Aamtrrstn: Ettmfng HrraOi WKDNZSDATf JUx^ifi INIL THB WBATHBB AVEBAOB DAILT CnCDlATlOM lUcoipt of 30,000 spaclal stamps The officers and members o f EHen Foreeaat at O. 8 . Waatbor pooltiana o t famous eomposers. In­ fs r Mm ■Math af Kay. 1886 DANCE TO VIC TURLETS commemorating tbs Ban Diego Ex­ Davidson Lodge are reminded that s Bartfora position was announced today cluding Haydn, Motart, Bach, Bee­ M adwid art priced Teiy low this week and we expect turkey supper wlU be held at the PIANO AND VIOLIN Parisian Club Orchestra Postmaster Frank B. Crocker. The home of Mrs. Elgin S. Maling of 39 thoven, Schubert, Schumann, Partly clottdy, probably with oe- frash shipments tomorrow and Friday. We will have a stamps, o f the three-cent denomina­ Locust street, Tuesday evening, June Strauss and MacDowetl, It being TLtJWIULECc - 5,519 cashmal showera tonight and Friday; Mamtor ot ttM Aadit • foD line of Fish and Clams Thursday including Butter- FRIDAY, JUNE 7 tion, already have been placed on 18, St 6 o’clock. The supper is In PUPILS IN RECITAL the purpose o f Mias Watkins and ilanrb^ater tting l|Fralb not much change la tempera turn. HaUbut, Sole, Salmon and Haddock. School Street Rec sale. They are lavender in color and honor of the Grand Oiflcers, who will Mr. Doellner to acquaint U)e chil­ Announcement— B Ilf saw o f OIrcalatioaa Admission 25c. the scene depicts the Exposition site visit the lodge later In the evening. dren with fine music. A feature of with San Diego Bay In the back­ Any member wishing to attend is the program will be the presenta­ Genuine Spring Lamb! Veal Shanks ground. tion of an original composition of asked to call 8265. Center Clnircii Profram To All Girls Who V O L. U V ., NO. 2 1 1 . (Uaaalfled Advertlolag on Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBN’Tli Ground Beef lOc to 12c Mr. Doellner's. Rib Lamb Chops Mrs. Joseph A. Farr of SIS Main Those o f Mias Watkina’a pupils ABOUT TOWN Have Entered - < 8 < 29c lb. lb. street entertained In honor of her Watkins Brothers' Duncan Phyfe Consist of Works of Mo­ who will be heard are: Connie Keb- 4 '" 3 3 c small daughter, Amelia, whose club held its June meeting last night ler, Emma Lou :Criiler, Joyce Lean Mr. and Mrs. Wells H. WeUierell eighth birthday was yesterday. St the AlberCs Tourist Home In Kebler, Joan Todd, Sidney Thrall, Hale’s Two First Ladies At White House Potato Salad Stewing Veal and daughter, Geraldine of Olcn Fourteen school friends of Miss Farr South Coventry. A strawberry din­ zart, Beethoven, Bach. Seymour Maldment, Frances Cude, UNFAIR TACTICS Strike o f 30,000 Men BUYING POWER enjoyed a lunch and games during PRESIDENT SUGGESTS 20c lb. Meaty Shoulder Cove, Illinois, spent the week-end ner was served, after which the Card McVeigh, Sylvia Walsh, Olga 18c to 25c and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. the afternoon and the guest of honor members held an Informal entertain­ Albasi and Bruce Watkins. Mr. was given many pretty gifts by her Lamb Chops Shaw of North EHm street. Mr. ment, the outdoor sports program Piano pupils of Miaa Miriam Doellner’s pupils will be Helen Contest ON SAND ORDERS INU.S.WATB Cole Slaw lb. Wctherell, who'was making hts flrat young friends. The decorations at that bad been planned being r^ned Vlertel, Rayetta Smith, Jane Stev- In Toledo Called Off the party were green and yellow Watkins and violin pupils of Robert visit to hts home town _tn seven out. enaon and Frank TleUe. Miss Fran­ INTERSTATE PACTS 15c lb. Calves’ I.iver crepe. Doellner, both' of the Hartford 2 9 c years, left for his business In Chica­ ces Stanley o f Hartford will be the ST0UTLY_DEN1ED TO BE FREED go by plane Monday morning. Mrs. School o f Music, will present a Joint accompanist. Toledo, O., June 8.— (A P )— A TAmerican Federation of Labor pres- Fidelity Court, Order of Ama­ Sewing Wetherell will remain unUl June 11 Troop 6 . Boy Scouts, will hold an recital at the Center Congregation­ crew of trouble abooters" and sure, newspaper pressure and com­ Pinehurst Vegetables when she will be Joined by her son, ranth, of Blast Hartford, will observe outdoor meeting tonight at 6:3U al church parish house at 8 o’clock generator operators went bo work in pany pressure. ON LABOR PROBLEMS New' Cabbage Wells H. Wetherell, Jr., a member Visiting Matrons’ and Patrons’ o’clock, meeting at the South this evening, to which the public Is must bring In their garment (or Charges Made by Jarvis the power plant o f the Toledo-Edtson Tbe union worksra voted 237 to 22 Head of Stock Exchange De­ JeUo of the freshman class In Bowdoln N ight tomorrow night In Blast Hart­ Methodist church at that hour in­ cordially invited to attend. Fifteen garments) by Saturday, Jimc Co., today, ending a strike which to end the atriko after Secretary of All Flavor. College, Brunswick, Maine, who will ford. Mrs. Rachel TUden, Royal stead of 6 o’clock. pupils will b f heard, almost all of TRAVEL BY BUS 15th. A ll garments will be Judged for a while threatened to abut off Labor Perkins had requested union return t^th .his mother and sister Matron of Chapman Court, Order of whom are second-year pupils with Throngh Attorney Shea electric power over an area of 800 leaders to maintain essential serv­ clares Freedom of Trade S c '" New York— Monday, June 17, and announced Suggests Study With Aim to by motor to Glen Cove after the Amaranth, o f this town, will hold a few flrat and third-year pupils. square miles In Northwestern Ohio. ice. 3 for In Tuesday’s Herald, June 18th. COIT BOMBERS W ater Cress, .bun. 10c close o f school. the station of Prelate. Supper will The Spru.ee Street Tavern nine The program will -onalst of com- 8SJ10 (O .W .) «4-80 (R .T.) Union electrical workers who call­ Myers said he was pleased with be served , at 6:30 In the Masonic will meet Highland Park at 6:30 Boston $2.35 (O.W.) $4-05 (B.T.) Management Will Release Asparagus . . . bun. 20c Have No Basis, Says ed the strike yesterday morning, the vote. Preserve Standards; Gov­ Temple, East Hartford. o’clock tonight and players are ask­ Providence— The Board of Administration of A ll contestants must hurry an called It off early today pending City officials sold apparently 30,- Cucumbers...... ea. Sc ed to meet at the Tavern at 6 82.00 (O.W .) 88.50 (R .T.) PLEAD G U m ; | the Emanuel Lutheran Church will get their garments completi negotiations on their demand for a 000 factory workers would have, Jam of Wants. An members o f the Women o f the o’clock. Thornton. ernment Will Cooperate; Green Beans, meet this evening at 7:80 o'clock. Fares eqnaSy as low to other and entered in the contest, 30 per cent wage Increase. been affected in Toledo. 1 0 c Moose who will take part in the IRIS points. The negotiations wiU start In New C. L. Proctor, vice president and garments to Fabric Sect] The Women’s Guild o f the Center parade of the State Association of York, probably Monday, with offl>- general manager of Toledo-Edl.son ARESENTENCEB Lettuce, Iceberg lA>ttuce...... Lie the Moose on Saturday, June 8, In 25 Roots for $1.00. FILMS— 8e RoB, Developed, ae state highway department New York, June 6 — (A P ) — A White House Also Consid­ Congregational church will hold a (Main Floor, left.) dais of the Henry L. Doherty Co., pleased by the preliminary settle­ head . . . . bridge and luncheon on the lawn at Waterbuiy, will meet at the Home Good Color. None Alike. 111 be asked to cancel the remalq' "gigantic Jam of accumulated *’i^ 1 0 c FOOD SALE CENTER parent company of Toledo Edison. ment said the employes would re­ .- ?- the home o f Mrs. Chester Robinson, Club, Brainard Place, before 10 der of Its order to the Manchester ceive regular pay for the day of the wants and buying power" watts to ers New and High Taxes a. m. Saturday. A special bus will Sat., June 8, Starting.at 10 A. M. MRS. BATTEY The swift termination of the T o m a to e s...... lb. 15c Windmill Kettle Cookies 23 H Middle Turnpike West, Wed­ T R A V E L b u r e a u strike. be released, Charles R. Gay, presi­ Taylor Gets Seven to Ten leave at 10 o’clock with members of Daughters of Liberty, Wapping Center on Bucklond B4. Sand and Gravel (kimpany for sand strike was attributed to "pressure P: P e a s ...... 2 qts. 21c or Assorted I'anilia 1 (X — nesday, June 13. The hostesses will At tke Center Phone 7007 Arthur Bennett International vice dent of the New York Stock Ex­ both lodges. . U U O. L., No. 125. used in Manchester and to transfer from many sources” by Oliver On Inheritances and Gifts. Fresh Spinach. Cookies, lb...... I l / C be Mrs. Fred Thrall, Mrs. Henry 787 Main St., SU te Theater Bldg. Read The Herald Advs. Myers, business agent of the local president of the union conferred with change, said today. Years, Carron, Three to IV s Miller, Mrs. Chester Robinson, Mrs. the business to the Alexander Jnrvta Boy Scouts of Troop 7 will have a Soda Bread, Potato Bread, Scotch electrical workers union, on Ameri­ Myers before the meeting. Myers The only way in which this re­ Philip Emery, Mrs. Ernest Beng- Scones, Cakes, Pies, Biscuits. Company, the Board of Selectmen can Federation of Labor affiliate. said Bennett had made some propo­ lease can be accomplished, he said ston, Mrs. J. C. Cary, Mrs. C. A. swimming period at the East Side voted last night after an acrlmonl Washington, June 6 .— (A P ) — A Rec tomorrow evening at 5:S8 Myers mentioned ' Presidential sitions "which I will outline to the in an address prepared for delivery Five and Ratio, One Bader and Mrs. Robert Dewey. In ous session with Mr. Jarvis and hts pressure from Washington, Depart­ union.” Negotiations had been In before the CHiambcr of Commercf ot study of the possibility of preserv­ case of rain the party will be held o’clock. attorney, William J. Shea, during ment of Labor pressure; Toledo progress for several days when the the State of New York, is by "SaWs- ing labor standards through inter­ PINEHURST GROCERY Inc. in the Center Church House. — iiirJW.IUL€ c a which Mr. Shea claimed "the deputy Year. Members of the Luther League of C3iamber o f Commerce pressure; strike was called. fylng the conditions under which state compacts, bolstered by Feder­ Dial 4151 North of Armory at .'102 Main Street state highway commissioner was private business can afford to take the Emanuel Lutheran church who •Buy for your summer al co-operation, was initiated today William E. Turkington, 184 Cen­ cottage! disposed to conduct a private Inves­ risks." ter street, this town, who was grad­ plan to make the trip to Middletown Tercentenary tigation Into the situation.” by President Roosevelt as adminis­ tomorrow night are asked to meet Three conditions he named: Hartford, June 6.— (A P )— .State uated from the Manchester High Thornton’s Views "Freedom for management, a great­ tration leaders agreed on the prin­ school In 1932, has Just entered the at the church at 6:45 o’clock, where •Buy for year ’round needs! prison sentences were Imposed in . This morning when be teamed of er sense of security, and an abate­ ciples of "stop-gap" NRA legisla­ employ of Warren Brothers, on transportation will be furnished. SUPPER and Superior Court today on three men the affair, William J. Thornton of EXPECT SPECIAL SESSION ment of the hostility toward tion. Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass., the Manchester Sand and Gravel profits.’’ who pleaded guilty to charges in The President made known hia In the accounting department. Mr. Today Is the 18th wedding anni­ PROGRAM •Brides-to-be should stock up N O W ! company objected to being penalized He cited six independent studies connection with the explosion of a intention in reply to resolutlona Turkington was grailuated from the versary of Mr. m d Mrs. John F. FRIDAY, JUNE 7 by the selectmen without being of the "durable goods backlog.” Tbe “In France I am nozztng official—nozzlng but the wife of the Presi­ bomb at the home of President adopted by tbe Joint commission on Bentley School of Accounting and Howard of 152 Henry street. Mr. 5:30 P. M. OF ASSEMBLY THIS FALL dent,” Madame Albert Lebrun (right), wife of France’s chief execu­ called before them to give his aide of most conservative estimate showed interstate compacts In seaslon here. Finance, 921 Bnylston street, Bos­ and Mrs. Howard left Manche.ster Samuel M. Stone, of the Colt's Pat­ the story and denied his company a capital goods deficit for tbe de­ tive, exclaimed In surprise when she became the center of attention at A secret meeting of Senate, ton, Mass., with 'the class of 1934. this morning for Boston where a CENTER CHURCH GREEN ent Fire Arms Manufacturing Co., Tickets 50c. was in any way at fault. pression of $27,000,000,090. The the White House, where she is pictured being greeted by America's House, and administration repre­ party In their honor is being held by First Lady, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mme. Lebrun was bet* guest where a strike had recently been sentatives was held after some The Amaranth Sewing club will the New England manager of the Children under 14, 25c. Mr. Thornton denied that any Failure to Pass Bill to Aid highest estimate waa $85,000,000,- Entertainment Without Supper, Annual June so-called "unfair tactlca” had been 000. at tea and a state dinner. Between them is Mme. Freyssellnard, Mme. in progress. Congressional spokesmen bad said hold a regular meeting tomorrow Volvollne Oil Company with which PIETRI GIVEN Lebrun’s daughter. used in aoltclting business. He said "Between these two we find the the White House waa tentatively afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with Mrs. company, Mr. Howard Is connected 7 O’aock, 25c,' 7 To 10 Years that there has been no collusion be­ estimate of the National Industrial considering new and high taxes on Anna Robb of Scarborough Road. as local manager. Cities and Towns Is Rea­ Harold C. Taylor, secretary of the Inheritances and gifts as a part of tween himself and either George H. Conference Board with an aggre­ Hartford Structural Building I Waddell or any of the Selectmen. TASK TO FORM gate of $09,000,000,000,” he said. the future NRA program. Trades Alliance was sentenced to President's Note He instated that trucks had been son — Governor Cross These figures, Gay said, "indicate seven to ten years fo r illegal pos­ sent to his sand and gravel pita and an assured pathway out of tha de­ In a letter to Henry Parkman, ANOTHER RANSOM BILL session of explosives and to five Jr., Massachusetts State Senator, Thursday's Specials T o w e l E v e n t loaded and he billed In accordance ANEWCABINET pression. years for conspiracy to use ex­ Ti.rJW .IULC CO with the order. > For a time all aand Disappointed. "Assuming a 1929 rate of output, President Roosevelt said: plosives to cause Injury to person Green Stamps Issued! used by the town was billed to the It would require over three and a "My Dear Senator Parkman: and property, " I am' glad to receive the memo­ brings amazing low prices on QUALITY towels! town, but later a change was made half years of activity to meet the IS PASSED IN SPOKANE TTio sentences are to n concur­ 0 All Orders $1.00 or Over Delivered FREE! and that ordered by the state was Hartford, June 6.— (AP) —The' deficiency In private residential con­ randa and resolutions that you have Former French Mmister of rently. so klndiy sent me from the inter­ billed to the state highway depart­ Senate and House chambers at the struction and practically three Charles M. Carron, former Hart­ ment and that ordered by the town years’ operation to compensate for state conference on labor compacts. Gold Medal and PlUaburv'a R r.t Hale’s Helps You State Opitol are vacant today but ford supernumerary policeman, was "I have for some time followed was billed to the town. the Navy Attempts to Do the pause in commercial and indus­ sentenced to prison for three to five G a n n o n D o u b l e T h r e a d - tbey will be filled again before the Man HeU at Sealtle Hotel for ATHLETE with great Interest the work which Saying he "asked nothing but trial construction." years on the conspiracy count. next scheduled term of the General No Substltuto Available the conference has been doing. FLOUR 3 lb. bag 3 2 c fairness" for his client, Mr. Shea What Ohers Were Uunahle Edward Raffo, of Newington, was There is no doubt that continued told the board that lost year the Assembly In 1037 If the predictions Gay declared no substitute can Questioning; His Identity g (J iy g N FREEDOM sentenced to one year In Hartford adequately "replace the natural ac­ efforU in every state to improve Shop T ill. KSOAV for your flour norda. Two popular town paid the Manchester Sand and of Legislatora are borne out. county Jail for conspiracy. I and safeguard labor standards is of brands at this saving! f Enjoy The Summer! Gravel company for 2500 Jona of to Perform. tion of private enterprise." While tbey were bidding each Is Not Revealed by Fed­ ' definite value. sand which should have been paid "Although personally satisfied other farewell after the sine die ad­ ; "I am directing that a study b« Fine Creamery Towels for by the state and that when the that our government Is too wise to journment yesterday several Sena­ ! made of the proposals made in your orders were given out this spring attempt this imposatble task," he New DeLuxe m ,. iPii tors and Representatives remarked Paris, June 6.— (A P )— The threat eral Agents. Star Player to Be I resolutions and that I shall be kept for sand to be used in connection said. "There are those who would TYDINGS OPPOSES they would see each other again at I in touch with any further work of with oUlng tha atreeta,. the town, of disorders and renewed gold with­ like to see the state assume the tbe special aeaslon which they ex­ the conference. Butter lb. 27® unable to obtain reimbursement drawals disturbed FYance today functions o f privato business. pect to see called this fall probably Tacoma, Wash., June 6.— (A P ) — Given a Tryont on Ibe TARIFF CHANGES “Very Sincerely Tours, J* TTndrrwftod's Qiiohaiig from the state for tbe coat of the tbe second successive day she has "Thus far the government appro­ In September. "F P A N K L IN D. ROOSEVELT.” 2500 tons paid for by the town, o r been without a government. priations for tbe rehabilitation of Discovery of a second bank note 4t Failure of the General Assembly The agreement reached by con­ Deck Chairs dered 6000 tons from Thornton and Francolse Pletrie, former minister business have amounted to $8 ,000,- used In the ransoming of George cans to enact any revenue raising meas­ 000,000. The estimated back-log ot gressional leaders was said to con­ Clam Chowder 2 35® 2500 tons from Jarvis In an attempt of the Navy, turned his hand to the Weyerhaeuser and the reported de­ form to previous undertakings to with comfy box seats 2 3 4 * ure for relief of the burdened cities potential business postponed by the to have the state pay for enough dangling task of creating a Cabinet Horroel’s Tasty and municipalities has much to do tention of a man for questioning, Maryland Senator Warns continue a skeletonized N R A until more sand, this sand to make up powerful enough to defend the franc depression amounts to $69,000,000,- Ossining, N. Y., June 6 .— (A P )— concerning a special session. 000. today spurred authorities on the April 1, 1936, including "voluntary” (19c Each) for what it did not pay for last and capable of Ending support in Alabama Pitta, star athlete of Sing Gov. W. L. Cross haq maintained Ob\iauB Facts codes. Cannon towels are big values at any price year. the Chamber fo Deputies. trail of the nine year old boy’s kid­ Against Alterations Until no I complete silence on the subject of a "Two facts arc obvious; First, Sing prison, said good-bye to his The conference on state compacts, Stew 2 cans 29® BUT at 2 for 34c they’re SENSATIONAL! Mr. Thornton states that at Known a.s a financial expert, a napers. special seaslon but he had no hes­ that the task is too great for the convict Idollzcrs today before re­ after receiving encouragement from Just feel these towels , . . soft, nappy, time has he ever received an order protege of Joseph Claillaux and an Usually reliable sources reported Baker’s tlnsweetened itancy yesterday in referring to re­ government and, second, that busi­ turning to the outer world to make Secretary Perkins, asked the Presi­ 0 Madc of hardwood with highly var­ thirsty Cannons! Note their thick weave a man at a Seattle hotel had been Problem Is Studied. lief needs in his closing message to ness has the power to recover It a living by his prison-developed dent to cdnslder the possibility of nished finish. . . . all DOUBLE TH R EA D con.structlon! (Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Six) detained for questioning. His the General Assembly. granted a reasonable opportunity talent as a baseball player. according Federal protection to 1-2 lb. bar J q Note their Jolly border trims! W e’ve sold identity wa.s not disclosed and De­ • Allractive five color painted drill. Tbe Chief Executive complimented to do so free from uncertainties." In the pocket of his new gray states entering Into such agree­ Chocolate 700 dozen of these towels so far this season partment of Justice agents here fol­ Washington, June 6 . — (A P )— 0 t,arge, roomy, comfortable chair the legislators bn their accomplish­ Pointing out that the NRA deci­ suit was a contract with the Albany ments. It would be similar to tha . . . proof enough these are VALU E S at lowed their customary practice ” of Senator 'Tydlngs (D.. Md.). coun­ equipped with long foot rest (28 ment but said " I need not repeat, sion of the Supreme Court had "sud­ team of the International League. trade commission vigil against un­ this price! Size, 18x36 inches. refusing comment. selled the government today to "go Inches long.) 1HADERS TO ADOPT however, how greatly disappointed I LOBBYING CHARGE denly changed the whole trend of Pitts, whose name is Edwin C., fair trade practices. Quick-Arrow Specials The second ransom blit—^^one of knows that W. G. Bramham of Dur­ slow” about making any alterations •H a s new de luxe .short fold box am with the outcome o f the pro­ our economic outlook,” Gay said the $200,000 paid to the abductors it, tariff policy until world trade Before Oovemora "its full meaning as yet cannot be ham, N. C.. president of the N a­ scot—reinforcement makes It posed tax legislation. last week—was discovered In the and othe- problems can bo thresh­ The Interstate compact proposal Sunshine G R A H A M fully appraised." tional Association of Minor Profes­ more comfortable. VOLUNTARY CODES Forces Specta) Taxes AGAINST COLONEL Spokane, Wash., post office. The ed out in international conferences. will be placed before the annusJ con­ Soap CRACKERS, lb. pkg. 19c |Qnd.KU»^ C a n n o n b a t h He urged “sobering considera­ sional Baseball Leagues, has ruled • T’se on the porch, on the lawn . . "Failure to follow in the main the first one was uncovered in a Port­ He expressed this opinion as the ference of governors at Biloxi, Miss., tions" to those who have "exultant­ against him 'as detrtr.'.cntal to the Peacock DRIED BEEF. . In town or at the cottage. recommendations of tbe special tax land bank Tuesday after It was Senate foreign relations committee or, June 16. and will be pursued fur­ Flakes study commission, will necessarily ly hailed their constitutional game,” but he thinks his luck will ...... ja r 13c tendered at Huntington, Ore., Sun­ hold sufficiently to make Bramham pondered a recommendation by ther by the Interstate Compacts compel municipalities to resort triumph," and asked them not "to (2', , -ounce glass Jar.) Coat and Suit Industry Not Anny Officer Indicted; Ac­ day night for a railroad ticket to change his mind. Francis B. Sayre, as.itstant secre­ commission at Spring Lake, N . J., Towels Turkish more and more to levying special question the motives or disparage l i e pkg. Salt Lake City. " I have a contract here that 1 got tary of state that the on June 19. Searchlight PINK Our second shipment! Our first taxes, to bond Issue and loans for re­ the efforts of those who planned Large site package of iwap from Johnny Evers," said Pitts. ratify a pending international Little difficulty waa anticipated order during National Cotton Week lief and perhaps for meeting the and administered the N R A ." Miss 'Vemor Beavers, Spokane flakes! SALM ON . . . .2 cans 25c to Cnt Wages or Increase cused of Acceptmg Fee "I’m going direct to Albany to re­ agreement. by Ckingresslonol leaders in obtain­ (Tall cans.) went like wild fire! Another group ordinary expenses of government. money order clerk, received the sec­ Towels ond bill between 0 a. m., and 1 p. m., port to him. I have heard nothing This agreement provides that sig­ ing prompt House and Senate ap­ for our JUNE TOWEL EVENT! Tbe continuation o f such a policy S o ap ...... 2 for 5c Rippled W H E A T ...... t Honrs, Leaders Say. from a Private Firm. Tuesday. Federal authorities were about my not' being wanted there.” natories to economic pacts involv­ proval of the reat'IuUon when It Thirsty, nappy, double thread towels. spells disaster." Pitts, 25, became nationally fa­ ing several nations— that is, multi­ finally is submitted. The purpose of large site bars! ...... 2 pkgs. 23c Tub-fast boMer trims. Large bath For the second time in two days notified at Portland. Several flew (29c Each) 439 MIDSHIPMEN to Spokane and were on the Job mous as Sing Sing’s all-around ath­ lateral conventions—would not be tbe conference was to agree upon a niiHtiirv'.s TOILET size, 20x40 inches. the House refused to suspend the required to give the benefits of sturdy within three and a half hours, said lete. He was a star backfield man measure which could be put through New York, June 8.—(AP)— The rules yesterday to allow for action Washington, June 6 .— (A P ) — these agreements to non-signatories TISS l K ...... 7 n.lls 25c Postmaster W. W. Simpson. cr the football team, a hard-hitting both Houses easily. Nation’s coat and suit manufactur­ on a revised sales tax bill, especially Colonel Joseph I. McMullen, chief Just because of "most-favored na­ Freth, Ripe Not Successful outfielder on the baseball team, and Some expressed regret however, ers held out to industry today their urged by Governor Cross. This, ex­ o f the patents section of the Arm y GRADUATED TODAY tion" clauses in other treaties. They attempted to discover who a track man. Too. he was some­ at disclosures that President Roose­ C a n n o n l a r g e precedent in dissolving their NRA cept for tbe chief executive’s ad­ Judge advocate general’s office, was Most Favored Nation 1 0 ' had tendered it, but apparently thing o f a star o f the prison’s the­ velt was considering other and more code authority and immediately re­ dress was virtually the only break In indicted today by a District of Co­ atricals and curator of the zoo. A most-favored-natlon clause is TOMATOES lb. l i e These are the kind of tow­ they were unsuccessful. permanent N R A 'legislation to follow Freah Iceberg 3 organizing it 03 a voluntary re­ tbe customarily hilarious closing lumbia Grand Jury on charges of Warden Lawes reported him a mod­ one in which two nations promise to Miss Beavers said she issued 112 the temporary measure. D eck and els that are in big demand day activities during which Repre­ accepting fees from a firm lobbying give each other’s goods Just as fa ­ covery board. Annapolis Academy Holds money orders from 9 a. m., to 1 p. e l prisoner and one o’" the most pop­ Such "premature” disclosures, as Towels for dally use. Plenty of ab­ sentatives threw confetti and against a tax bill. vorable treatment in the way of re­ "We feel." said George W. Alger, ular men there, both with inmates one Senator described them, might head sorbent qualities! White with streamers, banged desk lids and ex­ The officer, who recently was duced tariffs or other benefits as LETTUCE 7c You’ll like the thick, heavy, absorb­ chairman of the coat and suit'code (Continued on Page Tw o) and employes. cause difficulties in the Senate over Fresh, Luscious ent qualities of these towels. The Jolly tub-fa-st border trims. authority, "that in the plan we have hibited the same exuberance as censured by the Secretary of War Commencement Exercises Sentenced Reduced they accord to other countries. Hand size. H U STLE IN . . pupils on the last day o f school. fo r "scandalous’’ conduct, was ac­ Secretary Hull said that some­ the Clark (D. Mo.) resi.luUon to con­ men of the family will welcome the $ devised we are giving to industries He was sentenced from New tinue N R A nine and one-half Yacht Chairs we expect a mob around Green-White size. 22x44 Inches. Snowy white with throughout the country, particularly One o f the final acts, of the House cused specifically o f receiving a re­ — Sen. Trammel Speaks. York Clity March 26, 1930, convict­ times "the most-favored nation bsku. 1.00 these tomorrow at 10 c yesterday was to concur with the tainer of $1,500 on July 6, 1932, ed of second degree robbery, when clause might unnecessarily hinder months. STRAWBERRIES 2 25c borders o f blue, rose, green, orchid, those made up of numerous small The understanding of most lead­ maize. Buy, plenty for summer baths apiece! Limited supply! units, a practical proposal fur ef­ Senate in restoring pay cuts to from the Cubao-American Manga MILLEN BROTHERS, oqly 19. His sentence, eight to six­ the development of multilateral Your Choice ers was that as soon as the tem­ and showers! fective recovery programs of their Btste employes, receiving less than nese Corporation for representing it teen years, was reduced by one- treaties by placing upon proposed Annapolis, June 6.—(AP)—Amid porary "stop-gap" measure was out own. $1,000 a year. Representative W. S. In opposing a proposed excise tax thtrd for good behavior, In parties unnecessary obligations or 14 A L P < Awnings a steady roar of applaiue from un­ ol the way— or at least befqre. Con­ "The board will establish the Blakeslee, House chairman of the on importation of manganese. Opelika, Ala., he had served in the endowing countries which do not Appropriations Committee com­ dergraduates and spectators, 439 FABER, DIE TONIGHT become parties with undeserved gress adjourned—there would ha 81strongest possible bureau of fair He was charged In a second count Navy before his conviction. Today, mented that this action further un­ midshipmen received their diplomas benefits." some additional Icgiclation. $ 1.00 each code practices.” with accepting $250 on January 3, as he discussed his future, he tried Fastidious W om en W ill, W elcom e This Sale O f balances the budget 1933, from the same corporation as and the degree of Bachelor of to dismiss the objections against his Though Sayre was reported to $ 1 .2 5 A lger said the plan provides for Science today at the clghty-nlnth Cross Proposals have denied that the treaty he PLAN HIGHER TAXES. HEALTH MARKET public and Federal pai Ucipation to monthly compensation. baseball Job, but his voice shook as DECK C H AIR S with arms. Hard­ A check of 18 major recommenda­ commencement of the United States Trio Accused of Four Mur­ wants ratified would have any bear­ Washlngt-'n, June 6 .