Cowbit Peak Hill Weston Weston Hills

Oct/Nov 2020 Elloe Oracle

Elloe Oracle

Community Contacts

Cowbit Village Hall 01406 821836 Darren Harper , [email protected]

Weston Village Hall 07745 577517 Anne Temple

Weston Hills Village Hall 01406 380717 Maralyn Surman

Cowbit Parish Council 01945 700417 Dominique Leedham [email protected]

Weston Parish Council 01406 371231 Graham French [email protected]

Police 0797 3845396 PCSO Tracy Mason

Police (non urgent) 101

Victim Support 01205 315905

Weston Shop and PO 01406 370744 Open Mon—Sat 7am to 7.30pm ,Sun 8am-2pm

Moulton Medical Centre 01406 370265 8am—6pm

Registration of Births, 01522 782244 Mon—Fri 8am to 6pm, Sat 9am to 4pm, For Deaths, Marriages booking appointments at Spalding, Long Sutton, Boston, Bourne or Stamford.

Pilgrim Hospital 01205 364801

Johnson Hospital 01775 652000

Peterborough City 01733 678000 Hospital

NHS Direct 111

Weston Hills Church Rev. Charles Brown , 01733 211763 , [email protected]. Rev. Annie Billson—01733 211648, [email protected]. Sally Wilson ,01775 760352 , [email protected] Churchwardens - Paul Bellamy , 01775 724929 - Christine Woolsey , 01775 769345

Weston Church Rev. Charles Brown, 01733 211763 , [email protected] Rev. Annie Billson, 01733 211648, [email protected]

Cowbit Church Rev. Charles Brown, 01733 211763 , [email protected] Rev. Annie Billson—01733 211648, [email protected]. Churchwardens –Dinah Fairbanks ,01406 380692 -Pauline Start , 01406 380599

Methodist Church Rev Alan Barker,01406 423270, [email protected] 2

Anglian Water emergency 0800 771881( 24hrs)

Electricity—Loss of supply 0800 0568090

Flood line 08459 881188

Environment Agency 0800 807060

Action Fraud 0300 123 2040

AgeUK 03455 564 144 Mon-Fri 9am-4pm 0800 4708090 out of hours Advice line 0800 1696565

Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 9177 650

Alzheimer's Society 01522 437069

Boston Women's Aid 01205 311272

Call Connect—Bus Service 0845234334

Child and Adolescent Mental 0303 123 4000 Health Services [email protected]

ChildLine 0800 1111 0800 3895272

Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444

County Care Independent Living 01754 611153 [email protected]

Dementia Support Service 0303 123 4000

Domestic Abuse 01205 318600

Lincolnshire Carers Partnership 01522 554214

Lincolnshire County Council 01522 310010

Macmillan Cancer Support 0800 8080000

National Drugs Helpline 0800776600

NHS Direct 111

Parent line 01733 312457

Relate and Bereavement support 01205 315920

RSPCA 0300 1234 999 ( 24hrs)

Samaritans 0845 790 9090

South Holland District Council 01775 761161

Volunteer Car Service 01775 719290 Pat Preston


Welcome to The Elloe Oracle Magazine

Dear Friends and Neighbours I hope that this edition finds you all safe and well! This community magazine has reached a new milestone as we now move our circulation to 2000 homes and rising. Many thanks to all of you who contribute to our featured articles and information. We are always looking for new content so please do get in touch if you have any ideas. A big thanks to all of our advertisers and the local parish councils who support us throughout the year and to the many volunteers who deliver the magazine across our villages. As winter approaches the threat of a return to lockdown looms . We will try our best to ensure that we can deliver the magazine as we know for some of you it is a vital link to information about who and how you can get help. Stay safe! Janet

South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Service Check out what’s new in this edition If you need transport to Doctors,

Dentist, Chiropodist, Hospital etc. Call Pat Preston on 01775 719290 Features Would you like to be one of our Page 12—Inner Wheel Voluntary Car Drivers? Page 13—Chilli Chicken No set hours, drive to fit in with you. Page 14/15—New Covid Advice You get a payment of 45p per mile and New Advertisers free DBS check. Page 23—Steve’s Interior Decorating Ring Sharon on 01406 366820 or Service, Coley’s Funeral Service Greg on 07754580656 Page 27—R A Hall Decorating Service for more information.

