University of Florida Thesis Or Dissertation Formatting
SPEECH MADE UNABLE: INEXPRESSIBILITY, SUBLIMITY, AND NOTHINGNESS IN KING LEAR AND ITS RECEPTION By JAMES TRYGVE NEWLIN A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 2013 1 © 2013 James Trygve Newlin 2 To Trygve Tonnessen, my grandfather 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appropriately enough for a study attentive to failure and problems of expression, this dissertation is the result of many false starts, detours, and drafts. I am grateful to the many colleagues, family members, and friends whose support and encouragement made completion possible. I owe an enormous debt to my dissertation committee. I thank my chair, Richard Burt, and my readers, R. Allen Shoaf, Terry Harpold, and Eric Kligerman. This project is the result of not only their suggestions, but also their inspiration. I am also grateful to the English department at the University of Florida for offering a supportive intellectual atmosphere, and for providing opportunities to complete and present my work. I was able to complete this project thanks to the funding awarded from the Graduate Student Award fellowship, and was able to present early drafts at conferences thanks to additional travel funds awarded by the department and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I am as grateful for these awards as I was fortunate to receive them. I owe thanks to my many teachers at UF: Sidney L. Dobrin, Robert B. Ray, James J. Paxson, Anastasia Ulanowicz, Phillip E. Wegner, and Roger Beebe. Thanks as well to Pamela K. Gilbert, Kenneth B.
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