Blessed Easter to All

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Blessed Easter to All WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | April 18-May 1, 2014 | Volume 75, Number 12 PORTRAYING SALVATION THROUGH ART March 28, 2002 April 6, 2007 BLESSED EASTER TO ALL April 20, 1962 April 9, 1971 April 1, 1988 WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | April 18-May 1, 2014 | $1.00 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO EDITION — Colossians 3:2 Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop John Noonan Diocese of Orlando April 18-May 1, 2014 Florida Catholic YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY A2 Local Catholics advocate for life at state Capitol LAURA DODSON sucking its thumb and the new ma- olic Days three times before and are Florida Catholic correspondent chines have sound and the mother compelled to share the Catholic vi- can hear the heartbeat when they’re sion for life with lawmakers. TALLAHASSEE | For 29 Catho- only a few weeks pregnant.” “We have six children and I lics of the Orlando Diocese, travel- At 14, Andrew Feuerbacher was have an awareness for how pre- ing to Tallahassee served as a pil- the youngest pilgrim, and also par- cious new life is,” Larry Scotchie grimage. ticipating for the third time. A high said. “I’ve been pro-life since 1973, It was a pilgrimage with a holy school freshman, Andrew traveled but the Holy Spirit is moving me in purpose — advocating for pro-life with his mother, Marguerite Feuer- this direction now. Catholic Days issues, including protection of un- bacher, who volunteers for the Cen- at the Capitol is absolutely pro-life born children and the elderly, jus- tral Florida Pregnancy Center and — those bills are wonderful for pro- tice for immigrants and inmates, is respect life coordinator for Our life.” and education. Lady of the Lakes Parish in Deltona. Knowing his fellow advocates’ The advocates included mothers, “I was most impressed with passion for life issues, Scotchie in- grandmothers and a high school speaking with the legislators and vited the group to participate in the student who joined more than seeing the impact we have,” he said. “Laps for Life” walkathon April 26, 8 300 other Florida Catholics to par- “It was empowering and gratify- a.m.-8 p.m., at Bishop Moore Catho- ticipate in the Catholic Days at the ing to see the legislators coming to lic High School in Orlando. Capitol March 25-26. your point and you feel you’re really “The Knights are raising money At 94, Judy Knowles of Resur- making a difference.” for three ultrasound machines to- rection Parish in Lakeland was the Andrew hopes to return to Tal- taling $90,000,” Scotchie said. “We oldest advocate and was partici- lahassee next year and continue to want to help women in unexpected pating in the annual event for the speak out on issues that are impor- pregnancies to see their baby and Bishop John Noonan meets with Florida Gov. Rick Scott during third time. Her agenda included a tant. realize God’s gift of life.” Catholic Days at the Capitol, March 25-27. (COURTESY) meeting with state Sen. Kelli Star- “I’m going to apply to be a page Catholic Days at the Capitol is gel (R-15), who introduced a bill or messenger for five days that (the hosted by the Florida Conference for Legal Immigrant Children: HB 7 keep an open mind and listen,” she that toughens penalties against in- Legislature) is in session,” he said. of Catholic Bishops. Before par- (Jose Diaz, R-116) and SB 282 (Rene said. “If we’re not there to give the dividuals who commit violent acts “I’m hoping to be accepted and be ticipants met with the legislators of Garcia, R-38). info, that is a missed opportunity toward a child in utero. The Unborn able to be there during (Catholic their district, the conference offered • Support of Voluntary Prekin- and possibly the legislators would Victims of Violence bill would make Days). I think it helps them to see them information on four public dergarten (VPK) Education Pro- vote a different way.” certain offenses against a child in that youths are interested in gov- policy issues for discussion. They gram. Bishop John Noonan joined the the womb that cause death or in- ernment and trying to take action included: Deborah Stafford Shearer, direc- contingency and welcomed this op- jury a separate act of violence from in their future.” • Support of Unborn Victims tor of Advocacy and Justice for the portunity to visit with lawmakers to the offense committed against the Larry Scotchie Sr. is the diocesan of Violence: Senate Bill 162 (Kelli Orlando Diocese, said during Cath- “share the good news.” mother. This is already a federal pro-life commander and a member Stargel, R-15); House Bill 59 (Larry olic Days she “felt a