(Apartment House Directory SEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. I REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. I REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. I REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments to Rent Send for the P. Plan October ist Occupancy Joseph Day (T Indicates Furnished Apts. HOW TO HAVE YOUR LOTS COST YOU NOTHING through Tax Exemption." -.East Side Manhattan.East Side SEVEN ROOMS SEVENTEEN ROOMS Douglas Li. Elliman * Co., 15.E, 49th St. Park Ave., 270. Pork Ave., 290. IS 49th St. Douglas L. Killman 4 Co., in E. 49th St. Doutfla.s V. Elllm&n & Co., E. Park Ave., 840. 3 bathe. $3,900. Douglas L. EUlman 4 Co., 15 E. 49th St. EIGHTEEN ROOMS Park Ave., 940. 2 bathe, 83,900. Park Ave., 640. 6 hatha, <18,000. Apply premises. Douglas L. Elliman A Co., 10 E. 49th St. Park Ave., 813. *s Mr. to me Apply premlsea. TWENTY-TWO ROOMS l\inw ^ow the time, Owner, consult with regarding Park Ave., 829. Can the I iv/ YY lJIQ THF1 IlL TIMFl llYllli vacant 1 You Save N. A. Berwln, 103 Park Ave. Park Ave., 320. hatha, <20.000. the sale of your property. Pease ( Elllman. 34U Madison Ave. EIGHT ROOMS TWENTY-EIGHT ROOMS Now is the time, Mr. to "buy a few lots" before the benefits of "Tax are lost. 6th At.. 247. cor. 28th St. $4,600. Buyer, Exemption" Ruland 4 Benjamin. 14 E. 48th St. Bth Ave., 907. <37,600. Pease A EUlraan. 340 Madison Ave. Cost of a New Home 5th Ave., 247. 2 baths, $4,500. Ruland 4 Benjamin. Inc., 14 B. 43th St. Now is the time to send for the P. Plan 19th St.. 103 E. $1,800. Bronx and Stop Paying Rent Joseph Day N. A. Berwln 4 Co., 103 Park Ave. SOth St., 35 E. 3 baths, *4,000. TWO ROOMS are on to lots cost next to Douglas L. EUlman 4 Co., 15 E. 49th St. Grand Concourse, 2034. Huncu eds doing this the Eastchester "How have your nothing" 84th St.. 120 E. Superintendent on premises. Burke in Superintendent on premises. Syndicate and Estate properties 68: h St.. 118 E. 3 baths, $4,000-85,000. THREE ROOMS the Bronx sold at auction me last Tax Exemption.but you only have 187 days, so act quickly. 4 IS B. 49th St. by year. Through Douglas L. Elliman Co., 163d St., Teller Ave. 68th St., 11 E. 3 baths. Nlewenhaua Co.. 316 E. 161st St. Peaee 4 EUlman. 340 Madison Ave. An Paid a To derive the benefits of Tax Exemption, it is necessary to file an application with the Tax Department. Concourse and 178th St. Auction Buyer $265 lot for 2 lots. $530 77th St., 70 E. 3 baths, $8,000. Apply promisee. These are now the Tax be obtained at office. He built a House that cost him . . applications being printed by Department. Copies may my Pease 4 ElUman, 340 Madison Are. 2034. $4,000. $4,000 T9th St.. 188 B. $1,800. Grand Concourse. 34th 8t. Agent on premises. Folsom Bros., 127 E. 229S. $4,530 1219. up. Grand Concourse, MadUnn Ave., $2,600 Agent on premises. He will pa; Taxes on his land for 10 years, estimated $25 a year $250 Apply on premises. Water Tax Estimated $10 a $10, Incidentals $35. Total in Madison Ave.. 1281. 