u Excelencia el Embajador J. Hunteley Hayes pidió S desde Madrid que se preparase una lista de publica­ ciones hechas durante los últimos veinte años por los his­ toriadores de los Estados Unidos referentes a la Historia de España y de Hispano-América. En principio esta lista había de ser selectiva y no completa. La lista que se ofrece aquí es una respuesta apresurada a los deseos del señor Embajador. Se espera que en el fu­ turo se haga una bibliografía más completa, preferible­ mente con la intervención de un grupo de peritos. La com­ pilación actual está basada fundamentalmente en las bi­ bliografías de Mary Wilhelmine Williams en su People and Politics of Latin-America (Boston, Ginn and Co., 1938) y de A. Curtis Wilgus en su Development of Hispanic-America (New York, Farrar and Rinehart, 1941). Por añadidura han sido hojeadas las páginas de la American Historical

1 Esta lista de publicaciones históricas ha sido comunicada a la Academia de orden del excelentísimo señor Embajador de los Esta­ dos Unidos de América, a quien agradecemos muy sinceramente su amable atención y el servicio prestado con ello a la cultura histórica española. 272 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA |2J'

Review de 1923 en adelante, y para títulos recientes las de la Hispanic American Historical Review. El interés por la Histpria Española e Hispano-Ameri- cana de parte de los eruditos de los Estados Unidos ha sido notable. Es verdad que el campo de interés especial ha sido la fase americana de la historia española. El de la puramente Europea ha sido menor. En cuanto a la histo­ ria hispano-americana, en cambio, se ha dedicado muchí­ sima atención a sus problemas, y durante los últimos años, en ritmo creciente. Se nota de manera especial la investi­ gación de la historia de las regiones de los Estados Unidos que estuvieron bajo la bandera española, y ia de los países de habla española que se encuentran ahora cerca de nues­ tros límites geográficos. En esta bibliografía tentativa no pocos títulos represen­ tan casos dudosos, es decir, la historia pasa a ser geogra­ fía, política, arqueología, antropología, literatura, periodis­ mo, etc. Por lo general no se han incluido aquí libros fue­ ra de los predominantemente históricos. No es posible, sin embargo, un criterio rigurosamente exacto. Se han admi­ tido, a veces, títulos de libros no rígidamente históricos, porque parecen ofrecer un interés especial. En cambio, se han excluido, por triste necesidad, algunos libros verda­ deramente notables que no pueden considerarse de nin­ guna manera históricos. La lista está compuesta casi exclusivamente de libros, con la omisión de casi todos los artículos de revistas. La clasificación sigue aproximadamente la de Williams y Wilgus. Es posible que se hayan insinuado algunos erro­ res en nombres y fechas, porque faltó materialmente el tiempo para repasar repetidas veces las materias. Es posi­ ble también que unos cuantos títulos se deban a autores británicos, aunque se ha tratado de omitirlos, excepto en casos, como el del señor Box, donde el autor es de la Gran Bretaña, pero la inspiración, la composición y la publica­ ción pertenecen a ios Estados Unidos. Esta lista se ofrece solamente con la declaración de que es francamente tentativa e imperfecta; debería re- {3] HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANOAMÉRICA 273 emplazarla después una bibliografía preparada con más tiempo y más cuidado. No será inoportuno repetir que es­ tos títulos no son más que una fracción de los publicados, aunque es de esperar que incluyan en general los más sig­ nificativos en el campo predominantemente histórico.



