September 21, 2006

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September 21, 2006 Facebook opens up, The Breeze page 3 James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vol. 84, Issue 8 Ihursihu, Sei'tanber 27. 2006 Opinion, page 5 A&E, page 9 r Sports, page 12 Innocent Canadian citizen Learn to play some The JMU f(x>tball team tortured in Syrian prison. six-string music. opens A-10 play Saturday. Spinach stores in short supply E. coli makes vegetable scarce at supermarkets BY KATIE KELLOGG senior writer Consumers can expect to find bare spaces on shelves where bags of spinach used to sit in kets across the country. An outbreak of E. coli has in- fected 114 people in 21 states so far, including Virginia, and has caused Health one death, Beat accord i ng to the Food and Drug Administra- tion The out- break, which + is believed to have stemmed from fresh spinach, has caused the FDA and the Center for Disease Control to issue a warning to all consum- ers not to eat any fresh spinach or salad mixes that contain spinach. The concern led retailers such as Wal-Mart to pull spinach from their shelves, and in some cases institute special restrictions to en- sure no consumer bins spinach from their stores Mansa Bluestone, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, said Wal-Mart has placed a sales restriction on spin- ach so that even if a bag remained on the shelf, the bag amid nirt be scanned when the customer tned to pay for it. "We are always going to err on the side of safety where our customers are concerned," Blue- stone said. I \ w m 3QNfphoto tdtta see SPINACH, page 4 Due to a recent outbreak of E. coli, spinach has been pulled from the shelves in Virginia and 20 other states. So tar, 114 people have been Infected. Sept. 11 speech stirs campus controversy servers bowed their heads at 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 President's address a.m., the tunes it which planes hit the World Trade Center. gets JMU political Bush then moved to Shanksville, Pa., and organizations debating laid a wreath at the site where United Flight 93 crashed after passengers diverted the plane from its intended target. ■Y Krin C QNNV1 Finally, Bush arrived at the Pentagon, staff ivrilt'i where he comforted family members of those i\ ho died in the attacks. Ten days after President Bush's Sept. 11 After these three visits. Bush closed his day remembrance speech. Democrats and Repub- of somber observance bv delivering a speech licans are still arguing OVtf the aptness of the that intertwined remembrance ot Sept 11 and message, and |ML political organizations are the ongoing war in lrac| echoing this sentiment. I he spee, h began as ■ tribute to the citizens I lie president and his wite started the da\ Public schools have at New York's Port Pitt hrehouse, where ob see POLITICS, pa$e 4 influx of immigrants thfl entire student population As ot the 2<H>4 English a second '05 school year the I I P student ion had lumped to 1,422 students, whii h represents M language tor many percent ol the entire student population Harrisonburg teachers adapted then tea* h Harrisonburg students ing methods to include these students through the initiation ot the l ^l program Within this st ANDKIW J. PIT* H program, I IT are taught in separate rlavses iontiiluttmx u'litei thai bring them up to speed on the I nglish language while teaching them the regular cut Ovei the last decade, Harrisonburg (. it\ m ulum Public Schools have received •■ rather large In 11 P students aren't all taught In separate |ection of foreign students Man) ol these foi classes, nowevei Bine |ie Xue .i 16-vear-old Sign student- .ire not w ith the I nglish Harrisonburg High School student. tool I'-•l language end are labeled as i united I nglish i lasses until last yeat Some »lasses like I ng Proncienc) il I i'i lish includeonl) I si students Xue said, "but Sara I Prouty,* Massachusetts Assistant leach- I studied m.ith with all students Ing Principal said the I nglish as a Second I an \ni added that she is treated the same guage program is a sinart choice for rlarnaonburg in school as PVeT) other student, though her "Harrisonhurv ifl .i vet) divers.- commu closes) friends at school have been students nit\ and the ESI program will help its student with t hinese descent and the) don'l asso* iatv population to achieve in school," PTout) said closet) M ith American students i don'l hang I he rlarrisonburg PublU 5chools Web site out with them because I don'l like to speak MIMM *l SI M(ll I *mtrt itiH*,wut*er posted thai during the I993-'W school year the I nglish number ol I EP students In the school system Junior Jarrett Ray. chairman of the JMU College Republicans, addresses his organization. was !