2 baths. Klngebridge Road and Sedgwick Ave. year.Insurance lOyrs. $550 Bin* 4 Bins. 119 W. 40th St. Apply premises. Total in 10 SPECIAL SALES DAY, ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Madison Avs., 1270. Morris Ave. and Fordham Road. Outlay years $5,330 Duff 4 Conger, Madison Ave. and 86th St. Agent on premises. Allowing V/z% Interest for 10 Years on $4,000 if Left in Savings Bank *"1,800 1350. I Morris Ave.. 2038. <840. The Bay Building Corporation Madison Ave.. $2,100. St. 130 11 Flushing W. Horn, 605 5th av. Porter * Co.. 139 W. 128th $7 Tuesday, October owners of one of the finest properties in the 2042. Park Ave. *6,000. Morris Ave.. $75. AT AT EXCHANGE! SALE S ROOM. 14 VESEY ST , N. Y. C. Stanley Woolley, 29 E. 48th St. Porter A Co., 159 W. 125th 8t. HE WILL PAY NO TAXES NOON. I Park Ave. Apartments. University Ave. and S. W. cor. ISOth St. Borough of Queens on on His House for 10 Years Tax Estate Sales Miss C. H. Thomas. 21 E. 49th St. Agent promises. through Exemption. Absolute Estate Sale have ordered me to close out their entire .Park Ave., 270. Walton Ave. and 167th St. At Estimated Rate ($2.83 per $100) in 10 Years SAVES .. . .$1,132 Douglas L. Elliman & Co., 15 B. 49th St. Apply premises. Dec'd. Dec'd. in lots, at whatever the Park Ave., 471. $6,500 Charles Hacker, Trustee. holdings, single price I 15 E. 49th St. ROOMS Joseph Treamtr McNaler, Esq., Douglas L. EUlman 4 Co., FOUR HE WILL PAY NO RENT Executor. sees fit to pay. to 552-554 West 46th St. public (Park Ave.. 685. 8 baths. $6,000 $6,500. 163d St., Teller Ave. 4 Pease 4 EUlman. 840 Madison Avs. 316 E. 161st St. At $50 a Month for 10 Years He Saves S. S. PI. (100 Ft. E of 11th Avenue). 3 and Nlewenhaua Co., $6,000 Yeasdale story brick tenement, to be sold as one CITY (park Ave., 829. Duplex. Concourse and St. War Boston Road, Bronx; Size 50x100.5. N. A. Berwln. 106 Park Ave. Vacant plot of 4 lots to be sold as one parcel. aj-A | ATQ Apply premises. Total Saving, $7,132 Size 100x100. 1 iJ Park Ave., 879. $5,600. Grand Concourse, 2206. parcel. Estate of Cornelius Daly. Dec'd O O U Waterfront.Bungalow Li Pease 4 EUlman, 340 Madlaon Ava. Joseph Treanor McNaler, Atty.' Agent premises. lots cost him ten N. V. Dark Ave.. 77$. 3 baths: $4,000. THINK OF IT, not only have his nothing but in years ;:i ll'oaneny. City. 437.439 West 37th St. a on 14 48th Grand Concourse, 2316. <76. he has saved the cost of his new home.all the of the Tax with large frontage Flushing Bay, Ruland 4 Benjamin, E. 8t» O. M. Bellow, on premises. through operation (Bet. 9th and 10th Aves.). 3 and 4 Park Ave.. 850. 8 bathe, *5,000. Exemption Law. To take advantage of this law the erection of a new story brick tenements, to be sold as one Pease 4 840 Madison Ava. Grand Concourse, 2034. E. S. Popham Ave. Sizes 50x98.9. Astoria Ave., Ditmars Ave., Junction Ave. Elliman, Apply premises. house must be commenced before April 1st, 1922. But the new house does N\ar Palisade I'laeo, Borough of The parcel. Av.. 830. have to be two after 1922. vacant to be sold 'park A. Co., COO 5th Av. Grand Concours^. 2318-36. not completed until years April 1st, Bronx. Three plots and adjoining streets in Elmhurst, N. Y. C. Edgar Levy Leasing Agent on promises. separately. Sizes 30x100. 70x100 and S. E. Cor. Amsterdam park Ava. 1229, oor. 90th 8U Kd lOxLH.OBx lrreg. These waterfront lots are in a where Telephone Harlem 1518. Klngafbridge Road and Sedgwick Ave. Messrs. Hituerdorf St Taylor, Attys., Ave. & 131st St. bungalow vicinity many Appiy premises. 