A Revision of Western Australian Thymelaeaceae
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'8 891 D(rlrolsotlJ!4 d '1305 L9I a?qpdg t s9l Dua$auot d L 09r DraS!ru ds ,9 d 'I L9l qDqdaJonw d 'n 991 DID^OI)d n9l Dqlldopq ',J 't z9l nptrlttdas 'd ,z 6rl DalaulJ '1J0S z 'I 8tl oumBIS d 8il soraqluoaaH 'I 'lJOS ZNI Dalawq I WI luarxlBeJJctl€tuelsfs WI ,(qdaSoeSotg 8€l uIelr(s SurpeoJg 8€l lgqunN auosouolqJ 8€I lrnJd Ltl t3,r\olg 9EI slocrpedpu? ecuorsotouul 'slxals 9El slc?Jg[?r3nlo^q pue se^eo"I ,€l unluolunpul pu? llqeH ,EI ?J3U0Ceql JOssrlsrJolr?JeqJ uO soloN E'I uotlesrJrss?lJluosald eqJ ztI spoqleN pu? sprJel?ntr I'I saqluoraqJ pue oapuq Jo ,{rolsrH IfI Ielou0c III uorlcnpoJlul 6ZI 1J?JlsqY aAsd slualuoc 'saqeu€,{ o,1AlpuE sortedsqns oelql loJ epeu o& suortEurqutoaA\ou pu? .neJI pequ.sopoje sorcodsqns^\ou a^lC ep€u ole en4lorafu\qns dsqnsq.2 o1|{qdopo uo pxeq t,lU (neftajq! 'z.tnlqpuowuup 'ata 4 oralul^.qns d pue o.Eatsold,qrJ uo prseq qittnlj ipuowutrup A suoqeurquo, Mou aql o,{U qrssas pue .eil .d ,ei\ .d 'etd .d 'eid ,el]{ A a^d suapuad d olltldotD| Dtocutu,B DeaD suarDD d sauauoto d, :peqwry ele serads l$u 8u^\olloJ eql pue ep€rusr a,{U Balsorcol .t}r-i lolleurqluoc ^\eu oql 'peqFa6"p fzclnJ)-tras.Dapw[ { dl,t\eo aJEoIU sfr/rrtsodlrs' pes pue ail soraqluoolaq tJr Wnwter ore o.reqpxru8ocaJ s cedsu€q?Ilsnv ute$aA{ ftlul?ruel oql pue snuo8e sEpalE}sulor 'saqlunaqJ St sr'sdcedi u€llE4snvulets€ld oelql qtl{ paluosordsDalar,/Hf muo8 aql-roj uoeEcrJrss.elrJutua8ejlul ^\ru p puEposr^al el! eseceeelou,{qf -Ig,e,{u u?rle4snvurolsold (gg6ll gLz.6zl:\zlgetst{nN JsrcEaplrLuiqluprlplrsnv uratsJ/A Jo uorsr^oJV lr3.4sqv ISI9'e{€Isnv ul?lsolA'qlJod qlnos,loarts oBJooC,ornuBqloH ue{ellsnv LualsolA orutg aBar?aslauql usll€rlsnvurolsal[ Jo uols!ar v 6al (886t)8/U.6Zi 1Z)9 ersr{nN 130 NuytsiaVol. 6. No. 2 {1988) 9. P. argentea 169 10.P. micrantha 173 sect.4. Calyptrostegin 175 ll. P. ammocharis 175 12.P. grcniticola 177 13.P. imbricata 178 14.P. subvillifera 185 15.P. villifera 187 16.P. erecta 189 17.P. sylvestris 190 18.P. calcicob 193 19.P. longifora 194 20. P. preissii 197 2l. P. angustifolin 199 22. P. floribunda 201 23.P. sulphurea 203 24. P. pendens 205 25.P. aeruginosa 208 26. P. cracens 209 27. P. tinctoria 212 28. P. suaveolens 214 29.P. drummondii 219 secl.5. Macrostegia 222 30. P. physodes 222 sect.6. Stipostachys 224 31. P. hohoydii 226 sect.7 . Heterolaena 227 32.P. lehmanniana 228 33. P sessi/rs 34.P. rara 234 35. P. spectabilis 236 36.P. Iercantha 238 3'1. P. avonensis 239 38. P. brevistyla 240 39.P. ciliata 244 40. P. rosea 248 41.P. ferruginea 251 42.P. hispida z) 1. 43. P. Ianata 253 44.P. brevifolia 255 45.P. brachyphylla 259 2. Thecanthes 262 1. T. conueta zoz 2. T. punicea 264 3. T. sanguinea 267 Discussion 269 Generaand Sections 269 Phylogeny 270 FutureStudies 270 NominaNuda probablyapplied to WesternAustralian Taxa 271 NominaDubia 271 'sttlzoiwoqJ puz 'stqrolsttow 'aSollDdg'ouaqo ,{qd 'ouaqoJalaH porueuEuroq sdno$ Suureuloraql puesaqiuoJaqJ'oat olurt\ds se,r\uorlc'Js tsJ$ s,u,norgleql ldecxa(0181) u^\org,{q ua^6 suorpesaql qll,r papuodsolocsdnoJE sseqJ IUBJ perycadsun sdnoJSJueua8E4ur xrs posruEocalpu" oapruH qlJ1(saqluo1aqJ pe:.JlqwoJeJ ;o 'snuet (rt8l) reqcqpug ,rou eq1ol ralaa..rdlopun poqursopuooq ^lsnor^erd p?q l"ql salcods o,{rlperaJsu€rl pue saqiuoJaqJsnua8 eql poquosep(818 1) ruorts{r^\ Jal?'I uortJosqc?o 'EX?tJo uorlducsop € 3ur^r8pu? suorlrospeu?uun