—(AP)— In 'a maximum degree permitted under The charges against the officer de­ he said: 6 -ounce duck with aide curtain • " HW-! tions made by Governor Cross in his veloped from a leng;thy Inquiry by Naval Academy. "I’m sorry these objections have ing on administration tariff policy. e midst of sharply conflicting speo- wood frames, highly varnished. existing Federal and state statutes.” and valance. Green and white Inaugural address, showa that the been made against my playing ball. Senator Borau said he believed one lation as to what course the New Sturdy, strong painted drill backs. H e a v y s o l i d c o l o r The Departments of Commerce and aHSusemllltoiysub-commrttee'^lnto . w stripe only. SO-inch slse. Keeps General Assembly during one of its WarW«,. Departmentn«„ortm.nf expenditures . and .,.1 hurlcd their white midshipmen’s ders; Faber’s Mother Is I ’m very anxious to show what object was to circumvent the most Deal may plan frr NRA Congres­ Quality MEATS your rooms cool and shaded In the Folds compactly when not In use. Labor and the buying public will be busiest sessions In many years ac­ business practices. ku,.,. ,.ito inu air, causing a .scramble prison athletics can do for a prison­ favored-nation obstacle through the sional leaders raid today the White sultry summer weather. represented. cepted 1 1 of them wholly or In part Was Reprimanded for them among the spectators, 316 Not Allowed to See Him. er. When I'cam e hero • knew very multilateral agreement Idea. House is tentatively considering new Organizations of cotton textile and turned down seven. A fter the committee had accused filed into Memorial hall and re­ little about baseball, and nothing Senator Tydlngs questioned the and higher taxes on Inheritances and at budget prices! merchants, wool manufacturers and ceived their commissions as ensigns 36-inch Turkish Towels Outstanding among the accept- McMullen of acting as attorney for gifts. This, explained by Legisla­ Shipment: .11.49 garter and belt makers also endors­ in the Navy. Twenty-five were (Continiied on Pag« Two) (Continued on Page Tw o) tors who do not wish to be quoted ed . continued observance o f code commissioned second lieutenants in Boston, June fi— (A P ) — Irving 42-inch ( Continued on Page Three) (Oontlnned on Page Six) by name, would be an attempt to .$1.69 YACHT CHAIRS with com­ standards. the Marine Corps. and Murton Millen brothers, and continue and broaden N R A 's basic Ready to enforce the wage and One member of the class, Midship­ Abraham Faber learned today from fy covered seats. Hardwood principles. It would seek they de­ MACKEREL ib Ce working provisions is the Amalga­ man R. Pargas, a Filipino, living in Warden Frances J. Lanigan that clared to Increase mass purchasing frames: highly varnished fin­ Fwah Size, mated Clothing Workers of Ameri­ Manila, was graduated but not this was their lost day of life—that power through redistribution of Two-Ck)lor they must die tonight for murdering Col. Roosevelt to Hunt ish. A comfortable little 22x44 inches. ca. Sidney Hillman, president of tbe commissioned. Seventy graduates money. Court Draws Up a Code a policeman during a bank robbery. union, announced - the executive will remain at tbe Academy for a It was emphoaited that tbe New chair for the porch, lawn, EacK board would meet Friday to consider physical examination on June IS, The trio of young killers who CODSTEAK 3 lbs. 2 5 c 5 4 were accused of four murders after For Jaguars in Jungles Awnings cottage! a 1 1 ,000,000 "war chest” to support which will determine if they are to (Oonttnued on Page S U ) strikes wherever plants abandoned To Guide Married Life be commissioned. Twenty-eight re­ a brief but sensational career of robbery in Massachusetts received the N R A standards. signed. TREASURY BALANCE. Fastidious housewives (and brides-to-be) who appreciata the news o f their impending elec­ Miami, Fla., June 6.— (A P )— ColTwhere the biggest Jaguars In the beauty, color and quality in their Turkish towels wiU go into A second voluntary code waa Dahlgren Hall, the Academy ar­ Other Kinds A Fresh Shipment! Minneaimlla, June 6.— (A P ) ■T, "TLet both parties refrain from mory, was packed with paieius, trocution In silence. Theodore Roosevelt. Jr., set out to -; world roam the Jungles M d grass- $ 1 .4 9 raptures over these! S oft spun towels In lovely solid colors adopted at Wilson, N. C., where the profane and abusive language.' . . I covered plains. Some of them weigh Washington, June 6 .— (A P)— The friends and relatives when the grad­ Mother la Barred with black sig-zag bolder trims. Towels that will return Eastern Carolina Warehousemen’s Mrs. Gilert W. Brown, who recently day on a big game hunt, but unlike; much as 350 pounds, so we are position of the Treasury on June 4 "L et tbe husband taka the w ife uates slowly filed to their seata. The In the waiting room of the prison Also lemon sole, halibut, Colorful two-tona striped awn­ from the laundry softer because of the special peroxide Association approved one aald to be demonstrated she was pretty good his late father he chose to travel In , expecting some gwat sport.” was: ings. 6-ounee heavy drill in green 6-Ft. Bamboo out to some place of amusement at imdergraduates, in blue, were sat Mrs. Rose Faber, mother of one 5 Smai-t Solid bleaching. Buy for your own use! Bring a few to your almost identical with that formulat­ at drawing up a cpde for her hus­ a 16 -pasaenger plane. j He will be accompanied Into the ReceipU $14317,129.68; expendi­ ■almon. Block Island SHAD and orange stripes. Gives your least once a week.” grouped on bleachers running the of the condemned men, weeping and tures $32,773,468.85; balance $2,004.- M-ni-m! Nice broiled shad week-end hostess! Buy for showers! ed under the N R A . band prior to a divorce, today stud­ Mrs. Brown’s code demanded: pleading for one last glimpse of her He la headed for the Mattagrossa ; Jungle by the famous big game for Thursday dinner! What home a cool, bright summery atmo­ length of the huge hall. 893,847.00; customs receipts for the i'f-- Colors: The National Assoctaticn of Manu­ ied a subatftute code offered by Uie "Do you agree to hand over your only son, who graduated from the country on the Brazllian-Paraguay-, hunter Stemcl, who uses spears for M u m , butterfish and scal­ could l>o better! sphere. 30-lnch sixe. Impressive Ceremony month $3,446,468.41. Porch Screens facturers made public last night tbe court. pay check and every pay check? The short and impressive cere­ Massaebusetta Institute of Tech­ an border to hunt Jaguars, described ' weapons Instead o f firearms, Receipts for the fiscal year (alnd •Blue •Peach results of a nationwide telegraphic Brown testified yesterday before I will buy the groceries and cigarets. mony was opened with an invocation nology with honors only to turn to a as the largest in South America. | Colonel Roosevelt will be a week lops—all at Hale’s special B u ck ...... Ib. 10c ^eepB the bright, scorching aun from shining on yt>u Guest Size...... each 27c July 1) $3,375,887,598.88; expf ”" 36-inch ....$1.6 9 survey among leaders of industry Judge Paul W. Guilford Uiat bla "After work will you come home by Lieutenant David L. Quinn, as­ career of crime. But the doors were "I don’t know how long we will i traveling by air to Rio De Janelra. ^^lle resting on the porch. Bamboo screens painted •M aize •G reen tures $6,564,096,381.45 (inclu and commerce, showing an almost wife left him after he refused to at once and not bum your time sistant chaplain of the Academy. barred against her. be out In that country," said Roose-1 A fter a short stop there, he plans to budget prices! Roe------,1b. 15c green. $3,301,142,323.13 o f cmargsaey 42-inch ....$1.8 9 •Orchid Face Cloths...... 2 for 23c unanimous determination to maln- sign her agreement. The court de­ away? U. S. Senator Park Trammell, of Prison officials said only counsel velt, before boarding a commercial leave the Brazilian capital for Sao Uiin code galna and strive for bual- nted Mrs. Brown divorce petition "When you go any place, will you Florida, chairman of the Senate and spiritual adviser might visit the plane for Rio De J ^ c r o , "but we i Paulo and then head Inland acroza penditures); excess o f expai$ltiim aesa stability. and substituted the following sug­ ask me to go with you, and it I naval affairs committac, delivered condemned young men. Faber’s plan to kill some fine Jaguars, which i the wilds of the little outpost of $3,188,308,783.63; gross d ^ ^4 A t H A L B ’8 Housewarea—Baaemeat. At HALE’S TOw«la—Main Floor, left Makers of products as varied as gestions. don’t want to go, stay home? the address to the graduates and father, Philip, who tolled os a tailor will be mounted and turned over lo j Joffre. 731,996,146.78, an lncraas» OC;;' "L e t the husband give the wife "When you are told to do anything to send his son to college remained a museum. ' There he will meet Siemcl and 639,363.50 over t t e ■ one half his pay check. [will you do it at once?" at his nost bowed in arlef. “We are going into a country I tbe two will set out on horseback. gold asstu $8J8M$8.4f8J -V ' ''' i ...... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANOBEBTIR, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6 ,1968, HAlfCHBBTBR mVESmm HERALD, MANCHESTER. ODNNs, THCRSDATp JUKE 6, IW k perial Valley cantaloupes have been available here for over a week. *8 *iast the best interests o f base- COLD SPELL DELAYS Fish prices are lower this week­ THREATENS TO SUE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ball.’ “Sines when has ths public asked BRUNNER’SMEniODS 663 Main street, one battery re­ but If they boardered a street they thrown into the discard when the colling off of "the end than they have been so far this charge, value, $1.00; Batisola Radio were under the c.ve of the tree war­ Governor’s veto waa sustained. In year. BxceptionMly good catches mors thsn what • man isT I t Pitts BABY ROBINS BORN EXPECT SPECIAL SESSION strike, but It was rultM l PLANS COMPLETED IS an honest baU player and a good N. Y- Stocks VETERANS’SALES Service, rear 913 Main, one radio DiSTRiaSVOTES den and could not be cut down with­ view of the fact that neighboring PRICES UNCERTAIN er labor clouds rol|fiit dlifl S1HAWBERRY CROP coming Into the Boston market, FOR FALL DAMAGES test, volus $1.80; Mrs. Thora Stoehr, out proper permission. states of Rhode Island and Massa­ coupled with the fact that mackerel perfofmer, nobody but the weak­ GET QUICK RESULTS horizon. lings and the cowards and ths so- 31 Greenhill street, three piano les­ It was then that George H. )Vtl- OF ASSEMBLY THIS FALL chusetts have within the past year and bluefish are darting to "run" Will Be Held Tuesday EvenliiE Adams E x p ...... AT HOSPITAL HERE Various commentatoe* I In the coastal water, are . given as called professional reformers will PLAN EXPLAINED sons to children,, value $3.00; Oak TO SPRAY TREES lioms asked if the charter of the or two enacted similar laws, the. ON STOCK MARKET whether the NRA ' influence at St. Mary’s Church in Con­ avar ears what he has been." Alaska J u n ...... street Tavern, two glasses of beer, district did not confine Itself to cer­ Governor's veto message In which the reason. Mackerel can be bought Allied Chem .,.. OonMnued from Page One) having much effect on equltl«s at v-> Six readers in the symposium value 20 cents; Jimts Hat Cleaning, tain work and that spraying of trees he said the bill would enrich a few U itcaioiial Weather May today from 3<<, U f 6 cents a pound Offer to Settle for SI,000 nection With Anniversary. Am C a n ...... the moment. The oloudy French pe*'- Hi while bluefish Is selling for three agreed that the decision against Has Proved Himwlf Dymunic 887 Main street, three shoe shines, waa not included. Mr. Bowers replied ances was the passage of an old age at the expense of many and which litical and financial picture was si- Pitts was unjust. Am Coml Ale .. Feathered Fledglings Usher* value 30 cents; Gibson's Oarage, he labelled purely a betting scheme pounds for a quarter. Connecticut Plana have been completed for Am Home Prod . to Sell Coapofl Books in Considerable Debate Over that the charter of the district did pension bill. so thought by some observers to ba " Hold Up Aaction Market Is Refused by Mrs. Arthor the Strawberry Festival to be held Dan Parker, sports columnUt for 100 Main street, one front-end check-up, and not a measure tending to bet­ Silver Mining Issues in Fair river buck shad, for the first time Salesman — Goes After Am Rad St S .. give power to the district officers to In his Inaugural the Chief Execu­ rather a neutral market factor. on Tuesday avening, June 11, In w Dally Mirror, attacked the rul- value $1.80. abate a nuisance and If trees were ter the breed of thoroughbred Brokers pointed to the "strong this spring, hit a new low price. Ing. Am Smelt ...... ed Into World in Fire Es* tive said: They were selling for 10 cents a conjunction with the 81st anniver­ Town Good for Yarions Center Billiard Parlor, four 28- Subject But MeeHog Is not sprayed and they died they hones, theoretically the primary underlying demand" for aeleded se­ Untd Later. * Kittle, Board Told. "It la quite commendable that Am Tel and Tel . polnt billiard games, value.60 cents; ‘Public opinion has been most purpose of racing, attracted wide Demand; Profit Taking pound. sary celebration of SL Mary's par­ Volume. would be a nuisance. Mr. Williams favorabler toward the adoption of a curities which, they said, was hosed iah. bassball would want to keep itself Am Tob B ...... cape Flower PoL Benson’s Furniture and Radio, 711 attention. largely on the plethora of easy Meats still remain unusually A^m Wat Wrka ,., took exception to the answer and system of old age relief for aged high, fresh eggs are about the same A program of variety specialties clean,” ha wrote. "But baseball it­ Senrices. Main street, one radio test, value Decisive In Its Vote. moved that the matter be tabled. The Marks the Opening Honrs. money and favorable long-term Uiueasonably cold weatlier that -Anaconda ...... - persons without meaiu of support.” but butter haa receded a cent or Tba poialblUty that Mrs. Arthur will be precented at 8:16, under the self is not without sin and, there­ fl.OO; ths New Studio, 9 Johnson vote to table was doubted by the 200 BILLS TO SION. business indications. haa continued through the late fore, not qualified to do any atone "CThet" Brunner owner o f Chet’s Armour, IlL ,..., Terrace, four film developments, The enactment of the old pension two. Fresh vegetables are lower i Kittle of Summit street will take to direction of the Oirls' Friendly So­ That the fame of I'le good ear* moderator and a motion was then measure to be financed by a $3 bead Hartford, June 6.-r-(AP)— The ciety. Miss Edith Thrasher and Uirowing. X X X In the game of Service Station and Brunner's Mar­ Atchison ...... value 60 cents; Jim’s Shoe Repair­ The pine beetle kUled more than a aprlng months, except for a fen- now than at any time this spring court her claim against the town for ket on Ookland street has built up a Aviation Corp ... given patients at the Haoehester Chairman John G. Mahoney cf After the right of the Eighth made to take a vote by ballot. The tax and to b e. administered by the backwash of the Legislative session New York, June 6 . —(A PI- days when the weather was warm, and the quality generally is good. Mlaa Evelyn Burrell are co-chair­ baseball, one of the first rules of ing, one pair ladies' top lifts, value Is, expected to engulf Gov. W. L billion feet of ponderosa pine tim­ medical expenaea and lost of time as scoring Is to give tho batter the reputation for dynamic merchandis­ Balt and Ohio .... Memorial hoapital has reached the the Manchester 'Veterans’ associa­ School and Utilities district to ex- j question of taking a vote by ballot Department of Welfare was the Stock Market trends were a matter has so delayed the growth of stra^-- men for the entertainment and have birds Is proven by the arrival at 25 cents; Johnson and Little, 109 brought about considerable questions Cros.s during the next few days. ber in national forests of Washing* results of a fall c-n a defscUva side­ procured several vocal, instrumen­ benefit of the doubt." ing In this section that has spread Bendix ...... tion, representing all six of Man­ Center street, one power burner in­ pend tax money for the purpose of answer to this suggestion, an of guess-work today as prices back­ berries in this section that It Is ex­ arotmd the country. Hia methods the hospital recently of three baby os to the right ::o vote and things answer looked upon with high favor When the General Assembly ad­ ton and Oregon.during the summer tal and dance numbers. Beth Steel . . . ___ spection, value $3.80; Riley Chev­ spraying trees had been questioned of 1931. tremely doubtful If the Manchester walk last winUr was reported to the have brought exceptionally fine re­ robins. chester’s ex-service units, announced were getting compllc-ated as ques­ by several legislators who bad been journed sine die yesterday, it left ed and filled indifferently. auction market n-ill open for busi­ LADY ROBERTS LODGE Board of Selectmen last night. Following the entertainment Beth Steel, pfd . . . the co-operation of the veterans of rolet Co., Inc., 60 Weils street, one sults and have been recognized es­ Borden ...... A flower pot that had contained on the ground.s that the charter did tion after queatlon was being pre­ carrying on the battle for old age about 200 bills fur the chief execu­ Silver mining issues were in fair ness much before the latter part of home made strawberry qhortcake this town with 23 leading merchants tow-in Job, valuer $5.00. tive to sign. These are expected Members of the public safety com­ “ OLD KING CO LT TO BE pecially by the Orunow Co., manu­ Can Pac ...... a plant waa left at the hospital by not allow such expenditures, tho vot­ sented. To clear the matter E. J. pensions for 20 years. demand and here and there a spe­ June. INSTALLATION IS HELD mittee of the board aald they bad In­ and coffee will be aerv^. Tbia part a patient. Tha pot w’as put out on in a merchandising plan wbi^h has Charter Oak Bowling Alleys, 27 ers of the district set aside $275 for to stream Into the governor’s office cialty lifted its head for a substan­ of the evening will be in charge of facturers of Grunow Safe-Carren Case (J I ) ...... Murphy moved that the meeting Revised Liquor Bill Last year activity started around formed Mrs. KitUe the board has the fire eecape at the north side of been popular throughout the state Oak street, six strings bowling, val­ the purpose. vote rescind any acticn that had from the engrossing clerk during the tial gain. Profit taklr came Into June 10 here and four di^s earlier the Ladies Guild and tha Women's Cer de Pasco .... during the past year. 'The plan The passage, at the end of the no authority to pay bU.a of more PRESENTED TOMORROW the building on the third floor. A ue 90 cents; Millkowskl, the Florist, Were it not for the question of the been taken and a vote to table was next several days. other sections of the list, .however, at the New Haven market. This Auxiliary. Members of tha Girls’ (Jhea and Ohio . . . was described by William Covtll of session, of a revised liquor bill, liber­ Under a recently approved amend­ Worthy Chaplain Mrs. Eva than 11000 without approval by a Chrysler ...... robin found it there this spring and. 601 Main street, three 25-cent credit money being appropriated for the then taken by ballot. The motion although it usually was absorbed year, however, the strawberry sea­ Friendly Society will serve. New. Britain, manager of the Na­ coupons, value 75 cents. alizing the former control act so ment to the constitution, the gov­ Leslie Dedicates Beautifully town meeting. She is asking for |700 Coca Cola ...... together with her mate, built a spraying of elm trees in the district was lost 10 to 23. On a rising vote to that liquor by the drink may be without leaving any great amount son is late on account of the weath­ Members are asked to make Anal Biff Cast to Take Part in Play nest. The bird was not disturbed tional Sales Stimulators, who will ernor will have 15 calendar days in of damage. Inscribed Altar Cloth. expenses and $500 for loss of Ume. returns on number of tickets sold Col Carb ...... A 1938 8-tube Pbllco all-wave the meeting would have been over make the appropriation of $275, 20 sold in hotels, clubs and restaurants er and growth of the berries, conse­ An offer of IIOOO in settlement of and in due time three little blue assist the Veterans’ association radio will be given away to the per­ which to consider each measure as quently. has been retarded, not later than 7:30 Monday evening at Hollister Street Auditor­ Col Gas and Elec in about 10 minutes. But the ques­ voted for the motion and nobody likewise constitutes a favorable Wheat and cotton displayed ral­ her claim without further red tape ium. eggs appeared In the nest. Initiating the coupon-book mer­ son having the lucky number on the tions and motions that were present­ it comes to him from the engrossing lying tendencies after milling about Florida watermelons made their Lady Boberts Lodge und Capitol to Mrs. Ethel McKay, phone 8486. Coml Solv ...... chandising sales plan. nobody voted In upposition. answer to one of the Governor's In­ v/aa refused, the committee said Those who watched saw th* coupon book during the sale. The ed, delayed tho procedure so that augural recommendations. clerk. If he disapproves of a meas­ it. a narrow range during the early first appearance in Manchester Uiis City L/Klge, Daughters of St Cons Gas ...... mother bird and the father big On Saturday morning lOO'veter- Officers Elected ure, he must return It with his ob­ George, held a double tnatallatlon in last night, adding that ihe would radio will be awarded at the Veter­ the voters spent 46 minutes in the Bills making the state bank com­ hours. A number of secondary car­ morning. They were quoted at one "Old King Cole," a play In fiva (Jons Oil ...... taking turns sitting on the egg tis will start the sale of 2600 cou- The election of off tecs waa soon jections to the Secretary of State Odd Fellows hall last night the In­ prefer to take the case Into court Cont Can ...... ans' Carnival, Dougherty lot. Center hall. missioner receiver for all closed rier bonds moved up briskly, but re­ local market at 76 cents each. Im­ scenes and creaUon of the pen of from tho three eggs this week books, each valued at $29.10 disposed of, only one contest de­ ^tiring the 18 day period. Any bill stalling officer being District De­ rather than ask n town meeting for 439 MIDSHIPMEN Com P r o d ...... street, Saturday, June 29. The The meeting whs called to order veloping, all others being elected on banks broadening the powers of the alizing was also evident in a few the money. Josephine EUlott Krohn. will be earns three little birds. A She'D . vhen presented for services at the radio will be on display during the not so returned automatically be­ loans departments. German dollar puty Gertrude Qiilmet uf Bristol, Du P o n t ...... 28 business concerns co-operating by William W. Robertson, president one ballot. The officers elected were, state public utilities commission assisted by .Supreme Conductor Request Denied presented by eighth grade pupils of has been placed over the flower p o t' campaign in the window of 739 Main and changing the state milk admin­ comes law. bonds sagged while stocks on the GRADUATED TODAY Eastman Kodak .. and the baby birds are being given wltl) the focal veterans' association. of the district and John Miller read collector, Joseph Chartlcr; chief of Personal Notices Vilut Dorglngcr and Rachel Armi- The request of C. K. Petersen of HolUster street school In the school street. istratorship are measures which The constitutional amendment was Berlin Bourse were h. vlly bought. Elec and Mus .... the same care as a baby child. The cost of the book Is $1.00 and no the cal], which contained 14 sections. the fire department, Hklward Cole- designed to give the governor more tage. There weri about 70 In at Porter street that the selectmen re­ auditorium tomorrow ;lght at 7'30 Elec Auto Lite . , . All veterans not yet contacted for Thomas Ferguson was named aa had the recommendation and ap­ Leading foreign exchanges remain­ o’clock. boolu will be obtained except n:an; first assistant chief, William time to act on bills after the close ed In a relatively ; n groove. tendanre. duce the amount of thu bill sent him Continued from Page Olie) Gen EHec ...... throuiii the veterans' committee. assistance in the campaign are re­ moderator. The-:eections from 3 to 7 Mc(3onlgal; second assistant chief, proval of the ftovemor. Between the scenes musical num- The chief setback handed the of a legislative session. It does Shares of U. S. Smelting, Ameri­ CARD OF THANKS Officers installed for the coming by the water department for con­ Gen Foods ...... Receipts derived from the sale of the quested to notify Chairman Mahoney inclusive, which related to the re­ Harlow Willis; president, William year by Lady Koberts Istdge were: presented the diplomas. Rear-Ad­ ^ ra will be given aa follows: vstar concerning their willingness to as­ Governor’s problem by the General away with the pocket veto, since can Smelting and Cerro de Pasco We wish to thunk our frlemli. rela- necting a new home on Porter street Gen M o to r* ...... books will be divided into six parts ports of the different officers and de­ W. Robertson, clerk and treasurer, formerly all bills that were not tivee «n<1 neivhboulse Chambers will give the When others have been In doubt and his son, Allan, were bound to­ Section 9, which related to the votes, Mr. Fould-s with 20, Michael was rejection of measure creating ford, Conn., today asked police ot any exceptional response to the four dayi If iio| olaaaril any drusvi't National Bis ...... Hartford National . . . 21 ceived from the sate of the books sented by Ijidy Roberta lodge as a town line, was denied by the board only yesterday auccetsfully passed prologue and the cast of characters as to possibility ol sales volume day for a fishing trip in the Adlron- spraying of the trees, made the Coughlin receiving 11 and Matthew a atatc Jail farm and the failure ot the Missing Persons Bureau to aid company's May sales statement will refund your Jle. Oat your rrgu- after a public hearing at which P. follows; whether it may have been an item Nat Cash Reg .... Phoenix St. B. and T . . 178 will bo deposited in the local banks dacks. In a search for her son Robert HlU Ixr alaap and fa.l "full of pap." J. JI. regard for her services as district an examination, failure in which meeting last long. President Robert­ Merz 10. the General Assembly to make any which showed sales totalling $22,- B, Hagedorn. proprietor of a gas in his market or radios sold by hie Nat Dairy ...... Insurance Stocks. in the name of the Manchester They arrived in Albany on the son presented the resolution that Dunning, 17, missing since April 29. Quian A Co. Drur- lata. deputy for the past M years. would have barred him from gradq. Prologue, Louise Chambers: Tink­ Aetna Casualty ...... 82 ' Salaries Veiled outstanding provision for capital 915,580, an increase of 9)4 per cent atatlon in the vicinity, and his eon, er, Andrew Kudolf; Miller, Walter service station he has gone into the Nat Dlitlllers ..... Veterans' association until the close New York Central's 20th Century $278 be spent for this work, to be Mrs. Dunning described her son atlng with the class. Aetna Fire ...... 81 It was voted to pay the clerk and Investment. over the 1934 month. Woolworth re­ objected to the town permitting Fortin: Poultry Seller, Orlando An- market and bought heavily and N y Central ...... of the carnival when expenses will Limited, had breakfast in the sta­ spent under the direction of the dis­ os six feet tall, weighs 150 pounds ported May sales off 4.8 per cent The newly-commlssloDcd ensigns NY NH and Htfd . Aetna Life ...... 22 VG treasurer of the district a salary, of Governor Cross had spoken of the another station there after he had nulll; Carpenter, Beverly Wright; novel merchandising and advertis­ be deducted and a division of sur­ tion restaurant and left for the trict officers. Matthew Merz said need for Improvement of institutions and has brown eyes and brown and Newbefry sales were down 1.2 left for their homes on leave before Noronda ...... Automobile ...... 29 plus made by the committee. $200. The chief of the fire depart­ been In buainesa for 14 years and Joining their ships, while members ^ r d Chamberlain, Elia DeVarney; ing schemes has been able to sell north without revealing their exact he opposed the motion as he felt it ment was voted as his salary saying that the provision for wards curly hair. She said the youth Is per cent under the corresponding North Am ...... Conn. General ...... 29 Those Co-operating $100 Interested in the sea and perhaps had Biwaya paid .his taxes. of the new first and third classes Blacksmith, Teddy Brown: Laun­ this merchandise while competitors destination. was the duty of the town to do the for the year and on motion of Mat­ of the state of every class la Inade­ period last year. were debating the proposition. Mr. Packard ...... Hartford Fire ...... 87)4 Services given by the 23 local has sought employment with New It was the first time such a re­ prepared to embark tomorrow on • dress, Valerie Miller; Tailor, Dor­ Few in the station recognized the work and not expect the district to thew Merz William lilc(3onlgal, who quate. Bank clearings for the week end­ P A L E D R Y Brunner’s contention has always Penn ...... Hartford Steam Boiler 70 niercbants are as follows; Hollywood former President, who left Chicago York shipping lines. quest was ever lafusea In Manches­ European cruise. The new second othy Johnson; Kitchen Maid, Betty pay for this cause. is the first assistant chief and has Partisan Controversy ed June 5, revealed a decline which ^ ^ SUBTRACT LUMPY CURVES Flke; Butcher Boy, Howard Islelb; been that volume is the important Phil Pete ...... National Fire ...... 83 Super Service, 342 East Center yesterday saying his ultimate des­ His father, a surgeon, has offered ter If the location for which It wa.s class wUl stay at the Academy dur­ Attorney Raymond A. Bowers in not been paid In the past was voted One highlight of the now ended was attributed partly to the Me­ Woman, Janet Elliott; Saddler, thing. On this basis one can afford Pub Serv N J ...... Phoenix Fire ...... 84 H street, one chassis lubrication, value tination was New York (JIty. a reward' for information on the morial holiday. The American Ginger Ale asked met with local and state re­ ing tho summer to study aviation Radio ...... Travelers ...... 