sense of a new “It’s always progress when we law. of Knights of Columbus Council Ahern, R-66). opportunity for collaboration and dialogue with legislators and allow “I volunteer for Options for 618 from St. Mary Magdalen Parish • Support of Unanimous Jury moving legislation forward.” the voice of Catholics to be heard,” Women Pregnancy Center. We just in Altamonte Springs. He and wife Recommendation in Death Penalty “There’s a lot of work that needs he said. n got a new ultrasound machine and Mary Ann are the parents of Father Cases: SB 334 (Thad Altman, R-16) to be done and people can change I know the value of it,” said Knowles, David Scotchie, pastor of Most Pre- and HB 467 (Jose Javier Rodriguez, things. We saw a lot of legislators For more information on “Laps a double cancer survivor and a hos- cious Blood Parish in Oviedo. D-112). who may not have known all the for Life,” visit www.Orlando pice volunteer. “I’ve seen a baby The Scotchies have been to Cath- • Support of KidCare Expansion facts and issues, but were willing to NEWSbriefs Prayer vigils for • 6 p.m., St. Paul Parish, 1330 John Paul II. Eternal Word Televi- Sunshine Ave., Leesburg. sion Network (EWTN) will broad- death row inmate For more information on these cast the Mass and canonizations. The community is invited to par- prayer vigils, contact the diocesan The schedule is as follows: ticipate in a prayer vigil for death Office of Advocacy and Justice at • Live broadcast, Sunday, April row inmate Robert E. Hendrix, who advocacyjustice@orlandodiocese. 27, at 3:30 a.m. (duration: 3 hours, is scheduled to die April 23 at the org or 407-246-4819. 30 minutes). Full repeat to air at 7 You can do so in our Florida State Prison in Starke. He The Catholic bishops of Florida, p.m. was sentenced to death for the mur- encourage all Catholics to be ad- • Truncated versions of the live Graduation Edition der of a Lake County couple (Elmer vocates for life and the dignity of broadcast will air Monday, April 28, Scott Jr., 25, and Susan Michelle every person, both victims and at 11 p.m. (duration: 1 hour); and Publishing June 6 Scott, 18) in 1990. Join in praying offenders.“The death penalty di- Tuesday, April 29, at noon (dura- Graduation for Hendrix, his victims, his family, minishes us all and contributes tion: 2 hours, 30 minutes). the victims’ family; for all the public to a growing disrespect for the sa- For programming information Don’t miss out on officials involved in this scheduled credness of all human life,” Bishop on specials relating to the lives of execution; and for Gov. Rick Scott, John Noonan said. “It perpetuates Pope John Paul II and Pope John this opportunity! that he will discern God’s will and a cycle of violence and feeds on an XXIII, visit the EWTN link, http:// Color photo and up to apply the teachings of the Catholic underlying sense of vengeance in faith on the death penalty. our culture. Human life, given by For information about these approximately 75 words. Prayer services will be held at the God, is sacred.” two men who exemplified Chris- Alexandra Michelle Schofield following times and locations: tian lives of grace and courage, the Trinity Catholic High School-Ocala • Bus pilgrimage to Florida Vatican has developed a website, Congratulations Allie! We are so proud of all that you have accomplished Only $ State Prison, Starke. Meeting time EWTN to these past four years. We were blessed when the Lord gave you to us, and you 2:30, parking lot of Our Lady of Also the U.S. Conference of Catho- continue to bless Him each day by the broadcast popes’ young woman you are becoming. We 45 Lourdes Parish, 201 University lic Bishops has compiled reflec- look forward to watching you spread Blvd., Daytona Beach. For more in- canonizations tions on the two soon-to-be saints. your wings of Faith and Reason and DEADLINE: May 26 formation, visit http://www.florida Writers include scholars and theo- climbing new mountains. All our Love, Dad, Mom, family Place your ad by phone or and friends April 27, Divine Mercy Sun- logians — Catholic, Orthodox and email by contacting: • 3 p.m., St. Patrick Parish, 6803 day, will mark a historic moment Jewish — and media personnel Old Highway 441 S., Mount Dora. in Catholic Church history as the involved in coverage of the much- Susan Chronowski | 321-527-3116 • 5 p.m., St. Margaret Mary Par- Church will celebrate the canoniza- travelled John Paul II. Visit http:// ish, 526 Park Ave. N., Winter Park. tions of Pope John XXIII and Pope [email protected] A3 YOUR ORLANDO COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 18-May 1, 2014 ENCOURAGING VOCATIONS Priest: Young Catholics called by God to do something great LINDA CALDWELL 29 at St.
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