Aamtrrstn: Ettmfng HrraOi WKDNZSDATf JUx^ifi INIL THB WBATHBB AVEBAOB DAILT CnCDlATlOM lUcoipt of 30,000 spaclal stamps The officers and members o f EHen Foreeaat at O. 8 . Waatbor pooltiana o t famous eomposers. In­ fs r Mm ■Math af Kay. 1886 DANCE TO VIC TURLETS commemorating tbs Ban Diego Ex­ Davidson Lodge are reminded that s Bartfora position was announced today cluding Haydn, Motart, Bach, Bee­ M adwid art priced Teiy low this week and we expect turkey supper wlU be held at the PIANO AND VIOLIN Parisian Club Orchestra Postmaster Frank B. Crocker. The home of Mrs. Elgin S. Maling of 39 thoven, Schubert, Schumann, Partly clottdy, probably with oe- frash shipments tomorrow and Friday. We will have a stamps, o f the three-cent denomina­ Locust street, Tuesday evening, June Strauss and MacDowetl, It being TLtJWIULECc - 5,519 cashmal showera tonight and Friday; Mamtor ot ttM Aadit • foD line of Fish and Clams Thursday including Butter- FRIDAY, JUNE 7 tion, already have been placed on 18, St 6 o’clock. The supper is In PUPILS IN RECITAL the purpose o f Mias Watkins and ilanrb^ater tting l|Fralb not much change la tempera turn. HaUbut, Sole, Salmon and Haddock. School Street Rec sale. They are lavender in color and honor of the Grand Oiflcers, who will Mr. Doellner to acquaint U)e chil­ Announcement— B Ilf saw o f OIrcalatioaa Admission 25c. the scene depicts the Exposition site visit the lodge later In the evening. dren with fine music. A feature of with San Diego Bay In the back­ the program will be the presenta­ Veal Shanks Any member wishing to attend is Genuine Spring Lamb! ground. asked to call 8265. tion of an original composition of All Girls Who (Uaaalfled Advertlolag on Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBN’Tli Center Clnircii Profram To Mr. Doellner's. V O L. U V ., NO. 2 1 1 . Ground Beef lOc to 12c Rib Lamb Chops Mrs. Joseph A. Farr of SIS Main Those o f Mias Watkina’a pupils ABOUT TOWN Have Entered - < 8 < 29c lb. lb. street entertained In honor of her Watkins Brothers' Duncan Phyfe Consist of Works of Mo­ who will be heard are: Connie Keb- 4 '" 3 3 c small daughter, Amelia, whose club held its June meeting last night ler, Emma Lou :Criiler, Joyce Lean Mr. and Mrs. Wells H. WeUierell eighth birthday was yesterday. St the AlberCs Tourist Home In Kebler, Joan Todd, Sidney Thrall, Hale’s Two First Ladies At White House Potato Salad Stewing Veal and daughter, Geraldine of Olcn Fourteen school friends of Miss Farr South Coventry. A strawberry din­ zart, Beethoven, Bach. Seymour Maldment, Frances Cude, UNFAIR TACTICS Strike o f 30,000 Men BUYING POWER enjoyed a lunch and games during PRESIDENT SUGGESTS 20c lb. Meaty Shoulder Cove, Illinois, spent the week-end ner was served, after which the Card McVeigh, Sylvia Walsh, Olga 18c to 25c and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. the afternoon and the guest of honor members held an Informal entertain­ Albasi and Bruce Watkins. Mr. was given many pretty gifts by her Lamb Chops Shaw of North EHm street. Mr. ment, the outdoor sports program Piano pupils of Miaa Miriam Doellner’s pupils will be Helen Contest ON SAND ORDERS IN U.S.W ATB Cole Slaw lb. Wctherell, who'was making hts flrat young friends. The decorations at that bad been planned being r^ned Vlertel, Rayetta Smith, Jane Stev- In Toledo Called Off the party were green and yellow Watkins and violin pupils of Robert visit to hts home town _tn seven out. enaon and Frank TleUe. Miss Fran­ INTERSTATE PACTS 15c lb. Calves’ I.iver crepe. Doellner, both' of the Hartford 2 9 c years, left for his business In Chica­ ces Stanley o f Hartford will be the ST0UTLY_DEN1ED TO BE FREED go by plane Monday morning. Mrs. School o f Music, will present a Joint accompanist. Toledo, O., June 8.— (A P )— A TAmerican Federation of Labor pres- Fidelity Court, Order of Ama­ Sewing Wetherell will remain unUl June 11 Troop 6 . Boy Scouts, will hold an recital at the Center Congregation­ crew of trouble abooters" and sure, newspaper pressure and com­ Pinehurst Vegetables when she will be Joined by her son, ranth, of Blast Hartford, will observe outdoor meeting tonight at 6:3U al church parish house at 8 o’clock generator operators went bo work in pany pressure. ON LABOR PROBLEMS New' Cabbage Wells H. Wetherell, Jr., a member Visiting Matrons’ and Patrons’ o’clock, meeting at the South this evening, to which the public Is must bring In their garment (or Charges Made by Jarvis the power plant o f the Toledo-Edtson Tbe union worksra voted 237 