Soviets Cut Gas Supply to Lithuania
20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. April 16. 1990 I HOMES CONDOMINIUMS HOMES INDUSTRIAL iQndRDDMMATES MOTORCYCLES/ I FOR SALE I FOR SALE FOR RENT |02iSPDRTING MISCELLANEOUS MOPEDS PRDPERTY I " I WANTED GDDDS FOR SALE Up in smoke Game 7 Bias CONTEMPORARY MANCHESTER-DrastIc MANCHESTER-Lovely 3 FEMALE ONLY-2 pri bedroom Duplex. Car VERNON. 2000-6000 In GOLF CLUBS-Complete WORTH LOOKING into... Motorcycle Insurenot SPLIT-Prlce reduc Reduction. Owner dustrial for lease. I-84 vate rooms, share kit set. 3-Sand Wedge, tion. S170's. Coll Ron wants action on this peting. Immediate oc chen, bath. $450 month. ♦he many bargains of Many o o m ^ w companies cupancy. $785. Owner- location, newer build Irons & Metal Wood 1, Fournier, 649-3087. great 2 bedroom unit ing, reasonable. Tully Includes all. 645- fered for sale every day in CaKhrFiBeOuolB Heating bill Bruins, Whalers set /Agent. 646-3938. 3, 5. Includes bag. Ex the clossified columns! Asian-American prof RE/M AX East of the featuring first floor Real Estate, 643-0005. 8776/646-2439. cellent condition. $125. AutomobOeAssodatei River, 647-1419.0 bedroom, 2 full baths, MANCHESTER-'Brand MANCHESTER- 646-1194. __________ ofVemon bums Coventiy/3 to decide series/9 AN AMERICAN DREAM fireplace, full base New' beautiful 3 bed 87&92S0 hits UConn/4 ment and much more. room, single family Avallable Imme- CLEANING SAFES-New and used. 1 WANTED TO Is whot this home, dlately. 2700 sauare Trade up or down. born, 4 plus acres Is oil Call for details. Contemporary Town- SERVICES |BUY/TRADE $139,900. Century 21, house with approxi feet cold storage with Liberal allowance for about.
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