435 speaking for the motion stated that a salary of $25 a year. The former General Assembly session Is the quirements, George H. Jamea Gter; Gatekeeper, Barbara to retail merchandise at a lower $1.00; Jamea M. Shearer, 285 Main bitter partisan controversy occas- youth’s- whereabouts. Smelting and Refining (Company Waddell, and for practical Instruction. profit. Reading ...... Public UtiUHee Stock* It was he who had circulated the rule of the district before W. W. Fresh, sparkling, pore— and jm t clerk of the board, said Tolland Batch; Kitchen Boy, Janet street, one body bolt tightening Job, .sioned by the Governor’s nomina­ reduced the price of lead In New Rem R a n d ...... Conn. Elec Service . . . 46 value $1.00; Norton Electrical In­ W. R. CASTLE DIES petition for the expenditure of the Robertson become the president of the flavor you’ve eKvi^ wanted. A N D AD D Turnpike, in the vicinity of the pro­ O'Bright; Fiddlers, Alphonse Lucas, He was one of the first filling sta- money for spraying. He did so be­ tion of Senator Harvey L. Thomp­ On the best soils young Douglas York to 4 cents a pound from 4.10 F i a r j i i Maurice Halladay, Frank Yeltema; tion owners to attempt to merchan­ Key Tob B ...... Conn, Power ...... 42U strument Co„ one auto electrical in­ I the district was to vote $200 as the ftr trees grow more than three feet cents. In full (yuort bottles. . posed station, baa become a speed­ Safeway Stores Greenwich WAG, pfd. — Honolulu, June 6.— (A P )—William cause the town had failed in the salary for the president, but Mr. son to succeed Raymond Gates as SING SING ATHLETE Lady Wellsande, Emma Lou Keh- dise electric refrigerators from that spection, value $1.00; Center Lunch, administrator of state agencies and In lielght annually. Wall street waa pleased with the way since the installation of the con­ ler; Lady Vivlene, Elsanor Gardner; Sears Roebuck Hartford Elec ...... 62 H Main street, five cups of coffee; the R Castle, 86, former attorney gen­ town meeting to make an appropria­ Robertson has not accepted any pay crete highway and another gas sta­ type of a business set-up. After Institutions, a nomination the Sen­ Lady Isabeau, Frances Wallett considerable Investigation Mr. Socony 'Vac ...... Hartford G as ...... 88 James Beauty Salon, 476 Main era] for the old Kingdom of Hawaii, tion for the work. He felt, he said, since he was elected president and tion would create a haxardnus con­ So Pac ...... do., pfd...... 48 that the residents of the Eighth Dis­ ate refused to confirm after much IS GIVEN FREEDOM Lady Tseult, Roaella Kuzia; Lady Brunner selected Grunow refrigera­ street, one ladies' hair shampoo, val­ died here last night. He had suffered at the meeting last night them was heated debate. As the matter now S t a r t yout figure right. Smooch every dition, according to members of the So Rwy ...... S N E T Co ...... 118 from a complication of illnesses for trict were more intelligent and more not a mention made of the payment PITS — EPILEPSY board. Isolde, Jaanette Buchanan; Lady tors as the ones he wanted to sell 118 ue 60 cents;'Depot Square Garage, stands the deputy agent Is In charge curve into a gtsceful line with the proper Imogene, Mary Lewta; Lady and was sold on them himself be­ Stand B ran ds...... Manufacturing Stocks 241 North Main street, one motor six months. public spirited than in other ..parts of a salary for the president. Veterans’ t>>nielrry (Continued from Page One) Am Hardware ...... 20 of the town and for that reason In of the department. Gates having re­ A treatment that epileptics declare has proved foundation garment. And, above all, keep Yvonne, Marcella HoIIoran: Queen, cause of their superior features. He Stand Oil C a l...... tune-up, value, $2.00; Porterfield He Is survived * y two sons, Wil­ Tax Voted signed, but the duties of the office Subject to approval by' Town Stand on N J ...... Am Hosiery ...... order to save tho trees It waa the de­ aucceasful In relieving their attaoks has heen. jrour "tum m y" flat and your derriere firm. Barbara Murphy; Pages, Dorothy signed a contract with them a lit­ Tire Works. Spruce and Pearl liam R. Castle, Jr., under secretary A tax of 1 mill was voted. This will be Incorporated In those of the Counsel Hyde, the selectmen accept­ about football, I learned It all here, Johnson, Ella Staum; Old King tle over two years ago and the first Tex Corp ...... Arrow H and H, com. 17 streets, one brake adjurtment, value, of state during the Hoover adminis­ sire of the people who had signed will be laid on the list last perfected supplied hy ua to aurferers for over 25 yeara. ed the proposed layout for the vet­ and now I can make a better living do., pfd...... 103 commissioner of the newly set up Hard to d o and still be comfortable? N ot Cole, Walter Schober; Courtiers, seaeon be made such a record that Timken Roller Bear $1.60; Walter’s Barber Ship. Main tration .and Alfred L. Castle, Hono­ the petition to have the matter in­ by the assessors, o\vnership os ot public Welfare Department, former We nov wish to reach all those Who have not erans’ cemetery In the new part of at those things than at any other Alma Blratb, Audrey Elliott, Ma­ officials of the Grunow Co. sent on Trans A m erica...... Billings and Spencer.. '4 street, three scalp treatments, lulu attorney. cluded in the call. June 5, 1935, payable October 1 at all. A Bon Ton foundation will give Job I can get. U. S. Senator Frederic C. Wolcott. heen helped and to do so are making tha atart*> Fast cemetery and the plans for its rion Mason, Marjorie Mertens from Chicago for full information Union C a r b ...... Bristol Brass ...... 36 75 cents. Joseph RoIIason .asked who owmed 1925. The meeting authorized the you firm, gentle control o f evqjy unruly The session was also marked by ling offer of a trial treatment FREE. Send for inalntcniince, as reported by John I„. (Tin Nfake Good Dorothy Peabody, Marlon Pearl, regarding his melhotl.s. They pub­ Union Pac ...... Case, Lockwood and B 176 Campbell's Service Station, 276 If the velocity of a river Is the trees. T-o this Attorney Bowers officers of the district to borrow in the passage of a bill legalizing bet­ Collins Co...... 05 bulge and line. For the wide range of Jeriney ami Clarence Peterson, from "It’s hard enough to make a new Dorothy Robinson; First Flshudfe, lish a trade Journal that covers the United Aircraft .,.. Main street, one tube patch, value, doubled. Its power to carry objects replied that the trees were owned by the name of the district on notes ting on horse races by the pari­ the free trial at once, giving age. Bon Tons include the proper garment the ex-servicemen’s committee that start when you leave prison without Doris Christensen; Second' Fish­ country and In an Issue last sum­ United Corp ...... Colt’s Firearms...... 27)4 50 cents; Oakes' Service Station, away is multiplied 64 times. the person on whose land they grew. not to exceed $15,000. mutuel system only to have It LBPSO CO., Apt. 823, E.Wright St.,Mllwaukea,Wls. has charge of It. getting a kick at the start. If 1 wife, Odette Dilworth; Shrimpsell- Eagle Ixick ...... i s ' for every type o f figure. mer they devoted conslderp.ble space United Gas Imp .... Expressing opinions that the Unit­ thought T had fifty per cent of the er, Betty Tedford; Knifegrinder, outlining Mr. Brufmer's success and U S Ind A l e ...... Fafnlr Bearings...... 66 ed SUtes may p-.ssibly be Involved public with me. I know I can make George Converse; Countryman his methods for the benefit of thous- U S R ubber...... Fuller Brush, Class A. 8 In some future war* and that if all good. But If I have to go Into base­ Billy Tedford; Butchei, Charles anda of dealers. U S S m e lt...... Gray Tel Pay Station.. 14 of the laud was not usetl for vet­ ball with two strikes gji me, I’d ra­ Balch; Vegetable Seller, Marion Al­ The sales manager of the Grunow U S Steel ...... Hart and C o o le y ...... 90 ley; Flower Girl. Gertnide Oder- No. 4i$€. TaIoo erans’ graves, the remainder could ther go In for something else. I’d Co. after viewing the success ot Western Union ,.... Hartmann Tob, com .. __ 5«vp-m. Tflilored bctiitt. bt utilized os a memorial, the select­ rather have the fans give me a man; Cheesemonger, Elia Staum; *>ir. Biunncr's mctlicUs got together West Elec and Mfg . do,, pfd...... 27 FreDch (rp« tlutic pAoeli. chance than have them say, ‘Here Shoemaker, Gordon Filblg; Ballad with a meeUng of filling sutlon own­ Woolworth ...... Int. Silver ...... 18 BON TON Su«l.2tS<5}. 1100, men voting down a suggestion that Record-Wrecking Auto Race Winner i any unused part bo tumeil back to comes that clown from Sing Sing.’ Singer. Vincent Diana; Acrobats, ers In Chicago and after outlining do., pfd...... 60 FOUNDATION GARMENTS the town. "In a way I don't blame Brat ( Walter Borst, Charles Custer: Out­ the plans to them several hundred d r . s s iit h e l e c t e d Landers, Frary A O k . 88 The veterans’ cemetery will con­ nuni. If ho thinks I niav do somn- law One, Howard Grant; Outlaw were slgneii up in a short space ot New Brit. Mch. com ,, 6 tain 656 plots ten feet by five feet thing wrong, I suppose he is right. Two, David Keith; Outlav ' Three, time to handle Grunow refrigera­ New York, June 6.— (A P )—Dr. do., pfd...... 40 After all, baseball Is a business. But Carl Ackerman; Outlaw Four, Al­ tors. Since then many more deal­ C. Sevier Smith of New Haven waa Mann A Bow, Class A 3 STAKES ALL ON They are laid out In four sections ton Cowles; Chief Outlaw, Walter divided by two Intersecting roads I won't make anybody regret giving ers of this type have been signed up elected president of the American do.. Class B ...... — me an opportunity. I owe that Backus; Friar, Edwin Jtllaon; Her­ tliroii.-rhout the country. Institute of Homeopathy at the or- North and J u d d ...... 24)4 and set off from the remainder of much to Warden Lawes. who has ald. Philip FJllott; KnlghU, Allan the cemetery by a three feet wdde Within the past few months Mr. ganiution’s annual convention to­ Niles, Bern Pond 17 border. been more than a friend.” Coe. Meredith Murdock, Harlowe B. miner has lmc:l up two associate day. Peck. Stow and Wilcox 3 , Iltts also cxpres.scd his gratitude Willis; Guards, Orlando Annum. dealers who are Just as enthusiastic Dr. Smith will assume office at Ru.sscll Mfg...... 22 TIRES Frank C. Busch, Recreation Cen to Mrs. Lawes for her kindnesses to Walter Fortin. Howard Isleib. An­ Scovill ...... 20 ter director, was appointed special about Grunow as himself. They are -he institute’s convention In Cleve­ him, drew Sudolf. Harold T. West, Inc., on Blssel: land, O., next year. Stanley W o rk s...... 2214 constable with authority In the "Tm going out of here a good cit­ Standard S c r e w ...... 80 recreation playgrounds. and Thq Benson Furniture izen." he said. "I was young and Co. on Main street. 80SIB D oi do., pfd., guar...... 100 9 ^ 1‘rlvate Work ' 1 foolish whe,-. I came here. Of course ANOTHER RANSOM BILL Feling confident that Manchester Smytho Mfg. Co...... 47 S a k f The highway department was for­ !• was guilty, but being In here has people are Intere.sted in electric rc- Champaign. 111. — Mrs. Faith Taylor and F e n n ...... — bidden by the board to do any wurk changed my point of view about irigcra^ion of the very best Mr. Portz, a saleslady, reported the Tprrington ...... 84 Lime and LitKia of a competitive nature on private things. For one thing, I know I can IS PASSED IN SPOKANE Brunner la confident that they are theft of some corsets today. The Underwood Mfg...... 62 property. The vote followed criticism be happy without money. In the g'-ting it in Grunow. The Grunow desk sergeant remarked. "Aw. wom- Union Mfg. Co...... 1 Heaklifnl — delidoa* — it’s tak­ reported by members coocemlng days when I did tho things that has several superior features that •"'r ’em nnvmore." U S Envelope, c o m .... 80 ing the town by stonn. Appotia- construction by the department of brought me here, T thought night Ointtnued from Page One) make it a desirable refrigerator and Mr*. Port*, insisted, however, do., pfd...... 118 lag by itadf— a wofiderfal mixer. private walks, i-oatls and fences. clubs and all that sort of thing was SILK PRINTS It is sold at a popular price. The O..C Jimmied the door of Veeder Root ...... 42% s o OUIET ■nie repair work done to the the life. Well. I know better," m., and received fifteen 320 mills In Cairene refrigerant which Grunow her automobile and stole four sam­ Whitlock Coll Pipe . . . — O’Meara building on Maple street as Pitts aald his mother, whose sup­ that time. uses Is exclusive In Itself and ia the ple cases of them. J.B.Wil'ms Co. yio par 80 ordered by the selectmen has not port he will undertake, did pot Federal agents hero yesterday ace feature o f tho Grunow line. This JU N E 8— 15th / met the approval of the board and come to the prison because of hta took the Weyerhaeuser boy on a sud­ refrigerant Is absolutely fireproof CHINTZ BAGS MATCH last night a erk Waddell was in plan to go direct to Albanv. His den motor trip, presumably in A rock located in the West In­ and non-cxpjoslve and cannot harm dies, off .Jie coast of Martinique, PRINTS! That’s the breath of sun­ structed to write Town Counsel mother, Mrs. Edwin C. Rudd, lives search of a gang hideout near Iss.-i- anyone or anything. Mr. Brunner Paris— (A P )—Carry a eblntx bag at .St, Barnabas Episcopalian Homo quab, where be was released for wa* listed in the admiralty books shine that your wardrobe needs! Prints Hyde to take fu-ther action to as. says that this one outstanding feat­ ■with your chintz summer frock. One of England aa a man-of-war ship. sure what the selectmen will con­ New York OItv. $200,000 Saturday. ure did more to sell him on the value designer shows them in a big pouch that you can keep cool in! Here are The authorities evidently expect During England's war with France, sider proper repairing. of Grunow than any other one item de.sign to match frocks made of the HER WATCH Professional Baaeball Leagues. guns. his sales volume record in this ter­ motor cars and candy, chemical.s Pltta,---frec!i today from Slog Sing • Neither would they remark on the ritory to a new high point. and carpets, Joined In the expression where ho served a sentence for sec­ statement of Detective Captain John Alfred Anderson has just been ^Washable Striped Silks of policy. ond degree robberv, has a contract Keegan at Portland that the sU men added by Mr. Brunner to his soles to play with the Albany club of the who are wanted for questioning In COME IN TO-NIGHT Lanimot Dupont, replying for E. I. force. He is working on the sale Keify 1‘etillo, 31-year-old fruit merchant ot Huntington Park, OaUf., closes his eyes In exhaustion Dupont de Nemours A Co., said that International League. connection with the case are Jack of Grunow refrigerators. Tlie Dally News championed after winning the 500-mile automobile race over the Indianapolis Speiedway and setting a new track company contemplated ne changes Bailey, former big time bootlegger record—an average speed of 106.240 miles per hour. Petuio’s happy riding mechanic smiles as the And See Our Burningr Demonstration of as a result of tho Supreme Court’s Pitts’ right to the-Job In an editori­ and one time Tacoman; Elliott al, In Its news and rports columns psir and their yellow Gilmore Special are surrounded by congratulators at the finish. The victory the Most Modern Means of Heatinv—Oil rejection of NRA end added: Michener, wanted .for • train holdup t v d in is o p p o s e s was worth $27,050. Petilio was broke when he started. and with a symposium of Its read­ near Tacoma; Richard Franzen, "Bcllove all Industriea should be ers. Burning— With the Advanced encouraged by Implications 6f de­ sought as Mlcbeaer's accomplice; Sew It At Home cision. We are assured of less regi­ Coupling Pitta’ case with that of Milo Eggera, ex-convlcti Harold Mc- TARIFF CHANGES The winners of the past 16 consecutive 500-miIe Indianapolis auto races have Mrs. Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, mentation, leas government Inter­ Atee, wantad for queattoning In a staked everything:—even their lives—on Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. who lost custody o f her heiress St. Louis slaying and Herbert Les­ ference and more freedom for con­ daughter by court ruling, the'Daily (Continued from Fag* One) structive action. Uncertainties mav ter Johnstone. SILENT GLOW Newi editorial Is titled, "Two Case's One Federal officer, who declined cause temporary hesitation, but for of Oppressioii." to permit use of his name, said that >value of multilateral agreements long pull decision tends toward nroa- "If Pitts Is driven back to crime present conditions. ON THE SASIB SHOW pei’ity." the Alvin Karpis gang reportedly YOU NEED THE SAME TIRE PROTECTION because he can’t get an honest Job," disposed of hot money in Reno lost the use of having a JACKirt lACK - IN YOUNO Harry Sharp, secrelan’ of the As­ the editorial concludes, "we hope multilateral agreement when par- AMNUCA'S -riMTATION WAUO OIL BURNER sociated Industries of Kansas, tele­ year, but declined to amplify this GOLDEN Mr. Bramliam will take a good look around the letter graphed: "It appears to us out here statement, except to express belief THAT RACE DRIVERS DEMAND The Burner of Tomorrow ! In the mirror at the man who waa it was some time after the Bremer of its stipulations by shifting their that there la a ptopagonda of some responsible for it." kidnaping. currency values?" he asked. Ginger Ale Five Years In Advance Of Its Time! TOrt being worked to Indicalo that UaiUco’s Views II “ **’ ■* MMonable Take No Chances— Protect Your U fe and the Lives of Others By industry, now that it U freed from Paul Galileo, the paper’s sport umitatlons I on agreement, that Consult Our Home Sewing A favorite thirst e n g in e e r e d a n d manufactured would be another thing. It’s all a codes, ia going to cut wages, columnist, rote: NOT CERTAIN IT’S CROWE Lettins: Us Equip Your Car With Firestone Tires. Information Service. ever 30 year*. RIGHT HERE AT HARTFORD lengthen hours. No iuch action ia "And now that his Ums te up and matter of circumstances." contemplated in Kansas." the debt is paid, a reprasc-itativa ot Waterbury. June 6.— (A P )—Still He asserted that the tariff prob­ s a l e s a n d SEBVICE "Do not expect any changes in the aoctal code and system that unidentified today was the b ^ y of lem is so strongly Intertwined with wages or hours in steel Industry." made the man what he was. that amiddle aged man, dead six or eight problems of eicchangif. dlsamia- said E. T. Weir, pre.'^ident of the Na­ shut him away more out of fear months, found in Southington’s ment and war debts thst all should tional Steel Corporation, who fought than for the good of his soul, is un­ reservoir at Wolcott 'Tuesday night. be threshed out together in an in- tematlonal conference. TO.MORROW NiaHT HAROLD T. WEST, INC. tho NRA through the courts. willing to give a chance to ths same State poUc* told 86 hours of m- MORIARTY BROTHERS Onler • Case freett' Henry M. Dawes, herd of the Pure man who apparently has won out vestigaUon had given them no ink­ "You can’t consider any of these B A N K NIGHT » B k M O S t i w t over every handicap impised on things eeparately." he said in re- 301-315 Center Street— Comer Broad Tp!. 5202 OU Company, reported th.nt in some ling to the answer to the question 8106.00 GIVEN AWAY! CHENEY HALL SALESROOM Dealer Ti him, refuses to let the Albany Base­ which preeented lUelf with the find­ Uerating his belief that President Inalances wages in that industry Roosevelt should call a world con­ OPEN 24 HOURS FREE ROAD SERVICE have been increased. ball Club employ him os a paid per­ ing of the body. Is this John Crowe, CndA **ni# Girl From lOtb A v e n e " II former because ’------it would ba ference on such matters in Wash-1 Tonight PHONE 3873 RemnEnts and Imperfects Hartford Road fugitive Wolcott murderer? ington. I M d *T1m Awakening of 81m Bark** || MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, l»8^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY. JUNE 6.1985. one which has Just failed then credit in Burop*, but if you want Mmrifftfttt affairs In Connecticut will have be- guns or gunpowder the bankera will BUSINESS ASSETS to return to their homes, so :-C- i lf r i li k oome serious indsed. W e haven't add to It that you get them. There's great was tha attending throng. aE R IC A L APPOINTMENTS Recreation ('enter FAMILY OUTING PLANNED a shadow e t doubt that It win. plenty e t profit In munltlone to cover Because of the fact .that there Kentucky's Mammoth Cave _ rUMLOMHCU W< m ic the wOdcat rlak. fflSTORY OF ST. MARY’S wna a debt on the church, amount­ Items of Interest t m t A liO riUNTINO OOMPANT. IMC ing to $1,600, tha ohureh oould not ANNOUNCED BY BISHOP FOR WOODSTOCK JUNE 8 It BUm II BtrMt l(McliMt»r. Cunn. JUVENILE COURTS ba consecrated on the day of the “GRASS ROOTS” PARLEY By Mab«l A^EIIiott first opening service. The mortgage Modernized hy the CCC T B U U A * PBRUUBUM TELLS OF EARLY TRIALS I Thursday 0«Btnu "Che Department of PubUc Wel­ was held by the diocesan Mlsalon- e 1939, NEA S u vite, Inc Seventeen Priests Named for J The women’s swimming classes Elmer T. Thienes to Put On >^■•<*4 Oot«l*r 1. nil fare announces the bolding of exam- Tha "graaa roota" confaranca e t aty aoclety and at a meeting of the will meet as follows: 7 to 7:46, ad­ PvMlakM B»*nr BTtnioc Bxcapi RepubUcana at Springfield, U ., next church in February, 1884, It was Positions in the Various Program for Parents of Y. Mammoth Cave, Ky., June 6.— ?Iunch will be served In a 70 by 40 D « Holl4ar. EaUnd at tha Inatione "for tho purpose of estab- BEGIN HEBE TODAY vanced; 7:46 to 8:80, life saving. at OSlea at Macehaalar. Coaa^ aa them was at sraita heat....Rngar voted to release the mortgage If Parishes of the Diocese. (A P )— An eight-mile subterranean Toot cavern, week, which was .originally annotme- KATHABINB STBYKHUEST, Tha Model Airplane Club will M. C. A. Summer Camp. w b 4 Claaa tu il Uattar. llabing a Ust of persona who will be fused with love. H er oomposure Heroic Band Strore Valiantly $600 waa paid within six months. S •UBSCIUPTION RATES ed as a rcnk-and-flie affair at .which beantlfnl, $0. Is In love witli meet at 7 o’clock In the club rooms. walk beneath two Kentucky coun- ' _ broke. She was In his arms, half­ certlfled as qualilled for appointment M IG H A E L kzEATHEBOE wrho mtie Ooaaecratlon Oaa Taar. bp atall ...... I«.«li old line leaden would not be wel Hartford, June 6.— (A P )— Seven­ Friday Parmts of Woodstock campers In ties, requiring approximately eight TO STAY ON (H)LD. Par Meaih, bp atall...... ID as probation officers in Juvenile rldlag ectiooL Katharine’s father sobbing, balf-Iaughlng. to Found Chnrch Society; Only a few weeke were required t teen clerical appointments in the Tho women’s plunge period will hours to traverse, awaits summ-ir SlasU Copp ...... I .01 coma, bide fair to be somewhat leaa Is rioh and her stepmother, BEM- 'Michael, Michael, why do we to raise toe amount even in view of toll section are reminded that toe OalTaarad eaa paar ...... If.00 Courts of Fairfield County and the fact tha< the members had giv­ Hartford dioceae were announced be held from 7 to 9 o’clock. Women visitors In Mammoth Cave National Berne, Switzerland. June 8.—• spontaneoua and free from old in- TCNE, Is SBObbIsb. quarrel like this? Row horrible of family outing at Camp Woodstock, Windham County.” us!” en generously only a ahort time be­ today, according to toe Catholic membera may get towels from toe Park. I (A P )— During a Parliamentary de- KEMaER o r THE ASSOCIATED ZOE FAKKEB, Kathariaefs friend, Accomplished Purpose hlbitiona than bad been generally fore and toe ceremonies of conse­ Tranacript. lifeguard. Membership cards must sponsored by toe Parents' Associa­ The hazards placed by nature tote today, toe minister of finance PRESS The^ courts In question wsre hae aa nnhappy love affair sad U 'T don't know. Let’s stop It" Tba Atieeiaias Praia la aaciuairalp supposed. cration took place on Saturday, They follow: be shown. Tho girls’ swimming tion of the camp. Is to be held this through countless centuries In Mam ­ reaffirmed the Swiss government's created by Legislative enactment In saved from ealclde by yoong DR. After Years of Persistent The Rev. Comelitu J. Buckley classes will meet as follows: 3;S0 to determination to remain oh toe gold aatltlad to tha uaa for rapubileatton She straightened, dabbing at vrst June 7, 1884, and were conducted by coming Saturday, beginning at 1 p. moth Cave have been banished by or all aaara diapaichaa <.radltad tc it Names now being mentioned as JOBDf KAYE. from St. Joseph's church, Shelton, 4:13, beginners; 4:15 to 5, sdvanced. the session Just closed and it is In­ Rev. Blahop Williams. m.. rain or shine. The program will i CCC crews, 80 to 100 youths having standard. or Bot otharwiaa atadttad la tbit outstanding figures in the fortbebm- S A L L Y M O O N, local ooqoetto, aysa with hU big handkerchlaf. “It to St. Francis church. New Haven, Dancing In the gym from 8:30 to papar aad alao tba lv.eal oawa pub- teresting to note that the act of es­ Rev. Warner tendered his resig­ be In general charge of Elmer T.‘ worked within Its caverns for the tricks Michael late aa eagagement doesn't matter what you’ve dode. Effort — Strong Institn* assistant. 12:30. Music by \'ic Curley and his tiahad baraln. ing gathering have a more than nation on August 4, 1884, tat which Thienes, director of the boys' camp, last two years to make It comfort­ tablishment also named the drat and, when he tries to wrlgi^n oat, Some power brought ua togethar. •The Rev. J. E. Farrell from toe Parisian CTub orchestra. The public All rlfbta 9i rapablioattoB of familiar sound. There Is even some time It was reported that toe with Mrs. Nelson Read, girls' camp ably available to the nation'‘s tour­ apaclal diapalebaa baraln ara alao ra- Judges who are to hold office for tighten! her hold. Katharine hears But one thing I ’ve got to aak Church of Assumption, Ansonla, to Is Invited to attend. jrou____" tion Now. church society numbered 161 fami­ director, taking responsibility for ists. aaraad. question whether former Governor Michael Is to marry Solly and is St. Joseph’s, Willimantlc, assist­ Saturday four yeArt. lies; 21 Sunday school teachers; the afternoon field activities for the Eight hundred more from the broken-hearted. ••What’s that?” ant. The boys’ swimming classes will rail aarrlca eltant of N C A Sara- Frank Lowden of Illinois may not scholars 252. women and girls. Civilian Corps have been bu sy' lea. Inc. Quoting from the circular an- "Wo mustn't announce our mar­ The Rev. Thomas F. Shea from meet as follows; 10 to 10:30, begin­ preside. National Committeeman She overhear* two detoctiveB ask­ The 61st anniversary of the St. Rev. J. H. La Roche was appoint­ above ground In the 33.000-acre Na­ nouncing the examinations; riage now.” ners; 10:30 to 11, intermediate: 11 Andrew Fiedler of Manchester, - a ing for Mlchael’B iddress sad, thlrtu- Mary’s Episcopal Church society wUI ed to succeed Rev. Warner. He St. Anthony'!, Bristol, to toe tional Park, building 53 miles of Publlahara .lapraaantallaa; Tba Spangler of Iowa appears as a prime His eyes darkened. Quietly he to 11:80, advanced. swimming coach at toe camp, will Jultaa Malbatra Spaoial Agancp—Naw 1. Examinations are open to Ing him in danger, rushee to warn be observed In the edifice on Church came to Manchester August 4, 1884, Church of Assumption, Ansonia, as­ wide gravel roadways, planting •aid, "Very weU. That’s for you to The men’s plunge period will be be In charge of the waterfront, Tork, Chicago. Oairo t and Boatoo. men and women of good charac­ mover In tbs' conference. Former him. Michael set# off with Katharine street next week, beginning with and served until September 1, 1889. sistant. three-quarters of a million trees and decide.” 'T h e Rev. John J. Bennett to St. held from 7 to 8 o’clock. where swimming and boating will he ter who are at least twenty-five Governor Preua of Minnesota la hov­ In her car. He tens her he loves her services Sunday morning and eve- There was no event of Importance removing eyesores. ^ MCUBEH AUOI1 b u r e a u o r ”If you’re sure It’e all right fW Mary's. Bridgeport, assistant. Monday the order of the day. He will be Circulations yM rs of age and citlsena of the aad aaka her to nmrry him. Im ­ j^ g . The anniversary sermon next to mark hla rectorship The so­ Completion of the cave and park ering around the edges. Arthur M. you to go back— and you must The Rev. Anthony J, Bombollskl. The men’s plunge period will be assisted by Plummer Wiley of Wor­ United States. pulsively Katharine agrees. They unday morning will be preached by ciety grew In membership and serv­ today will be celebrated next month Tba Harald PriollBg Compaop, Inc., Hyde, secretary of agriculture un­ sure, Michael— cx>me along wltb to St. Bernard's. Sharon, assistant. held from 7 to 8 o'clock. cester Tech. 2. Candidates must demonstrate are married In an obaenre little Remsen B. Ogllby, president of ices continued to be well attended. with formal ceremonies. aaanmaa no noanelaT raaponalbilltp nowr. W e’ll go on aa if nothing i__ The Rec. J. G. Byrnes to St. The women’s plunge period win Punch and coffee will be served by for eppograpbical arrora appaaring la to the latlsfactlcn of the depart­ der President Hoover, Is to be one town. Afterward Michael insists on nity College, which Institution The Bishop came to the church and The thousands of visitors who happened. Meantime you can bredll^ Thomas’ church. Goshen, assistant. be held from 8 to 9 o’clock. the Parents’ Association committee. adTortlamantt la tba Mancbaatar ment that they qualify with re­ of the speakers. Mr. Hoover has retnming to face the detootives. had an Important part In the administered toe sacrament of con­ view Mammoth Cave annually now CraBlng Harald The Rev, John F. Cavanaugh to Following the basket lunch, the spect to one of the following re­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY your engagement wltb Sally as pain­ formation and progress of the secration at different times. will find a dining room miles from quirements: Just visited Mr. Lowden. The state lessly as possible. Then we can m ak* St. Anthony's, Bristol, assistant. after-supper program will adjourn CHAPTER XXV church hero since Its conception Rev. Edward H. Coley assumed the opening of toe long trail. Hot THtlRSDAT, JUNE 6. p la n s.. . . ” The Rev. T. F. Dignam to St. Jo­ at 6:30. Families of both boy and a. Service (for at least eight­ of Illinois Is to have three or four Michael said quietly, "Tricked early In the century. Trinity College took charge. After the rectorship on September 9, '-B U T 1 00 WISH I COULD OCT ”It would,” said Michael thought­ 1889, and r^ained for four years, seph’s, Hampden, assistant. WALL ST. BRIEFS girl campers are cordially Invited to een months) ss a probation offi­ times as many delegates as any you? No— " Pageant Planned a lapse of several years Rev. Enoch .THE CLOTHES WHITER. I MUST , BLAME FOR TAX FLOP cer In a Juvenile court within tbs fully, “be easier In some ways. But resigming on June 27, 1893. The Rev. Nell J. Doyle to the be present. other of the Midwest states to be •But you did!” Katharine Insisted. In the evening Rev. J. Stuart Neill, Huntington, a retired clergyman, ' t r y THAT SOAP THE WASHER State of Connecticut. I don’t like It.” Rev. Jacob Biddle became toe Church of Immaculate Conception, New York. June 6.