September 1917) James Francis Cooke

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September 1917) James Francis Cooke Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 9-1-1917 Volume 35, Number 09 (September 1917) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 35, Number 09 (September 1917)." , (1917). This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ETUDE Presser’s Musical Magazine SEPTEMBER, 1917 GET BUSY ISSUE HOW TO INCREASE YOUR CLASS SPLENDID ARTICLES BY PERLEE V. JERVIS J. LAWRENCE ERB JOHN J. HATTSTEADT A. L. MANCHESTER F. W. WODELL D. A. CLIPPINGER AND OTHERS THE MUSICIAN'S BUSINESS PRINCIPLES BY GORDON BALCH NEVIN HOW I REGAINED A LOST VOICE ^ BY A EVAN WILLIAMS PRICE 15 CENTS $1.50 A YEAR THE ETUDE Page l SEPTEMBER 1917 Mass., has introduced a decided - _J ____ __ of the old A Gabriel FAuRf: festival was recently held) The Civic Music Association of Chicago, in in the matter of organ recitals, being assisted Croton Reservoir. It is to be dedicated on at Lyons, France, some of the best musicians cooperation with the City of Chicago and the at a recent one by the Holyoke City Brass October 12, and will serve at the same time having met there to do honor to the occasion. park commissioners of South Park and Lin¬ as a memorial of the Catskill Aqueduct open¬ coln Park of that city are carrying out ex¬ Band. , ing. tensive plans for Community Singing. • Sather Campanile, the lofty bell-tower of A choral society called L’Heroique has the University of California; has a remarkably The University of California is about to been organized in Paris, the members of which The Music Trades Journal forsees a possi¬ fine-toned set of twelve bells, the gift of inaugurate a system of music extension study, are nearly all maimed French soldiers. Thej’ ble shortage in new pianos, as there are Mrs. Jane K. Sather, of Oakland, Cal The sending out lecturers, singers and Instru¬ have given a concert under the patronage of persistent reports that the Government s to bells, including the tower, cost some $£00,000. mentalists to the localities now lacking in the President of the French Republic. commandeer a number of piano factories for opportunity for musical culture. The lec¬ the building of airplanes; also, that the In California there is a bill before the turers and musicinns will be paid by the MME. Evmael, of the Union Deo Femmes Government may recruit labor from piano legislature requiring music teachers to be University, but nominal charges will be made Artistes Musioiennes of France, is endeavor¬ factories for industries of importance to examined and licensed by a board appointed to communities receiving the benefit. Dorothy ing to bring about an understanding of mu¬ military preparation. Piano wire is used ex¬ for the purpose. The Pacific Coast Musician I’illsbury has been appointed^ organizer^jind tual helpfulness between that body and the tensively in the manufacture of aeroplanes. is taking a strong stand against the act, ate to ascertain the special Musical Union of Women Artists of America, believing it likely to be too much mixed up A Summer School of Church Music has with politics, now and in the future. needs. organized in New York last March. been held at the Episcopal Theological School, at Cambridge, Mass., taking up the subjects ravinia Park, III,, has been enjoying a About 500 alien members of the Chicago Jan Chiapdsso. the note.d Dutch pianist, of Plainsong, Hymnology, Choir training, summer opera season of very high character. local of the Amerieau Federation of Musi¬ has arrived at Minneapolis from his home in etc. Several eminent church musicians gave Among the operas presented were Lucia, Car- cians must perfect their American citizenship The Hague,_ and will_ _teach_ in Minnmnnii«aneapolis their services, and the charges were merely alleria, Faust, Thais, Tales of Hoffmann, etc. or be dropped from membership, according to ScbooToFMusic.’ He is said to excel in his Symphony concerts also had their turn sev¬ a recent ruling of that organization. It is recitals particularly in the interpretation of eral times in the course of the season. possible that other locals may take similar Chopin and of Bach. Community singing is hailed everywhere action. as a great new movement, but there are parts /fir the meeting of the Minnesota Music Teachers' Association, at Winona, “standardi¬ The prize in the annual MaeCormack of the South, particularly near Louisville, The Michigan Music Teachers, met in con¬ Opera Contest ($4,000), has been awarded Ala., where they claim it has, been a local zation” and "fraternity” were words often vention at Grand Rapids late in Judc, de¬ this year to Adriano Lualdi, a young Italian custom for many years, people coming to¬ heard As one of tire members put it, Let vised a plan of their own for the standardi¬ composer, for his opera La Figlia del Re gether for miles around, once a year, for an us keep together on as high a plane as possi¬ zation of music teaching, embracing exam¬ (The King's Daughter). "all day sing.” ble, but keep together, anuicuu.” inations, etc.