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ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [The fossils referred to are described, and those of which the names are printed iff italics are also figured.] Africa, geology of~art~ of, 1, 4~3, 465 ; land, 533; reply to the'President on fossils from, 454 ; gold in'South, 1. receiving the Donation Fund "for Alkali-pits at the Lake of Van, 320. MM. Sandberger, xxvi, All~e Blanche, structure a~t.he racks Australia, fossil bones in the auriferous el, 21. alluvium of, 405 ; geology of part of, Alluvium ~, ~lew South Wales, foa~il 399 ; gold-diggings in, 395 ; obsidian bones in, 405; obsidian bombs-m bombs in the auriferous alluvium of, the, 4"03. 403. of the Euphrates Valle~ 249. Award of the Donation Fond, xxv; Alps, Mr. Sharpe on the cleavage~truc- Wollaston Medal, xyA. tufe of part of the, 11 ; ~nnschelkaik Baculites ~ulcatus, 457. in the, 452 ; St. Ca~sian beds in the Ba~. hot sands and the French and Bel- 451. .glan tertiaries, table of fossils found aAlveolina-rocks of the TurkQ-Persian m the, 236. f~ntier, 278. ' Bagsbot sands, lower, and the Ypresien kmeriea, North, geology of parts of, sup~rieur, 232. 497;537. Baily, ~V. H., description of some cre- .4turn'ires Gardeni, 456. taceous fossils from South Africa, Soutonii, 455. 454. Stangeri, 45~ Bakhtiyari Mountains, section in the, r"-'-" Urabulazi, 456. 285. A~alyses of soils from the Cotteswolds Ballarat go~d-diggings, 396. by Dr. Voeleker, 495. Banks's Peninsula, geology of, 526. Annelid-traeks in tile flagstones of Bar- Baphetes pla~iceps, Prof. Owen's addi- lae, 475. tional rem~l'ks on the skull of, 9. , Anniversary Address of the President, Barlae, fucoids, zoophytes, and anndlids xxvii. Sp.Jlso Hamil[on, ~V. J. in the flagstones of, 473~, Annual ~enePdl Meeting, i. Bay of Fundy, submerged forest at tile, Annhal Report, i. 119. AnthPacite ~chists" of Scotland, Prof. Bedford, E. J., notice of some raised Harkness onothe, ~168. 1J~aches in Argyllshir~, 549. Ararat, lavas of Mount, 315. Belgium, eoal-measures~Df, 533. ~lrca .Natalensi~ 461. Belgium, France, .and England, the ter- Uynzambaniensis, 46~.. tiari~s of, 206. Arctic America,..geology of, 497. Borrow Hill, section of, 194. " ", ": Archipelago, fossil' ~r from Beyneh, E., remarks ono the b~own coal the, b38; gl~ology ~ the, 537. .... of North Germany, 550 _ ' Argyll~hire~ raised beaches in; 549. Blradlohtes eanalmulatus, 51. Asl~ott, sb.c~ion ofestuarine beds at, 49[. Bit u#ainous ~ products of. the Turko- ~sia Minor, eoal~f,z~ 6; fossils fr.onf, 58. Pexsian frontier, 269@ Kuriferous alluvia of N~w South'~ale% Black soil of Nagpilr, 354. "' fossil honos~m, 405 ; obsidian bombs -. Blue Mountain Range, g~lagy of the, h~the, 403.~ - . .. .~ ~'I~, -:---- deports jn ~r :%) . i~n" Islands, tidal ph~0aomenon at . , iron pyrites in, the Peel Riv~ 4the, 532. - district, 41)1. Boulonnais, coal-measures of the, 535. ~-- rocks of At!stralia, 40~ ~ New Bovev Traceyl fossil seed-vessels from, Zealand, 35 ;South Afric0, 1. " 568. Aus.t~n, R. t3., qn land-surfac~ beneath Brachyops latic~ps, 37. the drift.g'ra,~el, 112 ; on the possiblt~ ~ Bracklesham beds and the French and extension oPthe'coal-aneasures be- , Belgian tertiaries, table