Copy deadline for next edition

Wednesday 11th November


South Holland District Council

As lockdown measures started lifting gradually, and people starting to venture out again, SHDC announced that market fees in Spalding will be waived until 30 November. This has been encouraging with new traders using the free period to take part in the market. Shop-ping locally has been a key point since the COVID outbreak, so please continue to support local business and economy . SHDC Strategic Housing team has taken handover of 9 new properties at the Small Drove, Weston. The properties are a mixture of two and three bedroom semi- detached and terraced houses. Five of the properties will be let on Affordable Rent tenancies, and four will be sold on Shared Ownership leasehold terms. Andrew, Anthony and Rodney are delighted these properties are now completed as it re-affirms the Councils commitment to deliver high-quality housing and affordable prices. Sadly, there has been and increase in fly-tipping cases over recent months. This ongoing issue continues to be a blight on the landscape and a cost to the taxpayer. If you see fly-tipping, or even it happening, please contact one of us, or report online at Please remember if you require and assistance during the Pandemic, the Street Ambassadors are still operating within the ward and continue help households and those who have been shielding during the Pandemic by shopping, collecting prescriptions and checking on that those who are unable to get out. If you require assistance, please contact your Ambassador or Andrew. Please continue to stay safe and follow the Government guidelines. Should you have any issues, please feel free to contact your councilors on:

Andrew Woolf 01406 373008, 07868 701659, [email protected] Anthony Casson 01775 723965, 07889 811845, [email protected] Rodney Grocock 01775 713989, [email protected]

Member of Parliament for South Holland and The Deepings: John Hayes House of Commons, Westminster ,.SW1A 0AA Constituency Office 24-25 Westlode Street, Spalding,PE11 2AF Tel: 01775 711534


My Garden World by Monty Don is a New releases for Oct/Nov 2020 celebration of every living creature that we all share. This year has given us the enforced opportunity to learn more about the fascinating natural world around us. Whether you live in the countryside or the town, Monty's observations and insights are relevant to each and every one of us. My Garden World is Monty Don's personal journey through the natural year, month by month, season by season, observed from the immediate world around him. 'Wildlife is not something that we watch happening in remote and exotic parts of the world on our screens, but right here in our own back yards and the more that we encourage it and learn to live with it, the more rewarding it becomes. If, in our own modest back yards, we can help preserve and treasure our natural world then we will make the world a better place -- not just for ourselves but for every living creature.'


Cowbit St Mary’s C of E Primary School School Office— 01406 380369

Everyone is happy to be back at school, especially the teachers. Pupils have adapted quickly to the new routines and procedures. We are very pleased with the support given to us by parents, pupils and the wider community. Our online Classroom Dojo system has proven to be very useful in providing a stronger form of communication between parents and teachers. Pupils are enjoying earning loads of Dojo points which we are looking to develop into our new rewards system. Donaldson Class—we are so happy to be back at school playing and learning with our friends. Our new classroom is engaging and keeping us ( and our teachers) very busy. Dahl Class—this term we are investigating electricity and have already created a simple circuit making a light bulb shine, a motor run and a buzzer sound. We have talked about how to be safe around electricity and made posters that can be displayed around school. We will later be exploring who Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison were and their role in how electricity is used today.

Morpurgo Class—This term in Maths we are revisiting place value and refreshing our mental maths skills. In English we are creating a newspaper article based on a short video clip called the Light House. We pretended to be newspaper reporters and interviewed Kane, the distraught captain of the ship which nearly smashed on the rocks when the massive lamp suddenly went out in the lighthouse. Our topic this term is Light and Sound. We investigated how mirrors work and formulated interesting questions about different materials that can be reflective. We are currently investigating which materials are the most reflective. Friday is our PE day. We completed a variety of obstacle courses to get us back into shape.