— Stockholders Her eyes were wide with a sort of the rector of St. Mary’s will give a took active Interest In the church. Waterbury, assistant. SALESMAN TOLD US ABOUT Even Governor Croag, who la in­ b. Completion o f four years represented except Missouri. “W e’ve got to do it this w ay," the rector on August 1, 1893. Several of the United Stores Corp., have ap­ ■■■; horror. "Oh, If you knew you’d noth­ historical review of the church. Ill the meantime the church build­ The Rev. Robert W. Doyle to St, herently saUpathette toward special course In an accredited college or sun . It ts not by any means to girl said. ”It’s too only thing.” church organizations were formed proved a reduction In the Class " A ” ing to fear why did you make me Plans for a pageant for Monday eve­ ing had been sold and the title was Peter's, Hartford, assistant. stock to 918,000 from 1,042,000 gesaiona of tha General Assembly, university, with specialisation In She started tho car. The air was during his utimlnistration, toe St. be taken for granted that this come off with you like thU? You ning and a social gathering and re-seeured, but the church did not The Rev. Charles E. Hagerty to shares and In common to 2.090.200 subjects relating to social welfare. 0^ full of a soft, fine blowrmg dust now. Mary’s Young Men’s Club being toe aaaaaaaaaaa now Inferentlally admits that one f e - ' - said you wouldn’t go unless I went festival have also been made for prosper, although Rev. Enoch Hunt­ St. Joseph’s, Canaan, assistant. c. Completion of one year la an Springfield meeting Is to be a mere ■ m fm m most Important. The most Impor­ from 2.955.800 :;hares. Directors with you.” The thunder started. In a long roll. Tuesday night under the direction of ington gave of his faithful services The Rev. John S. Kennedy to the will have to be held, the tfeglslature accredited school of social work. foregathering of old-Ilne leaders. tant work done under Rev. Biddle were re-elected at the annual meet­ Katharine spoke seldom during LeRoy Norris, general chairman of here. Church of SL Thomas the Apostle. ing. PLENTY having adjourned without malting d. A t least one year of full Urns "Because," the man said with de­ was the building of the Parish It may vary well be that every ahadu the drive. Once she allowed her hand the anniversary committee. West Hartford, assistant. ssrrioe In a social agency of rec- liberation, " I loved yoii." Early Services house in 1898 and 1899 at a cost of OF TIM E any provlglon whatever for the un of Republican opinion will be ade­ 9 ' to slip into Michael’s lean brown Tho Rev. Patrick V. La very to St. The General Fireproofing Co., o^lsed standing, preferably In a "Ah, that!" She struck one palm St. M ary’s Parish has had a con­ Later In life Dr. Huntington told 97.000. T O PAYI employment relief problem of the one, and at a stoplight her eyes tinuous history for 56 years. Heroic John’s, Mdntville, assistant. haa offered preferred stockholders Of child caring agency quately represented and that the against another, os if In fury. "It la about the early services In Manches­ A baptismal font was given to sought bis. He smiled W hat a cool, The Rev. Francis X. McGuire to 4 per cent notes due In 1942 in lieu munlclpalltleg. He does not. how conference will not submit for a a queer sort of love that doesn’t efforts were first exerted from 1839 ter; ”In a room hired and fitted up toe church at this time by Mrs. .„!i' *qulvalent In education ' restrained creature this girl was! St. Rose's, Meriden, assistant. of unpaid dividends on toe prefer­ Quick service to 4II men M d experience of any one of trust— Isn’t open and aboveboard.” onwsird by a small group of wor­ by the ‘Protestant Foreigners’ about Frank W . Cheney. Rev. Biddle re­ ever, labor under any convlttlon of split second to being dominated by Tho man who won her love and con­ The Rev. Bernard E. Parent to red stock. The notes are In denomi­ tbes6. "This Is," persisted Michael shipers to form and to bold the little 60 were present, mostly young men signed in April, 1903. end women who ere the neceaaity of haste. By-and-by fidence could be proud of himself, St. Anthony's, Bridgeport, assist­ nations of 917.25, an amount equiv­ the veterans of other days. A t all Heatheroe. "Ah, don't let anything society together. From 1839 until In the silk factory. It was voted to Dr. Manning B. Bennett was It U submitted that a person "Tips will have said 1 wont off ant. alent to arrearage as of March 31, cerning e steady income. 'i r s WISE TO TAKE will do. Perhaps next fall, after events we shall know more, after Health and Diet come between us n ow ....’’ 1947 services were held In North commence public worship on Easter chosen to succeed Rev. Biddle and NEXT WASHDAY might conceivably qualify under any H EW Y O R K with you.” she said once, musingly, Manchester. Numbered among the he served for fourteen years, during The Rev. Francis J. Reardon to 1935. Whether you borrow the shadows on Lake Sunapee have the conference has been held, abo\it "But why the detuctlvesT" pur­ Sunday, April 6. At this service 100 St. Aden’s, N ew Haven, assistant. TEA AT LUNCH TIME" of these specifications and yet be a during the drive. early leaders of the church were: which time the church increased In S300, $200. S100 or less, begun to grow long quite early In Advice sued Katharine, In that bewildered were present... .there were not Drink a piping hot c m of good tea at ( w ea . DEAR-1 TRieO r w s o where the Republican party Is at, But Michael said Tips was far too Rev. Mr. Burgess, afterward Bishop membership and toe religious and TO APPEAL SENTENCE quite mediocre Individual. Yet tho By PAUL H.ARRISON By Ur. Frank McCoy tone. "W h y should they be looking seats enough.” On May 3rd, voted to we'll gladly regulate the noontime. It staves o ff “ P.M. fatigue"— [ a n d n'S W W OERFUl! THE ClOTtiCS^ the afternoon. than anybody knows today. -things—from white shlrtfronts clever for that. ’ H e can play dumb of Maine; Rev. Arthur C. <3oxe, social advancement waa very mark­ ONLY A WEEK LATE. for you, without reason?” purchase chairs to put in the aisles. small monthly initalments that feeling of tiredness rhar so often 4 OR 5 SHADES WHITER., law was drawn, beyond doubt, in an Now York, June 6.— Meanderings: the backs of ladles' Ittte-bittle hands. aa beautifully as anyone you ever afterword Bishop of Buffalo, a giant ed. Hartford. June 6.— (A P )—The ap- MeaaUme there U likely to be "W e can go back," the man said In the fall 9100 was spent for shut­ overtakes you after luncheon. Good NEVER SAW SOCH SUOS! ewnest purpose to insure the re- Signs hundreds of menu cards, too, STRENGTH FROM WALKING knew,” he said. “Tips won’t know a Rev. NelU Here In 1918 Hartford, June 6.— (AP) — To •ical of William H. Dodez of Bridge-! to fit your personal m* ► general disposlUon to blame the Have you, practically all Broadway quietly, "and find nut what It’s all in the life of the Episcopal church ters, painting and papering. The tea makes you feel fresh and fit—mote NOT WHOLLY PRIVATE and a lot of those long, hard rolls thing.” Rev. J. Stuart Neill became the answer the thousands of requests f.ort from a sentence to be hanged' alert. And be sure you drink tea from crulUng of tho right kind of persona wants to know, heard about the shout." in his day and at that time rector of Academy building was then about come or family budget. INSO'S frAAt stubborn minority in the House of ----- 1 don't know a thing about It, In today's article I am going to The miles flew hy. The rain pelted St. John’s church, Hartford and Rev. rector of St. M ary’s parish In 1918 which have been pouring Into tho •or too murder of Charles Farley of India.* IndiaTea, in packages displaying for these probation Joba The tremendous complexity of waggish prisoner who asked: It had been different when she had 20 years old. Speculators would like The nitly rharsc U fhrY« R for tub'Waah- Representatives who yesterday re really, but It wrtli be funny If the down wldly, a storm of drops and a fund approximating $100,000 forestry department. State Forester Bridgeport, will be hea'd by toe Su­ prrreat per month un an> the trademark below, is better tea—price infstoo. Sooibout "Judge, can you two Uie v/ord lenien­ give you a suggestion about walk­ thought she was racing off with a Professor Totten, president of Trini­ to buy It (the hall) but 'it is doubt­ It Just happens that no one can modem Industrial life bad a remark rumors are true about Mrs. Jesse against the windshield. Brown pud­ ty College. was raised and haa been held In Hawes today announced toe 1936 perior Court today. pnid nmnnnt of lonn for price and grade for grade— than test dlrt...«avM gerub- fused again to suspend the rules in cy In a sentence ?” ing, which I hope will help you to vagabond, a fuglUve. The whole af­ ful whether they can. It is a time of t bifiK* ClothMlist formulate the specifications for a able exemplification yesterday when Woolworth Donanue planning to dles gathered along the road. There Sold His Church trust for toe building of a new season is about a week behind last In September 1934 he killed Far­ not containing favor of the sales tax bill. Even The fact that A1 Jolson'a passing better health. I want to urge you to fair bad worn a sort of brave air. great speculation and growth In the church. Recently It waa decided to ersonal inance o IndiaTea. 2or8tiiDM longer' marry. For she has spent the last was an oak leaf pasted against the Rev, Mr. Totter also held meet­ year at toe present time. ley then toe husband of a former P F C . --^yoa’U AAve lota personality or an Intelligence— and a comparatively small group of men out the cigars (he's a pappy by N ow — what could she nay to her neighborhood and town. This room make extensive alterations to toe e on the last day. It will be held In two years keeping her younger play­ get out and walk and you are bound glass— Michael had to reach out and ings at the time which was marked "nie state forestry department wife of Dodez. He elected trial be­ of money. Won­ tho iuccese of a Juvenile probation employed by the Toledo Edison Com­ adoption) recalls that many show- stepmother, to all the others? She is In the right place, equt-distant present structure and save as much e •To genuine many quarters, the bill could have boy son, Jimmy, away from altars to benefit by It. brush It off. Tho afternoon darkened. by the formation of Manchester or­ and several CCC camps under direc­ fore three judges, who found him e Telephone 3430 India ict. took (ot derful for diehee, folk are fairy godparents to orphans, had married Sally Moon’s fiancee. from each village and easy of access of the principal as possible. thi» triijemsrk (|cLi> end all cleaning. officer, or any other probation offl- pany went on strike, causing the and Justices of the t>eace. And W alking is In Itself probably the The afternoon of her wedding day. ganizations and the growth of the tion of Raymond Kiensolds, Is mak­ guilty of murder In the first degree 4 Room 2 been passed and the funds provided among them the Jack Benny's, ^Katharine Strykhurst, the girl who to each village. Congregationallsts The pastors of St. Mary's since no matter whet cer, or any social worker for that shutdown of several factories, worrying about the affairs of the best single exercise. If you could Did ever any girl have a atranger community. Financial difficulties ing a study of the situation and bad and Imposed toe death sentence. blind of tee you buy. for lightening the relief burden of George Bum s and G rade Allen, and despised a Jilt. have sent to beg their rights In the its permanent organization, have ^ State Theater Building t elder son, Woolworth. choose only one activity, then you one ? were a part of the early struggles of found the bursting of buds, flower­ Dodez appealed on the ground that the towns. matter, depends entirely on Intelli­ threatening the domestic electrical Miriam Hopkins----- Romance has "1 hate you!” she cried wildly, upper room. A Mr. Huntington offer­ been as follows; a 7.1.3 Main Street t Speaking of wcdd'ngs. New York­ should by all means choose walking. H er mind was confused. Could the church, recourse having been ing and seed formation was about the court erred in finding him gull-1 gence, personality and diligence. services of 400,000 people and bring­ come to Lita Grey ChSplin____ It la not expensive and you can striking at the hand she had caress­ ed to buy and pay for toe whole Rev. Beverly Warner. 1878-1884. 4 m (lo o il 1 1',/ /. I/If \iiii! A s a matter of fact the responsi­ ers must be fickle folk. Eyery year Michael be sure these men meant made at one time to taking a "pen­ a week later this year titan In 1934. ty "beyond a reasonable doubt." ■SFV VVVVVVVVVTVVVV V V vv v ing consternation to one of the great certainly fit It to your neda. If you ed five minutes bofore. building. Intending, probably, to let Rev. James H. L a Roche, 1884- bility for the situation goes a long That Is the trouble with almost ^d-^Sv i 8000 Ot the maiTlage licenses no 111 to him? He seemed so con­ ny collection” to pay tho rent of the are unaccustomed'to walking, you ”No, you don’t. Katharine.” the lower room to the church and 1889 cities of the country. BO thrilled ***“ *'* “ '■* "«v e r u sed... .N o film in fident. W es It bravado? She could church. A t one time the members w ay farther back than that. It all of these attempts to handle Ju­ ■o tnrlllea that ana dlan t tarry Jong can start by walking short dist­ She thrust him away. "i do. T the upper room to the Protestant Rev. Edward H. Coley, 1889-1898. It will not be easy to convince history ever drew so many blue- not tell. She wras ccnscloua, at the fOimd that tbelt church bad been Rev. Jacob A. Biddle, 1893-1903. goes as far back as two years when venile crime, delinquency and Innate but went right on to Europe____ ances and walk at a medium rate. swear It.” Lodge (March 9, 18761." Jowled, shlfty-oyed. flasWIy-clad cus­ very core of her being, of a sick sold by a member, without church Rev. Manning B. Bennett, 1908 depravity through precise legal for­ rilany Cleveland people that the re­ Charles X-eMalre, the Broadway- If you are trained to vigorous ac­ She wsa close to tears— perilous, Rev. Huntington tells of toe great Instead of presenting a taxation tomers aa has "O-Mcn". They're feeling of apprehension. She would aonctlon and the recovery of It was 1917. lations between the Edison concern Hollywood co.xlur.ie designer, got a tivity then you can walk farther at angry, choking tears. But she would commercial panic In 1875 and how program of his own. Governor Cross mulas and complicated special legal racketeers, come to watch the glori­ have so much to explain to Bertlno no easy matter. Rev. James Stuart Neill, 1918— raggedy haircut la a night club the a rapid speed, or you may alternate not let them colne. "W hat they'll it affected South Manchester. "Silk and Its employes are strictly a mat­ fication of their nem esis... .Every­ — to her father. And she was a poor A fter the Civil W a r the society, ^ 4 brought about the oreaUon of machinery. They go to the roost other morning. His long locks vexed walking with running. The Ideal is eay of me!” she raged. "And It will mills reduced wages 26 per cent.... ter concerning themselves in which thing's organized these days; there's liar. Would some local correspon­ under the excellent guidance of Rev. "tax study” commission and ap' extraordinary lengths to meet all Duncan McMartln. a wealthy Cana­ to bring up your strength until you be true. A fool____" building will probably stop for toe even n National Endurance Amuse­ dent for a New fork paper pick up Beverly Warner, flourished, and the public has no direct Interest. dian who occupied a nearby table. can walk four or five miles a day "Does It matter?” present. For 10 years there has been YOUNG HASTINGS TO GET pointed to It a group of very intel­ sorts of contingencies— and undo ments Association, composed of pro­ her name from the marriage license many members of Manchester’s old- Somehow rugged Individualism McMartln sent out for a pair of without fatigue. She did not deisn to look at him. much moving out and moving in. On ligent and very conservative gentle­ their own purpose by excluding moters who put on the silly, bar­ record of that obscure tovm? You time families enrolled as members Rhears, and turned barber. Didn't get There Is no need to get out ot ”of course, It does.” loses something of Its appeal when baric w'alkathons and dance mara­ could never t e ll,. . . of the Episcopal faith. For some April 18to put up in hall toe old DEGREE AT WESLEYAN men isTio started out with one ob­ from tho work the very Individuals, a tip. condition If you will walk. 1 note ’That, my dear Katharine.” said thons. time previous to 1843, H. V. Gard­ chancel railing which used to be In as like as not, who would be best it appears likely to shut dow*n fac­ that at least one outstanding athle­ I cut down Carbon vious Intention— that of forestalling There'll be fewer starving actors the man beside her, In a coolly con­ toe old St. M ary's at North Man­ Off stage tic director is advising highly-train- No good to worry, sang the tires; ner, a student in Trinity College qualified to do It. They convert tho tories not even remotely Interested along the Loan Stem this summer. versational tone, ”is your . trouble. chester. The old marble altar slab Commencement to Be Held and liiscredltlng any tendency to The passing show: Dennis King, trained athletes to taper off on thetr no good to worry. For better, for served os pastor of the church. He In Its disputes, to leave thousands Relief Jobs will go to twice as many You have a picture of yourself aa was enclosed by It. " oak the rich," let tha chips fail problem of dealing with broad prob­ . Betty Starbuck, Colleen Moore and activity after leaving college by worse she had taken this man be­ was In his senior year In the college Sunday, June 16— Has Been as last year, and repertory com­ others see you. You are continually of homes In darkness and to put out rcpcitory com- Edna Ferber at the Algonquin. Peg- walking. This prevents the sudden side her. Fate had been too strong and w as licensed as a lay reader by Penny Collection Active in College Affairs. W.ie.e. otherwise, they m ight In lems Into an affair of the narrowest panies will play the CCC camps____ altering that picture to suit your says...THE Engineer in Every Gallon the street lights In a fairly tough r- gy Joyce, Mary Boland, Howard letdown which follows when the for them both. Bishop Brownell. A t New Year’s, 1876 we read, othc.- Words to keep the state of and most rigid boundaries— and Prettiest French gl> l at the French audience, living up to It. It’s too Hawks, Joan Bennett and Lupe athlete stops all exercise. Innicock’s church spires came In­ First Meetings "commenced plan of taking up pen­ Middletown. June 6 — Frederick then trim It with all manner of red big town. Casino Is an Anurlcan girl named hard. Snap out of It. Be yourself.” Connecticut as far away aa possible Velez at Twenty-One. A little girl If you will walk briskly and to view- below a rise of drenched The Manchester Episcopal society ny collections fi-r the rent of toe Gay Hastings, son of Mrs. R. 1. Evelyn Forges. The establishment's ”Oh. oh!” she choked with rage. from the adoption of a graduated tape in the matter of the quaUfica- named Fannie Ward akipplng along breathe deeply, you have one of the woodland. The pin oaks on the old was tentatively organized on April church hall In toe Academy. It is loveliest ballet dancer Is a Russian, ”How dare you tiuk like this to me? Hastings, of Highland Park, Man­ tlons of the administrator. Broadway. Whitney Bourne cutting finest of exercises. You come back Rogers place swept in the wind, like 30, 1943 and it was named St. Mary’s $40 a year, that is about 80 cents a income tax such as Is In force In a Cossack prlncecs, no less, named After all, I— ” chester, Is a candidate for gradua­ her birthday cake at the Colony from a walk feeling refreshed and curtseying maidens In darkgroen Episcopal church. Services up to this many other states. Paleolog, as nearly as 1 can spell It. Sunday. Collection amounted to tion with the degree of Bachelor ot The fussiest, most gadgety laws on Mrs. Edward Waist, McLean wear­ invigorated. Yes, the beat advice I time had been held In the village, frv D O U draperies, aa the little car drew up. 92.90. W ent Into hands of W . Hun- Arts at toe one hundred and third Then when, a year or more ago, tho stiituto bciks of Connecticut Very uppity, and calsl herself Nina ing the Hope diamond at the Ver­ can give you who are rundown Is to The words almost flew out. "A fter TYDOL GASOLINE BEHIND Antarova. There was no one about. but it was decided for- the con­ niford, tre.asurer. (1) (toe foregoing Commencement of Wesleyan Uni­ sailles. Helen Morgan, telling plans start "winding yourself back up all, I am your wife.” But she check- It became apparent that the munici­ are those dealing with juvcnllo crlnis "Goodby, Michael— dear." venience of the members to have the paragraphs are token from toe files versity, to be held at six o’clock, Namesake for a tour with her own orchestra again” with walking. ^ed them. palities were threatened with and delln(iucncy. And there prob­ He was out of the car, standing meetings in the Oakland school- of toe Manchester Herald of October Sunday evening, June 16, on the SAVES YOU MONEY THE SCENES Among the names I've heard and Cary Grant and Betty Furness In I thoroughly believe that almost ”I dare." said ’dlchael Heatheroe, hatlesa In the rain beside her. "Good- house. Later another change was 6, 1923, from a sermon preached by Denison Terrace adjacent to toe swamping under the .relief load, and ably Isn't a police official In the IN cherish Is that of Solly Vlollnsky. the Edison Green Room, more In­ every one of you can go out and "because I love you. Don’t shake by, my darling." made and meetings were held In on Rev. J. Stuart Nolll. Olln Library. The rendition of toe the Governor was appealed to, time He plays the pianosky. . . .No won­ walk today and feel better for It. your head. It’s tme. I’ve loved you state who wouldn't tell you that terested In each othei than In the She gave one swift look abouL upper room in Melanchon Hudson’s In 1878 when toe church had but processional music by toe choir, to der so many taxi diivers sing to Choose a time convenient for you. since the first day I saw that mu­ and again, to call an extra session to there never was .a time when the goings-on. Leslie Howard at Snrdl’s She slipped the ring from her finger. ■tore. 13 communicants, Rev. Beverly the accompaniment of the College their fares, and crack jokc.'i with a — three meals a uay. Take that extra time after lunch, m tinous red mouth ana those con­ “Look, Michael, you must keep A t the time of the organization Warner became toe rector. The chimes, will add to the Impressive­ deal with that specific subject, hs behavior of the clns.s for whom those 1_BY RODNEY DUTCHEB—i vaudeville flavor. Abe Lyman, Paul the late afternoon, early In the tradictory, cool eyes of yours. 1 Repeal helped, but night-club this for me. I dare n o t..; of a tentative church society, a room present members!iip is 1.200. The - refused. There was no such baste, Whiteman and Harry Rlchman all morning, or tonight after dinner ness of the outdoor exercises. law.s \vere written was as bad os It business never has been divorced knew you were my girl.... the only Frowning a UtUe, he slipped th» hud been fitted for worship, there Herald Wiuhlngtoii Correspondent were cabmen during brief periods of and go out for a walk. Stretch your present church building-, dates from While at Wesleyan Mr. Hastings and the 1939 session could deal with Is right now, or the hands of au­ from the underworld. A few rival one I’d ever seen and wanted.” ring Into the pocket of hla cost. ”i was an organized choir, an organ their careers----- Josepr.lne Baker legs as you stride along and at the 1883 and the parish house was added has been a member of toe Glee-Club the problem all right. establishments have gone in for Some dangerous softness touched wish you needn’t take it off." and a Bible school organized. The thority so effectively lied In dealing No. g—SOCIAL RECl'KITY LEGIS­ will break her ten-year voluntary same time breathe deeply to you 16 years later. The church has con­ Choir, treasurer of toe William stench-bombing. Nothing can be her heart but she atealsd It against Her glance flew to tho porch. The date was Tuesday, May 28, 1844 un­ The 1930 session cams, and Just with It. LATION . . . Too Radical, Say exile to appear in the next version will get all of the etale air out of tinued to grow through toe years, James Club, a letter man on the proved, though Uie guilt seems clear­ him. der the patronage of St. Mary's. before It cams the report of the tax Foes of Old ,\ge I’enslon and L'n- of the Ziogfeld Follies___ your lungs and put clean, fresh air twro men she had seen In the vil­ rendering the present church too varsity track squad, and has major' Why Fairfield and Windham coun­ ly pointed----- Sophie Tucker, "last "Good talk,” she scoffed, "but It In 1844 the worshipers thought It ed In Psychology. He Is a member employnient Insurance I'lan . . . Pen Vame back into them. For once, fill your lage, new hatlesa, apparently at small for the membership. Plans study commission, with lU brilliant ties should have had these county ot the red-hot mamas," tried to sing doesn’t mean anything.” Falls Far Short of Neds, Declare lungs with fresh air. Your red blood home, were emerging from the expedient to move the church to were made several years ago to of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Jack Dempsey, In his restaurant. "Red-Hot Mama" tt.o other evening. "Katharine— darling,” bt said, scheme for raising the needed extra Juvenile courts wished on them can Others. cells are going jto pick up that axtra acreened doorway. Manchester Green, at which time build a new church but construction Is called on to autograph the oddest And forgot the words. "don’t be like this. You were ho funds through a sales tax, with the oxygen and carry It all "There they are, Mlchaat.” It Rev. William C. Corbyn was elected was deferred and Rev. J. Stuart probably be explained only by the over your ■wcet a wrhlle back.... I thought 1 Washington, June 6 — "Probably body. Certainly you are going to seemed to her they oould hear the rector. In 1846 C-cney Brothers Ncill recently announced a plan of FORMER ROCKVILLE MAN minor palliative of a tax on di\i Individuals who procured the selec­ had never known such aweetnees. tha moat far-reaching piece ot oTe now on relief; not more than 1,- by Senate Finance Committee. De feel better after a brisk w u k . wild pounding of her heart ”I told built a church at the Center, which reconstruction of the present struc­ dends and Interest which It was You were a atatua com* to life at tion of the Judges and will, beyond 136,000, Inrluillng most of these, are signed to cover profttolonal, self- I want you to do this today: go you— " building was afterward moved to ture, soon to take place. legislation ever pawied by the Am ­ last.” strongly suspected would not touch question, have the say In picking ex|iected to be covered at first, many employed, white coUar, small estab­ out and take that walk. Walking Ho glanced coolly nt the intru- North Manchester and now stands The St. M ary’s Young Men's club, MARRIES IN NEW YORK erican Congress'’^ was the descrip­ by only small grants, but number any of the large Incomes from tax- lishment and other groups not other­ will Incrcaaa your appaUta, speed ”I wish I w sr* dead,” ah* choked, on North street. an athletic and social organization, the probation officers and other offi­ tion given by Chairman Bob Dough- will rapidly Increase. in rag*. ‘T d better be.” ton of the W ays and Means Com- wise covered. up the circulation, burry up elimina­ First -•lurrlage was founded in 1890 during the pas­ exempt securities. Governor Cross cials who are to get their livings Money will be available as soon What a strange wedding day! The Ernest Hartman Weds Miss mittee to Roosevelt's economic se­ Treasury would sell annuities at tion and at the same time build "Michael, perbipe I'd better wait The first marriage recorded in the torate of Rev. Edward H. Coley. A had no other plan of his own but out of these needless institutions. as 8SB Is set up and state systems more strength and endurance. aun bad been out, but now the clouds .... I’m terribly afraid.” town records performed by Rev. Helen Couiembieu in City curity bill as It passed the House are established *— as some already coat, probably through poatofflces. clubhouse was built In 1895 at toe stood on tha commission's report. Walking It simple and praoUcal yet wrsre lowering. Thunder In tho alrl William C. Corbyn was Lydia Chapei Yesterday Afternoon and went to tha Senate. are — and approved. purchasable by small installments H e shook hla head. "Y ou mustn’t corner of Linden and Myrtle streets. Outside of a few leaders the Leg- Damned from one side as rasnty or lump sum In amounts sufficient at the lam e time It haa an undoubt ”Do you remember," be asked, I’ll telephons y o u ... .” Clarissa Haughton of Hebron to It was thought that bis appoint­ "the day the rain drove ua Into the MUNITIONS CONTROL radical and from the other a s In­ to provide life Incomes of from 93 ed value. Keep your attention on She had to be content with that. Leonard Vibberts of Manchester was ment waa temporary but It became (Special to the Herald) Idlature had‘ little stomach for a tax Likely to cover 28.000,000 peojlle, cabin?” adequate, this measure thraws the to 9100 a month at age of 65. the fact that it la valuable^ A t you They parted without another word. on June 6, 1&46. Rev. Corbyn resign­ permanent. When Rev. Warner be­ measure based on penalising the That the recently acquired general enabling younger persons to re­ N ew York. June 6.