1. What Is .NET Framework?

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1. What Is .NET Framework? 1. What is .NET Framework? The .NET Framework is the foundation on which you can design, develop, and deploy applications. t is the core of the .NET infrastructure. t e!ists as a layer "etween the .NET applications and the underlying operating system. The .NET Framework encapsulates much of the "asic functionality, such as de"ugging and security services, which was earlier "uilt into various programming languages. #. What does .NET Framework consists of? The .NET Framework consists of We" forms, Windows forms, and console applications that pertain to the presentation layer of an application. We" forms are used in We"$"ased applications, whereas Windows Forms are used in Windows$"ased applications for providing an interactive user interface. n addition, you can create character$"ased console applications that can "e e!ecuted from the command line. %esides these three components, the .NET Framework consists of two other components, the .NET Framework %ase &lasses and the &ommon Language (untime )&'(). +. Write a note on, a. -rogramming methodologies The .isual /tudio .NET programming methodology allows for mixed$ language programming. This is esta"lished through a &ommon Type /ystem )&T/) that is de0ned for all the languages that .NET Framework supports. 1ll these languages compile into an intermediate language "efore they compile in native code. Therefore, the .NET developer has the independence to code one module of an application in one language and the other module of the same application in another language. ". -latform technologies The .NET Framework includes platform technologies like 1DO.NET, 1/-.NET, and .%.NET. 1DO.NET allows .NET applications to communicate with a data"ase for retrieving, accessing, and updating data. 1/-.NET is a framework for "uilding enterprise-class We" applications. .%.NET is an o"4ect-oriented language that provides features such as a"straction, encapsulation, and polymorphism. %y using these technologies, you can easily develop ro"ust We" applications, Windows applications, and 56L We" services. c. &ode e!ecution The code e!ecution process involves the conversion of ntermediate Language into native or &-7-speci0c code. The &'( is completely architecture$neutral. 1ll the .NET languages get compiled into the L. This intermediate language gets compiled "y Just$in$Time )8 T) compiler into the native machine code. 1fter translating the ' into native code, the converted code is sent to the .NET runtime manager. The .NET runtime manager e!ecutes the code. While e!ecuting the code, a security check is performed to ensure that the code has the appropriate permissions for accessing the availa"le resources 9. Which are the platform technologies supported "y .NET Framework? /ome of the platform technologies supported "y .NET Framework are,n 1DO.NET , 1/-.NET ,.%.NET :. What is "ackward compatibility? %ackward compatibility refers to the a"ility of a technology to work with its previous versions or with other earlier technologies. For e!ample, the 1ctive Directory structure of Windows #;;; is "ackward compatible with Windows NT +.<1 and 9.;. /imilarly, the .NET Framework supports "ackward compatibility. For e!ample, you can compile and run applications created in .isual %asic :.; in .isual /tudio #;;<. =. Does .NET platform support "ackward compatibility? E!plain. The .NET platform supports "ackward compatibility. t is possi"le for an application compiled in one version of the .NET Framework to run on a different version of the .NET Framework. For e!ample, you can run applications developed in .isual /tudio #;;#?#;;+ on .isual /tudio #;;<. n addition to the a"ove e!ample, the .NET platform supports "ackward compatibility in the following ways, The .NET Framework #.; %&L supports "ackward compatibility with the earlier versions. .NET supports &++ "ecause of "ackward compatibility. To run a &++ code on .Net Framework, you need to include the following line at the "eginning of the code, Ausing <mscorli".dll> .% applications can work on .%.NET and 1/- applications can run on 1/-.NET "ecause of "ackward compatibility. Dou can easily reference &36 components in.NET applications. 1. What are the different types of application architectures? Or modi0ed architecture layout.of .NET framework. The different types of application architectures are, /ingle-tier, 1 single application handles all functions related to the user, "usiness, and data service layers. /uch an application is also called a monolithic application. Two$tier, The two$tier architecture divides an application into the following two components, &lient, mplements the user interface /erver, /tores data The "usiness logic can either "e integrated with the client (fat client* or with the server )fat server). Three-tier, n the case of three-tier architecture, all the three service layers reside separately, either on the same machine or on different machines. The user interface interacts with the "usiness logic. The "usiness logic validates the data sent "y the interfaces and forwards it to the data"ase