A. These Specifications call out certain duties of the Electrical Contractor and/or Subcontractors. They are not intended as a material list of items required by the Contract.

B. This division of the Specifications covers the electrical systems of the project. It includes work performed by the electrical trades as well as trades not normally considered as electrical trades.

C. Provide all items and work indicated on the Drawings and all items and work called for in this division of the Specifications in accordance with the conditions of Contract (Division 1 General Requirements Documents). This includes all incidentals, equipment, appliances, services, hoisting, scaffolding, supports, tools, supervision, labor, consumable items, fees, licenses, etc., necessary to provide complete systems. Perform start-up and checkout on each item and system to provide fully operable systems.

D. Comply with all provisions of the Contract Documents including (Division 1), (General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions) of the Specifications.

E. Certain terms such as "shall, provide, install, complete, start up" are not used in some parts of these Specifications. This does not indicate that the items shall be less than completely installed or that systems shall be less than complete.

F. Examine and compare the Electrical Drawings and Specifications with the Drawings and Specifications of other trades, and report any discrepancies between them to the Engineer and obtain written instructions for changes necessary in the work. At time of bid the most stringent requirements must be included in said bid. Install and coordinate the electrical work in cooperation with other trades installing interrelated work. Before installation, make proper provisions to avoid interferences in a manner approved by the Engineer. All changes required in the work of the Contractor caused by neglect shall be corrected at the expense of the Contractor.

G. It is the intent of the Drawings and Specifications to provide a complete workable system ready for the Owner's operation. Any item not specifically shown on the Drawings or called for in the Specifications, but normally required to conform with the intent, are to be considered a part of the Contract.

H. These Specifications are basically equipment and performance Specifications. Actual installations shall be as shown on the Drawings. Installations and details shown on the Drawings shall govern where these differ from the Specifications.

I. All materials furnished by the Contractor shall be new and unused (temporary lighting and power products are excluded) and free from defects. All materials used shall bear the Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. label provided a standard has been established for the material in question.

J. All products and materials to be new, clean, free of defects and free of damage and The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


K. No exclusion from, or limitation in, the symbolism used on the Drawings for electrical work or the languages used in the Specifications for electrical work shall be interpreted as a reason for omitting accessories necessary to complete any required system or item of equipment.

L. The use of words in the singular shall not be considered as limiting where other indications denote that more than one item is referred to.

M. Except for conduit, conduit fittings, outlet boxes, wire and cable, all items of equipment or material shall be the product of one manufacturer throughout. Multiple manufacturers will not be permitted.

1.02 COORDINATION OF THE WORK A. Certain materials will be provided by other trades. Examine the Contract Documents to ascertain these requirements.

B. Carefully check space requirements with other trades and the physical confines of the area to insure that all material can be installed in the spaces allotted thereto including finished suspended ceilings. Make modifications thereto as required and approved.

C. Transmit to other trades all information required for work to be provided under their respective sections in ample time for installation.

D. Wherever work interconnects with work of other trades, coordinate with other trades to insure that all trades have the information necessary so that they may properly install all the necessary connections and equipment. Identify all items of work that require access so that the ceiling trade will know where to install access doors and panels.

E. Due to the type of the installation, a fixed sequence of operation is required to properly install the complete systems. Coordinate, project and schedule work with other trades in accordance with the construction sequence.

F. The locations of lighting fixtures, outlets, panels and other equipment indicated on the Drawings are approximately correct, but they are understood to be subject to such revision as may be found necessary or desirable at the time the work is installed in consequence of increase or reduction of the number of outlets, or in order to meet field conditions or to coordinate with modular requirements of ceilings, or to simplify the work, or for other legitimate causes.

G. Exercise particular caution with reference to the location of panels, outlets, , etc., and have precise and definite locations approved by the Engineer before proceeding with the installation.

H. The Drawings show only the general run of raceways and approximate location of outlets. Any significant changes in location of outlets, cabinets, etc., necessary in order to meet field conditions shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer and shall receive approval before such alterations are made. All such modifications shall be made without additional cost to the Owner.

I. Obtain from the Engineer in the field the location of such outlets or equipment not definitely The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16010 - 2 located on the Drawings.

J. Circuit "tags" in the form of arrows are used where shown to indicate the home runs of raceways to electrical distribution points. These tags show the circuits in each home run and the panel designation. Show the actual circuit numbers on the finished record tracing and on panel directory card. Where circuiting is not indicated, the Electrical Contractor must provide required circuiting in accordance with the loading indicated on the drawings and/or as directed.

K. The Drawings generally do not indicate the exact number wires in each conduit for the branch circuit wiring of fixtures, and outlets, or the actual circuiting. Provide the correct wire size and quantity as required by the indicated circuiting and/or circuit numbers indicated and control wiring diagrams, if any, specified voltage drop or maximum distance limitations, and the applicable requirements of the NEC.

L. Adjust location of conduits, panels, equipment, pull boxes, fixtures, etc. to accommodate the work to prevent interferences, both anticipated and encountered. Determine the exact route and location of each raceway prior to installation.

1. Right of way: lines which pitch to have the right- of-way over those which do not pitch. For example: steam, condensate, and plumbing drains normally have right-of-way. Lines whose elevations cannot be changed to have right-of-way over lines whose elevations can be changed.

2. Make offsets, transitions and changes in direction in raceways and as required to maintain proper head room in pitch of sloping lines whether or not indicated on the Drawings.

M. Wherever the work is of sufficient complexity, prepare additional Detail Drawings to scale similar to that of the bidding Drawings, prepared on tracing medium of the same size as Contract Drawings. With these layouts, coordinate the work with the work of other trades. Such detailed work to be clearly identified on the Drawings as to the area to which it applies. Submit for review Drawings clearly showing the work and its relation to the work of other trades before commencing shop fabrication or erection in the field.

N. Contractor shall furnish services of an experienced Superintendent, who shall be in constant charge of all work, and who shall coordinate his work with the work of other trades. No work shall be installed before coordinating with other trades.


A. Prior to submitting of bids, the Contractor shall visit the site of the job and shall familiarize himself with all conditions affecting the proposed installation and shall make provisions as to the cost thereof. Failure to comply with the intent of this paragraph will in no way relieve the Contractor of performing all necessary work shown on the Drawings.


A. All work shall be arranged so as to interfere as little as possible with the normal operation of the existing utilities. All connections and tie-ins shall be made so as to cause the least possible interruption of the normal schedule of the Building. Should an interruption or The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16010 - 3 shutdown be required, this Contractor shall notify the Owner and the Architect sufficiently in advance of the required shutdown, so that proper arrangements may be made.

B. The Contractor shall arrange new hangers and supports so that conduit lines and equipment are not supported or suspended from the same floor and structural members as existing or new conduit and equipment. Hangers and supports shall be arranged to distribute the weight of the new lines and equipment uniformly on the present structure. Additional new structural members shall be furnished and installed as necessary to safely support the new conduit and equipment. New conduits larger than 2" diameter shall be supported from the top chord members of building structural steel. New conduits 2" diameter and smaller may be supported from the bottom chord members of building structural steel.

C. All present exposed conduit, wiring and similar miscellaneous items throughout the remodeled areas of the Building and not required as part of the remodeled installation, shall be completely removed. All present concealed conduit embedded in walls or located in inaccessible spaces and not required as a part of the remodeled installation, shall be suitably capped or plugged behind walls, above ceilings, or below floors and rendered completely "dead." When existing ceilings or wall construction is removed, resulting existing exposed conduit no longer required as part of the remodeled installation, shall be completely disconnected and removed. All such conduit services exposed to view shall be removed or relocated as required to serve existing facilities. Temporary conduit and equipment shall be installed as necessary to maintain continual electrical services in accordance with the various phases of the project. The Contractor shall furnish and install all conduit, wiring and equipment necessary to maintain and/or place in operation any portion of the Building in accordance with the phasing schedule. All hangers, etc., no longer required shall be removed wherever possible. Existing removed fixtures, switches, etc. that will remain the property of the Owner will be tagged by the Owner and the Electrical Contractor shall store these tagged items in a selected room in the Building and the Owner will remove the tagged items from this room. Present removed conduit, wiring and other miscellaneous electrical materials and equipment which are no longer required as a part of the new systems, shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be immediately removed from the site. The Electrical Contractor shall give due consideration and credit in his proposal for present conduit, materials and equipment which will become his property. Removed conduit, equipment and materials shall not be used as part of the new installation.

D. The Contractor shall provide all concrete work as necessary to perform all patch work under this Contract, such as for concrete floors, walls, and similar construction.

E. The Contractor shall relocate or replace existing conduit and wiring at various locations shown on the Drawings, as required to conform with new and existing revised building construction, and to clear new electrical systems. All conduit and wiring used for relocating or replacing the various circuits shall be new, of types specified, as required for each particular location.

F. All work shall be coordinated with the work of other trades and shall be performed in accordance with the Schedule of Work of the General Contractor and as required by the Architect and the Owner.

G. Generally, new ceilings will be installed throughout the Present Building in the remodeled areas by the General Contractor as noted on the General Construction Drawings. All wiring shall be concealed in these areas. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


H. The General Contractor will remodel the Present Building in all areas shown on the Drawings. Also, new additions will be constructed under the General Contract. The Electrical Contractor shall refer to the General Construction Drawings to determine the extent of the remodeling work.

I. The Contractor shall visit the site to determine exact condition, locations, sizes and quantities of existing electrical equipment, wiring, conduit and other accessories which must be removed, revised, relocated, disconnected, connected to or reconnected. The Contractor will be held responsible for the removal of all existing electrical service equipment, panelboards, lighting fixtures, switches, receptacles, boxes, conduits, raceways, wiring, etc., throughout the Building and at the exterior of the Building no longer required as part of the newly remodeled building and the installation of new fixtures, switches, receptacles, motor outlets, panelboards, switchboard, equipment, conduit, raceways, wiring, boxes, etc., complete in every detail, unless noted otherwise. All existing electrical equipment such as, but not limited to; fluorescent fixture ballasts or capacitors containing PCB's or other hazardous materials shall be properly incinerated by the Electrical Contractor who shall provide "Demolition/Renovation Notification" as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Air Quality Control." The Contractor is solely responsible for identifying and removing all hazardous materials and waste which it uses or generates.

J. All work shall be performed as previously described under "Description of Work" as shown on the Drawings, and as herein specified. New equipment, switchboard, panelboards, lighting fixtures, receptacles, switches, conduit, wiring, boxes, and special systems shall be furnished and installed as shown and specified.

K. Existing heating, ventilating, plumbing and miscellaneous equipment will be removed under the Heating, Plumbing and General Contracts. The Electrical Contractor shall disconnect the equipment from their present electrical services and remove all wiring, conduit, boxes, switches, etc., no longer required. New equipment will be furnished and installed under other contracts and shall be connected by the Electrical Contractor to the new electrical system as shown and as required for a complete installation.

L. Existing exposed conduit, raceways, etc., no longer required shall not be reused as a part of the new system and shall be removed from the site. Present concealed wiring shall be disconnected and removed wherever possible; however, where it is impracticable to do so, the wiring shall be rendered completely "dead". Present concealed conduit and boxes no longer required may remain but shall be rendered completely "dead". Present remaining conduits and boxes may be used for the installation of new wiring where the conduits and boxes are in good condition and where it is feasible to do so, and where the installation will conform with applicable codes and regulations. Removed wiring, conduits, and boxes shall not be reused as a part of the new installation.

M. New conduits shall be run concealed above new or existing ceilings wherever possible. New acoustical tile ceilings will be installed in various remodeled areas throughout the Building under the General Contract. Where existing ceilings remain and are not to be replaced by the General Contractor, the Electrical Contractor shall be completely responsible for removing, storing and resetting ceiling tile, cutting, removing and resetting ceiling supports, grids, etc., or perform any other work as necessary to complete each installation above the existing ceilings under this Contract. Where new ceilings are installed below existing The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16010 - 5 remaining ceilings, the Electrical Contractor will be responsible for the repair of the existing ceilings where they are damaged or penetrated under this Contract, as required to maintain the fire rating of the existing ceilings.

N. The Contractor shall perform all cutting and patching required for the installation of new conduit, boxes, raceways, equipment, etc., and for the removal of present equipment, wiring, conduit, boxes, etc., as hereinafter specified.


A. The Contractor shall order the progress of his work so as to conform to the progress of the work of other trades and shall complete the entire installation as soon as the conditions of the building will permit. Any cost resulting from the defective or ill-timed work performed under this section shall be borne by the Contractor.


A. Ship and store all products and materials in a manner which will protect them from damage, weather and entry of debris. If items are damaged, do not install, but take immediate steps to obtain replacement or repair. Any such repairs shall be subject to review and acceptance of the Engineer.

B. Delivery of Materials: Deliver materials (except bulk materials) in manufacturer's unopened container fully identified with manufacturer's name, trade name, type, class, grade, size and color.

C. Storage of Materials, Equipment and Fixtures: Store materials suitably sheltered from the elements, but readily accessible for inspection by the Engineer until installed. Store all items subject to moisture damage in dry, heated spaces.


A. Establish sizes and location of the various concrete bases required. Coordinate with General Contractor and provide all necessary anchor bolts together with templates for holding these bolts in position.

B. Provide supports, hangers and auxiliary structural members required for support of the work.

C. Furnish and set all sleeves for passage of raceways through structural, masonry and concrete walls and floors and elsewhere as will be required for the proper protection of each raceway and passing through building surfaces.

D. Wall mounted equipment, total weight of 100 pounds or less, may be directly secured to wall by means of steel bolts. Maintain at least 1" air space between equipment and supporting wall. Groups or arrays of equipment, with total weight of more than 100 pounds, shall be mounted on adequately sized steel angles, channels, or bars. Prefabricated steel channels providing a high degree of mounting flexibility, such as those manufactured by Kindorf, Globe-Strutt and Unistrut, may be used for mounting arrays of equipment.


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ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16010 - 6 A. The work shall be carefully laid out in advance. Where cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling of floors, walls, partitions, ceilings or other surfaces is necessary for the proper installation, support or anchorage of raceway, outlets or other equipment, the work shall be carefully done. Any damage to the building, piping, equipment or defaced finish plaster, woodwork, metalwork, etc. shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trades involved at no additional cost to the Owner. B. The Contractor shall do no cutting, channeling, chasing or drilling of unfinished masonry, tile, etc., unless he first obtains permission from the Engineer. If permission is granted, the Contractor shall perform this work in a manner approved by the Engineer.

C. Where conduits, outlet, junction, or pull boxes are mounted on a painted surface, or a surface to be painted, they shall be painted to match the surface. Whenever support channels are cut, the bare metal shall be cold galvanized.

D. Slots, chases, openings and recesses through floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs will be provided by the various trades in their respective materials. The trade requiring them to properly locate such openings and be responsible for any cutting and patching caused by the neglect to do so.


A. Secondary distribution: 120/208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire.


A. Unless otherwise noted or required because of special conditions, locate outlets as follows:

1. Heights listed are from finished floor to center of device. Verify exact locations with the Engineer before installation.

a. Wall outlets ...... 40" b. Bracket outlets ...... 7'- 0" to bottom c. Convenience outlets (general) ...... 18" d. Convenience outlets (mechanical areas) ...... 4' - 0" e. Panelboard and distribution cabinet to top ...... 6' - 6" f. Fire alarm audio unit ...... Lower of 80” AFF ...... or 6” below ceiling g. Fire alarm audio/visual unit ...... Lower of 80” AFF ...... or 6” below ceiling h. Fire alarm visual unit ...... Lower of 80” AFF ...... or 6” below ceiling i. Fire alarm stations ...... 42" j. Desk telephone outlets ...... 18" k. Wall telephone outlets ...... 4' - 9" l. Desk intercommunication outlets ...... 1' - 6" m. Loudspeakers (corridors) ...... 1' - 0"


A. Contractor shall take care to avoid accumulation of debris, boxes, crates, etc., resulting from the installation of work. Contractor shall remove from the premises each day all debris, The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16010 - 7 boxes, etc., and keep the premises clean, subject to the Architect’s instructions, which shall be promptly carried out.

B. Contractor shall clean all fixtures and equipment at the completion of the project.

C. All switchboards, panelboards, wireways, trench ducts, cabinets, enclosures, etc. shall be thoroughly vacuumed clean prior to energizing equipment and at the completion of the project. Equipment shall be opened for observation by the Architect as required.


A. Avoid, if possible, the penetration of any waterproof membranes such as roofs, machine room floors, basement walls, and the like. If such penetration is necessary, perform it prior to the waterproofing and furnish all sleeves or pitch-pockets required. Advise the Architect and obtain written permission before penetrating and waterproof membrane, even where such penetration is shown on the Drawings. Perform work so as to maintain any warranties currently in effect.

B. If this Contractor penetrates any walls or surfaces after they have been waterproofed, this Contractor shall restore the waterproof integrity of that surface at the expense of this Contractor and as directed by the Architect.


A. Support work in accordance with the best industry practice and the following.

B. Include supporting frames or racks extending from floor slab to ceiling slab for work indicated as being supported from walls where the walls are incapable of supporting the weight. In particular, provide such frames or racks in electric closets.

C. Include supporting frames or racks for equipment, intended for vertical surface mounting, which is required in a free-standing position.

D. Supporting frames or racks shall be of standard angle, standard channel or specialty support system steel members. They shall be rigidly bolted or welded together and adequately braced to form a substantial structure. Racks shall be of ample size to assure a workmanlike arrangement of all equipment mounted on them.

E. Nothing, (including outlet, pull and junction boxes and fittings) shall depend on electric conduits, raceways, or cables for support, except that threaded hub type fittings having a gross volume not in excess of 100 cubic inches may be supported from heavy wall conduit, where the conduit in turn is securely supported from the structure within five inches of the fitting on two opposite sides.

F. Nothing shall rest on, or depend for support on, suspended ceilings media (tiles, lath, plaster, as well as splines, runners, bars and the like in the plane of the ceiling).

G. Provide required supports and hangers for conduit, equipment, etc., so that loading will not exceed allowable loadings of structure.

1.14 FASTENINGS The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Fasten electric work to building structure in accordance with the best industry practice and the following.

B. As a minimum procedure, where weight applied to the attachment points is 100 pounds or less, fasten to building elements of:

1. Wood -- with wood screws. 2. Concrete and solid masonry -- with bolts and expansion shields. 3. Hollow construction -- with toggle bolts. 4. Solid metal -- with machine screws in tapped holes or with welded studs. 5. Steel decking or subfloor -- with fastenings as specified below for applied weights in excess of 100 pounds.

C. As a minimum procedure, where weight applied to building attachment points exceeds 100 pounds, but is 300 pounds or less, conform to the following:

1. At concrete slabs utilize 24" x 24" x 1/2" steel fishplates on top with through bolts. Fishplate assemblies shall be chased in and grouted flush with the top of slab screen line, where no fill is to be applied.

2. At steel decking or subfloor for all fastenings, utilize through bolts or threaded rods. The tops of bolts or rods shall be set at least one inch below the top fill screen line and grouted in. Suitable washers shall be used under bolt heads or nuts. In cases where the decking or subfloor manufacturer produces specialty hangers to work with his decking or subfloor such hangers shall be utilized.

D. Where weight applied to building attachments points exceeds 300 pounds, coordinate with and obtain approval of Architect and conform to the following:

1. Utilize suitable auxiliary channel or angle iron bridging between building structural steel elements to establish fastening points. Bridging members shall be suitably welded or clamped to building steel. Utilize threaded rods or bolts to attach to bridging members.

E. Floor mounted equipment shall not be held in place solely by its own dead weight. Include floor anchor fastenings in all cases.

F. For items which are shown as being ceiling mounted at locations where fastening to the building construction element above is not possible, provide suitable auxiliary channel or angle iron bridging tying to the building structural elements.


A. Openings for electrical equipment penetrating a fire rated floor, wall or ceilings, shall be resealed as required by Code. Install fire rated sealant equal to or greater than the fire rating of the penetrated surface.

1.16 PRODUCTS The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


If products and materials are specified or indicated on the Drawings for a specific item or system, use those products or materials. If products and materials are not listed in either of the above, use first class products and materials, subject to approval of Shop Drawings where Shop Drawings are required or as approved in writing where Shop Drawings are not required.


A. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from the drawings or specifications or be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall notify the Engineer before submitting his proposal. The Engineer will in turn, send written instructions to all Bidders. Neither the Engineer nor the Owner will be responsible for oral instructions. If the Contractor fails to comply with this requirement, he shall accept the Engineer’s interpretations as to the intended meaning of the drawings and specifications.


A. Follow manufacturer's instructions for installing, connecting, and adjusting all equipment. Provide one copy of such instructions to the Architect before installing any equipment. Provide a copy of such instructions at the equipment during any work on the equipment. Provide all special supports, connections, wiring, accessories, etc.

B. Use mechanics skilled in their trade for all work.

C. Keep all items protected before and after installation. Clean up all debris.

D. Perform all tests required by local authorities in addition to tests specified herein, such as life safety systems.

E. Applicable equipment and materials to be listed by Underwriters' Laboratories and Manufactured in accordance with ASME, NEMA, ANSI or IEEE standards and as approved by local authorities having jurisdiction.

F. Before commencing work, examine all adjoining, underlying, etc., work on which this work is in any way dependent for perfect workmanship and report any condition which prevents performance of first class work. Become thoroughly familiar with actual existing conditions to which connections must be made or which must be changed or altered.


A. All electrical items not designated by Owner for his use to be properly disposed of according to local, state and Federal regulations.

B. Items containing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) to be removed, transported and disposed of according to Federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Contractor to submit certification that these items have been properly disposed of.


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ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 16010 - 10 A. Prior to the installation of wiring systems for any equipment furnished by others, this contractor shall verify that the electrical requirements of the equipment match those shown on the electrical drawings by examining the approved shop drawings of that equipment. Any discrepancies shall be immediately reported to the engineer.

B. If the contractor fails to comply with this requirement, he shall be responsible for any additional costs incurred at no additional cost to the Owner.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121




A. Utilize the following abbreviations and definitions for discernment within the Drawings and Specifications.

1. Abbreviations: a. NEC National Electrical Code

b. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

c. ANSI American National Standards Institute

d. NFPA National Fire Protection Association

e. ASA American Standards Association

f. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

g. NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

h. UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.

i. IES Illuminating Engineering Society

j. ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association

k. ASTM American Society of Testing Materials

l. ETL Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc.

m. CBM Certified Ballast Manufacturers

n. EIA Electronic Industries Association

o. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

p. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

2. Definitions:

a. "PROVIDE" means to supply, purchase, transport, place, erect, connect, test and turn over to Owner, complete and ready for regular

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ABBREVIATION AND DEFINITIONS SECTION 16015 - 1 operation, the particular work referred to.

b. "INSTALL" means to join, unite, fasten, link, attach, set up or otherwise connect together before testing and turning over to Owner, complete and ready for regular operation, the particular work referred to.

c. "FURNISH" means to supply all materials, labor, equipment, testing apparatus, controls, tests, accessories and all other items customarily required for the proper and complete application for the particular work referred to.

d. "WIRING" means the inclusion of all raceways, fittings, conductors, connectors, tape, junction and outlet boxes, connections, splices, and all other items necessary and/or required in connection with such work.

e. "CONDUIT" means the inclusion of all fittings, hangers, supports, sleeves, etc.

f. "AS DIRECTED" means as directed by the Architect or his representative.

g. "CONCEALED" means installed behind wall furring or within double partitions or installed within hung ceilings.

h. "EMBEDDED" means contained within floor slabs, masonry or other construction.


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A. General: Provide the work included in accordance with the Contract Documents.

B. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, appliances, auxiliaries, services, hoisting, scaffolding, support, supervision, and Project Record Documents, and perform all operations for the Documents, and perform all operations for the furnishing and installing of the complete electrical furnishing and installing of the complete electrical system, including but not limited to the work described hereinafter. The work shall meet or exceed the latest codes, regulations and requirements of the local community and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

C. The electrical work is shown schematically on the Drawings to indicate the general system arrangement and configuration. The work of this Division shall include coordination with the work of other Divisions of the Specifications and the Contract Documents so as to provide a complete and operational system capable of being readily operated and maintained, including approved re-arrangement of the systems and equipment and re-routing of distribution services to enable the complete system to fit within the confines of the allotted electrical spaces, all to the satisfaction of the Architect.

D. The work includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. The complete removal of the existing electrical distribution system throughout the renovated areas including, lighting and power panelboards, distribution feeders and branch circuit conduit and conductors, lighting fixtures devices, etc.

2. The provision of an extension of the existing electrical system including lighting and power panelboards, distribution feeders and branch circuit conduit and conductors to each and every outlet in the Building and at the exterior of the Building. The system shall include all lighting fixtures and lamps.

3. The provision of an extension of the existing building paging distribution system throughout the Building, including, speakers, conduits, outlet boxes, and conductors.

4. The complete removal of the existing sound reinforcement systems in the gymnasium and auditorium, including all central sound equipment, The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


amplifiers, speakers, microphones, conduits, outlet boxes and conductors in the building.

5. The provision of a compete new sound reinforcement systems in the gymnasium and auditorium, including all central sound equipment, amplifiers, speakers, microphones, conduits, outlet boxes and conductors in the building.

6. The removal of the existing fire alarm and detection equipment throughout the renovated areas including pull stations, detectors, sounding devices, conduit, conductors and outlet boxes.

7. The provision of a complete new fire alarm and detection system including all pull stations, detectors, sounding devices, control panel, annunciator panel, conduit, conductors, outlet boxes, etc. as required by the Local Authority having Jurisdiction. The new system shall be installed in the renovated areas only as shown on the drawings.

8. The complete removal of the existing theatrical dimming system in the building.

9. The provision of a complete theatrical dimming system as shown and hereinafter specified.

10. The provision of an extension of the existing telecommunications network system including cabling, patch panel, jacks, etc.

11. The provision of a new Transient Voltage Surge Suppression (TVSS) system for the existing switchboard.

12. The provision of a complete wiring and conduit system for heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, plumbing equipment, food service equipment and all electrical equipment provided by the General Contractor. Control equipment such as magnetic starters, disconnect switches that are integral with control equipment, etc. will be furnished by the contractor furnishing the equipment to the Electrical Contractor for installation.

13. Fuses for starter/disconnect switches for all HVAC and plumbing equipment shall be furnished and installed by the Electrical Contractor. The Heating and Plumbing Contractors will furnish the Electrical Contractor with all required motor data to properly size and select all fuses and overloads and disconnect switches in accordance with the National Electrical Code requirements.

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14. In the instance of special equipment and systems furnished and installed under this Contract, all final connections and testing of the equipment and systems shall be made under the direct supervision of competent authorized service engineers who shall be employed by the respective equipment manufacturer and/or an authorized and competent representative. Any and all expenses incurred by these equipment manufacturer's representatives shall be borne by the Contractor.


A. The following work related to the work being performed under this Contract will be done by others:

1. In general, all magnetic starters and similar control equipment required for heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment will be furnished by the Heating Contractor and installed by the Electrical Contractor. Feeders and power wiring to equipment motors shall be furnished and installed by the Electrical Contractor. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install disconnect switches for equipment as indicated and/or as required by the National Electrical Code or the equipment manufacturer.


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A. General: Comply with Codes in accordance with the Contract Documents.

1.02 CODES

A. The electrical installation shall be in compliance with the requirements of OSHA, NEC and the rules, regulations and requirements of the power company supplying power to the building.

B. The electrical installation shall comply fully with all county and state laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to electrical installations.

C. All equipment shall be equal to or exceed the minimum requirements of NEMA, IEEE and UL.

D. Should any change in Drawings or Specifications be required to comply governmental regulations, the contractor shall notify Architect prior to execution of the work. The work shall be carried out according to the requirements of such code in accordance with the instruction of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner.

1.03 FEES A. All local fees and permits and services of inspection authorities shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall cooperate fully with local utility companies with respect to their services. Contractor shall include in his bid, any costs to be incurred relative to power service (primary and/or secondary) and telephone service.

1.04 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION A. Certificate of Inspection and approval shall be procured and paid for by this Contractor from the Local Inspection Agency and delivered to the Architect before final payment is made.


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A. Reference shall be made to Division 01631, "Products and Substitutions", for substitution of material or equipment in this Division of the Specifications.

B. Materials specified by name or catalog number are base bid items and substitutions are not permitted. If the Contractor elects to submit a substitution, it shall be listed on his base bid as an addition or deletion to his base bid.


A. Prepare and submit detailed shop drawings for materials, systems and equipment as listed herein, including locations and sizes of all openings in floor decks, walls and floors.

B. The work described in any shop drawing submission shall be carefully checked for all clearances (including those required for maintenance and servicing), field conditions, maintenance of architectural conditions and proper condition with all trades on the job. Each submitted shop drawing shall include a certification that all related job conditions have been checked and that no conflict exists.

C. All drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of final requirements to allow ample time for checking and resubmittal as may be required. All submittals shall be complete and contain all required and detailed information. Copies of catalog pages are not acceptable. All submittals shall be legible.

D. Acceptance of any submitted data or shop drawings for material, equipment apparatus, devices, arrangement and layout shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility of furnishing same of proper dimensions and weight, capacities, sizes, quantity, quality and installation details to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the Contract. Such acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors, omissions or inadequacies of any sort on submitted data or shop drawings. E. Shop drawings shall be submitted by specification section. Each section requiring submission shall be complete, partial section submissions will not be accepted. Each submission shall contain a coversheet with the required information completely filled out. The coversheet shall contain the project title and reference to applicable drawing and specification articles. Blank forms will be provided upon request.


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A. Submit for the Architect's approval shop drawings of the following and any other shop drawings requested:

a. Panelboards

b. Disconnect switches

c. Fire alarm system

d. Light fixtures

e. Wiring devices

f. Theatrical Lighting System

g. Auditorium Sound System

h. Gymnasium Sound System

i. Data Cabling

j. Transient Voltage Surge Suppression System


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A. General: Provide a guarantee in accordance with the Contract Documents.

B. Submit a single guarantee stating that all portions of the work are in accordance with Contract requirements. Guarantee all work against faulty and improper material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance by the Owner, except that where guarantees or warranties for longer terms are specified herein, such longer term to apply. Within 24 hours after notification, correct any deficiencies which occur during the guarantee period at no additional cost to Owner, all to the satisfaction of the Owner and Architect. Obtain similar guarantees from subcontractors, manufacturers, suppliers and subtrade specialists.


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A. General: Provide maintenance manuals in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Provide five (5) copies of each manual.

B. Manuals to be 8-1/2 inches x 11 inches size in hard back 3-ring loose-leaf binders. Use more than one volume if required; do not overfill binders.

C. Submit one (1) copy to Architect. After review and acceptance, assemble other copies.

D. Manuals to be completed and in Owner's hands prior to turning building over to Owner and at least 10 days prior to instruction to operating personnel.



A. General: Provide manufacturers’ literature on all items of equipment and components as regularly published by the respective manufacturers for proper preventative and comprehensive maintenance.


3.01 Provide maintenance manuals including but not limited to the following:

A. Alphabetical list of all system components, with the name, address, and 24-hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first year of operation.

B. Operating instructions for complete system including:

1. Normal starting, operating, and shut-down.

2. Emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment.

C. Maintenance instructions including:

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1. Proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment, and date when lubricated.

2. This shall be a separate list in addition to manufacturers’ data.

3. Necessary cleaning, replacement and/or adjustment schedule.

D. Manufacturers’ data on each piece of equipment including:

1. Installation instructions.

2. Drawings and specifications.

3. Parts list, including recommended items to be stocked.

4. Complete wiring diagrams.

5. Marked or changed prints locating all concealed parts and all variations from the original system design.

6. Test and inspection certificates.


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A. General: Provide fixed identification of all distribution equipment and conductors in accordance with the Contract Documents.

B. Related Work Specified in Division 16000

1. Panelboards

2. Disconnect Switches

3. Wire and Cable


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest applicable provisions and latest recommendations of the following:

1. Industry standards shall apply.


2.01 Unless otherwise noted, nameplates shall be black bakelite plates with white engraved upper case letters enclosed by white border on beveled edge.

2.02 Nameplates for equipment supplied by the emergency system shall be red bakelite with white lettering.

2.03 All nameplates must be engraved and must be secured with rivets, brass or cadmium plate screws. The use of Dynamo type or the like is unacceptable.

2.04 Lettering heights unless otherwise noted must be as follows:

Lettering Item Height

Panelboards 1/2" Disconnect Switches 1/2" Feeder Switches (Fuse Identification) 1/4" Remote Smoke Detector Lamps 1/8"

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Wall Plates 1/8"

2.05 Cable tags must be flameproof secured with flameproof non-metallic cord.

2.06 Nameplate inscriptions must bear the name and number of equipment to which they are attached as indicated on the Drawings. The Engineer reserves the right to make modifications in the inscriptions as necessary.

2.07 The Engineer reserves the right to request additional nameplates at time of review of shop drawings and upon site observations. These shall be furnished at no additional cost to the Owner.



A. Furnish and install a nameplate for each panelboard engraved with the identification indicated on the Drawings. Mount at top of panel.

B. After installations are complete, provide and mount under sturdy transparent shield in the directory frame of each panel door, a neat, accurate and carefully typed directory properly identifying the lighting, receptacles, outlets, and equipment each overcurrent device controls.

C. Include on directory the panel identification, the cable and raceway size of panel feeder, and the feeder origination point.


A. Furnish and install a nameplate for each disconnect switch engraved with the equipment designation which the disconnect serves.


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A. General: Complete testing of equipment and systems shall be provided throughout in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents comply with the latest applicable provisions and the latest recommendations of the following:

1. Industry standards shall apply except as otherwise specified.



A. Provide all labor, premium labor and materials required by shop and field testing as specified in the Contract Documents and as required by the authorities having jurisdiction.


A. The following systems are to be tested, inspected and certified.

1. Wire and Cable (600 Volts and Below)

a. Inspect all splices and terminations and make mechanically and electrically tight during a fifteen (15) day period immediately prior to final acceptance of the work.

2. Fire Management Systems

a. All wiring must be inspected and tested to insure that there are not grounds, opens or shorts. The minimum allowable resistance between any two conductors or between conductors and ground is ten (10) megohms as measured with a 500 volt meager after all conduit, conductors, detector bases, etc., have been installed, but before the detector devices are plugged into the bases or end-of-line devices installed.

b. The Contractor must perform all electrical and mechanical tests required by the equipment manufacturer's form. All test and report

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TESTING, ACCEPTANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS SECTION 16065 - 1 costs must be in the Contract price. A checkout report is to be prepared by the technician and submitted in triplicate, one copy of which will be registered with the equipment manufacturer. The report is to include, but not be limited to:

1) A complete list of equipment installed and wired.

2) Indication that all equipment is properly installed and functions and conforms with these specifications.

3) Tests of individual zones as applicable.

4) Serial numbers, locations by zone and model number for each installed detector.

5) Voltage (sensitivity) settings for each ionization detector as measured in place.

6) Response time on detectors.

7) Contractor shall submit a certified report indicating the following:

a) Operating all manual stations and all detectors that can be reset.

b) Verifying line supervision of each initiating and indicating circuit.

c) Verifying the operation of each initiating circuit.

d) Verifying the operation of all indicating devices.

e) Verifying the operation of all alarm- initiated functions.

f) Verifying full operation of the FCIP.

3. Motors

a. Test all motors under load and verify that motor rotation is correct.

4. Ballasts

a. Submit manufacturer’s certification that ballasts and transformers for discharge type lamps comply with the latest CBM specifications which have been issued. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


5. Emergency Battery System, Packs and Quartz Standby Units

a. Each emergency battery pack and system shall be shown to operate satisfactory. This shall be accomplished by the use of the unit mounted test switch as one test. The second test shall be the interruption of power to the unit.

b. Quartz shown lamps in HID luminaires shall be tested to show proper operation by testing as listed above.


3.01 Notify the Architect seven (7) days prior to the testing dates. If the Architect so elects not to witness a specific test a statement of certification must be forwarded to the Architect for his approval.

3.02 Conduct tests at a time agreeable to the Architect. Provide premium labor as necessary.

3.03 Products which are found defective or do not pass such tests shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Tests shall be repeated.

3.04 Conduct all tests required by the authorities having jurisdiction.


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A. General: Provide final connections to equipment and coordinate same in accordance with the Contract Documents. Reference shall be made to “Electrical General Provisions” for contractor’s responsibility for verification of equipment furnished by others.

B. Equipment to receive final connections shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. Elevators

2. Escalators

3. Mechanical equipment

4. Appliances

5. Miscellaneous equipment

6. Owner furnished equipment


A. Prior to the submitting of bids, the Contractor shall familiarize himself with all conditions affecting the proposed installation of equipment requiring electrical connections and shall make provisions as to the cost thereof. Failure to comply with the intent of this paragraph shall in no way relieve the Contractor of performing all necessary work required for final electrical connections and equipment.





A. All power wiring and connections for all motors including starters, controllers, and breakers as indicated on the drawings and the riser diagrams shall be furnished and installed under this section of the specifications.

B. Motors shall be connected in a neat and skillful manner. Ones delivered with The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS AND COORDINATION SECTION 16102 - 1 terminal boxes that are inadequate shall be equipped with special boxes that suit the conditions.

C. In general, rigid conduit or tubing shall be used, but motors that require movement or ones that would transmit vibration to conduit shall be wired with liquid tight flexible steel conduit not over 18" long.

D. All motors shall be grounded with a green covered ground wire run inside the conduit and connected to motor frame on one end and to grounding system on the other end.

E. Motors and their starters are only approximately located on the drawings and the Contractor shall allow for the relocation that developed conditions may demand.

F. The location of motors, starters and control equipment and the arrangement to be followed shall be determined on the job jointly by the Contractor whose equipment is involved, this Contractor and the Architect.

G. Starting equipment shall be either wall mounted or free standing, as best suits conditions. If free standing, this Contractor shall make and install a suitable frame structural steel to accommodate it.

H. Furnish and install one motor snap switch of the proper size for disconnect of each single phase motor indicated on the drawings.

I. This Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the proper rotation for three phase motors.

J. The equipment supplier shall be responsible for verifying the proper rotation for single phase motors.


A. Control wiring for HVAC and Plumbing equipment will be furnished and installed by Plumbing and HVAC Contractor as specified in Division 15.

B. All control wiring in Division 15 is the responsibility of the Contractor who provides the particular equipment. Control wiring includes the providing of all required motor controls, relays, pilot devices, all related raceway systems, all related conductors and all final connections other than three phase power connections.

C. For single phase equipment provided under HVAC and Plumbing Contracts, this Contractor shall provide single phase feeders and make final connection.

D. All other control wiring required by other Divisions of the Specifications shall be furnished and installed by this Contractor. Unless specifically indicated on the

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EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS AND COORDINATION SECTION 16102 - 2 drawings or specified hereinafter to the contrary, all control devices such as starters, pushbuttons, limit switches, etc., are furnished under other Divisions of the Specifications. This Contractor shall receive and store all electrical equipment to be installed by him. Conduit layout and arrangement of control wiring shall be done by this Contractor.


A. This Contractor shall make final connections to all mechanical equipment.


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A. General: Provide raceways in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest applicable provisions and latest recommendations of the following:

1. Rigid Conduit - RMC a. UL Standard UL-6

b. ANSI C80-1

c. Federal Specification WW-C-581E

2. Electrical Metallic Tubing - EMT a. UL Standard UL-797

b. ANSI C80-3

c. Federal Specification WW-C-563

3. Flexible Steel Metal Conduit - FMC a. UL Standard UL-1

4. Liquid Tight Flexible Conduit - LFMC a. UL Standard UL-360

5. Metal Clad Cable – MC

a. UL standard 1581

b. Federal spec J-C-30B


2.01 RACEWAY TYPES The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Rigid Steel Conduit - RMC

1. Rigid steel conduit heavy wall galvanized.

B. Electric Metallic Tubing - EMT

1. Continuous, seamless tubing galvanized or sheradized on the exterior coated on the interior with a smooth hard finish of lacquer, varnish or enamel.

2. All couplings, connectors, etc., used in conjunction with this raceway which are 2 inch in size and smaller shall be watertight compression type. EMT fittings shall be malleable iron zinc coated. With conduits of 2-1/2 inch in size and larger, set screw type couplings are permitted.

C. Flexible Metal Conduit - FMC

1. Single strip, continuous, flexible interlocked double-wrapped steel, galvanized inside and outside forming smooth internal wiring channel.

2. Maximum length: 6 feet

3. Each section of raceway must contain a bonding wire bonded at each end and sized as required. Provide connectors with insulating bushings.

D. Liquid Tight Flexible Conduit - LFMC

1. Same as flexible steel conduit except with tough, inert watertight plastic outer jacket.

2. Cast malleable iron body and gland nut, cadmium plated with one-piece brass grounding bushings which thread to interior of conduit. Spiral molded vinyl sealing ring between gland nut and bushing and nylon insulated throat.