—not compulsory, but giving a William C. Hammond, organist of the New York City is to have a great civic definite standing to those teachers who pass It is reported that the orchestra of the Second Congregational Church at Holyoke, stadium .for opera, pageants and other com- them. Possibly some sort of degrees may also Paris Conservatory—"the finest band of in¬ be conferred. strumentalists in France”—is to— visit America on page «zj. "=xt season, sailing from Franc The twenty-second annual convention of r 3, and playing first in New the Missouri Music Teachers’ Association, ard 'elsewhere, including Montreal and Den¬ CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1917 held in Springfield, Mo., the third week of ver. where bookings have already been made. June, was most successful, both artistically Messager, well-k-— ° f and financially. Of special interest was one successful light World of Music.j>6& Henrv Parker (Obituary). 590 miscellaneous recital given by Springleld mu¬ Simplifying Scale Technic, sicians, and a concert devoted to ensemble The art of improvization at public con¬ Why Musicians Do Not S Charles J. Stern 590 numbers, by members of the association. E. R. certs, formerly practiced much by great pian¬ Exercises and Exercises, Kroeger also gave a delightful program of his ists, but now almost obsolete; *•-“ |g|g MB’ Reft Hiplag 590 own compositions. E. I,. Coburn, who led the with great Save Your Ammunition, conference on Public School Music, stated Philip Gordon 615 that in St. Louis alone the amount spent for Alberto Jonds 576 Tunes and Tears.. Francesco Berger 615 music in one year was $6,500,000. Herbert His Fling .576 Department for Singers. 616 K rn mm e was chosen president for the coming Why Do You Do Jt? Breathing Gymnastics, year. In “Musica,” an excellent little musical Dr. Herbert Sanders 616 periodical from Havana, in the Spanish lan¬ Longevity of Singing Teachers.... 617 The New York State Music Teachers' Asso¬ guage, we count forty-three professional cards _ .Viiilams 577 Stick to One Price, ciation, in its twenty-ninth convention, held of conservatories or private teachers of mu¬ Two Minutes .Grace White 578 Mary Wood Chase 617 at Niagara Falls on June 26-28, laid great sic, showing Havana to be quite a musical How to Increase the Music Class Throat Troubles of the Singer. stress on the matter of establishing musical (Symposium) . 579 Carl Easton Williams 618 chapters throughout the state. Community Charles E. Watt The Tyranny of tbe Eye. singing also came in for much discussion. It In the Organist and Choirmaster (Lon¬ Herbert Wilbur Greene F. W. Wodell 619 was announced that the cities of Buffalo, don), which has a column devoted to brief Harold Henry Department for Organists. Rochester and Syracuse had adopted the four reviews and comments upon young composers' F. W. Wodell Percy Chase Miller 620 counts allowed by the State Board of Re¬ manuscripts, it is interesting to observe that Perlee V. Jervis Some Thoughts on Service-Playing. 620 gents for musical proficiency. (High-school John J. Hattstaedt Memorizing Programs . 621 credits for outside music-study.) Frank J. Lawrence Erb Playing for Weddings. 621 Wright, of Brooklyn, was chosen president Louis G. Heinze On Using the Chimes. 622 for the coming year. Arthur L. Manchester World of Music, Programs. 623 Mary Wood Chase Department for Violinists, Six hundred Ohio music teachers attended The New York State Music Teachers’ Asso¬ Gustave L. Becker Robert Braine 624 tbe convention at Cleveland—a record-break¬ ciation held a highly successful convention rf D. A. Clippenger Wrist Bowing . 624 ing membership. A recital of fourteen num¬ Niagara Falls, this ; ; last --week 'in Business Principles for the Musi¬ The Phonograph as an Aid. 625 bers by American composers was given by June. cian .Gordon Balch Nevin 581 Violin Questions Answered. 625 Ernest R. Kroeger. A new Sextet for Strings, The Musical Setting.
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