Larouche Addresses 1300 at Institute Conference

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Larouche Addresses 1300 at Institute Conference Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 3, Number 2, Summer 1994 --� NEW S _.. - ----------------- ::JI g �z a: iij "' � The Power of Reason Iz a: iij To a rousing ovation, Schiller Institute LaRouche Addresses vice-president Amelia Boynton Robinson (right) greetsLyndon LaRouche and his 1300 At Institute Conference wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche. nder a banner proclaiming Labor Committees and the Schiller especially in the countries of the fo rmer U"LaRouche's Scientific Discoveries: Institute, was held at Washington, D.C. socialist East Bloc, and among the leader­ The Power of Reason," the semi-annual This was the first occasion since Mr. ship of the U.S. Civil Rights movement U.S. conference of the LaRouche political LaRouche became a political prisoner of that had been led by the late Dr. Martin movement opened on Saturday, Feb. 19, George Bush on Jan. 27, 1989, that either Luther King, Jr. with a jubilant standing ovation as he or his wife had been able to address a These new dimensions of the move­ Lyndon LaRouche and his wife Helga large meeting in the United States in per­ ment were reflected in the presence of an Zepp-LaRouche greeted the crowd of son. The ensuing five years have seen a impressive line-up of parliamentarians 1,300 members and guests from around great blossoming of the political move­ and other distinguished fi gures from the world. The three-day conference, co­ ment led by the LaRouches international­ Central and Eastern Europe and the fo r­ sponsored by the International Caucus of ly, despite such adverse conditions- mer Soviet Union, and the presentation of a high academic honor to Mr. La­ Rouche during the morning session, as well as the fact that the Rev. James Bevel, a fo rmer top aide to Dr. King, was one of the keynote speakers. Academic Diploma A warded A historic ceremony took place on the conference's first day. The president and vice-president of the Moscow-based International Ecological Academy, respectively Dr. Wolter Manusadjan and Prof. Taras Muranivsky, presented Mr. _, "-- l I L i L LaRouche with the diploma of his elec­ INSTITl tion to the scientific academy last COnferel October. The three watchwords of the acade­ EIRNSISluart Lewis my are Libertas, Ratio, and Lex-free­ InternationalEcologica l Academy president Dr. Wolter Manusadjan (right) and vice­ dom, reason, and law. Professor president Prof Ta ras Muran ivskypresent Lyndon LaRouche with the diploma of hiselection Manusadjan, who is also a member of the to the Academy. All-Union Medical Engineering 81 © 1994 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Research Institute, remarked that the he accompanied fo rmer Metropolitan restart the entire world economy, con­ content of Mr. LaRouche's speech that Opera baritone Robert McFerrin singing trasting this with the crimes of George morning, coupled with his very presence Schubert songs, a Verdi aria, and several Bush and Margaret Thatcher and their at the conference (after being released on spirituals. stooges such as James Baker III and parole Jan. 26), fu lly demonstrated his Lords Carrington and Owen. qualificationsin all three of these areas. A New Political Elite Mrs. LaRouche concluded by Professor Muranivsky, who teaches Saturday's sessions were opened by focussing attention on the moral crisis of at the Moscow State University fo r Amelia Boynton Robinson, the Civil today, addressing the kind of education the Humanities, underscored that Rights heroine who had invited Dr. which is required by referring to German Mr. LaRouche's election was most Martin Luther King to Selma, Alabama poet Friedrich Schiller's concept of the unusual in that, until recently in Russia­ in the days of the 1960's voting rights beautiful soul. "It is only if man is truly under the Soviet state-a political prison­ struggle, who introduced the key­ creative, if he finds in himself that source er was considered an "enemy of the peo­ note speakers-Lyndon and Helga of the creation of the new idea, the new ple." Yet the nomination of LaRouche, LaRouche and the Rev. James Bevel-to concept, the higher level of reason, that based particularly on his unique contri­ the audience. he is beautiful and fr ee; and only in this bution to the science of political economy, In her speech, Helga Zepp-LaRouche way, is peace possible." had been approved by an overwhelming portrayed the global strategic conjuncture majority of the members' votes. and demonstrated the crying need for the Stop 'Economics 101' The conference officially commenced emergence of a new political elite based Lyndon LaRouche spoke with the wit Friday evening, Feb. 18, with a concert at on a very different conception from those and conviction which have made him one Washington's Mt. Vernon