E. Metal Clad Cable – MC Non-Health Care

1. Type MC cable shall be armored galvanized steel sheath cable with copper conductors and THHN 90˚C insulation. Furnish with insulated grounding conductor.

2.02 OUTLET, JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Provide zinc-coated or cadmium-plated sheet steel outlet boxes not less than 4 inches octagonal or square, unless otherwise noted. Equip fixture outlet boxes with 3/8 inch no-bolt fixture studs where required. Where fixtures are mounted on or in an accessible type ceiling, provide a junction box and extend flexible conduit to each fixture. Fit outlet boxes in finished ceilings or walls with appropriate covers, set flush with the finished surface. Where more than one switch or device is located at one point, use gang boxes and covers unless otherwise indicated. Sectional switch boxes or utility boxes will not be permitted. Provide Series "GW" (Steel City) tile box, or as accepted, or a 4 inch square box with tile ring in masonry walls which will not be plastered or furred. Where drywall material is utilized provide plaster ring. Provide outlet boxes of the type and size suitable for the specific application.

B. Construct junction or pullboxes not over 150 cubic inches in size as standard outlet boxes, and those over 150 cubic inches the same as "cabinets" with screw covers of the same gauge metal.

C. Plug any open knockouts not utilized.

D. Provide surface mounted outlet and junction boxes in indoor locations where exposed to moisture and outdoor locations of cast metal with threaded hubs.



A. The following applications must be adhered to except as otherwise required by Code. Raceways not conforming to this listing must be removed by this Contractor and replaced with the specified material at this Contractor's expense.

B. Raceway types Application

Rigid Conduit - RMC Application: Where exposed on exterior of building and exposed to mechanical injury, where specifically required, where required by codes and for all circuits in excess of 600 volts.

Electrical Metallic Applications: Use in every instance except where Tubing – EMT another material is specified.

Flexible Metal Applications: Use in dry areas for connections to Conduit – FMC lighting fixtures in hung ceilings, connections to equipment installed in removable panels of hung ceilings at all transformer or equipment raceway The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


connections where sound and vibration isolation is required.

Liquid Tight Flexible Applications: Use in areas subject to moisture Conduit - LFMC where flexible steel is unacceptable at connections to all motors, and all raised floor areas.

Metal-Clad Cable Application: Use for branch circuit wiring above suspended ceilings or in metal stud walls. Cable shall not be run exposed. Home run wiring from panelboard to first outlet box shall be installed in conduit. AC cable not permitted for fire alarm wiring systems.


A. Provide raceways for all wiring systems unless noted otherwise. Where non-metallic raceways are utilized, provide sizes as required with the grounding conductor considered as an insulated additional conductor. Minimum size 3/4 inch for home runs and 1 inch minimum for power distribution. Wiring of each type and system must be installed in separate raceways.

B. Install capped bushings on raceways as soon as installed and remove only when wires are pulled. Securely tie embedded raceway in place prior to embedment. Raceways installed below or in floor slabs must extend a minimum of 4 inches above the finished slab to the first connector. Lay out the work in advance to avoid excessive concentrations of multiple raceway runs.

C. Locate raceways so that the strength of structural members is unaffected and they do not conflict with the services of other trades. Install 1-inch or larger raceways in or through structural members (beams, slabs, etc.) only when and in the manner accepted by the Architect. Draw up couplings and fittings full and tight. Protect threads from corrosion with one (1) coat red lead or zinc chromate after installation.

D. Above Grade - Defined as the area above finished grade for a building exterior and above top surface of any slabs (or other concrete work) on grade for a building interior. Above-grade raceways to comply with the following:

1. Install raceways concealed except at surface cabinets and for motor and equipment connection in electrical and mechanical rooms. Install a minimum of 6 inches from flues, steam pipes, or other heated lines. Provide flashing and counter- flashing for waterproofing of raceways, outlets, fittings, etc., which penetrate the roof. Route raceways parallel or perpendicular to The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


building lines with right-angle turns and symmetrical bends. Run embedded raceways in a direct line and, where possible, with long sweep bends and offsets. Provide sleeves in forms for new concrete walls, floor slabs and partitions for passage of raceways. Waterproof sleeved raceways where required.

2. Provide raceway expansion joints for exposed and concealed raceways with necessary bonding conductor at building expansion joints and between buildings or structures and where required to compensate for raceway or building thermal expansion and contraction.

3. Provide one (1) empty 3/4 inch raceway for each three (3) spare unused poles or spaces of each flush-mounted panelboard. Terminate empty 3/4 inch conduit in a junction box, which after completion, is accessible to facilitate future branch circuit extension.

4. Provide raceway installation (with appropriate seal-offs, explosion-proof fittings, etc.) in special occupancy area, as required. Provide conduit seal-offs where portions of an interior raceway system pass through walls, ceiling or floors which separate adjacent rooms having substantially different maintained temperatures, as in refrigeration or cold storage rooms.

5. Protect raceway in earth or fill with two (2) coats of asphalt base paint. Touch up abrasions and wrench marks after conduit is in place.

6. In lieu of the above, protect raceways with a minimum of 20 mil tape approved for the purpose and overlapped a minimum of one-half tape width.

7. Provide drag wire in spare or empty raceways. Tag both ends of wire denoting opposite and termination location with black India ink on flameproof linen tag.

E. Below Grade: Defined as the area below finished grade for a building exterior and below or within the bottom floor slab for a building interior. Below grade raceways to comply to the following:

1. Project below-grade raceways 2 inches minimum above floor or equipment foundation. Install exterior underground conduits 24 inches minimum below finished grade. Do not penetrate waterproof membranes unless proper seal is provided.

F. No raceway may be installed in a concrete slab except with the permission of the Structural Engineer and with the written consent of the Owner. Conduits embedded in structural concrete slabs shall have the following minimum thickness and shall The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


conform to the following.

Min. Thickness Raceway Sizes of Concrete Slab 3/4 in. 4-1/2 in. 1 in. 5 in.

1. Unless specifically approved in writing, raceways 1-1/4 inch size and larger shall not be installed in structural concrete slabs.

2. In no case will installation of raceways be permitted to interfere with the proper placement of principal reinforcement.

3. Raceways in structural slabs shall be placed between the upper and the lower layers of reinforcing steel. This will require careful bending of conduits.

4. Raceways embedded in concrete slabs shall be spaced not less than 8 inches on centers and as widely spaced as possible where they converge at panels or junction boxes.

5. Raceways running parallel to slabs supports, such as beams, columns and structural walls, shall be installed not less than 12 inches from such supporting elements.

6. To prevent displacement during concrete pour of lift slab, saddle supports for conduit, outlet boxes, junction boxes, inserts, etc., shall be secured with suitable adhesives.

G. Rigid non-metallic conduit installations shall conform to the following:

1. All joints are to be made by the solvent cementing method using the material recommended by the raceway manufacturer. Fittings, cement and conduit shall be supplied by the same manufacturer.

2. Raceway cutoffs shall be square and made by handsaw or other approved means which does not deform the conduit. Raceway shall be reamed prior to solvent cementing to couplings, adapters, or fittings.

3. Electrical devices which are served by PVC raceways to be grounded by means of a ground wire pulled in the raceway.

4. Male box adapters shall be used for all box or raceway fittings to terminate plastic raceways. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


5. Where separable terminations are required, they shall be made using PVC Threaded Adapters with locknuts or bushings. If such terminations must be watertight, "O" rings shall be installed.

6. Bends shall be made by methods that do not deform or damage the conduit. The radii of field bends shall not be less than those established by the NEC.

7. Raceway expansion fittings shall be provided in accordance with NEC. The position of the expansion fitting shall be adjusted proportional to the temperature at installation.

8. Raceway supports shall be installed in such a manner to allow the PVC Conduit to slide through the supports as the temperature changes.

9. Elbows must be galvanized rigid steel.

10. Rigid non-metallic conduit is not permitted to be installed within the building.

H. Raceways in hung ceilings shall be run on and secure to slab or primary structural members of ceiling, not to lathing channels or T-bars or other elements which are the direct supports of the ceiling panels. Secure conduit firmly to steel by clips and fittings designed for that purpose. Install as high as but not less than 1'-0" above hung ceilings.

I. Exposed raceways shall be run parallel or at right angles with building lines. Secure raceway clamps or supports to masonry materials by toggle bolts, expansion bolts, or steel inserts. Install raceway on steel construction with approved clamps which do not depend on friction or set-screw pressure alone.

J. Clear raceway of all obstructions and dirt prior to pulling in wires or cables. This shall be done with ball mandrel (diameter approximately 85% of conduit inside diameter) followed by close fitting wire brush and wad of felt or similar material. This assembly may be pulled in together with, but ahead of the cable being installed. All empty raceways shall be similarly cleaned. Clear any raceway which rejects ball mandrel.

K. Support less than 2" trade size, vertically run, raceways at intervals no greater than eight feet. Support such raceways, 2" trade size or larger, at intervals no greater than ten feet.

L. Support less than 1" trade size, horizontally run, raceways at intervals no greater than seven feet. Support such raceways, 1" trade size or larger, at intervals no greater than ten feet. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



A. Provide outlet, junction, and pullboxes as indicated on the Drawings and as required for the complete installation of the various electrical systems, and to facilitate proper pulling of wires and cables. J-boxes and pullboxes shall be sized per NEC minimum.

B. The exact location of outlets and equipment is governed by structural conditions and obstructions or other equipment items. When necessary, relocate outlets so that when fixtures or equipment are installed, they will be symmetrically located according to the room layout and will not interfere with other work or equipment. Verify final location of outlets, panels equipment, etc., with Architect.

C. Back-to-back outlets in the same wall or "thru-wall" type boxes not permitted. Provide 12-inch (minimum) spacing for outlets shown on opposite sides of a common wall to minimize sound transmission.


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A. General: Provide 600 volt wire and cable in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest applicable provisions and latest recommendations of the following:

1. Conductors:



2. Terminal Blocks:

a. UL-1059



A. General

1. Provide wire with a minimum insulating rating of 600 volts, except for wire used in 50 volts or below applications for control of signal systems use 300 volt minimum or 600 volt where permitted to be incorporated with other wiring systems.

B. Conductor

1. Electrical grade, annealed copper, tinned if rubber insulated, and fabricated in accordance with ASTM standards. Minimum size number 12 for branch circuits; number 14 for control wiring.

2. The conductors shown on the drawings are copper, except as noted otherwise.

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C. Stranding and Number of Conductors

1. Number 12 and number 10 solid.

2. Cables larger than number 10, stranded in accordance with ASTM Class B stranding designations.

3. Control wires stranded in accordance with ASTM Class B stranding designations.

4. Cables, multi-conductor unless otherwise noted for low tension systems.

D. Insulation

1. Type THWN/THHN insulation suitable for use in wet locations up to 75 degrees Centigrade. Use for lighting, receptacle and motor circuits and for panel and equipment feeders.

2. Type THHN - Flame retardant: Heat-resistant thermoplastic insulation, nylon jacket rated for 90 degrees Centigrade operation. Use for lighting branch circuit wiring installed and passing through the ballast channels of fluorescent fixtures, wiring in metal roofdecks in or near roof insulation, in attic or joist spaces, or in raceways exposed to the sun.

3. Type XF - Crosslinked polyolefin insulated heat-resistant wire suitable for 150 degrees Centigrade operation. Use for fixture wiring or any wiring within 3 feet horizontally or 10 feet above any furnace, boiler or similar appliance.

E. Color Coding 1. Provide consistent color coding of all feeders, sub feeders, motor circuits and the likes as follows:

120/208 Volts Code 277/480 Volts Code Phase A - Black Phase A - Brown Phase B – Red Phase B - Orange Phase C – Blue Phase C - Yellow Neutral – White Neutral - Gray Ground - Green Ground – Green w/ Yellow Stripe

2. Color-code wiring for control systems installed in conjunction with mechanical and/or miscellaneous equipment in accordance with the wiring diagrams furnished with the equipment. Factory color code wire number 2 and smaller. Wire number 1 and larger may be color coded by color tapping of the entire length of the exposed ends. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



A. Make connections, splices, taps and joints with solderless devices, mechanically and electrically secure. Protect exposed wires and connecting devices with electrical tape or insulation to provide not less than that of the conductor.

B. Branch Circuit wires (Number 10 and smaller): Use any of the following types of terminals and connecting devices:

1. Hand Applied

a. Coiled tapered, spring wound devices with a conducting corrosion-resistant coating over the spring steel and a plastic cover and skirt providing full insulation for splice and wired ends. Screw connector on by hand.

2. Tool Applied

a. Steel cap, with conduction and corrosion resistant metallic plating, open at both ends, fitted around the twisted ends of the wire and compressed or crimped by means of a special die designed for the purpose. Specifically fitted plastic or rubber insulating cover wrap over each connector.


A. Specifically designed for use as insulating tape.


A. Use lubricant only where the possibility of damage to conductors exists. Use only a lubricant approved by the cable manufacturer and one which is inert to cable and raceways.



A. Provide a complete system of conductors in raceway system. Mount wiring through a specified raceway, regardless of voltage application.

B. Drawings do not indicate size of branch circuit wiring. For branch circuits whose The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


length from panel to furthest outlet exceeds 100 feet for 120-volt circuits or 200 feet for 277-volt circuits, use number 10 or larger.

C. Do not install wire in incomplete conduit runs nor until after the concrete work and plastering is completed and moisture is swabbed from conduits. Eliminate splices wherever possible. Where necessary, splice in readily accessible pull, junction, or outlet.

D. Provide cable supports for all vertical risers where required by code.

E. Flashover or insulation value of joints to be equal to that of the conductor. Provide Underwriters' Laboratories listed connectors rated at 600 volts for general use and 1,000 volts for use between ballasts and lamps or gaseous discharge fixtures.

F. Use terminating fittings, connectors, etc., of a type suitable for the specified cable furnished. Make bends in cable at termination prior to installing compression device. Make fittings tight.

G. Extend wire sizing for the entire length of a circuit, feeder, etc. unless specifically noted otherwise.


A. A separate neutral wire shall be installed for each circuit. A common neutral for two or three circuits is not permitted.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121





A. General: Provide panelboards in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest applicable provisions and recommendations of the following.

1. Panelboards

a. UL Standards #50 and #67.

b. Federal Standard W-P-115A Type II, Class 1.

c. NEMA Standard PB-1-1971.

2. Circuit Breakers

a. UL Standard #489 b. Federal Standard W-C-375a Amendment No. 4 and W-C-375b c. NEMA Standard AB-1-1969


A. Submittals will be furnished. Submittals failing to meet the following criteria will be returned without a review or acceptance.

B. With each panelboard drawing the following is required:

1. Show main devices and lug sizes; branch circuit device sizes and arrangement; bus ampacities; withstandability and short circuit rating; dimensions and construction; gutter and backbox dimensions; nameplate and legend; protective coating; and all pertinent details of panel, enclosure, cover, and method of securing cover and lock.


A. Each panelboard as a complete and finished product shall receive a single integrated equipment rating by the manufacturer. The integrated equipment shortcircuit wiring shall certify that all equipment is capable of withstanding the

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PANELBOARDS SECTION 16134 - 1 thermal and magnetic stress of a fault equal to the value specified on the Drawings. Such rating shall be established by actual tests by the manufacturer on similar equipment. This certification shall be permanently affixed to each panelboard. Test data shall be submitted to the Engineer at time of submission of Acceptance Drawings.



A. 120/208 volts circuit breaker type panelboards are to be equal to Cutler Hammer Pow-R Line 1 or equivalent.

B. Breaker distribution panelboards are to be to Cutler Hammer Pow-R-Line-4B or or equivalent.


A. Provide panelboards consisting of an assembly of branch circuit switching and protective devices (circuit breakers, switch and fuse units, or combination thereof) mounted inside a dead front enclosure. Provide the number and size of these branch circuit devices as indicated by the circuiting, on the drawings, and in the schedules.

B. Provide the following modifications and additional equipment as shown on the Drawings:

1. Main circuit breakers.

2. Shunt trip circuit breakers.

3. Split buses.

4. Integral remote control switches.

5. Sub-feed switches.

6. Panelboard integral mounted relays and contactors.

7. Feed through lugs and/or bus.

8. Feed through cabling arrangements.

9. Double lugs for multiple cables or for future provisions.

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PANELBOARDS SECTION 16134 - 2 10. Ground fault interrupting circuit breakers.

C. Interiors

1. Rigid removable assembly of copper bus bars and interchangeable bolted branch circuit devices.

2. Bus bars drilled to permit branch circuit devices of all sizes and number of poles to be interchangeable and installed in any spare space of sufficient size, without disturbing adjacent units; without removing main bus or branch circuit connectors and without machining, drilling, or tapping in the field.

3. Arrange bus in sequence or distributed phasing so that multipole circuit breaker can replace any group of single circuit breakers of the same size.

4. Provide neutral bus in each panelboard.

5. Provide ground bus in each panelboard.

D. Enclosure

1. Code gauge steel box galvanized.

2. Provide a bolt-on ground connector to inside of enclosure.

3. Flush mounted in finished areas and where indicated. Surface mount elsewhere.

E. Front

1. Doors must be provided on all lighting and power panels. On switch and fuse panelboards doors over overcurrent devices are not to be provided unless rated for same.

2. Heavy code gauge steel as required to maintain panel face flat.

3. Hold front closed with trim clamps.

4. Factory finished in medium gray enamel or two coats of air-drying lacquer over a rust inhibitor.

5. Provide directory for total number of poles.

6. Provide approved lock. All panels keyed alike. Furnish 4 sets matching keys to the Owner.

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PANELBOARDS SECTION 16134 - 3 7. Welded angle rest at the bottom of the door to facilitate cover installation.

8. Doors over 48" in height shall have auxiliary fasteners at top and bottom of door in addition to lock and catch.

9. Door-in-door construction.

F. Terminal Lugs

1. Bolted type, labeled for either copper or aluminum conductors.

2. Locate main lugs properly at top or bottom, depending where main feeder enters.

G. Electrical Ratings

1. Panelboards are to be rated 120/208 volts 3 phase, 4 wire, full neutral with ampacities as indicated on the Drawings (unless otherwise noted).

2. Short circuit withstand ratings shall be as indicated on the Drawings.

3. Where indicated, provide panelboards having a "service entrance" Type UL label with neutrals factory bonded to frame or enclosure.

H. Circuit Breaker Devices

1. Plastic molded case. Completely sealed enclosure. Toggle type operating handle. Trip ampere rating and ON/OFF indication clearly visible.

2. Thermal-magnetic trip-free, trip-indicating, quick- make, quick-break, with inverse time delay characteristics. Single-handle and common tripping multipole breakers.

3. Silver alloy contacts with auxiliary arc-quenching devices.

4. Panelboard must be of the type which will accept the field installation of shunt trip devices of 60 amperes or less on the branch devices.

5. Interrupting capacities shall be as indicated on the Drawings. In general, 120/208 volt devices shall be not less than (10,000 AIC). And 277/480 not less than (14,000 AIC).

6. For lighting circuits that are controlled at panel, provide devices labeled "SWD" for switching purposes.

7. Bolted type terminals UL listed for either aluminum or copper 75 degrees C

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PANELBOARDS SECTION 16134 - 4 cables.

8. Minimum Frame

a. For 120/208 volt lighting panels: quick-lug.

b. For power panels and mains: EHB and E

9. Provide main breakers in panels served from transformers.

10. Locate next to each breaker or space unit an individual number.



A. Mount panel 4 feet to panel center but with maximum height of 6 feet 6 inches to handle of topmost switching device.

B. Mount surface type panels a minimum 1 inch off wall on channels.

C. Connect feed-through panels to main feeder by insulated parallel gutter taps. Full-size tap for two panels on a common feeder, half the main cable capacity for three or more panels per feeder.

D. Where flush mounted, the fire integrity of the wall in which it is installed must be maintained.

E. Neatly arrange branch circuit wires and tie together in each gutter with Thomas & Betts nylon "Ty-Raps", or approved equal at minimum 4 inch intervals.

F. Plug all knockouts removed and not utilized.


A. Vacuum all backboxes clean of debris after installation and prior to final payment.

B. Touch up scratch marks, etc. with matching paint.


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A. General: Provide wiring devices in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Switches and receptacles shall be of the same manufacturer.

B. Occupancy sensors shall be certified for operation with specific ballasts utilized in controlled lighting fixtures.

C. Occupancy sensors shall have a minimum three year warranty.

D. Reference shall be made to the drawings for additional wiring devices not noted in this section of the specifications.

E. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of ten (10) years experience in the manufacture of wiring devices similar to those specified on this project.

F. Manufacturer shall have ISO-9002 certification.


A. Switches: Federal Specifications WS-896E.

B. Receptacles: Federal Specification WC596-D, NEMA WD-1, and UL 498.

C. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Receptacles: UL 943 Class A.

D. Wall Dimmers: ANSI C62,41,Ul 20.


A. Manufacturer’s product data sheets.

B. Occupancy sensor layout drawings, 1/16 inch scale, including interwiring of switchpacks and control devices.


A. Device and coverplate colors shall be ivory unless otherwise indicated on the architectural drawings:

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C. Switches and receptacles connected to the emergency power system shall be red.



A. Catalog numbers shall not be used to determine colors of devices and coverplates. Catalog numbers are used to establish minimum acceptable standard.

B. Switches and Receptacles: Hubbell or lass and Seymour.

C. Wall Dimmers: Lutron or equivalent.


A. General:

1. Switches shall be of the type indicated on the Drawings.

2. Switches shall be commercial specification grade, quiet type, 20A, 120/277V, 1 HP rated at 120V, 2HP rated at 240V, back and side wired, silent handle operation.

3. Switch with pilot light shall be specified for applications where the load to be controlled is not in sight. Pilot light shall be long life, neon type and shall be on when the load is on.

B. Lighting Switches:

1. Toggle Handle Type

a. Single pole: Hubbell: HBL1221.

b. 3-way: Hubbell: HBL1223.

c. 4-way: Hubbell: HBL1224.

C. Illuminated Handle Switches:

1. Toggle Handle Type

a. Single pole: Hubbell: HBL122.

b. 3-way: Hubbell: HBL 1223.

2.03 RECEPTACLES The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. General:

1. Receptacles shall be of the type indicated on the Drawings.

2. Receptacles shall be heavy duty 20A specification grade, 125V, grounding type, back and side wired.

B. Receptacles:

1. Duplex, 20A: Hubbell: HBL5362 [color].

C. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Receptacles:

1. Duplex 20A: Hubbell Tamper Resistant: [Commercial] [GFR5362 – [Color ?]]

D. Weatherproof Receptacles and Cover:

1. Exterior weatherproof outlet shall be Hubbell. While in use, cast aluminum, 1 gang vertical, GFCI receptacle Catalog #WP26M or approved equivalent.


A. Wall dimmers shall be suitable for control of the load type (incandescent, low voltage, or fluorescent), load capacity, and branch circuit voltage of the lighting fixtures controlled.

B. Thin profile, linear slide to off control, power failure memory, front accessible service switch.

C. Lutron Nova T-Star thin profile series, or equal.


A. Single and combination types to match corresponding wiring devices.

1. Plate-Securing Screws: Metal with head color to match plate finish.

2. Material for Finished Spaces: 0.035-inch-thick, satin-finished stainless steel.

3. Material for Damp Locations: Cast aluminum with spring-loaded lift cover, and listed and labeled for use in “wet locations”.


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A. General:

1. The exact location of wiring devices shall be determined by location of equipment and as detailed on the Architectural Drawings. Prior to installation the Owner has the right to have the devices relocated 25’-0” at no cost.

2. Devices mounted above counters shall be 2 inches above the top of the backsplash to the bottom of the coverplate.

B. Switches:

1. Mount switches vertically with the ON position on top.

2. Mount switches on the strike side of doors, unless otherwise detailed on the drawings.

C. Receptacles:

1. Mount receptacles vertically with the grounding pin on top.

2. Provide conventional style duplex receptacles in mechanical and electrical equipment rooms and janitor closets. Provide designer style type duplex receptacles to match rocker handle type lighting switches in all other areas.

D. Coverplates:

1. Install device plates in full contact with wall surface. Plates shall not project out from the wall.

2. Coverplates for multiple gang wall dimmers shall be continuous flush type tailored to match wall dimmer physical dimensions.


A. Receptacles: Identify panelboard and circuit number from which served. Use hot, stamped or engraved machine printing with [black][white][red]-filled lettering on face of plate, and durable wire markers or tags inside outlet boxes.


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A. All power wiring and connections for all motors including starters, controllers, and breakers as indicated on the drawings and the riser diagrams shall be furnished and installed by this Contractor.


A. The motors that are an integral part of the machine they drive shall be set under other divisions of the specifications, but all loose motors, breakers, starting and control equipment furnished under other divisions of the specifications shall be received on the curb, transported, stored, set and connected under this division of the specifications.

B. Motors shall be connected in a neat and skillful manner. Ones delivered with terminal boxes that are inadequate shall be equipped with special boxes that suit the conditions.

C. In general, rigid conduit or tubing shall be used, but motors that require movement or ones that would transmit vibration to conduit shall be wired with liquid tight flexible steel conduit not over 18" long.

D. All motors shall be grounded with a green covered ground wire run inside the conduit and connected to motor frame on one end and to grounding system on the other end.

E. Motors and their starters are only approximately located on the drawings and the Contractor shall allow for the relocation that developed conditions may demand.

F. The location of motors, starters and control equipment and the arrangement to be followed shall be determined on the job jointly by the Contractor whose equipment is involved, this Contractor and the Owner.

G. Starting equipment shall be either wall mounted or free standing, as best suits conditions. If free standing, this Contractor shall make and install a suitable frame structural steel to accommodate it.

H. Furnish and install one motor snap switch of the proper size for disconnect of each The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

MOTOR WIRING AND CONTROL WIRING SECTION 16151 - 1 single phase motor indicated on the drawings.



A. All control wiring shall be furnished and installed under Division 15 of the Specifications for motors and electrical equipment furnished under Division 15 of the Specifications.

B. Furnish all control wiring as shown on the drawings for this Division of the Contract.

C. Unless specifically indicated on the drawings or specified hereinafter to the contrary, all control devices such as starters, pushbuttons, limit switches, etc. are furnished with the equipment.

D. This Contractor shall receive and store all electrical equipment to be installed by him.


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A. Provide disconnect switches in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest provisions and latest recommendations of the following:

1. UL Standards #98 (File #4776) and #508.

2. Federal Specification W-S-865C.

3. NEMA Standard KSI-1975.

4. UL 20 and Federal Specification Test Standards for Toggle Switches.


A. Submit manufacturers' data for all disconnect switches.



A. Heavy-duty, single-throw with quick-make, quick-break mechanism, capable of full load operations, shall meet NEMA and U.S. Government specifications for Class A switches.

B. Provide with contact arc-quenching devices, such as magnetic blowouts or snuffing plates. Provide self- aligning switchblades with silver alloy contact areas and designed so that arcing upon making and breaking does not occur on the final contact surfaces. Provide with high-pressure, spring-loaded contact. Mount switch parts on high-grade insulating base.

C. Enclosure: NEMA I with hinged door, and defeatable interlock when switch is in "On" position and can be positively padlocked in "On" and "Off" positions. Utilize NEMA 3R (rain-tight) enclosure for exterior installations. NEMA 3R enclosures must be galvanized.

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DISCONNECT SWITCHES SECTION 16170 - 1 D. Size, fusing and number of poles as shown or as required. Where fused, the devices must be provided with UL listed rejection feature to reject all but Class R fuses. Provide horsepower rated switch to match motor load if no size is shown. Use 3 pole plus solid neutral switches on four wire circuits and 3 pole switches on all other circuits unless otherwise noted.

E. Lugs must be UL listed for aluminum and/or copper conductors and be front removable.

F. Manufacturer to be the same as that for transformers, switchgear, etc.

G. Acceptable manufacturers: Square D, Eaton, or General Electric.



A. Each piece of equipment utilizing multi-phase power shall be supplied with a safety-type disconnect switch.

B. Each piece of equipment utilizing single-phase power but protected at over 30 amperes shall be supplied with a safety-type disconnect switch.

C. Equipment other than mentioned above may utilize a toggle type manual control switch properly sized and rated for the equipment it disconnects.

D. Factory installed disconnect switches may be used to satisfy the above requirements with the Architect's prior approval.


A. Disconnect switches shall be mounted on adjacent wall or from the floor with independent supports unless indicated otherwise on drawings.

B. Disconnect switches shall be mounted on adjacent wall or from the floor with independent supports. Switches shall not be mounted on fan housing.


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A. Provide fuses in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest applicable provisions and latest recommendations of the following:

1. UL Standard #198.


A. Provide a complete set of shop drawings to include let-thru curves for each type of fuse, a schedule of spare fuse cabinets with a listing of fuses provided within each spare fuse cabinet, and dimensioned drawings of each spare fuse cabinet by type and size.



A. Mains, Feeders and Branch Circuits

1. General a. All fuses shall be labeled as UL Class L or UL Class R, current limiting and rated for up to 200,000 amperes. Time delay Class R fuses shall be so labeled.

2. Main Service and all Feeder Circuits a. Fuses over 600 amperes shall be UL Class L. Fuses up to 600 amperes shall be UL Class RK1. If fuses directly feed motors or transformers, they shall be UL RK1, labeled Time-delay.

3. Branch Circuits a. Feeding circuit breaker panels shall be UL Class RK1. b. Feeding motor circuits shall be UL Class RK5 labeled as Time-delay.

c. Other than motor or circuit breakers shall be UL RK5 (non time-delay). The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


4. All fuses shall be so selected as to provide a selectively coordinated system.

5. All fuses shall be of the same manufacturer.

6. All fuses to be of the Class R type.

B. Spares: Upon completion of the building, the contractor shall provide the Owner with spare fuses as indicated below:

1. 10 percent (minimum of 3) of each type and rating of installed fuses shall be supplied as spares.

2. Spare fuse cabinets shall be provided to store the above spares. 3. Spare fuse cabinets shall be provided as a minimum in the following locations:

a. Each main switchgear room. b. Each major mechanical equipment room.

C. Manufacturers 1. Littelfuse, Bussmann, Gould-Shawmut.



A. Fuses shall not be installed until equipment is ready to be energized.

B. All fuses shall be provided by the Electrical Contractor.


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A. General: Provide a low impedance grounding system in accordance with the Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the latest applicable provisions and latest recommendations of the following:

1. Underwriters Laboratory Standard No. UL 467

2. ANSI C-1 1978.



A. Furnish and install an electrical grounding system as indicated on the Construction Documents and as specified herein.

B. Grounding systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the local authorities, NEC Section 250, and subject to the approval of the Architect.

C. All ground wires and bonding jumpers shall be stranded copper installed in conduit. All ground wires shall be without joints and splices over its entire length.


A. The system neutral shall be grounded at the service entrance only, and kept isolated from grounding systems throughout the building.

B. Each system of continuous metallic piping and ductwork shall be grounded in accordance with the requirements of the NEC Section 250.

C. Bond each section of switchboard housing and service conduits entering switchboards to ground bus.

D. Metal conduits and portions of metallic piping and duct systems which are isolated by flexible connections, insulated couplings, etc., shall be bonded to the equipment ground with a flexible bonding jumper, or separate grounding conductor.

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E. All conduits, metal raceways, boxes, cabinets, etc. installed by this Contractor and all motors and equipment connected shall be properly bonded and grounded.

F. In all feeders and branch circuits install a green colored ground wire to each panel, cabinet, receptacle, motor or a piece of control equipment.

G. The green ground wires shall be extended and connected to the ground bus in the panels or equipment enclosure. Neutral wiring system shall not be used for this purpose. Green ground wire shall be connected to all junction or pull boxes through which they pass and to all cabinet and panel enclosures.

H. This ground wire shall be run in same conduit as phase and neutral wires feeding equipment, motor or receptacles and conduit size shall be increased if necessary. This conductor shall be installed whether or not shown on the drawings and shall be sized in accordance with NEC but shall not be smaller than #12 AWG. Motors shall be grounded by a grounding terminal in their connection box. Tie all ground wires together in panels and connect to ground bus in panel cabinet.

I. All electrical equipment including lighting fixtures shall be grounded in the same manner as motors. All equipment shall be solidly grounded to the green covered wire and this Contractor shall furnish grounding lugs as required.



A. Grounding connections and splices shall be brazed molded exothermic welded, bolted clamp terminal or pressure- connector type. Bolted connections and pressure- connectors shall be used for connections to removable equipment. Brazed connections shall be made where noted on drawings.


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A. General: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Divisions 1 Specification sections apply to this section.


A. General: Transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS) or surge protection device (SPD) is the description and equipment required for the protection of all AC electrical circuits and electronic equipment from the effects of lightning induced voltages, external switching transients and internally generated switching transients.


A. General: The latest edition of the following standards and publications shall comply to the work of this section:

1. ANSI/IEEE C84.1-1989, American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment - Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz) 2. ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991, Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low- Voltage AC Power Circuits 3. ANSI/IEEE C62.45-1992, IEEE Guide on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits 4. The SPD units and all components shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest applicable UL standard (UL 1449, 2nd Edition dated February 5, 2005, compliance required February 9, 2007), UL 1283 and CSA certified per CSA 22.2. 5. TVSS units shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and covered by Underwriters Laboratories Certification and Follow up services. Testing or listing to the UL 1449 standard by laboratories other than Underwriters Laboratories is not acceptable. 6. The UL 1449 suppression voltage ratings (SVR) and CSA label shall be permanently affixed to the Series Surge Protective Device (SPD). 7. Underwriters Laboratories, UL 1283, Standard for Safety - Electromagnetic Interference Filters 8. National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 780 - National Electrical Code 9. IEEE Standard 142-1991, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Green Book) 10. ANSI/IEEE Standard 141-1999, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (IEEE Red Book) 11. IEEE Standard 1100-1999, IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment (IEEE Emerald Book)

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Transient Voltage Surge Suppression 16472 - 1

12. FIPS Pub 94, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication - Guideline on Electrical Power for ADP Installations 13. National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association LS-1, 1992 (NEMA LS-1) 14. MIL Standard 220A Method of Insertion-loss Measurement 15. ISO 9001:1994, Quality Systems - Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing


A. Equivalent

B. The manufacturer shall submit a written statement indicating that a factory authorized representative inspected the installation. The installing contractor shall submit a checkout memorandum to the manufacturer. The memorandum shall indicate the date the equipment is placed into service and the actual method of installation. Submit three copies to the specifying engineer.

C. All surge protective devices for service entrance, distribution, and branch circuit protection within a facility shall be provided by a single manufacturer.

D. The manufacturer must be regularly engaged in the manufacture of surge suppression products for the specified categories for no less than ten (10) years.


A. The SPD and supporting components shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of substantial completion of service and activation of the system to which the suppressor is attached.

B. An SPD that shows evidence of failure or incorrect operation during the warranty period shall be replaced free of charge. Since “Acts of Nature” or similar statements typically include the threat of lightning to which the SPDs shall be exposed, any such clause limiting warranty responsibility in the general conditions of this specification shall not apply to this section. That is, the warranty is to cover the effects of lightning, single phasing, and all other electrical anomalies. The warranty shall cover the entire device, not just various components, such as modules only.

C. The installation of SPDs in or on electrical distribution equipment shall in no way compromise or violate equipment listing, labeling, or warranty of the distribution equipment.


A. The transient voltage surge suppression submittals shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following information:

1. Data for each suppressor type indicating conductor sizes, conductor types, and connection configuration and lead lengths.

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Transient Voltage Surge Suppression 16472 - 2

2. Manufacturer’s certified test data indicating the ability of the product to meet or exceed requirements of this specification.

3. Drawings, with dimensions, indicating SPD mounting arrangement and lead length configuration, and mounting arrangement of any optional remote diagnostic equipment and assemblies.

4. List and detail all protection systems such as fuses, disconnecting means and protective materials.

5. SPD wiring, bonding, and grounding connections shall be indicated on the wiring diagrams for each system. Include installation details demonstrating mechanical and electrical connections to equipment to be protected.

6. If requested, a sample of each suppressor type shall be submitted for use in testing and evaluation.

7. Provide verification that the SPD device complies with the required UL 1449 2nd edition. At a minimum, the complete UL File number covering the submitted TVSS devices shall be provided.




1. SPDs shall be listed in accordance with UL 1449 Second Edition, Standard for Safety, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors and UL 1283, Standard for Safety, Electromagnetic Interference Filters.

2. The SPD shall protect all modes and there shall be seven discrete suppression circuits: 3 modes connected Line to Ground, 3 modes connected Line to Neutral, and 1 mode connected Neutral to Ground for a 3-phase, 4-wire, plus ground voltage system. Line to Neutral to Ground is not an acceptable substitute for Line to Ground. Line to Neutral to Line and Line to Ground to Line (in combination) will be acceptable for Line to Line protection.

3. All SPDs must have passed the UL 1449 Second Edition Fault Current Test with a Rating of 200,000 AIC. Documentation substantiating this claim must be provided.

4. SPDs shall use a separate path to building ground; the equipment safety ground is not to be used as a transient ground path.

5. All SPDs are to be an MOV-based design and are not to include SAD technology as a means of suppression.

6. The maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) of all components shall not be less than 125% for a 120V system and 115% for 220, 240, 277, and 480V systems.

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Transient Voltage Surge Suppression 16472 - 3

7. Standard diagnostic features are to include green LEDs (one per phase - normally on) indicating power and suppression status and a set of normally open/normally closed Form C dry-relay contacts.

8. Extended diagnostics must include an audible alarm and surge counter to be displayed on an LCD display on the front of the suppressor. The surge counter must include a reset option. The audible alarm must include a mute option. Products requiring an optional diagnostic test kit to verify operational status are not acceptable.


1. The SPD for this location shall be indicated as [TVSS TYPE 1] on project drawings.

2. The service entrance TVSS equipment shall meet or exceed the minimum performance criteria as follows:

a. The SPDs shall be Innovative Technology model “PTX400-xxxxx-D-SD” or equivalent by Current Technology or Leibert.

b. The single-impulse surge-current rating shall be a minimum of 400,000 Amperes per phase (200,000 Amperes per mode).

c. The UL 1449 Second Edition Suppressed Voltage Rating for the following configurations shall not exceed the following:

Voltage Configuration L-G L-N N-G

120/208V (3Y101) 400V 400V 400V

277/480V (3Y201) 800V 800V 800V

d. SPDs shall be of compact design. The mounting position of the SPD shall allow a straight and short lead-length connection between the SPD and the point of connection in the panelboard.

e. Visual indication of proper SPD connection and operation shall be easily viewed on the front panel of the enclosure. The indicator lights shall indicate suppression circuit status, phase status, phase loss, reduced protection level and suppression fault.

f. The SPD shall be equipped with an integral disconnect switch or be available as an option.

g. A set of normally open/normally closed Form “C” dry contacts shall be provided for remote monitoring.

h. The enclosure type shall have a minimum of a NEMA 4 rating.

i. SPDs shall have a diagnostics LCD panel display providing information on phase loss (specific to each phase), surge/transient event count, The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

Transient Voltage Surge Suppression 16472 - 4

stored cumulative surge/transient event history, and technical support information. j. SPDs shall be equipped with an audible alarm with mute, reset and acknowledge features.

k. The device must be certified to withstand a minimum of 20,000 Category C3 (Combination wave - 20,000 Volts - 1.2x50us OCV and 10,000 Amps - 8x20us SCC as defined by ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991) impulses with less than 10% change in the baseline to final let-through voltage. This data must be submitted as an independently verified and certified test report.

l. The maximum value for the attenuation for the suppressor must exceed a minimum of 33 dB. All measurements for this requirement must be taken using the MIL STD 220A method and with only six (6) inches of lead length extending outside of the normal exit location of leads for the enclosure. Test results taken with leads extending past six (6) inches are not acceptable or compliant. Additional or excessive lead length used in the test setup is not acceptable.



A. The installing contractor shall install the parallel SPD with short and straight conductors as practically possible.

B. The contractor shall follow the SPD manufacturer’s recommended installation practice as found in the equipment installation instructions.

C. The installation shall apply to all applicable codes.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

Transient Voltage Surge Suppression 16472 - 5




A. 1. Section includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the furnishing and installation of all lighting as indicated on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as necessary for the proper and complete performance of the work.

2. Major items: a. Interior lighting fixtures.

b. Exterior lighting fixtures.

c. Emergency lighting.

d. Exit lighting.

e. Lighting controls.

f. Lamps installed in fixtures.

g. Adequate fixture supporting systems.


