APSCC Monthly e-Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2017 The Asia-Pacific Satellite Communications Council (APSCC) e-Newsletter is produced on a monthly basis as part of APSCC’s information services for members and professionals in the satellite industry. Subscribe to the APSCC monthly newsletter and be updated with the latest satellite industry news as well as APSCC activities! To renew your subscription, please visit www.apscc.or.kr/sub4_5.asp. To unsubscribe, send an email to
[email protected] with a title “Unsubscribe.” News in this issue has been collected from August 1 to August 31. INSIDE APSCC APSCC 2017 Satellite Conference & Exhibition, 10-12 October, Tokyo, Japan EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION Ends on September 8! The APSCC Satellite Conference and Exhibition is Asia’s must-attend executive conference for the satellite and space industry, where business leaders come together to gain market insight, strike partnerships and conclude major deals. Celebrating its 20th annual event APSCC 2017 #SATECHexplorer will incorporate industry veterans and new players through the 3-day of in-depth conference program to reach out to a broader audience. Join APSCC 2017 and expand your business network while hearing from a broad range of thought-provoking panels and speakers representing visionary ideas and years of business experience in the industry. For more information, please visit www.apscc2017.com NEW MEMBER Singapore Space and Technology Association (SSTA) Joins APSCC as an Affiliate Member Singapore Space and Technology Association (SSTA) is Singapore’s trade association focused on developing Singapore’s space technology industry. SSTA acts as a neutral platform to facilitate information and communication for government, industry and academia.