Callias-type operators associated to spectral triples Hermann Schulz-Baldes and Tom Stoiber Department Mathematik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit¨at Erlangen-N¨urnberg Cauerstr. 11, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany Email:
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[email protected] Abstract Callias-type (or Dirac-Schr¨odinger) operators associated to abstract semifinite spectral triples are introduced and their indices are computed in terms of an associated index pairing derived from the spectral triple. The result is then interpreted as an index theorem for a non-commutative analogue of spectral flow. Both even and odd spectral triples are considered, and both commutative and non-commutative examples are given. AMS MSC2010: 19K56, 46L87, 46L80 1 Outline The Callias index theorem [14, 2, 25] and its even dimensional analogue [27, 11, 24] give formulas for the index of Dirac operators on non-compact manifolds which are perturbed by self-adjoint potentials that act on sections of a finite-dimensional vector bundle and are invertible at infinity. There are many possible generalizations, for example, one can allow infinite-dimensional vector bundles as in the Robbin-Salomon theorem [43] or Hilbert-module bundles of finite type [15, 7]. This paper generalizes in a different direction, namely the underlying manifold is replaced by a semifinite spectral triple and the perturbing potentials will be elements of a certain multiplier algebra. In this abstract setting one can still express the index of a Callias-type operator arXiv:2108.06368v1 [math-ph] 13 Aug 2021 in terms of an index pairing derived from the spectral triple. Concretely, if ( , D, A ) is a N semifinite spectral triple with trace and a Callias potential H is a self-adjoint differentiable T multiplier of = C∗(A ) which is invertible modulo (in the sense of Definition 3 below), then the Callias-typeA operator κD + ıH is -FredholmA for small enough κ> 0 and T -Ind(κD + ıH) = [D], [U] , T h 1i where U = exp(ıπG(H)) is a unitary defining a K-theory class in K1( ) for G a suitable switch function, and ı = √ 1.