— Ernest Hart' Federal government and- the statea walk, say to yourself, "This walk i* MuUnoutly she refused to answer. Katharine backed the car out of the ed to accept a larger oastorate In came pastor there were 13 com­ mann, 38, a former resident of Rock­ purchase of the necessaries of llfo. ceive old age benefits on retirement The drawllnjg voice went on. "You understanding of the extent to Into a huge program of old age doing me good. I feel better. W alk ­ lane; in a trance she followed the the west and left m the'fall of 1846. municants; when he left toe parish ville now of City Hospital, this city, from work at 68 or later. Wages Operated by state syatema and ing It helping me to stay well.” Ke were so high and mighty.” Michael But lu members bad little oppor­ which great munitions concerns In­ pensions, old age and unemploy­ of employes up to first 93,000 ana road toward home. Internal difficulties existed m the in the summer of 1884 there were and Miss Helen Couiembieu, 37, of uniform federal payroll tax on all peat th'ese atateraenta and let them Heatheroe said. ”I longed to teach tunity to give the subject aufricieiit fluence the decisions of govern­ ment Insurance, child protection, payrolls of employers to bo taxed She bed Berttne :o face. She had parish at this time and for five years 150 communicants. 531 Blast 86to street, this city, ob­ employers of four or more (or 10 or sink Into your eubconacloua mind. you a lesaon. U tU e wiidcatl” and public health. equally at 1 per cent beginning aa endless tissue of Ilea before har the records of the parish are con- Present Building tained a license to wed at the consideration to evolve substitute ments and peoples has not been more) persons of 1 per cent in 1936, Then look for the g ^ effect and 1 ‘But 3TOU didn't,” taunted the girl. Statea w1U set up their own ad- 1937, gradually increasing to 3 per 2 per cent in 1937, 8 per cent In ... .but she waa not thinking of 'l/Cuzlng. The church moved to the Municipal Building here yesterday proposals. They were kept In a greatly exaggerated la Indlcatad hy feel aure It will be there for you. "You didn’t dare.” Plans for building toe present mlnlatratlve aystems and Umltlng cent each and total o f 6 per cent 19^8 and thereafter. as she turned into her own dri'.. orth end In 1846. One year the afternoon and were married at once standards, but the money will oe I f you walk correctly, with the "That was It,” ha told har. " I was St. M ary’s church were made In Jangle over petty patronge questions credit Just established by Soviet by 1940. way. She was thinking of MtchMl ^church submitted a report showing In toe City Chapel by Deputy <31ty Covers possibly 20,000,000 people head up, the chest out and tha —afraid of you.” 1897 when a committee composed of for months. Perhaps this was an poured Into the federal treasury Tax deducted by employers and Heatheroe’s xlsa upon her tips, what a parish of about 150 members and a Russia In Czechoslovakia. For the under present conditions and re­ stomach in, you will Improva jrour Rev. Mr. Warner, John 8. Cheney, Clerk Philip A. Hines. and general supervision of the pro­ She bad kept her eyes resolutely lay befora them both itae could not Sunday school of 46 members. Then accident. Perhaps not. At all first time since the nations of the payable Into Treasury reaerve fund, ceipts anticipated at 9900,000.000 a way of carrying yourself and grow and William F. Joyner were chosen Mr. Hartmann, son of Frank and gram will be Invested In a national which U expected to reach 10 bil­ year by i960. ahead, but now almost against her guess. there la a confllc.ing report filed by more graceful. Remember, walking as a building committee. Before toe Lizzie Meyers Hartmann, was bom events they found themselves In tho world laid a tacit ban on all credits Social Security Board—which the lion dollars by 1948. First bene­ will, she whined and stared at him. Rev. C. R. Fisher, showing the for­ Employer* credited wtlh 90 per will help take off that roll of extra committee proceeded with Its work, In Rockville. His bridt, daughter of last days of the session up against to the Soviet government, Russia House bill creates as an inde­ fits become payable In 1942, wltn The emotion that flared between (To Be Oonttnoed) mation of anoUiei parish at Man­ cent of what they pay to any state fat over the hips or abdomen. Or, If toe names of J. B. Hubbard, J. E. Peter and Ellse Cotuembleu, was pendent agency, but which U minimum of 910 a month (you chester Mills. The date of the or­ THE TOP-CYLINDER OIL IN EVERY GALLON CONTAINS A CARBON-SOLVENT the choice of passing an extremely has been able to obtain a foreign unemployment inaaranee system. you are underweight, you can by Hawley' and John Dougan were bom In France. placed under the Department ot must have had Ova years' employ­ ganization of the second parish was bad relief bill or no relief bill at all. loan on her bonds. The credit la Labor in the bill reported to the Treasury retaining 10 per cent and walking, build up the body and fill added. The committee secured ment under tho plan and had 92UUU a tired feeling, no matter how long Close attention to the sounding of Easter Monday, 1848. The same re­ They refused to pass It. and when Senate. financing state administration ex­ out the legs and hipa with round, from Cheney Brothers as a dona­ CITY GETS $80,000 GIFT. not an extraordinarily large one — wages taxed to draw benefits; for I sleep.” your consonants and attempting to port includes the announcement that Much contusion exists aa to tne pense. Faynienta begin la 1938. muscular curves. By breathing deep­ tion, the land upon which toe bullied into submlfilon were pre­ about ti0.000,0 FACE DEPORTATION Calls Gamer "Marvelou§< future board to any contract, Mr. Florence Sullivan, 38 Elro street; Notti AU procTAtnt to kty a&9 bftflo elulni or crouM thoroof voltM Our society editor being ill and! 'Mtsa R. U. White, formerly owned Sbaa said he bad proposed to Mr. 9«d; coaat to coaaI (e t» e) dMlinattoB locludM all avafiAbU ttatloni. State Commissioner Contraeta TAX BY MEASURE Robert L. Sadd absent from her regular duties, the by her father, was taken over by I. Yoan«r Frank Leonard, Jr., Likes Town But, Waddell that a deed for toe right of Frofram t aubjaet to ohanot. 7. M. fDayltoht flm« on# hour Conditions of Past With Urtalnlng by Mrs. Eleanor Freelove.! i Robert L. Sadd, 67, formerly a task of reporting weddings, among M. Black. Washington, June 6.- (A P )— f not to pose, but to be natural. way be executed m trust and held at NBC*WKAF NBTWORK Cant. Katt. Though He’s Prom , He Never prominent resident of South Wind- Isadore Freeman of the HoDywood Actresses and other things, has devolved on th e . By The Sports Editor Those of Modem Prevention. Azadla Newmsn, tbe pretty girl "Wall, I never once had to the bank to be turned over to the BAlIC Kosts woor wtw wool wtU 4:30- 5i50-Caaaaek Chair — btaia; Because of rain, the program of eor. where he operatoo for many wjor wtof weoh kjm whio irfbr wro Milton Chariaa. Oftaniat — wait; Other membera of the staff, necessi­ A sturdy youth from the North artist who has just finished a por­ him to look at me. Every Heard of Huey Long! town when toe work was completed. amateur boxing at South Park in caase of Plans ytars the Hillsdale Dairy Farm, died wgy orben wcoo wtam ww) wool: mid: Jack...... Armatrang-mil..rant— midwaatdwaat rapeat In these days of Connecticut's trait of Vice-President Garner, Issuance of Refunding Bonds for Bronx, N. Y., Pays $60,- 4:45— 5:45— 5:4r Ca------aaaaek_____ Choir Cantfnuad tating consldsrabie rewriting by the End. blonde Joseph J. "Sockera" minutes or ao, aa he read his The selectmen said they had never Hartford tonight haa been postponed _ jJTueaday at the home o f his son, kaa wmoq iron who wow wdaf wkbf Actors Being Rounded Up Tercentenary celebration when many NORTHWtST A CANADIAN « wtmj 4:55— 1:65— FraM*7iadio Nawa Farlod deskman, as the staff specialists find Spivls, semi-pro phenom. and pink- found a new adjective today for the and looked over his morning been Informed of any such proposi­ until tomorrow nIghL Cfhllon Sadd, In HlarltviUe, N. Y. •:00— 5:00— Juat Bntartainmant — a: It difficult to break tbe habits of ^ famous eye-brows. he’d look around to where 1 idMed brown M tno.^morntnff boamed ritipenRively wt>«n wiba watp wabo wday kfjrr cret efof cheeked Mamie L. M. "Dizzy are poring over the pages ot (Con­ txpected to Enable Muni­ tion and Mr. Waddell denied that Chaogerin Plant. • He left South Windsor about 20 SOUTH — wnra wptf wwnc wla wja* Muaiaaia— Dixie: Fantaa Oreh.— w years. We list a few unexpurgatod ' 'They are simply breath-takingt" working for a minute or so, autumn l«avM by tbo hot LouUlana a reporter aaked him what be 000 for Main St. Property. g ilS - 5:15— Juat Flatn Bill — aaat; by Government Officials. Blonde" Marmalade, establlabed a necticut history, a person turning Shea had offered that solution to Mrs. WtUlam French and daugh­ wfla*wtun wlod warn wmo wab wapl extracts for your edification. breathed the blue-garbed Azadla. 'T worked every morning for sun, ainUtng Frank L Frank got ble first glimpse of tbe P^esldtnt o f the lo- The two-story brick building at FACIFIC — kgo ktl kgw komo khq Maladlaa af Manhattan-waat John Doe and Myrtle M urgatroyd,; ceremonies In 18 minutes flat. picture of death, Paranta*Taaehara Frag* “ 5:30-10:30— Art Jarratt A Orehaatra of spectators to the charge of being' physical condition and well coached, weekly broadcaat of the State De­ A measure pa.sscd by the Oeneral big a meeting of the Board for next CO, English, were eastward bound She bad bidden him farewell, portrait, he called Mrs. Garner in Shreveport In the Palmetto Stale i the muddy Red River, upon the J • Inspect fciicthe #«8iu area to uc be Bcr>'ea scr\-ed byDy ujetbe will be done at Camp Perry, Ohio, Walter Sadd of Manassas, Va.; three A., successor trustee of the Colonial S:30^ 4:30—Kay Fosttr A Har Sanga 10:00— ii:06— Bill Hagan A Orehaatra In love. reduced Uie previous record for cov­ partment o f Health today. tOf- ASMmbly thla week authoriring the Bcwer and arrange for obtaining the In September. In connection ndth Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock to g:41—* “ 4:45—Jally' oif> Jaurnaya* Fianat— 10:30— 11:50— Donnie Thompaan Orth. today on a six-car deportation train. leaving tiie finished portrait In his look at It—I think she’s lovely—awF; and this is bis first excursion north banks of which Shreveport Is situ brothers, Arthur of Upland, Calif.; Bond and Mortgage company, trus­ «aat; Batty Mariawa Calif.—waat Relatives and friends of the ering the distance from single bless­ There would be a record of all the 11:00— 12:00— Dance MuaiQ— waat only Cffark, who appeared In "Barrets office, and was dashing for New he showed her toe portrait smd aaifl, ated. Town of Manchester to Issue refund- right of -----way. this shoot there will be a big lx)re take action on the matter. The Walter of Chattanooga, Tenn.; tee, to Isadore Freeman of the 4:00— 5(00—Stubby Qordan A Orchai. couple sobbed as they were led away edness to double harness by three- children In some families wiped out of tbe Mason A Dixon line. He has 4:|0— 5:30—Prcta*Radia Nawa Pariod NBC-WJZ NETWORK of Wimpole Street,” and Marco, who York to sail for France on the Nor­ ‘now, that's what I call an exprss-'^^ never seen snow and hopes that be­ Disputing Huey Long’s boast that Ing bonds amounting to half million Shift ResponsIbUlty match shot at Simsbury on Sun­ resignation la effective "at the earl- Elmer of Detroit, Mich., and a etep- Bronx, , in the largest from the altar following the ver­ tenths o f a second. by diphtheria, he said. There was 4:i5— 5:35—Oallaghar A Ahaan—waar B AS IC ,— Baatt wja wba-wbas wbai played in “ C31ve of India,” declared mandie, aioni’ dollars, will serve txvo purposes. Mr. Shea denied that any legisla­ day, June 9 which will . constitute lest date which is in your judgment brother. W ill A very of Upland. Calif, real estate transaction Involving 4 :4 ^ 8:45—Billy A Batty—wasf only dict. Material witnesses were "Dlz,’ also well knoi^'n as "Gold- no handy telephone to summon the f i fore be returns to his southern he "gets his followers when they're rea.sonab!e." whnm kdks wga.r wjr wlw wt>T wmal____ “Ho le So Sweet!" "I was so happy that he thought home be will experience the Invig­ young," Frank complacently re­ Town Representative Thomas J. tion enacted by the recent General the first stage of the tryout for the The funeral wUl he held tomorrow Manchester property tor several 5:00— 5:00—Daraay Braa. Orahaatra wfll: Mid: wcky wanr wla kwk kwer before they left they were going Richard Roe, cousin of Mr. Doe, and digger,” a mere tyro, at the raatrl- doctor In case of sickness, and, it (Connecticut Civilian team. Members Hie Reaeon. years. 0:30— 5:30—Tha Marry Mlnatral thaw kol] wran wmaq kao wkbf voluntarily. They had been accused " I think he ta Just simply marvel­ I 'had got hta expreaslon right. Amd orating ecstasy of a genuine bllz- marked, In response to a query as Rogers explained last night. Aiwcmbly effected the construction at 10;80 a. m.. In the Wapplng Fed­ 5:00— 7:00**Fudy ValTaa’a Hr.—« ta o M ary Murgatroyd. stater of Myrtle. monia) marathon, arrived at the there had been, much time would of the American Legion Rifle Club Mr. R ay'i reason for resigning Is A purchase price o f 860,000 was N O R TH W E S T A C A N A D IA N — WtmJ of overstaying their visitors' per­ ous!" she said. " I feel elated to talk when I went to aay good-bye to sard. to what he though of .the "Klng- It will relieve the town from pay­ of the sewer and made it possible erated church. Rev. David Carter 7:00— 5:00—Shawbaat af tha Airwava By The Writer Of Ad "Readers" church first ixlth her second, Jose­ have been lost before the physician of .Manchester will meet at their contained In the statement that "The Indicated by tbe revenue stamps on 5:00— 9:00—Whitaman and L.au Halta wlba katp wabo wday kfyr erct cfcf mits. to him— he's so absolutely real and him, he said, ‘blem your heart!’ and Visiting his grandfather, who Is flsh” : ing the Federal Income tax on the now, as he said iome of the select­ will officiate and burial will be In SOUTH — wr\a wptf wwnc wU wjax Beautifully clothed in a wedding phine P. "Roller Skate” Marmalade, could arrive by horse-drawn vehicle Pearl street range Sunday morning the deed for the property filed todo“ 5i00—10:00—Jimmy. Juna. Jack—weaf human, and so sweet. be kissed my hand, and wished raa the telegraph "Huey may be long but mah bonds and If the municipality Is men have cIMmed In "an attempt Rogers Paper Manufacturing Com­ Wapplng cemetery. 5:15—10:15—Jataa Crawfard at Organ wfla>wsun wlod warn wmc uah wapl On the same train waa Walter gown and veil from Rublnow'i, the sister. Profiting by greater experi­ over rough highways. When he fin­ at 9 o'clock with equipment so they pany Is working on plans which may In the office of the town clerk ^ w^dx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre Albrecht, artist, claimed to have en­ ence In the wedlock steeplechase, "I can certainly aay he was most every auccess, food fortune, and operator at Tbe Hersild, Frank this memory Is short on him." able to remarket the Issue at a low­ shift the responsibility." 5:30—10:30—Natlanal Radia Farum woal ktba ktba waoo wava bride entered the ball to strains of ally arrived, there was often little can register early at Simsbury. result In discontinuance o f Manchee- recording. A mortgage for $9^ 10:00—11:0C^B. Madriguara Orehaatra tered illegally from Germany 12 "Sockem" and hia second, Algernon considerate to me. I had told him happiness.” er Interest rats than the five per The cost of grading Walker street 10:30—11:30—Billy Bltaatt’5 Orehaatra M O U N TA IN — koa kdyl kglr kghl music from a grand piano from W at­ be could do to save the patient ill cent now being paid, will permit as desired by Mr. Jarvis would be tor operations. In connection with on toe property was given by PACIFIC— kgo kfl kgw komo Khq kfad years ago. kins Brothers and played by Arlyne "Kid” Spivls,. brother, dallied in with diphtheria. Causes of dise'ases A wen child clinic will be held at this project, I have a number o f new Freeman to tbe bank as part of CB8 WABC NETWORK ktar kpo kax kga kgr k ^ their dressing room until toe last with a population of approximately such action. The bill also ratified about $3000, according to Town f u n e r a l s Arthur Shirley, actor and writer, Qariity, music teacher. In front of were little kno«-n. The physician the Manchester Health Center Fri­ duties making demands on mv trgnaacUon. Cant. Kaat. sound o f ths tocsin, giving rise to a before they become handicaps. More one-tbird that of the United States and confirmed the assumption by Engineer Bowen. Answering select­ BASIC—Caat: wabc wado woko wosO left voluntarily for Australia In the temporary altar by D&vid had no laboratory to assist him in day afternoon at 2 o'clock. time." Mr. Ray Is president of the Filed for recording vtith toe deed Waab wnae wgr wkbw wkro whk oklw t:50— 3:50— Danny Daa‘a Program rumor that sped through tbe assem­ people are living to an older age In TAX DELINQUENTS and a smaller per capita wealth and the town of the $.800,000 bonded In­ Albert J. Vennart July, 1934, after ho had lost a court Chambers she was met by the bride­ Identifying the germs of communi­ men who objected It was too high a Rogers company. and mortgage were an assignment wdro wcau wjas wean wfbl wapd wjav 2:45— 5:45— T h i Ranch Beya T>ia bled multitude that "The Cffiamp" a healthy way and are leading a WASHOUT Income, collected more than $400,- debtedness of the South Manchester Funeral eervlcea for Albert J. wbna; Midwaat: wbhm wfbm kmbe 3:0<^ 4:00— Chick Wabb A Orehaatra action in which he claimed he was groom, Suit by C. E. House and Son, cable diseases. Typhoid fev^r and price for the right of way, Mr. Jar­ In the soft ball baseball game of tile lease from the bank to Mont­ 5:30- 4:30— Tha Bingln had failed to make the weight and more active life In their advanced 000,000 in death duties In the fiscai W ater company when It was pur­ Mr. Ray was elected president of Vennart, who died In Bridgeport kmOi: wowo whaa kfab inging Lady— aaai eligible for eitlzenrblp because he shoes by Glenney, tie by Huffman. summer diarrhoea of infants were vis claimed that the "town has done played between the American Le­ the Chamber last November and gomery Ward and company and a BAST—whp wbac wlba wfaa wore wloa Si4g -. 4:45— Orpha n Annie— aaat only would forfeit his dowerj’. years. TO GET LEnERS year ended March 1, 1938." chased. as much for E. J. Holl and Bob City hoepital Monday, were held at efrb ekao wibs wmaa 4:00— 5i06— Tha LIttia Old Man. Story had married an American woman. A t the close of the ceremony the rampant, because files were preva­ gion team and the team represent­ took office the first of the year. It release o f a mortgage executed by 4 ti5 - I The new team of Spivls and Spivls Just as Individuals must seek 15 MILES OF Application of existing Income Originally issued by a private cor­ Smith." 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon from OIXIK—wgat wafa wbra wqam wdai 5 il^ M. a... rtn ...a a Maara.maarv. Contraltowoniraiva Mrs. Frances CHayton. bridegroom slipped a ring from lent, atreams sind water supplies ing Hose Co. No. 4 of tor South is probable that Elmer Weden, first toe Neew Haven bank. klra wrao wlao wdau wtoo krld wrr 4:50— 5:30— Praaa* Radio Nawa — ba- Immediately after- lowering the rec­ physicians to receive the benefits of ------tax rates to inheritances and gifts poration, income from the bonds Is toe Watkins Funeral Home on East Max Reinhardt, theatrical and Dewey and Richman’s over bis were unprotected from pollution, Manchester fire department played vice president, or Arthur Knofla, The property transferred has a ktrh ktaa waco koma wdbo wbt wdaa ale: Tha Singing Lady— mldw rpt ord announced through their mana­ preventive medicine, cities and , ,, ,. . , 1/11 would mean that In some cases as subject to tbe Federal Income tax. Center street. Rev. J. Stuart NeUl, wblg wdbJ wwva wmbg waja wmbr 4:35— 6 :3 ^Ja e k Snilkrat Orch.— wjt motion picture producer, went to bribe's finger. They left on the and milk supplies were often con­ towns are profiting by this modern Since the Issue was taken over by last evening the firemen won 18 to second vice president, will be named Main street frontage of 60 feet and wala ktui kgko wooa wdno wnoa kwkh 4:45— 5:45—Lowell Themaa — aaat. Mexicali. Lc'A'er Callfirnla, and re­ New York. New Haven and Hartford ger that they will tour the "sticks." taminated. KIDNEY TUBES 7. rector of St. Mary's Episcopal MIDWEST — wgl wmt wmbd wlan Orphan Annie—repeat to midwaat practice of preventive health work. Auditors Uraenck and Cole gift or Inheritance would be drawn the town, holders of the bond may, by the Board to serve Mr. Ray’s un- a depth of 159 feet and is subject to entered through Calexico April 5 un­ railroad for a short wedding trip Due to preventive medicine the Win Bsck Pep . . . Vigss . . . Vias church, officiated. Burial was In wibw kfh wamk wkbn wedo wabt kaej 6:00— 5:00—Amot *n* Andy—aaat only The age old conflicts between state Dr. Osborn polntsd out. Communi­ Into tbe Treasury. by obtaining a certificate ahowlng DIKES AND LEVEES cxplred term. liquor restrictions, according to the wnaz woo 5i15— 5:15—Tony A Oua, Serial Skit der the Austrian quota. W ere En­ at Hotel Pennsylvania, Hotel Statler, picture today It far different and Hsdicsl anthorltles sgras that Most of the shade grown tobacco Ea_4t cemetery. deed. and church and between local and ties must spend money to receive A further disclosure today was the transfer may pass the responsi­ ^ June 8, 1985. MOUNTAIN—kTor kla koh kal 5:30— 5:30—Floyd Olbbent Haadlinaa gels, German film actress, went to Hotel Statler and Hotel Statler. very encouraging. Dr. Osborn de­ your kldnsya contain 1$ UIXIBS of Ask for Replies On Over- plants have been planted. Tbe work Board of Ck>ntrol, The bearers, all nephews of Mr. COAST um khj kotn kfro kol ktey krt 5 :4 ^ 5:45—Graham MeNamae—wja federal government are rife in Man­ full value of preventive medicine that the skeleton N R A recommend­ bility for tbs tax to the town water The transaction wa.4 handled by kfbk ktn] kwg karn kdb kemb k|rb 5:00— 7:00—Paatorala Concert Orch. Ehisenada last March and re-entered After ther return they will be at clared. Diphtheria Is becoming un­ Uny tubes or niters wbleb help ta ' was done by machine, but men arc Vennart, wore Clarence, •Stewart, chester, we are told. as carried out by modern health de­ purify tos blood and kssp yon ed by the administration will have department. Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the New Haven law firm of Watrous, 6:50— 7iSO-Hanrlk Van Loan’a Talk under her country's quota. home to friends at 00 Naught street, usual, since Immunization ot chll BREAK IN KANSAS now working setting out plants be­ Robert and Donald Vennart. Cant. Baate 5:45— 7:45—To Ba Announced The weather vanes atop the Muni­ partments. In tbe past, he said, the healthy. another function besides those al­ Under the new law the town. If It Manchester Connecticut. Hewitt, Gumbant and Corbin. houae by E. J. Holl. electricity by flren Is now considered by many aa dne Tax Queries. tween the rows of poles where the 3:40— 5:45—Famblaa In Rhythm. Ora. 7:00— 5:00—Death Valley Dave. Flay One of the. most long drawn out cipal building, the Center Congrega' board of health waa expecteps and R. for toe families going on auto (rips, pep and energy, getting op nights, that Is being mailed to all persona Farm Land Flooded; Think be held by Campbell Council. K. of The Rogers Paper Manufacturing equipment on the south face of the 4:15— 8:15 — Babby Banaan — eaat: 10:08—11:05—Don Lapar and Orehaatra Center all day and should know MORE MAKES LESS they could get a much broader In­ If the refunding could be done States as an alien. The charges final­ Robert Roberts were married at the eating along the roadsides and pur­ swollen ffiet and ankles, rhenmatts whose names appear upon the list I C,, at the Manchester Country Club Company Is working on plans which building, the eight-inch Iron roof Me Sharman Orehaatra—midwaat 10:80—11:50—Dancing In Twin Citiaa o f what they speak. pains and dimness. terpretation of nterstate commerci. Immediately the town could fioat a ly ware dropped .and he waa allowed home of toe bride by Rev. A1 A. chasing food from many sources, be of the tax collector's rate book an than that Implied in the recent on .lime 22, will be held in the K. of may resvilt In discontinuance' of leader, existing encroachments of Townsend. They were attended by stated. Strides have been made to­ Jersey City, N. J. N. J. — Eddie If Udnsys don’t empty 8 plntsaday replacement Issue at considerably Senior Club of St. Mary’s Girls to re-enter. The ultimate In mass production and get rid of more than 8 poonffai not having paid their tax on the N R A decision. C. rooms at 8;30 Friday evening. Manchester operations. In connec­ window sills and vitrified tile copings Jeremiah Zoops, brother of tbe brlfi®< ward Immunization against scarlet Maher's airdale enthusiastically Icsa than the present five per cent Has Party at Columbia Lake Fearing a tightening of Immigra­ ot waste matter, your body wUI taka list of 1933, which was due last tion with this project, I have a num­ and the right to use a brick chimney 8:45—Hank Keene and hia Radio chimney cleaner (dial 281apple) and Is reached In toe announcement that fever, which Immunization despite chased a cat between two garages Interest rate, Town Treasurer tion restrictions which might bar up these poisons causing serious year. There were nearly 900 of ber of new duties making demands Last Night. partially on adjoining land. Gang. Roberta Roberts, sister of the bride­ "efforts are being made to breed the fact that It Is not yet 100 per­ and became wedged there. George H. Waddell said today, but Kansas Clt>’, June 6— (A P ) —The honey bees large enough to carry trouble. Don’t wait. Ask your drug­ these forms sent out and In addition on my time. Also transferred were all psrtl- 9:00— Death Valley Dayi. most o f the foreign acto.-a and ac­ groom, manicurist, by appointment cent effective, will do much to pre' The police emergency squad tried gist for DOAN'S P ILLS . . . an Md due to the unstablcness of the foaming flood waters of the Kaw to the form letter there Is also en­ BUSINESS ACTIVITY Some of my friends In town, en­ PracUcally a full attendance of tlons, screens, awnings, window 9:80— Mexican Musical Tours— An< tresses, Hollywood producers have By The Financial Editor heavier loads of nectar." vent the deafness and ear infections, to fish tbe dog out with a hook prescription. . . which bas been used money market he waa uncertain ifi and Missouri rivers spread out over WOMAN HYSTERICAL WTIC been bringing them from England Some enterprising zoologist may BuccessfnUy by mllUons ot Udney closed an envelope addressed to the tirely on their owm initiative and for the membere o f the Senior club of shades, dynamos, motors, engines, gel) Mercado and bts Mexican Or­ The formation of the partnership, kidney and other complications of caught under its collar. No luck. w a similar saving could be effected at thousands of acres o f fertile farm sufferers for over 40 years. They auditors In which "yes” or "no" rea.'ons which 1 believe they conald- St. M ary’s Girls’ Friendly society en­ boilers, furnaces, fire prevention and Harttorfl, Dnan. chestra. and Europe In numbers the past two Black and White, was announced to­ yet breed bees, wasps, mosquitoes the disease. N ot only are diseases Then someone threw a bucket of IN NATION DECLINES a later date. land today after breaking thixmgh and hornets with proboscis long give happy relief and wlU help to must be answered and returned to cr good business, have been Instru­ joyed a dog roast at the summer extinguishing apparatus, plumbing, 80,000 W. 1040 K. C. 8884 M 0:45—Frank and Phil. years. day following the wedding of I. being prevented but physical de­ water on the dog. It soltenedthe A large block of the bond issue. dikes and levees. enough to sting three people at wash out the 15 M ILES of kidney them os soon as possible. The un­ AS DEATH NEARS mental In setting up activities in cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trot­ heating, ventilating and refriger­ Traralera Bromlesatint Service 10:00—America's Town Meeting — Such firmly established players as Malachi Black and Rachael U. fects In children are being recogniz­ airedale'a bristly coat and he slith­ tubes. Get DOAN’S PILLS at your It is understood, is held by the Trav­ once. collected taxes on the 900 or so let­ Department of Commerre elers Insurance compnay. The crest of the flood in tha Kaw town for the purpose of keeping us ter at Ck>lumbla lake. The dog roaat ating apparatus, gas and electric Debate: ausploes of The League Elissa Land), Norma Shearer, Vic­ White. Mrs. Black, spokesman for ed by physicians and being corrected ered to freedom. druggist. O 1934. Foster-Mllbnrn Co. ters that they have sent out river wae about forty miles west of here. It might be thought by some was preceded by the regular month­ fixtures, vacuum cleaning system tor Political Education; music by tor Varconi, Fay Wray and others the new firm of homemakers, an­ Makes Report— Aqto Pro­ The bill provides that "the Select­ Thnndsy, June 0 “Dizzy” Daisy, the Belle of Sandy amounts to about $100,000. men may Issue such bonds without here early today while the main that if I remained as President of ly business meeting o f the club. A t and other flxtures'afad articles. Town Hall Band. have taken out or were preparing to nounced after the contract had been force of the Missouri was being thla time plans were made for the 11:00— Time, weather; Baseball take out citizenship papers. Charles Beach, tvrffes In to suggest that this The form Is one that can he used duction Curtailed. authoriratlon by vote of the town in Mother and Son to Be Hanged the Chamber I was using the influ­ The Instrument of transfer while P. M. signed before Justice o f the Peace In a check on tbe tax collector, the exerted against protective barriers tea which will be sreved by mem­ a trustee deed, binds the seller to Scores. Chaplin, the comedian, la an English ten-cent, chain-letter craze waa real­ town meeting.” They "shall ma­ ence of that position to the benefit 4;00— Woman's Radio Review. E. M. Green that the negotiations treasurer of the town and also the from Hermann to St. Charles, Mo. bers of the club in connection with warrast and defend forever the 11:16— Riviera Orchestra. citizen but he has been In this coun­ ly started to advertise CJonnectlcut’s Washington. June fi.