*>(', which represented just * percent ol / s/ Editoi lenesM Kildall Editoi \h,i,i Stetzei Page II Thursday. September 21.200612 wwwjkebreeze-org A)MU student reported the tin-It ol .i wallet from an unse- The Breeze is published Mon day and Thursday morninqs an< POLICE LOG cured iiil-ln ai I REK Sept 14between&45and930pm The Breeze B> AMCU STETZER/senior writei distributed throughout Jame: Madison University and the loca Marine*SIOM Harnsonburg community Com i JII. WMM Suspicious activity A non-student reported the theft ol a Magellan navigation ments and complaints shouk PHitni i>»it system valued at S4tK) trnm an unsecured vehicle at Ri- be addressed to Matthew Stoss Horn mil Hi'mnni! A |MU student reported thai while walking in the Var- editor ifjf) ( /-iMv 1 ol between Sept. 1" and Sept 17,it an unknown time Ofan . Knar (.nod nun ncr House area, .1 maroon pi( kup truck drove by and .1 Main Telephone: krlly FMMi male occupant ol the vehicle pointed whal appeared to (540)568-6127 ■ till YjMonki ;r A )ML' student reported the theft ot an unsecured n.n s Brian 1 IJMMMI be a firearm al the student Sept U .ii " - p.m. Advertising Department: ■ (540)568-6127 1 MM Calk blue Mongoose 21-speed bicycle valued al $100 from a Ultfl MrtKi bike rack al I'oloniai Hall Sept, 17 between S: I s am and ImiMi KiiJiii Vandalism ■ : Editor: Matthew Stoss Iwn D^tM 10 p.m. (540) 568-6749 ■ 1 ■ liurcn PM* A |Ml employee reported graffiti on bathroom walls breezeeditor@hotmail. com l-ratum \MI and doors in Wilson H.ill .it .in unknown date and .in stossmr Enk PiUct Property Damage Mill S.-,ku«it/ unknown time. News Desk: Roger Sitrnkwn \ |ML StudeM reported $100 worth ol damage to a rear (540) 568-8041 Possession ol' marijuana quarter-panel ol a vehicle parked in C 9-1 ot Sept B be- ADVERTISING STAFF ween 11 am and f» p.m. Arts and Entertainment |\1L students were charged «itli possession ol mari- Desk: Ada Manager: juana at Kl-I ot sept 17al 10:57p.m (540)568-3151 Meghan 0 Donoeil A |\1L student reported $.100 worth of damage to a rear Assistant Ads Manager bumper ot a vehicle parked in the parking deck Sepl 18 Bryan Pope Larceny Sports Desk: Specialty Advertising Executive: between 8 30 • m and 1:15 p.m. (540) 568-6709 Lola Sizemore Ads DealgnLead: A |ML employee reported tin- thef) ol .i balance scale Tyler Adams valued al $148 from Moody Hall between sept, i and Number ot drunk in publics -uu e Aug. 2S- 8 Opinion Desk: Ad Executives: Sept 4 .it an unknown lime Number ol parking tickets since Aug. 2S: 2,089 (540) 568-3846 Dana Fiore breezeopinion@hotmail. com Alexandra McNair Gil Harrison Photo/Graphics: Phil Finch (540) 568-8041 Ad Designers Kail Career Fair Lara Egbert DUKE DAYS breezegraphics@holmail. com Chris Swecker Academic Advising and Career Development welcomes Eric Trott Nazi a Mitha Events Calendar students to its I all Career Fait Monday, Sept 2s in the Brian Sostak Festival t onterence and Student I enter *. ,rand Ballr»H>m CLASSIFIEDS Alternative Spring Break trom 1 to6p.m. tome dressed in attire and ■ How to place a classified MAILING ADDRESS Alternative Spring Break trip I eader applications will briny; several Copies Ol your resumtf Prepare ahead of Go to www.thebreeze.ors The Breeze be due to the Communit) Service-I earning office in Wil- time bv researching the companies online. This is a greet and click on the classifiec G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall son Hall, room 204, by 12 p.m. Friday, Sept 22 i ontacl opportunity to meet potential employers and explore job link or come into the office MSC6805 weekdays between 8 am James Madison University ,-/("/, with am questions opportunities. I or more Information, visit imu.i'iiu/tuicdl and 5 p.m. Harnsonburg. Virginia 22807 Pfions: (540) 568-6127 careerfuir. Fax: (540) 568-6736 ■ Cost: S5.00lor the first 1C Senior Class Challenge words. S3 tor each additiona International Festival 10 words; boxed classified rhe Madison i lass ( hallenge is looking for dedicated, $10 per column inch. MISSION dynamic and motivated seniors to serve as Challenge Volunteers are needed for the annual International Fes- The Breeze the student-run news- i aptains for the 2007 i hallenge. Information sessions tival, which takes place Saturday, Sept.
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