Cowbit Village Hall As we reported in the last issue of Elloe Oracle we had been awarded lotto funding to upgrade the car park I’m pleased to say this is now started, subject to white lining the two parking bays are built and the base for the new storage is also complete, the committee are now looking at ordering the new lodge to replace the old weathered and worn sheds that have now been removed. The Village Hall was very happy to support the school during the end of last term and allowed them to use the hall exclusively; the remaining children were in the school and able to and keep social distance. As with many other community groups the “Rule of 6” has prevented many groups from attending this also includes the 2 bingos, The twice weekly post office service is also still suspended and Ken is waiting for guidance from the post office before re-opening. Although we are not taking bookings the phone number has changed for the Village Hall and for any enquiries please ring 01406 821836. The committee also reviewed the rules regarding the Facebook group and reduced the number of business adverts being placed, and reminding everyone that we have a “Cowbit buy and sell” Facebook group for anything being sold; however residents are allowed to post once a day if they wish to give something away for free.

We also learnt of the sad loss of Val Day who was chairperson of the Village Hall for many years and has done so much for the Cowbit community over the years. RIP Val Day. Darren - Chair, Cowbit Village Hall

COWBIT VILLAGE HALL Darren—01406 821836 [email protected] We are now taking bookings for next year, we operate a Discount scheme for Cowpat village residents.


Cowbit Parish Council At the most recent Parish Council meeting via Zoom, complaints had been received regarding vehicles driving over farm land over the wash. If anyone does spot this happening then they are to report it to the police as it’s causing damage to farm land. The half pipe has finally been removed from the playing field, this did not comply to safety standards and needed to be removed with some urgency. Can we remind people of the rules of using the playing field please, dogs are not allowed and neither is cycling on the grass, also please do use the rubbish bins provided. This is my last report as being the Parish Clerk, I’m off to pastures new some 600 miles away in France, but I leave the Parish Council administration in the safe hands of your new Clerk Domenique Leedham, who has been a Parish Clerk for some years. On a personal note, may I just say I’ve had a fantastic time being Clerk for the past 4 years, It’s been lovely to work alongside your 5 Parish Councillors, both current one’s and also those who have left, District Cllr Anthony Casson and also County Cllr Nigel Pepper. They are all such dedicated people who do their very best for the village of Cowbit. Bless you and thank you all, it’s been great to meet you. Carol Mackenzie

NEW PARISH CLERK - COWBIT Dominique Leedham, Jules Hair Cowbit Parish Council, Marshalls Farm, 90 Luttongate, , PE12 0QH Design 01945 700417 Beautician required Available a lovely clean and modern first floor room situated in a relaxed and friendly cowbit village location, METHODIST CHURCH with free parking. Would suit a beautician , or who Latest news from The Trustees. specialises in botox or fillers, Sadly our church must remain closed nail technician or dietician etc. for the time being. We have examined This would be a the latest guidelines and concluded self employed person that it is impractical and unsafe for folk Room only to attend services and adhere to the Hours to suit part/full time latest restrictions. Services would be Affordable rates shorter as singing by the congregation Call Julie on is not allowed. Stay aware and safe 07780 666871 God’s Blessing to you all.


God’s Reassuring Love

Dear Friends

For the last six months we have all lived with the current pandemic and, in what remains a very uncertain world, the Covid infection rate is rising sharply once more. As a measure to try to counteract this, the Prime Minister has just introduced further restrictions on social gatherings – the “rule of six” - which will affect so many of us and our families and friends for possibly many months to come. Nothing in our lives seems certain. The virus strikes randomly, particularly (but not exclusively) affecting the afflicted, the vulnerable and the elderly. Throughout all this, our lives have been turned upside down, and the world now seems a very different and uncertain place. So how do we deal with the emotional impact of such uncertainty in our lives? As I see it, the most certain thing in all our lives, and not just at the present time but always, is God. God is constant. God is always there, always with us, always loving us, always strengthening and guiding us and giving us the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at us. Whilst we have the government to put measures in place to help many of us practically, we have God who is always there to help all of us spiritually and emotionally, if only we will allow Him. When the going gets tough, He’s our ever-present Friend. Whenever we need to be loved and comforted, He’s always there to shower us with His love and peace. When we feel weak and vulnerable, He gives us strength. When we need someone to talk to, He’s always there, ready and waiting to listen. All we need to do is to take the time to allow ourselves to be reassured by His presence and reach out to absorb the love He gives so willingly and unconditionally. Psalm 23 verse 4 reassures us: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff - they comfort me”. (NRSV). In this very tough time, please remember to be kind to yourselves. I pray that, whatever the future brings, you will all feel the confidence of knowing that God is with you always. However uncertain things may seem, may you all be reassured by the absolute certainty of His gentle and constant presence in your lives, and may you know the warmth and comfort of His love.