to 22 Head of Stock Exchange De­ JeUo of the freshman class In Bowdoln N ight tomorrow night In Blast Hart­ Methodist church at that hour in­ cordially invited to attend. Fifteen garments) by Saturday, Jimc Co., today, ending a strike which to end the atriko after Secretary of All Flavor. College, Brunswick, Maine, who will ford. Mrs. Rachel TUden, Royal stead of 6 o’clock. pupils will b f heard, almost all of TRAVEL BY BUS 15th. A ll garments will be Judged for a while threatened to abut off Labor Perkins had requested union return t^th .his mother and sister Matron of Chapman Court, Order of whom are second-year pupils with Throngh Attorney Shea electric power over an area of 800 leaders to maintain essential serv­ clares Freedom of Trade S c '" New York— Monday, June 17, and announced Suggests Study With Aim to by motor to Glen Cove after the Amaranth, o f this town, will hold a few flrat and third-year pupils. square miles In Northwestern Ohio. ice. 3 for In Tuesday’s Herald, June 18th. COIT BOMBERS W ater Cress, .bun. 10c close o f school. the station of Prelate. Supper will The Spru.ee Street Tavern nine The program will -onalst of com- 8SJ10 (O .W .) «4-80 (R .T.) Union electrical workers who call­ Myers said he was pleased with be served , at 6:30 In the Masonic will meet Highland Park at 6:30 Boston $2.35 (O.W.) $4-05 (B.T.) Management Will Release Asparagus . bun. 20c Have No Basis, Says ed the strike yesterday morning, the vote. Preserve Standards; Gov­ Temple, East Hartford. o’clock tonight and players are ask­ Providence— The Board of Administration of A ll contestants must hurry an called It off early today pending City officials sold apparently 30,- Cucumbers........ea. Sc ed to meet at the Tavern at 6 82.00 (O.W .) 88.50 (R .T.) PLEAD G U m ; | the Emanuel Lutheran Church will get their garments completi negotiations on their demand for a 000 factory workers would have, Jam of Wants. An members o f the Women o f the o’clock. Thornton. ernment Will Cooperate; Green Beans, meet this evening at 7:80 o'clock. Fares eqnaSy as low to other and entered in the contest, 30 per cent wage Increase. been affected in Toledo. 1 0 c Moose who will take part in the IRIS points. The negotiations wiU start In New C. L. Proctor, vice president and garments to Fabric Sect] The Women’s Guild o f the Center parade of the State Association of York, probably Monday, with offl>- general manager of Toledo-Edl.son ARESENTENCEB Lettuce, Iceberg lA>ttuce................... Lie the Moose on Saturday, June 8, In 25 Roots for $1.00. FILM S— 8e RoB, Developed, ae state highway department New York, June 6 — (A P ) — A White House Also Consid­ Congregational church will hold a (Main Floor, left.) dais of the Henry L. Doherty Co., pleased by the preliminary settle­ Waterbuiy, will meet at the Home Good Color. None Alike. "gigantic Jam of accumulated head . bridge and luncheon on the lawn at 111 be asked to cancel the remalq' parent company of Toledo Edison. ment said the employes would re­ *’i^ 1 0 c Club, Brainard Place, before 10 FOOD SALE CENTER wants and buying power" watts to .- ?- the home o f Mrs. Chester Robinson, Sat., June 8, Starting.at 10 A. M. der of Its order to the Manchester The swift termination of the ceive regular pay for the day of the ers New and High Taxes T o m a to e s........lb. 15c Windmill Kettle Cookies a. m. Saturday. A special bus will MRS. BATTEY b u r e a u 23 H Middle Turnpike West, Wed­ Daughters of Liberty, T R A V E L Sand and Gravel (kimpany for sand strike was attributed to "pressure strike. be released, Charles R. Gay, presi­ Taylor Gets Seven to Ten nesday, June 13. The hostesses will leave at 10 o’clock with members of Wapping Center on Bucklond B4. At tke Center Phone 7007 P: P e a s ........... 2 qts. 21c or Assorted I'anilia 1 (X — U U O. L., No. 125. used in Manchester and to transfer from many sources” by Oliver Arthur Bennett International vice dent of the New York Stock Ex­ be Mrs. Fred Thrall, Mrs. Henry both lodges. On Inheritances and Gifts. Fresh Spinach. Cookies, lb.................... I l / C 787 Main St., SU te Theater Bldg. Read The Herald Advs. Myers, business agent of the local president of the union conferred with change, said today. Years, Carron, Three to IV s Miller, Mrs. Chester Robinson, Mrs. the business to the Alexander Jnrvta Boy Scouts of Troop 7 will have a Soda Bread, Potato Bread, Scotch electrical workers union, on Ameri­ Myers before the meeting.
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