Aiton, Arthur S.: Antonio de Mendoza, First Viceroy of New Spain, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1927. Bailey, Jessie B.: Diego de Vargas and the Reconquest of New Mexico, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, 1940. Birney, Hoffman: Brothers of Doom: The Story of the Pi- zarros of Peru, New York, 1942. Bishop, Morris: The Odyssey of Cabeza de Vaca, New York, Appleton-Century, 1933. Blom, Frans: The Conquest of Yucatan, Boston, Houghton- Mifflin, 1936. Bolton, Herbert E.: Rim of Christendom: A Biography of Eusebio Francisco Kino, Pacific Coast Pioneer. New York, Macmillan, 1936. » » (Ed.) Arredondo's Historical Proof of Spain's Title to Georgia, Berkeley, University of California, 1925. » » (Ed.) Palou's New California, Berkeley, University of California, 1926. » » (Ed.) Fray Juan Crespi, Missionary Ex­ plorer (1769-17M), Berkeley,'Uni­ versity of California, 1927. 274 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA [4J

Bolton, Herbert Ε.: (Ed.) Anza's California Expedition (5 vos.), Berkeley, University of California, 1930. Bolton, H. E. and Marshall, T. M.: The Colonization of North America, New York, Macmillan, 1924. Bolton, Herbert and Ross, Mary: The Debatable Land, Ber­ keley, University of California, 1925. Chapman, Charles E.: History of Spain (material based on the History of Altamira), New York, Macmillan, 1918, revised edition, 1937. Châtelain, Verne E.: The Defenses of Spanish Florida, 1565- 1763, Washington, 1940. Chamberlain, R. S.: Casiilian Backgrounds of the reparti- miento-economienda, Washington, Carnegie Institute, vol. V, 19-66, 1939. Castañeda, Carlos E.: Oar Catholic Heritage in Texas (4 vols.), 1936-1939. » » Guide to Latin American Manus­ cripts in the University of Te­ xas Library. » » (Ed.) History of Texas by Fray Juan Augustin Morfi (2 vols.), Albuquerque, University of New Mexicp, 1935. Connor, Jeanette T.: Colonial Records of Spanish Florida (2 vols.), Deland, Florida, 1925, 1930 (more to be pu­ blished). Conway, George R. G.: The Last Will and Testament of Hernando Cortés, Marqués del Valle, privately printed by J. Allard, Gante 20, México, D. F. Day, A. Grove: Coronado's Quest, Berkeley, University of California, 1940. Espinosa, Manuel: Crusaders of the Rio Grande, Chicago, 1942. Fichter, Joseph H.: Man of Spain: Francis Sudrez, New York, Macmillan, 1940. Fisher, Lillian E.: Viceregal Administration in the Spa­ nish-American Colonies, Berkeley, University of Cali­ fornia, 1929. [5] HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANOAMÉRICA 275

Fisher, Lillian Ε.: The Intendant System in Spanish-Ame­ rica, Berkeley, University of California, 1929. Hackett, Charles W.: Revolt of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and 0 ter min's Attempt at Reconquest, 1680-1682, Albuquer­ que, 1942. » » (Ed.) Historical Documents Relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya and the Approaches thereto (3 vols.), Washington, Carnegie Institute, 1923-1937. » » (Ed.) Pichardo's Treaties on the Limits of Louisiana and Texas (2 vols.), Austin, University of Texas, 1931- 1934. Hallenbeck, Cleve: Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Glenda- le, Cal., Α. Η. Cleerk Co., 1940. Hamilton, Ε. J.: American Treasure and the Price Revolu­ tion in Spain, 1501-1750, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University, 1934. Hammond, George P.: Coronado's Seven Cities, Albuquer­ que, New Mexico, 1940 (U. S. Coronado Exposition Commit­ tee). » » Don Juan de Oñate and the Foun­ ding of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1927. Hammond, G. P. and Goad, E. F.: The Adventures of Don Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, Albuquerque, Univer­ sity of New Mexico, 1938. Hanke, Lewis: The First Social Experiments in America, Cambridge Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1935. Haring, Clarence H.: Irade and Navigation between Spain and the Indies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1918. Hussey, Roland D : The Caracas Company, 1728-1784: a Study in the History of Spanish Monopolistic Trade, Cam­ bridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1934. 276 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA [6]

