Daniel has been called “the of dreams”. He was a noble exiled to at the age of 16.  He became the prime minister in that country. He lived to be in his 90’s.  Henrietta Mears writes “God revealed to him His secrets.  Daniel 2:19 reads “Then was the secret revealed to Daniel in a night”.

CHAPTER REVIEW Chapter 1 reveals God honored Daniel’s prayers.  God the Keeper, cites the surrendered life of Daniel

Chapter 2 reveals God, the Revealer of Secrets. Daniel 2:27-28, he interprets the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel 2:48-49 King Nebuchadnezzar was so grateful because the dream was scary, his friends were hired.

Chapter 3 reveals God the Deliver. Daniel 3:8-12 friends delivered from the fiery furnace.

Chapter 4 reveals God the Potentate. Nebuchadnezzar was brought to his knees before God in this chapter.

Chapter 5 reveals God the Judge.  desecrates the sacred vessels taken from the Temple of Jerusalem and drank wine to the idols.  God showed his power with “the handwriting on the wall”.

Chapter 6 reveals God the All Powerful. Daniel 6:10-12, Daniel is thrown into the lions’ den.


Chapter 7 reveals Daniels dream. :1-28 is a dream about 4 beasts.  Tells of “the ancient of days” in Daniel 7:9-10, and the interpretation of the dream.

Chapter 8 reveals another interpreter, because two other creatures are added to the dream: a ram and goat.

Chapter 9 Daniel prays for the people and encounters Gabriel again who gives a seventy-week prophecy.

Chapter 10 Daniel is told that his prayers were heard however an evil angel was blocking (10:12-14).

Chapter 11 &12 reveals Israel’s humiliation and restoration.  Daniel 12:1 begins a discussion of The Great Tribulation coming, and the prophecy of “the End Time”.


 What was Daniel’s reaction to the King’s decree?

 When was the time you chose to do the right thing even though it was difficult?