— (A P )— A ture at such times aa said Select­ of my owm company. I have no — Blue Room Echoes — Joseph leading to the merger today bad water department. Carrying flood waters from Col­ Tomorrow Morning at the historical pageant next Monday purchaser of the property against 11:30— R ay Delaporta and his Or- try so long he Is enabUk) to leave Ten-Ont-enary year. "moderate” recession from the men shall determine, subject to the such wish or purpose but any sus­ Blume, director. been discussed for some time. There Is a apace for the person's orado. Nebraska and Kansas, the evening. Mias Irene Walter, presi­ all claims. . ebastrs. and return without difficulty. The assets o f the new company spring peak of busines.. activity was limitations prescribed In the general picion, however unfounded, might 5:00— Labor Union Talk; name and address and below Is Kew broke through a levee north dent of the club, will preside. The The building waa erected by Na­ 12:00— Shandor, violinist. consist of $837.39 saved by Mr. Daisy's other request, we are reported today by-the Commerce De- statutes," and In this act it also pro­ Delaware Jail. react to the dlsadavantage of the 5:15—Studio Program. frank to admit, has ua stumped. She printed, "A n audit of the accounts of Lawrence, Kaa., last night, sent following girls will pour; Eveline than B. Richards and Frank H. An­ 12:08 a. m.— Don Loper and his Or- PR.URIE DOGS ST.YRVE Black, Mrs. Black's hope chest, con­ vides permitting the town to change Chamber and this should be avoided. 5:30—K ay Foster. telephoned in yesterday, wished to o f the Town of Manchester, (either partment. a torrent on to hundreds of acres Pcntland, Helen Crawford, Gertrude derson In 1928 after they bad pur­ ebsstra. tents valued at $172.45, Mrs. the maturity date from the present With the coming of our now 5:45—Jolly Journeys. IN DRY ‘nSXAS DISTRICT be connected with the What-a-Nut Announcing The Opening tax ooUector, treasurer or water de­ In Its regular "Survey of (Current of rich bottom land and threatened Liddon and Lyle Thayer. chased the land from Dr. WlUlam 12:30 a. m.— Dancing in toa Iw ln Black's platinum hair and her part­ one of 1954. Secretary, Mr. Hegel, and In view 8:00—^WrigbtvlUe Clarion. department and asked what would partment) has been completed, and Business," the department noted to inundate North Lawrence. . Moat Georgetown, Del., June 6__ (AP) Tickets------were distributedfor toe R. Tinker and Alvin W . Greene. a u e s . ner's Barrj’more profile. The liabil­ of the conditions under which I have 6:38—Weather Report. Lubbock, Tex. (AP)—Prairie be a good alarm clock for a deaf the records Indicate that you are in­ that output of manufacturing Indus­ of the residents o f the town had —^Unnerved by her approaching workedworKed so far this year. It would jLrawberry festival to be held on Only saonigomeryMontgomery Wardward and com-com­ dogs are starving to death, prob­ ities Include a tendency to nag on tries Increased by the usual seasonal been moved from their homea. doom and a terrific storm that 6:30— ^News; Baseball Scores, man. debted to tbe Town of Manchester scem a change m the presidency' J“ *3day evening. . Evcljm Burrell pany P*ny ever occupied It, the company 6:40—Friendly Facts. ably on account o f sand and dust the part of the party of the second amount during April but that the In­ lashed toe prison, Mrs. Ma.v H. OF A for the sum o f $----- on the 1938 tax See Danger Passed could be made at this time without ,,?* ^h® tickets, and would | having leased the store In expect- 6:45— Studio Program. storms combined with drought, re­ part and the evil disposition of the list. dex of Industrial production declined UNFAIR T A aiC S As the Kaw flood moved toward (3arey, 55, who will be hanged with ug s ancy of its construction. ported John M. Hill, Jr., of the U. party of the first part. GENEROUS BIRD much disadvantage. The welfare i “ * ®*.* >'®^ > made to her by Mon- '** — “— her eon tomorrow, broke down to­ 7:00— Dorsey Brothers' Orchestra, "Wm you kindly verify the ac­ because of a sharp drop In the Ita junction here with the Missouri, of- the ■ Chamber ~ Is uppermost In my 'phone 6767, The first lease for the building 7:15— "Musical Moments.” S. biological survey on the south Officers of the new firm were an­ curacy o f the above, making reply mineral production index. government engineers expressed the day and screamed frantically. mind and my thought Is to free the A t the close o f the meeting ran from April 21, 1928 to too fo l­ plains. nounced as follows: President, Msyodan, N. C.—The stork haa The eon, Howard, 27, who Is to 7;S0— Bernard and CSaaper, Min­ to the enclosed envelope. "Available weekly data for May ON SAND ORDERS belief there was little danger of a organisation from any penalties "shady lad y" gifts were distributed, lowing September calling tor an an­ strels. "On toe Boles ranch we found ‘iO Mrs. Black; vice president, Mrs. been doing double duty lately at the serious overflow here. They pointed die with hie mother for the slaying ) Yes do not Indicate a change In tbe which might be Involved If I. In my which was followed by a "handker­ nual rental o f $11,400. The present 8:00— Rudy Vallee’s Variety Show, dogs lying dead. Just akin ar.d Black; secretary, Mrs. Black; treas­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo At­ CASH and CARRY Account Correct trend," the report said. "Automobile out that the break near Lawrence of her brother, Robert Hitchens. 57, per,-eton poets. street, Peter Bontno of 85 Charter It Is rumored that the kidnapers, H £ LLO the home o f hta son, CSilIlon Sadd. * For that reason," the secretary on the state ordera. The membera Springfield — Boston The report that the White Houee More Withdrawals. Oak street, Lillian McKee of 27 who made their capture while pos­ His funeral will be held at the Fed­ YOU MEET ME A T At Lake Waugumbaug added, "I am transmitting a copy of the board claimed they knew M hlle smalt holders of currency Cninton street, Marie Carrier of 14 ing as mango peddlers, have de­ erated church here Friday forenoon THE STATION? «®5*‘^***®* ***** that would. of the report of investigation to the nothing about it before Mr. Shea manded $500,000 ransom, but Soto- at 10:30 o'clock. Burial will be in and Mr. Jarvis appeared before lined up before toa Bonk of Franco Short street and Oliver Wind of 468 Thursday, June 8 ^ e n in doubts it pays to telephone— and it’s ten-to- ***** fortunes. attorney.general of the United loDgo denied that thla was correct. MANCHESTER the fam ily plot. In the Wapplng ■;*tprlM to most Leglsla- States for such action. looking to them. yesterday to exchange their paper Parker street were admitted and one the caU will cost leas t ^ you think. W v t The attorney revealed that two P. M cemetery. Rev. David Carter and tom. They bad heard no word of it Colonel McMullen's trial In the Fed­ At one point In the argument, francs for gold withdrawals ammmt- Mrs. M argaret Callahan of Wap­ months ago San Miguel waa kidnap­ 4:00-lBetty and Bob. Rev. H arry S. Martin will be the thecked the truth o f this statement many timea—• C o v e n t r y — “Belleview” Tract to the White Houae confer- eral courU, as the facta of the case Mr. Jarvis accused the Manchester tng to 152.000.000 franoe (about plng. Mrs. Ethel Cowies of 72 Hud­ hotel PARAHOmr, N. Y.~BRpADCASTm eiwe T u » ^ on what to do about $10,000,000) were exported to the son street, Mrs. Mary Taylor of 56 ed held tor a few hours, and releas­ 4:15— Eiaay Aces. officiating clergymen. Mr. Sadd Is that's why we say 'T h e rates are probably lower than may be found to warrant." Sand and Gravel company of bill­ ed after pajing a amall ransom. NRA. Certain Legislators said in United States on the Majestic. Henry street, Thomas Walsh of 193 ^PAKAM*UNT> 4:30— Paradise Islanders. tbe son o f toe Tate Henry W . Sadd. The Department of Justice In turn ing both the town and tbe state for "La.st Saturday," said Sotolongo. you think.” T o convince yourself, pick some place that oonfsranea toe President made the same sand. This Mr. Thornton Pietrie Indicated that If he suc­ East Center street. William Dietz PBATVKBS f you’re New York bound, why not mako 4:45— Ranch Boys. who gave the Sadd Memorial Must be sold to settle the owner’s estate. ref(ared the case to the United "the Army Secret Service raided a remark to Chairman Harrison. says Is not ao. only one bill being ceeded in aaaembling a (Jablnat he of 99 Keeney street and Mrs. Martha 70S nOOMt your vbii a memorable one. Hera at The 6:00— News. Library to the town of South Wlnd- At random . . . Chicago, Philadel^tia, Boston, for btatea dlatrict attorney for the Dis­ Senor San Miguel's home tor arms. I Bor. ^ b e r t L. Sadd, was born In I>ea(iocrat. Misatsstppl. of the Sen­ trict of Columbia. sent for any one order and that to also would seek eroergwncy powers. Heyn of 85 Walnut street were dis­ TOOaATBt Poramonul, bueinees Is easily eombiued 6:15— Time. example. Estimate what you think a c jl would coat The cottage is in one of the best locations on the lake. ate f i w e s committee and Dough- "I was told tl might be a quesUuu charged today. None was found, but the search Qftvbtiaf le» 6:16— N ew England Agriculture. Wapplng and lived here tor many Although till formally assigned to the party ordering It. with pleasura. During tbe liay, jron’ra to this point. Then refer to page 9 o f your Telephone Democrat, of North Carolina, Sewer .Argument of extending powers a lltUe less rig­ The hospital census today Is 52 treated .such a disturbanea In the vMtr 5:80— Kellogg Singing Lady. years. He waa a deacon o f the Coo- A few choice cottage sites are also available. the Judge advocate-general's office. neighborhood that everyone for Atr Cee4ltl«e#4 minniee awny from bnsinete and shopping «od means com- Claiming that toe Herald had orous than those proceeding pro­ patients. . 5:45— Little Orphan Annie. gregational church also superintend­ directory. N ote particularly that the N ight ratea on MeMuUen, listed as a resident of several miles around learned that CHalsf Km * ceulen. . . At night, ibera am hnndrads of 6:00— Evening Radio Journal. ent ot the Sunday School tor many All have been attractively pric^ for a quick sale. T O lt^ about a "Um matter" be had Ptoo Alto, Calif,, has not been on quoted iolectmen as saying Mr. Jar­ grams." he said after conferring Senor San Miguel, hIs servants, and f ■ngfl ItWH— theatre*, rotunranls end night dnbe to 6:15— National Open Golf Tourna­ years. He married Miss Lena Town­ ttadon-to-station calla now start at 7 p. m. instead prevloualy dlecutsed with them. active duty for several months be­ vle waa delaying toe ccnstrucUon of with Radical Socialist leadera "I PLANT TO SHUT DOWN his home, w’cre without arms. ment—Summary of the first send. There were three children, o f 8:J0 u shown. There is no further reduction at Tf^.n®**'*** remark cause of Illness. a aanitary aewer along Walker told them I considered It quite dif­ 04117 amnso yon. Trniy, yon’il enjoy year New "This knowledge probably aided t u r n day's matebss by Tom Manning. one daughter who died very young, hitlMugh toe President did not elab- street by demanding damages of ficult to do anything quickly and de­ South Windham, Maas., June 6.— s m m s g M Yark visit staying here. any later hour. ora IS, s **'a*<’Fax. Virginia. June the kidnapers' plans. I am sure 6:30— Press-Radio News. and two sons. W alter Sadd of Man- 1. 1781, Mc.Mullen entered the Army $.1000 and that the board had ex­ finitely without the govemtpent's (A P )—The Androscoggin Pulp Co., For details call the Manchester 5>me Oongreeamen who began Arleta had a letter from the kidnap­ 6:85— HIgnways to Happiness. aseas. Virginia and Cblllon Sadd of M a private In the SUth Cavalry. pressed opinions that Jarvla was _ having full powers which are neces­ In operation since 1868 and believed Doi/au $ asking quastions after tbs meeting pers and he tried to get It Into my Cherim L. Onn$«lM, Uamagot 6:40—Sporting World In Review. Earivllle, New York. Advancing through the ranka, he bard man to do business with," the sary." to be the oldest plant of ita kind In ♦LOWEST RATES FOR OUT-OF-TOWN CALLS Informed toet the InheriUnca hands, but the police prevented him. 6:45— Lowell Thomas. The South Windsor Garden Club became a second lieutenant In 1901. question of the sewer which has been the country posted notice today of a NOW S O INTO EFFECT AT 7 P. M. Tmst Company g ift U x Idea was what the Scotland Is making bricks which definite shut down when present So far we have not received ransom 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy. met at the home of Mrs. John Col­ PrM & sat rafenwd to. and saw action In toe Philippine In- held In abeyance for a year waa dls- deraandt." 7:15— Tony and Gus— dramatic lins of Wapplng Tuesday afternoon Rlsht ^ter supper you can now make yoof THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND ■urrectlon. A fter a tour of duty at CUSSOd. float. The product is made from a orders were completed. HOT€L ^ M si t sathnii’a Oolaiamt sketch. and Mrs. Roy Gulley of Avery atreet Jobs distance ciU*—end bm the Mm. low Fort Ethan Alien, V t, he was re- former waste maUriei. speat ahala. The pleat employs about 225 per­ PHONG 4171 or EtoeMtatgr iCMvaatoau had toie to Mr. Shea denied that Jarvis waa 7:30— Floyd Gibbons. was asslBtsst bostoss. There was ttrM because o f physical dtaabUlty The brieka are ao light that they sons. The concern is owned by the Night rate, that tonasuy spplisd after tbs mbjeet; hard to deal with or that ha was 7:45—A ir Adventures o f Jimmie a flower show during tos afternoon. I 8:10 p.m. For example, s 1-minute ttanao- TELEPHONE In February. 1906. holding up toe town for any sum. In can ba out with a aaw noora aaatly Robert Oair Co., Inc., of New York, artF U o—am a that fnmi than timber, yet are ao strong that A U «n . to^eution call to any place 150 miUs awiy JtHsMag his health, ha w*a re- return for cobveytog to toa town a which aUo maintains mills In New COMPANY See H. R. TROTTER On The Propetiy tsam,^ S ifig iaiifl they can ba used tor building pur 8:00—Pastorale — Joseph Llttau COMS tOc during the day, but only JOc after J to toe active UsL right ot way to p a r g # .oomplation (Y o rk State, Connecticut and Massa- and his Orchestra. fehusstts. Wsnrtrlk WUlem Van Loon. %AOE BTGHT CHESTER CVBNTNG UERALU, MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 6 .198S. MANCHBSTHR EVBHTNO H lR A tD , M AHOUW riR. OOffW* TWTJR8DATT* 9^ 199ft»

purcbaaed Cooper's Cabins on the I ocean front Mrs. Stamps, who was severely Injured in an automobile ROCKVILLE accident more than a year ago, la EDDIE DDCHIN WEDS now able to be about again. SHRINE WASHINGTON BOUND Daily Accident To Meet In Columbia FORMER PIANO i m LEAGUE TRACK TITLE A TOSS-UP BETWEEN M. H. S. AND BRIST The Connecticut Federation of Democratic Women's clubs will meet Report SCOUTS COMEDY SHOW AS o r WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 at Noxid, the home of Mrs. Fannie FOR GREA TEST CONVENTION 1884 j g „ Orchestra Leader Weds Mar­ Dixon Welch in Columbia on Satur­ jorie Oelrichs, Prominent So­ OPENS THIS EVENING day for the annual meeting and gar­ •>858 ...... Aocldente...... 5,810 den fete, and a large attendance Is 1 8 7 ...... Fatallttea 158 ciety Woman. Local Team Should Keep expected, 8-876...... Injorle* .., « . m Whitehead Loses His Ninth Slab Start Mrs. Ixetta Jewell MlUer of Wash­ KILLED New York, June 6— (AP)— “Movie Qaecn” to Be Present­ Plano-playing Eddie ington, D. C, a member of the Na­ t 9* ...... Pedestrian , Duchln, the ed In Sykes Auditorium — tional Democratic Speakers' Bureau, 88 ...... Occupant ,. dance band maestro, was honey- Large Cast to Take P a rt. ^ will be the principal speaker. Mrs. 1 ...... Blcylist . . . mooning today with the socially CHISOX ROOKIE IS Same Old Ballyhoo Stunt CAN DEAN TAKE IT High Net Aces Gain 6th Crown In Meet Saturday ; Cooper of New York will speak on IS ...... C hU d___ 16 prominent Marjorie Oelrichs, his Rockville, June 6.—The musical the TVA, and Mrs. Meta Fay will 18* ...... A d o lt___ 187 erstwhile piano pupil. comedy, "Movie Queen", will be pre-' speak on Home Owners' Local Cor INJL^BD They were married yesterday de­ BEATEN DESPITE 7 Being Used A t Baer Camp AND COME BACK IS Shutout And Eighth Win .anted this evening and Friday eve- Oth^r "'cro's"; li* 8 8 ...... Pedeatrian „ 1,180 spite a recent public declaration by If The Breaks Are Okay elude‘Governor Wilbur 8>**1 ...... Occupant ., the 26-year-oId musician that he ning in the Sykes Auditorium at United States District Attorney 3,011 8:1b o'clock under the auspices of 86 ...... Blcylist . . . 00 was a confirmed bachelor and his Asbury Park. N. J.. June 6—(AP)Xing the fifty cents admission, trjlng Robert P. Butler, and John F. Rob­ 819 ...... C hU d___ bride's one-time praise of European HIT HURLING FEAT NOW BIG QUESTION As Windham Bows, 5 to 0 the Rockville District Council, Boy inson, president of the Young Dem­ 618 This training camp of Max Bawr is to sneak over the walls Scouts of America, Miss Barbara 8.886 ...... A d u lt___ 8,894 men. A lot of It Is part of the ballyhoo, Other Schools Not Figured ocratic clubs of Connecticut. 1*0 ... Age Not SUted the same old merry-go-around a bit Martin will play the leading fera- Mrs. A. M. Burke of this city Is 104 “I approve of European men as devised to run Baer down as one Manchester High's great tennls^tlea, then annexing the state team lovers, loiterers, dancing partners of ehade landscape with a bit of means of making Braddock look Predicted mine role and Ml.ss Gertrude Fuller | county organizer and general chalr- Dizzy Admits He’s Strict­ team, which recently added the state 1 honors last SatuMay. The entire to Provide Favorites With ^ ™an of the committee In this dis­ and sportsmen because they lack Mates Get Only 2 Dingles Off atmosphere borrowed from some in­ more formidable. The Jersey Irish­ feature will be motion pictures taken i ambition,” she once wrote In a sane asylum. man with a IS round victory ovar championship to iU C. C. I. L. UUe. t*»* magazine article. ui-i. I K^ffue title next fall as UrbanetU "i' To Spommr Card Party Baer stands around under the sun Art Lasky as his real heavyweight ly On the Spot; Frisch De­ blasted Windham High of WlUl- sinnamon graduate next Feb- Much Opposition But May Summary public bunding., , local stores M d; The Mothers' club of the Union SPRINGFIELD ORCHESTRA Nevertheless, Miss Oelrichs was Knott and Browns Win in bis training ring by the sea record la at beat a 1 to 5 shot. mantlc into a 5-0 defeat here yester- ruary, leaving DellaFera and Oeor- people. The proceeds will be for; congregational church will sponsor the center of a typically American laughing, clowning, letting his Something must be done to make day afternoon, the eighth consecu­ gettl as the nucleus for next year’s 100-yard dash—Solomonson, Man, a card party on Wednesday, June ceremony—intoning an "I do" be­ Day Proves a Bad sparring partners hit him at will, prospective quMomers believe that nies Rumor of Trade, tive triumph (or the Red and White team. Cut in Enough to Be Big 1st; B. Vaznelis, B. 2nd; Csrsso, AT REC TOMORROW fore a justice.of the peace and hear­ doing nothing of an offensive nature M beneflt Of the Rwkvllle, Jimmy has a chance. and its sixth shutout of the season. Yesterday’s Results U 1 * U* I Cl I* i 3rd; Johnson, WH, 4th; Des- u ^oU o^ ® Playground Association. This will ing it echoed by the son at a Cam­ In rebuttal. Aside k from the trifle weight So far Manchester has run up a total Captain UrbanetU defeated Beller, Tomorrow night at the School bridge. Mass., pharmacist j One for Loop Leaders. Hts trainers shout at him dls- around his middle Baer is In fine Plans No Action. factor in Final Standing.' b. sth :V1 be an outdoor event and will be held of 85 points and has allowed Its op- 6-4, In the first set and, although be­ » 220-yard dash—Singer, WH. 1st; Ernest ^ckofen. LUltM Abraham- „„ the lawn of the Herzog home on Street Recreation building one of Mrs. Duchln, writer, painter, de(-‘l pMgIngly from outside the ropes. shape. He puffs somewhat after a ponefits only four. Although Wind­ hind 2-5 In the next, he rallied and orator and music connoisseur, is the^ ■ - - Solomonson, Man. 2nd; Desmarals, .'fi ‘ •‘'•bet which is shaded with the leading orchestras of Springfield The spectators revile him. He goes dozen rounds of light work and he’s ham supplied quite a bit of opposi­ went on to win it by 8-6. Sinna­ B, 3rd; Cvraso, EH, 4th; Harabur- wmiarn Dowdlng, Mrs. Fred i^rge trees. The entire proceeds will wiU make Its initial appearance daughter of Mrs. Marjorie Oelrichs By RTOR S. FULLERTON, dR. placidly along his way a handsome dog tired when the calisthenics are Pittsburgh, June 8.—(AP)—It tion, Manchester did not lose a set. mon defeated Porter, 6-4, 8-1, and By BRICK W. MODEAN da, Mon, Sth. If Cordtsen, Mrs. toward the local playgrounds. here. Vic Curley with hts Parisian and Charles de Loosey Oelrichs, AsaocUted Press Sports Writer 187 pound figure of an athlete a over. was a wide open situation today not • Remarkable Record GeorgetU, playing No. 3, took Mar- 440-yard run—Pankrats, B, 1st; club orchestra heralded as one of the identified with New York and New- little heavy at the waist but brown It's all reminiscent of this same The quartet of UrbanetU, Sinna­ Unl, 6-2, 6-1. In the doubles, Vr- The 11th annual Central Connec­ Yeske, WH, 2nd; Pratt, Man, Srd; up and coming New England bands ^ r t society. She gave her age as The last members of-^e brigade as a hickory nut. seaside resort a year ago when Baer, only In respect to the National golf mon, DellaFera and Georgettl is un­ ticut Interscholastic League track oHo^ravVeH ""‘“y “>• committee in banettl and Sinnamon paired to beat Marchese, Mid, 4th; Strehlan, EH, Ralph Wilcox, Otto May, Fred Arerr, charge. haa been engaged to furnish the of rookie pitchers who have been Baer's manager, Ancil Hoffman training for his chance at Primo- tourney just starting, but as to doubtedly the finest tennis combina­ Beller and Porter, 6-3, 7-9, and and field championships at Wesley­ 5th. Charles Pressler, Jr., Alco Taylor. ^ c e rhythm This orchestra has Friends said she and the orches­ setting the batters of the two major worries more about how * yotmg Carnera and the heavyweight title whether Dlszy Dean can "take It” tion that has ever represented Man­ DellaFera and Bnindage took Moss an University's Andrus Field in The following committee is in leagues on their ears this season 880-yard run—Leary, Man, Ift; Carl Goehring, Constance Brookes. charge: Mrs. Ellen Fisa, chaTi-man: been on the C. B. S. radio circuit, tra leader became acquainted after Buddy Baer, Max's giant brother acted In exactly the same manner; much longer and come back with chester High and the team Is well and Brundage, 6-0, 6-3. Middletown this Saturday afternoon McLaughlin, B, 2nd; Chinningham, Fashion models will be supplied by a meettog at Central Park Casino, have Anally met defeat but at least goes in his work outs, than he does promises to be the closest and most Mrs. Raymond Schrumpf. Mrs. with the Clover Minstrel hour pro­ In fact acted so well that Bill sufficient resources to remain the on Us way to chalking up a record Manchester plays a strong Morse WH, 3rd; Ckiburn, Man. 4th; Daley, the local dress shops and will include gram and featured with them was smart New York rendezvous, where one of them Silent John Whitehead about the heavyweight champion­ Brown, New York state athletic that seems destined to stand for Business College team here tomor­ exciting meet In the history of tbe Mid, Sth. the Misses Inez Abrahamson, Irene Thomas Ryan. Mrs. Mahlon Chap­ of the White Sox has shown signs No. 1 pitcher of the Cards, let alone man. Mrs. Frank Schlott, Mrs. Miss Eleanor Lane eong stylist who Duchln’s orchestra has been fea­ ship title defense against Jimmy commissioner wanted to call off the the National League. some years to come. An auspicious row. The locals have a match with League classic. Manchester HlKh Mile run—Murcb, Man. 1st; Skel- Wilson, Shirley Reudgen, Rose Mlf- George Herzog, Mrs. Bessie Heck, will also bo with the orchestra in its tured for several seasons. He gave of greatness even while losing. Braddock a week from tonight. match. start was made last fall when the hliddletown away next week and and Bristol High are certain to aky. B, 2nd; Davies, WH. Srd; Csr-‘ fltt, Lllltan Abrahamson and Betty her piano lessons, they said. The 25 year old recruit from the The training ground looks like a "There’s some clowning here Right On the Spot quartet captured -the League crown stage a nip and tuck battle for the penter, Man, 4th; Cameron, Mid, Mrs. George Walnwrtght and Mrs. Initial Manchester debut. Mlsa Lane The loquacious Dean Is strictly also two matches with Meriden that Dunfleld. Palmer Dickinson. Is featured on WMA8 radio station The bridegroom will close his Texas League who won his first motion picture set of a prize fight­ sure” explains Baer, "but I’ll be the and also the singles and doubles have been postponed several times. coveted title through the twelve- Sth. The chorus group Includes the current engagement at the Casino eight major league starts lost to ths er’s training groimd. Photograp' same vicious guy I was a year ago "on the spot" from now on. He ad­ event program, with West Hartford, 880-yard relay—Bristol, BkMt Misses Stella Evanicka, Mildred There will be refreshments and a several Umes a week. Another fea­ mit* It himself. He not only has tured vocalist la Bob Cote whose tonight and with his bride will leave Browns yesterday more because bis era can't take a picture of Max in when a get in there with Braddock. East Hartford and Middletown play­ Hartford, Manchester, West Hart­ Ryan, Irene Numrych, Rita St. ^ conclusion of (he for Washington on a concert tour teammates couldn't get him any the ring without their lens absorb­ I’ll flatten him as fast as I can. I'll gotten away to a poor start this ing an Important part in settling the ford and Middletown. Louis, Gertrude Wise, Dorothy Pas- a .i renditions of the popular numbers ing advertisements on each of the spring, atniggUng to keep his per­ Issue between these rivals. have been acclaimed. This special at­ toat will end at Hollywood where runs than because of his own short­ cut In and never let up until I've got High jump—B. Vasnells, B, 1st; temak, Mary McCusker, Lena Al- The F n i r n ^ ^ n . ... Duchln has an engagement. ring posts. Guards chase kids, lack- him torn apart." centage above the .500 mark In the Krause. Man, 2nd; E. Vaznelis, B, traction Is at no increase in fee to comings. Whitehead pitched a seven pitching averages but be has talk­ A Two-Point 3Iargtn lard. Gertrude Prokop, Margaret t J ' r ch-nV e^^C ^^ tte public. Dancing will be from bit game and gr.mted only two A fev/ weeks ago, the writer pre­ Srd; Rohan, EH, 4th; Savags, Ifld, Loalbo, Barbara Heck, Stephanla ,nonsorlna*^ a mmm .M ® ’.u" ed himself Into trouble r' -bt up to Half-Starved Braddock Sth. WronaWwm. and Helen Kampanlk. lf.n,nenll, w 1?* , bU""!>age Sale In the 8:30 until 12:30. walks, but lost It 2 to 0 when Jack his ears with hts manager, bis dicted that Manchester would sue- Fitch block on Friday, June 7. MOTHERS’ aUBlO LD S Knott another Texan, who has per­ cessfuUly defend Its League laurels Broad jump—B. Vaznelis, B, 1st; Pi-'l A bell boy drill by the Boy teammates and a nstderable slice Oavello, Man, 2nd; B. Vasnells, B, Scouts will also be another feature. Anyone having clothes to doifate Is formed mostly in relief roles, came of the baseball following public. He and bring the Red and White Its asked to call .Mrs. Violet Hewitt or through with a two hit masterpiece. eighth championship in the eleven Srd; Gunning, EH, 4th; Hart, B, A special matinee (or children up to Mrs. l.,ena Bilson. ITS ANNUAL PICNIC FIELD OF 159 STARTS ha* risked a stiff fine and suspen­ 5th. High school age was given this aft­ HEMON Homer Cleaos Bases sion for (1) falling to follow Mana­ Slugs His Way to Baer years since Coach Charles L. It was a different matter with Wigren's 1925 team won the first Shot put—Lowrey, B, Is ', Foran, ernoon at 4 o'clock. ger Frankie Friech’s instructions In EH. 2nd; Haefa, Man, Srd; Slngsr, Playground Meeting The proceeds from the play, "The Supper Served Followed by Vito Tamulas the little Corsican the box; (2) creating a row on the League meet. Manchester won lefthander of the Yanks who had run A !i- A _I 1. Ilf’ TL : head In an affair that was ruled "no again in 1926, placed second to Mer­ WH, 4th; Pond, Man, Sth. The postponed meeting of the Prince of Uars," to be presented Business Meeting and Enter­ PLAY FOR OPEN TITLE Cardinal bench during Monday's contest.’ dnd prepared (or the Grif- Discus—Lowrey, B. 1st. Hasfs, RockvlUe Playgrounds Association Friday evening at the Town hall by up five straight victories. Wild from 4l^* game with the Pittsburg Pirates Units UOCKS to Win three iden in 1927 and 1928 and came back tainment Program. I i fin engsj^ment by continuing lo to the top for tbe next (our years in Man, 2nd; (^raso, EH, Srd; W at­ will he held this evening in the Columbia players, wiu be divided the start he left the game In the here, and (3) outspoken criticism juggle railroad ties. son. WH, 4th: Kilpatrick, Man. Sth. Police Court room with President By J. R L .