Ministers Tell Their Policy the Value Of
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[fl is the favorite is situ- THF SIHIM ****"*• ^^^^^^^^^^^^^GRAND FORK^S ated in (3Sfe**i J. LIU aXJI.*} paper 0£ thecitiipns the center of Grand Porks valley, the of the district. It is read by qaore premier fruit growing district of people in the city and valley than any Southern British Columbia. Mining other paper because it is fearless, re •nd. lumbering, are also important liable, clean, bright and entertaining. industries in districts contiguous to It is always independent but never the oity. Kettle Valley Orchardist neutral. "Tell me what roo Know Is true: $1.00 PER YEAR TWENTY-FIRST YEAR—No 33 GRAND FORKS, B. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1922 Zt can IMS ts weU as TOU. Hon. John Hart, minister of Bull river, British Columbia, and finance, said be took great pleasure has contracts witb the cities of Cran in addressing a Grand Forks audi brook and Fernie and witb several THE VALUE OF ence. When be took tbe portfolio coal mining companies in that ter of finance minister he had been told ritory. The company is installing MINISTERS TELL by tbe premier that it would be bis another plant on Elk river wbich duty to sit on the treasury cbeA will have a capacity of 20,000 horse and allow nothing to escape. He power. bad endeavored to carry out instruc Prominent Speakers at THEIR POLICY PRICES OF FRUITS tions. Tbe me*mber for Grand Forks the Victoria Convention bad, however, succeeded in making a raid on tbe strong box, and now The following are the ruling prices „ Say that They Promote for fruit, ae set by local growers, be was ioformed tbat tbe same Neighbourliness Heads oi Finance, Lands, gentleman contemplated -another f.o.b. Grand Forks: raid for another (175,000. Strawberries, (3.00 per orate. The and Publio Works De- bulk of the strawberries arein now, Sipartments Address a There was only one serious prob but thore will be some everbearing all lem in connection witb the fioano summer. Thn international value of Large Audience -- In og of the province, aod tbat was Early Richmond Cherries, (1.50 good roads, their influence as tbe Pacific Great Eastern. Were per 4 basket crate. a builder of national sentiment spect Public Works in Olivet and Montmorency Cherries, tbat problem removed, the finance (1.75 per 4-basket crate. by establishing a contact be District minister would have an easy time. Broadcasting Worth While Royal Ann Cherries, (2.25 per 4» tween the people of all sec The speaker then reviewed the con basket orate. Black Tartarian Cherries, (2.50 tions of the country and mak ception aod past history of the that these newcomers were sound in 1 NEW SALES MANAGER per 4-basket crate. ing them neighbors, formed road, whicb was a legacy left tbe body and mind. It was easy to de The public meeting in tbe Em Red Currants, (2.50 per straw present government by tbe Bowser termine a person's physical condi OF THE OKANAGAN the dominant theme in ad press theater on Monday nigbt was berry crate government. The present adminis tion, but what was bidden in hie UNITED GROWERS Blaok Currants, (3.00 per straw dresses delivered last Thurs very largely attended, tbe house be tratioo was endeavoring to solve the mind was sometimes difficuls. He berry crate. ing filled to its lull capacity, aod day at a banquet of the Can - problem, and he felt reasonably sure did not place as much importance Gooseberries, (2.50 per 4-basket the large audience seemed to be in The Okanagan United Growers' crate. adien Good Roads association tbat it would succeed. He then as some people did on the amount perfect accord with the speakers of poor returns in 1922, culminating in Raspberries, (3.25 per strawberry in the ballroom of the Em- gave a review of the part tbe late of money an immigrant brought the evening. tbe appointment of an investigating crate. pressjiotel, Victoria. government bad played in the build into the country. Tbe main ques Blackberries, (3.50 per strawberry Fred Clark acted as chairman of committee, which reported tbis ing of the road. Mr. Bowser had tion with bim was whether tbe pern crate. Among the speakers were the meeting, and introduced tha week, brought about a general meet been taken BO seriously to task by son was willing to work and take Peach Plums, (2.00 per 4 basket Lieut.