Pantyhose and Sand (2013 Restaging) Lily Bea Moor (Poet)

Link to article. Ethnic Shorthand and how it contributes to how the aidience understands the art

Explores Changing (Stretching/Stress/Tensions) of female bodies Harriet Chin (Painter)

y b d di r e u ge m ng in or e s rf N as e a H ) P g n l en e na Explores S ar gi M ri Identity crafted though names d (o an

" No Reason to Jum p, No Reason Not to Jum p: Song Dong and the pr ocess cal l ed ?ti m e? " R.S.V.P (1977) and Nylon Mesh What's in a Name Personas Propecia Leigh (Photographer) Series (1977)


"... it introduces a radical instability into the very notion of Identity identity, whose shortest definition is that it perpetuates sameness over time." Primitive Building with Technology: Primitive tools Imperial Palace Tiled Roof Hut being aware of the Explains it like a hobby but only natural land around him follows strict rules when building

Senga Nengudi About page Primitive technology

Enjoyment of the process of Contrasting from modern primitve building building methods [No Music] How to make Bubble Miranda Sage Tea Barnard With music ?no reason to jump ? no reason not Youtube space allowing to jump? viewers to choose how peaceful they experience the cuisine process showing how far we ?The Dao is the Way of all things; it Jump (1991) Without Non-indigenous have come as a music ASMR influence society represents both the machinations and the suit can aid in ultimate source of everything in the "suit" homogenizes constructing and perfoming youtube universe." masculine power and masculine gender identity identity

masculinity can be donned Youtube as a space to at will Creating vodily share process sensations from Song Dong natural noises Calm space on Abbigail clothes, persona, etc. internet Breen I Became a Secret Hippy, Chris gender itself is performative Burden Tutorial based

Two different masculine Cooking space as Way of Life identities: preformance machismo rebel and agent masculinity adoption of visible codes of the government uniform supresses individuality in Being true to each man oneself about desires Chinese Art uniform suggest adherence VB 39: US Navy Seals, Vanessa Philosophy to traditional norms of Beecroft Clothing communicates "I observe things all the time. I Gender masuclinity gender don?t take references while I?m Feminist drawing, but I?m always collecting I Just Came Female visual resources. I observe them Here to Find a carefully on daily basis, almost Husband habitually. I study images of all sorts and genres, "Kim said, Being unashamed adding that he's been passionate Exhibitionism Satirical Daoism about art since he was a kid." Male dominated institution -Kim JungGi Ayana Evans Nikko Peel away Sasha Baron Cohen Alcaraz design "Christine Ross suggests that VB 39 Joel Martinez is ?masculinizing the female role of Stuntmen to-be-looked-at-ness.? [5] As in her Mae Schmitt earlier works, VB 39 objectifies its Girl, I'd Drink Borat Sagdiyev participants. Like the lithe fashion Your Bathwater Experimentation Based on African African Ali G models populating most of Beecroft?s American catcall American performances, Navy SEALs are DIY and how to popular sex symbols." Brüno Gehard

Artist Youtuber Off-Page Link Filthy Frank Kim Jung-gi Chris Wright Collaboration Great power fails when Recorded and Viva La Bam Great responsibility shared Is no great option Teaching experience with audience Live drawing Shmoxd show Identity as an personality artist Different style Sooyoun Kim and work process Absence

Bea Camacho - Filipino But also spends half Netherlands Mella Jaarsma - Artist from multi-disciplined artist of his time in NYC Currently year 2561 in Netherlands but is now Buddhist calendar in based in Indonesia. Built a space for Collaboration and Thailand, his art artists to come Exhibitions Bangkok/"krungthep" references this together including Butt Johnson Racquel de Loyola -Filipino performance artists performance artist based in "The artist process. in performance=sharing their Manila. Follow me as I try to figure this whole unique process artist thing Thai nationality Indonesia out."-Shmoxd Buddhist influnce in Diaspora?. Ocampo was tying the knots on the Experimentation culture/idenity unused ribbons of medals, thus creating a long sequence of string with the color of the Philippine flag. He tied the other end of the string in one corner and the other end at the pillar Philippines Process Korakrit Arunanondchai located at the center of the bar. Then he asked the audience to tie the other ribbons on the string. Melati Suryodarmo - Based in Chiang Indonesian performance Mai The dangling ribbons created an image of ?banting?, which is typically used during the town fiesta celebration. artist Once had a exhibition where they Then, Ocampo began circling around the posts located at the center of the bar murmuring: provided beer to audience and ?Life is hard, not here, not for me? until he completed wrapping connect them with string to each addressesing the plight of 10 Alina Lindquist the string around them. other as they entered with the beer in Ghost 2561 million overseas workers around the their hands Link to article about world and the knotted string dashed with ribbons symbolizes the Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook Korakrit convergence of overseas workers to make the Philippine economy afloat from the pit of perdition. Asian

Hard to do because of YouTube Video format King/ political comentary Ghosts/spirits play a role Part of a video Wire Tuazon Performance Art vrs Performance Art perfromance not welcome in Thai culture in many Perfromance Festival in ways Bangkok Facebook Personality

Chris Mempin Spirit Megan Gaudinez Used flourenscent ink Legend of Nang Ate regurgitated Houses and appearnace Araya even mentions in her The Treachery of the Moon 2012 Nak - ghost wife diniguan "We live in a time and changes under black interview "Thai people don't Race/Nationality culture so abundant light like me, except me" with images, subcultures, and the identities borne from About Araya's daily Yuan Mor?O them, I want to use life and relationship Ocampo them and their visual with dogs Identity Audience thought it Astrology/Zodiac Sign Off-Page Link accoutrements and try was dog food to apply them to Water Sign allegory and see if it Process works." -Butt Johnson Filipino Terminator

Link of Araya talking about Treachery of the Consume Me Youtube Social media Artists Moon With political Thai soap opera messages on top Ethnic food Chitra Ganesh - Jerico Domingo Multi-disciplinary artist based in New York. Writing burned into back, How To Drink A Glass Of artist has dermatographia Water

Marina Abramovic - Serbian performance artist, writer, and art film director and producer. Off-Page Link

Homage to Frida Kahlo Elise Changr Identity (Portrait with Scorpion) 2014 Jade Wolfe The Scorpion Gesture shim Halder Sagor

Kara Walker Christopher Baker

Off-Page Link

Bobby Scott Social Personality Acceptance Anxiety/Identityr Self expression

Armine Rita Kassarjian Like Portraits Identity Selfies

Culture KATARINA RASIC Postmodernism Philosophy Cindy Sherman In her artistic practice Katarina is exploring the ideas of belonging, Existance o fIdentity 5 What you want them to tradition, female identity (different see parts of her identity). Online and Offline Look at this picture Identities What you see is what you get Who I want to be Tarik Caroll "The EveryMAN" Project From Hypermasulity to Barbara Kruger Feminine

Identity Jonathan Vazquez "Addresses cultural constructions of Selena Duality Duality of Identity power, identity, and sexuality."