\IR WATSON. between the Columbia and Hebron fourth with the count 3 to 1 against of bis Kisses and teammates. He is succession. In 1933 Bristol snapped The Mothers’ club had its annual Great Fights and Earn Manchester's vtcrory streak but the Javelin—Guthrie. Man, 1st; Low­ Raymond Schrumpf presiding. The We arc now in our last week in Congregational churches. The him and the bases .full. Bob Johnson Ofis Dntra Risks Crown iFHlE LADS HAMMER not only charged by Frisch with rey, B, 2rd; Hotchkiss, B, rd; Mc­ meeting will be open to all those amount realized here will be applied picnic at Highland Park last eve­ welcomed the arrival of Johnny pitching tactics which have been Braddock climbed out of the locals regained the crown last sea­ preparation for the State .Model Air­ ning. There was a largo attend­ resin In the second round to floor son. Cormick, Man, 4th; Emetts, Mid, mterested, and plans will be dl.s- to the re-ahlngllng of the church. Murphy by belting hla 18th homer costly in several games the world Shot at Title Next Week 5th. cussed for the opening of the play­ plane Conte.st on .Saturday and .Sun­ This will be quite an item of expense ance and a supper was served con­ of the season to clear the sacks and Atainst Nation’s Uading | L£g|Q(| jg.g champions have lost so far, but ac­ GrlKir. twice, and to drop the Geor­ Having made an extensive, care­ sisting of cold meats, salads, pickles • Pole Vault—McCormick, Man, grounds following the close of the day and things are commencing to and the work is badly needed. It is decide the game for the Athletics cused of repeatedly speaking "out gia heavyweight again and stop ful study of the performances of 1st: Andefson, WH, 2nd; Wolfram, schools. hum more and more. The model hoped that the play will be well rolls, cake and coffee. The tables who won 0 to 7. of turn” and upsetting the morale Thursday; Rise to Heights him In the third round, breaking his the Individual members of the five were decorated with spring flowers. Pro and Amatenr Shot-! _ riglit thumb with his last burst of teams that will clash in the meet, Man. rd; James, EH, 1th; Dyber, Democratic Meeting Postponed airplane experts are letting their patronized for this reason. The To round out a bad day for the of the club. EH, Sth. The June meeting of the Rock- hair grow because they do not find Columbia players always put on a A short business meeting was leaders, the second place Cleveland No Action Taken fire. we see Manchester the victor, with vllle-Vemon Democratic club, has time to get to Hiclr barbers and even good show and are sure to attract a held with the new officers In charge, Dismissing most of Dizzy's pub­ an Amazing Story. Then Braddock, whose purse a total of 62 points, with Bristol In Indians came out on the short end makers Oyer Hazardous Fracchia Big Gnn as No. 4 likelihood they will close their been postponed for one week'until TOme of it la starting to get grey. good audience. Mrs. Carl Allen. presented Mrs. C. of a 5 to 4 score when Tommy lic remarks as "so much popoff," : was *250, dropped back into tbe Second place with only two points Thursday evening. June 13. The This time comes annually, when the Two sales of lota at Amston Lake A. Goodrich, the retiring president, Friseb said no disciplinary action ! ahaaev, of the huge Garden, bowl less. West Hartford should be third schoolboy careers with record-shat­ with a silver fruit bowl. Bridges' 0th inning double won his tering fcaU. Already they have set meeting was originally scheduled for ones who have previously sworn that have recently been reported. Louis own game for the Detroit Tigers. Course at Oakmont. Slams Out Easy Victory in had been aken yet as an outgrowth (This Is the first of three I to watch Baer floor Camera 11 with 26, Bast Hartford fourth with this__ evenmg_____„ but was__ put over___ _ on never again would they leave their P. Bacon of Middletown has sold After the business meeting there of the bench quarrel featuring Dean Btorles on the remarkable come­ ttoies and ascend the heavyweight 24 and Middletown last with eight new standards in Rhode Island and Darlmess baited a second game after Meriden abandoned the sport this Connecticut state meets that far account of the closing of the Legis-' "'ork to the last minute, find that back to the company, lota previously was a short entertainment. Lois the sixth with the coimt 4-4. Wash­ and Joe Medwlck, the Cardinal out­ back of James J. Braddock.) throne. lature this week. Attorney John C .' ‘*’by have to stay up until the late bought him and in their place has Foster and Dorothy Dewey gave an Pittsburgh, June 8.—(AP) —With Soft Ball Loop. fielder. The Cardinal pilot said he season and will not have a team en­ overshadow the present League amusing dialogue and Peggy Weth- ington went 10 Inningu to beat the Little did he dream that night tered. marks. Blackall of Ilartfoni, who was ro- • ^^*'***** night trying to Unish bought another lot. Francis Nolan Red Sox 6-4 and end an eight game the odds and a)l star field against would await further developments By HARRY GRAYSON that he would be the cocky Call- cently appointed Insurance Commis-' |heir models on time. It is extreme- of Hartford has also sold back the erell tap danced. »A sketch entitled and give Dean a fair chance to Sports Editor, NEA Service Figured On 31eilt Other Point Getters Mistress Davenport" was given by losing stresfk. Lefty Grove walked in him, big Olin Dutra of los Angeles, foi man’s next opponent in a cham­ The figures given victa not reach­ sioner for this state, will hr tlic; ^ ‘''b 'he health of a person lot he bought some time ago and Is the deciding run. The Legion •oftball team, the buckle down and attend to busi­ pionship contesL Another ace of magnitude Is speaker. ‘f' "'ork uj) until 12 or 1 o'clock in negotiating for another. Mrs. Elsie Knight and Mrs, J. E. the leaning tower of golf, risked his second service outfit to get away ness. Loch Sheldrake, N. Y., June 5. — ed by jockeying our perdictlons on Everett Solomonson, three times High School .Notes i ‘he mornlilg and then go out the The house lot owned by. Morris Elliott. In ridiculous costumes they 8 ^ l t Double BUIS fame and glory against 158 challen­ Frisch discounts talk that Dizzy Put white boys were steering the outcome of each event ao that In the National League the Cubs .to a shaky start In the opening ot Roll all the sod but true stories and clear of John Henry Lewis, pul­ double winner in tbe 100 and 220 The final examinations at the "®*‘ ‘‘•Y ‘° stand, walk, and run in Rachmilowltz was sold Tuesday to demonstrated the extreme effect of gers today as he started defense of may be traded as a consequence of Manchester would emerge on top. thla season and undefeated in the Rockville High school will begin on broiling hoi sun, but we do It Mrs. Benjamin Kassman, and the certain diets for reducing the In­ beat Cinclnni^tl 5 to 2 as homers by the national open golf championship the Rec-Leglon League, woe swamp­ his latest outburst including the songs of mankind Into one and nut verizing Negro light-heavyweight, We considered each event separate­ Chuck Klein and Ken O'Shea helped in November; that Is, ail but century In dual contests. The local Tuesday. June 11, and will end on every year. Why, some peoide can sale recorded at the town clerk’s creasing weight. over the hazardous Oakmont course. ed last night by Hose Co. No. 4. prediction ' that the New York pops James Jay Braddock from-'.he ly and awarded the five places in flash should take the 100 and at June 14. All pupils in the High not llgurc out. It mu.st be a lack of office. Report says that a Jewish Bridge was then played with Mrs. decide a mound Juel between Larry Oakmont's mountainous - mounds Giants should win the National fairy book of pugilism. Braddock. Braddock always would each to the athletes contributing French and Jean Scott. That put 18-8 on the Charter Oak Grounds. fight the Twentieth Century Lim­ least a second In the furlong, v/lth school will take English examina­ intelligence. synagogue will be erected on the James Johnston and Mrs. John and 200 odd traps, terrifying despite Fracchia was the big noise for No. League race in a "breeze." Dean Braddock’s rise from New Jersey tbe best performances In dual com­ a strong possibility of turning In a tions In their home, room.-, on Tue.s- The list of entrants has been site where the house and store re­ Pickles capturing high honors and them closer to the league leading the elimination of furrows In two himself says quite openly he wants ited and would spot It the first petition during the season. When Giants, who divided u bargain bill 4, clouting out a triple, home run relief rolls and the boxing boneyard cracl< now that he was flat broke double triumph. Starcbewskl, Leg­ day afternoon. Report cards will growing steadier and greater In re­ cently burned down. Mrs. Clarence Peterson and Mrs. dozen of them, in addition to 16 of and single In five trips to the plate. to be sold to some other club. to challenger of Max Baer for the thla had been done with all twelve gett and HaraburUa may also pro­ be given out on Monday, June 17. cent weeks and wc sliall probably The dowTipour of Tuesday gave William Crawford, consolation. with the Phillies and to the Cards the trickiest greens on any one lay "Dean will stick and he will and had four mouths to feed. events, giving Bristol the benefit ot No. 4 hammered Tedford for 18 world heavyweight championship is So once more the hungry Brad­ vide points which we have not figur­ and the school will close on Thurs­ witnesH a good rciircscnlatlvo crowd the ground the complete soaking so Credit Is due Mrs. Elsie Knight and Pirates whose game was rained out In the country, promised to turn hits in the first three innings, piling pitch," said Frisch. "lie will be all an amazing narrative. every doubt and Manchester the ed upon. day. June 20. from tile young folks of Connecticut. greatly needed, and filled up the and her committee for a successful out. the 72 hole tournament into a right as soon as he remembers that dock. was yanked from the benefit of nothing except what seem up a 17-run lead which was never If Braddock, who celebrates his wharvfi, thla time to be fed to Art Pratt, a member of the Penn The members of the Senior cla.ss To .date, it seems that the' outdoor dry streams and springs. It will do party. Fred Fitzsimmons bad start and steeplechase. approached although the Legion­ his job is to go out there and give 29th birthday In this camp in the to be certainties, we added up the at the Rockville High school re- ’ '** Boing to be the most popular a lot of good to the crops. Dolph Camilli's eighth nomer gave the best he’s got at all times when the lions. point total and got the aforomen- Relay team, is our bet in the quar­ through 14 C'the^oTst"nn'irerVa’{’''council"L.!slon,’‘‘Th"y’^^^^^ Washington June Points to Little naires collected 17 safeties. The Catskills on June 7. should do the ter for a third at least and Lionel celved their individual pictures o n ' "■’hich should remind those who pilgrimage from this area as well as"some”nf”fhV. ,!#**•* train- Above are some of the important Teaders In the Harry Tomchln, who has spent the the Phils enough runs in the first Dutra's supremacy, established at score; he la In U.-. box. He can’t talk him­ totally unexpected by beating Baer Few conceded Braddock the tioned result. Wednesday afternoon ' think, that the Indoor meet .should Inning to take the opener from the self Into winning ball games for us It can be readily understood, that Coburn should account for a fourth dlately below the picture of the Nation’s Cnnitol irwil'frert » attract the Shriners to Wnahlngttn. In the upper center, irame- winter In New York, has returned Deaths Last Night Merlon In Philadelphia a year ago is Hose Co. No. 4 in the 15 round conteat In the Sunk­ Slightest chance of winning, but In tho half. Carpenter should also The Juniors will receive their i " K‘'od one in which to win J Scott. Chief RoLm of Sphinx Tern ."- and tr L s u r l en.2n Potentate of Sphinx Temple. In the uppeVleft Is Nathaniel to his former boarding place, the Giants 4-3 but che leagrue leaders Imperilled by the cream of this AB. R. H. PO. A. E or talk himself out of los'ng them, en Garden of Queens on June 13, It he dri pped Lewis In the fifth and with only two points separating tickets for the Junior picnic on .Mon- i However, do not let me give home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Porter, when he makes mistakes. It's up to Manchester and Bristol in a pre­ take a fourth In the mile and ths Rohan of Sphinx Temple and secretarv of"the eommittee on arrn^^^em '“‘rimgements. In the upper right is William Hunter. Assistant had little difficulty winning the sec­ country’s professional golfers in­ Fracchia, If ..,. 65 3 3 33 1 1 0 0 would be.tho most dramatic happen­ went ot, to grab a close decision local relay team ceems good (or a day of next week. James McNulty. '*'‘y 'dcas. committee in Washington. In the lower renter is lmneri-il n * 'a ‘®‘t center is Almiu. Temple, headquarters of the Shrine for the summer. Los Angeles—Willard a . Van ond 7-4. cluding seven former champions and, Field, a s ...... 5 4 4 0 3 2 him. now to prove he can take It ing in the history of the beak bust­ In 10 savagely fought rounds. meet prediction of this kind, that Jack Wilson and Jamc.s Devlin arc! the competition 1:< keen. Mr. and Mrs. SIrreno Scranton of Brunt, 88, retired farm implement and come back." anything Is liable to happen, with third in tbe half mile relay. That beautiful *4,000.000 George VVashinglnn Memorial at AlexamrrVr ® '®"ter is the Brooklyn and Boston alao spilt a with one exception, the best of the Hunt, 3b ...... 55 2 2 1 4 1 ing business. Braddock wept genuine tears over sums up our predictions in the track In charge of the tickets. Each-i •’“■'* •''* " ’**■ b® the outdoor East Hampton are parents of a manufacttifer of Horicon, Wls., who doubleheader, the Dodgers M ing amateur shotmakers. Frisch, a scrapper from the old the "breaks’’ as the vital factor in Junior who is intending to go to I ^fftits. tlic excitement and the Joy that Is not only a thing of beauty, but one of awe and sp IcIiT r governments new *200,000,000 "Federal Triangle" Scheib, c . ; ___ 6 1 1 4 0 u McGraw school, refuses to concede All other prize ring biographies hla check of $700. events but we would not be sur­ daughter, bom at the Middlesex hos­ recently distributed *282,000 to his tho opener 3 to 0 on Van Mungo's A glimpse at the record of past McCormick, sf ., 4 1 1 2 0 0 fade into Insignificance compared the final outcome. In any contest be­ Washington In his senior year will ®°'"P®tlng is much greater. Also, pital, Middletown, last week. Mrs. former employes. anything to the Giants—except Bi.t the Braddocka owed rent and tween more than two schools, allow­ prised to see other Manchester nm- five hit pitching and the Braves the championships—the first was held in Russell, l b ...... 4 2 3 8 0 0 to the ups and downs and the trials what m t. and It wasn’t until March ners winning places We’Ve given to receive eight tickets to sell, and th e: t*'* prizes which will he awarded Scranton was the former Miss Ellen Atlanta—Mrs. Andrews P. Cal­ after piece, 10 to 2. 1895—shows that in 40 years no that they are tough- id ridicules ance must always be made for up­ proceeds will go to the Washington ' f"'' t*'®*® events may be Just a little Sherman. 2b .... 8 2 1 3 3 1 and tribulations of Braddock, the 22 that the family bread winner was other entries. tators along the route from the period of attempted National en­ Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. houn. 64, great granddaughter of more than three players ever have Gravlno, p ...... 3 2 3 0 0 0 Dean's attitude toward the chaiiccs sets, but if tho athletes are true to Trip Fund. i bettor than the others. 1 do not Manchester To Be Represented At Big Gath­ Paul Jones of Jones street, and for of the Cardinals. foremost figure in today's cauli­ to get another slsable piece of Nine iheld Placee Capitol to the White House. Figured forcement. John C. Calhoun, southern states­ succeeded In repeating. Orlmason, cf . . . . 3 0 2 1 0 o flower caldron. change. form displayed previously this sea­ Emblem Club ; "'**h to forget to remind the young- I pillars and giant Jeweled statues of some years a teacher In the Jones man and writer, and granddaughter "I'm fully aware the odds are son. we expect to see our predic­ Ward Krause should come through The Rockville Emblem club held | t®*|°''’’^ that tlierc will be two ering By Ten—Sphinx Temple To Play Women’s Help Needed street school. Armstrong, rf .. 2 1 0 0 0 0 Braddock was a poor boy from Meanwhile the Braddocka. who : camels and sphinxes are being "I believe that great gains , can be of former Senator Gideon Ltee of heavily against me" smiled .Dutra, Taylor, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 New Yory’s West Side. He was tions come pretty close to the with a second in the high jump and , a members' social on Wednesday classes: one tor thbse under sixteen, ; erected for the "court of honor.” Allan L. Carr has leased the cot­ New York. sMlI reside a t Woodcllffe, N. J. were actual result. Oavello a similar place in the broad afternoon at the Elks’ home. Prizes and the other for those from sixteen Important Part In Big Conclave. made through voluntary cooperative "but a fellow can't be hated for tak­ tern three blocks from where Mad­ forced to go on relief. action, stimulated by high-minded tage on Godfrey HUI, owned by Gary, Ind.—Harry L, Arnold, 62, S t ANDING5^ ing heart In the fact that Lawson Totals' ...... 40 18 20 x20 10 4 ison Squere Garden now stands, and Minor Places Count If bis leg Injury has healed by that In bridge were awarded to Mrs. to twenty-one. This gives the Paul Potocek. the former property president of the Gary aty 0)uncll As wc figure the meet, Bristol time. The latter may even corns off Patrick J. Johnston, Mrs. Arthur younger ones a very good chance When the Shriners’ leadership," he continued. "Thla Is Little became the third man in SO Legion named James Jay after James J. OpiA.itunlty7 Fate? Call It what Special pulls nlKht .an Illuminated parade will he of Daniel Holbrook, and occupied for and prominent banker. 'YESTERDAY’S RESULTS years to win the Britieh champion AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Jeff lies by mlttmindod parents who should capture six firsts, four sec­ with a first under the proper condl- Vincent and Mrs. Anna Martin and Is the Hr«l time that this has out of the Hartford railroail station held with all units again in line. where women must come Into the many years by Mrs. Holbrook and —Samuel Motlev you may onds, four thirds and two fifths, tloDs. We figure Haefs for a third Jurj' Cases Next Week been tried at the state contest. SIBLEY AGAINST picture and stay in the picture ship two straight years. Little Is Pitkin, e ...... 4 3 8 SUGGESTS TWl. LOOP orlgmahy came from Galway, Ire­ Jimmy Johnston, the Garden pro­ Monday morning bound for Wash­ Thursday night there will be a greet 1 family. Mr. Carr plans to move his Anderson, 77, son of General Edward National Lsagne still In England and Is not compet­ Priest, cf ...... 4 2 2 land. while Manchester should take Hve in the shot and second In the dlacvkO, The Jury casc.s at the Tolland Becau.se of all the competition "Women can demand, and must goods to the cottage by the first of Anderson, Confederate leader on Brooklyn 8-2, Boston 0-10. moter, scratched hla head to get a firsts, four seconds, four Pond for a fifth in the ahot and Kil­ County Superior Court tvill start on that will be dominant, it la very like­ ington and the biggest convention of Illuminated pageant staged by mo.' demand, right working conditions, ing In the open. Wlgren, 2lr 4 1 2 To the Sports Editor of the Herald: Braddock was In turn a mes- suitable opponent for Baer. lion picture producers coming to next month, when he will occupy the the staff of General Thomas J, Philadelphia 4, New Turk 3. Yesterdayla steady downpour In­ Kennedy, sf . . . . 4 1 S w ith about eight to ten local senger boy, a preliminary thirds, three fourths and three patrick for a fifth in the discus. Tuesday. June 11. There are sev­ ly that some records wdll be broken. Nobles ever held. Manchester will be FEDERAL CONTROL the protection of their children, and place as a home, and to carry on his (Stonewall) Jackson. Chicago 6, Cincinnati 2. fighter, "Ah," be ahed. "Art Lasky will fifths. Little difficulty (■ encounter­ Bob Guthrie should take first in tiM eral cases which w'cre carried over In this case, it w'lil benefit everyone represented by a delegation of lo. Wn.shington from Hollywood e.s- ever Improving social relationships. terfered with final rehearsal rounds Bdrar, 8b, ss .... 4 0 S teams campaigning In town thla and a longshoreman. be the man." peclally for the convention. antique business. He will remain as Milwaukee— Ernest C. Fiedler, (Other game postponed). but was welcomed by the contestant* Tedford, p, If .... 4 0 2 ed In naming the first place winners javelin and that's what we give him from the March term which will be to attend whether they are compet­ Members of Sphinx Temple, A. O. Of course, these demands will not guest of Mr. and Mrs. George F, year, why has no one suggested s He suddenly was cast as a . main There bad to be some sort of ing or not. This will be true In the Reeeptlon 68, state director of the Federal American League in the sense that It might have .a MuUane, rf . . ; . S 0 0 twilight league? evemter at the Garden, the world’s in the respective events but It’s a but he'll have to be good Saturday tried next week. It Is expected that M. .S„ living in this town who will always be met, either because of the Kibbc until that time. Housing Administration and prom­ an elimihation tournament to de­ tough assignment to predict the to beat Lowrey and Hotchkiss at the jury trials will last through the Indoor conteat as well, for there will make the trip are N. B. Klchard.s. Philadelphia 0, New York 7. tendency to slow up the greens and George, If, l b ___S 0 1 It seems to me a fairly good premier arena. termine Baer's opponent. One important feature in which 10 per cent who will not play the Mr. and Mrs. Avery West of Nor­ inent attoniey of Beloit, Wis. Detroit 5, Cleveland 4 (let). make run-up approaches reasonably Hemingway, ss, 8b 8 1 1 rest and It can readily be seen that Bristol. McCormick should gat a weeke. probably be a few new- armory rec­ Harry Roth, Albert Knofla, George Sphinx *1 enipie will figure promi­ U. S. Chamber of Commerce game, or perhaps because the de- wich spent the week-end. at the league could be gotten under way He lived on the fat of the land Johnston figured that Braddock the third, fourth and fifth plAces RockvlUe Men Honored ords set It not world ones. As an Detroit 4, Clevelaad 4 (0) (2nd). safe from skidding off the carpet. Bradley, lb, p ...3 0 0 whieta most likely would eventually from ring earnings. fourth in this event and Herb Wol­ H. Waddell. William J. Cixx-kett ami nently will be the reception for two home of Mrs. West's grandparents, FEAR r . 8. GANGSTERS. St. Louie 2, Chicago 0. A Sparkling Field would be no match for Lasky. will be of the utmost Importance. fram should account tor a third and Everett F. Fclber of Ellington, expert opinion, more or less, ahem, Harry Ward. In addition to this of Connecticut’s Congressmen who ; from an economic point of view. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Porter. show who the lo^cal contenders are He knocked out Tufly Oriffitba, The mntch was made. A postpone­ And it is in these places where the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F, Fel- 1 expect to see a new record for fly­ Head Declares Nation Still Arrayed against Diitra are such Totals ...... 88 8 x x l7 17 6 6 for the town champtonsbip. broke Pete Latzo’s jaw In two possibly a second in the i)Ms vault, group three local Masons who play are members of Sphinx Temple. "But let me say that conditions The Rev. Walter Vey preached Copenhagen, June 6.—(AP)_ ment ensued when Lasky Injured athletes who have not featured in which completes tbe field events. ber, who la a mehibcr of 'the class ing scale models for the planes that THE STANDINGS dangerous contendere as Gene Sara- Score by Innings; It is done in all our nelghiMring places, and knocked out Jimmy hla hand. Meanwhile cash advances in the Sphinx Temple band wiil They arc Coiiffressmen Edward Goss are not always Os bad as some agita- on the theme. "The Priesthood of Ctonnt Court Haugwitz-Reventlow sen, twice former winner of the Legion ...... 103 030 1— 8 dual meets may blossom forth s t Records To Topple of '36, Connecticut .Stale College, are being entered in thl.s event so make the trip. Tliey are Kay Carl­ and Dr. Edwin _C. Higgins. The Has Power to Advance. tois would make out." ' Believers'', at the Sunday morning towns BO why not here? Thanking Slattery to qualify for an outdoor enabled Braddock to get the wrinkl­ point winners and knock our predic­ has been elected prc.sident of the far seem outstanding. and hi.s bride, the former Barbara Nattooal League crown and 6 to 1 batting favorite Hose Co. No. 4 ...... 287 100 x—18 you for your space. Mr. Editor, 1 am and worlc Ilght-heav^eight .oham- As far as tbe records are CCB- son, Frank Schiobel and Bert In­ Sphinx Temple hand will dve a con­ Sibley said he was not question service at the Hebron Congrega­ Hutton Mdivnni, have decided to es out of his stomach. tions into the proverbial cocked hat. Sigma Phi Gamma FratcrnlTy at the Personally, 1 am quite glad that 1 W. L. PC. over-the defending title bolder, who, X Priest out leaving base. "INTERESTED." ptonship shot with Tommy Lough- To the amasement of practically earned, we took for a t least four man. The tenth iooal man in the cert in honor of both of these mem­ ing President Roosevelt’s alms or tional church. Miss Lillian Griffin make their home in Europe because New York ...... 27 11 with Henry Picard of Hershey, Pa., XX Orlmason out leaving base. Bristol Well Balanced nsw standards with a fins posslMI* college. Mr. Felber has been secre­ attended the meet in Boston last PAfty will be Chef Urbano Osano. bers of Congress. was leader of the Christian Endea­ .711 ran in the summer of 1029. everybody. Braddock annihilated tary and treasurer of the Mediator Sunday for It did quite a little good Detroit, June 6— (AP)—Further motives, but contended that a satis­ of “fear of gangsters" In the United flt. Louts ...... 24 17 .585 and Craig Wood, the belting blonde Two base hits, Edgar, George, Bristol Is undefeated In dual com­ ity that at least three others wUl who will cater to the Sphinx Temple factory way of life for the American vor meeting In the evening, with the States. VETS CALLED OUT Lasky. Tbe honest sUvedore gave petition this season and hat already for the past year and was recently Experts agree that the real teat of Federal control over 'local affairs" Pittsburgh ...... 26 19 .968 from Deal, N. J., are 8 to 1 choices. Schetb; three base hits, Fracchia, Lack lu rn s for Woroe, tl'.e Minneapolis mauler such a beat­ fall. Murcb should eeltpsee McClus* the ability of models comes only in members en route and in Washing­ W.ASHINOTON READY people could be attained and pre­ topic. “God’s Wonder Book—What It is a relief to be staying In Eu­ Chicago ...... Also there are Paul Runyan, the Russell, Sherman; home runs, Frac- Fi>rc«-.i Back to Docks annexed the state track and field key’s time ot 4:35 in the mile, haVr alected treasurer of the Theta Alpha ton. was opposed here today by Harper It Tells Us About Obedience." .21 17 .553 ing that he delayed returning home diadem. Coach Carl Magunson's Phi. and of the State College Piay- actual competition and I know that Washington, June 6.—(AP) _ served by a means "much safer and rope," the Danish count said today Brooklyn ...... 21 20 .912 American professional king, Harry ebia, Ihleat; hit* off, Tedford 18 in All members of the V. F. W. soft­ Loughran made Braddock look Ing already dons 4:83.1; Leary lAwve .Monday .A. 81. Sibley, president of the Chamber of sounder" than centralization of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Hills of as he and the, American heiress ball team are requested to report with a face that looked like it had squad Is beaded by tbe brilliant and ais. He was chairman of the Junior I gained much knowledge of my The vanguard of 150.000 visitors Is C incinnati...... 16 23 .410 Cooper. Johnny Revolts, Vic Ghezzi, 3 Innings, off Bradlsy 2 In 8 innings; like ths missing persons bureau, been run through a sausage grinder. should better bis own time of 3:01,7, plane's ability for myself. I The Shriners' Special will leave Commerce of the United States. power. East Hampton and Miss Ruby Hills arrived Here on their honeymoon. Willie Macfarlana, Leo Dlsgel. Har­ stolen base, Pitkin; base en balls off at the T. M. C. A. field, Manchester, versatile Captain Bob Lowrey, having done 1:58.4; McOonOlCK Prom Decoration committee. am already pouring into town for next of New Haven called on their sister, Philadslphla ...... 14 24 .888 and, while remunerative ring re­ Braddock collected $4100 for hU whom we see as ths certain winner Truman W. Read, '36, son of Mr. sure the others agree with me. Hartford Monday morning a t 9:15 week’s 61st annual conclave of the "I insist that our country still "In the United States we were al­ ’B oston...... 11 28 old MoSpaden, Horton Smith, Bobby Tedford 2, Bradley 2; struck out by this svsnlng at 6 o’clock (or the wards were forthcoming for a Urns, should Improve hts brother’s m adl arriving in Washington at 5:05 that Mrs. Helen White, recently. Other ways escorted by detectives because .282 first game of the Rec-Leglon League share ann was pronounced the No. 1 of the shot put and discus with a and Mrs. Nelson Read of North Park The representation from Manches­ Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of possesses the initiative and the cour­ American League Crulekabank, Ky Laffoon and Sid Gravlno 2; Urns, 1 hr. 15 mtn.; um- the Mick’s luck changed in ao far ChaHengei of Baer by the New York of lx feet. 8 ^ inches, having bSM atreet, has been elected vice piesl- ter and the vicinity promises to be afternoon. Returning the party will callers over the week-end were Mrs. of the fear of gangsters." Brews of South Africa. The ama­ plrss, Morse, Ford. with the Manchester Fire Depart­ second In the javelin. Other Bell close to 13 feet several tlmaa; aag- the Mystic Shrine. age to move forward by .self-develop. Ruby Gibson of Gilead and her sis­ W. L. PC. as the results of his bouts wore boxing oommlsston. City stars of considerable versatil­ dent of the Sigma Phi Gamma Fra­ quite strong and I would like to ace leave Washnigton at 9:00 next Fri­ Extraordinary measures are be­ PRESIDENT WILL SPEND He said they would probably make New Y ork...... 27 16 .828 teur brigade Is topped by former ment team. The following players concerned. Lowrey of Bristol should smash.U$- day morning arriving in Hartford ment and through a program of ter, Mrs. James Quinn, of Rockville. their permanent home in ^ g la n d champion Johnny Goodman of are requested to be present; Jones, The Braddock herd was happv. ity arc Ben and Eddie Vasnells, wbo own mark ot 45 feet, 8H tnehsa W ternity. Read is captain-elect of all of you there, onlooking if not ing taken to care for the crowd They were accompanied by their Cleveland ...... 23 17 .575 Braddock was worth a good The table again was crowded with varsity aoccer. a member of the var- competing. This is ail until next at 4:62 that afternoon. flocking here for the convention, I «> two on won first game, Moore made the Porterfield Sieberlings and the short end of the score. As this will Work was uncertain, perhaps one Batting—Johnson, Atblstlca m rdeasofM r. and Mrs. Edward uoiuzig. rangemenU and Nathaniel J. Scott and no milk was split. The truck eluding room, bath, meals, sightseejng, X bits In two clashes. Bruddock devekpe left juggling rail­ seems altogether too strong for Foxx, Athletics JS8. superintendent of the ConnecUcut parade of the uniformed bodies on chance of being maintained perma­ to Hyde Park by his secretarial was somewhat demolished and w as fast Thompsonville Greys has been b* the Sieberlings first Sunday at­ day a week, sometimes non*. lifihluiii of Quarry atreet Both nently “If accepted roluntarily by staff. It was said today he haa no theatre.dinoer and dancingat a famous Jack Knott, Browns— Shut out displayed since It was announced. road tiee en Weebawken docks. West Hartford, Middletown and Runs—Johnson, 40. Hr. and Mrs. Baclchaue are mem- .?