25t> , N. Y. City. bungalows have been erected and where prominent builders JpU-k Ave.. 816 (75th St.). Ave. Fordham Road. as Amsterdam Av.) Agent on premises. | Morris and (Known 1435 have put up row after row of one-family Houses during the Apply premlsee. The Israel Watson Estate 5 story brick tenement with store. Size Itark Ave., 85a 8 bathe. $5,000. 24.11x100. past year. Poase 4 ElUman. 840 Madlaon Ava. Morris Ave.. 2038. <960. Eronx Porter A Co., 139 W. 126th St. Properties Duniel J. Early, Atty., Few locations offer as for Builders and 1 lark Ave., 911. 2 baths. $8.000-08.788. with on both sides of Eastchester Road, 320 Broadway. N. X. City. great opportunities 4 340 Madison AAve. Morris Ave., 2042. <1.032. frontage adjoining 369-371 Ford St. Homeseekers to secure the full benefit of Tax Exemption for .Pease EUlman, Porter A Co., 139 W. 126th St. as as 192nd and 183rd Sts.). Two 2- T fcrk Ave., 290. Eastchester Syndicate property, well Burke Estate (Bet. ten years. E. I Montgomery, 1769. story and basement brick dwellings, to Manhattan Properties Douglas L. EUlman 4 Co.. 15 49th St. Nehrlng Bros., 1441 St. Nicholas Ave. property, offers even greater opportunities for home builders. be sold separately. Sizes 25x100 each. Pi trk Ave- 270. E. 85th St. and W. oor. 180th The property is UNRESTRICTED as to and you 153-155-157 Douglas L. Elliman 4 Co., 15 B. 49th St, University Ave. S. 8t. dwellings (Bet. Lexington and Third Aves.). Two ABSOLUTE AUCTION SALE Agent on Pr irk Ave,. $15. premises. can build whatever priced home you wish.pitch a tent or 660-662-664St.A nn'sAv. 4-story brick and one 3-story frame . 167th St. KpP"PPly premise Walton Ave. and build a INSPECT THE WATSON ESTATE (Bet. Westchester Ave. and East 150th tenements, with one 3-story frame la Pi verstde Drive, 420, N. W. cor. 114th St. Apply premises. bungalow. St.). Two 2-story frame dwellings and rear, to be sold as one parcel. Size October 15th 1 Resident Superintendent. TO-DAY.see the hundreds of new houses on the Eastchester vacant lot, to be sold as one parcel. 76.8x102 2. Saturday, fT Washington Square district. 2 bathe. FIVE ROOMS Size of plot 73x72.50x lrrog. Messrs. Cohen, (oilman Si Itichtrr. I t»ise 4 ElUman. 340 Madison Ave. 163d St. and Teller Ave. property adjoining and "Buy a Few Lots" of the Messrs. Davis & Davis, Attys., Attys., Ill Broadway, N. Y. City. at 2:00 P. M., on the premises, rain or shine. Nlewenhaua Co., 316 hi. 161st St. Knickerbocker Bldg., lt'way &. 42d St. NINE ROOMS Concourse and 178th St. 355-357 Ave. & Cor. Schurz Ave. and 38th St., Elmhurst. N. Y. C. 68th .St., 11 E. Apply premises. E. S. Ave. Eighth Pe sae 4 ElUman, 340 Madison Ave. Grand Concourse, 2296. 475 Bronx Lots Prospect 302 West 28th St. 10% on Day of Sale OfiQZ In Monthly $8th S3., 18 E., near 6th Ave. Agent premises. Bungalow (530 Ft. N. of 187th St.). Vacant plot. (Borough of Manhattan). Two 4-story in Installments of Du ft 4 Conger, Madison Ave. and 68th St. Klngsbrldge Road and Sedgwick Ave. On Eastchester Road and Mace Size 100x95. tenements and one 3-story and base¬ 10% Thirty Days Ov/O 2% Park; Ave.. 911. 2 baths, $3,000 to $3,750. premises. Avenue, Wei ton C. Perry, Atty., ment brick and stone dwelling, to be Ave. vply 32 Nassau N. Y. 50% at 6% may remain on mortgage. Per tee & ElUman. 