March 2016 Minutes
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NUNNEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at Dallimore Mead Hall Monday, 7th March 2016 at 7.30pm. Present: Ken Lloyd (Chairman): Sheelagh Capstick-Dale, Pia McGee (part), Lisa Ramsay, Messrs Francis Hayden. Also present: Anthea Brooks (Temporary Clerk), Beverley Palmer (Clerk). In attendance: David Van Dyk (District Councillor); members of the public x20. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting. 1. Apologies for absence – Sue Ellis (holiday), Cliff Garrod, Richard Masters (prior appointment), Russell Sadler (unwell), Ron Warwick (holiday). 2. Declarations of Interest ‒ none declared. 3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council 1 February 2016 Agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Members of the public being present mainly to hear discussions about the Market Place, the Chairman suggested bringing the item forward on the Agenda, and this was agreed. The Chairman explained that the Parish Council Meeting is for the Councillors to discuss and take decisions on subjects on the Agenda, not for a general discussion with the public, but that he would allow representations once the Council had had a chance to hold its discussions. 4. Market Place i) The Chairman presented a revised plan to Members. This still involves reducing the height of the wall, but by less than the previous plan. He explained that whilst the wall is not Listed, it is contemporaneous to bridge which is (Listed). Accordingly, it was unanimously decided to apply for Listed Building Consent (LBC). Action: SE, KL. ii) Roofing materials for the proposed bus shelter were discussed: Cotswold stone was discounted as is very heavy and expensive; cedar shingles were likewise discounted as there are no other buildings using this material in Nunney; it was therefore agreed to use tiles (of a type to match the locality). The Chairman addressed the public and explained the background to the plans for the Market Place. He outlined how the Council has been improving the area since 2011 - when the PC sought to lease the area. Since then to early 2014 it had removed the unsafe roof to the derelict bus shelter, demolished the bus shelter itself, painted the telephone box, removed the telegraph post and rerouted a live electric cable. In 2014 the discussion item for the Annual Parish Meeting (to which all residents are invited) was “the future of the Market Place”. Ideas and designs were received and presented at a public consultation when all residents were invited to make their views and preferences known. At the time, seating, a bus shelter and lowering the wall (to allow sight of the river) were the main things mentioned by respondents. Pia McGee arrived. The Chairman invited members of the public to speak and lengthy and heated discussions followed. Members of the public spoke both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the Council’s ideas. Mr Hayden gave an animated response explaining that the shelter would be of high quality and befitting the centre of the Conservation Area, it was being designed to be multipurpose and not just a bus shelter, and it is expected to “last”; all of which is reflected in the cost. Page 1 of 070316 …………………………Chairman The Chairman stated that the precept has not been increased for four years, and that the Council has been saving each year towards the costs. In conclusion, the Chairman said that as well as applying for LBC, a site meeting is being arranged with the Conservation Officer. Action: KL, SE, DvD. Members of the public x10 left the meeting. By agreement the Bike Track was moved forward on the Agenda. 5. Bike Track at Old Quarry Gardens (was Item 6) The Chairman reported that poor weather has prevented any work taking place on the track and it seems that impetus from volunteers has waned; there is still earth around some tree trunks and another one has died. Members agreed that the track urgently needs to be completed and (as agreed at the last meeting) a quote for a contractor to do this has been obtained. This was discussed and it was agreed that in principal the Council would be prepared to hire a contractor and fund the track’s completion. It was noted that there may be some funds left from the grant given by the NCA. The Chairman will contact Gary Dando to advise him of the Council’s plans and to thank Lisa and Gary for all their efforts in getting the project this far. Action: KL. Members of the public x8 left the Meeting. 6. Clerks Report & Items for Information – noted. Letter and emails ‒ As directed at the meeting 1-2-16. Guard House roof – Work is expected commence later in the month. Water Butts for allotments – Sourcing of suitable buts ongoing. Action: LR Litter Picking on 5-3-16 – Two Councillors turned up, one arrived later but by then the other two had finished. Quarry Liaison Meeting 16-3-16 – Richard Masters will attend (Ken Lloyd is on holiday). 