Homily for Holy Sunday

Saint Augustine, the greatest theologian of the Church, has spent nearly 30 years of his life in writing 15 books on the subject of the Holy Trinity. One afternoon he was trying to formulate an undisputable intellectual thesis on the Holy Trinity. He was struggling to find a starting point and so he went out for some fresh air and a walk on the beach nearby. A little child was playing in the sand on the beach. The child was pouring water from the sea into a tiny hole he had dug in the sand. He was trying to empty the sea into the hole. It dawned on Augustine that attempting to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity with our small human mind is like trying to empty the sea into a small pit on the beach. He concluded that our human minds are too small to understand the greatness of the holy Trinity. Saint Ignatius of Loyola visualize the Holy Trinity in the form of three musical notes which made up a single cord. Some theologians use the symbol of the sun, which rises every single day to understand and to explain the Holy Trinity. The sun has three elements, light, heat and energy. Each element completes and complements the other. We cannot think of the sun without light or heat or energy. Light alone is not the sun. Heat alone is not the sun. Energy alone is not the sun. Of course, an analogy like this falls short of reality but it offers us an insight into the .

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, which is a great mystery of our Catholic . The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of Faith in , understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. It teaches us that there are three distinct Persons in one , sharing the same Divine Nature, co-equal and co-eternal. The Trinity is really the mystery of the entire universe, because it is a mystery or the identity of God. We ask the question who is God. The answer is the Trinity. God is one God in three divine persons the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the beautiful reality, beautiful truth that has revealed to us. So, God is not something that is out there up in the sky. God is not an idea or a concept. God is a living God in three persons and he wants a living relationship with each one of us. God is love and he was also living his love in communion with human being. this is the beautiful mystery that we have to consider.

The feast of the Holy Trinity is our human way of talking about the wonder that is revealed to us in Jesus and living in us through the spirit. The mystery of the Holy Trinity reminds us that we can never have the final say about God. The mystery also invites us to draw closer and reflect on the life of God. As Christians, our entry point at the mystery of God is the person of Jesus, who said i am the way, the truth and the life. To have seen me is to have seen the father. (John 14:6) There are times when we feel like withdrawing from others and shutting ourselves and living alone. People get on our nerves and we feel confronted and challenged. Yet the remains that to be human is to live with others. The worst punishment is to be confined to quarantine, in solitary confinement. God reveals himself in relationships.

Today we are invited to celebrate our relationship, our belonging to the family of God as children of the Father, as brothers and sisters in Jesus , bonded together with the spirit of the Father and the son. The Holy Trinity is a model for families and for communities. We live in a world where families and communities are fast disintegrating because there is a lack of equality. Each member of the family and community wants to prove himself or herself superior to the other. Each one wants to control and dominate the other. We sense a lack of unity and love in family and community life. Our faith and our sharing in the life of God is a gift, a blessing and a privilege. It also imposes on us a responsibility and a task to share this blessing with all peoples.

Today’s Gospel (Mt 28-16-20) tells us that, returning to the Father, Jesus completed his mission on earth. But just before the Ascension, Jesus entrusted to his disciples the mission of preaching and teaching the Good News and evangelizing the whole world by bearing witness to Him through their lives. Jesus also ordered them to baptize the believers in the Name of the Holy Trinity: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Jn 16:19). He empowers them in and through the Holy Spirit. God himself will be with them through his spirit. Not just for a short while, but always till the end of time.

So, my dear friends, the Holy Trinity wants to be with us. Holy Trinity wants to have a personal friendship with us. We need to find a way to have to be more aware that presence of the Holy Trinity with us. Let us have a personal friendship regarding Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. If we do that and we open our souls and our lives to the grace of God especially the grace comes to us through the of the Eucharist. We are supposed to do to find joy and happiness in our lives. Then we will be growing in our friendship with the Holy Trinity. What a beautiful challenge for each one of us this week and in our Christian life, understanding God's presence and love for us and trying to work in growing in our love for God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. God bless you all. Amen