A. Except as herein specified or as indicated on the Drawings, the work of this Section shall comply with the following:

1. ANSI-UL Standards a. 924 - Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment.

b. 935 - Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

c. 1570 - Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures

d. 1571 - Incandescent Lighting Fixtures

e. 1572 - High Intensity Discharge Fixtures

2. NFPA The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


a. 70 – NEC

b. 101 - Life Safety


A. No substitutions will be accepted after bids are received. The lighting equipment specified herein has been carefully chosen for its ability to meet luminous performance requirements of this project. Substitutions in all likelihood will be unable to meet all of the same criteria as specified equipment. No exceptions.

B. When only one manufacturer is listed within the description of the luminaire, the design engineering of architectural aesthetics will not allow substitution of another manufacturer. The contractor shall provide a separate list of unit costs for these luminaries with shop drawings. Shop drawings will not be reviewed without unit cost information.

C. When more than one manufacturer is listed within the description of the luminaire, the design engineering or architectural aesthetics will allow the Contractor to choose one of the manufacturers listed, but no other substitution will be acceptable.

D. When one or more manufacturers and the words "or equivalent" appear within the fixture description, the Contractor may elect to submit to Engineer a substitute fixture for review. All submittals must be made within 14 days prior to the bid date to provide ample time for review and to issue an addendum incorporating the substitution.

E. Substitution submittals shall consist of a physical description, dimensioned drawing and complete photometric and electric data of the proposed lamp and luminaire. Working samples of lamp and luminaire substitutions must also be supplied for visual check of finish and operating characteristics. Photometric reports must list the actual candela values for the luminaire's distribution in at least three planes. Candela curves, footcandle and lumen tables and iso-footcandle contours are not acceptable. No substitutions will be considered without compliance with this paragraph. Contractor will be responsible for all cost, (engineering time, manufacturer's costs, distributor costs) incurred to replace equipment not approved if substitutions are made by the distributor, manufacturers representative, or subcontractor.

F. Once Bids, Shop Drawings, are approved, all lighting is to be ordered in a timely manner. The Contractor is then to inform the Engineer immediately, in writing, the date when equipment orders are completed and delivery scheduled.

1.04 SUBMITTALS The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Submit shop drawings and manufacturers' data for the following items in accordance with the conditions of the contract and as specified below.

1. Major luminaries and special luminaries shall show full size cross sections. Indicate finished dimensions, metal thicknesses, and materials.

2. Show mounting details, including hung ceiling construction.

3. Indicate type of ballast and manufacturer and ballast quantity and location. Include information as to power factor, input watts, and ballast factor.

4. Shop drawings shall include a complete listing of all luminaries on a single sheet. This listing of shall contain the luminaire type, manufacturer's catalog number, applied voltage, lamps and ballasts.

5. Submit manufacturer's fixtures and accessories Shop Drawings and data in booklet form, including rough-in dimensions, instructions for installation and maintenance.


A. Protect lighting fixtures and work against dirt, water or mechanical damage before, during, and after installation. Damage prior to final acceptance shall satisfactorily be repaired or replaced at no cost to the Owner.



A. General: 1. Provide all lighting fixtures in accordance with Lighting Fixture Schedule and as indicated and required on Drawings.

2. Fixture catalog numbers only indicates type and style. Provide each fixture complete with proper fixture trim, levelers, mounting brackets, flanges, plaster rings, glassware, and accessories for complete installation as required for type of ceiling and room finish schedules. 3. All plastic diffusers used in lighting fixtures shall be manufactured of 100 percent virgin acrylic plastic.

4. Provide approved enclosures where recessed in fire rated ceilings.

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5. Provide gaskets as required to prevent light spill between frames and ceilings.

6. Provide "wet" labels on all fixtures installed outdoors or in moist areas.

7. Provide continuity of ground on all fixtures used as raceways and mounted end to end.

8. All metal parts to be chemically treated with a rust resistant phosphatized solution, reflecting surfaces to have factor of minimum 90%.

9. Provide luminaries, completely factory-assembled and wired and equipped with necessary sockets, ballasts, wiring, shielding, reflectors, channels, lenses, etc., and deliver to job ready for installation.

10. Parabolic Luminaire Care: Parabolic luminaries to be installed with Mylar cover over louvers. Cover shall be U.L. listed for temporary lighting. Upon completion of work, remove Mylar cover with white glove and blow clean reflectors.

11. Finish: Porcelain or banked enamel finish matte white on interiors with minimum test reflectance of 90% matte white finish or as specified in visible exterior. Thoroughly clean base metal and bonderize after fabrication.

12. Sockets: Incandescent lamp socket -- porcelain housings over copper screw shells, with medium base sockets rated at 660 watts and 250 volts. Insulating joint in pull chains. Fluorescent lampholder -- white, heat-resistant plastic rated 660 watts and 600 volts. Fluorescent industrial sockets--heavy- duty sockets for HID luminaries where mounted less than 8'-0" AFF.

13. Luminaire Wiring: Minimum individual luminaire wiring -- number 18 gauge with insulation with rated operating temperature of 105 degrees Centigrade or higher. Terminate wiring for recessed luminaries, except fluorescent units, in an external splice box.

14. Recessed incandescent luminaries shall be furnished with thermal protection in accordance with Article 410-65 of the NEC.

15. Where installed outdoors, in garage areas or in spaces open to the exterior, provide each fluorescent lamp with an OSHA approved tube guard as manufactured by McGill manufacturing Company. Tube shall have 96% transmission properties.

16. Where utilized as raceway, luminaries shall be suitable for use as raceways. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


Provide feed through splice boxes where necessary. Wiring shall be rated for 90 degrees Centigrade.

B. Lamps:

1. Provide lamps in all fixtures and lamp outlets of proper type voltage and wattage required for fixtures and indicated in Fixture Schedule or as indicated on Drawings.

2. All fluorescent lamps shall be Phillips, General Electric, or equal by Sylvania. All lamps shall be provided by a single manufacturer.

3. Contractor will provide 25% replacement lamps to the Owner of all lamp types upon completion of the job. Provide a typewritten label for each fixture with lamp ordering code number for future maintenance. Locate the label so that it cannot be seen from normal viewing angles.

4. Incandescent 'A' lamps shall be extended service type inside frosted rated at 130 volts.

C. Ballasts (fluorescent and compact fluorescent):

1. All ballasts for T8, T5 and T5 high output lamps shall be of the high frequency electronic type.

2. Ballasts shall carry the UL label for intended use, ETL certification and “A” sound rating, and be equipped with an internal, automatic, resetting thermal protection system (Class “P”). 3. High-intensity discharge ballasts shall be constant wattage auto-transformer type with built-in thermal protection unless otherwise specified. Power factor rating for fluorescent and HID ballasts shall be 90% minimum.

4. Metal halide universal voltage ballasts for 39W, 70W, 100W and 150W lamps shall be electronic type with a power factor greater than 95%, THD < 10%, ballast factor 1.0, current crest factor of 1.2 and current frequency greater than 130Hz as manufactured by Aromat.

5. Ballasts shall be manufactured by Motorola, Universal, Advance, or approved equivalent. All ballasts for each lamp type shall be of the same manufacturer.

6. Fluorescent lamp ballasts shall be high frequency electronic type, instant start-general applications, program rapid start-controlled circuits and T5 lamps, and operating lamps at a frequency of greater than 20 KHZ with no The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


detectable flicker.

7. Contractor is to replace ballasts that the Architect or occupant states are unduly noisy, at no cost to the Owner.

8. All remote stepdown transformers shall be properly wired to fixtures so as to completely eliminate voltage drop, regardless of transformers location.

9. Parallel lamp connection where available.

10. THD < 20%, THD < 10% for compact fluorescent.

11. Current crest factor = 1.7 or less. 12. Ballast factor of minimum .88.

13. All electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps with a diameter of T5 or less shall be provided with shut down circuitry that will interrupt power to the lamp at end of life.

14. The conductors between ballasts and lampholders shall have an approved insulation for 1000 volts. This includes conductors to and from remote ballasts.

15. Provide universal voltage (120v-10% through 277v + 10%) ballasts.

16. Ballasts for control of lamps in one housing or fixture until shall not control lamps of an adjoining unit, except as otherwise noted.

17. Electronic ballasts shall be covered by a five-year full service warranty for replacement ballast and labor. All other ballasts shall be covered for one full year and one year pro-rated as per standard manufacturer's warranty against defects. Guarantee to include labor for replacing defective ballast with new ballast.

D. Fusing

All HID fixtures shall be completed with a fuse in each phase conductor, located within the fixture.

E. Emergency Lighting

1. Emergency lighting systems shall be as indicated in Drawings, complete with all equipment, including fixtures, lamps, batteries, conduit, boxes and wiring. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


2. This equipment is to provide instantaneous emergency lighting in the event of a power failure by means of batteries controlled by solid state controls.

3. Where indicated on fixture schedule and/or on drawings, provide emergency ballasts in light fixtures. The emergency ballasts shall consist of a high- temperature, maintenance-free nickel-cadmium battery and electronic circuitry contained in a red metal case. A solid-state charging indicator light to monitor the charger and battery, a double-pole test switch, and installation hardware shall be provided. The emergency ballast shall be capable of operating one fluorescent lamp at 1100 to 1400 lumens initial light output in the emergency mode for a minimum of 90 minutes. The ballast shall meet or exceed emergency standards set forth by the NEC and shall be UL listed for installation inside, on top of, or remote from the fixture. It shall be warranted for a full five years from the date of purchase. Ballasts shall be Model B50 as manufactured by Bodine or an approved equal.

F. Exit Lighting

1. Exit lighting system shall be as indicated on Drawings.

2. Equipment shall be complete with lamps.

3. Where indicated as such, provide battery pack and charge for illumination under power failure conditions.

4. Equipment shall meet BOCA, OSHA, NFPA and NEC illumination standards.



A. General

1. Examine architectural and other pertinent details and ceiling and wall construction and finish being installed.

2. Lighting fixture catalog numbers and mounting indicated on the electrical drawings are for general bidding information only.

3. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to determine what suspension or mounting method is required and provide fixtures complete with all trim, flanges, brackets, levelers, etc. required for mounting at the location The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121




A. General

Install outlets, surface mounted, recessed or semi-recessed fixtures to maintain the alignment, spacings, layout and general arrangements indicated in the Drawings. Obtain approval of ENGINEER for all changes in layout required to avoid interferences with other trades.

B. Coordination:

1. Work incorporating with ceiling trades in locating and framing recessed fixtures in acoustical tile pattern or grid system to conform to layout.

2. Inform affected trades of the location and framing details necessary for the installation of flush fixtures and deliver all framing rings of these fixtures that become a part of the ceiling construction.

3. Before equipment is ordered, electrical contractor to review luminaire and ceiling mechanical compatibility in each area and verify luminaire on the drawings. Contractor shall be responsible for all fixture quantities, lengths and clearances required and shall inform the ARCHITECT of the job conditions at variance with the fixture(s) specified or detailed which affect installation or location. (All stages of installation).

4. Mechanical and electrical contractors are to review and coordinate lighting locations in relationship to mechanical systems to minimize conflicts prior to installation. Electrical contractor is to submit a written memo with minutes of these meetings to both the Architect and Engineer.

5. This contractor is responsible for coordinating the characteristics and the U.L. labeling of the luminaries and their components with the ambient conditions which will exist when the luminaries are installed. No extra compensation will be permitted for failure to coordinate the luminaries with their ambient conditions.

C. Mounting and Supports

1. Install luminaries in mechanical and unfinished areas after ductwork and piping installation. Locate fixtures 8 feet 6 inches above the floor, or at suitable locations within space on walls but not lower than 7'-0" AFF. Where mounted lower than 8'-6" luminaries shall be protected by an approved wire The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



2. Where fluorescent luminaries are surface mounted, they shall be labelled for such and a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch air space and shall be maintained between top of luminaire and mounting surface by an approved means.

3. Pendant mounted units shall comply with the following:

a. Where luminaries are mounted in a continuous row, luminaries, eight feet in length shall have stems placed within 2'-0" apart. Stems shall be spaced symmetrically. A fixture, four feet or three feet in length, placed in a row, shall have a stem connected to center luminaire.

b. Individual luminaries, four feet in length, shall have two stems placed approximately 3 inches from each end.

c. Individual luminaire, three feet in length, shall have dual stems and a single canopy.

d. Each stem shall have a brass or steel swivel or other self-aligning device of type approved by the Architect/Engineer.

4. Where luminaries are mounted on surface-mounted outlet boxes in surface mounted conduit runs, this Contractor shall furnish and install a luminaire canopy sufficiently deep to permit exposed conduits to pass through. Canopy shall have proper openings cut by luminaire manufacturer through which conduits may pass. Submit sample of canopy for approval before installation.

5. Prior to final payment, this contractor shall clean all luminaries and replace all lamps. He shall also touch up all scratch marks, etc. in an approved manner.

6. Provide a minimum of two support points for all surface, pendant or recessed mounted luminaries. The supports shall be tied to the building structural system. The support points shall be totally independent of the ceiling system.

7. Recessed luminaries to be installed in metal panel or acoustic modular ceilings shall be modified as required to fit into openings in ceiling construction. This contractor shall coordinate and verify this work with the General Construction Contractor. Shop Drawings showing details shall be submitted for approval.

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8. All luminaries hung ceilings are to be installed with earthquake clips.

D. Emergency Systems Raceway and Hook-up

1. Circuit wiring for the emergency systems shall be installed in separate raceway and kept entirely independent of all other wiring and equipment.

2. Replace all burned out incandescent and dimmed lamps.


A. At project completion, before final approval:

1. Aim adjustable fixtures as directed and observe and adjust at night as required.

2. Clean interior of all fixtures, all lens and lamps.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



Part 1 - GENERAL


The following specifications detail the minimum performance and related criteria for occupancy sensors proposed for this project. Any deviations from this specification must be documented in writing and submitted to the Architect prior to the issuance of any contracts and must also include all associated cost savings or additions, including but not limited to equipment, equipment installation, power wiring labor and materials, programming, documentation and project management.

A. Section Includes

Provide, install and test an occupancy sensor control system as specified herein for the areas indicated on the drawings and specifications.


A. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)

B. National Electrical Code (NEC)

C. Passive Infrared (PIR)

D. Passive Infrared/Microphonic (PDT)


A. The Occupancy Sensor system shall sense the presence of human activity within the desired space and fully control the “On” / “Off” function of the loads automatically. Sensors shall turn “On” the load within 2 feet of entrance and shall not initiate “On” outside of entrance. Sensing technologies shall be completely passive in nature. The occupancy sensor system shall not emit or interfere with any electronic device, or human characteristic. Acceptable technologies are Passive Infrared (PIR), Microphonic, Ultrasonic, and/or Passive Dual Technology - PIR/Microphonic or PIR/Ultrasonic (PDT). Time Delay settings shall be factory set at 10 minutes, and shall not be adjusted unless specifically instructed by Architect. This delay selection is based on lamp life vs. energy savings and sensor performance. Maximum adjustment shall be 20 minutes. Automatic adjustments to this delay period by the sensor shall not be permitted. Installer, in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation, shall determine final sensor location. All sensors shall The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121





A. The work covered in this section is subject to all of the requirements in the General Conditions of the Specifications. Contractor shall coordinate all of the work in this section with all of the trades covered in other sections of the specification to provide a complete and operable system. All Labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation and services necessary for and incidental to performing all operations in connection with furnishing, delivery and installation of the work of this Section.


A. Furnish and install a complete system for the control of lighting and other equipment as indicated on the plans, detailed in the manufacturer submittal and as further defined herein. Contractor is solely responsible to verify quantity, installation locations and wiring requirements for this project. Specific manufacturers catalog numbers, when listed in this section are for reference only. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify with lighting control manufacturer all catalog information and specific product acceptability.

B. The system shall include but not be limited by the following list: Pre-wired, microprocessor controlled relay panels with electrically held, electronically latched relays. The type of lighting control equipment and wiring specified in this section is covered by the description: Microprocessor Controlled Digital Relay Lighting Control system with RS 485 Bus communications. Requirements are indicated elsewhere in these specifications for work including, but not limited to, raceways and electrical boxes and fittings required for installation of control equipment and wiring. They are not the work of this section.


A. Section 16010 – Shop Drawing Requirements.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit dimensioned drawings of lighting control system and accessories including, but not necessarily limited to, relay panels, switches, DTC, photocells and other interfaces. Shop drawings shall indicate exact location of each device or a RFI to confirm location. Plans are diagrammatical. EC to verify all lighting control material requirements from approved shop drawings. “Cut Sheet” submittal not acceptable.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


C. Product Data: Submit for approval 6 copies of manufacturer's data on the specific lighting control system and components. Submittal shall be in both electronic and hard copy formats. To prevent departures from approved system operation, electronic file submitted shall be able to be directly downloaded to the specified system at manufacturer facility. Submit a complete bill of materials with part numbers, description and voltage specifications.

D. One Line Diagram: Submit a one-line diagram of the system configuration indicating the type, size and number of conductors between each component if it differs from that illustrated in the riser diagram in these specifications. Submittals that show typical riser diagrams are not acceptable.


A. Products shall be manufactured by Lighting Control & Design, Los Angeles, CA, 800.345.4448 or approved equal. Such firms shall be regularly engaged in manufacture of lighting control equipment and ancillary equipment, of types and capacities required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. Any product other than those listed in this specification must be pre- approved a minimum of two weeks before bid time. No exceptions.

B. Control wiring shall be in accordance with the NEC requirements for Class 2 remote control systems, Article 725 and manufacturer specification.

C. A licensed electrician shall functionally test each system component after installation, verify proper operation and confirm that all relay panel and switch wiring conform to the wiring documentation. The Electrical Contractor (EC) is required to phone LC&D a minimum of 7 days before turnover for system checkout. At time of LC&D contact, all components to include phone line to modem must be installed, powered and operational.

D. Comply with NEC and all local and state codes as applicable to electrical wiring work.

E. Lighting control panels shall be UL 916 Listed. LCPs controlling emergency circuits shall be ETL listed to UL 924. Emergency source circuits controlled in normal operation by a relay panel shall fully comply with NEC 700-9(b). Electrical contractor is responsible for verifying compliance.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


F. The lighting control system shall be listed, approved and comply as required with all national, state and local energy codes to include but not limited to California Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1-2004.


A. Division 1 - Execution Requirements: Spare parts and maintenance products.

B. Provide 10% spare relays per LCP, up to the maximum capacity of the LCP.

C. Provide CD version of manufacturers operating software to include graphical interface software.

D. Provide 2 extra sets of as-built and operating manuals.


A. Substitutions are permitted as voluntary alternates. Base bid must reflect the specified equipment.

B. A product must go through the following process before being approved as a substitution:

1. A list of substitutions shall be provided to the owner as an attachment to the bid form. Submit along with bill of material, CD of proposed operating system, and a one line diagram of the system configuration proposed indicating the type, size and number of conductors between each component if it differs from that illustrated in the riser diagram in these specifications.

2. The retainer is for evaluation of the alternate. The retainer is to be used to cover the time spent in this evaluation. The fee will be collected based on time spent in evaluation, not on whether the alternate is accepted. All unused portions will be returned to the contractor with an invoice marked “paid” by the engineer, architect, and/or owner.


A. The lighting control system is a networked system that communicates via RS485. The system must be able to communicate with fully digital centralized relay panels and digital switches. The intent of the specification is to integrate all lighting control into one system, except for areas controlled by a single motion sensor such as rooms with a single

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


luminaire and emergency fixtures designed to operate 24/7. Non- networked, non-digital, non-server capable systems not acceptable.

B. All devices shall be pre-addressed at the factory. Field addressing is not acceptable.

C. All programs, schedules, time of day, etc, shall be held in non-volatile memory for a minimum of 10 years at power failure. At restoration of power, lighting control system shall implement programs required by current time and date.

D. System shall be capable of flashing lights Off/On any relay or any zone prior to the lights being turned Off. The warning interval time between the flash and the final lights off signal shall be definable for each zone. Occupant shall be able to override any scheduled Off sweep using local wall switches within the occupied space. Occupant override time shall be locally and remotely programmable and not exceed 2-hours.

E. The system shall be capable of implementing On commands, Off commands commands for any relay, group or zone by means of digital wall switches or other devices connected to programmable inputs in a lighting control panel.

F. The lighting control system shall provide the ability to control each relay and each relay group per this specifications requirement. All programming and scheduling shall be able to be done locally at the master LCP and remotely via dial up modem and via the Internet. Remote connection to the lighting control system shall provide real time control and real time feedback.



A. Relay Panels:

1. NEMA rated enclosure with screw cover or hinged door. Other NEMA types optional.

2. 16 AWG steel barrier shall separate the high voltage and low voltage compartments of the panel and separate 120v and 277v.

3. LCP input power shall be capable of accepting 120v or 277v without rewiring.

4. Control electronics in the low voltage section shall be capable of driving 2 to 48, 30a, 18,000 SCCR rated latching relays, control The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


any individual or group of relays, provide individual relay overrides, provide a master override for each panel, store all programming in non-volatile memory, after power is restored return system to current state, provide programmable blink warn timers for each relay and every zone, and be able to control relays that default to Open, Normally Open Latching (NOL) or relays that default to Closed, Normally Closed Latching (NCL).

5. All system components shall connect and be controlled via a single Category 5, 4 twisted pair cable with RJ45 connectors, providing real time two-way communication with each system component. Analog systems are not acceptable.

6. The lighting control system is a networked system that communicates via RS485 and includes centralized relay panels. The intent of the specification is to integrate all lighting control into one system. System shall provide local access to all programming functions at the DTC and remote access to all programming functions via dial up modem. Non-networked, non- digital system not acceptable.

C. Standard Output relays

1. UL Listed 30 Amp, Latching, 18,000 SCCR, 277VAC Ballast and HID and 20 Amp Tungsten at 120 Vac.

2. Relays shall be individually replaceable. Relay terminal blocks shall be capable of accepting two (2) #8AWG wires on both the line and the load side. Systems that do not allow for individual relay replacement or additions are not acceptable.

3. Relays to be rated for 250,000 operations minimum at a full 30a lighting load, default to closed at normal power loss, Normally Closed Latching (NCL). All incandescent circuits shall be energized by use of a Normally Closed SoftStart™ (NCSS) relay rated at 100,000 operations at full 20a load. No exceptions.

4. Optional relay types available shall include: Normally Open Latching (NOL) relay rated for 250,000 operations, a 600v 2-pole NO and NC and a Single Pole, Double Throw (SPDT) relay.

D. Low Voltage Switches

1. All switches shall be digital and communicate via RS 485. Contact closure style switches shall not be acceptable. The programming for a digital switch will reside in the switch itself, via double EPROM memory. Any digital switch button function shall be able The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


to be changed locally (at the DTC) or remotely, via modem, Internet or Ethernet.

2. Digital low voltage switch shall be a device that sits on the lighting control system bus. Digital switch shall connect to the system bus using the same cable and connection method required for relay panels. System shall provide capability to locally and remotely program each individual switch button, monitor and change function of each button locally and remotely. Switches requiring low voltage control wires to be moved from one input terminal to another to accomplish these functions are not acceptable.

3. Keyed switches shall be programmable and connect to the lighting controls system bus.

E. DTC - Digital Electronic Time Clock

1. A Digital Time Clock (DTC) shall control and program the entire lighting control system and supply all time functions and accept interface inputs.

2. DTC shall be capable of up to 32 schedules. Each schedule shall consist of one set of On and Off times per day for each day of the week and for each of two holiday lists. The schedules shall apply to any individual relay or group of relays.

3. The DTC shall be capable of controlling up to 126 digital devices on a single bus and capable of interfacing digitally with other individual busses using manufacturer supplied interface cards.

4. The DTC shall accept control locally using built in button prompts and use of a 8 line 21-letter display or modem via an on-board RS 232 port. All commands shall be in plain English. Help pages shall display on the DTC screen.

5. The DTC shall be run from non-volatile memory so that all system programming and real time clock functions are maintained for a minimum of 15 years with loss of power.

6. Pre-Installed modem that allows for remote programming from any location using a PC.

7. DTC shall provide system wide timed overrides. Any relay, group or zone that is overridden On, before or after hours, shall automatically be swept Off by the DTC a maximum of 2 hours later.

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A. Mount relay control cabinets adjacent to respective lighting panelboard. Cabinet shall be surface or flush mount, per plans. Wiring between relay control cabinet and panelboards to be per local codes and acceptable industry standards. Under no circumstances will any extra be authorized for payment to the EC or GC due to the EC’s lack of knowledge or understanding of any and all prevailing codes or specified manufacturer’s installation requirements. Neatly lace and rack wiring in cabinets. During construction process, protect all interior components of each relay panel and each digital switch from dust and debris. Any damage done to electronic components due to non-protection shall be the sole responsibility of the installing contractor.

B. Switches: Provide outlet boxes, single or multi-gang, as shown on the plans for the low voltage digital switches. Mount switches as per plans. Supply faceplates per plans and specifications. EC is specifically responsible to supply and install the required low voltage cable, Category 5, 4 twisted pair, with RJ45 connectors and snagless boots (commonly referred to as Cat 5 patch cable) between all switches and panels. Field- test all Cat 5 patch cable with a recognized cable tester. All low voltage wire to be run in conduit, per local codes.

C. Wiring

1. Do not mix low voltage and high voltage conductors in the same conduit. No exceptions.

2. Ensure low voltage conduits or control wires do not run parallel to current carrying conduits.

3. Place manufacturer supplied “terminators” at each end of the system bus per manufacturers instructions.

4. Neatly lace and rack wiring in cabinets.

5. Plug in Category 5 patch cable that has been field-tested with a recognized cable tester, at the indicated RJ45 connector provided at each lighting control device, per manufacturers instructions.

6. Use Category 5 patch cable for all system low voltage connections. Additional conductors may be required to compensate for voltage drop with specific system designs. Contact LC&D or refer to the GR2400 manual for further

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information. Use shielded cable for inputs to lighting control system.

7. Do not exceed 4000ft-wire length for the system bus.

8. All items on the bus shall be connected in sequence (daisy chained). Star and spur topologies are not acceptable.

9. The specified lighting control system shall be installed by the electrical contractor who shall make all necessary wiring connections to external devices and equipment, to include photocell. EC to wire per manufacturer instructions.


A. Verify that conduit for line voltage wires enters panel in line voltage areas and conduit for low-voltage control wires enters panel on low-voltage areas. Refer to manufacturer's plans and approved shop drawings for location of line and low-voltage areas. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify with lighting control manufacturer all catalog information and specific product acceptability.

B. For approved line voltage type micro relay panel switches connected to matrixed inputs of the micro relay panel, furnish #18 AWG solid conductors. For all other digital switches provide wiring required by system manufacturer.

C. For classroom digital switches provide wiring required by system manufacturer.

D. Contractor to test all low voltage cable for integrity and proper operation prior to turn over. Verify with system manufacturer all wiring and testing requirements. E. Before Substantial Completion, arrange and provide a one-day Owner instruction period to designated Owner personnel. Set-up, commissioning of the lighting control system, and Owner instruction includes:

1. Confirmation of entire system operation and communication to each device.

2. Confirmation of operation of individual relays, switches, occupancy sensors and daylight sensors.

3. Confirmation of system Programming, photocell settings, override settings, etc.

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4. Provide training to cover installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, programming, and repair and operation of the lighting control system.

F. Panels shall be located so that they are readily accessible and not exposed to physical damage.

G. Panel locations shall be furnished with sufficient working space around panels to comply with the National Electric Electrical Code.

H. Panels shall be securely fastened to the mounting surface by at least 4 points.

I. Unused openings in the cabinet shall be effectively closed.

J. Cabinets shall be grounded as specified in the National Electrical Code.

K. Lugs shall be suitable and listed for installation with the conductor being connected.

L. Conductor lengths shall be maintained to a minimum within the wiring gutter space. Conductors shall be long enough to reach the terminal location in a manner that avoids strain on the connecting lugs.

M. Maintain the required bending radius of conductors inside cabinets.

N. Clean cabinets of foreign material such as cement, plaster and paint.

O. Distribute and arrange conductors neatly in the wiring gutters.

P. Follow the manufacturer's torque values to tighten lugs.

Q. Before energizing the panelboard, the following steps shall be taken:

1. Retighten connections to the manufacturer's torque specifications. Verify that required connections have been furnished.

2. Remove shipping blocks from component devices and the panel interior.

3. Remove debris from panelboard interior.

R. Follow manufacturers’ instructions for installation and all low voltage wiring.

S. Service and Operation Manuals:

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1. Submit operation and service manuals. Complete manuals shall be bound in flexible binders and data shall be typewritten or drafted.

2. Manuals shall include instructions necessary for proper operation and servicing of system and shall include complete wiring circuit diagrams of system, wiring destination schedules for circuits and replacement part numbers. Manuals shall include as-built cable Project site plot plans and floor plans indicating cables, both underground and in each building with conduit, and as-built coding used on cables. Programming forms of systems shall be submitted with complete information.

T. Comply with energy code lighting control system “Acceptance Requirements”. Acceptance tests are used to verify that lighting controls were installed and calibrated correctly. These tests may require that a responsible party certify that controls are installed and calibrated properly. This is the installing contractors responsibility. Verify requirements with building authority.


A. Each relay shall have an identification label indicating the originating branch circuit number and panelboard name as indicated on the drawings. Each line side branch circuit conductor shall have an identification tag indicating the branch circuit number.

B. Provide a point-to-point wiring diagram for the entire lighting control system. Diagram must indicate exact mounting location of each system device. This accurate “as built” shall indicate the loads controlled by each relay and the identification number for that relay, placement of switches and location of photocell. Original to be given to owner, copies placed inside the door of each LCP.


A. Start Up: EC shall contact LC&D at least 7 days before turnover of project. LC&D will remotely dial into the lighting control system, run diagnostics and confirm system programming. EC shall be available at the time of dial in to perform any corrections required by LC&D. EC is responsible for coordinating with GC and the owner the installation of a dedicated telephone line or a shared phone line with A/B switch. Phone jack to be mounted within 12” of Master LCP. Label jack with phone number. EC to connect phone line from jack to Master LCP.

B. Telephone factory support shall be available at no additional cost to the EC or Owner both during and after the warranty period. Factory to pre- The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


program the lighting control system per plans and approved submittal, to the extent data is available. The specified manufacturer, at no added cost, shall provide additional remote programming via modem as required by the EC or Owner for the operation life of the system. Upon request manufacturer to provide remote dial up software at no added cost to system owner. No exceptions.

C. Provide a factory technician for on-site training of the owners’ representatives and maintenance personnel. Coordinate timing with General Contractor. Provide 1 day of factory on-site training.


A. Division 1 - Execution Requirements: Final cleaning.

B. Clean all switch faceplates.


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A. This specification covers the fabrication, furnishing, delivery and installation of a Theatrical Dimming and Lighting Control System. The form of the contract, general conditions, and the project drawings, are considered to be part of these specifications.


A The Electrical Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits and inspections required by laws, ordinances, rules and regulations having jurisdiction for work included under this Contract.

B. The electrical installation shall comply fully with all local, county and state laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to electrical installations.

C. Submit certificates issued by approved authorized agencies to indicate conformance of all work with the above requirements, as well as any additional certificates as may be required for the performance of this contract work.

D. Should any change in Drawings or Specifications be required to comply with governmental regulations, the Contractor shall notify Owner prior to execution of the work. The work shall be carried out according to the requirements of such code in accordance with the instruction of the Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner.


A. The Electrical Contractor, as part of the work of this section, shall provide, install and test a complete theatrical dimming and lighting control system with motorized rigging as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings.

B. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish all conduit, pipe, wire, connectors, hardware and other incidental items necessary for the complete and proper operation of the lighting control system.

C. Coordinate all work described in this section with all other applicable plans and specifications.

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D. The Electrical Contractor shall examine the drawings and specifications carefully, visit the site, and fully inform him/herself as to all existing conditions and limitations, prior to agreeing to perform the work. Failure to visit the site and become familiar with the existing conditions and limitations shall, in no way, relieve the Division 26 Electrical Contractor from furnishing any materials or performing any work in accordance with the drawings and specifications without additional cost to the Owner.

E. The Electrical Contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions in the field prior to commencing work. Where dimensions and elevations of existing construction could affect the new construction, it is the Electrical Contractor’s responsibility to make field measurements in time for their incorporation in the Shop Drawings. The Architect and Owner shall be notified of any discrepancies that may exist.

F. Work not indicated on a part of the drawings but reasonably implied to be similar to that shown at corresponding places, shall be included in the Division 26 Electrical Contractor’s work.

H. All dimensions, elevations, and descriptions of existing conditions have been established from available drawings and other data and shall not be construed as fact. The Electrical Contractor shall verify all conditions before proceeding.


A. Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for receiving and handling all materials and shall keep them dry and protected against damage from weather, surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic, or other causes.

B. Electrical Contractor may have materials drop-shipped to the job site, with prior Owner approval.


A. Provide only wire types called for by Theatrical Systems Manufacturer’s shop drawings.

B. Wire type substitutions shall be allowed provided they have been properly submitted by the electrical contractor and approved, in writing, by the Theatrical Systems Manufacturer.

C. All wire to be installed in conduit unless otherwise noted or by specific written agreement. Should an exception be made allowing cable to be run outside of conduit, contractor shall provide appropriate plenum rated cable for approval by Theatrical Systems Manufacturer. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



A. Manufacturer shall provide 12 sets of full system submittals. Submittals shall include:

1. Full system riser diagrams illustrating interconnection of system components, wiring requirements, back box sizes and any special installation considerations.

2. Full set of printed technical data sheets.

3. Detailed set of circuit and control schedules, including a complete list of all deviations from specifications.

B. Manufacturer shall provide any additional information, including equipment demonstrations, as required by the owner, engineer or architect to verify compliance with specifications.


A. Manufacturer shall be one who has been continuously engaged in the manufacturer of lighting control equipment for a minimum of twenty five years. All dimmer and cabinet fabrication must take place in a U.S. manufacturing plant.

B. All primary dimming system components (stage lighting fixtures excluded) including dimmer racks, control consoles, architectural control stations and circuit distribution equipment must be manufactured by a single manufacturer and be so labeled when delivered to the project site.

C. The manufacturer shall have a factory authorized stocking service center with at least one full time service technician on staff located within 150 miles of the job site. In addition, the manufacturer shall have a toll free 24-hour hotline with a maximum response time of 20 minutes, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

D. The equipment specified is the result of efforts to select equipment for reliability, ease of maintenance, and suitability for the Owner's purposes. Strict adherence to these specifications shall be required.

E. Equipment by a manufacturer which has not been approved prior to the bid shall not be acceptable.

F. Permission to bid does not imply acceptance of the manufacturer. It is the sole responsibility of the electrical contractor to ensure that any price quotations received and submittals made are for controls systems that meet or exceed all specifications. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


G. All equipment, where applicable standards have been established, shall be built to the standards of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., the National Electric Code and the United States Institute for Theater Technology. Permanently installed power distribution equipment such as dimmer racks and distribution shall be UL and C-UL Listed, and/or CE marked (where applicable) and bear the appropriate labels. Portable equipment such as consoles and fixtures shall be UL and C-UL Listed, ETL Listed and/or CE marked (where applicable) and bear the appropriate labels.


A. The following manufacturers shall be permitted to bid: Electronic Theatre Controls 3031 Pleasant View Road Middleton, WI 53562

Lighting & Electronics 91 McKinley Street Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Strong Entertainment Lighting 4350 McKinley Street Omaha, NE 68112

Lumenpulse 1751 Richardson, Suite 1505 Montreal, QC Canada H3K1G6



A. General

1. The installation rack shall be the Sensor3 120V as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc., or equal. The fully digital dimmer rack shall consist of up to 48 dimmer module spaces.

B. Electrical 1. Sensor3 racks shall operate at 120V, three phase, four wire + ground, 47-53 or to 57-63 Hz at 800 amps max. Other voltage and phase options are available upon request. Sensor racks shall automatically compensate for frequency variations during operation. Provisions shall be made for optional amp trap devices

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for fault current protection. Standard SCCR fault current protection shall be 100,000A.

2. All load and neutral terminals shall accept up to #4 AWG (25mm2) wire. Systems providing smaller terminals do not allow contractor wire sizing flexibility and shall be deemed unacceptable.

3. Load terminals shall be located at the front of the wiring cavity. Front access racks having terminals located at the back of the rack or on the side near the back of the rack such that adjacent load cabling may block terminal access shall not be acceptable.

C. Electronics

1. Power control electronics (CEM3) shall be contained in a single module that can be plug-in capable without use of tools. Dimming systems that require tools for removal of control electronics shall not be acceptable.

2. All data and power input for CEM3 control electronics shall be located on a separately removable/pluggable termination connector on the backplane such that backplane can be replaced without removal and discrete secondary conductor terminations. Dimming systems that require discrete termination of DMX, Ethernet, power input, and dimmer control output directly on terminals on the control module or pluggable backplane shall not be permitted.

3. The power controller shall directly support the following network protocols:

a. Net3 protocol suite including ANSI E1.31 Streaming ACN (sACN)

b. ANSI E1.17 Architecture for Control Networks (ACN) Systems that do not support the above listed industry standard ACN protocols for Ethernet setup, control and feedback integrated directly between the power system and control system shall not be deemed acceptable.

4. The power controller shall directly support 2 ports of control input using ANSI E1.11 USITT DMX512-A

5. Dimming control signals shall be sent between control module and dimmer/power modules using flat ribbon cables. Systems using cat5 cable and rj45 connections or discrete hand wired conductors

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as sole physical communication media between control module and dimmer/power modules shall be considered long term unreliable and shall be not be acceptable.

6. System shall provide an optional low voltage connection to maintain power of control electronics through brown out, instantaneous, and sustained power outages. Systems that do not provide optional low voltage backup power connection to the power controller shall not be acceptable.

7. Control electronics shall be housed in a formed steel body with cast-aluminum face panel.

D. Physical

1. The Sensor3 dimmer rack shall be a free-standing, dead-front switchboard, substantially framed and enclosed with 16 gauge, formed steel panels. All rack components shall be properly treated, primed and finished. Exterior surfaces shall be finished in fine-texture, scratch-resistant, gray epoxy paint. Removable top and bottom panels shall facilitate conduit termination on the 48 module rack. Knockouts shall serve the same purpose on 12 and 24 module racks.

2. Sensor3 racks shall be available in three sizes, with the following dimensions.

a. SR3-12 (12 module) 25.8”H x 14.8”W x 13.3”D

b. SR3-24 (24 module) 45.8”H x 14.8”W x 16.8”D

c. SR3-48 (48 module) 83.1”H x 14.8”W x 22.8”D

3. Racks shall be designed for front access to allow back-to-back or side-by-side installation.

4. Racks shall be designed to allow easy insertion and removal of all modules without the use of tools. Supports shall be provided for precise alignment of dimmer modules into power and signal connector blocks. With modules removed, racks shall provide clear front access to all load, neutral and control terminations. Racks that require removable panels to access load, neutral or control terminations shall not be acceptable.

5. An optional bus bar kit shall be available from the factory to allow adjacent racks to be powered by a single line feed. No soft buss

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rack-to-rack wiring shall be required. Racks that require discrete cabling to connect adjacent racks shall not be acceptable.

6. Module spaces shall be mechanically keyed to accept only the 3kW or below, 5kW, or 10kW module specified for that space. Racks that allow modules of varying wattages to plug into the same space shall not be acceptable. The rack shall be configurable to accept mixed dimmer types and sizes throughout the rack.

7. Each rack shall provide a lockable full-height door containing an integral electrostatic air filter that shall be removable for easy cleaning. A single low-noise fan shall be located at the top of each rack. Design of the rack and dimmer modules shall draw all cool air intake air through the integral electrostatic air filter at the front of the rack, discretely through each module housing and directly out the top of the rack such that exhausted hot air from adjacent modules does not heat the module(s) above, below, or to the side of each other. System designs that draw the same heated air through multiple modules shall not be acceptable.

8. The fan shall maintain the temperature of all components at proper operating levels with dimmers under full load, provided the ambient temperature of the dimmer room does not exceed 40°C/104°F. Dimmer racks that do not employ both locking doors and electrostatic air filters shall not be acceptable.

9. The fan shall turn on whenever any dimmer in the system is activated. In the event of an over-temperature condition, only the affected dimmer module(s) shall shut down and a message shall appear on the control module LCD. The fan shall remain on during thermal shutdown of individual dimmer modules. Systems that do not include over-temperature sensing and preventative thermal shutdown shall not be acceptable.

10. A fan sensor shall be provided. In the event of momentary fan failure, error message will be displayed and sent remotely over Ethernet to optional logging systems. Systems that do not provide optional system event logging shall not be deemed acceptable.

11. If the ambient room temperature drops below 0°C/32°F or rises above 40°C/104°F, a warning shall appear on the dimmer rack LCD. If the temperature rises above 46°C/115°F, the rack shall shut down until the condition is corrected.