* Sikorsky Avla- Company, Is treasurer of the com­ Wednesday night, and a spectacular left at Jones’ garage while the Broadway night club. Write In Jos. & Last Night *s Fights traction at home and against a team Joe Gould, manager of Braddock, East Hartford to do much damage. Stratford, buUd- pageant of floats, with crews of business and the commimlty than tf appointments now for his visit White .Box with two hits. The boys from miompsonvllle, it of the calibre of the Greys, It should who was diapoasesed three times, Runs battsd in—JobasoK ot ttaa Garden club. Other mittee. Sphinx Temple’e well drilled there. driver continued home on another of Bath, ( ^ a M ^. for folder C explain­ Van Mungo, Dodgers and Wally Manebester’i squad is beaded by Greenberg, Tigers 48. M of the c r ^ today were making patrol and lU fine band will play an Savdancing girls and actors, on Thura- impossed by Federal leglalatlon.” the company's trucks. is reported, have met and defeated make an Interesting game to watch. during those dark days, yanked his towers ara alao. in bloom, and the Inspection to find why The trip was planned some time ing full details. By ASSOCIATED PRESS Berger, Braves— Mungo pitched five some of the fastest teams in this the greatest trio of performers In Hits—Johnson 68. : V (trdena are now at their best imporUnt part In the program. ^ 1 ^ , Pondering whether there would be The Rev. Harold R. Keen starts Oeeaii. orhratc bath from *2*0 gw day Cincinnati—Al Hamilton, Clncln- hit shut out in opener, Berger made The probable starting line-up of the fighter off the New York Central WRESTLING tbe state, namely. Bill Murcb, Cap­ Doubles—Vobmik, Tny, Cambridge, Maas., two of peaiAnce of this triumvirate undn P it pnhlbtUM than to Um here for the first time next 8un- TOL60N MANAOIMCNT yet been announced. bis tight hand-on Abo F sldnW s three fau%'. the Red and White cohBv and Ot ^ •tirrmiliBg • m tira world today day. 120 vftST qiti STwai, w w wmk SENSE and NONSENSE On ! o p t h e m s t w a v s t o e s c a p e f r o m M ic k e y McG u ir e is t o PICK OUT A NICE GARDEN WHERE SOMEONE IS WORKING Across stem Time’s upheaving Add to those who can dish It out ocean, from the mountaine to but can’t take It—the politicians the MO, handling work-relief billions. HITHEPE.'BAXTEP.I-'-SR.tAT NtW-S I WTRA.CK PMA ' Clear the call: "Look unto me!” Man—Say, old man, do you know TYaOM W ING IN G UP ABOUT WVV WtNS BUNG BLrr 1 ■d o n ’t k n o w | that you’re getting a double chin? POUTlCSl*— - LOST AND FOUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 APARTMENTS—FLATS— right or left?” Would you like to Customer—Can you help ma se- P i lend— D m ’t d m talk that way •ROOSTEPS^-*-WELL,SIR,THt BOVS APE TWO BIG FEATURES' lact a g ift for a wealthy old aunt abr.ut my fiancee! n o p e l-tt) HAVE LOST—P A IR OF glasses In ease, 1929 NASH SEDAN, *39; 1928 TENEMENTS 63 know the game? The person who la professional TAUKINCs ABOUT ’PUTTING YOU UP AS THE "It" goes up to someone and aska WOMEN’S who U weak and can hardly walk? TO l1SA\t>, “BA iC T B R ' ^ W H Y , Foster street. Dial 3582. question Is asked namee the pereon MONDAY, JUNE 10 O t eeursa we’re latereeted In a HAVE TO LOOK UP I W IL L THE PERSON who took the house a radio, a car and 82,509 If the next war la really fought H E'S TOO -BtG TOR TKB CPPtCE, Ivy and basket from the porch of 1932 T E R R A P LA N K coach, 1932 Bank Nifrht to Be Held Tomor­ on her left or right. 'Ther. the per- on a non-proflt basis, there won't AMCTTHER NAAN \ FOR R E N T — SIX ROOM tenement Bon " i t ” asks, "Do you like her?” Dinner Enjoyed by Group of every year, but what we eUU wan* B U T W E U L P U T H\IA \N TO P . 14 Beech street kindly return Ford coupe. 1931 Ford coach, 1031 on Center street, newly renovated, row Night, in Addition to t'» know la who is going to And the be any. V E H — w-BUT, same? No questions asked. Essex sedan, 1930 Hudson ECdan, I f the person replies "yes," every- 25 Tuesday Night at Graham A TERNATHE^N INTO garage It desired. Inquire 383 1-2 Regular Show. I one changes places and the one who Tea House. window acreens and paint the porch NAANV THANH 1930 Chevrolet cedan. Brown's Oa­ Center street, or dial 8889. HoDster Street PspOs and fu’ Plture every epring? THE IKAVORS rage, 478 Center street. is "it" tried to get a seat. If the PERSONALS 3 person answers "no” (you do not I B A I B I FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ For Friday and Saturday the need to answer truthfully) the per­ A woman had asked a policeman ment, modern Improvements, heat. The Brownie Revel will be held The Professional Women’s club of Those at Green to Com­ STOMACH ULCF.R. GAS PAINS, State theater presents a two hit son "it" then asks. "W ho do you the bast way to get to her deaUna- FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 Inquire 40 Edge-ton street. on Saturday, June 8, at 2:30 Center church completed Its season’s Uon and was advised to take the indigestion nctlms, why suffer? show, first "Stolen Harmony" fea­ want to sit there?” The person program on Tuesday with a dinner o'clock. 'This will Uke place at 4:12 bus. Later in the day the po­ For quick relief get a free . ADVERTISEMENTS will be held at Scout headquarters A picnic dinner will be served on ing has become. Oi'eenhouse, 621 Hartford Road- not a Bemie fan, see him and be home. All second cla. Scouts re­ present: Misses Florence ’ Benson N R A 's stabilizing Influence la converted. on Tuesday, June 11, at 2 o’clock. the playground at noon. The par­ Count ill iivifnK* word* lo a Una Phone 8962. As this is the last meeting until mained after the meeting to discuss Ruth Porter, Mildred Hutchinson, necessary aa part of the movement InltiaU, nufobera and alibraviailont SUMMER HOMES Starred with George Raft In a ents and, friends of the pupils are Business Is better. Checks are fall a good attendance Is desired. an overnight hike. Second class Marian Kellum, Ulllan Johnson, for a new day, a New Deal, and a •ach count mi a v>rd and compound FOR SALE—TOMATO, pepper and film that la an adroit blend of com­ Invited to attend. again coming back: "No funds" in­ Tvordi Ml two word!. Minimum cost li FOR RENT 67 The Girl Scout Officers’ Associa­ Scouts had a chance to sign up for Arllne Wilkie. Florence Sharrow. cabbage plants. All transplanted. edy, melody and drama, Ben Bemie stead of: "N o bank.” new freedom. price oi threi tine*. tion will entertain the membra of either June 24 or 25. Not mors Marios Casey, Beulah Todd, Avia // Anderson Greennouscs, 153 El- FOR RENT—COTTAGE at Coven­ and hla lads romp along with a — WUIlam d reep , A. F. s f 1* presi­ Lini ratal per da? for traniUnt the council at a picnic supper party than ten may go for a single night. Kellogg, Jeanne Low, Gertrude Car­ tdi. drldge street. Phone 8686. try Lake, for season. Very reason­ brand-new Gordon and Revel score, STATE PAGEANTS When good times rsture they’ll dent. on June 12 at Captain Durkee’s Scribe, Ruth Wheaton. rier, Helen Carrier, Beatrice Oulow, Kit^rtlve Marrh 17, l®*J7 able. Inquire 85 North street. scattering laughs ind thrills every probably And us with much slmpll- Caib’ CharB* home at 411 Lydall street. This par­ Emily Gow, Ruth McLaughlin, Eve­ foot of the way. Hartford, June 6— (A P ) — The fled ideas of a good time. The great need today la for mora SMOOTH t ConiicutlNf- Pays ..I 7 cts| I Cli ty win be held rain or shine. The lyn Johnston, Huldah Butler. Carrie 1 ConiicutWc Diyi ..I 9 otv^ 11 oti MO\ INO—TRDCKINO— State’s Tercentenary will be ob­ charitable enterprises. The govern­ "Stolen Harmony” presents the time la 6:30 o’clock and everyone Ludecke. Bather Anderson. Lois Helping Hands swrrcH\Me>, I Oa? ...... I n otii II cti STORAOE 20 maestro In a role where he can act served at many points In Connecti­ ment never will be able to take care AU ordin for irrarruUr inieriioni attending should bring a plate, cup. Parker, Mrs. Elsie Goalee, Mrs. Irv­ M A 3 0 R 1 blmqrtV'Ue is the leader of a troupe Manchester cut over the week-end. Oil Satur­ The Boctor Is a useful man, o f this of the entire burden of charity. w;li bi eharitd at th« oni timi ritM. PERRETT & G LENNEY INC. local CURB QUOTATIONS knife, fork and spoon. ing Spencer. Mrs. Philip Emery, day while Gov. W. L. Cross and thsrs Is scant doubt, — Alfred B. Smith. Special ratal (i 6:30. An overnight hike was plan­ Tomorrow ITS OFHCERS AGAIN N ow wouldn't it be fine if we could MAKE A MOUSrACHE OUT I SET IT, ENOUGH OP THB Mold. Ford Limited ...... assembled a remarkable cast of Students at Bridgeport's three high A THOUGHT UKE VMM*/ PEOPLE LIKE ARNIARA.' d o n ' t Tha Harald will not ba raiponatbla 8% ned by the second class Scouts for Tercentenary program at Center prevent them altogether. .OP THE HORSEHAIR IN THE PAU,1 0CORCH/AND ^BREEPOE BURNED I.N ADDITION TO SILVER LANE Nlag Hud Pow ...... child stars. schools will dramatize the story of Set a watch, O Lord, belora my WHOAJCB cd -COME ON, HOP • CAB SEAT/- w e 'l l PAV PORs r r , s p ik e ' for mora than ot < Incorrect .nierlloa 6% Friday, June 21. We cl sed our Congregational church. SET IT/ SPIKE BARKEN ;TX} PREVENT THE d o n 't -you of any M'.vertliement ordered for Bii« Line, Dc Luxe Bus for lodge Penn R o a d ...... Mrs. Rachel Munsie Is Re­ Connecticut's settlement, while a mouth; keep the door of my Upe.— THE GARRISON A T T H E THEIR SKINS -YOU'RE A KNOW MB 2% meeting with a goodnight circle and N ext Week Junior— Daddy, what Is bank­ ^spy t r a i n n a t iv e huacan! j mora than ona time. party or team trips, we also offer United Gas ...... 2 Vs named President of South public picnic Is scheduled at Wind­ Psalms 141:8. RIO PBLOTA A SLISHTLY vCROSSEENB./ SENOR?-I AM Tha Inadvartani omiailon of incor- 7 passenger ledan delivery. Phone the singing of “ Golden Sun" and June 9, 10. 11— Observance of 61st ruptcy? GIVE 'EM t h a t / United Lt and Pow A . . . lU sor and a Tercentenary concert at l i t t l e WITH ENSINE TAMALE,THE raci publication of advartUlpg wHI ba 3063, 8860, 8864. ENTERTAIN FOR GUEST “Taps." There will be no meeting anniversary of St. M ary’s church. Methodist Workers. Trumbull. bad— ^Bankruptcy, my boy, is o l' a c c c n t/. SREAT LOVER, ractifia' only by cancalUMon of tha next week. June 12— Graduation at local when you put your money In your A cruel story runs on wheels, and OIL, a n d charga made for the aervica rendered. JUDGE SPLITS FINE OP t h e , Scribe. Peggy Lee Woodruff. State Trade School. hip pocket and let your creditors every hand otls the wheels as they SCORCHV All advariiienieiiti muat conform DON8 A An d es / REPAIRING HERE FROM SEAHLE 'lYoop 2 Coming Events Mrs. Rachel Munsie wa.s elegted BIG LINER SAILS TOMORROW take your coat. run.— George Eliot. in ityla. copy and typography with 23 Bridgeport, June 6— (A P ) — Ed­ OIOS Mio.U regulation! enforctid by tha puhliah- Captain Durkec opened the meet­ June 17—St. James’s Parochial to her second term as president of HORS9HAIR ward I*. Hayes of Hartford one o! MOUSTACHE ara and. they reirerva the right to VVE SPEiUALIZK IN lawn mower ing with a horseshoe formation. We School graduation. the Willing Workers group of the New York, June 6 — (A P ) —Ofr The road leading to Easy Street edit, revile or lejti.' any copy con* 32 motorists to face Judge Shannon sharpening. Kunsen and Edgerton, Give Bridge Part.v for Mrs. had patrol comers and collected Wesleyan Guild o f the South Metho­ flcials of the French line cut deeply Is littered with the trimmed re­ aldercd objectionable In City Court today on various June 19— Manchester Green THS SC8NE CLOSING iIOUH8->-CJaiainad adi to 6,^5 North Main street; Telephone Paul Lewis Who Is Visiting dues. We then discussed plana, for School graduation, 8 p. m. dist church yesterday and all other today into the ranks of thousands mains of easy marks. motor vehicle charges won the sym­ •H im iT O OOWN THE 7IZACK COMBSCORCMy ba publlihed aame day muit be re- 7385. Delivery service. our "Mothers’ Party” which will he June 20— Barnard School gradua­ officers were also re-elected. Mrs. who have been swarmed througn pathy of the court when he explain­ in the East. THE b r id g e evtved b> It o'clock noorK Suturdaya held next Monday. We are looking Albert Holman as vice president and the S. S. Normandie, eliminating all The census enumerator rapped at AND tPIKB - PUMPING THE 10-39 a. m. MOWER SHARPENING, key mak- ed that he had hitch hiked to tion In morning. Hollister Street forward to having all the mothers Mrs. Jessie Wlntcrbottom as secre­ sightseers except invited guests so the farmhouse door. The following Across the I4ANDCAR STRAIGHT TOWARD mg. lotk, vacuum cleaner, clock, Bridgeport from Hartford today to Miss Ethel Anderson and Miss School in afternoon at 2, Buckland TELEPHONE YOUR present. We hope Lieutenant Greer School In evening at 8. tary-treasurer. that longshoremen would be able to conversation took place: **•0 PSLOTA THE SOLDIERS AT THE BRIDGE.' gun repairing. Briilthwalte, 62 save as much of his money as pos­ Ebba Anderson of 92 Ridge street can come too. Captain Durkee told It was announced at the meeting load the liner In time for Its depart­ Enumerator— Do you o-wn this WANT ADS. Pearl street. sible for the anticipated flue. entertained at bridge at their home June 21— High School graduation us that any girl who W’ants help at State Theater In morning. that a Joint outing with the Asbury ure tomorrow. farm ? Ada are acooptad over the lalaphona He was arraigned dn a speeding lost evening In honor of Mrs. Paul gt tha CIlAltOE HATE given above during the summer may call her group would be held next Wednes­ Challenging the Normandie on her Farmer—Yes. charge. Lewis of Seattle, Wa.shlngton. Also Strawberry Festival at Con­ Mi a eonvenlen .. to adverttaara. but HKM' WANTKU— any Monday and she will have them cordia Lutheran church, 7:30 p. m. day at Mrs. Rcichard's in Quarry- first eastbound crossing of the North Ehiumerator— Do you operate it? WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane OUTOITRWAY ______By WUUams thx CASH KATES will accepted ua “ How much money have you?’ Mrs. Lewis has been making an go to her house. The meeting closed vllle. Members will leave the church Farmer— No, 1 don't. MJLL HAVMKNT If (lald at tha buai- FKMALK Judge Shannon asked. June 22—-Knights of Columbus Atlantic is the West-East record ot extended visit In the East and while with a goodnight circle. We sang at 10 o’clock and the Center at 4 days. 16 hours and 15 minutes. Enumerator—Why not? WMAT IM TH' LCXJKIM' FOR MV reti ofllca on or before the aeventh __.j______"Just $10", was the reply. sports dance at Country Club. day following ibe firit ineertlon of here Is residing with her mother, "The Embers of Campfire," "Golden 10:15 o'clock in a bus and private The mark was set by the North Farmer—Democratic depresilon. ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home, "PIl split It with y ou ' Judge June 24-29—Carnival at Dougher­ WORLD A R E BEADS’ each ad otharwii* tha CHAitGE Mrs. Hel^n Thrall of Lakeville, Sun," and "Taps." y cars. Those planning to attend arc German Lloyd Liner Bremen, from No more questions were asked. KATE will ba collected. No raaponal- sparellmc; 85 to 815 weekly. Ex­ Shannon said. Conn. Mrs. Lewis la planning to re­ ty's lot. sponsored by local veterans' STRIKJG Scribe. M. driswold. organizations. asked to notify Mrs. Ezeklal Ben­ which the-^Normondic easily WTested YOU DOIKJG billty for arrora in talaphoncd ada perience unncccs.iary. Dignified turn to her home' later this month, will hg aiaumad and their accuracy Troop 4 son, Mrs. Ellen Crossen, Mrs. Arthur the west bound ribbon pn her maid­ Junior— Daddy, what Is it that OMEWHAT THERE? work. Send stamp for particulars. c . N. o . o r d e r s cannot be guaranteed motoring back by way of Chicago The meeting opened at the usual Bronkie or Mrs. Rachel Munsie, en voyage. makes com pop? WORRIED I Hawkln.1, Dept. 1404, Box 7r>. Ham­ and Yellowstone Park, Mrs. Thrall Daddy—Well, you see, the poly­ INDEX OF mond. 1ml. time of 6:00 with patrol comers. As LEFT DRIVE RIGHT BECAUSE Hartford, June 6 --(A P ) Ser­ will return with her and will spend the customary room was locked we gons) starch cells in the com are of HOMER LAKE CLASSIFICATIONS geant George .V. Laurinaltls,' Com­ several months In the West. borrowed Troop I’s room for a But Right Drive’s Wrong In BU'.-li a nature as to facilitate ex­ V\ A N T K D ~ 'y o UNG g i r l to care pany E, 167th Infantry has been ap­ A t the close of the bridge game pansion by heat and to render it ex­ l e f t town Elrthi ...... A for 3 children, at Crystal Lake for short time In which to qonduct busi­ Divided Austria. l.ngaBcmanta ...... ft pointed second lieutenant . Infantry, prizes were divided as follows: first ness aqairs. Following this short plosive In character. There Is a WITHOUT Marriiigei ...... c summer, In return for room and it was announced today at the office fracture of the particles along the 8UVIWG their Deal hi- ...... D to Miss Minnie Olson, second to Miss meeting the whole troop flocked Innsbruck, Austria (A P )— Pic­ board, and .small allowance. Phone of the adjutant general. Florence John.son and consolation line o f least resistance, in the di­ AUTOfiiRAPHS, Card Thanka K 686.3 tonight or all day Friday. outside to enjoy a few games. turesque Austria enters the 1935 In MeiM. fU i!) ...... F An order from the same office prize to Miss Veronica McGann. "Tag," “Prisoner’s Base" and "Kick touring season with the best high- rection o f the two main radii. The VlASH AND Lett and Found ...... 1 gave authority to the commanding Indosperm swells considerably as a W ANTE D — W OM AN for house­ the Can" were some of the games ways It has had since the big war. EASY HURRY Annoiinrementa ...... t officer of the fifth battalion, Connec­ result, the peripheral portions co­ reraonala ...... -| work, and rare of seml-Invalid. Re­ DARING WOMA.N THIEF that were played. The meeting But motorists still will have to look ticut Naval Militia to enter a rifle hering with the hull but the frac­ BACK TO Aotomohllea closed at 7:30 with the singing of sharp and remember where the ply giving age .and references. Box team In an Interstate match to be tured portions turning bock in a LAWYER Automobliaa for Sale ...... 4 X. Herald. Danbury, Conn.. June 6— (A P i "Taps." road rule "keep to. th . right" sud­ WATGOMfe Autorhobllaa for Exchange I held at Peeksklll, N. Y.. June 15. . - Scribe. Marjorie Mitchell. denly changes to ‘’keep to the left." more or less symmetrical manner to Auto Acceiiarlaa—*Tirea ...... g —Found In the room oi one of the OFFICE. supervisors of the Danbury hospital Troop 5 A t the wheel of an automobile meet below the embryo— Why, Jun­ Auto Kepalrlng—>ralmtng 7 ior. where are you going? Auto School* ...... t-A HEM* WANTED— training school for nurses, last A meeting was supposed to be Austria Is a country divided against Autoa*’~Shlp by Truck ...... I night, a daring woman .sneak thiet held last Friday but because of the itself. Here In the Tyrol and aa Junior—Little sister wanted to MALE 36 know. So I’m going to explain it to Autot*—For tlira ...... • showed her ner\'c by claiming to be rain it was postponed. A short busi­ far east aa Salzburg the motorist Folks with a thirst tor Informa- Qaragaa—Sarvloa—Storage ...... 10 her. Gon try to pump yon. AIN'T NO USE BAMGIN^ V»-*n r*4 Moiorcyclea—Blcyelai ...... li W A N T E D -M A N WHO IS capable FOR SALE a friend of Superintendent Anna ness meeting was held Monday in keeps to the right. In Vienna and ON PAT DOiCAP'N. JUDCiE WATSOM's GONE? Wanted Autoa-*MotorcycJei ... it of handling a tea and coffee route Griffin and then asking for pencil which dues and attendance ’ were nearby provinces he must keep to AH JUST SEED HIM TAKC Baalaaaa and Profraalnnnl Sari^raa that 1.S, at present, selling 8100 a 6-Room Singrle and paper, wrote Miss Griffin a taken. Badges were awarded to the the left. HIS SUTCASE AN* RIDE Buaineta Offerad . It week. Must be energetic and wide .steam. Garage. Rig I„ot. $4,000 FKEI’KLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' ------llouaabold Barvicea Offarfd . ..lt*A note. \VhlIc the snpervlsor^was de­ following girls last week: Lucille . Nobody ia satisfied ’with this state By BlosMcr OFF IW A B16 CAH VVID JiuHdlnK—COTitracMnK ...... 14 awake, ami able to furnish a bond. Full Price with 8500 Cash. This livering the note the woman disap­ Brown, musician; Faith Splllane. of affairs, and the question again •8 F lo rfa tM * ~ N u r a e .')p ! ...... • • 16 Good propo.sitlon for the right man. Is a good buy! peared. A short time later it was drummer, junior citizen hostess: was discussed at a conference call­ 1 WAS COIKIQ TO VISIT A PERHAPS WE’D BETTER MI5TA LAKE Funeral Dtractora ...... U Write or call Grand Union Tea Co., learned that $92 had been taken Dorothy Post, junior citizen, host­ ed hy the minister of commerce re­ PAL MAMED MISGSY. AT THE PHONE AND SEE IP ITS HtaUnK-^Flum blng'—noofinff .. 17 cently. J n e u ra n c a ...... U 24 Union Street, Wlllimantlc. Cottage Sites from the room of Miss Ann Kelly ess, laundress: Frances W'allett. MUl]nary-*-0 rrsainaklnir ... .« U and $24 from the room of Miss Ann housekeeper, hostess: Mtfrcella Hol- The chief obstacle to an adoption CLINIC . - Z DON''. KNOW ALL RI3Wr...THB CLINIC Movinc—Trucking—S.brata .. 90 WANTED — EXPERIENCED bak­ <»n Upper Bolton I,jike. Cov­ Thompson, both of whom are super­ loran. housekeeper, hostess; Jean­ of right-hand driving throughout WHETHER HE CAN SEE ME^ IS qurre a w avs pttom Public f'aaaanger Service .. *.I0*A er’s helper, Manchester Public Mar entry Ijike. and on Hidden visors. ette Buchanan, housekeeper, cook, the country are _the financial dif­ / F a in t in g — P a p e r iB * ...... tl kct. B U T IT'S WOPTTH A Profeaaional Servicaa ...... k. 39 I-ake. laundress, hostes-s; Shirley McIn­ ficulties of Vienna. The city can­ HERE^-vOU k n o w / A a p a lr ln g ...... 99 G08TCIIN0R RESIGNS tosh, laundress; Louise Chambers, not at this time raise the money • T R Y ! Tailoring—Dyalng-^ltanlBg .. 94 hostess, housekeeper. Gold stars for new traffic signals and signs. It Toilet Good! and Service .. .. lb ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 For Rent Is hoped, however, to get the whole W anted—Buafnaaa Se-vlea . . . . . 90 Nanking, China, June 8.— (A P I — were awarded to Frances Wallett, 6-Room Single...... ?30.00 Jeanette Buchanan, M argery Brown country on a right-hand drive basts Cdaratloaal FOR SALE —SODA FOUNTAIN, The resignation of Governor Yu and Louise Chambers. This Thurs­ by November, 1936. Couraea and CUeaea , ...... 91 very reasonable. Can bo seen at 265 Hsueh Chung of Hopei province, Private Inatructlon . . .. . 98 Stuart J. Wasley whose dismissal was demanded by day all of the girls In the troop are Meanwhile strangers entering lia n c ln g ...... •••..98*A North Main street. Tel. 3842. (READ THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) state Theater Building the Japanese military authorities in requested to meet at the Hollister the country by automobile are giv­ Huaical— Dramatic ...... 2'J T e l 6648—7146 W anted— In at ruat ion . . . . . 80 FOR SALE — CAMP TRAILER North China, was accepted today by stre.-t schooL after the school ses­ en a.sslstance In the form of a little Wee Scouty and the rubber man plan. Do Just as 1 say and you can Real Estate — Insuranre sion. W e will then go to Columbia sticker map which Is pasted onto pulled on the rubber jhoe "W e can F in a n c ia l 4’8''x6'xl', with fenders, tall and • the Nationalist government central have lots of fun. Hop in the shoe, ff) IMS ST WIA StRVICg. wo. T. M. aiA U. 0.1»AT. Ofr. V s jiV.Lt Bonda—Stock!—Mortgagee » « . . II stop lights. Universal hitch. Inquire political council. Lake for a picnic. the wind-shield. This shows the do wonders with this thing,” said and get set for a ride." thirty years too soonj Bueinaei Opportunltfea ..., rM.aiau.aMT.err...... S9 129 Oakland street. Call 7502. Scribe, Louise Chambers. driver just where to change hts Scouty, "If we re strong enough. The Tinles quickly hopped aboard. Money to I^an ...... IS The council appointed the former Troop 8 driving mentality and begin keep­ " I f everyone’s -.o have a ride, we’ll "We're ready,’' little Goldy roared. SALESMAN SAM Help and iltnatlona governor commander of the Na­ Our meeting was openec by play­ ing to the other side o f the road. The or Bean Ball Bv SmaM Help Wanted —Female lk tionalist govemni'-'nt forces combat­ have to stretch It pretty wide." The Then Coppy beckoned to the gnomes. H e lp W a n te d — M a la ...... I 6 ing “Poor Pussy." After everyone fo H , o h ! I b g t c h p . T h a t Heae He cocoes, 3oe', HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 ting Communist irregulars tn Szech­ other Tinles laughed when they be­ "Crawl In with us," he cried. t h r u m m e r s WEAHI. an' HC.‘LL ©£ OOT F6R. OUlTe A t0HILe> Calesmon Wanted ...... l t * A had meowed themselves sick we PLAN LONG PL.ANE TRIP O-UY OM SECOND'S 0-ONNA pefi- T H A T Pi l l H c a e i I goTcha/ - ’ ' TO RENT wan and Kansu ' rovinces. gan to pant and puff. I Help Wanted—Mala or Pamale.. 17 SEE TH E NEW A IR conditioned played "W ho Is sitting on your TR.Y TA TUlllO' TH' IA)AY r SCPCKeO HIM I --- Agen<^ Wanted ...... I7 * A One of the gnumes then cried, Soon everything seemed quite all OL’ Topi K jC:v c V O U T ! Coolerator Refrigerators at L. r. BENTON ST.—8-room. Single. 2- Salt Lake City, June 6.— (A P ) — TELL ME A ..f , Blluatlona Wanted—FamaU ... tt car garage. 'Say, we are Just as strong as we right, with gnomes and Tinles pack­ SAY, H E Bltuatlona Wanted—Mai* ...... ^ | y Wood Co., 55 Bissell street. Open In an effort to circle the North can be. I f you don’t b’lieve It, let us Emnio'yniant AKabcIca ...... " .40 ed in tight. The hubber man then ABOUT RUFE.^ daily and Thursuay and Saturday I itO FTER ST.—6-room In three- American continent over an ,11.000- stretch that shoe. We'l! show you COULD LOSE A i *2_£^JLiL * iLlae fltork— l*ri»— Poultry— Vekirtra imtll 9 p. m. family. mile course in 11 days, two amateur said, " I ’m going to start you or IS HE AS ------W y iA ' Deg!— Btrda— Fata ...... 41 how. your way. 4-poom In three family. fliers will leave here next Saturday MILLION DOLLARS L iv e S lb C ti— V a b ic ic a ...... 49 "O f course we really look quite "B e just as careful ns can be and, RICH AS P o u lt r y a n d S u p p llra ...... ’43 M AIN ST.—6-room Flat, upper, FARM FOR SALE (or Vancouver, B. C. DOWN HIS Wanted ** Peta—Poultry—Stock 44 APARTMENTS—FLATS— small, but It will be no task at all." maybe, nice new sights you'll see. THEY SAf with ghrage. They are Mahton S. Kemmerer, ■’Okay," replied the rubber, man. Pot Sale— Mlscrllaneoaa TENEMENTS 63 Store and dwelling, near Cen­ Bordering Country Club, South Main Street, Manchester. Colo­ post-graduate geoiogy student at the The shoe will autely take you some HE IS ? PANTS LEG AND i Artlolaa for Saia ...... 41 nial home, conveniences, large bam, garage, poultry houses, pri­ 'Start stretching It, right now!” place, if you ride all day." Boat! and Aceet!utie! 44 ter. University of- Utah, the pilot, and NEVER HISS Building MatarinJi ...... 47 RENT HUNTI.NGT Tell us what vate reservoir; 29 acres, 10 acres tillable. Several good-building Then, up they went, and what a DURKIN ST.—5-room Flat, up­ Alfred P. Reck, of the Dezeret-News The gnomes grabbed hold and, IT f Diamond!— Watche*— Jewelry ,. you want. We’ll take care oi It for per. sites with century old trees growing. See this place at once. editorial department. thrill! “ I hope we do not take a Electrical ApplUncae^Uadio Owner will sell for $9,000. sure enough, they proved that their spill,” yelled Duncy to the rubber ruel and Feed ...... 4$ you without coarge. R, T. McCann, As outlined their flight will take 69 Center atreeL Dial 7700. W IN TE R ST.—6-room tn two- claim was no bluff. The shoe began man, who answered,-"Don’t you fret. pardan •- Fartu—Dairy Product! fanrtty, Boston style. them across Canada to Quebec and to spread out. Soon the rubber man ' Hou!!hoId Gouda ...... EVERETT T. McKINNEY AGENCY^ Halifax, N. S.. thence down the A t­ “ When you all wish to land. Just Machinery and Tcola ...... FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement cried, “ Stop!” tell the shoe and all will work out Mualcal Inatrumerty ,, . Exclusive Agent lantic .seaboard to Miami, Fla., to with garage, on Wad.sworth street, EDWARD J.HOLL " I t ’s big enough for all of you, well. Forever, you will thank me for Office and Store Fqulnment ... rent 828. inquire 13 Wadsworth St. Telephone 4642 847 Main Street, Hartford 95 Foster Street, Manchester Havana, Cuba; Merida, Yucantan; and so with stretching you are Specula at the Storca ...... Phone 7-1079 Phone 5280 Vera Cruz. Mexico, D. F.; San the rubber shoe. I'll bet." Wearing Apparel—Fur* ...... *,! 865 Main Street through. I f you make it much big-, Wanted—To Buy ...... FUR RENT—105 SPRUCE street, Francisco and return to Salt Lake ger, out of it you all will fall.” City. Hanw.a— Board— II «*tela— ne!eri! upstairs rent, 6 rooma, large en­ Then he continued, "Here's my <7 ^cm4ir>««Ma»m.eia r g ^ Heotaaranta closed back porch, rent $20. Inquire Aoooi* Witftout Board ...... 105 Spruce streeL GAS BUCiGlES / Bosrd.r. W .nud ...... ALLEY OOP As The Twig Is Bent By Frank BecU Country Boars—a .irru OaiV M> INSTANTLY. A FINE IF YOU DON'T Stye A B ot.I.— R.auur.nt...... FOR RE.NT— 'I'WO. THREE and T h e o u g h t t o Then w h in you make X UNDERSTAND ME NBVKR MIND WHY. DO EXHIBITION t h e b o y CHILD A CHANCE TO W anted— Rooma—Board four room apartments, furnished u EFFECr VteAH,AND IF TtoU ASK ME, AS I TELL YOU IF TELL THE — ------s A SUGGESTION THEY WILL : tteal Kalata kor Itrat desired. Also live room duplex. Ap­ FOR A REASON HE CANT OF COURSE ACCEPT. IT BECAUSE TH EY CAN PRACTICE. HOWS ME TO WELL..’ 5 ■ Ap.rtm .nl., KUt». T.n.nuni... THE CESCUE OF CARRIES A SUPPLY OP *7HOSE DIAMONDS ARE BIG . DON’T W ANT FATHER ARB YOU ply Manchester Construction Co 60. INSISTING UPON NOT. YOU HAVE SEE WHY ITS WORTHWHILE WEIGH EVIDENCE AND t Su«In..> Loutlon. for R.nt ... ALLEY OOP, ^ THRASHING . TO MAKE.J BLIND OBEDIENCE MAKE IMPORTANT^ GOING ;• .Buus.* for R.nt ...... 4131 or 4279. ROUGH DIAMONDS* ENOUGH TO CARRY HIM f a o BACK TO EXPLAIN AND /VOr BECAUSE KING GurZLE WILL NEVER THINGS SO A DECISIONS WHEN ,UF OR ■ m t',*nbur5»o tor Rtnt ...... wherever HE isoes.... WHEREVER HE (SOBS ^ 1 MOMB THEY FEEL THEY n o t '•urnm .r Home, for Rent ONE, TWO A THREE room aparf- r TEACH HIM TO CHILD CAN HBB OLOERZ . . HAC? HIMSELF MUBT. ^ MISTER r. vyWatUJ to R.nt ...... ,"ITT ments. Cost nothing to inspect IE THAT RIGHT ? THINK AND ACT, UNDERSTAND LOWeCED FOR HIMSELF.^ Jj' t t . a l K . I . I . r . t S . U them. See Jensen. Johnson Blocks, TO TH E THE PRINCIPLES -rtm .ut Bulldlna for 8. 1. . . . 709 Main street. Phone 6070-7635. BEHIND -dn.as Prop.rty lor Sal. ‘ THEM, arm. aaj Land for S a l...... UNOECGCOUNC? 00* # * f o r 8. 1] FOR RENT—91 H A M LIN street, RIVEC, ON A ■ f o r ...... live room flat, with reception hail, EAFT.BurvWEN ort Rroportr for 8a lo ...... second floor, steam h eal shades trb a a f o r ...... THE GAFT WAS C it.t. for Rxebarg. .... and screens. A good renL Very rea- r . 8U d — R . . 1 E s t a t * ...... aonable. Inquire at 93 Hamlin 8 t HAULED BACK, Aaeii.»—Logoi Rotto*. THE MOOVIAM N o t le a ...... MOMAI2CH WAS X'

l>'- ■

tt^TIcHen^AdTi. J