Yours in Christ , Annie Billson—Associate Priest .

From the Parish Registers

Baptism 13 September 2020 Alice Olivia Ward ( Weston) Funeral 5 August 2020 Freda Margaret Mann (Cowbit) Burial 26 August 2020 Laurence George Rutherford (Cowbit)


Cowbit , St. Mary’s Church Date Time Service Venue 11 Oct 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church 25 Oct 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church 8 Nov 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church 22 Nov 9:15 Holy Communion St Mary’s Church Weston Hills , St. John’s Church Weds 7th Oct 2020 at 11am—Easter Vestry and Annual Parochial Church Meeting in the church. Date Time Service Venue 4 Oct 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 11 Oct 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 18 Oct 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 25 Oct 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 1 Nov 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 8 Nov 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 15 Nov 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church 22 Nov 9:15 Morning Prayer St John’s Church 29 Nov 9:15 Holy Communion St John’s Church

Weston , St. Mary’s Church - is open for baptisms, weddings, funerals, special services and community events. For Sunday worship please go to Weston Hills or Cowbit.

Sunday, 1 November 2020, at 8 p.m. – All Souls’ Service on Zoom On Sunday, 1 November, at 8 p.m. we shall have a service on Zoom to remember all those who have died, especially those whose funerals have been taken by our cler- gy over that past year in the parishes of Cowbit, , Weston, or Weston Hills. If you have loved ones whose names you would like to be mentioned in the prayers at this service, please email me, Charles Brown, at [email protected] You will find it easier to access the service if you have Google Chrome as your browser or default browser. We are happy to pray by name for those who have died many years ago and for those whose funerals took place in other parishes.



Chicken Chilli


 1 tbsp. olive oil  1 large red onion, sliced  2 garlic cloves, chopped  1 bay leaf  1tsp dried oregano Method  1/4– 1 tsp chilli powder, to 1. Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in large your own taste saucepan and fry all onion  1 tsp ground cumin until soft.  1 tsp smoked paprika 2. Add garlic, oregano, bay leaf,  Fresh coriander—chopped cumin, chilli powder, paprika  4 chicken thighs, remove and coriander and continue skin and bone and cut into to cook on low heat for 1 chunks min.  2 x 400g tins kidney beans 3. Add chicken , beans,  250g passata passata, stock , cider  200ml chicken stock vinegar and salt. Bring to boil  1 tsp cider vinegar then simmer for 15 /20 mins stirring as needed. Stir in  Salt and pepper for seasoning chocolate and cook for an- other 15 mins.  2—3 squares dark chocolate 4. Season and scatter coriander leaves on top, serve with To Serve rice and avocado.

 Freshly boiled rice  1 ripe aocado sliced  Soured cream

If you have a favourite recipe you would like to share on this page contact [email protected]





It has been fantastic to welcome all of the pupils and families at Weston St Mary back to school and to return to some sort of ‘normal’. We have been delighted to welcome lots of new pupils to our school, including our new Early Years pupils and children from many other year groups also. They have all settled in brilliantly and we are so pleased with how quickly the school community has adapted to the changes we have had to put in place. To support our children’s return to school, all classes have spent the first few weeks completing activities linked to the book ‘Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth’ by Oliver Jeffers. It has been great to see the children engage with this beautiful book, talking about what it is that they think is good about our planet. The book emphasises the importance of community and of working together, and in these ongoing uncertain times this has felt like a very valuable message to focus on. Children have started working on their new topics and are already excited to learn more about the ‘Big Questions’ they will be answering this year as part of our philosophy-based curriculum. The questions are: Maple Class: Why have buildings changed over time? Willow Class: Why do humans create art? Birch Class: Can one person change the world? We cannot wait to hear their answers to these questions as they begin to look at these topics in detail. The children and staff at Weston St Mary would like to take this opportunity to send best wishes to all residents of Weston and surrounding communities during these unprecedented times.



