BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions
BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. VOL. XXVI. JULY, 1846. NO. 7. Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions. ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CONVENTION, V Held in the Pierrepont St, Baptist Church, Brooklyn, JV. Y., May 19, 1846. The Convention assembled at 10 o’clock, A. M., when the Pre sident, Rev. Francis Wayland, D. D., of R. I., took the chair and called the meeting to order. After singing, prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Dodge of Phila delphia. In the absence of the Secretaries, Rev. James B. Taylor, ofVa., and Rev. Rollin H. Neale, of Mass. ;—Rev. E. E. L. Taylor, of N. Y., Assistant Secretary of the last adjourned meeting of the Convention, called the roll of the body. MEMBERS. M a in e . Damariscotta Miss. Soc.,— Bowdoinham Bap. Miss. Soc.,— Joseph Wilson. Franklin Merriam. Lincoln Association,— Cumberland Bap. For. Miss. Soc.,— Enoch Hutchinson. Adam Wilson, Z. Bradford, L. F. Beecher, Dudley C. Haynes, C. N e w H a m p s h ir e . W. Redding, B. Greene. Baptist State Convention,— Penobscot Association,— Dura D. Pratt, Eli B. Smith, Eben- Jeremiah Chaplin. ezer E. Cummings, Edmund Worth, Silas Usley, Joseph Free Saco River Association,— man. Ahira Jones. Portland, Free St. Bap. church,— V e r m o n t . Lewis Colby. Baptist Stale Convention,— Hancock Aux. For. Miss. Soc.,— Joseph W. Sawyer, Daniel Has- James Gillpatrick, David Nutter. call, Manoah D. Miller. v o l. xxvi. SI 362 Adjourned Meeting of the Convention. [J uly, Grafton, Bap. church,— Haverhill, 3 si Bap. church,— Daniel F. Richardson, Mylone Arthur S.
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