Jacobsen, Jerome V.: Educational Foundations of the Je­ suits in the Sixteenth Century in New Spain, Berkeley, University of California, 1938. Jones, Paul Α.: Coronado and Quivira, Lyons, Kansas, Lyons Publishing Company, 1937 (3rd ed.). Kelly, Eaghan: Pedro de Alvarado, Conquistador, Prince­ ton, New Jersey, Princeton University, 1932. Καοορ, Faith Y.: Quest of the Cavaliers: De Soto and the Spanish Explorers, New York, Longmans-Green and Co., 1940. Lanning, John T.: Academic Culture in the Spanish Colo­ nies, New York, Oxford University Press, 1940. » » The Spanish Missions in Georgia, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1935. Leonard, Irving Α.: Don Carlos de Sigiienza y Congora, a Mexican Savant of the Seventeenth Century, Berkeley, University of California, 1929. Loth, David G.: Philip II of Spain, New York, Coward- McCann, 1932. May, Stella B.: The Conqueror's Lady: Inés de Suárez, New York, Parrar and Rinehart, 1930. Maynard, Theodore: De Soto and his Conquistadores, New York, 1930. McLachlen, J, 0.: Trade and Peace with Old Spain, 1667- 1750, New York, Macmillan, 1940. Means, Philip Α.: Fall of the Inca Empire and the Spanish Rule in Peru, New York, Scribner's, 1932. » » The Spanish Main, Focus of Envy, 1^92- 1700, New York, Scribner's, 1935. Mecham, J. Lloyd: Church and State in Latin America, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1934. » » Francisco de Ibarra and Nueva Vizca- ya, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1927. [7] HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANOAMÉRICA 277

Merriman, Roger Β.: Rise of the Spanish Empire in the Old World and in the New (4 vols.). New York, Macmillan, 1918-1934. Morison, Samuel E.: Admiral of the Ocean Sea: a Life of Christopher Columbus, Boston, 1942. » » Portuguese Voyages to America in the Fifteenth Century, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Universi­ ty, 1940. Neuman, Abraham: The Jews in Spain: their Social, Politi­ cal and Cultural Life during the Middle Ages, Philadel­ phia, 1942. O'Daniel, Victor F.: The Dominicans in Early Florida, New York, Catholic Historical Society, 1930. Otero, Nina: Old Spain in our Southwest, New York, Har- court, Brace and Co., 1936. Peck, A. M. and Meras, Ε.: Spain in Europe and America, New York, Harper Brothers, 1937. Pierson, W. W. (ed.): Studies in Hispanic-American Histo­ ry, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1927. Priestley, Herbert I.: Tristan de Luna, Conquistador of the Old South, Glendale, California, 1936. Rea, Loma: The Spanish Armada, New York, Putnam's, 1933. Rippy, J. Fred and Nelson, J. T.: Crusaders of the Jungle, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1936. Robinson, H. M.: Stout Cortez, New York, Appleton-Cen- tury Co., 1931. Rogers, Cameron: Manila Galleon. New York, Appleton- Century Co., 1936. Scott, James B.: The Spanish Origin of International Law, Washington, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1934. Sedgwick, H. D.: Cortes the Conqueror, New York, Bobbs, Merrill Co., 1926. » » Spain: A Short History, Boston, Little- Brown and Co., 1925. 278 BOLñllfí DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA |8|