340 Madison Montgomery Ave., 1769. Waring Ave. and adjoining streets and avenues St., City. sold as one parcel. Slzo 41.1?ix83x65x Lex!; Igton Ave., 901. 8 baths, $5,000. Nehrlng Bros., 1441 St. Nicholas Ave. lrreg. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Title Policies free Do: |glas L. Elliman 4 Co., 16 E. 49th St. 1 Morris Ave., 2038. <1,260. Between Pelham Parkway and Gun Hill Road Mad! ton Ave., 1219. Corner. $3,300. Porter A Co., 169 W. 125th St. to be order of Watson et Brooklyn Property West 138th St. Savings Bank books, on proper assignment, as well as sold, by Heirs, al., at S. S. Liberty Bonds, at market value, aici-ptrd as deposit. Api |ly premises. University Ave. and S. W. cor. 180th St. N. W. Cor. Morgan Av. (550 Ft. E. of Lenox Ave.). Vacant Perk Ave., 270. on Size Agent promises. , plot. 100x99.11. Inspect the Property TO-DAY. Dou $1hb L. Elliman 4 Co, 15 E. 49th St. 1 University Ave., 1494. <83. and Beadel St. Wei Ion C. Percy. Atty.. Park Ave., 290. Shaw, Rockwell A Sanford, 1 W. 126th St. Vacant plot ready for Improvement. 32 Nassau St., N. Y'. City. Take Quaensborn Subway at or Second Ave. Elevated from L. EUlman 4 15 B. 49th St. Absolute Auction Sale ft7th Street. Manhattan, to Junction Ave. station, then Junction Ave Dou |lns Co, Walton Ave. and 167th 8t. Size 100x13Ix lrreg. surface line North through the property. t.rand St surface linn from Park Ave.. 875. $6,500. Apply premises. Sale through Brooklyn via Williamsburg Bridge to the prop¬ Peai 4 Elliman. 340 Madlaon Ave. Walton Ave. and 178th St. in lots for whatever may Liquidation erty. Jackson Ave. surface line from New York City through Long 930. Apply premises. separate they bring' Entire Block Front Island City to within three blocks of the property. Flushing Ave. Park iv., 350-356-362 Burns St. surface line through the property. Edg: tr A. Levy Leasing Co., 505 5th Av. Near Underwood Road $1 Pari : Ave. Apartments. SIX ROOMS S. S. Beadel St. Miss C. H. Thomas. 21 E. 49th St. 163d St. and Teller Ave. to Forest Hills, L. I. Nlewenhaua Co.. 816 B. 161st St. Vandervoort St. Morgan Ave. attic dwell¬ Park . Ivo, 390. Next 27 Three 2-story and private Tuesday, Vacant plot of 20 lots to be sold as one To tie sold 512 6th Sept. with garages. sepa¬ Park Ave. Operating Co.. Inc., Avs. I Grand Concourse, 964. <75. parcel. Size 400x100. ings Oct. 5th Apply promisee. noon the 14 rately. Wednesday Night, TEN R0OMS Grand Oonoourse. 2296. at in Exchange Salesroom, Vesey St. At 8 o'Clock, in Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague St. 68th St.» 11 E. Agent premises. Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Pease 4 ElUman, 340 Madison Av«. Holland AVj 2736, 3 blocks Allerton Av. Snb. Nyack) sun in in. Jacobs A Enill 832 Westchester at at at may remain on Dwelling On River Road at Grand PUBLIC . Leltner. Ave. 70% 6%.60% 5#%.50% 5% mortgage AUCTION Duff k Conger, Madison Ave. and 86th St. N. W. Cor. Crocheron Ave. View on the Hudson 82d St.. 45 E. 4 baths, $8,500. SEVEN ROOMS Pease |4 Elliman, 340 Madison Ave. 163d St. and Teller Ave. Title Guarantee 8s Trust Co. Title Policies Free & 22nd St. Large frsnie house containing 10 rooms. 2-story frame Size 100x97.04. Size 133x320. 96 BAY Niewenheus Co., 316 B. 161 it St. dwelling. RIDGE LOTS Park Avre., 880. 4 bntha, $7,500. Havings Bank books, on proper assignment, as well as Pease 4 EUlman. 