of fossils neath thesouth-eastern'part of Eng- ) found in the, 236. ., INDEX TO THiS PROCEEDINGS. Bray, W., on the geology, of Georgia, ferous alluvia of Australia, 405 ; on United States, 521; on the occur- the occurrence of obsidian bombs in rence of copper in Tennessee, 8. the auriferous alluvia of New South Breccia, Permian, of Shropshixe and Wales, 403. Worcestershire, 187. Cleavage-structure of the rocks of Mont -, siliceous, of the Peel River di- Blanc, Mr. Sharpe on the, 11. strict, 400. Clent Hill, section of, 19~0. Breedon Hill, section of, 480. Climatal conditions of the Arctic Archi- Brickenden, L., on a Pterichthys from pelago, Sir R. I. Murchison on the, the old red sandstone of Moray, 31 ; 540. on the occurrence of glacial traces on Climate of the lternTmn epoch, 203. the Rock of Dumbarton, 27. Coal-deposits and plant-beds of India, British and foreign tertiaries, correla- Mr. ltislop on the, 555; of Central tion of the, 206. India, "~ of the, 376 ; of Thuringia, Brown-coal deposits of Northern Ger 418. many, 142, 550. C~al in Asia Minor, Mr. Sandison on Brown, J., and J. Prestwich on a f~, "the occurrence of, 476. siliferous drift near Salisbury, 101. Coal-measures of Belgium and North Brussa, earthquakes at, 543. Franc~ 533; origin of the, 535; Bunter and Permian rocks of England, pqpible existence of, in the ~E. of sections of the, 192, ]93, 195. England, 533.. Bunter sandstone of England, the ~four Coal of Pictou, reptile in the, 8. subdivisions of the, 188; of the Coals of New Zealand, 528. Hartz, 446 ; of Thuringia, 428. Coast-line of New Zealand, Mr. C*. Burdwan coal-beds, age of, 555. Forbes on the geology of, 52l. Buyuk Aladyn, nummulitic rock from, Coast" Range, geology of the, 516. 10. Coecoteuthis latipinnis, 124. Caprina adversa, 51. Compton Hill, section of warp-Qift at, .... Aguiiloni, 51 ; shell of, 50. 490. Caprinella, shell of, 52. Conglomerate beds of the Grampians, Caprinella triangularis, 52. 5t5. Caprinula Boissii, 52. , . Copper in Tennessee, 8; in So~th Caprotma quadnpartlta, 50; shell of, 49. Africa, 467. Carboniferous deposits of New Zealand, Cornwall, sand-worn granite in, 549. 521. Coromandel Harbour, gold-diggings of, fossils from the Arctic Archipe- 31. lago, 53~; from the north-west coasts Correlation of the tertia~es of England, of North America, 519. France, and Belgium, Mr. 1Jrestwich land, extent of the old, 535. on the, 206. ----rocks of the Hartz, 441; of the CotteswoldHills,){r. Hullonthe, 477; Mackenzie l~iver, 511 ; of Thuringia, section of the, 4~0. 418. Council, Report of the, i. Cardium denticulatum, 460. Count~" Hi~l, fossil seeds from, 562. Carpolithes ovulum, 562. Crawford, J. C., on the geology of the Cascade Range, geology of the, 516. Port Nicholson district, New Zea- Cassel, t•rtiari'es of the hill of, 232. land, 530. Cephalopod, Prof. Owen on a new fos- Creswiek Creek gold-diggings, ,~97. " esil species of naked, 124. Cretaceous fossils from S~uth :A/flea, Chalk, sand-pipes in the, ~2, 64., Mr. Baily on some, 454. Q Charters, Major, on the geology of the ----locks in South Africa, Captain vicinity of Nice, 35. Garden on some, 453; of the Hartz, Chedworth ~alley, section of, 484. 447 ; of the Turko-P~rsian fro6ntier, Chemnitzia Sutherlandii, 459. 