Shay, Frank: Incredible Pizarra, Conqueror of Peru, New York, The Mohawk Press, 1932. Shiels, William E.: Gonzalo de Tapia (156Î 159k), New York, Catholic Historical Society, 1934. Simpson, Lesly B.: The Encomienda in New Spain: Forced Labor in the Spanish Colonies (lk92- 1550), Berkeley, University of Cali­ fornia, 1929. » » Studies in the Administration of the In­ dians in New Spain, Berkeley, Uni­ versity of California, 1934. Smith, Robert S.: The Spanish Guild Merchant: A History of the Spanish Consulado, 1250-1700, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1940. Thomas, Alfred B.: After Coronado: Spanish Exploration Northeast of New Mexico, 1696-1727, Norman, Oklaho­ ma, 1935. Van Dyke, Paul: Ignatius Loyola, the Founder of the Jesuits, New York, Scribner's, 1926. Wagner, Henry R.: Cartography of the Northwest Coast of America to the Year 1800 (2 vols.), Berkeley, University of California, 1937. » » Spanish Explorations in the Strait of Juan de Fuca (1769 1793), 1933. » J> The Discovery of Yucatán by Hernan­ dez de Córdoba, Berkeley, Univer­ sity of California, 1942. Walsh, W. T.: Characters of the Inquisition, New York, J. B. Kenedy, 1940. » » Isabella of Spain, New York, McBride, 1930. Whitaker, Arthur P.: Trade and Navigation between Spain and the Indies, Boston, Massachu­ setts, 1927. The Mississippi Question, 1795-1803. A Study in Trade, Politics and Diplomacy, New York, Appleton- Century, 1934. [91 HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANO-AMÉRICA 279

Williams, Arthur D.: Spanish Colonial Furniture, Milwau­ kee, Wisconsin, 1941. Wright, Irene Α.: Spanish Colonial Documents Concerning English Voyages to the Carribean, 1517-1568, London, 1929. Wyllys, Rufus K.: Pioneer Padre: Life and Times of Euse- bio Francisco Kino, Dallas, Texas, Southwest Press, 1935. Ziegler, Aloysius Κ.: Church and State in Visigothic Spain, Washington, Catholic University of America, 1930. Zimmerman, Arthur F.: Francisco de Toledo, Fifth Vice­ roy of Peru, 1569-1581, Caldwell, Caxton Printers, 1938.



Bulletin of the Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C. The Catholic Historical Review, Washington, D. C. The Hispanic-American Historical Review, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University. Inter-America (discontinued). Who's Who in Latin America, Yearbook edited by Percy Alvin Martin, Palo Alto, California, Leland Stanford University.


Akers, C. E.: History of South America, New York, E. P., Dutton, 1911 (3rd ed.). ßeals, Carleton: America South, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1937. » » Pan America, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin, 1940. Blom, Frans and LaFarge, Oliver: Temples and Tribes: A 280 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA flOj

Record of an Expedition to Middle America conducted by Tulane University of Louisiana in 1925 (2 vols.), New Orleans, Tulane University, 1926. Chapman, Charles E.: Colonial Hispanic America: A His­ tory, New York, Macmillan, 1933. » » Republican Hispanic America: A Histo­ ry, New York, Macmillan, 1937. Cunningham, Charles H.: The Audiencia in the Spanish Colonies, as Illustrated by the Audiencia of Manila, 1583-1800, Berkeley, University of California, 1919. Cleven, N. A. N.: Readings in Hispanic American History, Boston, Ginn and Co., 1927. Duggan, Stephen P.: The Two Americas: an Interpretation, New York, Scribner's, 1934. Hanke, Lewis (ed.): Handbook of Latin-American Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1936- 1942 (latest number edited by Myron Bürgin). Haring, Clarence H.: South American Progress, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1934. Hoskins, Haiford L.: Guide to Latin-American History, Bos­ ton, D. C, Heath and Co., 1922. Hutton, Webster: History of Latin America (3rd revised ed. by H. D. Hussey), Boston, 1941. Inman, Samuel G.: Latin America: its Place in World Life, New York, Willett Clark Co., 1937. Ireland, Gordon: Boundaries, Possessions and Conflicts in South America, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, 1938. James, H. G. and Martin, P. Α.: The Republics of Latin America, their History, Governments and Economic Con­ ditions, New York, Harper's, 1923. James, Preston E.: Latin America, New York, 1942. Jones, C. K.: A Bibliography of Latin-American Bibliogra­ phies, Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1942 (2nd ed.). Jones, Clarence F.: Commerce of Latin America, Boston, Ginn and Co., 1928. Keniston, Haywood: List of Works for the Study of Hispa- {11] HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANOAMÉRICA 281

