Wine and Style Guide
A Guide to selecting the wine you really want to drink Created by Roger C. Bohmrich Master of Wine Style and $9.95 Wine W ine and Style A G u i d e 2n d e d i t i on W hen Style iS SubStAnce: Selecting the Wine You Really Want to Drink In this guide... Criteria for Wine and Style Classification 1 Sparkling Wines 2 White Wines, Light to Medium Bodied 4 Rosé Wines 8 White Wines, Full Bodied 10 Red Wines, Light to Medium Bodied 14 Red Wines, Medium Weight 18 Red Wines, Concentrated Full Bodied 22 Sweet Dessert Wines 28 Fortified Sweet Wines 30 Created by Roger C. Bohmrich, Master of Wine 34 Roger C. Bohmrich, Master of Wine Criteria for Wine and Style Classification m concentration, or the “extract” determining taste intensity m weight, the degree of fullness in the mouth, partly due to alcohol m acidity, a critical component for food pairing i n t h i S gu i d e , W i n e S ar e c l assi fi e d b y t h e i r St y l e , m tannin, if any, an astringent taste (bitter to some people) in red wines that balances fatty foods placing them in modules which share key taste m sweetness, if any, remaining from the grapes attributes. This new concept departs from the m wood influences, if any, ranging from barely standard approach of presenting wines by country, noticeable to marked (woody, coconut, vanilla, region or grape variety. Instead, wines are categorized clove, cinnamon, etc.) by fundamental characteristics that truly matter, at the The classification of wine by style allows you table with food.
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