Sc.,-t ss 4 0 1 ': o Easy knock the hit and the ball they the head. as well as ° Browns down, roUen* poweri'ul yesterday. :**'..'',;l"r- .200 7 2 P Waiters. o ..300 6 20 and Win toward third. Lear the About 1!.,000 watched the siaughter. Williams, p..;;oi 1 2 0|Bush, p ooo 2 nn Time With pounced upon Comfort as well as style. those in the [Russell, p_n n o o r, o Boston, pellet im;tantly and threw to the plate Among parked upper I'Hlller .0 0 0 0 0 n 17 to 8 in time to force McCabe on a close perches were B. B. Johnson, president tSchang .100 0 0 0 By Score play. of the American League, and I'hil 7 to 2 Douglas then retired the side by toss- Rogers Peet Compax? Ball, Totals ...32 4 S 27 11 01 T-.tals ...33 7'. 9 27 IS "l Winning by ing out. Robcrtson. whose St. Louis Browns are the next May .Ran for Mclnnis in ninth inning. WASHINGTON, 18..Washing¬ The Giants tied the score in the victima sentenced to face the Yankee TBatted for Waiters in ninth inning. ton won a from St. Louis to¬ <_y Broadway Broadv.-.* slugfest Grsnfland 18..The a Rice PITTSBURGH, May Pitts¬ ninth on single by Lear, Kelly's triple at 13th St. batting squad, Chicago. n 3 0 0 n 1 0 0 p.4 day 17 to 8, three and Smith's "Four at 34th St. The Yanks took their lead in the Boston. 01000000 2.3 visiting pitchera burgh Pirates defeated Boston to- single. In the tenth Burns a drew a but was forced at second Convenient third after Ping Bodie exchanged some Two-base htts.B, Collins. Jackson. being touched for total of 38 bases. (Copyright, 1920, Neto York Tribune Inc.) day by a score of 7 to L* by their bunch- pass, in rhree-base by Young.