340 Madison Ava Liberty Bonds, at marke t value, accepted as deposit. And One Park Ava, 875. $8,000. Dwelling Pease ft ElUman. 340 Madison Ava Brooklyn Messrs. Eustis & Carrington, Attys., 200 Broadway, N. Y. C. OVERLOOKING NEW YORK HARBOR Perk Av », 270. Supreme Court Partition Sale Douglar 1 L. EUlman 4 Co, 15 E. 49th St. ONE ROOM. By order of On the 471. INSPECT THIS PROPERTY TODAY Referee. Shore Road, BROOKLYN Park Avi L. I St ., 100-102. JOHN L. O'BRIEN, ESQ., Elliman 4 Co, 15 E. 49th St. Pineapple Brooklyn Heights. DouglaflTi. Rents <56-<75. Inquire on premises. to 86th, 87th, 92d, 93d and 94th Streets, Park Avi k. Apartments. Take the Bronx Park Subway 180th Street Station, or the Lexington 29 St. 343 East 16th St. Miss C. It. Thomas, 21 E. 49th St. ROOMS Hunts or West 74th TWO Avenue Subway to Point Avenue Station, the "L" (400 Ft. E. of Columbus Ave.). 4-story (Adj. N. W. Oor. First Avs.). 4-story 70% may remain on Mortgage. Parle Ave i, 399. 82d St., cor. Ridge Boulevard. Premises or to 129th Street, and then transfer to the New York, Westchester flt Boston and basement brick and stone dwelling. and basement brick dwelling. Size Title Guarantee k Trust Co. Title foliciee free. Park A re. Operating Co, Inc, 612 6th Avs. Rockwell Corp.. 768 Ave. at the Gun Hill Road Station and walk east Size 25x109.4. 21 6x69x lrreg. 8 baths. Bldg. Rogers R. R. and get off to Eastchester Messrs. Lachman St Goldsmith. VISIT THE PROPERTY TO-DAY. Take 4th Ave. B. R. T. Sub¬ Park Avrl, 998. Columbia Heights, 202. Bath. to the Alva Collins, Atty. for Plaintiff, Attys. Ring 4 ping. 119 W. 40th St. Howard oTPyle, 201 Montague St. Road, property. 141 Broadway, N. Y. City. for Defendant*. 61 Broadway, N. Y. C. way to 86th St., then walk two blocks to the property. 6th Ave, 1006 (81st St.). 4 E. 46th Garden Place, bath. <50. Harris, bought Co, $ St. Nicola. 174 8tate St. Main 1976-W. ELEVEN ROOMS Plerrepont St.. bath, kitchenette. <80. State St. Main 1976-W. Send for Send for .8th St, "It E. Nicola, 174 Bookmap Bookmap Pease 4 EUlman, 340 Madison Ave. Pineapple St.. 100-102, Brooklyn Heights. Rente <55475. Inquire on premises. Park Ave. i 9«0. 4 baths; $7,100. 67 LIBERTY NEW YORK CIT Pease 4 EUlman, 340 Madison Ava. THREE ROOMS ST., TELEPHONE CORTLANDT 0744 Park Ave. i 270. Douglas L ElUman 4 Co., 15 E. 49th St, Pineapple St., 100-102. Rents $55475. park Ave., 830. 3 baths. $7,500. Inquire on premises. Douglas L». EUlman 4 Co, lu E. 49th St.mA <2d St., oor. Ridge Boulevard. Premises or Rockwell Bldg. Corp., 768 Rogers Ave. TWELVE ROOMS FOUR ROOMS Supreme Court Partition Sale Undet Direction Nelson L. 6th Ave, Itecveen 87th and 88th Sts. Keach, Referee Apply B. Clark. Phone 8991 Lenox. Montigas St.. 109. PUBLIC AUCTION WM. J. McPHILLIAMY, AUCTIONEER 6th Ave, lio67. 4 baths, $9,000. Clinton Trading Corp., 196 Hemsen St. ARTHUR C. SHERIDAN mix SELL IN TIIE B. Clark. Lenox 8991. FIVE ROOMS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER 7th Ave. aiid 68th St, Alwyn Court. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE Douglas tjUbbous 4 Co., 6 E. 46th St. Joralemon St.. bath, kitchenette. <123. SATURDAY, OCT. LJJIOB LIVING ROOM OP RESIDENCE. EXCHANGE 68th St, llj.E. Nicola. 174 State St. Main 1975-W. 189 MONTAGUE ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Pease 4 fiuman. 