Methodist who have so miserably fa iled in the recent of the most effective public speakers in Church. The first halfof the program past. She traced the unraveling of politi­ the United States: "This entire global sys­ featured soprano Detra Battle and mez­ cal institutions in Italy, France, Germany, tem of economy and the institutions with zosoprano Janice Jackson singing lieder, and Britain. She recalled Lyndon which that economy is associated, are in arias, and spirituals. Dr. Raymond LaRouche's 1988-89 proposal fo r German the process of self-destruction. Nothing Jackson of the music fa culty of Howard reunification based on mutual economic can save this system. There is no reform, University played Beethoven's piano development of East and West, and a there is no aspirin tablet, no Tylenol, sonata in F-minor, Opus 2, No. 1. Then European "Productive Triangle" to which can give this system freedom from its headaches--except the death to which the system is in any case doomed. "The cause of the collapse, in very simple terms, is twofold. The first cause what is known to every unfortu­ nate who studies the subject at a universi­ ty or college as Economics 101. Anybody who believes in that, is probably insane; anyone who teaches it, is either a criminal or innocent by virtue of madness. "The second cause of the collapse, is the combination of Economics 101 with belief in a post-industrial utopia. This was an idea which was kicking around fo r many years. It was called Mal­ thusianism in fo rmer times." The question, LaRouche said, is not whether the global economic system will --,c i collapse, but rather how to save humanity \\.'"' from the effects of such a collapse. His EIRNS/Sluart Lewis own unique role in developing solutions to the global crisis was the subject of the Greetings to Institute conference. remainder of his talk. Above: Najib Sacirbey, Personal represen­ tative in the U.S. of the President of Motion Made, Motion Denied Bosnia-Hercegovina. Right: Tibor Ko vats The third keynote speech was given (top), cofounder of the Association of Hungarian Political Prisoners; by the Rev. James Bevel, direct action Mavriks Vulfson (bottom),former chair­ coordinator fo r Dr. Martin Luther King, man, Foreign Affa irs Committee, J r. during the 1950's and 1960's, who Latvian Parliament. was the Vice-Presidential candidate on 82 Below: Keynote speaker the Rev. James • Gerald Rose detailed Bevel. Left:Webster Tarpley presents the sixteenth-century infil­ "Palmerston's 'Human Zoo' " standing tration into England of the before an image of London's Big Ben. Venetian oligarchy, high­ lighting the role of Venetian court agents Paolo Sarpi and Francisco Zorzi­ steeped in the Aristotelian tradition of Venice's Padua University-who became the philosophical fo rebears of British empiricism. • Graham Lowry coun­ terposed the republican efforts of Leibniz and his collaborator Jonathan Swift, which led to the fo unding of the American republic, particularly Leibniz's cru­ cial work in natural law \ \ \ \ J around the concept of the 'f: t f "pursuit of happiness," to EIRNS/Stuart Lewis the British occultists and Mr. LaRouche's slate in 1992. Bevel was tury "liberation movements"-known as charlatans John Locke, Isaac Newton, the only Civil Rights figureat the time of "Young Italy," "Young Germany," etc.­ and Thomas Hobbes. Dr. King's death in 1968 to insist that set up by Anglo-Italian Freemason • Jeffrey Steinberg detailed the role of James Earl Ray, Dr. King's accused assas­ Giuseppe Mazzini, which turned all of the evil Jeremy Bentham and his master, sin, be accorded a fa ir trial. Eurasia and the Americas into a battle­ Lord Shelburne, in consolidating the "I was there when King was assassi­ ground of ethnic neighbor-against-neigh­ eighteenth-century Venetian party nated," said Bevel, "and I made a bor butchery. takeover of Britain, and their launching motion" to oppose the mob rage after The other speakers then presented, in of continuous irregular warfare against Dr. King was killed, to ensure that the a series of twenty-minute dramatic the United States and France. accused assassin be given a fa ir trial. vignettes, the crucial events in the evolu­ • Anton Chaitkin catalogued the his­ "That motion was denied," he contin­ tion of this British Empire strategy, high­ tory of B'nai B'rith in the United States, its ued-and the result can be clearly seen in lighting how the British fo isted British­ nineteenth-century fo unding as "Young the continuing destruction of justice in empiricist ideology onto subject popula­ Israel"-a Freemasonic Secret Society this nation, including the imprisonment tions, in order to control and maniuplate under British control-and its pivotal role ofMr. LaRouche and his associates. them fo r its own imperial ends. both in launching the Confederate war of Lord Palmerston's 'Human Zoo' The Feb.

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