The American' Secretaries· of State and Their Diplomacy John Middleton Clayton Secretary Of· State
THE AMERICAN' SECRETARIES· OF STATE AND THEIR DIPLOMACY JOHN MIDDLETON CLAYTON SECRETARY OF· STATE MARCH 1, 1849, TO JULY 21, 1850 BY SAMUEL FLAGG BEMIS MARY WILHELMINE WILLIAMS, PH.D. BDITOR PROFESSOR OF HISTORY GOUCHER COLLEGE J. FRANKLIN JAMESON H. BARRETT LEARNED JAMES BROWN SCOTT ADVISORY BOARD NEW YORK COOPER SQUARE PUBLISHERS, INC. 1963 ! JOHN MIDDLETON,.CLA Y·TON i '. ", 1 '. CHAPTER I:. •... , , ,; ~ :.; : ".. +~ 1'" > :' : • : ~ r' "."';/' , .'- ft' A P POI NT MEN TAN D EAR, ~};: j ? ~ R E E R , , OHNMIDDLETON .CLAYTON became head of the State i>epartme~t on Marpb.·,7, 1849. This :honour was partly a reward for, service 'given in the Whig campaign of 1848, and paJ.1lythe result of a friend's influence: Through speech-making in Delaware and some .of the neighbouring states in behalf 11' of General Zachary Taylor h~helped. ,bring about the I latter's election to the presidency~)n yie~,.ofClayton's I: established political reputation.: and/.~s . well-known .. i Whig loyalty, under the party cQde,thl~seryice merited a position in the new Cabinet.' TayIQr,.ho:w-ever, in tended the State Department .. portfolio 1 for. Clayton's. p friend, John J. Crittenden, then governor of Kentucky. Crittenden declined, and recommende,d Clayton in his stead, and, consequently, the President:-elect offered the I place to Clayton on February.16, 184.Q. Clayt()n him.seH I had cherished presidential ambitions and tqe year before had declared that he would .not Uconsent to become any great man's Secretary or subordinate.',';}Nevertheless, with as great alacrity as circumstances permitted, he accepted the first office in the Cabinet.
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