-Governor W.C Nichol, speakers witb brief but appropriate ing of tbe shareholders at Vernon crate. his own supporters for the huge care of himself. Some opposed an Premier John Oliver, Premier remarks. sums spent in connection with the on Thursday, when the committee Bradshaw Plums, (1.50 per 4- immigration policy ae long as we baske; crate. Owing to the number of promi« construction of the line tbat he had report was discussed. E. C. Drury of Ontario, Hon. had unemployed of our own in the Plums, other varieties, £1.25 per Joseph L. Perron, minister «f nent speakers present, E. C. Henni been forced to take refuge in tbe re bread lioe in tbe cities. These people Tbese are the features of the ex 4-bas_|et crate. ger, our local member, cut. his mark, "Gentlemen forget my past; were born and bred in tbe cities, and] traordinary general meeting, called Peaches, (1.25 per box. highways for Quebec, and speech almost to the vanishing my future is spot ess." Concerning you couldn't pry tbem away from to receive a committee report on tbe Prunes, (1.00 per box. other notable leaders in tho point. This was the fint lime in the tbe spending qualities of the late workings of the boopertive organiza Pears—No. 1, (2.50; No. 2, (2 00; the cities. Aa for himself, he would No. 3,*(1.50. good roads movement in both history of the city when three promi government, he gave a grapbic illus rather get out in the country to tion, according to a report of tbe nent ministers of the government meeting published in the Penticton Appples—No. 1, (2.00; No. 2, Canada and the United States. tration. In 1910 there was a sur* work tban to be in the bread line or (1.76; No. 3, 1.26. had visited us at a time when tbere plus of (10,000,000 in the treasury, two weeks ahead of tbe bread line. Herald: Cherries, red currants and goose* was no prospeot of ao election. accumulated mostly from the sale of The special investigating commit berriev will be ready about July 1st; FOSTER'S FORECAST There would be no election until natural resources, and from 1910 io Mr. Pattullo reviewed tbe irriga tee recommends that the resignation black currants, raspberries, peach tbe government bad lived out its 1916 tbe government had spent (19,- tion work that bad been done by (of Sales Manager C. L. Lowe be plums, peaches abont July 15th; Washington, June 19.—World statutory life. The ministers were the government in tbe Okanagan pears, plums and apples about Au meteorology will be of immense im 000,000. Tbe late government bad requested. This recommendation gust 1st. making the1 present tour merely in no system of audit; tbe present ad and other parts of the province. It was defeated by a two to one vote, portance during the thirteen days order to get in touch with conditions ministration bad estab isbed an was the policy of tbe government, It was stated at a meeting of tbe Good Roads Delegates centering on June 24, particularly he said, to continue thiB work until in the province aod to find out at audit department in connection witb Okanagan United Growers directors Pass Through City in orop weather of North America first hand tbe wishes of the electors. tbe collection of tbe income tax, and every acre of arable land in British on 'Friday morning, however, that aod Europe. This great weather Concerning the article contributed now everybody bad topay towards Columbia is under irrigation. Mr. Lowe intended to quit tbe post Some of tbe delegates to the good event will probably be tbe most im- to the looal opposition paper by W. paying the expenses of the govern On motion of H. A. Gaspell and of sales manager as Boon as bis three- roads convention passed through our portan, in a general way, tbat the K. Esling at the lime Mr. Bowser ment. R. G. Ritchie, a hearty vote of year contract' expires, at the end of city on Wednesday, oo their way 1922 crop season will experience,. visited our-city, Mr. Henniger char thanks was tendered tbe speakers. this year. from tbe coast to their homes in tbe Io North America east of the east. They were met at Bridesville acterised it as "antiquated bunk. " Speaking on the financial condi Tbe chairman expressed the opin The special committee recom Rockies, results will be too much by Messrs. E. C. Henniger, P. B He had carried out all tbe promises tion of the province, Mr. Hart said ion that the meeting should extend mended tbat tbe Okanagan United rain at a time that will do some Freeland and Dan McPherson, wbo he bad made during the election, tbat the credit of British Columbia its appreciation 1st Premier Oliver Growers withdraw from tbe British damage to crops. North America escorted them to this city. Oo tbe and all the pledges of the governs wae never sounder or in better shape for the able manner in wbicb he Columbia Traffic and Credit asso will be the most fortunate of all station platform bere thej had a ment were being carried out.