nicAmerican History, New York, Hispanic Society of America, 1920. Martin, Percy Α.: Latin America and the War, , Johns Hopkins University, 1925. Miner, Dwight C: The Fight for the Panama Route, New York, 1940. Moore, David R : AHistorg of LatinAmerica, New York, 1940. Munro, David G.: The Latin American Republics: A. His­ tory, New York, 1942. Peck, Annie L.: Industrial and Commercial South Ameri­ ca, New York, Thomas Crowell, 1927. Perkins, Dexter: Hands Off: A History of the Monroe Doc­ trine, Boston, 1941. Phelps, Dudley M.: Migration of Industry to Latin Ameri­ ca, New York, McGraw-Hill Co., 1936. Pierson, William W.: Hispanic American History: A Sylla­ bus, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina, 1926. Rippy, J. Fred: Historical Evolution of Hispanic America, New York, Crofts and Co., 1937. » » Latin America in World Politics: an Outline Survey, New York, 1928. Robertson, William S.: History of the Latin American Na­ tions, Nt w York, Appleton-Century Co., 1925. Schurz, William L.: Latin America: A Descriptive Survey, New York, E. P., Dutton and Co., 1941. Whitbeck, Ray H.: Economic Geography of South America, New York, McGraw-Hill Co., 1926. Wilgus, A. Curtis: The Development of Spanish America, New York, Farrar and Rinehart, 1941. Williams, Mary W.: People and Politics of Latin America, Boston, Ginn and Co., 1938.


Angell, Hildgarde: Simón Bolivar: South American Eman­ cipator, New York, W. W. Norton and Co., 1930. Fisher, Lillian E.: The Background of the Revolution of


Mexican independence, Boston, Christopher Publishing House, 1934. Hasbrouk, Alfred: Foreign Legionaries in the Liberation of South America, New York, Columbia University, 1934. Johnson, Willis F.: History of Cuba (5 vols.), New York, B. F. Buck, 1920. Latane, John H.: The United States and Latin America, New York, Doubleday Doran, 1920. Lemly, Henry R.: Bolivar, Liberator, Boston, The Strat­ ford Co., 1923. Martin, Percy Α.: Simón Bolívar, The Liberator, Palo Alto, California, Leland Stanford University, 1931. Mixer, Knowlton: Porto Rico: History and Conditions, so­ cial, economic and political, New York, Macmillan, 192C). Moses, Bernard: The Intellectual Background of the Revo­ lution in South America, 181048%, New York, Hispanic Society of America, 1926. Perkins, Dexter: The Monroe Doctrine, 1823-1826, Cambrid­ ge, Massachusetts, Harvard Universi­ ty, 1927. » » The Monroe Doctrine, 1826-1867, Baltimo­ re, Johns Hopkins University, 1933. Rippy, J. Fred: Rivalry of the United States and Great Bri­ tain over Latin America, 1808-1830, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, 1929. Robertson, William S.: The Rise of the Spanish American Republics as Told in the Lives of their Liberators, New York, Appleton-Century Co., 1918. » » The Life of Miranda (2 vols.), Cha pel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1929. » » France and Latin American Inde­ pendence, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, 1939. Rydjord, John: Foreign Interest in the Independence of New Spain: an Introduction to the War for Independence, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1935. |13l HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANOAMÉRICA 283

Spell, Jefferson R.: Rousseau in the Spanish World before 1833, Austin, University of Texas, 1938". Turnbull, A. D. and Van der Veer, N. R.: Cochrane, the Unconquerable, New York, Appleton-Century Co., 1929. Wendenhake, Jose R.: The Master of Bolivar, Cristóbal, Canal Zone, Haskins News Service, 1928. Whitaker, Arthur P.: The Spanish-American Frontier, Ï783- 1795, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin, 1927. » » The United States and the Indepen­ dence of Latin America, 1800-1830,. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity, 1941. Yuengling, David J. (ed.): Highlights in the Debates in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies Relative to the Abandon­ ment of Santo Domingo, Washington, 1941.