7. Correspondence – noted Rural Service Network ‒ Enewsletters forwarded to Councillors as available Email from David Warburton – notification of surgery dates Frome Town Council – information regarding switch to a renewable energy conference on 4 March; notification of Council meeting MDC – Temporary Road closures: Bunns Lane, Trudoxhill and Witham Friary; Cheese Hill, Trudoxhill; Foghamshire Lane, Trudoxhill. MDC – Neighbourhood Planning Newsletter Somerset Libraries Service – Nunney will lose one stop as a result of consultation on library services. SALC – Information from the Office for National Statistics SWP – Newsletter. SALC – Training schedule. 8. Speedwatch and Speed Awareness Nothing more to report. There are six volunteers. Action: SCD. 9. School Noticeboard Quote awaited. Action: LR. 10. Nunney Brook i) The Environment Agency and Mendip Enforcement have been to Holwell to see the problems at the lorry park and the owner has been made aware of his responsibilities. It was noted that there are fish upstream but not downstream (of Holwell). ii) Silt is building up at the duck pond but the Environment Agency say this cannot be dug out. The Clerk reminded Members that this is private land. Page 2 of 4 070316 ...............................…Chairman 11. Listing Community Assets It was felt that in general a community asset is a pub, a shop, a café or post office, but not a school, but David Van Dyk offered to find out precisely what can be considered in time for the next Meeting. Action: DvD. The Chairman explained that listing an asset gives the community “an option to buy” for six months pending change of use from say “pub to house” and asked if the Council wants to list the village’s assets. Members were asked to send their suggestions to the Clerk prior to April’s meeting. Action: All. It was noted that the Spar at the Market Place is currently for sale and that owners need to have tried to sell their property for three years before applying for change of use. 12. Nunney School 120 year Celebration It was agreed to make a donation towards the new play facilities as per the quote provided by the school. It was proposed that the Council pay for the StoryTeller’s Chair and its installation – total cost £531.15. Proposed Sheelagh Capstick-Dale, seconded Francis Hayden; agreed unanimously. Action: Clerk. 13. Annual Parish Meeting It was agreed to ask the Environment Agency to send a speaker. Action: Clerk. 14. Allotment fees for 2016-17 The current fee is £7/plot/annum. Sheelagh Capstick-Dale proposed the fee stay the same, seconded Lisa Ramsay and agreed. Action Clerk. Member of the public x1 left the Meeting. 15. Finance £1,500 transferred to current account 1-3-16. The Clerk advised that further invoices were being presented for payment to Aster (hire of hall x2) and Bristol Wessex Billing Services (water to OQG and cemetery). i) Accounts for Payment: Cheque 1354 - £184.84 Anthea Brooks (Temp Clerk – salary & expenses for February) Cheque 1355 ‒ £215.20 HMR&C (Tax for Clerk & Temporary Clerk (Oct-Dec 2015) Cheque 1356 ‒ £725.00 Atworth Arboriculture (Tree survey carried out in 2015) Cheque 1357 ‒ £ 91.02 Aster (Hire of Hall 2/11 & 7/12 2015, and 4-1-16) Cheque 1358 ‒ £ 37.25 Bristol Wessex Billing Services Ltd (water to OQG & Byfields cemetery 22-8-15 to 29-2-16) ii)Receipts – nil. iii) Mendip Community Transport. Request for a donation towards their running costs was not agreed. iv) HM Queen’s 90th Birthday – The Royal Mint are issuing a commemorative medal (£1.99 each) and it was suggested that the PC purchase these for the children at Nunney First School. Proposed: Sheelagh Capstick-Dale, seconded Lisa Ramsay and agreed unanimously. Action: Clerk. 16. Planning The following planning applications had been distributed to Councillors by the Clerk and were noted as approved. Applications: 2016/0025/CNT Variation of conditions 2 and 45 of planning permission 077905 relating to amendment of the expiry date of the permission and the date by which a detailed scheme for restoration and after use of the complex needs to be submitted for approval at Coleman’s Quarry Complex, Holwell. The Chairman explained this application was to extend the expiry date of an existing permission only; some residents of Nunney, Horn Street for example, have been advised privately as well. It was agreed the Council had “no comments” to make. Page 3 of 4 070316 ...............................…Chairman 17. Reports from Organisations and Associations i) NCA – The Chairman suggested that the NCA may be able to offer a contribution towards the Market Place project. ii) Village Hall ‒ AGM to be held 15-3-16. iii) Police ‒ Next liaison meeting is at Dallimore Mead Hall on 6th May.