if it conforms to the reEuirements. The front$end only interacts with "usiness logic, which, in turn, interacts with the data"ase. n-tier, 1n n-tier application uses "usiness o"jects for handling "usiness rules and data access. t has multiple servers handling "usiness services. This application architecture provides various advantages over other types of application architectures. /ome of the advantages include e!tensibility, resilience to change, maintaina"ility, and scala"ility of the application <. List the advantages of .NET Framework. The .NET Framework o>ers the following advantages,&onsistent programming model: The "ase classes of the .NET class library provide standard functionality such as, input/output, remoting, thread management, string manipulation, user interface design, and security management. The 1DO.NET classes allow developers to access data in the form of 56L. 56L classes ena"le developers to read, write, manipulate, and transform 56L 0les. The 1/-.NET classes support the development of We"$"ased applications and We" services. The Windows forms classes support the development of desktop$"ased applications. Together, the .NET class li"rary provides a common functionality to all .NET languages resulting in a consistent o"ject model regardless of the programming language used "y the developer. n Language independence, The .NET developer has the independence to code one module of an application in one language and the other module of the same application in another language. This language interopera"ility can help in code reuse, and improve the efficiency of the development process. n Ease of application deployment, The .NET Framework manages the details of locating and loading the components reEuired "y an application, even if several versions of the same application e!ist on the computer. The .NET Framework ensures that all the components on which the application depends are availa"le on the computer "efore the application "egins to run. .isual /tudio #;;< includes a new application deployment technology known as &lickOnce, which allows you to easily deploy a Windows forms application. &lickOnce ena"les you to create desktop applications that are deployed with a secure and system$ controlled installation. n mproved security, The .NET Framework provides several mechanisms for protecting resources and code from unauthorized users, H&ode 1ccess /ecurity )&1/) uses permissions to control the code accessing protected resources and operations. H (ole$"ased security provides information needed to make decisions a"out user permissions. n /upport for We" services, With the advent of .NET technology, We" services provide many "uilt$in %&L facilities that allow different applications from different sources to communicate with each other. We" services do not provide the user with a I7 . We" services instead share "usiness logic, data and processes through a programmatic interface across a network. n Ease of creating dynamic We" content, Dynamic We" content is easier to create with .NET. 1/-. NET #.; includes various features that ena"le you to easily develop We" applications having a consistent layout and appearance. n .isual /tudio .NET, .isual /tudio .NET is the 6icrosoft application and interface for programming in .NET. .isual /tudio .NET provides all the programming advantages mentioned so far. This development environment has an e!tensive set of ready-to use-controls, good de"ugging facilities, easy and simple programming features, and a vast set of .NET "ase classes. 1ll these features ena"le you to develop high performance applications in a short period of time. #. What is the difference "etween a project and a solution? n .isual /tudio .NET, an application can "e made up of one or more items, such as 0les and folders. To organize these items eFciently, .isual /tudio .NET has provided two types of containers, pro4ects and solutions.1 project typically contains items that are interrelated. tems can "e forms, references, and data connections. For e!ample, you may create a pro4ect that contains a form for accepting user details and data"ase connection for transferring these details to a data"ase. 1 project allows you to manage, "uild, and de"ug the items that make up an application. When you "uild a pro4ect, it usually results in the creation of an e!ecuta"le 0le (.e!e) or a dynamic link library ).dll). These 0les that are created as a result of "uilding the pro4ect are called the project output. 1 solution usually acts as a container for one or more pro4ects. For e!ample, you may create a solution containing two projects, one for manipulation of data and the other for generation of reports for the sales division of an organization. Thus, a solution allows you to work on multiple projects within the same instance of the .isual /tudio .NET DE. 1 solution also allows you to specify settings and options that apply to multiple projects. +. What does the .isual /tudio .NET DE provide? The .isual /tudio .NET DE provides you with a common interface for developing various kinds of projects for the .NET Framework.
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