12. A 3 x .5-inch LED status indicator (beacon) shall be mounted in the rack door. The beacon shall be visible throughout a wide The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


viewing angle. In normal operating conditions, this LED is illuminated. If the rack’s control module senses an error condition, the beacon shall flash until the error is corrected. An optional indicator shall be available for remote locations. Racks have no external means of visually showing that an error is present shall not be acceptable.


A. General

1. The dimmer rack electronics shall be contained in one plug-in CEM3 Power Controller. Each power controller shall plug into a dimming cabinet with no need for tools or discrete wire connections. A simple user interface shall be provided for group configuration, testing and diagnostics. Power control shall be UL/cUL Listed and CE Marked. Power and dimming control that require tools for removal of control electronics shall not be acceptable.

B. Physical

1. The control electronics shall be contained in one plug-in module, housed in a formed steel body with cast-aluminum face panel, and self-retaining ejection handles to ease removal from the rack.

2. The power control shall automatically compensate for frequency variations during operation.

C. Power control Interface

1. A backlit eight-line by 20-character graphical LCD shall be provided for system configuration, live control, and status display.

2. The following functional features shall be available in power control to reduce setup and tech times:

a. Full number pad shall be provided for quick access to dimmers. Power Control that does not provide 0-9 number pad and logic keys for AND, THRU, and AT for fast access, selection, and control of circuit/dimmer numbers shall not be acceptable.

b. Power control shall provide NEXT and LAST buttons to progress through circuits/dimmers during dimmer check operations such that only a single circuit is brought on to a

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level at a time during pre-show lighting checks for lamp burnouts.

c. Shortcut buttons for Setup, About, and live control shall be provided separation of functionality such that a user intending to check status or settings does not accidentally render their system unusable. These buttons shall also serve to reduce maximum time to access any feature or setting on a single dimmer, range of dimmers, or entire rack.

3. The front panel shall have five status LED indicators: power, network activity, DMX A, DMX B, and panic state.

4. Power control that does not include the above buttons and features shall not be acceptable.

D. Control Signal and Communications

1. The power control shall be provided with an Ethernet control signal input. This input shall be fully configurable with a range of patching and priority programming capabilities. The Ethernet signal shall supply seamless integration between the dimmer racks and both the entertainment and architectural lighting control systems. The Ethernet signal shall also enable remote configuration, playback, file storage and monitoring features on a personal computer on the network. Dimming systems that require Ethernet to DMX translation devices for control of critical show lighting introduce a potential failure point and shall not be acceptable.

2. All data and power input for CEM3 control electronics shall be located on a separately removable/pluggable termination connector on the backplane such that backplane can be replaced without removal and discrete secondary conductor terminations. Systems that do not support tool-less or that require removal of wires connected directly to the control electronics shall not be acceptable.

3. DMX connections shall be available with option for pluggable screw or punch-down type terminal. Systems that do not allow this option do not support both DMX over CAT5 and multi-strand conductors shall not be acceptable.

4. Ethernet connection shall be available via standard Cat5 RJ45 connection. System requiring punch down direct to rack or

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controller cannot be Cat5 system certified and shall not be acceptable.

5. Dimming systems that require discrete termination of DMX, Ethernet, power input, and dimmer control output directly on terminals on the power control or pluggable backplane shall not be acceptable.

6. The following options shall be available to backup all controller setup UL924 Panic configuration, and recorded presets:

a. Automatic backup in non-volatile backplane memory

b. Automatic backup in non-volatile Controller memory

c. 3rd party FTP server

d. USB storage device pluggable on the controller face panel

e. Data shall also be transferable to and from library storage on a personal computer on a per-rack basis

7. The power controller shall directly support the following network protocols:

a. Net3 protocol suite including ANSI E1.31 Streaming ACN (sACN)

b. ANSI E1.17 Architecture for Control Networks (ACN)

8. The power control shall directly support 2 optically isolated ports of ANSI E1.11 USITT DMX512-A for control input. Minimum 2,500V of optical isolation shall be provided between the DMX512 inputs and the electronics. Systems that do not have optical isolation on a prewired factory plug-in device shall not be acceptable.

9. Systems that do not support the above listed industry standard ACN protocols for Ethernet setup, control, and feedback integrated directly between the power system and control system shall not be deemed acceptable.

E. Power Control Features

1. Power Control shall have a dimmer update rate better than 16ms (60HZ) or 20 ms (50 Hz) average. Dimmer outputs shall exhibit no oscillating or hunting for levels. Dimmers with the same choke The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


type set to the same level shall output within ±1V of each other, regardless of phase or input voltage.

2. Power control shall maintain proper dimming performance for all line feed frequencies from 47-53Hz and 57-63Hz without flicker or misfire. Shifts in frequencies up to 3 Hz shall not result in flicker or loss of dimming timing. Systems that cannot perform to these frequency tolerances and shifts shall not be acceptable.

3. Dimmer output levels shall be regulated for incoming line voltages. The regulation shall adjust for both RMS voltage changes and deformations in the incoming AC waveform. The power control shall monitor and adjust each dimmer's output to maintain a constant power to the load. Regulation shall maintain the desired output voltage ±1V for the entire operating range (91-139V and 181-259 VACS) with the exception that the maximum output will be no greater than the line voltage minus dimmer insulation loss. The regulation shall compensate for dips and anomalies in the AC waveform on a dimmer-by-dimmer basis. There shall be no interaction between dimmers in the system or any other equipment. The output shall be nominally regulated to 115V/230V appropriate for the market, but shall be field adjustable on a dimmer-by-dimmer basis to allow for varying cable length. Systems that cannot maintain perform to the above stated voltage regulation shall not be acceptable.

4. Power control shall support a rack filled with different types and sizes of dimmer modules. The properties of each dimmer shall be configurable, including dimmer name, output curve, dimmer firing mode, and scale voltage values.

a. The output curve selections shall include IES Modified Square, Square, Linear, Modified Linear and a Sensor v2.0 output curve. The power control shall also have the capability of storing up to three custom curves as well as an adjustable preheat level, assignable on a per-dimmer basis.

b. The dimmer firing modes shall include: Normal (Dimmed), Dimmer Doubled, Switched (unregulated on/off with adjustable on-at level), Fluorescent with adjustable threshold, and Off.

c. Dimmers set as Dimmer Doubled shall allow a single dimmer to set two different levels on one dimmer circuit by splitting the AC power into positive and negative half cycles with no resultant DC line current. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


d. Power Control that does not support all above listed adjustments to dimmers on a per circuit basis shall not be deemed acceptable.

5. Controller shall support 2 methods of automatic configuration during controller replacement in a rack.

a. Use backplane configuration- The backplane shall retain full setup and preset data in. In this recovery mode, when a new power control is inserted, the controller shall automatically come on-line fully functional without any manual intervention.

b. Use controller configuration- override backplane configuration such that replacement modules automatically use the configuration resident in nonvolatile memory of the power control.

6. Controller shall be capable of changing rack setup for multiple shows for an entire system with a single update command from a remote PC. Show setup shall be saved in XML format and capable of being saved/uploaded from both USB and remote PC.

7. In the event of data loss each rack shall maintain the last level for a user programmable time of zero to five minutes or indefinitely, or may be programmed to fade out or to play a specific preset. Systems that do not offer this feature shall not be acceptable.

8. The power control shall contain diagnostic routines to allow the user to test and troubleshoot the system. The power control shall also contain a Test/Bypass switch to turn all dimmers on to full for testing. This switch shall bypass all electronics and shall force the fan on. Systems that do not include local control, “all on” control bypass, and diagnostic routines shall not be deemed acceptable.

9. The power control shall be able to record up to 64 presets in a rack. Presets shall be user programmable by recording a snapshot of current dimmer levels (as set by the all control sources), by entering dimmer levels on the power control directly, or a combination of both methods. The system shall have the ability to program and activate group-wide presets from the power control, remote station, console, networked computer, or handheld device. Presets shall be activated in the default fade time of 2 seconds, but shall be have a user-programmable fade time between 0 and 60 minutes.

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10. A system-wide panic (emergency UL924) activation circuit shall be provided. Any dimmer in any rack may be assigned to the panic circuit. The panic shall be set a maintained closure. Upon activation the system shall

a. Force all circuits selected to be included in panic to a master level between 80-100%

b. Optionally force all non-panic dimmers to zero

c. Provide configurable fade time to and from “emergency” state

d. Provide configurable delay to and from “emergency” state

11. DMX A and B as well as the Ethernet DMX (EDMX) data may be patched using a rack start address - assigned sequentially from a starting control channel or patched individually on a per-dimmer basis. Priority may be set per universe for the DMX inputs, and set per universe by the control source for Ethernet input. Each dimmer may have up to six network control inputs with either a highest takes precedence or priority patch. Each dimmer may also then be assigned to one of 16 spaces for additional specific preset control. Each preset shall have a separate priority for maximum flexibility of prioritization. Systems that do not support prioritization of multiple Ethernet sources beyond HTP shall not be deemed acceptable. Systems that do not support the above listed flexibility in control source prioritization shall not be deemed acceptable.

12. Power control shall provide the ability to set a single circuit, all circuits or a range of circuits to a level at the control interface in the rack. Systems that cannot locally control dimmers through local control override shall not be acceptable.

13. The power control shall be capable of monitoring and displaying incoming line voltage for all three phases on the LCD. With installed current sensors, the same display shall show amperage on each phase.

14. The power control shall support security protected access. The user shall to able to program passwords that restrict access, preventing unauthorized use of higher-level functions by unauthorized personnel. Systems that do not provide security protected access to features that can render the system unusable shall not be acceptable.

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F. Standard Feedback:

1. System and Rack messages shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. DMX port A or B has an error or has failed

b. Network has an error or has failed

c. Phase A, B or C is below 90 volts

d. Phase A, B or C is above 140 volts

e. Phase A, B or C did not start because it was below 90V or above 140V at power up

f. Phase A, B or C voltage headroom warning

g. Frequency is not 50 or 60 Hz

h. Rack shutting down due to air flow loss

i. Ambient temperature is below 0C/32F

j. Ambient temperature is above 40C/104F

k. Rack shutting down - ambient temperature exceeds 46 C/115F

l. Configuration memory error

2. About display shall allow monitoring of system, rack or dimmer status.

a. About System shall provide information about Panic circuits, Preset looks, and System name.

b. About Network shall provide IP address, gateway and net mask.

c. About Rack shall provide information about rack name, ambient temperature, air filters and rack type.

d. About Rack Power shall provide information about power type, rack voltages, current per phase (only with current transformers), under voltage warnings.

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e. About Rack Data shall provide status for DMXA, DMXB, EDMX and Network activity.

f. About Dimmer shall provide information about dimmer type, location, output level, control source, scale voltage, mode and curve.

G. Advanced Feedback:

1. Sensor's Advanced Features (AF) option shall add an additional sensor in the individual dimmer modules. This option shall allow monitoring of current and output voltage on a dimmer-by-dimmer basis and provide information on lamp burnouts, dimmer status, and input voltages.

2. Power control shall allow the user to record the loads of all AF dimmers in the system. The power control shall, during operation, test each AF dimmer, determine its load, and compare it to the recorded load. Any change from recorded loads of configured tolerance shall display an error on the power control and any monitoring device on the network. If a dimmer is driven on with no load, an optional message shall be available to notify the console operator and electrician that there is no load.

3. Dimmer Specific messages shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Load has dropped below recorded value

b. Load has raised above recorded value

c. DC detected on dimmer output

d. One SCR has failed on/off

e. Dimmer has failed off or circuit breaker has tripped

f. Dimmer has been removed

g. Dimmer load has failed

h. Dimmer has shut down due to over temperature

4. About Dimmer display shall provide additional information regarding the dimmer’s recorded load and current or actual load.

H. Network Interface The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


1. The Ethernet network shall provide an integral link to connect all racks in the system for rack-to-console and rack-to-network device communication.

2. The network interface to the power controller shall provide a number of user-programmable control schemes between control sources, including architectural control.

3. Hardware settings for rack type, available module types, availability of AF features, and operating voltage shall be configurable at the factory or in the field, and shall not require secondary setup after system commissioning even in the event to power controller replacement.

4. User programmable parameters shall support onsite setup, via the local interface in the rack. These parameters shall include, but not be limited to, defining module type, scale voltage for each dimmer, firing mode, curve, dimmer numbering and DMX512 or network port assignments. Systems requiring factory programming shall not be acceptable.


A. General

1. Dimmer modules shall be designed for dependable, economical service in theatrical and architectural applications.

B. Electrical

1. Each dimmer module shall contain two single-pole circuit breakers, a solid-state switching module, associated toroidal filters, and power and control connectors.

2. Modules shall not have any protruding pins subject to physical damage when the module is not installed.

3. Modules shall be keyed so that dimmer modules of different capacity shall not be interchangeable.

4. Circuit breakers shall be fully magnetic so the trip current is not affected by ambient temperature. Circuit breakers shall be rated for tungsten loads having an inrush rating of no less than 20 times normal current. Circuit breakers shall be rated for 100 percent switching duty applications. Dimmers that do not operate continuously at 100% load shall not be acceptable.

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C. SCR Assembly

1. Each dimmer module shall use a solid state module (SSM) consisting of two silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) in an inverse parallel configuration, and all required gating circuitry on the high voltage side of an integral, opto-coupled control voltage isolator. Rectifiers, copper leads and a ceramic substrate shall be reflow soldered to an integral heat sink for maximum heat dissipation. The SSM shall also contain a control LED, a thermistor for temperature sensing, and silver-plated control and load contacts. The entire SSM shall be sealed in a plastic housing requiring only a screwdriver to replace. Dimmers employing triac power devices, pulse transformers, or other isolating devices not providing at least 2,500V RMS isolation, shall not be acceptable. Dimmer modules requiring disassembly, heat sink grease or additional tools for repair shall not be acceptable.

2. All electronic components (current/voltage sensors and indicators) shall be contained in a single, field-replaceable housing. Modules requiring discrete wiring of electronic components shall not be acceptable.

3. SCR power switching devices shall have the following minimum ratings:

Module Size: 15 A 20A Single cycle: 625A 625A Peak surge current Half cycle: 1,620 1,620 12T Transient 600V 600V over voltage Die size (in) .257 .257

C. Filtering

1. Dimmer modules shall include toroidal filters to reduce the rate of current rise time resulting from switching the SCRs. The filter shall limit objectionable harmonics, reduce lamp filament sing and limit radio frequency interference on line and load conductors. Modules shall provide 350 uS. filter rise times. Rise time shall be measured at the worst case slew rate (about 50 percent) from 10 to 90 percent of the output wave form with the dimmer operating at full load. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


2. All dimmers shall maintain their published rise time and/or fall time regardless of duty cycle or rack temperatures. Dimmers that derate due to increased dimmer temperature caused by full load operation or high phase angles shall not be acceptable.

E. Performance

1. Power efficiency for standard dimmers shall be at least 97 percent at full load with a no-load loss of 3V RMS. The dimmer shall accept hot patching of a cold incandescent load up to the full rated capacity of the dimmer.

F. Physical

1. Dimmer modules shall be fully plug-in and factory wired. Dimmer modules shall consist of a heavy duty, die-cast aluminum chassis with integral face panel. No tools shall be required for module removal and insertion. All parts shall be properly treated, primed and finished in fine-texture, scratch resistant, gray epoxy powder coat. With the exception of the circuit breaker, the module shall contain no moving parts. Each module shall be labeled with the manufacturer's name, catalog number and rating. Modules constructed of molded plastic for structural support are not equivalent and are not acceptable. Dimmer modules shall be UL Recognized.


A. General

1. The Relay modules shall be the ETC Relay modules as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc., or equal. The relay modules shall be designed for dependable, economical service in theatrical, architectural, and video applications for use with theatrical and architectural lighting and motorized equipment.

a. Relay modules shall be compatible with both Sensor Dimming Systems and Unison Dimming Systems

2. Relay module configuration shall be dual channel, 100/140V, 15A or 20A, as noted on the Electrical Drawings.

3. Relay modules shall be fully plug-in and factory wired. The modules shall consist of a heavy duty, die-cast aluminum chassis with integral face panel. No tools shall be required for module removal and insertion. All parts shall be properly treated, primed and finished in fine-texture, scratch resistant, gray epoxy powder The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


coat. With the exception of the circuit breaker, the module shall contain no moving parts. Each module shall be labeled with the manufacturer's name, catalog number and rating. Modules constructed of molded plastic for structural support are not equivalent and are not acceptable. Relay modules shall be UL and cUL listed power control devices with a minimum AIC rating of 10,000A.

4. Modules shall have a fully magnetic circuit breaker for each channel. Relay modules shall be rated for a minimum of 100,000 full load activations.

5. Modules shall have Signal and Load LED indicators for each channel.

6. Relay modules shall be available with ETC Advanced Features providing load and status information.


A. General

1. The wall mount relay panel shall UL Listed (UL508 FILE #E92154) and CSA Approved, and shall be so labeled when delivered.

2. The relay panel shall consist of any quantity between one and twenty-four 20 amp relays, single- or double pole as required, control electronics, sub-panel, and enclosure.

B. Mechanical

1. The relay panel shall be constructed of 16-gauge steel. All panel components shall be properly treated, primed and finished in fine- textured, scratch resistant paint. The entire unit shall surface mount.

2. Equally sized top, bottom, and side removable knockout panels shall facilitate conduit entry, with an internal pass-through plenum for side-by-side or top-to-bottom mounting. The front panel shall be easily removable as well for full front access to input, output and data connections.

3. The unit shall ship with a cover complete with a locking door, allowing controlled access to the Class 2 wiring only.

a. Optional center-pin reject security screws shall be available for all accessible screws. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


4. The panel enclosure shall be available separately from the sub- panel containing the control electronics to allow for pre- installation. The panel shall be UL Listed to be available in this configuration.

C. Thermal

1. The panel shall be convection cooled.

2. The panel shall operate safely in an environment having an ambient temperature between 32ºF (0ºC) and 104ºF (45C), and humidity between 10-90% (non-condensing).

D. Electrical

1. The panel control electronics shall operate on single phase, two wire + ground, 120/277V AC 60Hz, at an amperage sufficient to power the panel (8 amps max). Standard fault current protection shall be 5,000 AIC.

2. The individual relays shall be mechanically latching and capable of switching 20A at up to 300V circuits with no derating required for inductive lighting loads.

3. Each relay shall have an integral manual override switch with on/off status indication.

4. The relay shall have the following minimum ratings:

a. 2000A inrush current

b. 1500A short circuit current

c. 5000V RMS isolation

d. 60,000 mechanical operations

5. The panel shall be capable of switching all relays on or off at once, or in a user-selectable delay period of 0.1 to 60 seconds, in 0.1 second increments, per relay.

6. All line and neutral terminals shall accept up to12 AWG wire. The control wiring shall land on a removable header for easy contractor installation (On-board DMX, SmartLink and Emergency Input terminations).

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7. A voltage barrier shall be available to separate relays carrying different voltages in the same panel. The barrier shall be capable of installation, without tools, between any two relays, and shall allow up to eight barriers per panel (4 per side).

E. Electronics

1. The control panel on the pack shall have a power status LED indicator (Blue) and a DMX status LED indicator (Green). A 6-button menu-navigation keypad and a two-line-by-20-character backlit LCD shall be provided for system control, configuration, and control status.

2. The panel shall receive ESTA DMX512-A control protocol. Addressing shall be set via the 6-button keypad. Any switch may be patched to any DMX channel.

3. The relays shall respond to control changes (DMX) in less than 25 milliseconds. DMX512 update speed shall be 40Hz.

4. 2,500V of optical isolation shall be provided between the DMX512 inputs and the control electronics as well as between control and power components.

5. The panel shall have a UL924-listed contact input for use in Emergency Lighting systems. The panel shall respond to the contact input by switching selecting relays to “on”, while switching other relays “off”. Each relay can be selected for activation upon contact input.

6. From the control panel or optional button stations, it shall be possible to record up to 32 presets. Presets shall be programmable by recording current levels (as set by DMX), by entering levels on the facepanel directly, manually selecting relay state on each relay, or a combination of both methods. Indication of an active preset shall be visible on the LCD display.

7. The presets may be recorded sequentially as a Sequence with programmable fade and hold times, which shall allow for stand- alone operation. Indication of an active sequence shall be visible on the LCD display and on optional button stations.

8. The unit shall always power-up in the last used mode and settings and shall be ready for use without user intervention. The Power Up Behavior setting shall ensure the unit restores to its previous state (preset, sequence) when power is cycled.

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9. Pack setup shall be user programmable. The control panel shall provide the following setup features:

a. Set Menu Mode – Normal or Advanced

b. Set language – English, French, German and Spanish

c. Adjust LCD Contrast

d. DMX Start Address (Normal Mode) or DMX Patching (Advanced Mode)

e. DMX Loss Behavior – Hold Last Look, Wait and Fade, Fade to Preset

f. Individual settings for DMX “on” and DMX “off” threshold level, per relay

g. Allow Manual – allows the manual override switch to remain in the manual position, or reset immediately to the controlled position.

h. Station Record – allow Presets to be recorded from Station Buttons

i. Station Master – designates which panel shall provide synchronization timing

j. Power Up Behavior

k. Restore Defaults


A. General

1. The Emergency Lighting Transfer System (ELTS) shall provide automatic transfer of branch circuits from normal to emergency power when normal power fails. Each system shall consist of power transfer switches and a control circuitry interconnected to provide complete, automatic protection.

2. The ELTS shall transfer designated lighting load branch circuits from dimmers or secondary control outputs to a second power source in the event of a loss of power to the dimmer rack, a normal system failure, a panic condition, or activation of fire alarm

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3. The system shall comply with ANSI/UL1008, NFPA 110 and ANSI/NFPA 70 (NEC), including Article 700 and 701, safety standards. The system shall be UL Listed 1008.


1. The transfer switch shall be electrically operated and mechanically held. The electrical operator shall be a single-solenoid mechanism transfer switch unit.

2. The switch shall be positively locked and unaffected by voltage variations or momentary outages so constant contact pressure is maintained and temperature rise at the contacts is minimized.

3. The switch shall be mechanically interlocked to ensure only one of the two possible positions, either Normal or Emergency.

4. All switch main contacts shall be silver-plated.

5. Overload and endurance testing of the transfer switch shall comply with UL1008 Tables 25.1, 25.2, 27.1, and 27.2 for mixed loads.

6. The transfer switch shall be rated to withstand the RMS symmetrical short circuit current without welding contacts.

7. Switch contacts shall withstand transfer without welding, with 180 phase displacement between Normal and Emergency power sources, both sources energized and 100% load.

8. Transfer switch contacts shall be rated for mixed loads, including electric discharge lamps and tungsten filament lamps.

C. Control Circuit

1. The control circuitry shall direct the operation of the transfer switch.

2. Interfacing relays shall be a covered industrial control grade plug- in type.

3. Provisions for optional remote signal, fire alarm and other input signals shall be incorporated into the control circuit.

D. Operation

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1. The voltage of each phase of the normal source shall be monitored, with pickup adjustable from 85 to 100% and dropout adjustable from 75 to 98% of pickup setting. These settings shall be adjustable in increments of 1%. Repetitive accuracy of settings shall be 2% or better over a temperature range of -20°C to 70°C. Factory set to pickup at 90% and dropout at 85%.

2. Single phase voltage sensing of the Emergency source shall be provided with a pickup adjustable from 85 to 100% and dropout fixed at 84 to 86% of pickup. Frequency sensing shall be provided with pickup adjustable from 90 to 100% and dropout fixed at 87 to 89% of pickup. Repetitive accuracy of settings shall be 2% or better over a temperature range of -20°C to 70°C. Factory set to pick up at 90% voltage and 95% frequency. The control module shall include four time delays that are field adjustable in increments of at least 13 steps over the entire range, as follows.

a. Time delay to override momentary Normal source outages, to delay all transfer switch and engine starting signals, adjustable from 0 to 6 sec., Factory set at 1 sec.

b. Transfer to Emergency time delay from 0 to 5 min. Factory set at 0 min.

c. Retransfer to Normal time delay. Time delay is automatically bypassed if Emergency source fails and Normal source is acceptable. Adjustable from 0 to 30 min. Factory is set at 1 min.

d. Emergency generator cool-down cycle. Adjustable from 0 to 60 min. Factory set at 5 min.

3. Control power for all logic and transfer functions shall always seek the acceptable power source. This shall prevent the system from locking up in one position if either of the power sources is available, regardless of the sequence of failure events.

4. A self-supervising isolated signal input shall be provided for connection to the facility fire alarm. The ELTS shall automatically transfer the loads to the Emergency power source when the facility fire alarm is activated.

5. A key-operated double-throw, momentary test switch shall be provided to manually control the ELTS. All automatic functions shall override this control. Two indicator lights shall be provided to show the position of the transfer switch.

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6. All automatic functions shall override remote control functions. Any combination of open or shorted wiring to remote stations shall not affect automatic functions, or disable the local switch.

7. Five status LEDs will indicate Normal Power Stable, Emergency Power Stable, Generator Start, Fire Alarm Transfer Signal, and Auxiliary Transfer Signal. Units without integrated status indication shall not be acceptable.

E. Enclosure

1. The ELTS shall be mounted in a NEMA 1 type enclosure finished in textured warm gray. It shall be equipped with a hinged locking door. Material shall be no less than 14 gauge steel.

2. An enclosure containing no more than 24 transfer poles shall be 36”H x 30”W x 9”D.

3. ELTS enclosure shall provide power distribution and branch circuit protection for all emergency power circuits. Systems requiring external emergency power circuit protection shall not be acceptable.

4. The enclosure shall be separate and independent of all other equipment. In no instance shall the ELTS be enclosed in a dimmer rack or in an enclosure containing other equipment.

5. The system shall be provided with an approved overlay mounted on the front of the enclosure, stating, “AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH FOR EMERGENCY SYSTEMS”.

6. The enclosure shall be provided with an approved overlay indicating that the system is UL1008 Listed.

7. The ELTS shall contain a keyswitch, two transfer position LEDs, and five status LEDs.

8. Provide a three pole, ten amp circuit breaker for phase loss sensing.

9. Prior to shipment of any Emergency Lighting Transfer System, the electrical contractor shall be responsible for verifying job site electrical conditions regarding voltage and phasing requirements.

2.07 CONTROL ENCLOSURE (Rack Mounted)

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A. The control Enclosure shall be the Unison ERn Series Control Enclosure as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

B. Mechanical

1. The ERn Control Enclosure shall be a surface mounted panel constructed of 18 gauge formed steel panels with a hinged, lockable full-height door containing an integral electrostatic air filter.

a. The Enclosure door shall have an opening to allow limited access to the control module face panel.

b. Enclosures shall be convection cooled without the use of fans.

2. Control Enclosures shall be sized to accept one or two Control Processors and one or two Station Power Modules, including various options and accessories.

a. The two-space Control Enclosure (ERn2) shall support a single Station Power Supply module

b. The four-space Control Enclosure (ERn4) shall support two Control Processors, and two Station Power Supply modules, or, one Control Processor, one Station Power Supply Module and one Station Bus Repeaters module, or one control processor and one dual Station Bus Dual Repeater module.

3. All Enclosure components shall be properly treated and finished.

a. Exterior surfaces shall be finished in fine textured, scratch resistant, powder based epoxy paint.

4. Enclosure(s) shall also be available in a 19” rack mounted (RM) version.

a. Rack-mounted version shall have an independent Enclosure suspension kit, with a full height, locking door/cover attached to the kit.

b. Rack-mounted version shall have an opening to access the control module face panel, and openings to view indicators on option modules.

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5. Enclosure dimensions and weights (without modules) shall not exceed:

a. ERn2-RM - 19" W 11"H 10" D, 20 lb.

6. Top, bottom, and side knockouts shall facilitate conduit entry.

7. Enclosures shall be designed to allow easy insertion and removal of all control and option modules without the use of tools.

a. Supports shall be provided for precise alignment of modules into power and signal connector blocks.

b. With modules removed, Enclosures shall provide clear front access to all power and control wire terminations.

C. Electrical

1. Control Enclosures shall be available in 100, 120, 230 and 240 volt, single-phase configurations.

2. Control Enclosures shall be completely pre-wired by the manufacturer. The contractor shall provide input and control wiring.

3. Control Enclosures shall be designed to support the following wire terminations:

a. AC (single phase)

b. Echelon link power (Belden 8471 or equivalent)

c. 24Vdc (2- 16AWG Wire)

d. DMX512A Port A (In or Out) (Belden 9729 or equivalent)

e. DMX512A Port B (In or Out) (Belden 9729 or equivalent)

f. RS232 Serial In/Out (Belden 9729 or equivalent)

g. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Category 5 Ethernet

h. Contact Closure In (14AWG to 26AWG Wire)

i. Contact Closure Out (14AWG to 26AWG Wire) 1.) Contact Closure Out shall provide 1A @ 30vDC

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4. Station Power Modules

a. Station power supply modules shall provide LinkPower for at 32 stations and 1.5A@24VDC of Auxiliary (AUX) power.

b. Station power repeater modules shall provide LinkPower for 30 stations and1.5A@24VDC of Auxiliary (AUX) power.

c. Station power module shall support over-current/short protection for LinkPower and Aux. LinkPower shall support fault detection on each leg of the balanced data bus.

5. All control wire connections shall be terminated via factory provided connectors.

D. Thermal

1. Ambient room temperature: 0-40°C / 32-104°F

2. Ambient humidity: 30-90% non-condensing


A. Mechanical

1. The processor shall utilize microprocessor based, solid state technology to provide multi-scene lighting and building control.

2. ACP module electronics shall be contained in a plug-in assembly.

a. The module shall be housed in a formed steel body and contain no discrete wire connections. 1.) No tools shall be required for module removal or insertion.

3. The ACP shall be convection cooled.

4. User Interface

a. The ACP shall utilize a backlit liquid crystal display capable of graphics and eight lines of text.

b. The ACP shall provide an alpha-numeric keypad for data entry and navigation.

c. The ACP shall provide a touch-sensitive control wheel for navigation. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


d. The ACP shall provide shortcut buttons to assist in navigation, selection, and data entry.

e. The ACP keypad, buttons, and wheel shall be backlit for use in low-light conditions. 1.) The backlight shall have a user selectable time out, including no time out.

5. The ACP shall provide a front-panel RJ45 jack for Ethernet connection to the processor for configuration, live control, and web-browser-based system access.

a. The Ethernet port shall be secured behind the locking door.

6. The ACP shall provide a Secure Digital (SD) Removable Media slot on the front panel for transfer of configuration data.

a. The SD slot shall be secured behind the locking door.

7. The ACP shall provide a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port on the front panel for transfer of configuration data.

a. The USB port shall be secured behind the locking door.

8. Architectural Lighting System configuration and program information shall be stored in flash memory, which does not require battery backup.

a. The ACP shall provide a Compact Flash (CF) Card as backup flash memory and storage.

b. The CF Card is stored in the back of the ACP, and can be accessed only by removing the ACP.

c. The ACP data can be exchanged by inserting the CF card into another ACP.

B. Electrical

1. The ACP shall require no discrete wiring connections; all wiring shall be terminated into Dimming or Control Enclosure.

2. The ACP shall require low-voltage power supplied by the Dimming or Control enclosure.

3. The ACP shall be hot-swap capable. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


4. The ACP shall support Echelon LinkPower communications with remote devices, including button stations, button/fader stations, Touchscreen stations, sensors, and third party LonMARK compliant products.

a. The LinkPower network shall utilize polarity-independent, low-voltage Class II twisted pair wiring, type Belden 8471 (unshielded) or Belden 8719 (shielded) or equivalent. One # 14 AWG drain wire will be required for system not using grounded metal conduit. Touchscreen stations, interface stations and portable stations connectors will also require (2) #16 AWG wires.

b. The LinkPower network shall be topology free. Network wiring may be bus, loop, home run, star or any combination of these.

c. Link power wiring shall permit a total wire run of 1640 ft. (500m) without a repeater. Repeater option modules shall be available to increase wiring maximums in increments of 1640 ft. (500m).

d. Link power wiring between stations shall not exceed 1313 ft. (400m).

5. The ACP shall support 10/100BaseTX, auto MDI/MDIX, 802.3af compliant Ethernet networking using TCP/IP, ESTA BSR E1.17 Advanced Control Networks (ACN) and ESTA BSR E1.31 (sACN) Protocols for internal communication and integration with third- party equipment.

6. The ACP shall support EIA-RS232 serial protocol for bi-directional command and communication with third-party equipment.

7. The ACP shall support two discrete ESTA DMX512A ports, configurable as input or output ports.*

a. *When used in a Dimming Enclosure, the second port is always an output port.

8. The ACP shall provide four onboard dry contact closure inputs for integration with third-party products.

9. The ACP shall provide four onboard contact closure outputs, rated at 1A@30VDC, for integration with third-party equipment.

C. Functional The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


1. Capacity

a. Shall support 1024 channels of control

b. Shall support 2 physical DMX ports, each of which may be configured as an input or output

2. System

a. Runtime application shall utilize support Net3 system interoperability

b. System shall support the use of Network Time Protocol for real time clock synchronization

c. System shall support remote firmware upload an over Ethernet connection from a connected PC running the Light Designer software or another connected processor.

d. System shall support local firmware upload from removable media (SD Card, USB Flash Drive)

3. Diagnostics

a. Shall output an Event log

b. Standard log shall store a fixed-length history of recent activity

c. Separate critical log shall only store important messages (such as boot-up settings)

4. Configuration Data

a. Configuration Data can be uploaded over an Ethernet connection from a PC running Light Designer application

b. Configuration Data can be retrieved from another processor

c. A processor shall make its configuration data available for retrieval by another Processor as a backup/recovery mechanism

d. Configuration Data shall be stored on solid-state media that can be removed to facilitate transfer between Processor units The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


e. Configuration Data may be loaded to and from removable media access provided on front panel

f. Configuration Data for the entire System shall be available for download from any single Processor

g. Shall store configuration data for Dimming enclosure processors and shall make available for download

5. Access Controls

a. There shall be 2 user accounts - Administrator, and User with separate password protection

b. Account and password settings shall be local to each Processor

c. Access Controls shall be applied to certain areas of the Local User Interface and Web Interface

6. Web User Interface

a. Shall be an internal web server accessible via Ethernet port

b. Shall support common web browsers on Windows and Mac platforms

c. Shall provide functionality to Activate and Deactivate Presets

d. Shall provide functionality to schedule timed events (add/delete)

e. Shall display status information

f. Shall display log files

g. Shall allow for configuration of Processor settings (date, time)

h. Shall allow for upload and download of configuration data

i. There shall be links to other web-enabled devices in the System, including other Processors

7. Stations The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


a. Stations shall be connected to a Processor via a LinkPower network or Ethernet

b. Station discovery and binding shall be accomplished from the Local User Interface or Light Designer

8. Operation

a. When contained in an dimming enclosure, a snapshot of the dimming enclosure output data shall be stored in persistent memory so that hardware can access it for immediate output on boot

b. DMX output refresh rate shall be configurable

c. There shall be support for 16-bit DMX Attributes

d. DMX inputs may be patched to DMX and Streaming ACN outputs as external sources

e. Streaming ACN inputs shall be patched to DMX outputs (gateway) as external sources

f. Where there are multiple external sources then priority and HTP shall be used to perform arbitration

g. External and internal sources shall be arbitrated based on user-selection of standard or custom rules

h. On Preset Record, the values of Attributes within the Preset shall be updated to reflect the current output

i. The total output may be the combination of many different Presets running concurrently

j. There shall be no hard limit on number of concurrent cross fades

k. Multiple Presets controlling the same Attribute shall first interact based on priority and second based on Latest Takes Precedence(LTP) or Highest Takes Precedence (HTP)

l. LTP and HTP operation shall be supported simultaneously and interact (at the same priority) using HTP

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m. Settings due to LTP Presets may be automatically discarded from operation when overridden

n. It shall be possible to specify that a Preset or Attribute Control will persist when overridden

o. A Preset may be designated as an HTP Override and shall cause HTP values to be discarded

p. It shall be possible to modify the rate of a Preset (Cross fades, Effects) from a Control within the System

q. Each Preset shall have a status that can be Activated, Deactivated or Altered

r. Preset status may be set based on matching levels in the current output as an option

s. On startup the System shall be capable of automatically executing timed events within the previous 24 hours to synchronize its initial output state with the current time of day

9. Serial Input/Output

a. RS232 shall support 8-bit word length, parity selection and 1 or 2 stop bits

b. RS232 shall support baud rates from 4800 to 115,200 bps

c. Serial input and output messages are fully customizable

d. Serial output messages can be generated by any Control or Event


A. General

1. The theatrical lighting control network shall provide data distribution over a TCP/IP network. Data shall be layer 3 routable over the Ethernet network. Systems using proprietary formats or formats other than TCP/IP or non-layer 3 routable networks shall not be accepted.

2. Connections shall be made between consoles, facepanels, architectural processors, computers and DMX gateways over The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


standard Ethernet distribution systems using 10/100BaseT wiring and/or 10/100BaseFL. All installations shall conform to established Ethernet wiring practice and installation shall be performed by contractors qualified to do this type of work. All wiring shall be tested at Category 5 for full bandwidth operation to the appropriate IEEE standard.

B. Capacities

1. The network shall provide DMX routing and patching and prioritization for up to 32,767 DMX addresses and DMX data may be input or output from any port on any DMX node in the system. DMX input, routing and output shall be specifically supported on the system from multiple sources and locations up to the maximum number of nodes supported by the Ethernet topology.

2. The network shall support multiple consoles, computers, file servers, printers, and architectural processors with discrete command lines and control. The network shall support multiple venues/systems on the same network.

3. Network configuration shall be via Network Configuration Editor (NCE) software. The software shall permit complete user flexibility allowing the system operator to patch DMX data over Ethernet DMX (EDMX), assign node labels for easy identification, assign RFUs to specific systems in multi-system networks, assign DMX offsets and provide DMX port prioritization. Each node shall have a specific IP address provided automatically by the software. The user may edit this IP address. Systems that do not support simple Windows configuration or systems that do not allow complete reconfiguration of the above mentioned features over Ethernet shall not be acceptable.

4. All configuration data for each network device shall be held at the device and system operation shall not require continuous on line operation of the network configuration software.

5. Architectural and Entertainment systems connected to the same network shall be capable of arbitrating control over EDMX data. The system shall be capable of alternating control of individual dimmer data between architectural and entertainment systems without intervention by the user. The user shall dictate the conditions under which system shall automatically take control and the network shall allow user override of the user selected defaults. Systems which require direct user intervention to allocate control of dimmers between architectural and entertainment lighting systems shall not be allowed. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


6. The network shall allow multiple DMX inputs assigned to the same EDMX range to be set at different priorities. This shall allow the user to assign high or low priority to each DMX input port in the network on a port by port basis. The network shall require a valid DMX signal present at the input to initiate prioritization. Systems that do not allow for prioritization shall not be allowed.

C. Operational Features

1. Each two-port DMX Node shall control up to 1024 DMX addresses, within the confines of up to 64 DMX (32,767 EDMX address) “universes”. The specific DMX data input or output by the Node shall be freely configurable by the user. Duplicate outputs of DMX lines (DMX splitter) and discrete outputs shall be fully supported.

2. Any number of DMX universes may be configured with any length up to 512 addresses as long as the total does not exceed 32,767. Any range of DMX addresses may be selected for each. Multiple sources may be combined and a priority may be assigned to each source. Each DMX line may have its own start address and offset for ease of use.

3. DMX ports shall be configurable for either input or output. Multiple DMX signal routing patches and multiple facilities shall be specifically supported and limited only by the file storage capacity of the computer with Network Configuration Editor software installed.

4. File transmission, synchronization and access to File Servers using Microsoft NT server software shall be supported.

5. All Network configuration information shall be available as a system printout.


A. General

1. The lighting control console shall be a microprocessor-based system specifically designed to provide complete control of stage, studio, and entertainment lighting systems.

2. The control system shall be Net3 and ETCNet2 native, with both protocols output simultaneously over the network. The system shall also be able to control third party ACN devices directly. The

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system shall provide control of 1024 outputs on 250 or 500 channels.

3. A maximum of 10,000 cues, 1000 groups, 1000 Intensity Palettes, 1000 Color Palettes, 1000 Focus Palettes, 1000 Beam Palettes, 1000 effects, 1000 macros and 100 curves may be contained in non-volatile electronic memory and stored to an onboard hard disk or to any USB storage device.

4. The console may be placed in Tracking or Cue Only mode by the user as a system default and overridden on individual record actions as required.

5. A Master Playback fader pair and dedicated Grand Master/Blackout shall be provided.

6. The console shall provide 40 or 60 pageable faders and bump keys that may be operated in either LTP channel or HTP/LTP submaster mode. The console shall support a total of 300 submasters.

