Redskins Choose Guglielmi in First Round of Draft
- -. ' _•/ \v" , V * • 1 ¦ % ->’•* yP ••*rv’y * •’. JAmjABY peningpfafppfffls •”OMPMr- « 1986 C ** Redskins Choose Guglielmi in First Round of Draft iinm a, I Coifs1 Get Shaw i||ii Cronin Is Now As Bonus Pick, No. 2 in Line for Also Ameche JS ¦* wsSp Hall of Fame Take Bieiski, Greenberg Closest; Eagles ..... WBgnmßL Cards Max Boydston DiMaggio, Hartnett, AndGiants Joe Heap Lyons, Yonce Picked By Lewis F. Atchison Sy ttia AuociaHd tau MEW YORK. Jan. 37—Hank NEW YORK. Jan. 27--The g||iif Greenberg and Joe Cronin, who Washington Redskins today V RALPH nnnt.nri.irt GEORGfc SHAW rose from player ranks to exec- Redskins’ first pick. Colts’ bona* choice. \ picked Ralph Guglielmi. Notre Dame’s All-American quarter- utive posts, appear likelyto enter back, as their first choice in the baseball’s Hall of Fame next National Football League’s draft year as the result of balloting college of seniors. yesterday swept Guglielmi, who quarterbacked which Joe Dl- Maggio. Ted Lyons, Dairy Vance the Irish for four seasons, ac- Gabby tually was third choice as the and Hartnett to member- annual draft got underway at ship. Greenberg, general manager of the Hotel Warwick. Earlier, the polled Colt* the Cleveland Indians, 157 Baltimore had won the votes, only 32 short the draw for the bonus selection and of re- George quired 189, or three-fourths vote picked Quarterback of 10-year members of the Base- Shaw of Oregon, the country’s . Writers’ —AT Wlrephotos. ball Association. Cronin, individual total offense leader. former Washington shortstop Then the regular draft began election Hall of | CONGRATULATIONS IN ORDER—Gabby Hartnett and Joe DlMaggio were all smiles after their to basetmU’s and manager who filled the same and the Chicago Cardinals picked and manager of the Cute, to con- ports becoming Boydston.
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