840 Madison Ave. Reraeen St., bath, kitchenette. <125. By the order ol J. WATSON WEBB, Esq. Auction Sale Madison A Me, 1215. 2 baths. *2,500. Nicola, 174 State 8t. Main 1976-W. Voluntary Pease 4 BUlroau. 340 Madison Ava SIX ROOMS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4,1921 Madlwin Ave, 771. 4 baths. "WOODBURY HOUSE" NEXT AT 13 De Pine St. SATURDAY, OCT. 1, O'CLOCK NOON.TWO HOLSFS Pearster Realty Co, 92 Henry St.. bath, klte.henette. $183. all $J On Hark Ave. 4 baths. $15,000. Nicola. 174 State St. Main 1975-W. Magnificently fitted and appointed residence, necessary outbuildings on AT 3 P. M.. ON THE PREMISES. Pease 4 H IIman, 340 Madison Ave. 75 improved acres, in centre of Meadow Brook Hunti»g Country at ONE OF THE MOST HANDSOME WATERFRONT 82 MONTAGUE Park Ave.. 570. SEVEN ROOMS ESTATES ST. 84 Douglas It* Killman 4 Co, ,5 E. 49th SL Henry 6t. bath, kitchenette <150 FROM NEW YORK TO NEWPORT Corner HOTEL ,830. 174 State St. Main 1975-W. Opposite BOSSERT, Brooklyn Park Ave., Nicola. SYOSSET, LONG ISLAND BRICK APARTMENT HOTSB H BRICK AND Douglas lis. Elliman 4 Co, 15 B. 49th St. kltcheoete. " STONE State St., bath, M0410O. :TO BE SOLD IN ITS ENTIRETY ON TERMS OP FIVF SSTORIES WITH BTOIU9Piuiu-i ®At nELOR APARTMENT HOISE park Ave.- .7000. 4 baths. Ntcola. 174 State St. Main 1975-W. "HARTLANDS" EOCIl STORIES WITH Blng 4 Blair. 119 W. 40th St. 2K * 100 Ft. STORE TEN ROOMS 70% ON MORTGAGE LARGE NEW RESIDENCE. HAVING 28 ROOMS AND 9 u tS X 10« FT. pork Ave, 1155. BATHS For etc.. on premises. Columbia Heights. 4 baths. Send far BookUl AND ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS. ON 75 ACRES particulars, terms, apply to THIRTEEN ROOMS Phone Main 2241. OF CURVING SHORE FRONT AT A. P. BACHMAN, ATTORNEY, 150 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. Court. ARTHUR C. SHERIDAN, Auctioneer. 7tb Ave. end 58th St, Alwyn . Douglas [Hbbons 4 Co, 6 B. 45th St. Long Island 152 BROADWAY. NEW YORK Tth Ave. SB<1 68th St. Alwyn Court. Douglas Gibbons 4 Co, 6 E. 46th St. TWO ROOMS WILLIAM J. ROOME fit CO.. Agents CONN. L. On or , NEW YORK SAYRROOK, CITY REAL ESTATE. 68th St, 11 E 4 baths, *19,500. Forest Hills Gardens, I. premises 177 HON. JOB E. nronrs. Atty., 185 Bnmdwnr, »w York. CITY REAL ESTATE. Pease 4 Ellin.en. 340 Madison Ave. Guyoa L>. O. Earle. 338 bth Ave., N. T. PORTER B. CHA.SE. I.SQ., Atent, Hartford. Coon. IT On Park Ave. 4 baths, $12,000. APPLETON, BUTLER & RICE. Attorneys. Pease 4 Pill man. 340 Madlaon Ave. THREE ROOMS 60 WALL STREET. NEW YORK Park Foreet Hills Gardens, I,. I. On premises or Ave, ,270. L. 338 bth N. DAVY SAFETY Douglas Ik- ElUman 4 Co., 15 E. 49th It Guyon O. Earle, Ave., T. SATURDAY, OCT. 8, GARAGE HEATER - FOURTEEN ROOMS FOUR ROOMS AT 3 P. M., ON THE PREMISES, Automatic Economical - Convenient 9 87. 4 master Forest Hills Gardens, l>. I. On premise* or ABSOLUTE AUCTION 8th Avs, rooms, $16,500. L. 338 6th LARGE NEW RESIDENCE. OUTBUILDINGS AND 50 ACRES Pease A Elliman. 340 Madison Ave. Guyon C, Earle, Ave., N, Y. No Labor with Coal or Ashes. It uses I 5 OWNED BY ALFRED H. MULLIKEN. LOCATED ON Gas 6th Ave, BO. baths, $22,000.*" ESQ.. Douglas it.It. rEUlmsn 4 Co, 15 E. 49th SL FIVE ROOMS 7th Ave. auil 58th Court. ^Forest Hills Gardens, It. I. On premises or ONEOKE AVE., PONUS RIDGE SECTION OF Send for St, Alwyn » RYEGATE Booklet Douglas 'tllbbone 4 Co, 6 B. 45th St. Guyon L. C. Earle. 