7. A high-resolution level wheel shall be provided to control intensity for selected channels and scrolling within selected displays. On demand moving light controls shall be provided for control of other non-intensity parameters. Non-intensity parameters shall be controllable via the on demand or keypad controls.

8. On demand moving light controls shall provide mouse-based tools for non-intensity parameters. The tools shall display the current value for each parameter and shall provide controls for adjusting each parameter.

9 Control and programming features for automated fixtures shall also include: a standard library of fixture profiles, the ability to copy and edit existing profiles and create new profiles, patch displays including channel and output addressing, 16-bit fade resolution, color characterization allowing color mixing and storing in Hue and Saturation or native device values.

10. System information, including playback status, live output and blind values for all record targets shall be displayed on a maximum of two external high resolution DVI monitors, or one SVGA monitor, which may also be touch-screen(s). Only one display shall be required for operation.

11. The system shall direct user input through on-screen dynamic prompts and integral LEDs on console keys indicating current The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


operating mode. A context sensitive on-line Help feature shall explain and provide an example of the operation of each feature of the system.

12. An optional, fully-functioning, detachable alphanumeric keyboard shall be supported. The keyboard shall allow labeling of channels, cues, presets, groups, palettes, effects, macros, curves and the show. An integral electronic keyboard shall be provided.

13. A row of softkeys shall be provided, which change function based on the selection and context of the console. These softkeys shall be labeled on the connected external display.

14. Console software upgrades shall be made by the user via a USB port; changing internal components shall not be required.

15. The console operating software shall be loaded into program execution memory from the internal hard drive when the console is powered. In the event of an uncontrolled shutdown, the console shall return to its last output state when power is restored.

16. Show data may be created and modified on a personal computer, using either Windows XP or Windows 7 operating systems, using a free offline editing application. The offline editor may also run natively on Macintosh platforms using OS X.

17. A PC, using Windows XP, Windows 7, or a Macintosh computer running OS X, running a client software application shall be able to connect to a control system via the network and view current show data in a mirrored display environment.

18. The system shall allow remote control from a purpose-built wireless remote focus unit (Radio Focus Remote). Systems without these remote control devices shall not be acceptable.

19. The system shall support a Telephone remote control that allows basic functions to be controlled from a standard wireless phone producing touch-tone signals. This allows the use of a standard telephone for a low cost remote control. Systems that do not allow this function shall not be acceptable.

20. Network management tools shall be provided from the desk itself.

21. The system shall support up to 32 individual Time Code Event lists.

B. Controls and Playback The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


1. Manual Control and Programming Section

a. The console keyboard shall be grouped by function. Major groupings shall be record target functions, numeric keys, level assignment functions, display navigation functions and controls.

b. Non-intensity parameters may be set numerically or via the on demand moving light controls. This control shall be fully interactive. In either case the current parameter value shall be displayed on the console monitor.

c. Only those parameters available for control in the active lighting system shall be displayed for control.

d. Lamp controls provide direct access to luminaire functions such as striking and dousing arc lamps and calibrating entire fixtures or individual mechanisms of fixtures, as provided by the luminaire manufacturer. User access to these features is normalized across all manufacturers for ease of use. Use of a “control channel” for accessing these functions shall not be required and systems requiring use of a control channel shall not be acceptable.

e. Fixtures with CMY or RBG color mixing may be set with direct CMY or RBG controls, as well as the Hue and Saturation controls and/or color picker. Color may also be set directly to a gel match, normalized to 3200K.

2. Playback Section

a. The master fader shall consist of a 60mm Master Fader pair with associated Load, Go and Stop/Back buttons.

b. It shall be possible to instantaneously halt an active cue, go back to the previous cue, manually override the intensity fade or manually override the entire fade.

3. Integral Channel/Submaster Faders

a. Submaster and fader support shall be provided via 40 or 60 integral 45mm faders with bump leys. These faders shall be pageable and shall operate in LTP channel and LTP/HTP submaster modes.

b. LTP channel mode shall allow the user access to intensity of the first 120 channels and shall operate with LTP logic. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


Faders that are not currently set to the same level as the corresponding channel shall have to be matched to that level before affecting said channel.

c. Up to 240 proportional, fully overlapping additive or inhibitive submasters may be defined. Submasters shall have colored LEDs to indicate submaster status. Each submaster may have fade up, dwell and down fade times. Each has a bump and assert/channel select button. Submasters may be set to independent, exclusive and proportional/intensity master control.

d. The submaster blind buffer shall be linked directly to live playback allowing live editing of live submaster content via the command line.

e. It shall be possible to set submaster values directly from the command line.

4. Grand Master

a. A dedicated 60mm grand master and blackout button are provided.

b. The grand master shall proportionally fade intensity values to zero. Blackout shall send all intensity outputs to zero. Non-intensity outputs shall not be affected. No additional configuration shall be required to withhold non-intensity values from Grand Master and Blackout control.

C. Display Controls

1. Format shall change the view of selected displays.

2. Channel views may be displayed either in a expanded table view combining conventional channel symbols with table views for multi-parameter devices, or in a channel summary view.

3. Flexi channel shall change which channels are viewed in selected displays, based on a variety of different criteria, including all channels, patched channels, active/move channels, manual channels, selected channels and user-specified channel lists.

4. Expand shall extend the selected view sequentially across connected displays.

5. Data shall display absolute values of referenced data. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


D. Operating Modes

1. Live Mode

a. Channel lists may be constructed using the +, - and Thru keys.

b. Levels may be set with the keypad, level wheel and on demand moving light controls. “Selected” channels shall be those last addressed and under keypad control.

c. Sneak shall be used to restore specified channels to background states, default values, or to send them to specified values, in user specified or default times.

d. Selected channels may be set at a level or held to current values while all other channels are set to zero using Rem Dim. Toggling Rem Dim shall restore all unselected channels to original levels. The Rem Dim level shall be user definable.

e. Channels may be recorded into groups for fast recall of commonly used channels. 1000 groups shall be available. Groups shall store selection order. The Offset function supports rapid creation of ordered groups, including reverse and random order.

f. Parameter settings may be stored to Focus and Color Palettes. All referenced data may be stored to whole numbers or to up to 99 decimal places between each whole number. It shall be possible to store 1000 of each palette type.

g. Any collection of channel data, as determined by the use of “Record” or selective store commands may be stored to palettes (as appropriate to the type).

h. The following conditions may be placed on a channel or channel parameter to be included with a cue record action. 1) Block flag 2) Note

i. Cues may be recorded in any order. Up to 99 decimal cues may be inserted between any two whole number cues. Each cue may contain a maximum of twenty parts.

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Parameters may be automatically assigned to specific parts or assigned when the part is created.

j. It shall be possible to record cues and cue parts with the following information: 1) Any collection of channel data, as determined by the use of “Record” or selective store commands. 2) Cue Level timing and delays for Intensity Up and Intensity Down, Parameter moves shall follow the Intensity Up time. 3) Follow or hang time 4) Link instruction 5) Loop value 6) Block and/or preheat 7) Curve 8) Label and note 9) Execute list to trigger other activity

k. Non-intensity channel parameters may be marked (preset using Automark. Automark presets any parameter transitions in the cue just prior to intensity becoming active. Automark may be disabled on a cue or cue part basis, enabling a “live” move.

l. Any channel parameter may be stored with an effect instruction. These effects may contain relative offsets from current value, or absolute instructions. Effects may be progressive action or on/off states. Entry and exit behaviors shall modify the channel parameters activity when beginning and ending the effect.

m. Update may be used to selectively add modified parameter data quickly to that parameter’s current source. It shall be possible to update inactive record targets. It shall also be possible to update back to the current source of the move instruction without specifying that cue via Trace.

n. Recall From quickly pulls specified data from record targets into the current view.

o. Copy To quickly copies selected data to specified record targets.

p. Address and channel check functions shall be provided.

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q. Channel parameters may be “parked” at levels. Output addresses may also be parted directly. Parked levels shall not be added to any live record operations, nor may they be changed until the parked element is “unparked”. Address park shall also be provided.

r. About shall provide detailed status of selected channels or specified record targets, including utilization information. About shall also access lamp control functions to calibrate devices, strike and douse arc sources. Use of a luminaire control channel for these functions shall not be acceptable.

s. Live data may be displayed in an expanded table view containing conventional symbols and table views for multi- parameter devices or in a summary view.

t. Undo shall be used to sequentially step back through manual operations, record, update and delete actions. Redo functions shall be provided. Multiple undo commands may be executed at once.

u. Home shall set selected channels non-intensity parameters to their default values.

v. Move shall allow all show data to be moved from one record target to another.

2. Blind

a. The Blind display allows viewing and modification of all record targets without affecting stage levels.

b. Record target data may be displayed in an expanded table view containing conventional symbols and table views for multi-parameter devices, in a summary view or a spreadsheet view, which allows quick data comparisons, move and replace with functions.

c. Changes made in blind displays shall be stored automatically.

d. Blind editing shall be possible for all record targets.

e. It shall be possible to show or hide parameter data in spreadsheet views for simplicity in viewing/editing.

3. Patch Display The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


a. Patch shall be used to display and modify the system control channels with their associated library data.

b. Each channel may be provided with a proportional patch level, preheat, curve, label, swap and invert functions.

c. Offset functions in patch shall allow selection of channel ranges and shall allow the user to establish a “custom” footprint for any device output.

d. Custom color wheels, color scrolls and gobo wheels shall be defined in patch. These devices shall be created with a simple table and graphical user interface supported by images of major manufacturers.

e. Copy to and Move functions shall be supported in patch.

4. Setup/Browser

a. Setup shall access system, show and desk configurations.

b. The browser shall access show data storage, import, export, print to .pdf and clear functions, as well as show data utilities.

E. Interface Options

1. The console shall support a variety of local interfaces.

a. AC input.

b. USB ( a minimum of five ports shall be provided for connecting devices such as a Alphanumeric keyboard, mouse, touch screens, USB Flash drive, etc.) The desk shall provide at least four ports on the rear of the console and one on the control surface itself.

c. Ethernet (one port) 802.3af compliant

d. Two DVI video output connectors, supporting a maximum of two DVI monitors at 1280x1024 resolution minimum.

e. One VGA output connector.

F. Accessories

1. Net3 Radio Focus Remote The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


2. iRFR an iRFR Preview (applications for iPhone, IPod Touch and iPad)

3. aRFR (application for Android devices)

4. Net3 Remote Video Interface

5. Net 3 Gateways

a. Net3/ETCNet2 to DMX/RDM Gateways (one to four ports)

b. MIDI/SMPTE Gateways

c. I/O Gateway with 12 analog inputs, 12 SPDT contact outputs, RD232 interface

6. Element Client Software Kit

G. Physical

1. All operator controls and console electronics for a standard system shall be housed in a single desktop console, not to exceed 32.9” wide, 17.9” deep, 5.1” high, weighing 30 pounds.

2. Console power shall be 95 – 240V AC at 50 or 60Hz, supplied via a detachable power cord.

H. Provide the following lighting control console accessories:

1. (2) 17” Flat Panel LCD Monitors

2. (1) Console Littlite

3. (1) 15' Proplex Ethernet Cable

4. (1) 25' Proplex Ethernet Cable

5. (1) 50' Proplex Ethernet Cable


A. General

1. The lighting control gateway shall be a microprocessor-based unit specifically designed to provide DMX-512 control of lighting systems and transport of RDM configuration and status messages. The gateway shall permit DMX-512 data to be

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encoded, routed over an Ethernet network and decoded back to DMX-512. The unit shall be a Net3 DMX 2-port Gateway as provided by ETC, Inc.

2. Gateways shall communicate over Ethernet directly with at least ETC, Inc.’s entertainment and architectural lighting control products and other Ethernet interfaces.

3. Connections shall be made between gateways, consoles, architectural systems, and PCs over standard Ethernet distribution systems using 10/100BaseT.

4. The gateway shall support multiple protocols including:

a. ANSI E1.17 Architecture for Control Networks (ACN)

b. ANSI E1.11 USITT DMX512-A

c. ANSI E1.20 Remote Device Management (RDM)

d. Net3 protocol suite including ANSI E1.31 Streaming ACN (sACN).

5. The gateway shall be tested to UL standards and labeled ETL Listed.

6. The gateway shall be RoHS Compliant (lead-free).

7. The gateway shall be CE compliant.

8. The gateway shall have a backlit graphic LCD display for identification (soft-labeling) and status reporting. Labeling shall be user configurable using ANSI E1.17 Architecture for Control Network (ACN), Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE) software. The LCD display shall show DMX port configuration indication as well as indicate the presence of valid signal. Gateways that do not indicate port configuration (input/output) and valid data shall not be acceptable.

9. Each gateway shall have power and network activity LEDs on both the front and rear of the gateway

B. DMX Ports

1. DMX Ports shall comply with the requirements of ANSI E1.11 USITT DMX512-A standards.

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2. Each DMX port shall be software-configurable for either input or output functionality.

3. Hardware configuration override setting shall be provided on the gateway.

4. DMX input shall be optically-isolated from the gateway electronics.

5. DMX output shall be earth-ground referenced.

6. DMX Port shall be capable of withstanding fault voltages of up to 250vAC without damage.

7. Each port shall incorporate one DMX512-A Connection

a. Each DMX port location shall support a single 5-pin male XLR or 5-pin female XLR

8. Network gateways that do not indicate input/ output port configuration or presence of valid data shall not be accepted

C. Processor

1. Each gateway shall have sufficient processing power to manage up to 63,999 universes (32,767,488 addresses).

2. Maximum delay time from input to output shall not be greater than one packet time (approximately 22 mSec.).

3. A minimum DMX update rate of 40Hz shall be sustained under all conditions unless specifically configured for a slower rate for the sake of compatibility with 3rd party DMX devices.

D. Mechanical

1. The Gateway shall be fabricated of 16-gauge steel, finished in fine-texture, scratch-resistant, black powder coat.

2. The Gateway shall be available in two versions

a. Wall mount gateway 1) The wall mount gateway shall support flush or surface mount applications using a standard RACO 2-gang Backbox. 2) Dimensions shall not be more than 4.88” wide x 1.91” deep x 4.85” High (Flush Mount) and 4.88” wide x 5.41” deep x 5.0” high (surface mount)

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b. Portable gateway 1) The portable gateway shall include a complete enclosure with connectors for wiring terminations 2) Dimensions shall not be more than 4.88” wide x 5.41” deep x 5.0” high (not including mounting hardware)

3. The weight of the gateway shall be 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg).

E. Power

1. Power for the gateway shall be provided either over the Category 5 (or better) cable, utilizing IEEE 802.3af compliant Power over Ethernet distribution equipment, or via conventional switches together with isolated in-line power supplies capable of an operating range of 8-28vDC provided by the gateway manufacturer. Power consumption shall not be greater than 5 watts.

2. The gateway electronics shall be electrically isolated from the power supplied over the Catagory5 (or better) cable.

3. Power may be provided from any IEEE 802.3af compliant power- over Ethernet distribution equipment, or by using conventional switches together with isolated in-line power supplies as provided by gateway manufacturer.

F. Configuration

1. Each gateway on the network shall be individually configurable using:

a. Any devices utilizing ANSI E1.17 ACN communications

b. Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE), running on a network connected PC. The PC shall only be required for configuration, labeling and signal routing, and shall not be required for normal operation of the system.

2. Each DMX gateway shall control up to 512 DMX addresses, within the confines of 63,999 universes. The specific DMX data input or output by the gateway shall be freely configurable by the user. Duplicate outputs of DMX lines (DMX splitter) and discrete outputs shall be fully supported.

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3. Any number of DMX universes may be configured with any length up to 512 addresses. Any range of DMX input addresses shall support selection and routing to the specified sACN output.

4. Multiple sources may be combined and a priority may be assigned to each source. Each DMX port may have its own universe and start address.

5. All relevant routing information shall be stored in non-volatile memory at each gateway. The system shall recover from a power outage without requiring the PC to be online. Gateways that do not support non-volatile storage of data routing shall not be accepted.

G. Network

1. Communications physical layer shall comply with IEEE 802.3i for 10BASE-T, 802.3u for 100BASE-TX and 802.3af for Power over Ethernet specifications.

2. All network cabling shall be Category 5 (or better), conforming to TIA-568A/B, and shall be installed by a qualified network installer.

3. Data transport shall utilize the TCP/IP suite of protocols to transfer the DMX data.

4. ANSI E1.17 Architecture for Control Networks (ACN) and streaming ACN (sACN) shall be supported. Gateways that do not support ANSI E1.17 shall not be acceptable.

5. Switches shall comply with power-over-Ethernet IEEE802.3af, unless a separate in-line power supply is provided.

6. Multiple DMX signal routing patches and multiple facilities shall be supported and limited only by the file storage capacity of the computer with ETC Gateway Configuration Editor (GCE) Software installed.

7. Each DMX gateway shall control up to 512 DMX addresses, per DMX port within the confines of up to 63,399 universes (32,767,488 addresses) using Streaming ACN (sACN).

a. Any range of DMX addresses may be selected for each universe.

b. Multiple sources shall be supported by prioritized Highest Takes Precedence (HTP with priority). Each source shall The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


support assignment of priority to allow override of default HTP behavior.

c. Each DMX port shall support its own universe and start address.

8. Gateways shall have built in DMX merger capability on a universe or channel-by-channel basis.

9. Gateways shall support have built in priority on a per-universe or channel-by-channel basis. Gateways that do not support prioritized merging of multiple network sources at independent priorities shall not be accepted.

H. Environmental

1. The ambient operating temperature shall be 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F).

2. The storage temperature shall be -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F).

3. The operating humidity shall be 5% - 95% non-condensing.

I. Accessories

1. Hanging bracket kit shall allow gateway to be mounted using C- Clamp to U-bolt Hardware.

2. A Universal Power Supply with international plug-set shall be available. Multiple power supplies shall be able to fit in a vertically stacked power strip.

3. ETC Gateway Configuration Editor Software (GCE)

J. System Requirements

1. Provide the quantity and type of gateways required, as scheduled. Gateways and software shall be as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls Inc. of Middleton, WI.

2. Provide Ethernet switches and power supplies as scheduled and as shown on drawings.

3. Provide a current generation PC with Windows XP operating system equipped with a 10/100 Ethernet card.

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4. Systems that do not provide the above capabilities shall not be acceptable

K. Provide the following DMX Gateway:

1. (1) - 2-Port DMX touring gateway complete with (2) DMX outputs, mounting yoke, c-clamp and safety cable


A. General

1. The Plug-in Stations shall consist of the appropriate connectors required for the system in use. These stations shall be available with various input and output control connections.

B. Physical

1. Station faceplates shall be .80” aluminum, finished in fine texture, scratch-resistant black powder coat. Silk-screened graphics shall be white.

2. The station panel shall mount into an industry standard back box, depending on size and quantity of connectors. A terminal block shall be supplied for contractor terminations.

C. Provide data plug-in stations as shown on the drawings


A. An appropriately sized equipment rack as manufactured by Middle Atlantic products shall be provided. Equipment rack contents shall be as shown on the drawings.


A. Button Stations

1. Mechanical

a. Button stations shall operate using up to ten programmable buttons.

b. All button stations shall be available with white, cream, ivory, gray or black faceplates, and buttons.

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1) Manufacturer's standard colors shall conform to the RAL CLASSIC Standard.

c. Stations shall have indicators lights at each button or fader.

1) Indicators shall be comprised of red, green and blue LED's 2) Indicator color and state (steady On, Blink, Off) shall be configured in software, and shall operate relative to the button or fader it is associated with.

d. All faceplates shall be designed for flush or surface mounting.

e. Station faceplates shall be constructed of ABS plastic and shall use no visible means of attachment.

f. Station faceplates shall be indelibly marked for each button or fader function.

g. The manufacturer shall supply back boxes for flush mounted half gang stations and for all surface mounted stations.

h. All Button and Button/Fader stations shall be shall be designed to accept the infrared signal from a remote hand held IR transmitter.

1) The stations shall have a 60° reception angle and shall operate reliably within a 45' distance.

i. IR Transmitters shall be available in seven or twelve button configurations. Custom transmitters may have up to 10 programmable buttons.

1) IR transmitters shall be mounted in a hand-held black plastic controller. Transmitter dimensions shall be 1.875” wide, 6.625” long and 0.60” deep. 2. Electrical

a. Control station wiring shall be an Echelon® Link power network.

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1) Link power shall utilize low-voltage Class II unshielded twisted pair, type Belden 8471 or equivalent, and one #14 ESD drain wire (when not installed in grounded metal conduit).

2) Touchscreen and Interface stations shall also require (2) #16 AWG stranded wires for 24Vdc operating power. 24Vdc wiring shall be topology free.

3) Network wiring may be bus, loop, home run, star or any combination of these. 4) Network insulation displacement connectors shall be provided with all stations.

3. Functional

a. The Control System shall be designed to allow control of lighting and associated systems via Button, Button/Fader, and Interface or Astronomical time clock controls. System shall allow the programming of presets, sequences, macros and time clock events.

1) System presets shall be programmable via Button, Button/Fader, Touchscreen, or programming software.

a) Presets shall have a discrete fade time, programmable from zero to 1,000 hours with a resolution of one millisecond.

b) Presets shall be selectable via button, fader, IR transmitter, time clock event, macro activation or switch interface stations. 2) System macros and sequences shall be programmable via system software.

a) Macro and sequence steps shall provide user selectable steps, and allow the application of conditional logic.

b) Macro and sequences shall be activated by button, time clock event or software.

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3) System time clock events shall be programmable via system software, the processor user interface, or the internal web server.

a) Time clock events shall be assigned to system day types. Standard day types include: anyway, weekday, weekend, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. System shall support programming of additional custom or special day types.

b) Time clock events shall be activated based on sunrise, sunset, time of day or periodic event. System shall automatically compensate for regions using a fully configurable daylight saving time.

b. Station Button, Button/Fader, and Interface) control components shall be designed to operate standard default or custom system functions. Components shall operate default functions unless re-assigned via a Windows-based configuration program.

1) Optional button functions include: preset selection, manual mode activation, record mode activation, station lockout, raise, lower, macro activation, cue light, or room join/separate. 2) Optional fader functions include manual master control, individual zone control, fade rate control or preset master control.

c. Stations (Button and Button/Fader) shall allow programming of station and component electronic lockout levels via software.

B. Provide control stations as shown on the drawings


A. General

1. Touchscreen stations shall support default and fully graphical control pages.

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2. The Touchscreen station shall operate using graphic buttons, faders and other images on at least 30 separate programmable control pages.

3. Touchscreen stations shall also allow programming of page pass- code, lock out and visibility levels.

B. Mechanical

1. Touchscreen stations shall consist of a seven inch, backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) with a minimum resolution of 800 by 400 pixels and 12-bit color depth with a touch interface.

2. Touchscreen bezels shall be constructed of aluminum and shall have no visible means of attachment.

a. The bezel shall install and remove without the use of tools.

b. The bezel shall provide two working positions for the Touchscreen: service and operating.

3. The Touchscreen shall have a protective overlay over the display.

a. The overlay shall reduce wear

b. The overlay shall reduce glare

4. The manufacturer shall provide backboxes for all LCD stations.

C. Electrical

1. Touchscreens shall be powered entirely by the System network.

2. Touchscreens shall connect to the System using an Ethernet network with Power over Ethernet (PoE) or the control station Echelon® Link power network.

a. Ethernet Network

1) Ethernet network shall be 10/100BaseTX, auto MDI/MDIX, 802.3af compliant. 2) Network shall utilize Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Category 5 wiring.

b. Echelon® Link power network.

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1) Link power shall utilize low-voltage Class II unshielded twisted pair, type Belden 8471 or equivalent, and one #14 ESD drain wire (when not installed in grounded metal conduit). 2) Touchscreen stations shall also require (2) #16 AWG stranded wires for 24Vdc operating power. 24Vdc wiring shall be topology free. 3) Network wiring may be bus, loop, home run, star or any combination of these. 4) Network insulation displacement connectors shall be provided with all stations.

D. Functional

1. System

a. The Touchscreen shall support configuration firmware upload from a processor as proxy

b. The Touchscreen shall support configuration or firmware upload from local removable media

2. Setup Mode

a. There shall be a setup display that is separate from any user-defined configuration

b. It shall be possible to view and modify connectivity settings

c. It shall be possible to view status information

d. It shall be possible to view and modify LCD screen settings

e. It shall be possible to perform Touchscreen calibration

f. It shall be possible to view and modify audio settings

g. The appearance of the setup display shall be standard and not editable

h. The setup display may be invoked from within the user- defined configuration and/or physical button on the Touchscreen

i. There shall be a default protected method to invoke the setup display

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3. Configurations

a. It shall be possible to have multiple configurations stored within an LCD Station

b. Only one configuration may be active on the LCD Station

c. It shall be possible for Touchscreen Stations connected via the Echelon® Link power network to select a configuration automatically based on the configuration of the physical connection.

d. Where multiple configurations are stored there shall be a boot menu to allow selection of a configuration e. Each configuration shall be identified as a different Station within the System

4. Operation

a. The control system shall be designed to allow control of lighting and associated systems via Touchscreen controls. System shall allow the control of presets, sequences, macros and time clock events.

1) System presets shall be programmable via Button, Button/Fader, Touchscreen, or software.

a) Presets shall have a discrete fade time, programmable from zero to 84,600 seconds with a resolution of one hundred milliseconds.

b) Presets shall be selectable via Touchscreen stations. 2) System macros and sequences shall be programmable via system software.

a) Macro and sequence steps shall provide user selectable steps, and allow the application of conditional logic.

b) Macro and sequences shall be activated by button, time clock event or software. 3) System time clock events shall be programmable via the Touchscreen, system software, the processor user interface, or the internal web server.

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a) Time clock events shall be assigned to system day types. Standard day types include: anyway, weekday, weekend, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. System shall support programming of additional custom or special day types.

b) Time clock events shall be activated based on sunrise, sunset, time of day or periodic event. System shall automatically compensate for regions using a fully configurable daylight saving time.

b. Touchscreen stations shall be designed to operate standard default or custom system functions. Components shall operate default functions unless re-assigned via a Windows-based configuration program. 1) Optional button functions include: preset selection, manual mode activation, record mode activation, station lockout, raise, lower, macro activation, and cue light, or room join/separate. 2) Optional fader functions include master control, individual channel control, fade rate control or preset master control.

c. Touchscreen stations shall allow programming of station and component electronic lockout levels via software

d. It shall be possible to adjust LCD contrast and brightness.

e. It shall be possible to program the station to dim during periods of inactivity.

E. Provide touchscreen LCD control stations as shown on the drawings


A. General

1. Connectors shall be 20A stage-pin. Internal wiring shall be sized to circuit ampacity and shall be rated at 125°C.

2. Terminations shall be at one end using feed through terminals individually labeled with corresponding circuit numbers. 20 amp circuits shall use screwless tension clamp terminals listed for 20 –

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8 gauge wire. Terminals that place a screw directly on the wire are not acceptable.

3. Equipment, except for wall-mounted boxes, shall be supplied with appropriate brackets and hardware for mounting as shown on the drawings. Connector strips shall have brackets on 5’ centers. Brackets shall be 1½” x .188” ASTM A 36 steel and hardware shall be ASTM A307 grade 5.

4. Power distribution equipment shall be Underwriter Laboratories (UL) Listed.

B. Connector Strips

1. Connector Strips shall be fabricated from 18 gauge galvanized steel 6.25”H x 3.3”D with length specified in increments of 6” and shipped fully wired in a minimum of 6’0” sections with all splicing hardware included. They shall be finished with fine-textured, scratch-resistant, black powder coat. Circuits shall be labeled on one side of the connector strip with 2” white lettering on black background labels. Outlets shall be spaced on 18” centers, or as otherwise specified. Outlets shall be mounted on individual 3” panels and there shall be no external terminal boxes for units with 28 or fewer circuits unless otherwise specified.

a. Connector strip circuit numbers shall be labeled in the following manner: 1) Circuits shall be labeled on one side of the connector strip with 2” white lettering on black background labels.

C. Prior to the fabrication of the connector strips, the contractor shall field verify the measurements of the existing strips and the new strips shall be manufactured to match.

D. Outlet and Pigtail Boxes

1. Outlet and Pigtail Boxes shall be fabricated from 18-gauge cold rolled steel with 16 gauge covers. They shall be finished with fine- textured, scratch-resistant, black powder coat. Circuit numbers shall be 2” or ¾” labels with white letters on black background (sized to match product). Pigtails and outlets shall be spaced on 3” centers, or as otherwise specified.

E. Provide connector strips and outlet boxes as detailed on the drawings.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



A. Tormentor assembly shall be fabricated from 1 1/2" schedule 40 pipe.

B. The tormentor pipe assembly shall be manufactured using welded construction.

C. The tormentor pipe assembly shall be provided with a black finish.

D. The tormentor pipe assembly shall be available in a wide range of sizes.

E. Provide the following tormentor pipe assemblies:

1. 2 - 8X8 TP - 8’ x 8” tormentor pipe assemblies for rear of auditorium balcony

2. 2 - 8X8 TP - 8’ x 8” tormentor pipe assemblies for side tormentors

3. 2 - 4X8 TP - 4’ x 8” tormentor pipe assemblies for anti-pro wall tormentors

4. 2 - 4X6 TP - 4’ x 6” tormentor pipe assemblies for the balcony rail


A. Provide company switches as described herein and as shown on Electrical Drawings.

B. The company switch shall provide a means for visiting productions to connect their own dimmers and associated equipment to house power in a safe and efficient manner.

C. Enclosure:

1. Enclosure shall be NEMA-Type 1 suitable for indoor use, manufactured from .075 inch cold rolled steel.

2. Enclosure shall have (4) welded mounting tabs.

3. Finish shall be black powder coat paint.

D. Inputs:

1. Contractor connections to the main circuit breaker, neutral and ground shall be internal lugs that accept up to 500mcm wire.

E. Outputs:

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


1. The unit shall have a wiring chamber that contains both direct wire lugs and single pole cam connectors for external connection.

2. There shall be 5 cams/lugs.

3. Connections shall be arranged so that cables drape downward when connected.

4. Cables shall enter and exit the wiring chamber from access holes in the bottom of the enclosure.

5. A lockable hinged access door shall restrict access to the wiring chamber for safety and security.

6. The access door shall engage the shunt trip mechanism of the main circuit breaker whenever it is not fully closed, so that connections cannot be made or broken under load.

7. The unit shall provide a spring loaded strain relief for lug cables exiting the bottom of the chamber.

8. Output lug connections shall accommodate a maximum of 500mcm cable.

9. A strip of white light-emitting diode work light shall light the wiring chamber whenever the access door is open.

10. If required, the ground connection shall be isolated from the frame.

F. Main Circuit Breaker:

1. The unit shall contain a single 3-pole 60Amp, 100Amp, 200Amp or 400Amp main circuit breaker.

2. The main breaker shall be 100% rated with a 65K AIC rating.

3. The main breaker shall be recessed beneath the plane of the front panel of the unit to prevent accidental operation.

4. The main breaker shall be equipped with a padlock attachment to lock the handle in the off position when not in use.

5. The main breaker shall be resettable to trip at 40% of its rated capacity.

G. Indicators The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


1. The unit shall be equipped with light emitting diode indicator lights for each supply phase.

2. The unit shall further be supplied with a light emitting diode indicator light indicating supply to ground continuity, labeled with an alphabetic description and color coded green.

3. There shall be a digital ammeter located on the front of the company switch, providing an instantaneous indication of the electrical current drawn through the device. This is required to assist the users in planning to ensure that an overload condition does not occur.

H. The company switch shall be UL and cUL Listed.

I. The company switch shall be as manufactured by Lex Products Corp., of Stamford, CT.

J. Provide the following:

1. (1) 200A company switch

2. (1) 100A company switch


A. General

1. The luminaire shall be a Source Four Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

B. Physical

a. The unit shall be constructed of rugged, die cast aluminum, free of burrs and pits, finished in black or white, high temperature epoxy paint. Tools shall not be required for either lamp alignment or cleaning the reflector or lens

b. The following shall be provided:

c. Integral cable clamp for power leads

d. Positive locking of lamp focus and independent lamp alignment controls

e. High impact, thermally insulated knobs and shutter handles

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


f. Reflector secured with shock mounts

g. Lens secured with silicone shock mounts

h. Rotating shutter assembly - 50 rotation

i. 20 gauge stainless steel shutters

j. Insulated rear handle

k. Interchangeable lens tubes for different field angles with Teflon guides for smooth tube movement

l. Sturdy integral die cast gel frame holders with two accessory slots, and a top mounted, quick release gel frame retainer

m. Rugged 3/16” x 1-1/4” steel yoke with two mounting positions allowing 300+ rotation of the fixture within the yoke

n. Positive locking, hand operated yoke clutch

o. Slot with sliding cover for motorized pattern devices or optional iris

C. Optical

1. The optical train shall combine a compact filament lamp with a precision molded borosilicate, ellipsoidal reflector and aspheric lens to produce an optimum cosine field.

2. The unit shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. Molded borosilicate reflector with multiple dichroic layers

b. 95% of visible light shall be reflected while 90% of infrared light as heat shall be transmitted through the reflector

c. Low gate and beam temperature

d. Sharp imaging through a three plane shutter design

e. Projector-quality, high contrast aspheric lens, with an anti- reflective coating to increase transmission

D. Performance

1. The unit shall be precision engineered to use an HPL lamp to deliver an even, intense field with cosine distribution. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


2. The unit shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. 5, 10, 14, 19, 26, 36, 50, 70 and 90 degree field angles

b. Projector-quality pattern imaging

c. Sharp shutter cuts without halation

d. Shutter warping and burnout in normal use shall be unacceptable

e. Adjustable hard and soft beam edges

3. The unit shall be UL and cUL listed and so labeled.

E. Lamp

1. The high efficiency lamp shall be an HPL lamp, which shall consist of a compact tungsten filament contained in a krypton-filled quartz envelope. The lamp shall mount axially within the reflector. The lamp base shall have an integral die cast aluminum heat sink that reduces seal temperature and ensures proper lamp alignment. The lamp socket shall be ATP 220 nickel gold plated.


A. General

1. The luminaire shall be a Source Four Zoom Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

B. Physical

1. The unit shall be constructed of rugged, die cast aluminum and extruded aluminum, free of burrs and pits, finished in black, high temperature epoxy paint. Tools shall not be required for either lamp alignment. A Phillips head screwdriver shall be required for cleaning the reflector.

2. The following shall be provided:

a. 15° -30° or 25° - 50° field angle range

b. Bind free one hand zoom angle/focus adjustment and locking dial with field angle indicators

c. Scale markings on lens tube The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


d. Insulated rear handle

e. Double clutch fixture body for both 15° - 30° and 25° - 50° version

f. Integral cable clamp for power leads

g. Positive locking of lamp focus and independent lamp alignment controls unaffected by relamping

h. High impact, thermally insulated knobs and shutter handles

i. Reflector secured with shock mounts

j. Rotating shutter assembly - 50° rotation

k. 20 gauge stainless steel shutters

l. Interchangeable / retrofitable rotating lens tube

m. Lens tube door for easy access to lenses

n. Sturdy gel frame holders with two accessory slots, and a top mounted, quick release electroplated black gel frame retainer

o. Rugged 3/16” x 1-1/4” (4.8mm x 31.8mm) steel yoke with two mounting positions allowing 300°+ rotation of the fixture within the yoke for 25° - 50° version

p. Positive locking, hand operated yoke clutch

q. Slot with sliding cover for motorized pattern devices or optional iris

C. Optical

1. The optical train shall combine a compact filament lamp with a precision molded borosilicate ellipsoidal reflector and dual Anti- reflection coated precision aspheric lens system to produce a highly efficient optimum cosine field and sharp pattern projection.

2. The unit shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. Molded borosilicate reflector with multiple dichroic layers

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


b. 95% of visible light shall be reflected while 90% of infrared light as heat shall be transmitted through the reflector and removed from the projected beam.

c. Low gate and beam temperature

d. Sharp imaging through a three plane shutter design

e. For the 15° - 30° Zoom – Two Bi-convex aspheric lenses with an anti-reflective coating to increase lens transmission

f. For the 25° - 50° Zoom - a plano-convex aspheric front lens with an anti-reflective coating and a Bi-convex aspheric rear lens with an anti-reflective coating to increase lens transmission

D. Performance

1. The unit shall be precision engineered to use an HPL lamp to deliver an even, intense field with cosine distribution. Nominal field angle cosine field lumen output shall be at least 7680 lumens for 15° - 30° version and 9060 lumens for 25° - 50° version.

2. The unit shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. 15° - 30° or 25° - 50° field angle range

b. Smooth, easy lens movement and single hand adjustment for simultaneous field angle and focus setting.

c. Projector-quality pattern imaging (stainless steel, glass, and rotating patterns)

d. °Sharp shutter cuts without halation

e. Shutter warping and burnout in normal use shall be unacceptable

f. Adjustable hard and soft beam edges

g. The unit shall be UL/cUL listed and so labeled.

E. Lamps

1. The high efficiency lamps shall be an HPL lamp, which shall consist of a compact tungsten filament contained in a krypton- filled quartz envelope. The lamp shall mount axially within the The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


reflector. The lamp base shall have an integral die cast aluminum heat sink that reduces seal temperature and ensures proper lamp alignment. The lamp socket shall be ATP 220 nickel gold plated.


A. General

1. The luminaire shall be a Source Four Fresnel spotlight as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc., or approved equal

B. Lamp

1. The luminaire shall utilize only the HPL lamp, which shall consist of a compact tungsten filament contained in a krypton-filled quartz envelope

2. The lamp base shall have an integral die cast aluminum heat sink that reduces seal temperature and ensures proper lamp alignment

3. Luminaires that use lamps other than the HPL lamp shall not be acceptable

4. The lamp socket shall be ATP 220 nickel gold plated

5. The lamp shall be prefocused in relation to the reflector

6. The lamp shall be removable from the bottom of the fixture for re- lamping

C. Optical

1. Luminaire shall use a Fresnel lens and provide soft-edged, but well-defined beam shaping with a barn door attachment

2. Luminaire shall provide a field angle zoom range of 20 degrees to 65 degrees

3. The optical train shall utilize a compact filament lamp with a modified spherical reflector

4. The luminaire shall output no less than 10,000 field lumens in full flood setting when fitted with 750W, 115V high out-put HPL lamp

5. Luminaires producing less than 10,000 field lumens in full flood setting with a 750W lamp shall not be acceptable The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


6. Reflector shall be molded borosilicate glass with multiple dichroic layers

7. Reflector efficiency shall be a minimum of 93%

8. Reflectors of pressed aluminum or other sheet metal construction shall not be acceptable

D. Physical

1. The luminaire shall be constructed of rugged, die cast aluminum, free of burrs and pits, finished in black, high temperature paint

2. The luminaire shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. 36” power lead with bare-ends

b. Integral cable clamp for power leads

c. Sealed housing with no light leaks

d. Zoom adjustment by means of a large, side-mounted knob with integral locking lever

e. Bottom-access lamp removal

f. Lamp socket access door shall use a tool-free ¼-turn closure device

g. Two accessory slots and a top mounted locking door for gel frames and beam control accessories 1) Accessory slots shall be completely surrounded by a rugged metal housing for elimination of light leaks around gel frames and other beam control accessories 2) Accessory slots shall be compatible with 7.5” beam control accessories, i.e. barn doors, gel frames, top hats, etc, such as used by Source Four PAR luminaires and other similarly-sized fixtures

h. Rugged steel yoke

i. Adjustable yoke mounting position for variable fixture balance point

j. Positive locking, hand operated yoke clutch

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k. Large, rugged handle on rear of fixture

l. Integrated safety cable mounting ring

m. Color frame

3. Unit shall be nominally 12.5”long by 9.5” wide

4. Weight without “C” clamp shall be 13.25 lbs.

5. The luminaire shall be capable of utilizing ETC Dimmer Doubling technology

6. The luminaire shall be ETL and cETL listed to UL 1573 – the standard for stage and studio use and so labeled


A. General

1. The luminaire shall be a Source Four PAR with enhanced aluminum reflector as manufactured by Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

B. Lamp

1. The instrument shall utilize an HPL lamp, which shall consist of a compact tungsten filament contained in a krypton-filled quartz envelope.

2. The lamp shall mount axially within the reflector and shall be prefocused within the reflector.

3. The lamp base shall have an integral die cast aluminum heat sink that reduces seal temperature and ensures proper lamp alignment.

4. The lamp socket shall be ATP 220 nickel gold plated.

5. All versions of the instrument shall use only one lamp type, the HPL lamp. Fixtures that require the purchasing of multiple lamp types to achieve different field angles shall not be acceptable.

