Proceeding of Pre-extension demonstration of Agricultural Technologies IQQO AGP-II i Proceeding of Pre-extension demonstration of Agricultural Technologies IQQO AGP-II Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Workshop Proceeding For Completed Research Activities of Pre-Extension Demonstration of Agricultural Technologies Correct citation: Tilahun Geneti, Amare Biftu, Bayisa Gedefa, Tamirat Gebiso, Dagnachew Lule and Teshome Bogale (eds), 2017. Oromia Agricultural Research Institute Workshop Proceeding for Completed Research Activities of Pre-extension Demonstration of Agricultural Technologies, 27-30 April 2017, Adama, Ethiopia, 135pp Copyright © 2017 Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO). All Right Reserved. Tell:+251-114707102/+251-114707118 Fax:+251-114707127/4707126 P.O. Box:81265, Email:
[email protected], website:, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Donor partners ii Proceeding of Pre-extension demonstration of Agricultural Technologies IQQO AGP-II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the World Bank and other donor partners for funding the research work, the workshop and also publishing this proceedings. Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, the respective research centers and staff members are cordially acknowledged for supporting, hosting and executing the research works. All authors of the references cited in each manuscript are duly acknowledged. iii Proceeding of Pre-extension demonstration of Agricultural Technologies IQQO AGP-II Preface Realizing the key role that it plays in the national economy, the Ethiopian government has given due emphasis to the agricultural sector development. The Agricultural and Rural Development Policy and Strategy of the country which was designed nearly a decade and half ago,has highly emphasized the important role of agriculture as a means of ensuring rapid economic growth, enhancing benefits to the people, eliminating food aid dependency, and promoting the development of amarket-oriented economy.