284. Chondrites ~nformis, 473. ~rqlbpodia Scotica, 475. - regularis, 473. i Urystalline roclm, range of, east of the Christiania, Silurian and Devonian~ Ro&kyMountains, 500. rocks of, 161. Dawson, J. W., notice of the discovery Christiansand, sections near, 171. of a raptilian skull in the coal of Clarke, W. B., notes on the geology of Pictoa, 8 ; on a modern submerged New South Wales, 408 ; on the oe- , * forest at Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia, eurrence of fossil bones in the anti. 1 ! q " INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS. Derik, travertin springs at, 302. Fossil bones in the auriferous alluvia of Devonian and Silurian rocks of Chris- Australia, Rev. Mr. Clarke on, 405. tiania, 161. cephalopod from the Kimmeridge Devoman rocks of the Eastern Gram- shales, Prof. Owen on a, 124. plans, 544 ; of the Elk or Mackenzie . cranium and remains of Dieyno- River, 509 ; of Thuringia, 412 ; of don, Prof. Owen on the, 532, 541. the Hartz, 436. fish from Sydney, 408. Diceras arietinum, 53, 54 ; shell of, 49. - . fucoids of South Scotland, 473. Dicynodon from South Africa, remains mammalian skull from Jamaica, of, 532, 541. Prof. Owen on a, 54l. strata, South Africa, 3. -- plants of the Mackenzie River Dicynodon tigriceps, 532, 541. basin, 512. See also Plants, fossil. Dieppe, coast-section near, 118; Lon- --saurian bones from the Arctic don clay near, 230. Archipelago, 538. Discovery. of reptilian remains in the ----seed-vessels from Bovev Tracey, coal of Pictou, Mr. Dawson on thee8. Dr. Hooker on some, 56"6; from Dizful, section at, 261. Lewisham, Dr. Hooker on some, 562. Donation Fund, award of the, xxv. ---- wood from the Arctic Archipe- Donations to the Library, 85, 145, 38~,~j lago, 538 ; of New Siberia, 513. 571. Fossiliferous drift-deposits near the Re- ~ ---- to the Museum, viii. culvers, Mr. Prestwich on some, 110 ; Drift-deposits of the Cotteswolds, 492. near Salisbury, Messrs. Prestwieh and wood of the Arctic Archipelago, Brown on a, 101. 536. ---- gravel at itackney, Mr. Prestwich Duckton, occurrence of copper near, 8. on, 107. Dumbarton Rock, glacial traces on, 27. Fossils from Kirrind, 267, 277; from Dumfriesshire, anthracite schists of, Oregon, 517 ; from Swanage, 123 ; 468. from the cretaceous rocks of the Dunedin, coal from, 529. Turko-Persian frontier, 289; from Earthquakes at Brussa, Mr. Sandison the cretaceous rocks of South Africa, on the, 543. 456; from the Keuper of Pendock, Elbingerode, section near, 438. 450; from the Silurian rocks of Elevatory movements of North Ame- North America, 505, 507; of the rica, 514 ; of New Zealand, 526, 531. freshwater deposit of Nagpur, Cen- Elk River, geology of the, 509. tral India, 360 ; of the Permian rocks, English, French, and Belgian tertiaries, 197 ; of the sandstone formation of 206. Nagpur, Central India, 370. Erratic ph~enomena of the Cotteswolds, , pleistocene, at West Hackney, 487. lI0; from near the Reculvers, 111 ; Estuarine deposits of the Cotteswolds, near Salisbury, 106. 490. Fox, R. W., on sand-worn granite near Eureka gold-diggings, 395. the Land's End, 549. Extension of the coal-measures beneath Fractures in the nummulitic rocks of the south-east of England, Mr.