C. Lenses

1. It shall be possible to change field type of the spotlight through interchangeable lenses. No tools shall be necessary for lens The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


changing. 360 Beam rotation shall be possible while the unit is active. No tools shall be necessary for lens rotation. Fixtures which require user to touch the lamp or lamp socket to orientate the beam shall not be acceptable.

a. Interchangeable lens sets shall consist of very narrow spot, narrow spot, medium flood, and wide flood. Lenses shall be heat resistant, borosilicate glass.

b. Beam orientation of MFL and WFL lenses shall be possible through rotation of lenses in a rotatable collar housed in the front of the unit. Collar shall be a high temperature heat resistant rotating collar with finger holds for precise movement.

D. Optical

1. The optical train shall combine a compact filament lamp with modified parabolic and multifaceted reflector. Reflector efficiency shall be a minimum of 93%. Reflector shall be cast into a heat sink assembly. Reflector finish shall be an enhanced aluminum deposition. Reflectors of pressed aluminum sheet construction shall not be acceptable.

E. Physical

1. The spotlights are constructed of rugged, die cast aluminum, free of burrs and pits, finished in black, high temperature epoxy paint. Tools shall not be required for cleaning the reflector or lens

2. The spotlight shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. Integral cable clamp for power leads

b. High impact, thermally insulated knobs

c. Sealed reflector housing shall prevent all light leaks. Temperature control of reflector is obtained through 17 heat sink fins cast into the housing.

d. Interior of unit shall contain ten baffles to eliminate beam scattering and spill light.

e. Lamp socket shall be held into place by a brass self- retaining screw.

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f. Lens shall be secured with cast bosses and high temperature bronze spring release. No tools shall be required to change lenses.

g. Sturdy gel frame holders with two accessory slots and a top mounted, quick release gel frame retainer

h. Rugged steel yoke with two mounting positions 300+ Rotation of fixture within yoke

i. Positive locking, hand operated yoke clutch

3. Each unit shall be provided standard with colorframe and 36” bare lead.

4. Unit shall be nominally 11”long by 10” wide

5. Weight without “C” clamp shall be 8 lbs.

6. The spotlight shall be UL and cUL listed and so labeled


A. General

1. The fixture shall be a broad-spectrum color-mixing LED illuminator with DMX control of intensity as well as color changing. The fixture shall be a Vivid-R as manufactured by Electronics Theatre Controls, Inc.

2. All LED fixtures shall be provided by a single manufacturer to ensure compatibility.

3. The fixture shall comply with USITT DMX-512 A.

B. Physical

1. The unit shall be black in color and contained in a rugged all-metal extruded and formed-metal housing, free of burrs and pits.

2. Power supply, cooling and electronics shall be integral to each unit.

3. The unit shall provide, but not be limited to:

a. 1/2” Mounting bolts on each end

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b. 5’ power lead with Edison connector

c. Easy-access slots for secondary lenses for varied beam spreads

d. Optional yoke (11” and 21” only), trunnion, and hanging bracket mounting kits.

e. Bare-end, Stage-Pin or Twist-Loc power leads shall be available

4. Four sizes shall be available:

a. 11in (280mm) long by 7.1in (180mm) high by 7.1in (180mm) deep, with a weight of 11.5 lbs (5.2 kg) not including mounting hardware

b. 21.5in (547mm) long by 7.1in (180mm) high by 7.1in (180mm) deep with a weight of 20 lbs (9.1 kg) not including mounting hardware

c. 42.5in (1080mm) long by 7.1in (180mm) high by 7.1in (180mm) deep with a weight of 35 lbs (15.9 kg) not including mounting hardware

d. 63.5in (1613mm) long by 7.1in (180mm) high by 7.1in (180mm) deep with a weight of 53 lbs (24.1 kg) not including mounting hardware

C. Environmental and Agency Compliance

1. The fixture shall operate in an ambient temperature range of 0°C minimum, to 40° C (104°F) maximum ambient temperature. The fixture shall be rated for IP-20 dry location use.

2. The fixture shall utilize advanced thermal management systems for long LED life

3. The fixture shall provide on-board fan speed control

4. LED fixture housing shall be designed to transfer heat from the LED board to the outside environment.

5. The fixture shall be ETL and cETL LISTED, and shall be so labeled when delivered to the job site. The fixture shall be ETL LISTED to UL1573.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



1. The fixture shall be equipped with 100V to 240V 50/60 Hz internal power supply

2. The fixture shall receive power via Neutrik® PowerCon™ input connector

3. The fixture requires power from non-dim source

4. Power/data supply outputs shall have current limiting protection.

5. Power/data supply shall provide miswiring protection.

6. Power/data supply shall have power factor correction.

7. Power/data supply shall be UL listed for Class 1 or Class 2 wiring

8. Power/data supply shall come with a housing that meets a minimum IP20 rating for dry location installation


1. The fixture shall utilize red, red-orange, amber, green, cyan, blue, and indigo emitters for maximum spectral output.

2. All LEDs used in the LED fixture shall be high brightness and proven quality from established and reputable LED manufacturers.

3. Manufacturer of LED systems shall utilize an advanced production LED binning process to maintain color consistency.

4. LED emitters should be rated for nominal 50,000 hour LED life

5. The fixture shall utilize Luxeon® Rebel™ 2.5W LED emitters

6. All LED fixtures (100% of each lot) shall undergo a minimum eight-hour burn-in test during manufacturing.

7. LED system shall comply with all relevant patents.


1. The fixture shall utilize the exclusive x7 Color System™ 7-color LED array

a. Each 11” cell shall contain 40 LEDs

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


b. Each 11” cell shall contain seven different colors of LED emitters for maximum spectral output

2. The fixture shall optimized for excellent pastel and saturated colors

3. The LED system shall be capable of at least 15-bit control of each color level in each cell for greater than 1 billion possible color combinations.

4. The fixture shall interact seamlessly with conventional sources

5. The fixture shall render light tints and skin tones similar to tungsten-sourced fixtures.


1. Each 11” cell of every fixture shall have the capability to be set to a unique and individual address.

a. 21” fixture provides 2 independently controlled cells

b. 42” fixture provides 4 independently controlled cells

c. 63” fixture provides 6 independently controlled cells

2. The fixture shall be DMX 512 compatible via In and Thru 5-pin XLR connectors

3. The LED system shall be digitally driven using high-speed pulse width modulation (PWM).

4. LED control shall be compatible to broadcast equipment

a. PWM control of LED levels shall be imperceptible to video cameras and related equipment

5. Each 11” cell of every fixture shall provide 8 channel control (7 color plus intensity)

a. An intensity channel shall be utilized for each cell to minimize color shift during dimming.

6. The LED system shall use 15-bit nonlinear scaling techniques for high-resolution dimming.

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7. Dimming curves shall be optimized for smooth dimming at low intensities and over longer timed fades.


A. Physical:

1. Low copper content high pressure die-cast aluminum housing

2. Heavy aluminum formed yoke

3. Stainless steel hardware

4. Silicone sealing devices

5. Clear tempered glass

6. Dual chamber design for heat management and ease of maintenance

7. Electro-statically applied polyester powder coat finish

8. 6.7 lbs

9. IP66

B. Performance:

1. Minimum 1 fc @ 238 feet distance (4000° K, 6° optic)

2. 1400 delivered lumens and 56,521 candelas at nadir (4000° K, 6° optic)

3. 6°, 10°, 20° or 40°, Elliptical distribution on 10° and 40° optics

4. Lumen maintenance L70 @ 25°C - 120,000 hours

5. Lumen measurements comply with LM - 79 - 08 standard

C. Electrical:

1. Line voltage luminaire for 120 to 277V

2. Power and data in 1 cable, 3ft cord (#16-5)

3. 27 watts

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


4. 0-10 volt, DMX or DALI dimming options


A. The basis of this design shall be the Canto 1200 follow spotlight.

B. Physical

1. The unit frame and enclosure shall be constructed of formed cold rolled steel and sturdy aluminum extrusions, free of burrs and protected by a black powder coat finish.

2. Handles shall be provided to facilitate smooth operation and to lift the unit.

3. The unit shall be mounted on a stable, folding three-point floor stand, with: a. Easy height adjustments, b. Horizontal Swing Control Lever and c. Vertical Tilt Control Lever

4. The Power Supply shall be separate from the followspot. In order to maintain quiet and efficient cooling, and to facilitate maintenance, repair or replacement of the Power Supply, followspots containing internal power supplies shall not be acceptable.

5. Weight of Head unit shall not exceed 37 pounds.

6. Length of head unit with color changing boomerang shall not exceed 41”.

7. A sliding panel shall provide access to lenses without the use of tools.

C. Controls

1. The Lamphouse shall as a minimum incorporate the following: a. Quiet forced-air cooling by internally wired blower; b. Remote ON/OFF fan control; c. Drop-down single ended lamp holder to permit bulb replacement without the use of hand tools; d. Bulb positioning controls.

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2. The body of the unit shall, as minimum incorporate the following: a. Optical dimmer iris mechanism for smooth manual dimming; b. Four shutters mounted on two planes, for both vertical and horizontal masking c. Drop-in Nichrome steel iris d. Drop-in Gobo Holder e. Zoom focus controls with calibrations silk screened on followspot body. 1) With the iris fully open this followspot shall be capable of producing a continuous range of field angles from 8.0 degrees in spot to 22 degrees in flood. 2) At any field angle the beam shall be adjustable between soft and sharp edges.

3. The front of the unit shall house a five color, self-canceling boomerang with color filters

D. Optical

1. The unit’s optical train shall consist of : a. Socket mounted 1200 watt single-ended metal halide lamp; b. Fixed Optical Quality glass reflector and double condenser lens; c. Variable focus lens system utilizing Optical-quality glass; d. Iris/Gobo Holder, Shutters for beam shaping control; e. Optical dimmer Iris; f. Five color boomerang.

2. The zoom focus shall increase light intensity as it decreases the spot diameter.

3. The light Color Temperature shall be as follows: a. 6,000°K with Philips MSD 1200 (3,300 hour lamp) b. 5,900°K with Philips MSR 1200 (800 hour lamp) c. 7,200°K with Philips MSR 1200/2 (800 hour lamp)

E. Electrical

1. Metal halide lamp system input shall be 110-120 V.AC, 50/60 Hertz, single phase. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


2. Power Supply shall be separate from spotlight unit and easily interchanged.

3. Lamp shall be MSD 1200 watt as manufactured by Philips, or approved equal.

4. A double microswitch interlock shall be provided for safe lamp replacement.

F. Performance

1. Adjusted for flat field (approximately 70%) the unit shall produce a continuous range of illumination from 600,000 beam candlepower in Flood focus to 2,370,000 beam candlepower in Spot focus.

2. The Field diameter at a 100 foot throw shall be continuously adjustable from 26.4feet in Flood focus to 10.5 feet in Spot focus. With full iris the Field diameter in spot focus shall be less than 24”.


A. Provide the following:

1. (50) 5' DMX Cable

2. (10) 10' DMX Cable

3. (24) Sheets Color Media (choice by owner)

4. (2) Lex Products 50’ E-String #50116BA

5. (8) 400PH-A Pattern Holders



A. The Electrical Contractor (EC) shall install and test a complete lighting control system, as specified herein for areas indicated on the drawings and circuit schedules.

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B. It shall be the responsibility of the EC to receive and store the necessary materials and equipment for installation of the dimmer system. It is the intent of these specifications and plans to include everything required for proper and complete installation and operation of the dimming system, even though every item may not be specifically mentioned. The EC shall deliver on a timely basis to other trades any equipment that must be installed during construction.

C. The EC shall be responsible for field measurements and coordinating physical size of all equipment with the architectural requirements of the spaces in which they are to be installed.

D. The EC shall furnish all conduit, wire, connections, hardware and other incidental items necessary for the complete and proper operation of the lighting control system.

E. The EC install new power feed wiring and terminate in new dimmer rack.

F. EC shall mount new dimmer rack where shown on the drawings.

G. Each dimming circuit shall contain separate neutrals and be terminated in the new dimmer rack.

H. Load circuits shall be properly grounded to dimmer rack through grounding of main conduit entry to ground lug in dimmer rack.

I. EC shall perform live testing on all load circuits before connecting the loads to the dimmer system load terminals.

J. EC shall terminate all load circuits to be dimmed in new dimmer racks.

K. EC shall run specified control wiring to new control station locations, as shown on the drawings. Surface back boxes will be provided by manufacturer. EC is to leave 3’-0” of control wiring at each control station and NOT terminate wire. All low voltage terminations at control station locations and at dimmer rack are to be performed by manufacturer’s authorized service technician.

L. EC shall assemble, mount and install all stage lighting fixtures.


A. The electrical contractor together with the lighting system supplier shall be responsible for the following:

1. Full control console setup to include patching of all devices

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


2. A minimum of four hours of training on the programming and operation of the theatrical lighting console.

3. Training on the proper maintenance of the stage lighting fixtures including lamp and lens replacement

4. Mechanically adjust the followspots to correct any misalignment caused by transportation or handling during the construction period. Trim the light output of each followspot to maximize intensity with flat field.

B. The lighting system supplier shall make available to the owner the following options:

1. Lighting Design Services

2. Preventative Maintenance


A. Upon completion of the installation, including testing of load circuits, the contractor shall notify the dimming system manufacturer that the system is available for formal checkout.

B. Notification shall be provided in writing, three weeks prior to the time factory-trained personnel are needed on the job site.

C. No power is to be applied to the dimming system unless specifically authorized by written instructions from the manufacturer.

D. The purchaser shall be liable for any return visits by the factory engineer as a result of incomplete or incorrect wiring.

E. Upon completion of the formal check-out, the factory engineer shall demonstrate operation and maintenance of the system to the owner’s representatives. Training shall not exceed four working hours. Additional training shall be available upon request.


A. Manufacturer shall warrant products under normal use and service to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from date of delivery. Two year warranty shall commence from date of system commissioning.

B. Warranty shall cover repair or replacement of such parts determined defective upon inspection. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


C. Warranty does not cover any product or part of a product subject to accident, negligence, alteration, abuse or misuse. Warranty does not cover any accessories or parts not supplied by the manufacturer.

D. Warranty shall not cover any labor expended or materials used to repair any equipment without manufacturer’s prior written authorization.


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A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. Section Includes:

1. This specification describes an addressable Fire Detection and alarm signaling system. The control panel shall be intelligent device addressable, analog detecting, low voltage and modular, with digital communication techniques, in full compliance with all applicable codes and standards. The features and capacities described in this specification are required as a minimum for this project and shall be furnished by the successful contractor.

2. The system shall be in full compliance with National and Local Codes.

3. The system shall include all required hardware, raceways, interconnecting wiring and software to accomplish the requirements of this specification and the contract drawings, whether or not specifically itemized herein.

4. All equipment furnished shall be new and the latest state of the art products of a single manufacturer, engaged in the manufacturing and sale of analog fire detection devices for over ten years.

5. The system as specified shall be supplied, installed, tested and approved by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction, and turned over to the owner in an operational condition.

6. The system specified shall be that of Siemens Fire Safety which meets the project requirements as supplied by Master Fire and Security System - 814- 454-4677. Other systems shall be submitted 10 days prior to bid date for approval by the Engineer. All system approved shall meet all the requirements spelled out in this specification. System approval shall be in writing by the Engineer and a copy shall be submitted with the system submittals.


A. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

B. FACP: Fire alarm control panel.

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C. FM: FM Global (Factory Mutual)

D. NCC: Network Command Center

E. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association. Definitions in NFPA 72 apply to fire alarm terms used in this Section.

F. NICET: National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies.

G. UL: Underwriters Laboratories


A. Basic FireFinder XLS System - The system shall be a complete, electrically supervised fire detection and notification system, with a microprocessor based operating system having the following capabilities, features, and capacities:

1. The control panel shall allow control and monitoring from a wireless handheld display device during maintenance, inspection and trouble shooting tasks

a. The control panel shall allow complete control and monitoring from a wireless handheld display device during one-man testing of the system

b. Testing supported should be real smoke testing of devices, automatically logged and made available in NFPA format reports. Manual test entries will not be accepted.

2. System shall provide an output port for monitoring purposes by external systems. Communications to an external system shall be RS-232 or RS- 485 communications.

3. A single node or system shall support at least 50 remote transponders

4. The local system shall provide status indicators and control switches for all of the following functions:

a. Audible and visual notification alarm circuit zone control.

b. Status indicators for sprinkler system water-flow and valve supervisory devices.

c. Any additional status or control functions as indicated on the drawings, including but not limited to; emergency generator functions, fire pump functions, door unlocking and security with bypass capabilities.

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5. Each intelligent addressable device or conventional zone on the system shall be displayed at the Central Alarm Receiving Terminal and the local fire alarm control panel by a unique alphanumeric label identifying its location.


A. General Performance: Comply with NFPA 72 and all contract documents and specification requirements.

B. System shall be a complete, supervised, non-coded, addressable multiplex fire alarm system conforming to NFPA 72.

C. The system shall have Style 4 circuits for each floor. The system shall operate in the alarm mode upon actuation of any alarm initiating device. The system shall remain in the alarm mode until all initiating device(s) are reset and the fire alarm control panel is manually reset and restored to normal.

D. The system shall provide the following functions and operating features:

1. The FACP and auxiliary power panels shall provide power, annunciation, supervision and control for the system.

2. Provide Class B initiating device circuits.

3. Provide Class B notification appliance circuits. Arrange circuits to allow individual, selective, and all-call voice and visual notification by zone. Notification Appliance circuits shall be zoned to correspond with the building fire barriers and other building features.

4. Strobes shall be synchronized throughout the entire building.

5. Provide electrical supervision of the primary power (AC) supply, presence of the battery, battery voltage, and placement of system modules within the control panel.

E. The system shall provide a field test function where one person can test the complete system or a specific area while maintaining full operational function of other areas not being tested. Alarms, supervisory signals, trouble signals shall be logged on the system printer and in system history during the walk-test.

F. Alarm functions shall override trouble or supervisory functions. Supervisory functions shall override trouble functions.

G. Fire alarm signal initiation shall be by one or more of the following devices:

1. Manual pull station

2. Heat detector The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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3. FirePrint® Addressable area smoke detector

4. Duct smoke detector

5. Automatic sprinkler system water flow switch.

H. Activation of any system fire, security, supervisory, trouble, or status initiating device shall cause the following actions and indications at all network Person Machine Interfaces using basic graphics and multiple detail screens.

1. Fire Alarm Condition:

a. Sound an audible alarm and display a custom screen/message defining the building in alarm and the specific alarm point initiating the alarm in a graphic display.

b. Log into the system history archives all activity pertaining to the alarm condition.

c. Sound the ANSI 117-1 signal with synchronized audibles and synchronized strobes throughout the facility.

d. Audible signals shall be silenced from the fire alarm control panel by an alarm silence switch. Visual signals shall be programmable to flash until system reset or alarm silencing, as required.

e. Activation of any smoke detector in a single elevator lobby or an elevator equipment room shall, in addition to the actions described, cause the recall of that bank of elevators to the 1st floor and the lockout of controls. In the event of recall initiation by a detector in the first floor lobby, the recall shall be to the alternate floor as determined by the AHJ.

f. Where indicated on drawings heat detectors in elevator shaft and machine rooms shall activate an elevator power shunt trip breaker. The heat detectors shall be rated at a temperature below the ratings of the sprinkler heads in respective locations to insure that the power shall be shut off before activation of sprinkler system.

g. System operated duct detectors as per local requirements shall accomplish HVAC shut down.

h. Door closure devices shall operate by floor or by local requirements.

2. Supervisory Condition:

a. Display the origin of the supervisory condition report at the local fire alarm control panel graphic LCD display.

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b. Activate supervisory audible and dedicated visual signal.

c. Audible signals shall be silenced from the control panel by the supervisory acknowledge switch.

d. Record within system history the initiating device and time of occurrence of the event.

3. Trouble Condition

a. Display at the local fire alarm control panel graphic LCD display, the origin of the trouble condition report.

b. Activate trouble audible and visual signals at the control panel and as indicated on the drawings.

c. Audible signals shall be silenced from the fire alarm control panel by a trouble acknowledge switch.

d. Trouble conditions that have been restored to normal shall be automatically removed from the trouble display queue and not require operator intervention. This feature shall be software selectable and shall not preclude the logging of trouble events to the historical file.

e. Trouble reports for primary system power failure to the master control shall be automatically delayed for a period of time equal to 25% of the system standby battery capacity to eliminate spurious reports as a result of power fluctuations.

f. Record within system history, the occurrence of the event, the time of occurrence and the device initiating the event.


A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. Include rated capacities, operating characteristics, electrical characteristics, and furnished specialties and accessories. Complete manufacturer’s catalog data including supervisory power usage, alarm power usage, physical dimensions, and finish and mounting requirements.

B. Power calculations. Battery capacity calculations. Battery size shall be a minimum of 125% of the calculated requirement. Provide the following supporting information:

1. Supervisory power requirements for all equipment.

2. Alarm power requirements for all equipment.

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3. Power supply rating justification showing power requirements for each of the system power supplies. Power supplies shall be sized to furnish the total connected load in a worst-case condition plus 25% spare capacity.

4. Voltage drop calculations for wiring runs demonstrating worst-case condition.

5. NAC circuit design shall incorporate a 15% spare capacity for future expansion.

C. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work.

1. Wiring Diagrams: For power, signal, and control wiring.

2. Complete drawings covering the following shall be submitted by the contractor for the proposed system:

a. Floor plans in a CAD compatible format at a scale of 1/8”=1’-0” showing all equipment and raceways, marked for size, conductor count with type and size, showing the percentage of allowable National Electric Code fill used.

3. Installation drawings shop drawings, and as-built drawings shall be prepared by an individual experienced with the work specified herein.

4. Incomplete submittals shall be returned without review, unless with prior approval of the Engineer.

D. Qualification Data: For qualified Installer, Applicator, manufacturer, fabricator, professional engineer, testing agency, and factory-authorized service representative.

E. Source quality-control reports.

F. Field quality-control reports.

G. Operation and Maintenance Data: For all fire alarm equipment, to include in operation and maintenance manuals.

H. Software and Firmware Operational Documentation:

1. Software operating and upgrade manuals.

2. Device address list.

3. Printout of software application and graphic screens.

I. Warranty: Sample of special warranty. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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A. Manufacturer Qualifications: The publications listed below form a part of this publication to the extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the basic designation only. The latest version of each listed publication shall be used as a guide unless the authority having jurisdiction has adopted an earlier version.

1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

a. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code

b. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code

c. NFPA 90A Standard For The Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems

d. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code

2. Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. (UL) equipment standards, Latest Edition

a. UL Fire Protection Equipment Directory

b. UL Electrical Construction Materials Directory

c. UL 268 - Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems

d. UL 268A - Smoke Detectors for Duct Application

e. UL 464 - Audible Signal Appliances

f. UL 521 - Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems

g. UL 864 - Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems

h. UL 1971 - Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired

3. International Code Council

a. International Building Code

b. International Fire Code.

4. State and Local Building Codes as adopted and/or amended by The Authority Having Jurisdiction, ADA, and/or State and local equivalency standards as adopted by The Authority Having Jurisdiction.

B. Supplier Qualifications

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1. The manufacturer of the supplied products must utilize multi-channel product distribution on a national basis to be considered for this bid. The manufacturer must have factory branches as well as independent distributors to allow the end user with the ability to utilize factory trained and authorized competitive service providers after system installation and commissioning.

2. Provide the services of a factory trained and certified representative or technician, experienced in the installation and operation of the type of system provided. The representative shall be licensed in the State if required by law.

3. The technician shall supervise installation, software documentation, adjustment, preliminary testing, final testing and certification of the system. The technician shall provide the required instruction to the owner's personnel in the system operation and maintenance.

4. The supplies shall furnish evidence they have an experienced service organization, which carries a stock of spare and repair parts for the system being furnished. Supplier shall verify offices are located within fifty miles of the project site and able to provide twenty-four emergency services.

C. Installer Qualifications:

1. Before commencing work, submit data showing that the manufacturer has successfully installed fire alarm systems of the same scope, type and design as specified.

2. The contractor shall submit copies of all required Licenses and Bonds as required in the State having jurisdiction.

D. Testing Agency Qualifications: Qualified for testing indicated.

E. Source Limitations for fire alarm equipment: Obtain fire alarm equipment from single source.

F. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application.

G. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site.


A. Deliver products to project site in original, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers’ labels identifying product and manufacturer, date of manufacture, and shelf life if applicable.

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B. Store materials inside, under cover, above ground, and kept dry and protected from physical damage until ready for use. Remove from site and discard wet or damaged materials.


A. Installed products or materials shall be free from any damage including, but not limited to, physical insult, dirt and debris, moisture, and mold damage.

B. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install products or materials until spaces are enclosed and weather-tight, wet work in spaces is complete and dry, and temporary HVAC system is operating and maintaining ambient temperature and humidity conditions at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period.


A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace fire alarm equipment that fail(s) in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period.

1. Warranty Period: 1 year from date of Substantial Completion.


A. Technical Support: Beginning with Substantial Completion, provide software support for 1 year.

B. Upgrade Service: Update software to latest version at Project completion. Install and program software upgrades that become available within two years from date of Substantial Completion. Upgrading software shall include operating system. Upgrade shall include new or revised licenses for use of software.

1. Provide 30 days' notice to Owner to allow scheduling and access to system and to allow Owner to upgrade computer equipment if necessary.


A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents.



A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements all equipment shall be Siemens. NO SUBSTITUTIONS.

2.02 CONTROL PANEL The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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A. The fire alarm control panel shall be microprocessor based using multiple microprocessors throughout the system providing rapid processing of smoke detector and other initiation device information to control system output functions.

B. There shall be a watchdog circuit, which shall verify the system processors and the software program. Problems with either the processors or the system program the panel shall activate a trouble signal, and reset the panel.

C. The system modules shall communicate with an RS 485 network communications protocol. All module wiring shall be to terminal blocks, which will plug into the system card cage. The control panel shall be capable of expansion via up to 100 SLC’s. Maximum system capacity shall be at least 2500 intelligent initiation devices.

D. The system shall be capable of supporting unshielded wiring applications.

E. System Components:

1. The Device Loop Card (DLC) shall be capable of 252 intelligent devices distributed between two SLC circuits. Any trouble on one circuit shall not affect the other circuit. This module controls the signaling from the initiation devices reporting alarms and troubles to the control panel. This module shall also provide the signaling to the field devices for the controlling the output of specific initiation devices. The on board microprocessor provides the DLC with the ability to function even if the main microprocessor fails. LED’s on the board shall provide annunciation for the following; Power, Card Failure, Network Failure, Gnd. Fault, Alarm, Trouble, Short Zone 1, Short Zone 2, Style 6 Open Zone 1, Style 6 Open Zone 2. This card shall plug into the system card cage. The card shall be model number DLC. [***circuit shall be capable of either input or output devices on any address without limitations. You can split the SLC in any ration while maintaining short circuit isolation between the two legs of the circuit***]

2. The Signal Line Circuits (SLC) shall be tested for opens, shorts and communications with all addressable devices installed before connection to the control panel. Systems without this capability shall have a test panel installed for initial testing to eliminate any possible damage short term or long term to the control panel. After initial testing replace the test panel and proceed with complete testing.

3. The Person Machine Interface (PMI) shall provide the system information on ¼ VGA monochrome LCD, with Touch Screen and LED display. Graphic user interface shall be menu driven with 4 tabs showing the level and the total events for each tab. The tabs shall be; Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble and Security. At least 5 events shall be shown simultaneously with two full lines of text message for each event. Each event shall have a 32 character custom message describing the event’s location. In addition, the time stamp and category of the event (ie. Smoke, Water flow, Manual, etc)

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shall be displayed. When configured for Canadian operation, nine events shall be displayed simultaneously. The LED displays shall indicate Power, Audibles On or Silenced, and Partial System Disabled. Systems not having the above LED’s shall provide separate LED’s within the control panel enclosure with appropriate labels. Selection buttons shall be backlit to aid the operator in the selection process. There shall be controls for scrolling throughout the event list. A button shall provide zoom in zoom out for the amount of information desired for a specific entry. The PMI shall be capable of monitoring the power supply loading and show available capacity for future expansion planning. The PMI shall provide a More Info button that can display addition device information such as the device type and device address. This More Info shall also have the ability to display a detailed screen that provides the following:

a. 200 character custom message associated with the group of the device

b. NFPA symbols representing fire service equipment in the area

c. NFPA symbols representing hazards in the area

d. NFPA symbols representing people in the area

e. Number of devices in the associated group that are in alarm

f. Name and phone number of emergency contact

4. The PMI shall also have the ability to display a bitmap of a floor plan showing a “You are Here” symbol to tell the responding person exactly where they are in the building in relation to the event. Systems without this type of display shall supply a UL listed Graphics package with their system. The LCD shall have a keyboard screen to allow the technician ability to enter test and numbers for passwords or text changes. The PMI shall also have a Context Sensitive Help button. A globally configured PMI shall have the ability to view events, acknowledge, silence and reset networked FireFinder XLS and MXL systems. A globally configured PMI shall also have the ability to arm and disarm input and output points on FireFinder XLSs and MXLs. A globally configured PMI shall have the ability to be configured for control of the entire network, control of the local FireFinder XLS, or annunciation only. In a networked configuration, the Partial System Disable LED shall be indicative of all networked FireFinder XLSs. A globally configured PMI in a networked configuration shall have the ability to store 6 maps for every FireFinder XLS panel. At least 10 globally configured PMIs shall be supported in a network. The module shall be model number PMI.

5. The PMI International (PMI-INT) shall provide Spanish, Portuguese or Canadian overlays. The PMI-INT or PMI shall have the ability to be

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configured display text in Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew or French while having the ability to swap in English text at anytime by a simple button press at the panel. Printers shall also have the ability to be configured for Spanish, Portuguese or French.

6. The System Status Display (SSD) shall provide a remote LED/LCD display that shows the local status of a FireFinder XLS system. An LED shall illuminate when alarm, supervisory, trouble and security events occur on the system. The SSD shall consist of a LCD display that has four lines of forty characters each that provides details of the event in alphanumeric form. The SSD-C and SSD-C-REM shall have three additional control buttons for acknowledging events, silencing audible circuits, and resetting the system. The SSD-C shall have an integral keyswitch that enables these control buttons to operate. The SSD-C-REM shall have the ability to be located within a locked cabinet, so no additional keyswitch is required for enabling the control buttons. The SSD and SSD-C shall be mountable in a 2-gang electrical box or 4-inch square electrical box. The SSD-C-REM shall be mountable in a model REMBOX2 or REMBOX4 Remote Lobby Enclosure.

7. The Zone Indicating Card (ZIC-4A) shall contain 4 NAC circuits rated at 4 amps each with power-limited outputs. The zone inputs for the card shall be isolated and independently supervised. There shall be at least 3 unique codes/signals for each circuit based on system logic. These signals shall be Temporal Code 3 (Evacuation), Steady (Such as “Recall”), and Alert (Such as “Tornado Alert”). The card shall be listed for notification appliances, horns, bells, strobes, and speakers. The card shall also be listed for NFPA 13 Pre-Action Release, Halon 1301, FM200, Lease Line, and Municipal Tie. The card shall have the ability to wire the circuits Style Y or Style Z with outputs synchronized. The card shall have the following LED’s to provide trouble shooting and annunciation; Power, Card Failure, Network Failure, Gnd. Fault, Zone Activation or Trouble. This card shall plug into the system card cage. The card shall be model number ZIC-4A.

8. The Zone Indicating Card (ZIC-8B) shall contain 8 NAC circuits rated at 2 amps each with power-limited outputs. The zone inputs for the card shall be isolated and independently supervised. There shall be at least 3 unique codes/signals for each circuit based on system logic. These signals shall be Temporal Code 3 (Evacuation), Steady (Such as “Recall”), and Alert (Such as “Tornado Alert”). The card shall be listed for notification appliances, horns, bells, strobes, and speakers. The card shall have the ability to wire the circuits Class B with outputs synchronized. The card shall have the following LED’s to provide trouble shooting and annunciation; Power, Card Failure, Network Failure, Gnd. Fault, Zone Activation or Trouble. This card shall plug into the system card cage. The card shall be model number ZIC-8B.

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9. The Control Relay Card (CRC) shall contain 6 fully programmable relays each rated at 4A, 30VDC/120VAC resistive and 3.5A, 120VAC 0.6 PF inductive. The card shall have the following LED’s to provide trouble shooting and annunciation; Power, Card Fail, HNET Fail, Relay 1 Active, Relay 2 Active, Relay 3 Active, Relay 4 Active, Relay 5 Active, Relay 6 Active. The card shall be model number CRC-6.

10. The system card cage shall provide the mounting of all system cards, field wiring, and panel’s inter-card wiring. All power limited field wiring shall connect to the top of the card cage. All non-power limited internal wiring shall be connected to the bottom of the card cage. The card cage shall hold the systems cards and have capability of connecting multiple card cages to meet system demands. All terminal blocks are removable. The card cage shall be model number CC-2 or CC-5.

F. System response time from alarm to output shall be an average of three (3) seconds.

G. To expedite system troubleshooting, the system cards shall have ground fault detection, and diagnostic LED’s by card.

H. All system cards and modules shall have Flash memory for downloading the latest module firmware.

I. Passwords:

1. Maintenance/Control Password - There shall be a 5 character password that a user must enter into the control panel in order to perform such maintenance- and control-related functions at the panel as:

a. Arming and disarming devices.

b. Activating, deactivating or modifying detector ASD and sensitivity settings.

c. Activating and deactivating the History Log function, and deleting obsolete entries.

d. Changing the system time and date.

2. Function Key Password - There shall be a 5 character password that a user must enter into the control panel in order to access the panel's Function Keys: touchscreen buttons which perform custom-programmed system functions.

3. Reports Password - There shall be a 5 character password that a user must enter into the control panel in order to access the panel's reporting functions.

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4. Walktest Password - There shall be a 5 character password that a user must enter into the control panel in order to access the panel's walktesting functions.

5. Acknowledge Silenceable Reset Password - There shall be a 5 character password that a system user must enter into the control panel in order to acknowledge events, turn silenceable audibles and visuals on and off, and perform panel resets.

J. Networking:

K. Degrade Mode Alarm Activation:

1. Each data gathering panel shall support the ability to have its corresponding ZIC-4A, ZIC-8B and output devices on a DLC's loop activate when the DLC or CDC-4 is in Degrade Mode (has lost HNET communication with the PMI control panel). For example, if the device loop includes HFP detectors with relay bases and lamps, the relays and lamps will activate upon any system alarm when the DLC is in Degrade Mode.

L. Software Modifications: The system structure and software shall place no limit on the type or extent of software modifications on-site. Modification of software shall not require power-down of the system or loss of system fire protection while modifications are being made. Systems that require the use of external programmers or change of EPROMs are not acceptable.

M. Logic: The fire alarm system shall support generic functions that deal with binary states (True/False, high/low), and produce desired outputs from one or more binary inputs (for example, alarm outputs from detector or manual station inputs). AND, OR, NOT, Any N, D Latch, RS Latch, Time Base Control, Start Timer, Restart Timer are generic functions. Generic functions can be used as inputs to other function. The system shall support 1500 logic functions.

N. History: The system shall store 5000 events in history while in straight mode and 4500 in circular mode. In straight mode, trouble warnings will occur at 4000 and 4500 events. In circular mode, the control panels shall maintain a 2000 event Alarm History buffer, which consists of the 2000 most recent alarm events from the 4500 event history file.

O. Reports:

1. The system shall have the ability to provide configuration, status, queue and history reports.

2. Configuration reports shall provide the following information:

a. Custom Messages

b. Database Information The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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c. Entity Type

d. Device Usage

e. Device Category

f. Firmware revision

3. Status reports shall provide the following information:

a. Disarmed cards and devices

b. ASD settings

c. Sensitivity in %/foot

d. Alarm threshold in %/foot

e. Temperature in degrees C

f. Walktest

4. Queue reports shall provide the following information:

a. Alarm events with custom message and event time

b. Supervisory events with custom message and event time

c. Security events with custom message and event time

d. Trouble events with custom message and event time

5. History reports shall provide Address, History Type, Description, Time & Date and Custom Message. The following event types shall be reported:

a. Alarm events

b. Supervisory events

c. Security events

d. Status changes

e. Alarm verification

f. Output activation from logic

g. System Reset

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h. Event Acknowledgements

i. Block Acknowledgements

j. Audible Silence System Flag Changes

k. Sensitivity Changes

l. Arm / Disarm Commands

m. Arm / Disarm By Logic

n. Manual Output Overrides

o. Output Overrides By Logic

p. Time Changes

q. Menu Logins

r. ASD Changes

s. Walktest

t. Device Input to Logic Activations/Deactivations


A. The system Power Supply/Charger (PSC) shall be a 12-amp supply with battery charger. The power supply shall be filtered and regulated. The power supply shall have a minimum of 1 power limited output rated at 4 amps, and a minimum of 1 output rated at 12 amps. The system power supply can be expanded up to 48 amps. The auxiliary power supply module shall share common batteries with the primary power supply. The system power supply shall have 4 relays, 1 for common alarm, one for common trouble and two programmable relays. The power supply shall be rated for 120/240 VAC 50/60 Hz. The module shall be model number PSC-12 or PSX-12.

B. The battery charger shall be able to charge the system batteries up to 100 AH batteries. Battery charging shall be microprocessor controlled and programmed with a special software package to select charging rates and battery sizes. An optional Thermistor for monitoring battery temperature to control charging rate shall be available.

C. The power supply shall have a plug for an AC adapter cable, which allows a technician to plug in a laptop computer for up or down loading program information or test equipment.

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D. Transfer from AC to battery power shall be instantaneous when AC voltage drops to a point where it is not sufficient for normal operation.


A. Provide the enclosure needed to hold all the cards and modules as specified with at least spare capacity for two cards. The enclosure outer door shall be either black or red. Provide the color as to the local AHJ requirements. The outer doors shall be capable of being a left hand open or a right hand open. The inner door shall have a left hand opening. System enclosure doors shall provide where required ventilation for the modules or cards in the enclosure.


A. General

1. All initiation devices shall be insensitive to initiating loop polarity. Specifically, the devices shall be insensitive to plus/minus voltage connections on either Style 4 or Style 6 circuits.

B. Smoke Detectors – Addressable

1. The detector shall be guaranteed in writing not to false alarm when configured by the factory trained certified technician. The detector must provide up to 11 different environmental algorithms that allow the detector to provide superior false alarm immunity without the need for additional alarm verification delays.

2. The detector shall have a multicolor LED to streamline system maintenance/inspection by plainly indicating detector status as follows: green for normal operation, amber for maintenance required, red for alarm.

3. The multi-criteria smoke detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. Detectors shall be listed for use as open area protective coverage, in duct installation and sampling assembly installation and shall be insensitive to air velocity changes. The detector communications shall allow the detector to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within four (4) seconds. So as to minimize the effort required by the installing and maintenance technician to appropriately configure the detector to ensure optimal system design, the detectors shall be programmable as application specific. Application settings shall be selected in software for a minimum of eleven environmental fire profiles unique to the devices installed location.

4. The detector shall be designed to eliminate the possibility of false indications caused by dust, moisture, RFI/EMI, chemical fumes and air movement while factoring in conditions of ambient temperature rise, obscuration rate changes and hot/cold smoke phenomenon into the alarm decision to give the earliest possible real alarm condition report. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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5. The intelligent smoke detector shall be capable of providing three distinct outputs from the control panel. The outputs shall be from an input of smoke obscuration, a thermal condition or a combination of obscuration and thermal conditions. The detector shall be designed to eliminate calibration errors associated with field cleaning of the chamber.

6. The detector shall support the use of a relay, or LED remote indicator without requiring an additional software address. Low profile, white case shall not exceed 2.5 inches of extension below the finish ceiling.

7. For the detector where required, there shall be available a locking kit and detector guard to prevent unauthorized detector removal.

8. The smoke detector shall be model number HFP-11.

9. Where required, there shall be available a programmable remote lamp configurable to remotely duplicate the on-board LED status of another system device with the same software address. It shall be model ILED-H.

C. Heat Detectors – Addressable

1. Thermal Detectors shall be rated at 135 degrees fixed temperature and 15 degrees per minute rate of rise. Detectors shall be constructed to compensate for the thermal lag inherent in conventional type detectors due to the thermal mass, and alarm at the set point of 135 degrees Fahrenheit. The choice of alarm reporting as a fixed temperature detector or a combination of fixed and rate of rise shall be made in system software and be changeable at any time without the necessity of hardware replacement.

2. The detectors furnished shall have a listed spacing for coverage up to 2,500 square feet and shall be installed according to the requirements of NFPA 72 for open area coverage. The thermal detector shall be model number HFPT- 11.

D. Duct Smoke Detectors – Addressable

1. For duct detector applications, the smoke detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. Detectors shall be listed for use as open area protective coverage, in duct installation and sampling assembly installation and shall be insensitive to air velocity changes.