St. Elmo, W. M.: Scinto Domingo-, 1905-1925, Santo Domingo, 1925. Welles, Sumner: Naboth's Vineyard: The Dominican Repu­ blic, Î8U-1924- (2 vols.), New York, Harcourt-Rrace and Co., 1928.


Allen, M. P.: William Walker Filibuster, New York, Bar- per's, 1932. Burgess, Paul: Justo Rufino Barrios, Philadelphia, Dorran- ceandCo. 192 284 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA [14]

Cox, Isaac J.: and the United States, Boston, World Peace Foundation, vol. X, 7, 1927. Gropp, Arthur E.: Guide to Libraries and Archives in Cen­ tral America, the West Indies, Bermuda and British Guiana, New Orleans, Tulane University, 1941. Hill, Roscoe R.: Fiscal Intervention in Nicaragua, New York, V Columbia University, 1933. Jones, Chester L.: , Past and Present, Minneapo­ lis, University of Minnesota, 1940. s » Costa Rica and Civilization in the Ca­ ribbean, Madison, University of Wis­ consin, 1935. Jones, Clarence F.: Commerce of South America, Boston, Ginn and Co., 1928. Munro, Dana G.: The Five Republics of Central Ameri­ ca, their Political and Economic Development and Re­ lations with the United States, New York, Oxford Press, 1918. Nogales y Méndez, Rafael de: The Looting of Nicaragua, New York, McBride, 1928. Stone, Doris: Archaeology of the North Coast of Hon­ duras, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Universi­ ty, 1941.


Buell, Raymond and others: Problems of New Cuba, New York, Foreign Policy Association, 1935. Chapman, Charles E.: History of the Cuban Republic: a Study in Hispanic-American Politics, New York, Mac- millan, 1927. Lockmiller, D. Α.: Magoon in Cuba: a History of the Se­ cond Intervention, 1906-1909, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1938. Thomson, Charles Α.: The Cuban Revolution: Fall of Ma­ chado, New York, Foreign Policy Association, Janua­ ry, 1935. [1.5] HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANO-AMÉRICA 285

Thomson, Charles Α.: The Cuban Revolution: Reform and Reaction, New York, Foreign Policy Association, Janua­ ry, 1935. Wright, Irene Α.: Historia documentada de San Cristó• bal de la Habana en el siglo XVI (2 vols.), Habana, 1927. Wright, Philip C: The Cuban Situation and our Treaty Re­ lations, Washington, Brookings Institution, 1931.


Barker, Eugene C: Mexico and Texas, 1821-1835, Dallas, Texas, 1928. Beals, Carleton: Porfirio Díaz: Dictator of Mexico, Philadel­ phia, LippincOtt, 1912. » » Mexico: an Interpretation, New York, Vi­ king Press, 1923. Callcott, Wilfrid H.: Church and State in Mexico 1822-1857, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1926. » » Liberalism in Mexico, 1857-1929, Palo Alto, California, Leland Stanford University, 1930. Garber, Paul N.: The Gadsden Purchase, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1923. Gruening, E. H.: Mexico and its Heritage, New York, Apple- ton-Century Co., 1928 1931. Hanighen, Frank C: Santa Anna, the Napoleon of the West, New York, Coward-McCann, 1930. Ker, Anita M.: Mexican Government Documents, Washing­ ton, 1940. Murray, Robert M. (ed.): Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico: Memoirs of his private Secretary, José Luis Blasio, New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University, 1934. Parkes, Henry B.: A History of Mexico, Boston, 1938. Rippy, J. Fred.: The United States and Mexico, New York, Knopf, 1926, 2nd edition, 1931. 286 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA [16]