lnq psrequnu oArJur uaql SurcEId Jauq'sonods tt posruSoJeleH uellellsnv Jo tuorulBol lBquBtsqnslsrrJ oqt paqsrtqnd(0l gl) uaojg 'olotlsotd '88/l g selc?d:spuBI?aZ ,rr{aN aql uo pesBq ut porx€usp^^ rJUtroBC xo IoS? s{uBg Dapwld Duuassodsnuo8 ol?u[u?]s-lq3re ,{ ?ur8uoaql urqll,r Erl"rlsnv pue pueleoz,rsN uro4 o?ocBeBlouqJ al?Uuxsls'o.rleqlJo uorsnlcuroql poldeJcEsJoqlnE,ral fJeA'ro^e,roH '(66 :0t61) en3?rds^q pe^rosuorfll8urJoJ sE,aA tl pu? DreluDge:uJeu,rau eqt palderoB ''I J.I sJoqlneluenbesqns tsol l DuuassDJsnue8 peqsrTq"lsa ,{peorl€ oql ot Dleluog se u.rou{ ^lmohord mue8 oql polroJoJpuE esrcealord aqt u mueE€ $J DtsluDgeweu eql pesnel(28fl) 'J sna"uurl lnq retsroC C ry relslod ot$luog se S//t ur poqucsepse,r snueEoqJ o8e.{o^ puocoss,{ooJ uo JotsJoCC f pue Iq I ur palrallor serJJdspuplBoz ,{\aN eolql U f Z/l 'saquoJallJ Jo ora,r adorna ur o^rrJe ol Dapaw lo suourcedslsJrJ oqJ puo Dapurd lo fuolsH 'pesruSoJol 'a?OJeo?leu.4qJ are sarytuDJaqJJo seorJs oaJr+pueDapluld Jo sanodsSt qcrq,r u u?rlalsnv urotsolA uorsr^eJiruouox?l B sluesoldlod?d srqJ ecutssoroeds u?llellsnv Jo '(t861SI6l uralseA\cruepue JoJ paqsrtqnd uoeq o^€q seueu a\ouou efd) uorSouquad aqt Jo €Joldaqt JoJuoneJedord ur poqsqqndseuEu sorJods naou JnoJ urog UedV (€/gl) uBqluog Jo l"ql sr erlBJlsnvuJolsed\ ur eem?a?laur^r{Jeql Jo elBp ol lueuJlearlelrsueqadruoc lsouIoql tnq slleJlsnv uretseiAolul pualxel?qt $rcads,roJ e sapnlourtuoruteert srqJ (Eg6l poqsllqnduaaq fllumar sBq?uotcr^ pu? solel[ qtnos ,reN 'pu€lsuaenb'ert€rlsnv IlqlerqJ 'lJes rllnos rJJo+\saqtuocaqJ Dalauld se)saq iunaqJ puBDapluld lo saraadsJo uorsr^elV '-l ',(lrrueJ Dtptut ^q [Vo ilqeqo:draqrunu serceds u pepa"Jxo eql ul ?louo8asJo^rp lsoul'tse8J?l eql auo Dapwv (l arn8rC)seulddrJrqd oql ol qllou Supuetxopu? Brl?llsnv ulaqllou Jo 'pu€lsJ u Suurnooosabeds aArJ q!^\ saqiunaqJ tu?qleqJ ol lseoSurpuelxe puE ?rl?llsnv lnoqEnoJqllsoule Suuncco sercods001 ro^o qlr,r oapwld'e\er$ny q pat?rluocuoJ er? eJeueaqlog'oBspruC oqrJturqth\ e?urelaurdoqrllqns sjequetu ,{luoaql elB'(tt6l) 'pu" Jo 'suaru?ls e{uoc JouonecrJrss€lc eql uI o?eprooBlou,{qI^Iulqqns ol Suolaq,{oqJ lnoJ 'guo ls?ell? 8ur^eqErauaE roqlo [? ,{lorer,{re^ (Dapuw ur) Jo o,r1Jo laqunu uauets lroql ^q ,{lrur?Jeql Jo sJequeu leqto uro4 poqsrnEurlslp,{llppol el? saqiuoraqJpue oapwld 'Dtuaouelll4 saopusql loploq uBllEllsnv ulalsel& 0q1ol Jesolsmcso ot u,/t\ou{0J? qlog ?rT€JtsnVUlolsoi[ ur peplocotu00q lou a^?qlnq,{loltjlsl 'nwaqutv 'eJeua8 uroquoN ur Jncooosle pue Dualoqd Jerftoo,r J ?rTellsnvuJolsolA u mlJo ot lou pouns$ rt\ous orutaotls\L44,{JolltleJ uleq oN 'EuBluedl?J eqr oprs Jo'(l JtnC Jo ruolso,{\oql uo{ srsolcods srql Jo uollrolloo u.rou)l lsosolc eqt s3popnloxa sr g6l) uaelC pue (lt-0€61) roupreD ^q ra,4ar{ D)!pu! srseqeql uo etBlsoql loJ poplocel,{llauloJ 'oluaouellful 'uorsr^olJ / Jo snue8aql srqtu pet4surallonr-l eql'saqluDJaqJ pue oapaLJ eJeuea peteloJflosolc o,{{l .{q elJensnv tuelsaA ur poluosoJdoJsr oe}J?e€laurfqJ,{lru?J etII pauag uo!lJnportul ELZ aEsJBoEIaufqJol xopul ZLZ slJueJoJau ZLZ slueuoBpel,rou{cv IfI eEoceoelour^r{IusrlEllsnv uJelsry'{'a,{d -J.g 132 NuyrsiaVoi. 