2. The detector communications shall allow the detector to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within four (4) seconds. The detector shall be mounted in a duct detector housing listed for that purpose. The duct detector shall support the use of a remote test switch, relay or LED remote indicator. The duct detector shall be supplied with the appropriate sampling tubes to fit the installation.

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CSI Siemens Based XLS

3. Where duct detectors are exposed to the weather a weatherproof enclosure shall be available. The duct housing cover shall include a test port for functional testing of the detector without cover removal. The duct housing shall include a cover removal switch capable of indicating cover removal status to the fire alarm control panel.

4. The intelligent duct detector shall be model number AD2-P Series. Where required there shall be available a duct housing with an on-board relay. Also where required, there shall be a standalone housing available with its own power supply and test/reset switch that does not require connection to a fire alarm control panel. It shall be model AD2-4W.

E. Detector Bases – Addressable

1. Detector bases shall be low profile twist lock type with screw clamp terminals and self-wiping contacts. Bases shall be installed on an industry standard, 4" square or octagonal electrical outlet box.

2. The model number for the standard base shall be DB-11.

3. Where selective localized control of electrical devices is required for system operation, furnish and install detector base with software programmed addressable relay integral to the base. The relay shall switch electrical loads within relay ratings, as indicated on the drawings. Operation of the addressable control circuit shall be independent of the number of detectors and relays on the circuit or the number in an alarm state. Relay bases shall be rated for resistive or inductive load (120VAC or 30VDC) 3 amps. The relay base shall be model number DB-HR.

F. Manual Pull Stations – Addressable

1. Provide addressable manual stations where shown on the drawings, to be flush or surface mounted as required. Manual stations shall contain the intelligence for reporting address, identity, alarm and trouble to the fire alarm control panel. The manual station communications shall allow the station to provide alarm input to the system and alarm output from the system within less than four (4) seconds.

2. The manual station shall be equipped with terminal strip and pressure style screw terminals for the connection of field wiring. Surface mounted stations where indicated on the drawings shall be mounted using a manufacturer's prescribed matching red enamel outlet box.

3. The double action pull station shall be model number HMS-D.

G. Addressable Interface Devices

1. Addressable Interface Devices shall be provided to monitor contacts for such items as water-flow, tamper, and PIV switches connected to the fire alarm The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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system. These interface devices shall be able to monitor a single or dual contacts. An address will be provided for each contact. Where remote supervised relay is required the interface shall be equipped with a SPDT relay rated for 4 amps resistive and 3.5 amps inductive. The addressable interface modules shall be model number HTRI Series.


A. Series ZH & ZR – Strobes, Horns, Horn/Strobes

1. Audible/Visual notification appliances shall be listed for indoor use, and shall meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 - Class B

2. Appliances shall be listed under UL Standard 1971 (Standard for Safety Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired) and UL Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling)

3. Appliances shall use a universal back plate, which shall allow mounting to a single-gang, double-gang, 4-inch-square, 4”-octal, or a 3-1/2”-octal backbox

4. Two-wire appliance wiring shall be capable of directly connecting to the mounting back plate

5. Continuity check shall occur for entire NAC circuit prior to attaching any audible / visual-notification appliances

6. Dust cover shall fit and protect the mounting plate

7. Dust cover shall be easily removed when the appliance is installed over the back plate

8. Removal of an appliance shall result in a trouble condition by the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)

9. Strobe appliances shall produce a minimum flash rate of 60 flashes per minute (1 flash per second) over the Regulated Input Voltage Range, and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens

10. Strobes shall be available with two or four field-selectable settings in one unit, and shall be rated – per UL 1971 – for up to:

a. 185cd for wall mounting

b. 177cd for ceiling mounting

11. Strobes shall operate over an extended temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C), and be listed for maximum humidity of 95% RH

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CSI Siemens Based XLS

12. Strobe inputs shall be polarized for compatibility with standard reverse- polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)

13. Audibles and Audible/Strobe Combinations

a. Horns and horn / strobes shall be listed for Indoor use under UL Standard 464

b. Horns shall be able to produce continuous synchronized output or a temporal code-3 synchronized output

c. Horns shall have at least 2 sound-level settings of 90 and 95 dBA

d. Synchronization Modules

e. The strobe portion, when synchronization is required, shall be compatible with DSC sync modules, FS-250 panel, FireFinder XLS panel, or PAD-3 power supply with built-in sync protocol

14. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation

15. Audibles and strobes shall be able to synchronize on a 2-wire circuit with the capability to silence the audible, if required

16. Strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized flash-rate, if the sync module or Power Supply should fail to operate (i.e. – contacts remain closed)

17. Speaker and speaker-strobe appliances shall be designed for indoor surface or flush mounting

18. All notification appliances shall be listed for Special Applications: Strobes are designed to flash at 1-flash-per-second minimum over their “Regulated Input Voltage Range”



A. Examine areas and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work.

B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Perform work in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 70, NFPA 72 and NECA 1-2006, Standard of Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting.

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CSI Siemens Based XLS

B. Fasten equipment to structural members of building or metal supports attached to structure, or to concrete surfaces.

C. In the event that limited energy cable installation is allowed, all cable runs shall be run at right angles to building walls, supported from structure at intervals not exceeding 3 feet and where installed in environmental air plenums, be rated for such use and tied/supported by components listed for environmental air plenums installation.

D. Wiring Method: Install cables in raceways and cable trays except within consoles, cabinets, desks, and counters and except in accessible ceiling spaces and in gypsum board partitions where unenclosed wiring method may be used. Conceal raceway and cables except in unfinished spaces.

E. Wiring Method: Conceal conductors and cables in accessible ceilings, walls, and floors where possible.

F. Wiring within Enclosures: Bundle, lace, and train conductors to terminal points with no excess and without exceeding manufacturer's limitations on bending radii. Provide and use lacing bars and distribution spools.

G. Provide primary power for each panel from normal/ emergency panels as indicated on the Electrical Power Plans. Power shall be 120 VAC service, transformed through a two-winding, isolation type transformer and rectified to low voltage DC for operation of all circuits and devices.


A. Boxes shall be installed plumb and firmly in position.

B. Extension rings with blank covers shall be installed on junction boxes where required.

C. Junction boxes served by concealed conduit shall be flush mounted.

D. Upon initial installation, all wiring outlets, junction, pull and outlet boxes shall have dust covers installed. Dust covers shall not be removed until wiring installation when permanent dust covers or devices are installed.

E. "Fire alarm system" decal or silk-screened label shall be applied to all junction box covers.


A. Each conductor shall be identified as shown on the drawings at each with wire markers at terminal points. Attach permanent wire markers within 2 inches of the wire termination. Marker legends shall be visible.

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B. All wiring shall be supplied and installed in compliance with the requirements of the National Electric Code, NFPA 70, Article 760, and that of the manufacturer.

C. Wiring for strobe and audible circuits shall be a minimum 14 AWG, signal line circuits; 18 AWG twisted shielded, speaker circuits; 18 AWG twisted, telephone circuit; 18 AWG twisted shielded.

D. All splices shall be made using solderless connectors. All connectors shall be installed in conformance with the manufacturer recommendations.

E. Crimp-on type spade lugs shall be used for terminations of stranded conductors to binder screw or stud type terminals. Spade lugs shall have upset legs and insulation sleeves sized for the conductors.

F. The installation contractor shall submit for approval prior to installation of wire, a proposed color code for system conductors to allow rapid identification of circuit types.

G. Wiring within sub panels shall be arranged and routed to allow accessibility to equipment for adjustment and maintenance.


A. Relays and other devices to be mounted in auxiliary panels are to be securely fastened to avoid false indications and failures due to shock or vibration.

B. Wiring within panels shall be arranged and routed to allow accessibility to equipment for adjustment and maintenance.

C. All devices and appliances shall be mounted to or in an approved electrical box.


A. Identify system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals. Comply with requirements for identification specified in Division 26 Section "Identification for Electrical Systems."

B. Permanently label or mark each conductor at both ends with permanent alphanumeric wire markers.

C. A consistent color code for fire alarm system conductors throughout the installation.


A. Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect components, assemblies, and equipment installations, including connections, and to assist in testing.

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B. Testing General:

1. All Alarm Initiating Devices shall be observed and logged for correct zone and sensitivity. These devices and their bases shall be tagged with adhesive tags located in an area not visible when installed, showing the initials of the installing technician and date.

2. Wiring runs shall be tested for continuity, short circuits and grounds before system is energized. Resistance, current and voltage readings shall be made as work progresses.

3. The acceptance inspector shall be notified before the start of the required tests. All items found at variance with the drawings or this specification during testing or inspection by the acceptance inspector shall be corrected.

4. Test reports shall be delivered to the acceptance inspector as completed.

5. All test equipment, instruments, tools and labor required to conduct the system tests shall be made available by the installing contractor. The following equipment shall be a minimum for conducting the tests:

a. Ladders and scaffolds as required to access all installed equipment.

b. Multi-meter for reading voltage, current and resistance.

c. Two way radios, and flashlights.

d. A manufacturer recommended device for measuring air flow through air duct smoke detector sampling assemblies.

e. Decibel meter.

f. In addition to the testing specified to be performed by the installing contractor, the installation shall be subject to test by the acceptance inspector.


A. Loop Resistance Tests: Measure and record the resistance of each circuit with each pair of conductors in the circuit short-circuited at the farthest point from the circuit origin. The tests shall be witnessed by the owner and test results recorded for use at the final acceptance test.

B. Preliminary Testing: Conduct preliminary tests to ensure that all devices and circuits are functioning properly. After preliminary testing is complete, provide a letter certifying that the installation is complete and fully operable. The letter shall state that each initiating and indicating device was tested in place and functioned properly. The letter shall also state that all panel functions were tested and operated properly. The Contractor and an authorized representative from each The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


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supplier of equipment shall be in attendance at the preliminary testing to make necessary adjustments.

C. Final Acceptance Test: Notify the owner in writing when the system is ready for final acceptance testing. Submit request for test at least 14 calendar days prior to the test date. A final acceptance test will not be scheduled until meggar test results, the loop resistance test results, and the submittals required in Part 1 are provided to the owner. Test the system in accordance with the procedures outlined in NFPA 72.

1. Verify that the control unit is in the normal condition as detailed in the manufacturer's operating and maintenance manual.

2. Test each initiating and indicating device and circuit for proper operation and response. Disconnect the confirmation feature for smoke detectors during tests to minimize the amount of smoke or test gas needed to activate the detector.

3. Test the system for all specified functions in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications and the manufacturer's operating and maintenance manual.

4. Visually inspect all wiring.

5. Verify that all software control and data files have been entered or programmed into the FACP.

6. Verify that Shop Drawings reflecting as-built conditions are accurate.

7. Measure the current in circuits to assure that there is the calculated spare capacity for the circuits.

8. Measure voltage readings for circuits to assure that voltage drop is not excessive.

9. Measure the voltage drop at the most remote appliance on each notification appliance circuit.

D. The acceptance inspector shall use the system record drawings in combination with the documents specified in this specification during the testing procedure to verify operation as programmed. In conducting the ATP, the acceptance inspector shall request demonstration of any or all input and output functions. The items tested shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. System wiring shall be tested to demonstrate correct system response and correct subsequent system operation in the event of:

a. Open, shorted and grounded signal line circuits.

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b. Open, shorted and grounded notification, releasing circuits.

c. Primary power or battery disconnected.

2. System notification appliances shall be demonstrated as follows:

a. All alarm notification appliances actuate as programmed

b. Audibility and visibility at required levels.

3. System indications shall be demonstrated as follows:

a. Correct message display for each alarm input at the control display.

b. Correct annunciator light for each alarm input at each annunciator and graphic display as shown on the drawings.

c. Correct history logging for all system activity.

4. System off-site reporting functions shall be demonstrated as follows:

a. Correct zone transmitted for each alarm input

b. Trouble signals received for disconnect

5. Secondary power capabilities shall be demonstrated as follows:

a. System primary power shall be disconnected for a period of time as specified herein. At the end of that period, an alarm condition shall be created and the system shall perform as specified for a period as specified.

b. System primary power shall be restored for forty-eight hours and system-charging current shall be normal trickle charge for a fully charged battery bank.

c. System battery voltages and charging currents shall be checked at the fire alarm control panel.


A. System documentation shall be furnished to the owner and shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. System record drawings and wiring details including one set of reproducible drawings, and a CD ROM with copies of the record drawings in DXF format for use in a CAD drafting program.

2. System operation, installation and maintenance manuals. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


CSI Siemens Based XLS

3. System matrix showing interaction of all input signals with output commands.

4. Documentation of system voltage, current and resistance readings taken during the installation, testing and ATP phases of the system installation.

5. System program showing system functions, controls and labeling of equipment and devices.


A. Instructor: Include in the project the services of an instructor, who shall have received specific training from the manufacturer for the training of other persons regarding the inspection, testing and maintenance of the system provided. The instructor shall train the employees designated by the owner, in the care, adjustment, maintenance, and operation of the fire alarm system.

B. Provide a typeset printed or typewritten instruction card mounted behind a Lexan plastic or glass cover in a stainless steel or aluminum frame. Install the frame in a conspicuous location observable from the FACP. The card shall show those steps to be taken by an operator when a signal is received as well as the functional operation of the system under all conditions, normal, alarm, supervisory and trouble. The instructions shall be approved by the owner.

C. All training sessions shall be conducted by an authorized fire alarm system distributor representative, who has received specific training from the manufacturer for the training of other persons regarding the inspection, testing, and maintenance of the system provided.


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A. Provide a Sound System for the Auditorium as indicated on the drawings and herein specified. This system shall include: Stage Rack and a Control / Power Amplifier Rack with Crestron Touchpanel, CD, IPod Player, Wireless Microphones, Crestron Control, DSP and Power Amplifier. Loudspeakers and all equipment required to make a complete and operating system as indicated on the sound system documents

B. The system shall be operated by a Crestron wireless Touchpanel mounted in main equipment rack. The Crestron Touchpanel shall be able to turn the sound system on/off, (power sequencing sound equipment with last on monitoring on/ off power amplifier)

C. The sound system shall be activated by all Crestron control panels The Crestron Touchpanel control shall provide the sound system with the following attributes: a. Sound System On/Off

b. Auditorium Loudspeakers Control

c. Stage Delay Setting Preference Control

d. Stage Equalizering Setting Preference Control

e. Control: 4 Wireless microphones, Video Projector, Projector Screen and Portable Board Room Rack.

f. All DVD, CD and IPod (audio and Video), MP3 Record and Playback Devices

g. CPU / AV Interface Plates.

h. On /off and volume control for Program Music Playback sent to the Overhead Stage Monitor. Note: Configure DSP so that the Microphone program will not be able to send to the overhead stage monitor.

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A. Bidding Qualifications (Required with Bid package) The Bid package will have a CD with the following information and Audio Equipment Specified in PDF format.

1. Sound system integrators shall be a direct factory authorized equipment dealer of all the equipment that will be provided on this project. All equipment must be provided by and installed by or under the direction of the primary AV integrator and not by a second AV integrator ensuring that only one AV Integrator will provide Training, service and warranty. a. A statement from each equipment manufacturer indicating that the AV Integrator is a factory-authorized dealer and is authorized to provide and service the indicated equipment. This will ensure that the equipment will be installed to factory standards in order to maintain the equipment factory- warranty b. The AV integrator shall have a minimum of one CTS (Certified Technology Specialist) on staff. Provide the name of the technician and a copy of their CTS certification. The CTS certification ensures that the installation, testing, training and servicing adheres to industry standards. 2. Provide, with the bid, a list of similar projects each with a contact person, a phone number and a brief description of the scope of work, including the technician assigned the project with the bid. Provide a minimum of four current jobs and five recently completed jobs. 3. Provide the name of the technician and lead person, along with his qualifications that will be assigned to this job with the bid. Qualifications of the technician should include a list of the years of experience, training and/or certification in working with Pro-Sound systems. 4. Provide a list of test equipment and serial # that will be used on this project. 5. Any distributor desiring to furnish other sound system equipment not listed for this project shall submit the data sheet for review within 10 days prior to the bid date. 6. Failure to include these bidding qualification documents may cause the sound system integrator to be rejected from this project.

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A. Sound System Performance and Verification Testing Requirements: 1. Definition: The primary audio signal path for the Sound System shall be defined as the output originating at the audio mixer or console main outputs and continuing uninterrupted through processing and amplifiers to, and including, the loudspeaker systems. 2. Performance and Verification Testing of the Auditorium Sound System shall be performed as specified. Coordinate testing with the Owner. During testing, the auditorium shall be free and clear of any activities that may interfere with the testing procedure. The testing shall be completed in a continuous and timely manner not to exceed one normal workday. 3. Contractor shall supply test equipment meeting the following minimum specifications. a. Oscilloscope: 100MHz Bandwidth, Sensitivity 1mV/cm

b. Digital Multi-meter: 1% Accuracy

c. Function Generator: 1MHz Bandwidth, Distortion < 1%

d. Real Time Analyzer: 1/3 Octave, Type I

e. Impedance Meter: 20-20kHz, 1-50kOhm @100, 300, 1k, 10k Hz

f. Pink Noise Generator: 20-20k Hz g. Polarity Meter: Microphone, line, speaker level

h. Millivolt Meter: Analog meter movement

i. SIA Software Smart Live Acoustic Analysis & Real Time Software

Note: Time alignment and delay loudspeakers shall be set up using Smart Live

4. System outputs of the Sound System shall be swept with a wide band 20 MHz oscilloscope to verify the primary audio signal path is free of any oscillations, radio, crosstalk, or parasitic frequency

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signals. Verify that the existing Loudspeaker are free of defects and mounting buzzing or related noisy. 5. Measure and record the impedance of each pair of speaker lines at permanently mounted loudspeakers with speakers connected and amplifiers disconnected. Record results for each of the system’s mid-band frequencies to the nearest one-tenth ohm. Present summary results graphically for each speaker.

B. Sound System Warranty All New Sound Equipment and insulation labor shall have a warranty of 1 Year after the completion and acceptation date.

C. Sound System Training The Sound System Integrator shall provide Two 4 hour training days of over-all sound system training by a factory-authorized and certified Sound technical



A. General: Provide complete and fully functional sound systems using materials and equipment of types, sizes, ratings, and performances as indicated. Use materials and equipment that comply with referenced standards and manufacturers' standard design and construction in accordance with published product information. Coordinate the features of materials and equipment so they form an integrated system with components and interconnections matched for optimum performance of specified functions.


(1) Lowell APSP20-2C Two Circuit 120VC 20 AMP Surge Suppressor (1) Lowell APSP20-6C Six Circuit 120VC 20 AMP Surge Suppressor (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)


(2) Middle Atlantic Pivoting Rack SR-46-28 with VFD-46 Vented Front Door The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Middle Atlantic DWRSR-ZL Zero Clearance Latch (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Middle Atlantic DWR-RR46 Rear Rack Rail and (1) Lace-P Lacing Strip (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Middle Atlantic MPR-9 w/ (8) M-20 (1) RLM-20 Power Modules, (1) T 80x6 Power Tails and Raceway blanks (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Middle Atlantic PD-1220C-NS Power Strip 20 Amp 12 Outlets w/ PB-DWR (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) APC SUA1000RM2U Rack Mounted UPS (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Whirlwind SPC82 8 Channel Microphone Spitter (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Proco) (1) Biamp AudiaFlex-CM DSP 28X20

(5) Biamp IP2 Input Card (2 Ch. Input Card)

(1) Biamp TI-2 2 Channel Telephone Interface Card

(6) Biamp OP-2e Output Card (2 Ch. Output Card)

(2) Biamp AudiaEXPI 8 Ch. Mic/Line Input Expansion Unit

(1) Biamp AudiaEXPO 8 Ch. Line Output Expansion Unit (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) HP V1405C-8 8 port Network Switch (CobraNet Switch) (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Audio-Technica AEW DA 550C Antenna DA (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (4) Audio-Technica ATW 4110bC Wireless Receiver and Belt Pack w/ Rack Mounts (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Audio-Technica AT 8628a Joiner Plate (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Telex ST300 Listening Assisted Transmitter w/ Telex RM-S Rack Mount Kit (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(1) Telex PS-2001L Intercom Power Supply w/ Rack Mount (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Telex BTR-700-A-2 Wireless Intercom Master (Approved Alternate Vendor Clear-Com WBS-670/A2) (Alternate #10) (1) Denon DN-C620 CD player with RS232 Communications Port (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron CEN-IDOCV-DSW Apple IPod Player Interface (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Custom Rack Panel to mount for Crestron CEN-IDOCV-DSW Apple IPod Player Interface. (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Rapco, Proco, Whirlwind) (1) Crestron ABAVR Video Interface (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Denon DBP-2012UDCIP Professional Blu-Ray DVD/CD Player (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (4) Middle Atlantic UD2 Storage Drawer (Intended for Wireless Microphone Storage) (Approved Alternate Vender Lowell L28-197 Storage Drawer) (4) Middle Atlantic FL-2 2U Space Dice Foam (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron TPS-6X Wireless Touch Panel w/ TPS-6X-DSW Docking Station. (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Custom Rack Panel for mounting Crestron TPS-6X-DSW Docking Station on rack (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Rapco, Proco, Whirlwind) (1) Crestron AV2 Compact Control System with Ethernet (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron CNPSW-75 75 Watt Power Supply w/ CNXRMAX Rack Mount (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron CNTBLOCK (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron DM-MD6X1 Digital Media Distribution Center (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

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(1) Trend TPE-S80 POE 8 port w/ POE Network Switch (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) DVI Gear DDI-3525a HDMI to Composite Convertor (No Approved Alternate Manufacture) (1) Extron MDA-3V 1-3 Video Composite DA (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Extron RSF 123 1U Rack Mount Kit (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) ATI Audio DA206 Dual 1x3 Distribution Line Amp (Approved Alternate Manufacture Oxmoor MDA-26) (1) D-Link DGS-1016D 16-Port 1 Gigabit Rack Mounted Switch (EtherSound) (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Proco PCE2-2 Ethercon to Ethercon 2’ Cable (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Custom Monitor Amplifier Panel w/ Qty. of 8 Neutrik NL2 MP Speakon receptacle grouped in sets of two per channels to provide monitor amplifier output. As shown on Panel Detail. (1) Custom Monitor Panel w/ Qty. of 10 Neutrik NL2 MP Speakon receptacle to provide connective to stage monitor plates. As shown on Panel Detail. Note: Above Panels shall be Black Anodized 1/8 Aluminum with Engraved and filled White letters. These panels may be supplied by Whirwind, ProCo and Rapco. (2) EV CPS2.4II Power Amplifier, 2 Channels 360W at 8 Ohms (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Crown CTs 600 QSC 3102) (5) EV CPS2.6II Power Amplifier, 1 Channels Mono 1800W at 4 Ohms (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Crown CTs 1200 QSC 3102) (2) EV CPS2.9 Power Amplifier, 2 Channels 900W at 4 Ohms (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Crown CTs 2000 QSC 3602) (5) EV CPS2.12 Power Amplifier, 2 Channels 1200W at 4 Ohms (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Crown CTs3000) Note: The specified power amplifier has power sequencing circuitry that cascades each unit. When using Crown or QSC Amplifiers provide a switch power module per amplifier with Crestron relay control to sequence amplifiers.

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D. F.O.H. AUDIO CONSOLE (1) AvinED Custom Audio and Light Console. Master Quote ESVMS-11-001- LAM (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)(Finish to be selected) (1) Surgex SX1120RT 120VC 20 AMP Power Surge Suppressor Panel (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Middle Atlantic PD-815R-PL Dead Front Power Panel (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Yamaha M7-48 Digital Mixing Console w/ (Qty.1 MY16ES64 EtherSound Network I/O Card) (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Yamaha LA1A Ultra-Bright Console Light w/ 18” Gooseneck (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron TPMC9-B Touchpanel (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) AKG K240 Studio Stereo Pro Headset Monitor Headphone (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Audio-Technica ATW-49SP Antenna Spitter (1) Audio-Technica AEW-DA 550C Antenna DA (2) Audio-Technica AEW-DA 660D Antenna DA (4) Audio-Technica AEW-4110C Receiver and AEW-T1000C UniPak ® transmitter (8) Audio-Technica AEW-4110D Receiver and AEW-T1000D UniPak ® transmitter (6) Audio-Technica 8628a Joiner Plate (Approved Alternate Manufacture AKG 4500 System or EV FMR 1000 System) (1) Denon DN-C620 CD player with RS232 Communications Port (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Raxxess IRDS-1 Rack iPod Docking Station (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Proco Custom iRack line level panel (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Tascam CD-RW901SL CD Recorder (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(1) Crestron CEN-HRPFGW RF Gateway Antenna Unit (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Telex CXU-25 Intercom Cable (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Telex AB-2 Intercom Antenna Wall Mounts (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (4) Audio-Technica ATW A49 Wireless Microphone Antenna (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (4) Audio-Technica AT8459 Antenna Mounts (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (4) Atlas AD12BE 5/8 Flanges (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Telex HGA-1 5/8 Wave Antenna (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

F. PROJECTOR AND CONTROL (1) Sanyo PLC-HF10000L Projector (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Sanyo LNS-S04 Lens (Field Verify Lens) (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Sanyo 6103515939 Replacement Lamp (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Peerless WMJ022 Projector Wall Mount (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Chief CMS003 Extension Adjustable Column (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

(1) Chief VCM42E Projector Mount (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Crestron DM-RMC-100-1 Digital Media Receiver (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

G. LOUDSPEAKERS Main Floor Center Loudspeaker (1) EV Xi-2123A/106F Center Loudspeaker Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Polar Focus TCK-*-250 Custom Length Tilt Cable Kit The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(No Approved Alternate) (2) EV X1-1191AF Center Cluster Sub Loudspeaker Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Stage Lip Loudspeakers (4) Tannoy IS52 Loudspeaker (No Approved Alternate) (4) Tannoy IS52 Back Can (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Left and Right Main Floor Loudspeaker (2) EV EVH-1152D/96 Loudspeaker Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Polar Focus TCK-*-250 Custom Length Tilt Cable Kit (No Approved Alternate) (2) Polar Focus ZB-15-300 Z Beam Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Main Center Balcony Loudspeaker (1) EV EVF1152D/94 Center Loudspeaker Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Polar Focus TCK-*-250 Custom Length Tilt Cable Kit (No Approved Alternate) Left and Right Balcony Loudspeaker (2) EV EVH-1152D/96 Loudspeaker Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Polar Focus TCK-*-250 Custom Length Tilt Cable Kit (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Polar Focus ZB-15-300 Z Beam Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Under Balcony Loudspeaker (3) EV EVU-1082 Loudspeakers w/ mounting brackets (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Note: Loudspeaker hanging hardware shall be # GR80 rigging chain sling, span sets and custom 3/16 inch galvanized wire rope span set assemblies with swaged ends with thimbles Rated @ WLL = 420 pounds at 10:1 design factor will only be used on this project. All eyebolts will be

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


Drop-Forged shoulder type and sized as per the loudspeaker manufacturer.

Stage Wash Loudspeakers (2) Apogee AFI-3 Loudspeaker (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Apogee AFI-3 Yoke Vertical Mounting Bracket (No Approved Alternate) (2) Polar Focus WM-2226-250 Wall Mounting Bracket (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Stage Overhead Loudspeaker (1) Renkus-Heinz TRX-82/12B 120° X 60° (BLACK Painted Version) w/ U-Bracket (No Approved Alternate)

Stage Floor Monitor Loudspeakers (2) Yamaha C115IV Monitor Speaker (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Yamaha CM112V Monitor Speaker (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (4) Proco S14NN-25 Speaker Cabled (Approved Alternate Whirwind, ProCo and Rapco)

H. PERSONAL LISTENING SYSTEM PORTABLE EQUIPMENT (30) Telex SR-50 Single Channel Personal Receiver (30) Telex SEB-1 Ear Buds (7) Telex NL-4S Inductive Neck Loops (1) Telex SM-WP SoundMate Plaque (1) Telex CCS-12 Replacement Ear Cover (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

I. PORTABLE INTERCOM EQUIPMENT (8) Telex BP2002 Two Channel Intercom Belt Pack (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Clear-Com) (4) Telex TR-700 UHF Single Channel Wireless Synthesized Transceiver (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Clear-Com) (Alternate #10)

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(12) Telex PH-100 Single-Sided Full Cushion Medium Weight Headset, A4F Connector (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Clear-Com) (Alternate #10 – Change quantity to 8) (9) Telex ME-25/2 Two Channel 25’ Intercom Cable (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Clear-Com)


Qty. 1 Booth Sound Mixer Qty. 1 Booth Light Board Qty. 2 Stage Right Qty. 1 Stage Left

Qty. 1 Stage Apron Center Qty. 2 Follow Spot Telex WP-3 Single Gang 2 Channel Wall Plate (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Clear-Com)


(1) Gator GRP-10-PL-US Roller Rack 10U Space (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Biamp AudiaEXPI 8 Ch. Mic/Line Input Expansion Unit (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) HP V1405C-5 5 port Network Switch (CobraNet Switch) (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Proco PCE2-50 50’ Eithercon CobraNet Cable (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Rapco Whirlwind) (1) Custom 2U Microphone Input Panel (16) Neutrik Female XLR Type D connectors Labeled Mic-1 – Mic 16 (1) Custom CobraNet I/O Panel (1) Neutrik EtherCon Labeled CobraNet I/O Note: Above Panels shall be Black Anodized 1/8 Aluminum with Engraved and filled White letters. These panels may be supplied by Whirwind, ProCo and Rapco.

L. PORTABLE MEDIA PRESS BOX (Alternate #10) (1) Whirlwind PressPower 2 Media Press Box (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Proco M25 XLRFM to XLRF 25’ The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


M. PORTABLE STAGE BOX (Alternate #10) (1) Yamaha SB168ES EtherSound 16x8 Stage Box (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (1) Proco PCE2-25 25’ Eithercon EtherSound Cable (Approved Alternate Manufacturer Rapco Whirlwind)

N. A/V INTERFACE PANEL (3) Crestron DM-TX-200-2G AV Digital Interface Plate (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

O. WALL PLATES Stage Apron (1) Custom One Gang Wall Plate w/ (2) XLRF (Labeled Mic 1 and Mic 2) (1) Custom One Gang Wall Plate w/ (2) XLRF (Labeled Mic 3 and Mic 4) (1) Custom One Gang Wall Plate w/ (2) XLRF (Labeled Mic 5 and Mic 6) (1) Custom One Gang Wall Plate w/ (2) XLRF (Labeled Mic 7 and Mic 8) (1) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (2) NL-2 (Labeled Monitor 1 and Monitor 2) (1) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (2) NL-2 (Labeled Monitor 3 and Monitor 4) (1) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (2) NL-2 (Labeled Monitor 5 and Monitor 6) (3) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (1) EtherCon (Labeled Yamaha EtherSound 1) (1) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (1) EtherCon (Label CobraNet) Stage Left and Right (1) Custom One Gang Wall Plate w/ (2) XLRF (Labeled Mic 9 and Mic 10) (1) Custom One Gang Wall Plate w/ (2) XLRF (Labeled Mic 11 and Mic 12)

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(1) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (2) NL-2 (Labeled Monitor 7 and Monitor 8) (1) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (2) NL-2 (Labeled Monitor 9 and Monitor 10) (2) Custom One Gang Plate w/ (1) EtherCon (Labeled Yamaha EtherSound 1)

Note: Above Custom Panels shall be Black Anodized 1/8 Aluminum with Engraved and filled White letters. These panels may be supplied by Whirwind, ProCo and Rapco. 1st Batten (1) Proco WPE114 One Gang SS w/ (4) XLRF (Labeled Mic 11,12,13,14 Wall Plate) 2nd Batten (1) Proco WPE117 One Gang SS w/ (4) XLRF (Labeled Mic 15,16,17,18 Wall Plate) P. MICROPHONE AND MISC EQUIPMENT (16) Audio-Technica BP892Cw Headworn Microphone (4) Audio-Technica AT-831Cw Lavalier Microphone (4) Audio-Technica ATW-T4100bC Hand Held Microphone (4) Audio-Technica ATW-T4100bD Hand Held Microphone (1) Shure 545SD-LC Cardioid Dynamic, High or Low Z, On-Off Switch (No Approved Alternate Manufacture) (6) EV N/D367s Vocal Handheld Dynamic Microphone with on/off switch (Approved Alternate Shure SM58S AKG D5s) (4) AKG GN155Choir Floor Stand w/ CK80 Condenser Microphone Capsule (No Approved Alternate Manufacture) (8) AKG HM1000 Hanging Module w/ CK80 Condenser Microphone Capsule (Approved Alternate Manufacture Shure MX202W/C) (Alternate #10 – Change quantity to 4) (8) AKG C1000S Condenser Microphone Capsule (Alternate #10 – Change quantity to 4)

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


(1) AKG C414B/TLII/ST Studio Record Condenser Microphone (Approved Alternate Vender Neumann TLM103 ST) (1) Proco M15 Microphone Cable 15’ (Approved Alternate Whirlwind or Rapco) (8) Proco M25 Microphone Cable 25’ (Approved Alternate Whirlwind or Rapco) (4) Proco M50 Microphone Cable 50’ (Approved Alternate Whirlwind or Rapco) (6) Atlas MS10CE Floor Microphone Stand (4) Atlas PB-21XEB Boom Arm (No Approved Alternate Vender) (2) Shure S15A Floor Microphone Stand (No Approved Alternate Vender) (1) Atlas CO-1BE Clamp-On Microphone Swivel (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Proco DB-1 Direct Box (Approved Alternate Whirwind, ProCo and Rapco) (1) Whirlwind MCT-7 Cable Tester (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

Q. SOUND SYSTEM TRAINING 1. The Sound System Integrator shall provide Two days, of 4 hour training each days of over-all sound system training by a factory- authorized and certified Sound technical

R. WIRE AND CABLE 1. Jacketed, shielded, twisted-pair and twisted-multipair, untinned, solid copper conductors. Shielded wire shall also be used to connect together components in the sound equipment cabinet.  Loudspeaker Plenum Cables: Loudspeakers 12 gauge, stranded, two conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 25227  Microphone Plenum Cables: 20 gauge, stranded, shielded two conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP D25454  Line Level Audio Plenum Cable 20 gauge, stranded, shielded two conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 25291

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


 ADA Hearing Assistance System Coaxial Plenum Cables: shall be West Penn WP 25810  Wireless Microphone Antenna Plenum Cables Wes089t Penn 25810  Screen Control Cable: Plenum 18 gauge, stranded, 3 conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 25184B  Crestron Plenum LAN Cable: Plenum Cat6 Cable shall be West Penn 254246  Crestron Plenum Cresnet Cable  Crestron Plenum Digital-Media Cable DM-CBL-P  Intercom Cables: 20 gauge, stranded, shielded two (2) conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 303 or 25303 as needed Note: The specified wire has 3 conductors (2 used for + & - audio and 1 used for audio ground). Tie the shield to Telex system ground. Each Intercom WP3 plate shall be supplied with Qty.2 cables  Identify all wires and cables at every termination and connect point with a permanent preprinted shrink tubing. Shrink tubing shall be from Scott Printable



A. The Electrical Contractor shall retain and pay for the services of a factory- trained technical representative of the manufacturer, to furnish technical assistance to the Contractor during installation of the system. This representative shall verify that the system is installed and functioning properly.

B. Install system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

C. Install wiring in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

D. This Specification and the Drawings are not intended to show all details, wiring, boxes, covers, fittings and special construction which may be necessary or required. This Contractor shall provide all required work in order to make the system complete.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


E. Shielding - all shields are to be ground, at the main amplifier only. Maintain shield continuity from console to speakers or local amplifier, grounding only at the main rack


A. Provide equipment grounding connections as indicated. Tighten connections to comply with tightening torque specified in UL Standard 486A to assure permanent and effective grounds.

B. Ground equipment, conductor, and cable shields to eliminate shock hazard and to minimize to the greatest extent possible, ground loops, common mode returns, noise pickup, cross talk, and other impairments. Provide 5-ohm ground at main console location. Measure, record, and report ground resistance.


A. Manufacturer's Field Services: Provide services of a factory-authorized service representative to supervise the field assembly and connection of components and the pretesting, testing, and adjustment of the system.

B. Pretesting: Upon completing installation of the system, align, adjust, and balance the system and perform complete pretesting. Determine, through pretesting, the conformance of the system to the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications. Correct deficiencies observed in pretesting. Replace malfunctioning or damaged items with new, and retest until satisfactory performance and conditions are achieved.

C. Testing: Upon completion of presetting, notify the Architect a minimum of 10 days in advance of acceptance test performance. Schedule and conduct tests in his presence. Provide a written record of tests results.

D. Operational Test: Perform an operational system test to verify conformance of system to these Specifications. Perform tests that include originating program and page material at microphone outlets, all preamplifier program inputs, and all other inputs. Observe sound reproduction for proper volume levels and freedom from noise.

E. Power Output Test: Measure the electrical power output of each power amplifier at normal gain setting at 250, 1,000 and 4,000 Hz. The maximum variation in power output at these frequencies must not exceed plus or minus 1 dB.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


F. Inspection: Make observations to verify that units and controls are properly labeled and interconnecting wires and terminals are identified.

G. Retesting: Rectify deficiencies indicated by tests and completely retest work affected by such deficiencies at Contractor's expense. Verify by the system test that the total system meets the Specifications and complies with applicable standards. Provide a written record of all retest results.


A. Retain and pay for the services of a competent manufacturer authorized, factory-trained technician to train Owner's maintenance personnel in the procedures and schedules involved in operating, troubleshooting, servicing, and preventative maintenance of the system. Provide a minimum of two hours training. B. Schedule training with Owner through the Architect with at least 7 days advance notice.

3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Prior to final acceptance, clean system components and protect from damage and deterioration.


A. The Contractor shall provide a one-year guarantee of the installed system against defects in material and workmanship. All labor and materials shall be provided at no expense to the Owner. Guarantee period shall begin on the date of acceptance by the Owner/Engineer, or the first day of beneficial use by the Owner. A maintenance contract offering continuing factory authorized service of this system shall be made available if requested by the Owner.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121





A. Provide a Sound System for the Gymnasium as indicated on the drawings and herein specified. This system shall include: Preamp, CD/ IPod Player, Wireless Microphone, DSP and Power Amplifier. Loudspeakers and all equipment required to make a complete and operating system as indicated on the sound system documents

B. The system shall have a custom switch panel to select bleachers or floor loudspeakers.


A. Bidding Qualifications (Required with Bid package) The Bid package will have a CD with the following information and Audio Equipment Specified in PDF format.

1. Sound system integrators shall be a direct factory authorized equipment dealer of all the equipment that will be provided on this project. All equipment must be provided by and installed by or under the direction of the primary AV integrator and not by a second AV integrator ensuring that only one AV Integrator will provide Training, service and warranty. a. A statement from each equipment manufacturer indicating that the AV Integrator is a factory-authorized dealer and is authorized to provide and service the indicated equipment. This will ensure that the equipment will be installed to factory standards in order to maintain the equipment factory- warranty b. The AV integrator shall have a minimum of one CTS (Certified Technology Specialist) on staff. Provide the name of the technician and a copy of their CTS certification. The CTS certification ensures that the installation, testing, training and servicing adheres to industry standards. 2. Provide, with the bid, a list of similar projects each with a contact person, a phone number and a brief description of the scope of work, including the technician assigned the project with the bid. Provide a minimum of four current jobs and five recently completed jobs. 3. Provide the name of the technician and lead person, along with his qualifications that will be assigned to this job with the bid. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

GYMNASIUM SOUND SYSTEM SECTION 16771 - 1 Qualifications of the technician should include a list of the years of experience, training and/or certification in working with Pro-Sound systems. 4. Provide a list of test equipment and serial # that will be used on this project. 5. Any distributor desiring to furnish other sound system equipment not listed for this project shall submit the data sheet for review within 60 days prior to the bid date. 6. Failure to include these bidding qualification documents may cause the sound system integrator to be rejected from this project.


