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1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3407 SENATE Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS] is absent of illness in his family. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1940 The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. BAILEY], the Sena (Legislative day of Monday, March 4, 1940) tor from Nebraska [Mr. BURKE], the Senator from Pennsyl vania [Mr. GuFFEY], the Senator from Alabama [Mr. HILL], The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration the Senator from Maryland [Mr. RADCLIFFE], the Senator of the recess. · from New Jersey [Mr. SMATHERS], and the Senator from Mis The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the souri [Mr. TRUMAN] are detained from the Senate on public following prayer: business. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who knowest our neces The Senator from Michigan [Mr. BROWN] and the Senator sities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Help us from Montana [Mr. WHEELER] are unavoidably detained. to perceive what we most really need, that we may truly un The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-three Senators have burden our hearts in Thy presence, and at Thy feet may feel answered to their names. A quorum is present. no disquiet with Thy goodness and mercy about us. Make us PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS especially mindful of the needs of others, as we thank Thee for those who love us and in whose love we find a quiet The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following sanctuary when the ills of life oppress us, that we may bear resolution of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island, one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Pity which was referred to t~e Committee on the Judiciary: and pardon us, dear Lord, if at close of day our achievements Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the fall short of the morning's dream, and be Thou patient with United States relative to taxes on incomes, inheritances, and gifts us, for Thou knowest our frame, Thou rememberest that we Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State · of Rhode Island, That application be, and it hereby is, made to the are but dust. Congress of the United States of America to call a convention for Bless all the people of our beloved· land, prosper their en the purpose of proposing the following article as an amendment to deavors, sanctify their homes, purify their hearts, and renew the Constitution of the United States: a right spirit within them that, making them truly blessed, "ARTICLE - our Nation may become an instrument of blessing to the "SECTION 1. The sixteenth article of amendment to the Consti world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. tution of the United States is hereby repealed. "SEC. 2. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes THE JOURNAL on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the enumeration: Provided, That in no case shall the maximum rate reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar of tax exc.eed 25 percent. day Monday, March 25, 1940, was dispensed with, and the "SEc. 3. The maximum rate of any tax, duty, or excise which Con gress may lay and collect with respect to the devolution or transfer Journal was approved. of property, or any interest therein, upon or in contemplation of or MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT intended to take affect in possesson or enjoyment at or after death, or by way of gift, shall in no case exceed 25 percent. Messages in writing from the President of the United States, "SEc. 4. The limitations upon the rates of said taxes contained submitting nominations, were communicated to the Senate in sections 2 and 3 shall, however, be subject to the qualification by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. that in the event of a war in which the United States is engaged creating a grave national emergency requiring such action to avoid MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE national disaster, the Congress by a vote of three-fourths of each A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chaf House may for a period not exceeding 1 year increase beyond the limits above prescribed the maximum rate of any such tax upon fee, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House had income subsequently accruing or received or with respect to sub passed the following bills, in which it requested the concur sequent devolutions or transfers of property, with like power, while rence of the Senate: the United States is actively engaged in such war, to repeat such H. R. 8262. An act to regulate, in the District of Columbia, action as often as such emergency may require. "SEc. 5. Sections 1 and 2 shall take effect at midnight on the 31st the disposal of certain refuse, and for other purposes; day of December following the ratification of this article. Nothing H. R. 8792. An act to authorize and direct the Commis contained in this article shall affect the power of the United States sioners of the District of Columbia to accept and maintain a after said date to collect any tax on incomes for any period ending memorial fountain to the members of the Metropolitan Police on or prior to said 31st day of December laid in accordance with the terms of any law then in effect. Department; and "SEC. 6. Section 3 shall take effect at midnight on the last day . H. R. 8917. An act to authorize the construction of a wait of the sixth month following the ratification of this article. Nothing ing room and comfort station in Commodore Barney Circle, contained in this article shall affect the power of the United States to collect any tax on any devolution or transfer occurring prior to United States Reservation 55-56, and for other purposes. the taking effect of section 3, laid in accordance with the terms of CALL OF THE ROLL any law then in effect." Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. And be it further Resolved, That the Congress of the United States be, and it hereby The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. is, requested to provide as the mode of ratification that said amend The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators ment shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the Con answered to their names: stitution of the United States, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourt:Ps of the several States; and be it further Adams Ellender Lodge Schwartz Ashurst Frazier Lucas Schwellenbach Resolved, That the secretary of state be, and he hereby is, directed Austin George Lundeen Sheppard to send a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Senate of the Bankhead Gerry McCarran Shipstead United States and one to the House of Representatives in the Con Barbour Gibson McKellar Slattery gress of the United States. Barkley Gillette McNary Smith Bilbo Green Maloney Stewart The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate a reso Bone Gurney Mead Taft lution of the Council of the City of Los Angeles, Calif., Bulow Hale Miller Thomas, Idaho Byrd Harrison Minton Thomas, Okla. favoring the proposal that in future appropriations for con Byrnes Hatch Murray Thomas, Utah tinuation of the work-relief program under the Work Projects Capper Hayden Neely. Tobey Administration the sponsor's 25-percent contribution neces Caraway Herring Norris Townsend Chandler Holman Nye Tydings sary for the proposed project, designed to provide useful work Chavez Holt O'Mahoney Vandenberg for unemployed citizens, be based upon the magnitude of Clark, Idaho Hughes Overton VanNuys Clark, Mo. Johnson, Calif. Pepper Wagner the local relief problem and ability of the local sponsoring Connally Johnson, Colo. Pittman Walsh body to provide such contribution rather than upon any Davis King Reed White fixed minimum percentage of the costs of the project, which Donahey La Follette Reynolds Wiley Downey Lee Russell was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. 3408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-~ SENATE MARCH 26 He also laid before the Senate the memorial of Local No. BILLS AND A JOINT RESOLUTION INTRODUCED 34, United Furniture Workers of America (C. I. 0.), James Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first town, N.Y., remonstrating against adoption of the so--called time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, and re Smith amendments to the National Labor Relations Act, ferred as follows: which was referred to the Committee on Education and By Mr. BULOW: Labor. S. 3669 (by request). A bill to amend the Agricultural Ad He also laid before the Senate the memorial of Melvina L. justment Act of 1938, as amended, for the purpose of regu Schultz, of Lost Creek, Wash., remonstrating against the lating interstate and foreign commerce in hogs, providing sending of American boys to war for any cause not related for the orderly marketing of hogs at fair prices in interstate to a direct and unprovoked invasion of the Nation, which and foreign commerce, insuring to hog producers a parity was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. income from hogs based upon parity price or cost of produc He also laid before the Senate a letter in the nature of tion, whichever is higher, and for other purposes; to the Com a petition from the Legislative Committee, Department of mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Austin, By Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma: Tex., praying for the enactment of the bill <H.