Information on Fish and the Fishery Industry in Wartime
ADVANCE RELEASE ---- A D VA N C 3 RELEASE OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Thie Report on UNm isTArnS FISHERmS Is ADvmcE REmsE: For FRIDAY A3TERNOONPapers, September 3, 1943. The attY&Xd Yxdease iS a COmpr8henSiVe mpOrt prepared by the Office of Mar lnfomkion and designed to meet the various need8 of editors, writere, commentators, broadcasters, progzwn planners, photogre- phers, and gthers concerned with presenting the news* It may be re- produced in its entirety, excerpted, oondensed or used a8 baCk@Qmd and reference naaterial. * X-19961 FACTS ABOUT FISH FISH PROTEINS ARE COMPIETE--a meal of fish con- tains all the @xedients necessaxy to build body tissues. You don't have to supplelnsnt a platter of fish with other tissue-building foods. Ocean-caught fish also bring you minerals fmmthe sea--copper, ixon, calcium, phosphoxous, andothexs. SSXBILLZON POUNDSof fish and shellfish will be needed this year to supply our men 3n uniform, OUT Allies, and ouxselvs. This is a billion pounds more than we pro- , duced in oux biggest pxe-war yeas. You can help. Save canned sawn, sardines, and mckexel for Army and Navy use by: Canning ox salt-9ng fish at home; Eating uufazniliax varieties which may be available in your paxt of the countxy. HAVE YOU TRIED squid tith tcmato sauce? Steamed mussels? Skate mayonnaise? Shark steak? Carp, buxbot, sheepshead? How about canning surplus fish, Just as you can surplus vegetables from your victoxy men? HERE'S A LIST of government publications on the cooking and home cama of fish: 'Xome Pxesexvatfon of Fishery Products" by Eorma~n 6 D.
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