A. Sound System Performance and Verification Testing Requirements: 1. Definition: The primary audio signal path for the Sound System shall be defined as the output originating at the audio mixer or console main outputs and continuing uninterrupted through processing and amplifiers to, and including, the loudspeaker systems. 2. Performance and Verification Testing of the Auditorium Sound System shall be performed as specified. Coordinate testing with the Owner. During testing, the auditorium shall be free and clear of any activities that may interfere with the testing procedure. The testing shall be completed in a continuous and timely manner not to exceed one normal workday. 3. Contractor shall supply test equipment meeting the following minimum specifications. a. Oscilloscope: 100MHz Bandwidth, Sensitivity 1mV/cm

b. Digital Multi-meter: 1% Accuracy

c. Function Generator: 1MHz Bandwidth, Distortion < 1%

d. Real Time Analyzer: 1/3 Octave, Type I

e. Impedance Meter: 20-20kHz, 1-50kOhm @100, 300, 1k, 10k Hz

f. Pink Noise Generator: 20-20k Hz

g. Polarity Meter: Microphone, line, speaker level

h. Millivolt Meter: Analog meter movement

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

GYMNASIUM SOUND SYSTEM SECTION 16771 - 2 i. SIA Software Smart Live Acoustic Analysis & Real Time Software

Note: Time alignment and delay loudspeakers shall be set up using Smart Live

4. System outputs of the Sound System shall be swept with a wide band 20 MHz oscilloscope to verify the primary audio signal path is free of any oscillations, radio, crosstalk, or parasitic frequency signals. Verify that the existing Loudspeaker are free of defects and mounting buzzing or related noisy. 5. Measure and record the impedance of each pair of speaker lines at permanently mounted loudspeakers with speakers connected and amplifiers disconnected. Record results for each of the system’s mid-band frequencies to the nearest one-tenth ohm. Present summary results graphically for each speaker

B. Sound System Warranty All New Sound Equipment and insulation labor shall have a warranty of 1 Year after the completion and acceptation date.

C. Sound System Training The Sound System Integrator shall provide One 2 hour training days of over-all sound system training by a factory-authorized and certified Sound technical



A. General: Provide complete and fully functional sound systems using materials and equipment of types, sizes, ratings, and performances as indicated. Use materials and equipment that comply with referenced standards and manufacturers' standard design and construction in accordance with published product information. Coordinate the features of materials and equipment so they form an integrated system with components and interconnections matched for optimum performance of specified functions. B. NEW RACK AND EQUIPMENT

(2) Lowell LWR-1619 Wall Rack w/ Solid Front Door (Approved Alternate Manufacture Middle Atlantic) (2) Lowell ACSPR-2009-VTE 20 Amp Power Panel w/ Surge Suppression and VTE

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

GYMNASIUM SOUND SYSTEM SECTION 16771 - 3 (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Crown 14M Preamp with 4 Mic/Line Channels 1 Output (Approved Alternate Manufacturer TOA M900MKII w/ Supporting Modules) (2) Tascam CD200i CD/iPod Player (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Telex FMR-500E-BEIGE Wireless Headworn Microphone, Belt Pack and Receiver. (No Approved Alternate) (2) Telex ST300 Listening Assisted Transmitter w/ Telex RM-S Rack Mount Kit (No Approved Alternate, Dealership not required) (2) Middle Atlantic UD2 Storage Drawer (Intended for Wireless Microphone Storage) (Approved Alternate Vender Lowell L28-197 Storage Drawer) (2) Middle Atlantic FL-2 2U Space Dice Foam (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Custom Loudspeaker Zone Switch Panel Labeled Bleacher Loudspeakers / Ceiling Loudspeakers. Note: Above Panels shall be Black Anodized 1/8 Aluminum with Engraved and filled White letters. These panels may be supplied by Whirwind, ProCo and Rapco. (2) Rane RPM26z 2 x 6 DSP 2 Mic/Line Inputs by 6 Line Outputs (Approved Alternate Manufacturer BiAmp, BSS) (2) Crown Cdi 1000 Power Amplifier, 2 Channels 500W / 70V (No Approved Alternate, Manufacturer)

C. LOUDSPEAKER Bleachers (8) One Systems 108CIM/70 Loudspeaker w/ 70 Volt Transformers Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (8) One Systems 108IM-U U-Mounting Bracket Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) Floor (12) One System 208CIM/70 Loudspeaker w/ 70 Volt Transformers Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (12) One Systems 108IM-U U-Mounting Bracket Color by Architect (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

GYMNASIUM SOUND SYSTEM SECTION 16771 - 4 D. SYSTEM ANTENNA (2) Telex HGA-1 5/8 Wave Antenna (No Approved Alternate, Dealership not required) (4) Telex AB-2 Antenna Wall Bracket w/ 10’ Cable (No Approved Alternate, Dealership not required) (4) Telex CLA** Wireless Microphone Antenna (No Approved Alternate, Dealership not required) E. MICROPHONE WALL PLATES (2) Proco WPE109 One Gang SS Mic 1 XLRF Wall Plate (2) Proco WPE110 One Gang SS Mic 2 XLRF Wall Plate (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer)

F. MICROPHONE AND MISC EQUIPMENT (2) Telex HT-500D Hand Held Microphone (No Approved Alternate, Dealership not required) (2) Shure 545SD-LC Cardioid Dynamic, High or Low Z, On-Off Switch (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Shure 522 Unidirectional Dynamic Disk Microphone Desk Top Microphone w/ Press to Talk Switch (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Atlas MS10CE Floor Mic Stands (No Approved Alternate Manufacturer) (2) Proco M15 Microphone Cable 15’ (Approved Alternate Whirlwind or Rapco) (2) Proco M25 Microphone Cable 25’ (Approved Alternate Whirlwind)

G. SOUND SYSTEM TRAINING 1. The Sound System Integrator shall provide Two 2 hour training days of over-all sound system training by a factory-authorized and certified Sound technical

H. WIRE AND CABLE 1. Jacketed, shielded, twisted-pair and twisted-multipair, untinned, solid copper conductors. Shielded wire shall also be used to connect together components in the sound equipment cabinet.  Loudspeaker Plenum Cables: Loudspeakers 12 gauge, stranded, two conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 25227  Microphone Plenum Cables: 22 gauge, stranded, shielded two The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

GYMNASIUM SOUND SYSTEM SECTION 16771 - 5 conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 25291  Line Level Audio Plenum Cable 20 gauge, stranded, shielded two conductors. Cable shall be West Penn WP 25292  ADA Hearing Assistance System Coaxial Plenum Cables: shall be West Penn WP 25810  Identify all wires and cables at every termination and connect point with a permanent preprinted shrink tubing. Shrink tubing shall be from Scott Printable



A. The Electrical Contractor shall retain and pay for the services of a factory- trained technical representative of the manufacturer, to furnish technical assistance to the Contractor during installation of the system. This representative shall verify that the system is installed and functioning properly.

B. Install system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

C. Install wiring in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

D. This Specification and the Drawings are not intended to show all details, wiring, boxes, covers, fittings and special construction which may be necessary or required. This Contractor shall provide all required work in order to make the system complete.

D. Shielding - all shields are to be ground, at the main amplifier only. Maintain shield continuity from console to speakers or local amplifier, grounding only at the main rack.


A. Provide equipment grounding connections as indicated. Tighten connections to comply with tightening torque specified in UL Standard 486A to assure permanent and effective grounds.

B. Ground equipment, conductor, and cable shields to eliminate shock hazard and to minimize to the greatest extent possible, ground loops, common mode returns, noise pickup, cross talk, and other impairments. Provide 5-ohm ground at main console location. Measure, record, and report ground resistance.

3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Manufacturer's Field Services: Provide services of a factory-authorized service representative to supervise the field assembly and connection of components and the pretesting, testing, and adjustment of the system.

B. Pretesting: Upon completing installation of the system, align, adjust, and balance the system and perform complete pretesting. Determine, through pretesting, the conformance of the system to the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications. Correct deficiencies observed in pretesting. Replace malfunctioning or damaged items with new, and retest until satisfactory performance and conditions are achieved.

C. Testing: Upon completion of presetting, notify the Architect a minimum of 10 days in advance of acceptance test performance. Schedule and conduct tests in his presence. Provide a written record of tests results.

D. Operational Test: Perform an operational system test to verify conformance of system to these Specifications. Perform tests that include originating program and page material at microphone outlets, all preamplifier program inputs, and all other inputs. Observe sound reproduction for proper volume levels and freedom from noise.

E. Power Output Test: Measure the electrical power output of each power amplifier at normal gain setting at 250, 1,000 and 4,000 Hz. The maximum variation in power output at these frequencies must not exceed plus or minus 1 dB.

F. Inspection: Make observations to verify that units and controls are properly labeled and interconnecting wires and terminals are identified.

G. Retesting: Rectify deficiencies indicated by tests and completely retest work affected by such deficiencies at Contractor's expense. Verify by the system test that the total system meets the Specifications and complies with applicable standards. Provide a written record of all retest results.


A. Retain and pay for the services of a competent manufacturer authorized, factory-trained technician to train Owner's maintenance personnel in the procedures and schedules involved in operating, troubleshooting, servicing, and preventative maintenance of the system. Provide a minimum of two hours training. B. Schedule training with Owner through the Architect with at least 7 days advance notice.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

GYMNASIUM SOUND SYSTEM SECTION 16771 - 7 A. Prior to final acceptance, clean system components and protect from damage and deterioration.


A. The Contractor shall provide a one-year guarantee of the installed system against defects in material and workmanship. All labor and materials shall be provided at no expense to the Owner. Guarantee period shall begin on the date of acceptance by the Owner/Engineer, or the first day of beneficial use by the Owner. A maintenance contract offering continuing factory authorized service of this system shall be made available if requested by the Owner.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. SCOPE 1. This section includes the product and installation requirements for the communications termination blocks and patch panels. 2. This section includes minimum requirements for the following: a) Category 6 Patch Panels

1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All methods of construction that are not specifically described or indicated in the contract documents shall be subject to the control and approval of the Network & Telecommunication Department. Equipment and materials shall be of the quality and manufacture indicated. The equipment specified is based upon the acceptable manufacturers listed. Where "approved equal" is stated, equipment shall be equivalent in every way to that of the equipment specified and subject to approval. B. Materials and work specified herein shall comply with the applicable requirements of: 1. ANSI/TIA/EIA - 568-B Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard 2. ANSI/TIA/EIA - 569-A Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathway and Spaces 3. EIA/TIA-606-A Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings 4. EIA/TIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding requirements for Telecommunications 5. NFPA 70 - 2002, including: a) NEC - Article 770 b) NEC - Article 800 6. Underwriters Laboratory 7. NEMA - 250 8. Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR 68. 9. BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Design Manual (10th edition)

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


10. BICSI Customer Owned Outside Plant Design Manual (2nd edition) 11. BICSI Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual (2nd edition) 12. ANSI/NECA/BICSI 568 -2001 Standard for Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling 13. ISO/IEC 11801 14. Bellcore GR-20


A. Product Data for each type of product specified.

B. Complete Product specifications including EIA/TIA compliance.



A. Part numbers listed below are those of ADC. Equivalent equipment by Berk- Tek/Ortronics or Systimax shall be acceptable for this project.

B. Category 6 Channel and Components must meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 Category 6 standards. Channel to consist of TrueNet/AirESCategory 6 cable, patch cords, patch panel, and jack as listed herein.


A. Horizontal (station) cables will terminate on Category 6 Patch Panels. The IDC must be capable of terminating 22-26 AWG and must support termination of solid or stranded conductors.

B. Category 6 rated Patch panels shall be provided at each closet for termination of all UTP horizontal cables.

C. Ports shall be configured to EIA-568B wiring standards; meeting the requirements for Category 6 D. Maximum Attenuation through the RJ-45 port at 100 MHZ shall be 0.10 dB.

E. Minimum NEXT through the RJ-45 port at 100 MHz shall be 55.1 dB.

F. Minimum FEXT through the RJ-45 port at 100 MHz shall be 49.8 dB.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


G. At each patch panel, provide one RJ-45 port for each data station outlet port and each vertical riser, plus ten percent for future expansion.

H. Patch panels shall be 19” rack mountable, include rear wire manager, and include paper labels for station identification. Clearly label each patch point with the location of its associated data station outlet port.

I. Patch panels for Category 6 UTP cable shall be ADC Part No. 6653 1 679-24 (1U, 24 port populated), and Ortronics Part No. 6653 1 679-48 (2U, 48 port populated).

J. See drawings and floor plans for port quantity per closet location.

K. Provide appropriate quantity of Horizontal cable managers above and below each rack mounted patch panel. Cable managers shall be 2 rack mount units in height, rings shall accommodate hook and loop fasteners, and shall have a front hinged, removable door. Horizontal Cable Manager shall be ADC Part No. 6652 2 421-19.

PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 PATCH PANELS A. Install and label as shown on drawings. B. Install per manufacturer’s recommendations.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121




1.01 SUMMARY A. SCOPE  This section includes the product and installation requirements for the fiber backbone cable.  This section includes minimum requirements for the following: a) Data Network Communications Cable Plant

1) Category 6 TureNet Series UTP Cables


A. All methods of construction that are not specifically described or indicated in the contract documents shall be subject to the control and approval of the Network & Telecommunication Department. Equipment and materials shall be of the quality and manufacture indicated. The equipment specified is based upon the acceptable manufacturers listed. Where "approved equivalent" is stated, equipment shall be equivalent in every way to that of the equipment specified and subject to approval.

B. Materials and work specified herein shall comply with the applicable requirements of:  ANSI/TIA/EIA - 568-B Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard  ANSI/TIA/EIA - 569-A Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathway and Spaces  EIA/TIA-606-A Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings  EIA/TIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding requirements for Telecommunications  NFPA 70 - 2002, including: a) NEC - Article 770 b) NEC - Article 800  Underwriters Laboratory  NEMA - 250 The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


 Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR 68.  BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Design Manual (10th edition)  BICSI Customer Owned Outside Plant Design Manual (2nd edition)  BICSI Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual (2nd edition)  ANSI/NECA/BICSI 568 -2001 Standard for Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling  ISO/IEC 11801  Bellcore GR-20


A. Product Data for each type of product specified.

B. Complete Product specifications including EIA/TIA compliance.



A. Part numbers listed below are those of ADC. Equivalent equipment by Berk- Tek/Ortronics or Systimax shall be acceptable for this project.

B. Category 6 Channel and Components must meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 Category 6 standards. Channel to consist of TrueNet/AirES Category 6 cable, patch cords, patch panel, and jack as listed herein.

2.02 CATEGORY 6 CABLE (Horizontal Cabling to Data Network station outlets)

A. The horizontal cables must consist of Category 6 100 Ohm balanced 4-pair UTP. The horizontal cable must exhibit matched impedance with the patch cords, jacks and patch panels at the nominal frequency bandwidth of 100 MHz. Impedance testing which is conducted with hand-held scanners that are not capable of exhibiting discrete point impedance data may use +/- 5 ohms as the reference value. Reference impedance traces from the factory using a network analyzer is recommended.

B. Cabling shall meet the published Category 6 standard per the requirements of ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2. Product specifications shall be published by the manufacturer as Worst Case.

C. 1000BASE-T Ethernet, and other LAN protocols operating up to 2.4 Gb/s transmission speeds

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D. ATM at all speeds up to 2.4 Gb/s

E. Broadband and baseband video (77 channels at 550 MHz).

F. Characteristic Impedance: 100 +/-3 ohms at 100 MHz.

G. Conductors: 24 AWG solid bare copper. Cable shall contain a Fluoropolymer separator, non-lead, flame retardant PVC jacket, and all 4-pairs shall be insulated with 100% FEP

H. Category 6 Plenum Cable shall have a Maximum OD of 0.212” (5.4mm).

I. Cable Attenuation (dB/100m) (Minimum values represent worst case allowable. Minimum values are derived from and meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568- B.2-1 Category 6 values.)

1. 1.7dB at 1.0 MHz

2. 3.3dB at 4.0 MHz

3. 4.7dB at 8.0 MHz

4. 5.3dB at 10.0 MHz

5. 6.8dB at 16.0 MHz

6. 7.6dB at 20.0 MHz

7. 8.6dB at 25.0 MHz

8. 9.7dB at 31.25 MHz

9. 14.0dB at 62.5 MHz

10. 18.0dB at 100 MHz

11. 22.9dB at 155 MHz

11. 26.5db at 200 MHz

13. 30.0dB at 250 MHz

14. 33.3dB at 300 MHz

15. 36.4dB at 350 MHz

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


16. 39.5dB at 400 MHz

17. 47.8dB at 550 MHz

J. Approved TrueNet Structured Cabling System horizontal cable:

Cable shall be ADC Part No. TN6SP-BLRB (blue). All Category 6 cable shall be plenum rated.

K. Provide one “homerun” UTP cable between each Data outlet port indicated on the drawings and appropriate Telecommunications Space (TS). In field splicing of UTP cables shall not be permitted. Each homerun shall not exceed 90 meters in length.

L. The 1990 National Electric Code Article 800 Type CMP specification shall be recognized when UTP cables are installed, without benefit of adequate raceway, in a plenum air return.



A. Installation of equipment shall be made by qualified, ADC – certified or - certifiable personnel. All installation shall be done in a neat, professional and high quality manner and in conformity with local and federal building codes and the TrueNet structured cabling system requirements. All areas affected by installation, both inside and outside of the buildings, will be restored to their former condition. Bidder is responsible for the cost of all repairs, painting and other restoration needed due to damage caused by the installation.

B. Category 6 cables shall be installed with a minimum 18" clearance from light fixtures, electrically operated equipment and all wiring operating at 120 or more volts.

C. Data/Voice Cables shall be type, size and insulation as recommended by manufacturer and approved. Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and in compliance with NEC.

D. Coordinate installation with other Work.

E. Install without damaging conductors or jacket.

F. Do not either in handling or installation bend cable to smaller radii than minimum recommended by manufacturer.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


G. Ensure that minimum manufacturer's recommended pulling tensions are not exceeded.

H. Pull conductors simultaneously where more than one is being installed in same raceway. Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope, and basket weave wire/cable grips that will not damage media or raceway.

I. Use pulling compound or lubricant where necessary; compound used must be approved by the cable manufacturer.

J. Install exposed cable, parallel and perpendicular to surfaces or exposed structural members, and follow surface contours where possible.

K. No splices are allowed except at indicated splice points.

L. Tighten connectors and terminals, including screws and bolts, in accordance with manufacturer's published instructions or torque tightening values.

M. At no time during or after installation shall the successful bidder use plastic zip- lock tie wraps for securing the cables, both in the plenum and in the closets. The accepted method of securing the cables is the utilization of reusable hook and loop cable ties.


A. Prior to usage, test wiring for electrical continuity and for short circuits.

B. Test all cable segments for faulty connectors, splices, terminations, and the integrity of the cable and its component parts.

C. "Category 6" System Certification

1. Coordinate this testing with the Professional and Engineer. Notify both the Professional and Engineer at least seven days in advance of testing in order for the Professional and Engineer to make plans to witness this testing.

2. After all punchdowns and cable terminations are complete test each Category 6 cable from the wiring closet to the Computer Outlet to Channel Testing requirements including the Category 6 Patch Cable assemblies.

3. This testing shall be conducted with a "Scope 350" EIA/TIA Category 6 LAN Tester or approved equal.

4. Measure and record the following data: The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


b. Line Map: Connectivity and cable destination; show shorts, opens, combined shorts/opens, swaps, and room identification.

b. Resistance

c. Length

d. Mutual Capacitance

e. Attenuation: Swept Frequency 200kHz to 100MHz (sampled at 100kHz increments)

f. Near-end Crosstalk (NEXT): Swept Frequency 200kHz to 100MHz (sampled at 100kHz increments)

g. Impulse Noise

h. Average Noise

i. Traffic Noise

j. Propagation Rate

5. All cables and product connectivity shall conform to the minimum requirements of ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2, Category 6 standard and product specification data shall be published by the manufacturer based on Worst Case testing results.

6. Document the test results in graphic plot format immediately following each test, via a Wavetek "PTR-1" printer. Provide two copies of the recordings bound in two separate cable record books, indexed for easy reference and transmit these books to the Professional for review by the Engineer. Bind the original recordings in a cable record book indexed for easy reference during future maintenance operations and turn book over to the Owner's authorized representative. Each cable shall be printed on a separate sheet of 8 ½” x 11” paper, one page per cable.

D Replace malfunctioning transmission media with new materials, then retest until satisfactory performance is achieved.


A. Subsequent to hookups of data transmission cable and equipment demonstrate proper functioning. Replace malfunctioning components with new materials, and then retest until satisfactory performance is achieved. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121



The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121






 This section includes the minimum requirements for the testing, certification administration and identification of backbone and horizontal cabling.

 This section includes minimum requirements for the following:

a) UTP testing and testers

b) Labels and Labeling

c) Documentation


A. All testing procedures and testers shall comply with applicable requirements of:

 ANSI/TIA/EIA 568- B.1 Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard, Part 1: General Requirements B. Identification and administration work specified herein shall comply with the applicable requirements of:  ANSI/TIA/EIA – 606-A Administration Standards.  ANSI/TIA/EIA – 569-A Pathway and Spaces  ANSI/TIA/EIA – 568-B Telecommunications Cabling Standard.  ANSI/TIA/EIA – 758-A Customer Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Cabling Standard  BICSI Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual

 BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual

1.03 SUBMITTALS The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Manufacturers catalog sheets and specifications for fiber and copper cable testers.

B. Test reports PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 100 OHM UTP TESTER A. Shall be capable of testing to TIA 568-B.1 criteria. B. Physical interface shall be modular RJ-45 connector and a serial port with DB-9 connector. C. Shall have auto-testing to determine if cable meets the requirements of TIA/EIA 568-B.1, ISO Class C, D, 10 Base-T, Token Ring, Fast Ethernet and ATM standards. D. Acceptable Manufacturers:  Fluke or better 2.02 LABELS A. Shall meet the legibility, defacement, exposure and adhesion requirements of UL 969. B. Shall be preprinted or laser printed type. C. Where used for cable marking provide vinyl substrate with a white printing area and a clear “tail” that self laminates the printed area when wrapped around the cable. If cable jacket is white, provide cable label with printing area that is any other color than white, preferably orange or yellow – so that the labels are easily distinguishable. D. Where insert type labels are used provide clear plastic cover over label.

E. Provide plastic warning tape 6 inches wide continuously printed and bright colored 18” above all direct buried services, underground conduits and duct- banks.

F. Acceptable Manufacturers:

 Brothers (or better)



The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. The testing parameters called for in this section shall include the horizontal Link/ channel for all installed drop locations. B. Test cable with test set to match the NVP for the cable as stated by the cable manufacturer of the cable being installed. C. The test parameters shall include Wire Map, Length, Attenuation, PS-NEXT, PS- ACR, PS-ELFEXT and Return-Loss D. Wire Map  The wire map test shall verify pair to pin termination at each end and check for connectivity errors. The wire map shall indicate the following for each of the eight conductors: 1. Continuity to the remote end 2. Shorts between any two or more conductors 3. Crossed pairs 4. Reversed Pairs 5. Split Pairs 6. Any other miss wiring E. Cable Performance  Must meet the minimum acceptable values as indicated in TIA/EIA 568B.1 Category 6 (TIA/EIA 568B.2-1) requirements. 3.02 IDENTIFICATION & LABELING A. Confirm specific labeling requirements with customer’s project coordinator prior cable installation or termination. B. Cables  Backbone cables shall be marked at each endpoint and at all intermediate pull/ access points or junction boxes. Label shall indicate origination and destination TR ID, sheath ID and strand or pair range.  Horizontal cables shall be marked at each end, on the sheath indicating the TR, patch panel and panel port to which the cable is wired. Faceplates and Patch Panels C. Faceplates and Patch Panels 1. Faceplates  Shall be labeled to indicate the room number and panel port [ A thru Z] to which the cable is wired for each cable that it houses. 3.03 RECORD COPY AND AS – BUILT DRAWINGS The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


 Provide record copy drawings periodically through out the project as per 25030 or as requested by the project manager and at end of the project. Record copy drawings shall include notations reflecting the as built conditions of any additions to or variation from the drawings provided. 3.04 TEST RESULTS  Horizontal Copper Cabling a) The Contractor shall test all cables and submit all horizontal copper cable test result data in electronic format, with the resulting file formatted with one test result per 8.5"x 11" page. b) To provide the test results in an acceptable format: 1) Export or Download the test results from the cable tester to a *.txt format. 2) Then open the *.txt file in Microsoft WORD 6.0 and save the file as a *.doc file.  High Pair Count Copper Cables a) The Contractor shall test all high count copper cables and submit test result information in an electronic format. Minimal acceptable formats are Word 6.0 or Excel 95/97. b) See project coordinator for required format for test report documentation.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121




1.01 SCOPE


 Provide all labor, materials, tools, and equipment required for the complete installation of work called for in the Contract Documents


A. Contractor shall be recognized by the manufacturer as a certified installer of the specific structured cabling system. This certification will enable the contractor to provide a minimum manufacturer’s 20 year product warranty and a lifetime application assurance program guaranteeing that the installation will be operating the applications which the system was originally designed to support, as well as any new applications, far as long as the system is owned in its original place of installation. New applications are defined as any application introduced in the future by recognized standards organizations or user forums that adhere to the TIA / EIA 568-A or ISO / IEC IS 11801 component and channel specification for cabling. Copies of certifications shall be submitted with bid submittal.

B. Structured Cabling System installation must have a warranty of 20 years.

1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer warranty information B. Contractor certification to provide warranty.


A. Contractor shall submit a material list with the bid submittal. This shall include quantity, description and manufacturer’s part numbers for all components in proposed system.

B. Contractor shall submit a qualification summary for each individual who will perform services involved with this project. Qualification summary shall list proposed job responsibility (ie. Project Management, Designer, Installer, etc.), and any relevant experience or qualifications.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


C. Contractor shall submit a list of all test equipment proposed for the completion of this project. Test equipment list shall include test device manufacturer, model number, firmware revision, client software revision if applicable, and any other information that may be pertinent to this project.

D. Contractor shall provide a list of product technical training for all systems proposed, and shall provide manufacturer’s letters or certificates of completion for said training.

E. Contractor shall provide a list including the company name, contact name, and phone number of all subcontractors that will be used to complete this project. Subcontractor shall have the same training and certifications as contractor and shall be pre-approved (prior to bid opening) by the Owner.


A. Prepare record documents in accordance with the requirements in Division 1 Section


A. When all work has been completed and before final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the Professional a complete set of reproducible contract drawings clearly showing all contract work "as-built". Prior to delivery each drawing shall be signed and dated by the Contractor's project manager attesting to the accuracy of the as-built drawing.

B. Mark up a clean set of Specifications to indicate approved substitutions, change orders and actual equipment and materials used.



A. General: Sequence, coordinate, and integrate the various elements of network systems, materials, and equipment. Comply with the following requirements:

1. Coordinate network systems, equipment, and materials installation with other building components.

2. Verify all dimensions by field measurements.

3. Arrange for chases, slots, and openings in other building components during progress of construction, to allow for network installations.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


4. Coordinate the installation of required supporting devices and sleeves to be set in poured-in-place concrete and other structural components, as they are constructed.

5. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installations of network materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. Give particular attention to large equipment requiring positioning prior to closing in the building.

6. Where mounting heights are not detailed or dimensioned, install systems, materials, and equipment to provide the maximum headroom possible.

7. Install systems, materials, and equipment to conform with approved submittal data, including coordination drawings, to greatest extent possible. Conform to arrangements indicated by the Contract Documents, recognizing that portions of the Work are shown only in diagrammatic form. Where coordination requirements conflict with individual system requirements, refer conflict to the Professional.

8. Install systems, materials, and equipment level and plumb, parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components.

9. Coordinate the cutting and patching of building components to accommodate installation of network equipment and materials.

10. Coordinate the installation of network materials and equipment above ceilings with suspension system, mechanical equipment and systems, and structural components.

11. Install network equipment to facilitate servicing, maintenance, and repair or replacement of equipment components. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum of interference with other installations.


A. Refer to the Division 1 Section PROJECT CLOSEOUT or FINAL CLEANING for general requirements for final cleaning.


A. Contractor, at his own expense, shall make any tests directed by an inspection authority or by the Professional and shall provide all equipment, instruments and materials to make such tests.

B. Unless otherwise approved, all connections shall be made and all components shall be in place, complete and operational, at time of final inspection and tests.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


C. Time of such tests, the manner in which they are made and the results of the tests, shall be subject to approval.

D. Upon completion of work, all component parts, both singularly and as a whole, shall be set, calibrated, adjusted and left in satisfactory operating condition to suit load conditions, by means of instruments furnished by the Contractor.

E. Complete testing of equipment and systems shall be provided throughout this project.

F. Industry standards shall apply except as otherwise specified.

G. Provide all labor, premium labor and materials required by shop and field testing as specified in the Contract Documents and as required by the authorities having jurisdiction.

H. Notify the Professional seven (7) days prior to the testing dates. Upon completion of a test, a statement of certification shall be forwarded to the Professional for his approval.

I. Conduct tests at a time agreeable to the Professional. Provide premium labor as necessary.

J. Products that are found defective or do not pass such tests shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Tests shall be repeated.


A. After the tests and adjustments have been made, approved factory authorized system representatives and the Contractor shall fully instruct Owner in all details of operation and maintenance of equipment installed under this Contract. Dates and times of such instructions shall be as directed.


A. Refer to the Division 1 Section SPECIFIC WARRANTIES for procedures and submittal requirements for warranties and to individual equipment specifications for additional warranty requirements. If a contradiction exists, the most demanding requirements shall prevail.

B. Compile and assemble the warranties specified in into a separated set of vinyl covered, three ring binders, tabulated and indexed for easy reference.

C. Provide complete warranty information for each item to include date of beginning of warranty or bond; duration of warranty or bond; and names, address, and

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


telephone numbers and procedures for filing a claim and obtaining warranty services.



A. The successful Bidder shall warrant that all materials and equipment are new, in good working order, free from defects and in conformance with the TureNet TrueNet Structured Cabling System specifications. All installed equipment must conform to the manufacturer's official published specifications. The warranty shall begin at the TrueNet Structured Cabling System acceptance date and remain in effect for a period of twenty years from that date. The successful Bidder shall agree to repair, adjust and/or replace (as determined by the Purchaser to be in its best interest) any defective equipment, materials or other parts of the Structured Cabling System at the successful Bidder's sole cost. The Purchaser will incur no costs for service or replacement of parts within the channel during the warranty period of 20 years.

B. Selected vendor must provide a TrueNet Network Performance Solutions Warranty for a minimum of 20 years. The TrueNet Network Performance Solutions Warranty must include complete parts and labor replacement of defective products. The products must be warranted for a minimum of 20 years by the manufacturer. The warranty must have provisions for replacing the contracting organization at no cost to the customer should the contractor lose his status as an authorized installer or otherwise not fulfill his obligations to the customer as outlined in the System warranty program.

C. The successful Bidder shall warrant and supply evidence that the installation of materials and hardware will be made in strict compliance with all applicable provisions of the National Electric Code, the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, and state and/or local codes or ordinances that may apply.

D. The successful Bidder shall warrant that the Structured Cabling System will function as specified in the approved manufacturer's Technical Description Guide.


A. Structured Category 6 Cabling System must meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 Category 6 TrueNet standards and Channel Specifications. Channel to consist of Category 6 cable, patch cords, patch panel, and jack as listed herein.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


A. Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard products of categories and types required for each application. Where more than single type is specified for an application, selection is Installer's option, but provide single selection for each application.

B. Lettering and Graphics: Coordinate names, abbreviations, colors, and other designations used in electrical identification work with corresponding designations specified or indicated. Install numbers, lettering, and colors as approved in submittals and as required by code.

C. Install identification devices as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and requirements of NEC.

D. Sequence of Work: Where identification is to be applied to surfaces that require finish, install identification after completion of finish work.

E. Regulations: Comply with governing regulations and requests of governing authorities for the identification of electrical work.


A. Apply cable/conductor identification on each cable/conductor in each box/enclosure/cabinet where wires of more than one circuit or communication/signal system are present. Match identification with marking system used on shop drawings, contract documents, and similar previously established identification for project's electrical work.


A. Provide instruction signs with approved legend where instructions or explanations are needed for system or equipment operation.


A. Provide equipment identification labels of engraved plastic-laminate on each major unit of electrical equipment in building, including central or master unit of each electrical system. This includes computer systems, unless unit is specified with its own self-explanatory identification. Except as otherwise indicated, provide single line of text, with 1/2-inch-high lettering on 1-1/2-inch-high label (2-inch-high where two lines are required), white lettering in black field. Text shall match terminology and numbering of the Contract Documents and shop drawings. Apply labels for each computer system component.

B. Provide labels at locations indicated and at locations for best convenience of viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment.

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SECTION 16804 - COMMUNICATIONS PATCH CORDS, STATION CORDS, AND CROSS CONNECT WIRE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. SCOPE 1. This section includes the product and installation requirements for the communications custom cable assemblies. 2. This section includes minimum requirements for the following: a) Communications Cross-Connect Wire b) Communications Category 6 Patch Cords c) Communications Optical Fiber Patch Cords

1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All methods of construction that are not specifically described or indicated in the contract documents shall be subject to the control and approval of the Network & Telecommunication Department. Equipment and materials shall be of the quality and manufacture indicated. The equipment specified is based upon the acceptable manufacturers listed. Where "approved equal" is stated, equipment shall be equivalent in every way to that of the equipment specified and subject to approval. B. Materials and work specified herein shall comply with the applicable requirements of: 1. ANSI/TIA/EIA - 568-B Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard 2. ANSI/TIA/EIA - 569-A Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathway and Spaces 3. EIA/TIA-606-A Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings 4. EIA/TIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding requirements for Telecommunications 5. NFPA 70 - 2002, including: a) NEC - Article 770 b) NEC - Article 800 6. Underwriters Laboratory 7. NEMA - 250 8. Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR 68. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

COMMUNICATIONS PATCH CORDS, STATION CORDS, AND CROSS CONNECT WIRE 16804 - 1 9. BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Design Manual (10th edition) 10. BICSI Customer Owned Outside Plant Design Manual (2nd edition) 11. BICSI Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual (2nd edition) 12. ANSI/NECA/BICSI 568 -2001 Standard for Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling 13. ISO/IEC 11801 14. Bellcore GR-20


A. Product Data for each type of product specified.

B. Complete Product specifications including EIA/TIA compliance.



A. Part numbers listed below are those of ADC. Equivalent equipment by Berk- Tek/Ortronics or Systimax shall be acceptable for this project.

B. Copper cabling, connectors, patch cords, and termination equipment shall be manufactured, certified, and warranted by a single manufacturer.

C. Category 6 Channel and Components must meet or exceed TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 Category 6 standards. Channel to consist of TrueNet/AirESCategory 6 cable, patch cords, patch panel, and jack as listed herein.

2.02 UTP CROSS CONNECTS A. Cross connect wire shall be of same gauge (22AWG and 24 AWG) as the feed cable to which it is being connected to, typically cross connect wire will be 24 AWG single twisted pair and dual twisted pair wire as required for circuit being connected. B. Cross connect wire colors shall be: 1. White-Blue for voice circuits

2. White-Orange for Ethernet


A. Shall be a duplex fiber cable meeting the transmission characteristics of the optical fiber horizontal cable.

B. Cables shall be orange in color for multi-mode connections and yellow for single mode connections. The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121


C. The following configurations may be required:

1. SC/SC


A. Patch cords shall be included with the Structured Cabling System and the bidder should show them on a bill of materials. This Contractor shall provide copper patch cables for every active cable. Active copper cables shall coincide with the number of outlets on the project. Two (2) copper patch cables shall be provided for every active cable, one (1) for equipment room side and one (1) for workstation side, respectively. All patch cords shall be Structured Cabling System factory made and shall not be field terminated. Each patch cord shall be of the appropriate length for the field of use and of lengths that are acceptable within the Structured Cabling System. Each patch cord shall have the appropriate ends for the intended field. Patch cords may not be cut in half for single-end punch down; products specifically manufactured for that purpose must be used.

B. Category 6 patch cords shall meet Category 6 component specification and be impedance matched for use in the Manufacturer end-to-end channel Structured Cabling System.


1. Category 6 patch cords shall be constructed with a smoke-colored polycarbonate plug having vertically staggered, trifurcated contacts, each having 50 micro-inches of gold plating. 2. Plug dimensions and function shall comply with FCC 47, Part 68.5. 3. Patch cords shall have a snag-less feature, integral to the strain relief boot on each end. Strain relief boot shall be molded PVC, and color matched to the cable jacket. 4. Patch cords shall be constructed with category 6 patch cable, with 24 AWG 7/32 tinned copper stranded conductors, each insulated with polyethylene, and overall jacket with UL flame-retardant PVC. 5. Patch cords shall be manufactured using a T568B wiring format, and shall function suitably for either T568A or T568B wiring schemes. 6. Patch cords shall be available in the following colors: black, blue, gray, yellow, orange, red, green, white, and purple. Custom lengths and colors shall be available with a delivery lead-time quotation. 7. Standard patch cord lengths shall range from 3 ft. to 20 ft. 8. Category 6 patch cords shall be backward compatible with existing Category 3, 5, and 5e cabling systems for fit, form, and function.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

COMMUNICATIONS PATCH CORDS, STATION CORDS, AND CROSS CONNECT WIRE 16804 - 3 9. Patch cords shall be manufactured in the USA.

D. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. All transmission performance parameters shall be independently verified by a UL or ETL third party testing organization. 2. Category 6 patch cords shall be channel performance balanced with ADC TrueNet Category 6 jacks, patch panels, and punch-down blocks. 3. Category 6 patch cords shall meet or exceed Category 6 component transmission requirements for connecting hardware, as specified in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1 standard. 4. The manufacturer shall provide Category 6 component compliance certificates from third party testing organization upon request. 5. Patch cords shall be cUL and UL LISTED 1863. 6. Patch cords shall exceed IEEE 802.3af DTE Power specification to 4 times the rated current limits with no degradation of performance or materials. 7. Patch cords shall be third party verified, error-free Gigabit Ethernet performance to IEEE 802.3ab. 8. Category 6 patch cords shall meet or exceed the 4-connector channel transmission performance requirements of Category 6, per ANSI/TIA/EIA- 568-B.2-1 standard. 9. The 4-connector channel test configuration shall utilize Category 6 patch panels, blocks, and jacks, with Category 6 patch cords, all from the same manufacturer, with qualified Category 6 cable. 10. The 4-connector channel performance margins in the table below shall be guaranteed, provided the configuration satisfies requirement No. 9 above.

11. Category 6 panels shall meet the current draft 10 Gb/s performance requirements of IEEE 802.3an and TSB-155, for a maximum 55-meter channel length. Conditions of requirement No. 9 above apply exclusively.

E. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Workstation side Data and Voice Category 6 Patch cables shall be ADC Part No. 6645 2 781-15 (15 ft. blue), ADC Part No. 6645 2 787-15 (15 ft. gray), and ADC Part No. 6645 2 784-15 (15 ft. Green)

2. Equipment side Data Category 6 patch cables shall be ADC Part No. 6645 2 781-10 (10 ft. blue) and ADC Part No. 6645 2 787-10 (10 ft. gray) PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

COMMUNICATIONS PATCH CORDS, STATION CORDS, AND CROSS CONNECT WIRE 16804 - 4 A. Horizontal and backbone cabling of the proper category shall be fully deployed throughout the building according to applicable codes and standards.

B. Telecommunications outlet locations, and patch panels in the closet shall be installed and terminated complete per manufacturer’s instructions, and applicable codes and standards.

C. Faceplates at each TO shall be assembled complete and properly mounted.

D. Metallic horizontal cable pathways shall be bonded to an approved ground according to ANSI-J-STD-607.

3.02 INSTALLATION B. Remove patch cords from bags and apply channel or port identification labels per specification. Patch cord lengths should match the distance between connection points, with enough slack for cable management and bend radius control.

For cross-connect panels in the closet, place the patch cords properly into the installed front cable organizer. Plug each end into the respective panel and equipment ports. Push the plug into the receptacle until the latch clicks into position. Installed patch cords should be neat, with no kinks, tangles, or tight bends.

B. To connect workstation equipment to the TO, route the patch cord behind furniture and plug into the network port. Patch cords should not interfere with the operator space or electrical cords. (Note: workstation cords are normally installed after placement of office furniture).

3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL – TESTING A. Note: if permanent link tests are complete, and channel testing is not required in the contract documents, then channel testing after patch cord installation is not required. Proceed with step ‘B’ below only if channel testing is required in the contract documents. B. For channel testing, each channel in the horizontal and backbone cabling system shall be identified and tested individually, using an industry standard level III tester with correct settings. C. Each channel, including patch cord on each end, shall be tested for the parameters listed below.

Wire Map / Continuity Length Insertion Loss NEXT PSNEXT ELFEXT PSELFEXT Delay and Delay Skew Return Loss

D. A “PASS” indication shall be obtained for each channel using a level III tester.

The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121

COMMUNICATIONS PATCH CORDS, STATION CORDS, AND CROSS CONNECT WIRE 16804 - 5 E. Completed test reports shall be submitted per contract requirements of Division 01.


A. Cross connects shall be made with 1 pair and 2 pair wire as required by circuit being connected. Coordinate cross connect colors.


The School District of the City of Erie Alterations to Strong Vincent High School RMP Project No. 11.121