Dear Parishioners Not a lot to update you about this time, but the Parish Council are still having their meetings albeit via the Zoom link, which thankfully is run by Councillor Janet Bellamy, with all her expertise. There has been very little movement on the Planning front, however we understand that a new company has taken over from Seagate Homes and will or have already commenced the added development at Dean Close in Weston. With regards to the junction of Broadgate & Beggars Bush lane, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership have sent letters to many residence in the locale with their preferred option, taking into account any inconvenience to both residents and businesses they have decided that the current temporary arrangement at this junction will be made permanent. As Co-ordinator of the Community Speed Watch Group (CSW) I have raised on behalf of the group our disappointment and frustration that during the current lock down regulations many motorists have, and are still exceeding the speed limits within both villages. To this end I made representation to the Head of LRSP, the Police & Crime Commissioner and our local MP for a realistic support from the local Police. The main reason is that not only have speeds increased during lockdown but the behaviour of some motorist’s borders on ‘Road Rage’ which if reported to the Police is a criminal offence. The group are only responding by their site checks due to the many complaints received surrounding speeding vehicles, however it is nice to report that many local residents do recognise the need for these checks and show their appreciation in many ways. The group are always on the lookout for new members and specific training is given via South Holland District Council and a follow up input by myself, so if anyone is interested and can spare a couple of hours a week or more then please contact me in the first instance. We have also contacted High- ways requesting they look into the possibility of removing two locations with 40mph limits due to possible illegality and if possible to extend the 30mph limit. Lastly if any Parishioner has any issues we may be able to assist with, may I request that they go only to the Parish Clerk directly via email or letter. Chris Dicks ,Chairman ,Weston Parish Council.

WESTON CONSOLIDATED CHARITY The Charity owns several wheelchairs that are available for either short or long term loan to residents of Weston Parish. To arrange for the free loan of a chair please contact either

Anthony Casson 01775 723965 or Julian Bellamy 07831 212976


Weston Hills Community News

WESTON HILLS VILLAGE HALL It is with sadness that we Hall bookings please contact have heard that Val Day Maralyn Surman 01406 380717 has passed away. Residents £9 /hr, Non residents £10/hr, Much loved by all her friends Local Organisations £6/hr, across the villages. Small Meeting Room £6/hr. May she rest in peace. Other enquiries contact Anthony Casson 07889811845 Pam Grummitt 01406 380548 Our Village Hall has been closed because of the Virus. We do not anticipate being able to open in October and November. The committee are working on what we have to do to make it safe for people to use the Village Hall, including a one way system, sanitiser points and cleaning. We will keep everyone updated .


Currently restrictions are still preventing face to face Parish Council Meetings however the Council successfully held two virtual meetings. The next meeting scheduled for Monday 5th October will also be a virtual meeting unless restrictions are lifted. The opportunity is also there for members of the public to join the meeting as there will be the usual fifteen minute open forum at the start of meetings for any member of the public to have their say on any matters which may affect them. If you would like to join the meeting please contact the Parish Clerk who will supply the link that will allow you to join. In November/ December the Parish Council will be setting its budget for 2021/22. In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 (Section 137) the Parish Council sets aside a sum of money each year which can be applied for by local organisations for projects which will be a benefit to residents within the parish. If you are an established voluntary or community group that could benefit from a grant please contact the Parish Clerk for a policy document and application form. Please note grant applications need to be submitted by 31st October 2020. Weston Parish Council Clerk - Graham French 01406 371231 30 Broadgate, Weston PE12 6HY [email protected]


Weston Hills C of E Primary School School Office—01406 380309

It is wonderful to see the school filled with children once again! Every child returned on 3rd September and classrooms were as they should be - busy, productive places. We also welcomed 20 new starters to our school and they have settled into school brilliantly. As is expected during a global pandemic, a number of changes have been put into place to ensure that all members of our school community remain as safe as possible. We have been truly amazed at how quickly and positively the children have adapted to new routines. Children often cope with change far better than we do, their resilience and adaptability are an inspiration to us all. Parents too have been crucial to the successful start of the academic year. The staggered entry and exit procedures we have had to introduce are difficult for many but everyone has cooperated and for this we are most grateful. At a time when everything is challenging and unfamiliar understanding and patience is crucial- the school is blessed to have such a supportive community.