Rippy, J. F., Vasconcelos, Jeand Stevens, G.: Mexico before the World, Press, 1928. Sáenz, Moisés and Priestley, H. L: Some Mexican Problems, University of Chicago, 1926. Simpson, Eyler N.: The Ejido: Mexico's Way Out, Chapel Hill, University of Nortd Carolina, 1937. Simpson, Lesly B.: Many Mexicos, New York, 1941. Smith, Justin H.: The War with Mexico (2 vols.), New York, Macmillan, 1919-1923. New York, Columbia Universi­ ty, 1933. Tannenbaum, Frank: The Mexican Agrarian Reuolutiony Washington, Brookings Institu­ tion, 1929. » » Peace by Revolution: an Interpreta­ tion of Mexico. Taylor, Paul S.: A Spanish-Mexican Peasant Community- Arandas in Jalisco, Mexico, Berkeley University of Ca­ lifornia, 1933. Thompson, J. Eric: Mexico before Cortes: an Account of the Daily Life, Religion, Ritual of the Aztecs and Kindred Peoples, New York, Scribners, 1933. Thomson, Charles Α.: Mexico's Challenge to Foreign Capi­ tal, 1937. » » Mexico's Social Revolution. Tozzer, Alfred M.: Landa's Relación de las cosas de Yuca­ tán, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University» 1941. Vaillant, George C: Aztecs of Mexico, New York, 1941. Wheless, Joseph (ed.): Compendium of the Laws of Mexicot St. Louis, Missouri, Thomas Law Book Co., 1938. Winton, George B.: Mexico, Past and Present, Nashville, Tennessee, Cokesbury Press, 1928.


Parks, E. Tayloi: Columbia and the United Slates, Í764- 1954, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University, 1935. [17] HISTORIA DE ESPAÑA Y DE HISPANOAMÉRICA 287

Rippy, J. Fred: The Capitalists and Colombia, New York, Vanguard Press, 1931.

BOLIVIA Cleven, A. N.: The Political Organization of Boliuia, Was­ hington, Carnegie Institute, 1940. Marsh, Margaret Α.: The Bankers in Bolivia, New York, Vanguard Press, 1928.

P£RU Bram, Joseph: An Analysis of Inca Militarism, New York, 1941. Clémence, Stella: The Harkness Collection in the Library of Congress, Washington, 1932. » > Documents from Early Peru: the Pizarros and the Almagros, Washington, 1936. Dennis, William J.: Documentary History of the Tacna- Arica Dispute, Iowa City, University of Iowa, 1927. Dennis, William J.: Tacna and Arica, New Haven, Con­ necticut, Yale University, 1931. Stuart, Graham II.: The Tacna-Arica Dispute, Boston, World Peace Foundation, 1927.

ECUADOR Barrett, S. Α.: The Cayapa Indian of Ecuador, New York, Museum of the American Indian, 1925. Pattee, Richard: Gabriel Garcia Moreno y el Ecuador de su Tiempo, Quito, Ecuador, 1941.

CHILE McBride, George M.: Chile: Land and Society, New York, American Geographical Society, 1936. Wheeler, W. Reginald and others: Modern Missions in Chi­ le and Brazil, Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1926. 288 BOLETÍN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA Db LA HISTORIA [18]


Barrett, Willian E.: Woman on Horseback, New York, Frederick A. Stokes and Co., 1938. Box·, Pelham H.: The Origins of the Paraguayan War (2 vols.), Urbana, University of Illinois, 1927.


Cady, John F.: Foreign Intervention in the Río de la Plata, 1838-1850, Philadelphia, 1929. Haring, Clarence H.: Argentina and the United States, Bos­ ton, 1941. Nichols, Madeline W.: The Gaucho: Cattle Hunter, Caval­ ryman and Ideal of Romance, Durham, North Caro­ lina, 1942. Peters, Harold E.: The Foreign Debt of the Argentine Re­ public, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, 1934. Phelps, Vernon L.: The International Economic Position of Argentina, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1938. Rowe, L. S.: The Federal System of the Argentine Republic, Washington, Carnegie Institute, 1921. Salera, Virgil: Exchange Control and the Argentine Mar­ ket, New York, 1941. White, John W.: Argentina: the Life Story of a Nation, New York, 1942. Wilgus, A. Curtis (ed.): Argentina, Brazil and Chile since Independence. Washington, George Washington Uni­ versity, 1935.