ADO.NET Using C#® (VS 2015)

This three day, intensive course teaches the essential elements of ADO.NET such that, at the end of the course, the programmer is able to utilize its tremendous database manipulation powers to build effective database applications. The course includes a major case study demonstrating the use of ADO.NET in a realistic setting. It is current to .NET 4.7, Visual Studio® 2015 and SQL Server® 2014.

Audience: C# .NET developers needing to communicate with data sources.

Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of SQL and of programming the .NET Framework using C#. The student should also understand the fundamentals of XML. To get full benefit from the examples in the course the student should be able to write simple applications. A working knowledge of SQL Server is also desirable.

Number of Days: 3 days

1. Introduction to ADO.NET Type-Safe Accessors Data Access Technologies Null Columns From ADO to ADO.NET ExecuteReader Options ADO.NET Architecture Multiple Result Sets Namespaces and Classes Obtaining Schema Information Interfaces 5. DataSets and Disconnected Access DataSets and Disconnected Access DataSet First ADO.NET Programs DataAdapter Acme Computer Case Study Command Objects 2. ADO.NET Connections DataTable .NET Data Providers DataColumn IDbConnection DataRow Connection Classes Row States and Versions Connection Strings Accept or Reject Changes Connection Pooling DataTable Events Connection Events Updating a Database from a DataSet Error Handling Command Builders 3. ADO.NET Commands 6. More About DataSets IDbCommand Filtering DataSets Command Objects Multiple Table DataSets Creating Commands Schema Executing Commands Constraints Parameterized Queries Relations Command Types Navigating a DataSet Using Stored Procedures DataMapping Batch Queries Creating a DataSet Programmatically 4. DataReaders and Connected Access 7. XML and ADO.NET DataReaders Strong Coupling Between ADO.NET IDataReader and XML IDataRecord Rendering XML from a DataSet

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Controlling XML Output Reading XML into a DataSet XML Schema and DataSets Typed DataSets Table Adapters Synchronizing DataSets and XML XML Serialization 8. Concurrency and Transactions DataSets and Concurrency Optimistic Concurrency Pessimistic Concurrency Handling Concurrency Violations ADO.NET Transactions Database Transactions 9. Additional Features Asynchronous Database Operations Multiple Active Result Sets Bulk Copy 10. LINQ and Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Bridging Objects and Data Using Object Relational Designer Filtering, Ordering and Aggregation Inserts, Deletes and Updates LINQ to SQL LINQ to DataSet ADO.NET Entity Framework LINQ to Entities 11. Appendix A – Acme Computer Case Study 12. Appendix B – SQL Server 2012 Express 13. Appendix C – Learning Resources

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