338 Bth Ave., N. T. Tth Ave. and 58th St. Alwyn Court. Douglas tB'.bbotis 4 Co, 6 E. 46th St. SIX ROOMS RYE ON THE SOUND On Bth tore. 4 baths. K1DDE IT Forest Hills Gardens, L,. T. On premises or NEW CONN. & COMPANY Pease 4 EUlman, 340 Mndleon Ava. OCTOBER 1921 CANAAN, L>. 338 bth 1st, On Perk Awe. 4 bathe. $15,000. Guyon C. Eerie, Ave., N. T. SATURDAY, 103 Park New York Pease 4 Elliman, 340 Msdlson Avs. ON THE PROPERTY AT 2 P. M. THE PROPERTY IS OPPOSITE MR. MULLIKEN'S 600 ACRE Avenue, Park Ave 7270. Automatic Home and with St. Yonkert, N. Y. AUGUSTUS G. WILSON, Auctioneer, ESTATE AND ALSO ADJOINS THE NEW CANAAN Garage Heating Gat Douglas ij. Elliman 4 Co, 15 E. 48th - - Steam Hot Water . Hot Air Bel fort. 5 room*. <1,200. Tonker* Realty Will offer for sale at COUNTRY CLUB. Vapor FIFTEEN ROOMS Exchange, 389 South B'way, Ynnkera. N. T. MAY REMAIN ON 6th Ave, rUO. 5 baths, $20,000. Bel tort, 6 rooms. <1,600 Yonkere Realty PUBLIC AUCTION 70f;i MORTGAGE Douglas 1* Elliman 4 Co, 15 E. 49th 8L Exchange. 389 Souyi B'way, Yonkere, N. Y. MKftKRS. Cl'RTIS A HRINCKrRHOFF, Atty., Stamford. Conn. Park Ave, 5170. Belfort, 7 rooms A 3 baths. Yonkere Is Killman 4 15 E. 49th St. <1.800. TWENTY-FIVE Bookletth block from trolley running direct to Rys and Port Chester stations, on the N. Y.. Oart. 1328. perty N. I?, a l|. R. it., 2r> miles from Grand Central Station. Excellent train serrlca on IN Broadway. CITYREAL ESTATE. electrified road. MONET 10 LOAN AND WANTED MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED These dwelling* will positively he sold to the highest bidder. TERMS: 10* on day of sale, In* In 80 days and the balance, 70*. on mortgage MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED Management r«T IflCQ I ON BOIID AND M0RTQA0E. ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. for three years. MORTGAGE. Management a Specialty 1 hts la a golden opportunity for ths homa seeker to secure that home you have ON BOND AND For ov.r 2", year* I have managed Manhat Wood, Dolson Co. ¦ heo-i looking for. ?.n property. Try my method* of manage First To the Investor: Ryegate Is one of'ths best renting propositions In Weatrhester ment for a larger Inootna. Cor. 80th St. Mortgage Money your SAVING OF 1 Broadway, |*tTshforth^5| a watch value To Loan I A County, ltuy houao and grow. % Tel. 1 too Sfhu»l« HAVE CLIENT I'urther particulars can be had of Fiat Mortgage Mom > D-DOLSON CO, Inc. COM PAN Y 141 Bread h»ay. Rector 1554 A. V. AMY & CO ft4P New An Advertisement in the Lost and Found Columns of BUILDING LOAN MONEY I* Ft^r'llsT ft. 487 ntttJAPWAT BroGway YVS FIFTH AVB. 84.7 1 ISO Wot 72d St. Tel. 6810 Col. 1 MORTGAGE MONEY THE NEW YORK HERALD offers a real of Lot);, tt rm lonim In any amount W. KSTH ST 1 E' ONOMK Al, AND KTEHTHNT 2ND possibility on four, fIv. and tlx atoiy walkupa. MANAGEMENT «f rUOTKUIT. George B. $l,500,i>00 DUROSS CO. n., Also oash any amount for building, enter¬ KI.ISHA NNIFFIN. DOl OI.AA U KIXIMA3 * CO. J j Corsa, n!i»'>UK|'A-tt« To loon on .mortgages. Rarelay $734. prises. GEO. A. BOWMAN. 118 W. 42d. recovering your lost property. Telephone Chelsea 4000.1 138 Broadway. Pbim. MM Rortor. U Eaat 4Mb M, Plata 11 East Fort* third Street, New Tertu