6. No. 2 (1988) Three new genera,Gymnococca Fischer & C. Meyer, HeterolaenaFischer & C. Meyer and Cal)ptrostegiaC. Meyer.which togetheraccounted for a largemajority of the species previouslyp\aced, in Pimelea,were named in two publicationsof 1845.These and a few later publications resulted in numerous recombinations,particularly in the large genus Calyptrostegia.Infrageneric groups, still ol unspecifiedrank, were recognised by Meyet (1845) under the generaGymnococca and Calyptrostegia.In the latter genushe includedtwo of Endlicher'sgrotps, Malistachys and Epallage. Presumably the new genusllererolaena was alsomeant to conespondwith Endlicher'sinfrageneric group Heterolaena. However, Fischer andMeyer (1845) did not acknowledgeEndlicher and the only specieslisted, -&znelea specmbilis lasHeterolaena spectarllls), had not beennamed at the time Endlicherlisted his speciesunder the inftagenericgrotp Heterolaena.Hence the genusand inlragenericgroup of the same nameare regardedas having different types. Another new genus,Macrostegia, was describedby Turczaninow(1852). It consistedof the singlespecies M. erubescens,which had shortly beforebeen named Pimelea physodes Hook. Although P physodesis a very distinctivespecies, Macrosteglo was neither accepted as a separategenus nor usedas an infragenericcategory by any later authors. A revisedclassification by Endlicher(1848) retained Glmnococca and Calyptrostegiaas separategenera. However, Heterolaeno Endl. and Phyllolaenawere treatedas groupsol unspecifiedrank underhmelea whtle Thecanthesand Choristachyswere treatedas groups uji'derCalyptrostegio bLrl with Choristachy,sat a higher level than Thecanthes.Meissner (1857) recognisedonly.Prmelea al lhe genericleveland listedthree sections, Thecanthes, Eupimelea andGymnococca. Under sect.Eupimeled he listedeight groups of unspecifiedrank, consisting of the lastfive of Endlicher'soriginal groups and threegroups of his own. Subsequentauthors have followed Meissner in recognisingPlnelea as the only genusin thiscomplex. However, Kuntze (1891), who consideredthat theolder name Ba.'lksra should be usedrather than Pimelea,published recombinations for mostof the then known species of Pimeleafollowed by a new classificationof infragenericgroups under Banksia (Kuntze 1903).This clasificationwas essentially the sameas that givenby Bentham(1873). Bentham's classi{icationis comparedin Table 1 with the more recentclassifications provided by Gilg (l 894)and Threlfall (1983).Gilgk classificationdiffered from Bentham'sin that Thecanthes wasrecognised as a subgenusrather than a section.The treatrnentol Thecanthesas a subgenus wasfollowed by Domke (1934)in his monographof the Thymelaeaceaeand by Ding Hou (l 960)in Flora Malesianabut not by Threlfall(1983) in her revisionof the speciesoccurring in four Australianstates. Threlfall followed Bentham's classification except that sheregarded oneol Bentham'ssubsections under Calyptrostegia as a separatesection while not recognising the other two subsections. Nomenclatureat the specificand varietal\evels rn Pimeleahas beencomplicated by the publicationof many new namesbased on cultivatedmaterial. Cultivation ol Pimeleaspectes in Europeappean to havecommenced in 1793with the easternAustralian species Pimelea lini,folia.By 1860,about 20 specieshad beencultivated, including the following Western Australianspecies: P rosea,P. ferruginea, P. clavata,P. sylvestris,P. hispida,P. IongiJlora, P. lanata,P. imbricata,P. spectabilisand probablyP. floribunda. In most casesdried specimens werenot referredto when new nameswere published for cultivatedplants and often there wasalso no illustrationavailable to nominateas type.Most of thesenames are regarded here as nominadubia.