Decal Project Brings Families Together After Deaths
GOOD OLD DAYS PAGE 2 | GO GUIDE PAGE 4 | DEAR ABBY/COMICS PAGE 12 | CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 14 BARRY/LAWRENCE Midweek TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2019 A Special Publication for the Barry/Lawrence Area VOLUME 111, ISSUE 93 DECAL PROJECT BRINGS FAMILIES TOGETHER AFTER DEATHS Mother: ‘The feeling that comes from helping one another is what really counts’ - PAGE 3 Page 2 • Tuesday, February 12, 2019 BARRY/LAWRENCE MIDWEEK BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS EIGHTY YEARS AGO the little Cassville and Auction, held on KRMO Feb. 17-23, 1939 Exeter Railroad. The line, Feb. 15, sold more than • Monett lovers of good extending only 4.8 miles $1,600 worth of items music are delighted to between two towns, can’t to the highest bidder, have the opportunity of operate now because the announced Mike Garrett, hearing Leonard Stocker roadbed is too bad. After chairman. Appreciation of the Metropolitan Opera 52 years in operation, the was expressed to mer- Company in a concert company plans to ask per- chants for their donations, recital at the Monett High mission to quit altogether. to sponsoring groups, School auditorium on Feb. SIXTY YEARS AGO area residents and Jaycee members who were on 20. The singer is nephew Feb. 17-23, 1959 duty. of our follow townsman, • Nearly 100 volun- Will T. Stocker, and son of teer workers canvassed FORTY YEARS AGO Don Stocker, well known Monett residential dis- Feb. 17-23, 1979 bandmaster formerly of tricts on Feb. 22 seeking • Monett residents Monett and Pierce City. donations for the annual were treated to a musical Stocker worked backstage Heart Sunday campaign, feast fit for a king on Feb.
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