2004 USAID Post-Abortion Care Strategy
USAID Postabortion Care Strategy Paper was made possible through support provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of Contract Number HRN–C–00–00–00007–00, POPTECH Assignment Number 2002–088. Production support was provided by the Population, Health and Nutrition Information (PHNI) Project, Contract Number HRNC000000004. The opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Postabortion Care Strategy Paper was developed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Postabortion Care (PAC) Working Group under the direction of Carolyn Curtis. Special thanks are extended to Nicole Buono and Carolyn Curtis for initiating the strategy paper, and to the facilitators, Julie Solo and Maureen Lyne, for their synthesis of PAC information that contributed greatly to the strategy. MEASURE Evaluation’s Compendium of Indicators for Evaluating Reproductive Health Programs was an invaluable resource in the development of the strategy. Additionally, Margaret Neuse’s valuable comments and direction throughout the process are greatly appreciated. Members of the PAC Working Group include Mary Vandenbroucke, James Griffin, Sarah Harbison, Amy Leonard, Gary Cook, Lily Kak, Mary Ellen Stanton, Lindsay Mayka, Patricia Stephenson, Willa Pressman, Khadijat Mojidi, Sandra Jordan, Barbara Seligman, Mary Jo Lazear, Marguerite Farrell, Lindsay Stewart, Julie Chitty, Maureen Norton, Shawn Malarcher, Pam Mandel, and Dana
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