MOULTON MILL NEWS www. T: 01406 373237 Open 10am-4pm (last tour 3pm)

The Mill will is open to the public with group sizes restricted to 6. We are open on Saturdays and Sundays only throughout October and November . 10am—4pm daily. Last tour 3pm.

Please note that visitors are required to wear face masks when entering the Mill and will need to complete a track and trace form.


Local Listings

Accountancy Services If you use an advertiser Bulley Davey, Hol 01406 423166 Sp 0 1775 please tell them you found 766633 Chartered cert, tax advisers, audit, a/cs, personal & business, rental accounts, them here in the capital gains. Elloe Oracle Garden & Property Services LSF Contractors Landscaping, Surfacing and Fencing , No obligation quote, Fully insured, DBS Checked. Qualified CSCS Cardholder. 07903 894762, 07568 089879, 01775 761426, email [email protected] Reflections Exterior Cleaning, Exterior cleaning of windows, doors, conservatories, fascia, gutters. For a free quote 01406 371472/07545774126 D G Gardening and Handyman, From complete garden maintenance to one off, we offer a large range of services to suit your needs. Hedge trimming/shaping, tree topping or felling, fencing, patios, laying gravel, grass cutting, borders, weeding and green waste clearance. Reasonable rates and Elloe Oracle a friendly service 01406 380927 Elloe Oracle is a community newsletter, run Housework and Home Care by a volunteer committee of local people. Cleaner– Home Care 07377 545235 Competitively-priced advertising is available Meticulous, hard-working, reliable cleaner in sizes ranging from full page right down available for house work and home care. to ‘classified’. It is an extremely Reasonable rates and full DBS check, BVS care cost-effective way of getting your message ceryified and insured. Help where it is needed to local people. As well as conventional with everyday tasks and care support. advertising we are also able to offer Contact Clare 07377 545235. sponsorship opportunities, our ‘featured Plumbing, Heating & Electrical ad’ opportunity, and we can also arrange Eco-Plumbing Ltd 07933 104331 for your ‘flyers’ to be delivered with the Bathroom & kitchen installation, design to magazine, again at very competitive cost. fully fitted & tiled. CH installation & oil boiler As well as the printed magazine we have servicing. General plumbing maintenance our own Facebook page and Twitter and repairs. account, and the whole magazine is available online so it can be seen by people To advertise please outside our delivery area . To find out more about the many contact commercial opportunities Darren available, call Darren Harper on 0790 3209126 0790 3209126 or after 6.00pm, or email [email protected] [email protected] 22


White Knight Honeypot Locksmiths & Day Nursery Security & Pre-School Services [email protected] (24 hour service) 07985 535208 01406 380380

The Old Primary School inc. Spalding Locksmiths 230 Broad Gate,,Weston Hills, Spalding,Lincs PE12 6DQ UPVC, wood & aluminium 01406 380803

Bill Williams Building & Bricklaying Service

New Builds/Extensions/ Renovations Call Bill on 01406 373081 07941450836


Coffee Break

Word Wheel 15—Good 20—Excellent 25+ - Outstanding!



R A Hall Decorating Services Interior & Exterior Domestic & Commercial

01775 760023 07525 150159 [email protected]

27 FOUR STAR RATING E: [email protected] Tele: 01775 724159 Mob: 07497 366731 Swindler’s Drove, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 6BS.

Maggie’s Mobile Foot Care Fully qualified Foot Care Practitioner Sac Dips RFHP Reg No A310126

Nails trimmed, corns, callus and fungal nails reduced. Diabetic foot care. Local Domiciliary service in your own home.


[email protected]